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&新機 n&vi 2565RT 整合最近熱門的行車紀錄器功能,成為市面上第一台外掛行車紀錄器的衛星導航機種。行車紀錄器模組背掛於車架上,隱藏在PND後方,不會影響前方視野,它其實也是一個獨立套件,不過目前只有最新的兩款PND機種可以使用。
Garmin n&vi 2565RT重點規格
內建記憶體:4 GB
影像輸入:AV In
尺寸:137&83&15 mm
重量:約192 g
Garmin n&vi 2565RT是款有5吋大螢幕的PND機種,規格及外型都沒有太多變化,Garmin大部分車用機種都是4.3吋,只有14XX系列是5吋,再來就是25XX系列是5吋螢幕。新一代機種共同特色就都採用microUSB插槽、microSD記憶卡;2565RT最大特色就是將外接天線插槽放回機身,這是許久未見的配置,讓許多受隔熱紙干擾收訊的車有了選擇。
▲車架大有玄機,有電源、行車紀錄器以及AV In的功能。
外接式行車紀錄器GDR 10
GDR 10重點規格
行車紀錄器GDR 10重點規格
鏡頭:1/4吋 F3.1mm
記憶卡:microSDHC(必須採用8GB Class6等級以上記憶卡)
外接行車紀錄器GDR 10,算是很特殊的設計,完全由Garmin開發,可負載於GPS車架上,透過microUSB接車充上的電源,機身上也有microSD插槽,用於紀錄影片用,安裝及調整都很快速、方便,不過與衛星導航同樣的支架,如果習慣下車時拔下GPS的人,每次都要重新調整視野。
GDR 10可錄720p影片,夜間畫質不錯,除了跟感光元件、鏡頭有關之外,它的記錄格式是MJPEG也有影響,單一檔案就要256MB,每段記錄時間約1分20秒,8GB記憶卡只能紀錄約40分鐘(最高支援到16GB),錄影採用循環式,會自動覆蓋較早檔案,紀錄時間較短是最大問題,如果使用8GB記憶卡一天出門連續開車超過2小時,先前的檔案都被覆蓋掉了。
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官方公共微信Vim 7.3 has been released.
Many people have helped testing it and it appears to work very well.
Nevertheless, the usual disclaimers apply:
We take no responsibility for any trouble that is caused by Vim.
If you find a problem, please
report it to bugs AT vim DOT org.
Downloading Vim
Vim is available for many different systems and there are several versions.
This page will help you decide what to download.
The most popular:
Click this link to download the .
Details and options for:
Alternative sites to download Vim files from.
Build Vim yourself and/or make changes.
Obtain Vim sources with a Mercurial client (recommended).
Include the latest improvements (requires sources and rebuilding).
Get the latest syntax files, documentation, etc..
Links to individual syntax, indent, color, compiler and ftplugin scripts.
Non-English documentation packages.
Versions before 7.3 can also be obtained with
Vim 7.4 is the latest stable version.
It is highly recommended, many bugs have
been fixed since 7.2 and earlier.
If you have a problem with it (e.g.,
when it's too big for your system), you could try version 6.4 or 5.8 instead.
To avoid having to update this page for every new version, there are
links to the directories.
From there select the files you want to download.
In the file names ## stands for the version number.
For example,
with version 7.4 is vim74src.zip and
vim-##-src.tar.gz for version 7.4
is vim-7.4-src.tar.gz.
Links are provided for quick access to the latest version.
The best way to install Vim on Unix is to use the sources.
This requires a
compiler and its support files.
Compiling Vim isn't difficult at all.
You can simply type "make install" when you are happy with the default
Edit the Makefile in the "src" directory to select specific
You need to download at the sources and the runtime files.
And apply all the latest patches.
For Vim 6 up to 7.2 you can optionally get the "lang" archive, which adds
translated messages and menus. For 7.3 and later this is included with the
runtime files.
Using Mercurial
This is the simplest and most efficient way to obtain the latest version,
including all patches.
This requires the "hg" command.
The explanations are on this page:
hg clone /hg/ vim
cd vim/src
Aap is a new tool that does all the work of downloading and patching for you.
You download one file, called a recipe, and "aap install" does all the work.
To later update to the latest version of Vim you do not need to download
anything manually, just use the command "aap update".
The detailed explanation can be found
This does require Python and installing Aap.
Please report problems to Bram AT
version 7.x
There is one big file to download that contains almost everything.
It is found in
The runtime and source files together: vim-##.tar.bz2
If you would like to use translated messages and menus on Vim 7.2 and earlier,
get an additional archive from
The language files. vim-##-lang.tar.gz
version 6.x
You have a choice: Either get the one big archive OR get four smaller
ones (that each fit on a floppy disk).
They are all in
The runtime and source files together: vim-##.tar.bz2
The runtime files part 1: vim-##-rt1.tar.gz
The runtime files part 2: vim-##-rt2.tar.gz
The source files part 1: vim-##-src1.tar.gz
The source files part 2. vim-##-src2.tar.gz
If you would like to use translated messages and menus, get an additional
archive from
The language files. vim-##-lang.tar.gz
version 5.x
There are two files you should both get from
The runtime files: vim-##-rt.tar.gz
The source files: vim-##-src.tar.gz
The files ending in ".tar.gz" are tar archives that are compressed with gzip.
Unpack them with tar -xzf filename.
The single big file ending in ".tar.bz2" is a tar archive compressed with
Uncompress and unpack it with
bunzip2 -c filename | tar -xf -.
All archives should be unpacked in the same directory.
If you can't compile yourself or don't want to, look at the site of the
supplier of your Unix version for a packaged Vim executable.
distributions and FreeBSD these are often available shortly after a new Vim
version has been released.
But you can't change the features then.
Debian packages are available at:
Sun Solaris Vim is included in the Companion Software:
Vim for other Sun systems can be found at
HPUX with GTK GUI for various HPUX versions:
(note that the remark about the GNU GPL is wrong)
PC: MS-DOS and MS-Windows
For modern MS-Windows systems (starting with XP) you can simply use the
executable installer:
It includes GUI and console versions, for 32 bit and 64 bit systems.
You can select what you want to install and includes an uninstaller.
For the latest version with all patches included see
These versions are unofficial, but the download number
is high and complaints are few.
Since there are so many different versions of MS operating systems, there are
several versions of Vim for them.
For Vim 5.x, Vim 6.x and Vim 7 look in
Self-installing executable&&&gvim##.exe &&&
For Vim 6 and later.
This includes a GUI version
of Vim - with many features and OLE support - and all the runtime files.
It works well on MS-Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP/Vista/7.
Use this if you have enough disk space and memory.
It's the simplest way to
start using Vim on the PC.
The installer allows you to skip the parts you
don't want.
For Vim 6.3 and later it also includes a console version, both for MS-Windows
95/98/ME and MS-Windows NT/2000/XP/Vista/7.
The installer automatically
selects the right one.
Runtime files&&&vim##rt.zip &&&
For all the following binary versions you need this runtime archive, which
includes the documentation, syntax files, etc.
Always get this, unless you
use the self-installing executable.
There are three versions that run as an MS-Windows application.
These provide
menus, scrollbars and a toolbar.
GUI executable&&&gvim##.zip &&&
This is the "normal" GUI version.
OLE GUI executable&&&gvim##ole.zip &&&
A GUI version with OLE support.
This offers a few extra features,
such as integration with Visual Developer Studio.
But it uses quite a bit
more memory.
Win32s GUI executable&&&gvim##_s.zip &&&
GUI version for Windows 3.1 with win32s support. (Not available for Vim 6.2,
6.3 and 7.4 and later)
A true Windows 3.1 version can be found here:
There are three versions that run on MS-DOS or in a console window in
16 bit DOS executable&&&vim##d16.zip &&&
The 16 bit DOS version is the only one that runs on old MS-DOS systems.
use this if you are really desparate, because it excludes many useful features
(such as syntax highlighting and long file names) and quickly runs out of
The last version available is 7.1.
Version 7.2 and later are too big to fit in
the DOS memory model.
32 bit DOS executable&&&vim##d32.zip &&&
The 32 bit DOS version works well on MS-Windows 95/98/ME.
It requires a DPMI
manager, which needs to be installed on MS-DOS.
MS-Windows already has one.
It supports long file names, but NOT on MS-Windows NT/2000/XP/Vista/7.
compiled with "big" features.
Not available for 7.4 and later.
Win32 console executable&&&vim##w32.zip &&&
The Win32 console version works well on MS-Windows NT/2000/XP/Vista/7.
supports long file names and is compiled with "big" features.
It does not run
perfectly well on MS-Windows 95/98/ME, especially when resizing the console
window (this may crash MS-Windows...).
There are a few extra files:
iconv library&&&
A library used for converting character sets.
Put "iconv.dll" in the same directory as gvim.exe to be able to edit files in
many encodings.
You can find the dll file in the bin directory of the
"libiconv-win32" archive.
newer intl library&&&
The included libintl.dll does not support encoding conversion.
If you have installed the iconv library, as mentioned above, you can install a
gettext library that uses it.
Get "intl.dll" from the bin directory in the gettext-win32 archive and store it
as "libintl.dll" in the same directory as gvim.exe, overwriting the file
that may already be there.
PC sources&&&vim##src.zip &&&
The source files, packed for the PC.
This only includes the files needed on
the PC, not for other systems.
The files are in dos format CR-LF.
PC debug files&&&gvim##.pdb &&&&&&gvim##ole.pdb &&&&&&vim##w32.pdb &&&
When you notice a bug or a crash in Vim these files can be used to help tracing down the problem.
In Vim 7 do ":help debug-win32" to see how.
PC translations&&&vim##lang.zip &&&
Only for 7.2 and earlier, for 7.3 and later these are included in the "rt" archive.
Translated messages and menu files, packed for the PC.
Use this to see
non-English menus.
The messages are only translated when the libintl.dll
library is installed.
Windows 3.1 GUI executable&&&gvim##w16.zip and gvim##m16.zip
These are GUI versions for 16 bit windows (Windows 3.1).
The "w16" has many
features, "m16" has few features (for when you're short on memory).
The files ending in ".zip" can be unpacked with any unzip program.
Make sure you unpack them all in the same directory!
Alternate distributions
For an unofficial version that does include all the latest patches and
optionally a bit
The "one-click installer" mentioned includes the Cream changes.
For the "real Vim" use the "without Cream" version listed further down.
Yongwei's build
You may also try ,
executables with slightly different interfaces supported.
For a Cygwin binary look at .
Native 64-bit binaries for MS-Windows can be found at
The Win32 binaries should run too, but the 64 bit version has a few minor
advantages (see the web page at the link).
This build has not been updated for
Quite a long time ago, Vim development started on the Amiga.
Although it's a
really old system now, it might still work.
However, this has not been tested
You may have to use an older version for which Amiga binaries are available.
For Vim 5.x and Vim 6 look in
Vim 7 files can be found at
This is for AmigaOS 4.
Made by Peter Bengtsson.
Runtime files&&&vim##rt.tgz &&&
Documentation, syntax files, etc.
You always need this.
Executable&&&vim##bin.tgz &&&
The executables for Vim and Xxd.
For Vim 6 it includes "big" features, for Vim 5.x it
includes the normal features.
For Vim 6.2 it is not available (my Amiga had harddisk problems then, this miraculously healed later).
Big executable&&&vim##big.tgz
Vim with "big" features and Xxd.
Only for Vim 5.x.
Sources&&&vim##src.tgz &&&
The source files for the Amiga.
Only needed when you want to compile Vim yourself.
The files are all tar archives, compressed with gzip.
To unpack, first
uncompress them with gzip -d filename.
Then unpack with
tar xf filename.
You need to unpack the archives in the same
The OS/2 version runs in a console window.
For Vim 5.x and Vim 6 look in
Version 6.2 is not available.
Versions 6.3 and 6.4 were compiled by David Sanders.
Version 7.0 was compiled by David Sanders.
Runtime files&&&vim##rt.zip &&&
Documentation, syntax files, etc.
You always need this.
Executables&&&vim##os2.zip &&&
Vim, Xxd, Tee and EMX libraries.
The files ending in ".zip" can be unpacked with any unzip program.
Make sure you both zip archives in the same directory!
If you want to compile the OS/2 version, you need the EMX compiler.
Unix source archive, runtime files and the extra archive.
After unpacking the
runtime archive, move all the files and directories in the "runtime"
directory one level up.
The Macintosh binaries are not on the Vim ftp site.
They are produced by a few
Macintosh lovers.
Often they lag behind a few versions.
Since MacOS 10.3 the "vi" program is actually a console version of Vim 6.2 or
It has few features.
If you want a GUI version or more features Vim
needs to be installed separately.
There are currently two kinds of Vim for Macintosh:
Using the Cocoa GUI.
Also known as MacVim.
This is the latest and is
being actively developed.
This behaves like a Mac application.
Using the Carbon GUI.
This is an older way of doing things and isn't
updated much any more.
This behaves more like Vim on Unix.
Cocoa (MacVim)
MacVim has more a Mac look and feel, is developed actively and most people
prefer this version.
Most of MacVim was made by Bj?rn Winckler.
MacVim can be downloaded here:
New versions are made quite often.
Subscribe to the
to be informed about bugs and updates.
Recent binaries for Mac OS/X can be found on this
Maintained by Nicholas Stallard.
There are several versions of Vim 6.x for Mac OS on
A GUI version for MacOS Classic (7 - 9) compiled by Axel Kielhorn can
be found at .
A GUI version for MacOS X 10.1 compiled by Benji Fisher can be found
This version does not work with MacOS X 10.2 (Jaguar). A special version that
runs only on 10.2 is provided at the same location.
There is also a version for Mac OSX that works in a terminal window and a GUI
version for X11 with GTK (produced by Marc Liyanage):
Here is a multi-byte version of Vim 5.7 (for Japanese, possibly also for
Korean and C not for Unicode):
Most of the work for
the Macintosh port (Classic and Carbon) was done by Dany St-Amant.
If you have OSX and a setup for compiling programs, you can use the Unix and
Extra source code archives and compile yourself.
See the Unix section
above.The development tools can be downloaded from Apple's developer web site.
Hint: stuffit expander can handle .bz2 files.
to meet other
Vim-Mac users.
This is a list of links to sites where various versions of Vim can be obtained.
These are supported by individuals, use at your own risk.
Search for "Vim Touch" by Momodalo in the Play Store.
Run Vim on your iPhone or Ipad.
Provided by Yakov Zaytsev.
Requires QNX 6.3.0/6.3.2 with service pack 2.
Installing is done with the Cygwin
(sorry, currently doesn't appear to work...)
If you have questions or remarks about this site, visit the
Please use this site responsibly.
Questions about
Help Bram .Ralink 雷凌 RT2870/RT2770/RT307X/RT2070/RT357综述页
Ralink 雷凌 RT2870/RT2770/RT307X/RT2070/RT3572无线USB网卡驱动2.3.6.0版For Win2000/XP/XP-64/Vista/Vista-64/Win7/Win7-64
软件类型网卡软件大小26.18 MB下载次数719
Ralink雷凌RT2870/RT2770/RT307X/RT2070/RT3572无线USB网卡驱动2.3.6.0版For Win2000/XP/XP-64/Vista/Vista-64/Win7/Win7-64(日发布)


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