?they?(like)the word puzzles?用非谓语动词填空练习正确形式填空

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  第I卷 非选择题 (共45分)
  1. & Is David honest and organized boy?
  & Yes, that is why he was chosen to be the president of the Students& Union.
  A. a B. an C. the D. /
  2. & When did your uncle arrive in China?
  & He got to Guangzhou the morning of the 16th of April.
  A. in B. at C. on D. for
  3. & How was your visit to the Green Expo Garden?
  & Wonderful! We enjoyed very much during the whole trip.
  A. itself B. myself C. yourselves D. ourselves
  4. &Do you know the meaning of the new word? It puzzles me a lot.
  &I&ve no idea. But I think you can look it up in .
  A. stationery B. magazine C. dictionary D. documentary
  5. &It is said that the scientists have found new ways to deal with AIDS.
  & wonderful news it is!
  A. How B. What an C. How a D. What
  6. &Where is Zhang Hua? Is he in the classroom now?
  &He be there, for I saw him in the teachers& office just now.
  A. can&t B. may not C. shouldn&t D. mustn&t
  7. &Excuse me, will the pla ne for Beijing within an hour?
  &I&m not sure. You can go to the Information Desk for help.
  A. get off B. take off C. turn off D. show off
  8. &I&m sorry. There was too much traffic on the road.
  &Don&t be late again. The meeting for 15 minutes.
  A. has begun B. has stopped C. has been on D. has finished
  9. &I like the photo I took on the beach yesterday. What do you think of it?
  &Well, really nice!
  A. where B. when C. which D. who
  10. &Tom, please tell me .
  &In the Olympic Sports Center.
  A. where will the match take place B. where the match will take place
  C. when will the match take place D. when the match will take place
  11. &What do you think of the report about the air pollution on TV last night?
  &I think the situation is so that we should take action to protect the environment.
  A. serious B. amazing C. necessary D. fantastic
  12. &Why don&t you dri ve to work today?
  &Sometimes riding is even than driving during the busy traffic time.
  A. later B. faster C. slower D. more slowly
  13. The newspaper says if more underground lines next year, it will be much easier for people to travel around Nanjing.
  A. will be finished B. have finished C. are finishing D. are finished
  14. & Hello, this is Tina speaking. Is that Sam?
  & Sorry, he isn&t here at the moment. ?
  A. Can I take a message B. What are you saying to Sam
  C. May I speak to Sam D. Who&s that speaking?
  15. & I am very worried about tomorrow&s chemistry test. I& m afraid I can&t pass this time.
  & ! I&m sure you&ll make it.
  A. No problem B. Don&t mention it C. That&s right D. Cheer up
  &I can&t believe what I&m hearing!& I thought to myself. Jeff was the last candidate (候选人)for president of Student Council. My best friend Tony came to me and said, &I&m sorry, Mike. I really thought you should be 16 .&
  Later that day, I happened to pass Jeff in the dining room. I offered him a 17 &Congratulations& and walked to my usual table. To my surprise, Jeff put his plate beside mine.
  &I&m, er&I&m just wondering if you would &consider coming to work on my team,& he said 18 . &You are really smart, and you would be a great manager.&
  &I don&t think so,& I replied, feeling unsure.
  &Well, if you change your mind, we are meeting tomorrow,& he said before moving to another table.
  All that night, I thought about the offer from Jeff. Maybe being a part of the election process(选举过程) would give me a 19 to make important changes at our school. I decided to join them.
  My first goal was to 20 an attractive advertisement. Within a few days, we designed a poster with Jeff&s pictures showing him in a number of activities. No one could walk through any hallway 21 passing Jeff&s smiling face.
  My next step was to 22 which new activities students would like to have at our school. Many of them wanted a chess club and a volleyball team.
  With the information I had collected, Jeff met with the headmaster. The headmaster 23 to add these activities to our school program.
  An eighth grader said, &It&ll be like attending a new school with Jeff as president.&
  Hearing these words made my heart filled with 24 . I had wanted to become president of Student Council to make a difference. I achieved that and more by working as a member of Jeff&s team. He became the most popular candidate and I was large part of his 25 . The fact that it has made a difference in other people&s lives is the real prize. What a great feeling!
  16. A. heard B. chosen C. invited D. followed
  17. A. polite B. loud C. warm D. cheerful
  18. A. proudly B. quickly C. nervously D. regretfully
  19. A. suggestion B. chance C. message D. change
  20. A. print B. invent C. create D. send
  21. A. with B. by C. through D. without
  22. A. carry out B. try out C. work out D. find out
  23. A. agreed B. wanted C. expected D. asked
  24. A. pride B. surprise C. patience D. hope
  25. A. luck B. spirit C. life D. success
  List of the 85th Oscar Award winners announced Sunday in Los Angeles, America:
  Awards Winners Films
  Best Actor Daniel Day-Lewis Lincoln
  Best Actress Jennifer Lawrence Silver Linings Playbook
  Best Supporting Actor Christoph Waltz Django Unchained
  Best Supporting Actress Anne Hathaway
  Les Miserables
  Best Directing Ang Lee Life of Pi
  26. Where was the 85th Oscar Awards presentation held?
  A. In Nanjing B. In New York C. In Los Angeles D. In London
  27. Which film was directed by the winner of this year&s Best Director?
  A. Lincoln B. Life of Pi C. Ang Lee D. Les Miserables
  The label(标签), Made in China, is one that is becoming increasing common in shopping centers all over the world.
  In the United States, shoppers at Wal-Mart, the nation&s largest retailer(零售商), have a wide selection of products mostly produced in China. The large amount of Chinese imports have created a large selection of goods in other countries as people begin to buy more and more products made in China. These goods are even widely available in other Asian nations, where Chinese-made goods are quite popular. Chinese brand names are also becoming more well-known outside China.
  When Chinese Americans visit family and friends in their homeland, gifts from the U.S. are a must. But TVs and fashionable clothes aren't rare any more, and anything 'Made in China' shouldn&t be considered in any case.
  &When I decide to visit my family members in China, I will have a big headache. What should I buy for them? They may not all speak English, but everyone in China knows those three words,& a Chinese American said. &When they see the label 'Made in China,' they will think, 'Why do you send me this?' &
  The development of China has surprised the world with its growth. As a result, the other countries are beginning to try to reduce Chinese goods with the use of taxes(税)and import restrictions. However, the development on the Chinese economy still affects the world in many ways.
  28. Around the world, the products made in China are ________ in the shopping malls.
  A. unwelcome B. expensive C. popular D. rare
  29. What is the Chinese meaning of the underlined word &brand& in the second paragraph?
  A. 品牌 B. 明星 C. 生产地 D. 树枝
  30. Why do Chinese Americans usually have a headache if they come back to China?
  A. Because their Chinese friends can not speak English.
  B. Because their friends will be unhappy if the gifts are made in China.
  C. Because they should give their friends rare gifts.
  D. Because they should give their friends fashionable gifts.
  31. How do other countries try to reduce the Chinese goods in their own countries?
  A. By developing the qualities of their own products.
  B. By telling their shoppers not to buy Chinese goods.
  C. By importing more Chinese goods.
  D. By using taxes and import restrictions.
  32. From the passage, we can know that________.
  A. products made in China are more and more popular all over the world
  B. TVs and fashionable clothes are ideal gifts for Chinese people
  C. everyone in China can speak English
  D. the other governments don&t welcome any Chinese goods
  Born into a farmer&s family, life was not easy when I was a kid. We were so poor that we often did not know where our next meal was coming from. I had to sell cabbages at the marketplace to support my family.
  A storyteller once came to the marketplace, and I went to listen to him. My mother was unhappy with me for forgetting my job. But that night, while she was making clothes for us under the weak light of an oil lamp, I couldn't help retell ing stories I'd heard that day. She listened impatiently at first, since in her eyes professional(职业的) storytellers were smooth-talking men&nothing good ever came out of their mouths. But slowly she was attracted by my retold stories, and from that day on, she never gave me any task on market days, unspoken agreement to enjoy new stories. As a repayment(回报)for Mother's kindness and a way to show off my memory, I'd retell the stories for her in lively detail. Soon, she wasn't the only member of my audience, which later included my elder sisters, my aunts, even my stubborn grandmother.
  I knew she was worried about me. Talkative kids are not well thought of in our village, for they can bring trouble to themselves and to their families when they talk too much. Mother often reminded me not to talk so much, wanting me to be a silent and modest teenager. However, my natural desire(渴望)to talk never went away, and that is what makes my name & Mo Yan, which means &no speaking&. This strong wish to talk also improved my ability to express myself, which is important for writers who are also considered as storytellers.
  33. Mo Yan lived a/an ________ life when he was young.
  A. hard B. colourful C. easy D. rich
  34. From the second paragraph, we can learn that ________.
  A. little Mo Yan was interested in selling vegetables
  B. his mother was attracted by the retold story at first
  C. his mother didn&t let him listen to the new stories again
  D. little Mo Yan had quite a good memory
  35. Why did his mother dislike the professional storytellers?
  A. Because she thought they never said anything good.
  B. Because she thought they couldn&t make much money.
  C. Because she thought they would affect Mo Yan&s schoolwork.
  D. Because she thought most people didn&t like listening to stories.
  36. In Mo Yan&s opinion, a writer should be a ________ child when they were young.
  A. silent B. modest C. talkative D. trouble-making
  37. Which is the best title(标题)of the passage?
  A. My Unlucky Childhood B. A Storyteller&s Childhood
  C. My Kind Grandmother D. More talking leads to success
  Yesterday the police were joined by more than 20 volunteers in the continuing search for the two missing teenagers, Vicky Gray and Tom Hunter, and their guide, Gavin Jones. The police said that they had disappeared during an adventure tour of Cape York Peninsula.
  This was the second day of the search and the police were now very worried about the safety of the three missing people.
  The police said that the search had covered a wide area, but the rainforest was thick and their work was made harder by the recent rain. Later on Chief Inspector (警官) Roger Fleet said, &The travelers had a radio with them. If they had been in trouble, they would have called us.&
  The three travelers left Cooktown very early on Saturday morning in a Toyota car. They took a small dirt road that runs down to the Daintree River, a dangerous river full of crocodiles (鳄鱼). Chief Inspector Roger Fleet said the tourists wouldn&t have got into trouble if they had stayed on the main road.
  A photo of Vicky and Tom was found by a policeman under the &Be Careful about crocodiles& sign near the river. Why was the photo left behind? This is just one of the unanswered questions. Other questions are: Why was the Toyota parked and locked at the edge of the rainforest? The police said that the travelers had left a map of the area behind. Why? Why had someone drawn a cross on the place where the car is? Is this a sign? What does it mean? If anyone can give information or has seen these three young people, contact the local police in Cooktown.
  38. This article is probably taken from ________
  A. a newspaper B. a magazine C. a storybook D. a guidebook
  39. Which word best describes the search of the three missing people?
  A. Helpless B. Tough C. Delightful D. Successful
  40. Which of the following things wasn&t found by the police?
  A. A touring map. B. A photo of the travelers.
  C. The travelers& radio. D. The travelers& car
  41. All the following questions are unanswered except________.
  A. why they left a photo behind B. why they came to this area
  C. why their Toyota was parked in the place D. why a cross was drawn on the map
  42. The article asks people to ________.
  A. join the police in searching for the missing peop le
  B. tell the police about the travelers& ages and their appearance
  C. learn the lesson and stop taking adventure tours
  D. provide information about the missing people
  It&s a long-awaited day for China. The navy now has its first aircraft carrier(航空母舰), Liaoning.
  It&s a unique experience to get to know the life in the carrier. The carrier is just like a small city on the sea. It has all the functions for daily life. There are 4 words to sum up its characters: big, small, much and high. The carrier Liaoning is such a huge one that the total length of the whole corridor(过道)could reach over 20 kilometers. But the living space for the sailors(水手)is quite small. That&s because the carrier is designed for researching purposes, rather than comfortable living. Over 1,000 sailors, both men and women, are living onboard. They are arranged among over 3,000 tiny rooms below the deck. For visitors, it&s so easy to get lost. So the first thing the new sailors have to learn is their way around. The number of female sailors is much less than that of the males, taking about 5 percent of the total. But they play a key role in carrying out some special missions.
  Also, you will be surprised by the high level of education of today&s sailors. The captain said that over 90 percent of the sailors are college graduates. Six hold Doctor&s Degrees and 45 have a Master&s. The whole team is young but vigorous. The complex work on the carrier requires high management abilities for the commanders onboard(在船上).
  43. Why do we visitors get lost easily inside the carrier?
  A. Because they don&t have a map.
  B. Because the living space is quite small.
  C. Because there are too many corridors for rooms.
  D. Because the corridor inside the carrier is too long.
  44. What does the word &high& in Line 6 refer to(指代)?
  A. The aircraft carrier is high since it is just like a small city.
  B. Most of the soldiers received good education.
  C. The expense(花费)to run a carrier is high.
  D. The high-level of their training.
  45. Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?
  A. Liaoning is our country&s first aircraft carrier.
  B. Most of the sailors on the carrier are college graduates.
  C. There are far fewer women sailors than men sailors on the carrier.
  D. It is comfortable for the sailors to live in the carrier.
  第II 卷 非选择题 (共51分)
  A)根据括号中所给的汉语写出单词,使句子意思完整正确,并将答案填写在标号为46~50 的相应位置上。
  46. The YOG volunteers go for a meeting every ▲ (星期日) these months. They hope to help the visitors from different countries better.
  47. The sunglasses that the boy ▲ (戴) just now are broken. He will buy himself a new pair.
  48. The ▲ (人口)of the world is increasing quickly. The earth is becoming more and more crowded.
  49. Don&t complain about the weather, it will be much ▲ (雾) tomorrow.
  50. You can&t imagine how ▲ (困难) he has finished his work.
  B)根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空,并将答案填写在标号为 51~56的相应位置上。
  51. Now more and more ▲ (college) students can make money to support their daily life.
  52. Although he was just 7, he achieved his goal of being a weekly winner ▲ (success) in CCTV Avenue of Stars.
  53. The little boy&s parents promise to take him to the USA on his ▲ (nine) birthday.
  54. All the Chinese look forward to ▲ (make) the Chinese Dream come true.
  55. What a ▲ (please) trip to Hongkong he had last summer!
  56. Thanks for ▲ ( invite) me to see such a wonderful movie.
  C)根据对话内容,从下面方框中选择适当的单词或词组填空,使对话内容完整正确,并将答案填写在标号为 57~61 的相应位置上。
  medicine, started, terrible, often, wrong
  B: Bob D: Doctor
  D: Come and sit down, Bob. What&s 57 with you?
  B: I have a 58 pain in my stomach, doctor.
  D: I see. When did it start?
  B: It 59 yesterday. I didn&t want to eat anything. I&m not feeling well now.
  D: Let me see, er, you have a fever.
  B: I&ve got a headache, too. And my throat hurts.
  D: Well, you&ve caught a bad cold.
  B: I know these days the H7N9 flue is very popular. Is it serious?
  D: No, not very serious, your temperature isn&t very high. Pay attention to your food and remember to wash your hands before meals. And you must stay in bed for 2 or 3 days and take the Chinese 60 .
  B: How 61 should I take it?
  D: Three times a day after meals.
  B: Thank you.
  五、阅读填空(共20 小题;每小题 1 分,满分20分)
  A)阅读下面短文,并根据所读内容,在文章后第 62~71小题的空格里填入最恰当的单词或短语,并将答案填写在标号为 62~71 的相应位置上。注意:每个空格只填写1个单词
  Much meaning can be carried, clearly, with our eyes, so it is often said that eyes can speak. Do you have such kind of experience? In a bus you may look at a stranger, but not too long. And if he notices that he is being stared at, he may feel uncomfortable.
  The same in daily life! If you are looked at for more than necessary, you will look at yourself up and down, to see if there is anything wrong with you. If nothing goes wrong, you will feel angry toward others& stare(盯着)with you that way. Eyes do speak, right?
  Looking too long at someone may seem to be impolite or even rude. But things are different when it comes to stare at the opposite sex. If a man look at a woman for more than 10 seconds and refuses to turn away from his looking, his purpose is obvious, that is, he wishes to attract her attention, to make her understand that he is admiring her.
  However, the normal eye contact for two people during a conversation is that the speaker will only look at the listener from time to time, in order to make sure that the listener does pay attention to what his friend is speaking, to tell him that he is interested.
  If a speaker looks at you continuously when speaking, as if he tries to control you, you will feel uncomfortable. We usually find a poor liar(说谎者)looking too long at the victim, because he believes that it is a sign of honest communication to look straight in the eye. Totally wrong!
  In fact, continuous eye contact only happens between lovers, who will enjoy looking at each other gently for a long time, to show feelings that words cannot express. Obviously, eye contact should be done according to the relationship between two people and the proper situation.
  Eyes can speak
  In our 62 life A lot of feeling can be 63 to others with our eyes. There are a lot of facts to prove it. You may not feel very well when you are 64 at more than often. This time it will make you 65 and you will wonder whether there&s something wrong. If not, you&ll be really angry.
  When you look too long at the 66 sex Looking too long at a girl you 67 means you wish to attract her attention. And most of the time, continuous eyes contacting is just for 68 .
  When you have a
  69 with someone If a speaker looks at the listeners at 70 , it is a kind of 71 eye contact.
  So remember to look at your partner at the right time. If not, it will make others uncomfortable.
  B) 根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,并将答案填写在标号为 72~81 的相应位置上。
  In a school some trouble was caused by the students, who were naughty(调皮的)and didn&t follow the school rules. They often fought with each other and they didn&t f 72 each other. One day a new teacher came to this school. When he heard that, he came up w 73 a good idea. He told each of his students to b 74 a clear plastic bag and a bag of potatoes to school. For every person they didn&t want to forgive in their lives, they chose a potato, wrote the person&s name on it, and put it in the plastic bag.
  Some of their bags were very h 75 . They were then told to carry this bag with them e 76 for one week. They would put it beside their bed at night, on the seat when they s 77 in a car or on a bus, and next to their desk at school. Days of carrying the bags a 78 with them made students get to know what a weight they were carrying in their minds. And they had to pay so much attention to it all the time t 79 they didn&t forget it or leave it in embarrassing places. As time p 80 by, the potatoes went bad and made people feel sick.
  Too often we think of tolerance(容忍)as a gift to other people, and it clearly is for ourselves! If we choose to keep our sadness and hatred (仇恨) in our hearts, we will have to carry them around all our lives. After that, the students got on w 81 with each other and didn&t fight any more. Learn to forgive, and you will be happier at the same time.
  72. f ▲ 73. w ▲ 74. b ▲ 75. h ▲ 76. e ▲
  77. s ▲ 78. a ▲ 79. t ▲ 80. p ▲ 81. w ▲
  六.书面表达 (满分 15 分)
  有一种节约叫光盘,有一种公益叫光盘!所谓光盘,就是吃光你盘子中的食物。拒绝浪费,珍惜粮食!针对这项行动,并根据以下提示,请你以No Wasting On Food为题写一篇短文,号召大家参与这项活动。
  注意:1. 短文必须包括所有内容要点,可适当发挥;
  2. 短文标题与开头已为你写好,不计入总词数;
  3. 词数:80左右。
  Reasons a waste of food, money,
  pollute the environment
  Suggestions eat up all your food /
  order less or smaller dishes
  No Wasting On Food
  Recently, nearly 26 restaurants in Nanjing have joined the &Clearing Your Plate& campaign(活动)against wasting food by offering smaller dishes.
  1-5 BCDCD 6-10 ABCCB 11-15 ABDAD
  16-20 BACBC 21-25 DDAAD
  26-30 CBCAB 31-35 DAADA 36-40 CBABC 41-45 BDCBD
  46. Sunday 47. wore 48. population 49. foggier 50. hard/difficultly
  B) 根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。
  51. college 52. successfully 53. ninth 54. making 55. pleasant
  56. inviting
  57. wrong 58. terrible 59. started 60. medicine 61. often
  62. daily 63. carried(passed/shown/spread) 64. looked(stared)
  65. nervous(worried,uncomfortable,uneasy) 66. opposite 67. admire 68. lovers
  69. talk(conversation) 70. times 71. normal(common)
  72. forgive 73. with 74. bring 75. heavy 76. everywhere
  77. sit 78. around/along 79.that 80. passed 81. well
  Recently, nearly 26 restaurants in Nanjing have joined the &Clearing Your Plate& campaign(活动) against wasting food by offering smaller dishes.
  I believe it is meaningful /necessary/important for us to take an active part in this activity.
  It is a waste of food and money if we order too much food. Meanwhile, the environment will be polluted by the wasted food. Also, eating too much is bad for our health. We should take action to support the campaign.
  First, we should eat up all the food in our dishes and plates. Second, we may order less or smaller dishes in the restraurant. Third, we can take the leftovers home and enjoy them later.
  In a word, I think it is our duty to refuse the waste of food.


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