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Dogs Deserve Better Doogie: No Chained Dogs
Arrested for
Helping Dying Chained Dog
Edition ran: Tuesday, September 19,
Wednesday, September 20,
Update Monday September, September 25,
varies according to community)
2/15/11. Grimes (now Thayne) applied for a pardon from the Governor's office over a year ago, but just this week finished interviews with an investigator. Now it remains to be seen if she will get a hearing in front of the board of pardons.
10/10/09. Dogs Deserve Better and Grimes (now Thayne) have lost both the appeal and the attempt to take the Arnolds for cruelty. It's a very disappointing world we live in.
6/30/09.Dogs Deserve Better and Grimes (now Thayne) were in court again today seeking to go over the DA's head and take the Arnolds for abuse via a private criminal complaint. This complaint was turned down by the DA, all for reasons having nothing to do with animal abuse...and all having to do with what a terrible person Thayne is. Hello, DA, regardless of what you think of Thayne, that doesn't take away from the fact that there is plenty of proof of evidence of abuse, and you cannot take the law into your own hands and refuse to prosecute just because your ego is the size of Los Angeles. Funny that you accuse Thayne of taking the law into her own hands, but it appears that is exactly what you are doing now by interfering with due process of the law.
In a small victory for DDB, attorney Phil Robertson asked Judge Doyle to recuse herself from the hearing, due to her bias towards Grimes and the case. To her credit, she did recuse herself, and so we start over getting in line to go before another judge.
The DA had his 'posse' with him, none of whom had ever seen Doogie themselves, (with the exception of Gotshall, who carried him into the vet's office but now somehow claims there was nothing wrong with him)...Officer Pflagg, Central Pennsylvania Humane Society officer Paul Gotshall, and local vet who should be ashamed of himself Dr. Harden.
Now, if you've never SEEN the dog in question, what could you possibly have to say in a courtroom where it's to be determined if he was abused or not?
Also, Gotshall, and Harden, if you are not going to stand with Dogs Deserve Better in your God-appointed duties as defenders of animals, at least don't stand in our way. You should both be ashamed of yourselves.
Still no news on the appeal. What could possibly take so long?
2/27/09. Grimes (now Thayne) was scheduled to appear in court on Friday, but no one was advised of this until two days before, and Thayne was on a Dogs Deserve Better business trip to Florida. The probation officer couldn't appear either, but Thayne's attorney Phil Robertson was present, and reported that the Judge dropped the rest of Thayne's community service hours, and released her from probation! While we can't help but wonder if she was feeling ok that day, we are relieved that Tamira is finally free of this burden and able to come and go as needed for her work with Dogs Deserve Better.
In interesting news, Thayne was awarded the Keys to the City of Fort Pierce Florida while there, precisely for her work in helping chained dogs and her courageous actions in saving Doogie. Go figure!
In news on the private criminal complaint filed against the Arnolds, there is a Petition to Approve Criminal Complaint set for June 30, 2009 at 2:30 p.m. at the Blair County Courthouse.
2/22/09. Today is the last day of Grimes (now Thayne&s) official probation, although she will have to go back before the judge for not completing 300 hours community service. As of this writing she has completed 68 hours, and expects to complete more before appearing before the judge. The case is still pending appeal.
The private criminal complaint against the Arnolds was refused by the DA, in a shocking surprise, with a list of reasons that have nothing to do with the crime of dog abuse. Grimes and her attorney Robertson are seeking now to force the DA to bring the case to court.
SHARK took on the telling of the Doogie story in this compelling narrative, and we are grateful to them for sharing this important animal rights story with the world.
Grimes (now Thayne) wrote this short essay upon completion of her year on probation. A year in which, although she had the lowest level misdemeanor, theft of a piece of property valued at $50 or less, she was forced to get permission slips each time she left the state to do her Dogs Deserve Better work, and was even denied permission to travel during the last month because she hadn&t finished the community service.
8/21/08. Grimes (now Thayne) started
community service this week, and wrote this essay about it, entitled:
7/17/08. Things have been rather quiet
on the case front, it took us months to get and pay off the transcripts. We're assuming that now the slow-turning
cogs of our 'justice' system are turning again, and we're moving
toward the appeal hearing. If you're able to
any legal fees, help in that direction is most-appreciated.
Judge Doyle issued an opinion
saying the appeals court should deny Grimes appeal. Wouldn't
you think she'd have better things to do, bigger fish to fry,
true 'convicts' to convict? Apparently not...'criminals' such
as Grimes should be tarred, feathered, and ridden out of Blair
County on a rail, so that the animal abusers can continue to
rampage, torture, and slay at will without anyone stepping forward
to stop them.
Speaking of which, in the next town over from
East Freedom, the lovely Claysburg cops , in front of scores of observers,
children even. Said observers, even those who are normally out
shooting bear themselves, yelled and screamed at the cops to
stop it, but they continued their slaughter of the innocent bear,
and were cleared of any wrong-doing by the PA Wildlife Commision.
Now, why wouldn't have Grimes trusted the East
Freedom police and handed over Doogie to them as they demanded?
Oh yeah, because they would have turned him right back over to
his abusers...seems just to be the way of things in Blair County,
3/2/08. Since the judge is most offended by the Doogie
cafepress merchandise, that has for now at least been suspended pending
appeal. We'd imagine she's reading this today because she appears
to spend a good deal of time reading our pages, hence her 10-page
sentencing. Maybe one day her eyes will be open to his
suffering, although we're not holding our breath.
So, we have a question, Judge. We
want to know where our private criminal complaint against the
'abusers-who-shall-not-be-named' is. Can you help
us out with that since you have an 'in' with the DA? Seems
like something like that shouldn't be able to fall off the
face of the earth, this being a LEGAL system and all. We do
need to remind everyone that we have vet testimony who stated
that the dog's condition was a 2 out of 10, along with video,
photos, and eye-witness testimony. Seems like enough to make
a case to us.
Also, the 300 hours seems a bit exorbitant, and
really looks like you're trying to 'get even' with Grimes. Remember,
this is a crime of an item worth 0-$50, the lowest level 'the-dog-who-shall-not-be-named'
is really nothing more than a pack of gum. Don't you
think 300 hours is a bit much for that? Given that DUI's
regularly receive 25 hours community service, 300 hours
for actually trying to help a dog seems a bit over the top. Maybe
something in between a pack of gum and a mac truck would be more
Speaking of sentencing...Doogie was compared to a kidnapped
child in that, but you already ruled he was just property, a
pack of gum or maybe a bra heisted from Macy's, so we're confused
by the comparison.
Not to nitpick, but you said Grimes never tried to give the
dog back to authorities, but that's not true, is it? Let's
remember the TWO attempts to give the dog to the HUMANE OFFICER...once
at the vet's office, and once by cell phone at 3:58, even according
to his own testimony. That certainly appears like a good faith
attempt to comply with authorities. The dog could not and should
not have been given back to police, because he would have promptly
been handed back over to those who committed the crime of animal
abuse. That is not acceptable.
Best Friends Animal Society also stepped up and offered their
help as a sanctuary for the dog. Apparently they're good enough
for 22 of the Vick dogs, but not one old Pennsylvania dog.
Really, we're a bit tired of the game. Let's
just all pick up our toys now and go home ...There's nothing
more to see here.
Today we filed an appeal, will keep you posted on any details
as we receive them.
2/25/08. Grimes today
met with the probation officer as ordered, then went to Costs
and Fines. At these two places she discovered the most bizarre
circumstance she could ever imagine. She had seen a 'cost $5.00
hour' beside the 300 hours community service, but assumed that
meant she was somehow working off a whopping $5.00 hour. However,
that was not the case. Instead, she is
That is absolutely not possible! The total
they want her to pay, note that there are no 'fines' here,
is $3878.99. This
includes court costs of $225.00, judicial fee of $41.50, probation
fee of $360.00, and then come the little 'extras' they've thrown
in. Sheriff fee, not normally charged to defendants, $563.34,
Court Admin (lunches, bus drivers) $1189.15, and then, the
lovely Community Service fee, $1500!
2/22/08. Today
Grimes was sentenced to 300 hours community
service for a 'people organization', because 'people are
dogs too'. She was also ordered to pay for the cost of the
trial. (Note: this is not court costs, but trial
costs, two different things. Trial cost covers the jurors
lunches, the sheriff's wages, and the bus driver's salary.) This
was justified by the judge because she said that Grimes chose
to go to trial over ARD, therefore she should have to pay
for it. Isn't it every person's right to go to trial? Does
that right come with a price tag? Interestingly enough, according
to Grimes' attorneys, this is not only NOT OFTEN done, but
RARELY done. The costs were around $1700.
She was also ordered within
10 days to take everything Doogie related off of any site
she 'has control or influence over'. We will be appealing
most if not all of the sentencing asap.
The absolute worst part of it all was the way
she was treated by both the DA and the judge. The saddest thing
is that they actually seem to BELIEVE the horrible things they
said about her. They seem to actually BELIEVE that the taking
of Doogie was a publicity stunt by Grimes, so that she could
be a 'hero'. That the Arnolds are 'victims' of her lies, and
that 'the dog was just old'.
The DA said he was shocked
this was her first offense, because her disrespect for the
law and it's officials is like his worst hardened criminals. He
also said that everything on the DDB site is a lie, twisted
by Grimes to make people believe her. He was seriously ticked
off that the Arnolds received Valentines and a brochure this
Valentine's Day. Yet, at trial he insisted DDB should try to
educate them, so which is it? Do you want them educated or
The judge said that Grimes was no Rosa Parks
or Martin Luther King, Jr. That she has disgraced herself and
her cause, as well as her supporters by her actions. That two
wrongs don't make a right. (If she's admitting there
were 'two wrongs', then why are the Arnolds still not being convicted
of abuse?)
We are saddened by the state of affairs in Blair County, Pennsylvania.
Saddened by the people 'in control', and saddened by the beliefs
they put out into the world.
Pictures and video do not
lie. If it were a he
said/she said situation, we could understand how they would believe
the Arnolds when they say the dog was just old. But with the
abundance of evidence of neglect, there is absolutely NO EXCUSE
for the behavior of both DA Richard Consiglio and Judge Elizabeth
Doyle. Pictures and video DO NOT LIE.
is to be sentenced at the Blair County Courthouse this Friday,
22 February, at 11:00 a.m. Anyone who can go early with
a sign protesting Grimes conviction for saving a life, please
do. The Courthouse address is 423 Allegheny St., Hollidaysburg,
2/11/08. Grimes
has created a video statement in which she
requests jailtime for her actions in saving a dying dog.
She will not pay a fine, for she will not support a system
where animal cruelty is condoned, either through actions or
inactions, on the part of those in power. See the video, below,
or read her statement in it's entirety by clicking .
2/01/08. Sentencing
is set for February 22,
A.M., Hollidaysburg courthouse,
Hollidaysburg, PA. Love to see you there!
12/17/07. There
remains much to be said about this case, but for now we're
putting out , and also releasing additional photos previously
withheld to protect both other people and locations. These
photos are shown below.
From Grimes, &I wanted you to hear it from me before you
heard it from anyone else. Today at 5:00 p.m. EST I was convicted
of theft and receiving stolen property in a Blair County, PA courtroom.
sure I will have much more to say about this at a future date.
For now I need a day or two to mourn and then begin to pick up
my pieces and move on.
realize this is just a bump in my road, and I will not stop working
for chained and penned dogs. I hope those of you who are on this
list as supporters will stay with me...but I need you still believe
in me and the work I've done to free dogs from lives of hell on
the end of chains. To still believe in us and the differences
we are beginning to make in the lives of chained dogs.
very special thank you to the wonderful angels at Best Friends
in Utah. They stood behind me, and I know they took flack for
it. You are special people, and I am honored to know you.
all the rest of you who gave your time and energy to help me in
my case, my deepest gratitude. You touch my heart.
you, Doogie. May you rest in peace, knowing you were loved and
cared for. Tammy&
Grimes picked a jury today, according to public record of the
Blair County Courthouse in Hollidaysburg, PA. Her trial is scheduled
12, 13, 14 9:00 a.m.
and everyone involved in the case are currently under
Gag Order from Judge Elizabeth Doyle.
Grimes voice may be temporarily silenced, yours is not.
The case made the front page of the Mirror today, and while the
reporter, Phil Ray, quoted everyone else accurately, he
downplayed, not for the first time, the feelings and observations
of both Grimes and Mrs. Eicher. Note the pullout from
the article photo, above. Grimes thanked Mr. Ray at
for the article, but, also asked him to quote her accurately in
the future. Here's what she wrote:
say that I took the dog because to me 'it appeared to be mistreated'
is like saying the Titanic 'appeared to have a small leak'.
It is my belief that EVERY dog who lives life on the end of a
chain is mistreated. But I did not take the dog because he was
took the dog because he was dying and needed immediate assistance
to prevent that from happening, and I have plenty of proof to
back that up.
really would appreciate if you didn't downplay my thoughts and
feelings or the thoughts and feelings of Mrs. Eicher who had to
watch the dog suffer for three days. Once again, if you'd like
to see the video for yourself, here is a link. To me, this goes
well beyond any kind of 'mistreatment'.&
to Doogie one month later:
Grimes went to trial list review today, but she wasn't on the
list, apparently because we just got the judge's decision on the
motion hearings Friday, November 2, 2007. Most of the
judge's (Elizabeth A. Doyle) decision is noncommittal, saying
she will reserve the motion to preclude expert testimony and the
motion to preclude defense videotape until time of trial.
granted the motion to preclude the defense of justification. By
way of disclaimer, she states that &Many Americans love
dogs and lavish upon them material substance and tender loving
care. A dog can be a wonderful pet and a great solace to people,
especially in childhood and as a companion to senior citizens.
Many people believe the sentiment expressed on a popular bumper
sticker, &Dogs are people too.& Judges are not immune
to such feelings, but must set them aside to follow the law.&
then goes on to say that &Dogs are personal property....and
so on and so forth...Therefore the only conclusion that can
be drawn from analysis of the ordinary usage of the plain language
of Section 503 is that the defense of justification is only available
to a person seeking to avoid a harm or evil to himself or another
person. Since a dog is not a person, and moreover, is personal
property, by the plain language of the statute, the justification
defense under Section 503 is not available to the Defendant.&
also states that Grimes did not meet other 'rescue etiquette',
such as 1. Attempting to negotiate with the owner, (who
was not home and thereby not available to negotiate with. Considering
that the dog had already lain on the ground for three days,
how much longer did the dog have to survive...this was the immediate
and pressing question. When viewing the videotape, you can hear
Grimes asking Mrs. Eicher if 'these people are home' was
clearly her intention to talk to them if they were) 2. Offer
to buy the dog from the owner (again, not home to make such
an offer before death occurred) 3. Call the local authorities
(Didn't Mrs. Eicher already DO that for three straight days? Wasn't
Grimes her last hope to save the dog's life?)
apparently, if Grimes were operating as a 'proper rescue', by
the time she did 1, 2, and 3 (which had already been done), the
dog would have been dead for three weeks. Wow, gotta
love that court of LAW!
We were in court today on the motion hearing for the DA to dump
all our evidence...the judge is now reviewing the motions, and
we'll get her answer soon. On the bright side, we had
14 supporters which almost filled our side of the small courtroom,
thanks so much to all of you for coming out! A special thanks
to two supporters who drove long distances to be there, Cheryl
McGuire from Carlisle PA, and Beth Larsen from New York.
You are sweethearts. Eight of us went to eat, talk, and laugh
at The Dream afterward.
are a couple 'fun' comments by the DA: &She (Grimes) can
work for chained dogs all she wants, nobody cares.& (Guess
that's why he got hundreds of phone calls about this case...)
don't hate dogs, I got five dogs, they all live in the house.
My brother has a dog on a chain, I don't care about that.&
There is a motion hearing on the DAs efforts to bar our
evidence from the courtroom Monday, October 29th at 9:00 A.M.
We'd appreciate all the support you can give us by being there!
The more, the scarier...let's not let them get away with
taking away Tammy rights to defend herself. Make sure
to get your gifts and attire making fun of our fine, Pennsyltucky
law enforcement and DA, just out! Three new choices, the first
one says &Only in Pennsyltucky: Save a Life=Go to
Jail& (this is available in two versions), and the
second new slogan &Only in Pennsyltucky: The Best
Offense is to Bar All Defense&.
seriously...Please come Monday, we need your support!
Not only is today a day we all remember for the horrible
loss of life and security suffered as a nation in America,
it is ironically the one year anniversary of Tammy's arrest for
rescuing Doogie.
biggest news this week is that we had to switch attorneys, since
our needs were not being met by the previous attorney. We've
brought on the offices of Despoy and Robertson, who've
come well-recommended locally. Of course, this means more time
lost and more financial needs...if you're able to donate to offset
the costs of attorney fees with a donation for our work, it would
be much appreciated! (Note: if there is an excess donated for
legal fees and it is not needed in that area, please understand
that it will then revert to our general fund, and go !)
want to help with financial support.
can now accept donations over the phone using a major credit card
at 1.877.636.1408.
donate by mail, send check or money order to P.O. Box 23, Tipton,
PA 16684. Thank you!
you're an animal rights attorney or paralegal
and have any ideas or approaches to share with our current attorneys,
please call Tammy at 814.941.7447, and she will set you up with
a time to talk to them, or get you a fax number to fax any information.
As we come down to the wire, any and all help is needed
and gladly accepted!
first task is to defend against the DA's motion to eliminate 99%
of our defense, and we had to postpone that hearing until we get
the files from the last attorney. We are supposed to
have trial list review and jury selection again September 24th
and October 1st, respectively, but don't know if that will happen
until we get the motion hearing out of the way.
The DA on Thursday sought to bar pretty much ALL our evidence
from trial (see scanned article in full, below)...Doogie's
video, most importantly, and vet testimony, next in importance.
These two pieces of evidence are absolutely crucial to
Grimes defense, and if they are barred there is not much point
in even going to trail. Grimes has released a statement in response
to the DA's actions, read the
here, and her statement follows:
Consiglio has stated that 'the Grimes case has nothing to do with
canine rights.' On the contrary, this case has everything to do
with Doogie's rights—his right to live free of abuse being
already inherent in Pennsylvania anti-cruelty laws.
you bar the evidence or not, the fact remains that laws were being
broken for at least three days before I got there. Yet you've
shown no interest in pursuing cruelty charges against the perpetrators.
a shame you choose not to uphold those laws, especially when the
Michael Vick case clearly shows that most of America actually
CARES about Man's Best Friend. I'm sorry the police force of East
Freedom, Pennsylvania and District Attorney Richard Consiglio
apparently do not.
case not only has to do with the right of a dog not to be abused
as per already-existing Pennsylvania laws, but also has to do
with MY rights—my right to defend myself in a court of law
being first and foremost.
you take away my right to defend myself, which is what you are
seeking to do, then let me go ahead and make it easy for you:
T-O-O-K T-H-E D-O-G.
Throw me in jail.
I will not pay you a dime.
have the right to defend my actions, and without evidence I have
no defense.
case has nothing to do with theft and everything to do with inadequacy.
Inadequacy of enforcement, inadequacy of investigation, and inadequacy
of prosecution.
seeking to convict me, you actually seek instead to cover up your
own inadequacies.
will gladly go to jail for Doogie, and I would do so a thousand
times over. I am not scared nor intimidated.Barring my evidence
cannot stop it from being viewed by the public, which has happened
over 50,000 times on YouTube, as well as on local and national
news. You may seek to hide the truth, but the truth always finds
its way out.
truth is my truth, and HIS truth WILL set us BOTH free.&
Grimes showed up for her jury selection, only to find
out that the trial had been continued again. The DA requested
another continuance, and was granted one by the judge, even though
Grimes attorney objected. The paper newsletters that are just
coming out state the trial is September 13th...please disregard
that! We did warn everyone...seems nothing is as you think it
will be when it comes to this trial. We will update again as soon
as we know more. In the meantime, please continue to
and tell them to stop postponing the hearing.
They do so love to hear from our supporters!
Well, finally, it appears the Show has gotten On the Road!
Grimes was at trial list review today, and the trial is tentatively
set for September 13th. Since we don't have a confirm on that
yet, don't make any concrete plans, but PLEASE, start checking
into taking a day off around that time! We need EVERYONE
to come to stand against this kind of flagrant disregard for the
life of a helpless animal, and for those who step up to help.
Wrong Again! The trial was postponed due to 'new evidence' supposedly
coming from the D.A. Grimes attorneys wanted a postponement to
look it over. We've yet to hear if they've received the evidence,
or what this evidence is...
Here we go again! Grimes is scheduled for Trial List Review on
June 25, 2007, and then jury selection on July 16, 2007. We don't
believe it will be postponed again, but then again, what do we
know! If we do choose jury on July 16, the trial will then be
in 2-3 weeks. Of course, as always, we'll want to hold a rally
the day of the trial, and we'll need as many supporters as possible
to come. That info will be widely distributed as soon
as it becomes available. Let's pack that courtroom!
Yesterday we were scheduled for jury selection, but the DA asked
for a continuance, saying that they needed more time to get evidence.
The judge was not very happy about it...especially given the fact
that the last judge told him he had only until 5 days before jury
selection to have it all in. Seems the DA isn't following the
judge's orders too well?...They were given 30 days to
finish compiling evidence in the case. We doubt the case
could/would possibly be continued anymore past this point, so
next time we come up for jury selection will be the last, we believe.
Grimes is scheduled to pick jury Monday, May 21st. If that is
the case her trial will be held within two-three weeks. We will
let everyone know asap if she chooses jury that day, and when
the actual trial will then be. Ironically, a major of a town in
Minnesota will also be back in court the same day, after letting
his dog freeze to death in the February cold. Read the Op-Ed
by Tammy Grimes as she compares and
contrasts her case with the mayor's.
We're thrilled to announce that the Altoona Mirror ran
an editorial yesterday championing better laws for Man's Best
Friend! The editorial was entitled &Activists must press
lawmakers&, and one paragraph states &While a court
will decide this case, legislators should review the state's laws
governing the treatment of man's best friend, including the one
designating pets as personal property.&
thank them, send a letter to the editor at this link:
currently has HB1065 in Judiciary Committee which would limit
the amount of time a dog can spend chained. Please visit:
for more information and for a link to all the state reps. We
must continue to put pressure on our state for better laws for
chained and penned dogs!
We lost the motion to dismiss hearing, and so now move forward—again—to
a jury trial. Grimes is slated for a trial list review May 7,
and jury selection May 21st.
had 36 people come out to the rally, despite bad weather and a
mid-week workday! We were thrilled with the turnout, and people
came from as far away as Ohio, New Jersey, New York, West Virginia,
and the far reaches of Pennsylvania to support Tammy and what
she did for Doogie.
Eicher told her story which is very powerful, and we've posted
some of it on You Tube, with others telling why they came out
to support. Tammy also speaks out for the chained dogs and to
offer encouragement for those of us fighting for these dogs on
a daily basis.
rally began at 9:00 a.m., while the hearing, which was supposed
to be at 10:30, was moved to 1:30. Although disappointing at first,
this delay proved to be a wonderful opportunity for us to bond
in spirit, for we all went to a local restaurant and sat down
for lunch together. What a superb group of supporters we have
at Dogs Deserve Better!
&I was exceedingly grateful to you all for coming,
and I would name you all but I'm afraid I'd forget someone, which
wouldn't be right. You know who you are. You made what would have
been a hard day into a pleasant memory, something that is hard
to imagine given the circumstances! Thank you from the bottom
of my heart.& —Tammy
want to help with financial support.
can now accept donations over the phone using a major credit
card at 1.877.636.1408.
donate by mail, send check or money order to P.O. Box 23, Tipton,
PA 16684. Thank you!
On 4/17/07 there is a pre-trial motion hearing to dismiss
all charges at the Blair County Courthouse at 10:30 a.m. Can
you come to a pre-trial rally at the Hollidaysburg Courthouse
for Tammy Grimes at 9:00 a.m. April 17th? The
pre-trial hearing is at 10:30, so let's be there at 9:00 a.m.,
sporting signs, listening to a few speakers, and in general showing
support for Tammy and what she did for Doogie. We'll make sure
we have new signs made from the new sayings and buttons for everyone
that comes. If you can come in from out
of town, please do! The more people we have standing together,
the better for our cause and for justice. To see Altoona hotels
and motels, visit the
can get a room discount at the Motel 6 if we have more than 10
rooms booked. If you can come into town and want to be part of
the room block at Motel 6, please let Tammy know by calling her
at 877.636.1408 by April 11th so she can make arrangements. If
we don't get 10 rooms reserved by then, we cannot block it.
courthouse address is 423 Allegheny Street, Hollidaysburg, PA
16648. Please keep in mind that although we have this hearing,
it does not mean the charges will be dismissed. There
is still the very real possibility that we are going to a jury
trial. We NEED to raise our voices and BE HEARD!
It is absolutely ridiculous that in Pennsylvania one can abuse
a dog despite existing cruelty laws, allowing
it to lay chained, unable to stand, and on the ground for three
days and NOT pay a price for that abuse.
is unconscionable what this case is teaching our children.
We must continue to fight, not only for Doogie, but for all future
dogs in Pennsylvania and around the U.S. And for our children's
future who may have to make the same choices T choices
which no one should have to make.
Lori Arnold allegedly called the vet three times 3/6/07 after
hours telling them she wanted to pick up Doogie. Each time she
was told they were closed, and they would have to pick him up
the next day. Steve Arnold picked him up the next morning. With
the ground frozen it would be very difficult to bury him...we
would truly like to know what they did with the poor guy's body.
Word was that the DA instructed the vet who'd done the autopsy
to release Doogie to the Arnold's. They were supposed to pick
him up at 10:00 a.m. today, and as of 4:00 p.m. had not shown
up for him. We'd like to suggest they spend $100 to get him cremated
(we'd be more than happy to pay for his cremation) least
he could be in the house after death....
today's Altoona Mirror the DA kindly suggested we work to educate
the Arnolds. Well, we may have succeeded in just the tiniest fraction...sources
say the white dog has now 'graduated' to a pen. And it sounds
a bit larger than normal. However, dogs need love, proper
care, and VET TREATMENT when they are sick. In fact, the vet treatment
part is required by LAW...even Pennsylvania law. We hear on occasion
it may be enforced.
3/3/07. Doogie died Thursday morning,
March 1st, at the home of his foster mother. He died
peacefully, waiting for her to leave the room before passing,
as many dogs (and humans) do.
had been struggling with up and down health through December,
until his foster mom found a medication that seemed to give him
he then flourished, turning into a loving family
member. She wrote: &It’s with great sadness
in my heart that I tell you Doogie passed away yesterday morning
(March 1st) around 9:10 am.
had surpassed all goals I had set for us both. He learned how
to smile, love, kiss, hug, wag his tail, trot (yes! literally
trot!) up to me and check me with his hip in an attempt to play.
He gently took food from me and never complained about anything
we had to do to help him.
thank you, Tammy, for letting me have time with him. He was an
amazing little old man and sadly, the way he lived, no one enjoyed
a life spent chained had done a number on his mind.
I ha I studied animal behavior, first aid,
and thank God I live in a place where cruelty charges
would have been given and upheld on the owners of Doogie for the
condition I saw him in—and that was after a month
want to thank everyone for the presents Doogie received and all
the well wishes. Please know he went very peacefully and
on his own, he chose his time and was not in any noticeable pain.
I hugged him and told him all the amazing stories about the bridge,
about how people who have hurt him will suffer in the end, and
about Tammy’s amazing love in refusing to give him back
to an immediate death. He had almost 5 months with me, during
which time we both learned so much about love.&
body was returned to Altoona, Pennsylvania, where an autopsy is
being performed, and where it has been confirmed by the vet to
be the same dog examined September 11, 2006.
We did not do jury selection on Monday, the caseload is so backed
up we would not have gotten to pick a jury. Tammy's lawyer has
been petitioning the court to have the case dismissed for various
reasons, but so far we have not succeeded. No news yet as to when
everything will take place, as soon as we know we will post it.
Doogie is doing ok right now...
Doogie is still hanging in there, having good days and bad days.
Please keep him in your thoughts. While we're amazed he has lived
this long, this proves what a little caring, medication, proper
diet, and loving kindness can do for an animal who has lost hope
and the will to live.
Feb. 5, is a Trail List Review at 8:30 a.m. Jury selection is
scheduled for February 26, 2007 at 8:00 a.m. We still
do not have actual hearing date scheduled, but will let everyone
know asap, as we are planning a HUGE rally for the night
before or the day of the trial. We really need everyone
to come out to support us! Remember you are not only supporting
Tammy for saving Doogie, but supporting every dog who is left
to die on the end of a chain. Doogie MATTERS! They all
MATTER. We have to show them that simply saying he is
property for them to do with as they want doesn't cut it in 21st
Century America. A life is a life, and those who cruelly torture
a life by leaving it to die on the end of a chain for 3 days MUST
be held accountable for those actions.
also must stand against the lack of enforcement for basic cruelty
laws, not only in Pennsylvania but nationwide. Please stand with
We sent out the e-news at noon Sunday, and asked for your prayers
and thoughts for Doogie, as we were informed he had taken quite
a turn for the worse. Well, it is working! By 7:00 p.m. he was
up and moving again. We believe that everyone sent up whatever
works for them...thoughts, prayers, energy...but it is working,
so keep it up! Here is the message we received: &He is the
come back kid. He is walking with big confident steps. I told
him this am that I loved him and I thought his time was up. I
didn't want him to have this pain and that we would always love
him. I came home and checked on him and he BARRELED through the
door and demanded out immediately.& Please, keep it up for
Today was the pretrial conference in the jury room of the Blair
County Courthouse. There were no further deals offered or made,
and so we informed the judges that we would be continuing
on to a jury trial. Mr. Dickey's office will
file a motion to dismiss all charges this week.
will be meeting with Mr. Dickey within the next week to figure
out future moves.
are currently set up for a further pretrial conference
on February 5th at 8:30 a.m. This is the final pretrial
activity before we move onto jury selection and go to trial.
have been an unheard of number of letters to the editor published
in the Altoona Mirror. 12 at last count, only three of which were
negative. We have a TON of support here!
would like everyone to continue to write letters to the editor
of the Altoona Mirror at .
Keep them short and snappy if possible. Also, copy and paste your
letter to the editor to these following national media outlets,
making sure to put the DDB website and phone number in there too:
Any others you can find, including other talk shows, radio shows,
and magazines that you know of would be great, and keep sending...we
CAN raise national awareness of the lack of enforcement and dog
chaining problems in our country!
also NEED to have a TON of people attend the hearing!
We would like to hold a rally at the next pretrial conference,
however it is very early in the morning...if you have a great
idea how to really raise local support, please e-mail us at
and let us know.
about a large group marching in a holiday parade in Altoona or
Holllidaysburg? Worked for the suffragists!
The D.A. offered this deal to Mr. Dickey, Tammy's attorney: Give
the dog back and we'll let her go with just ARD. (Accelerated
Rehabilitative Disposition). We said, &No Way!& Please
write the D.A. and ask him what Tammy needs to be rehabilitated
from? Caring? Standing up when no one else will? Putting the value
of a life, any life, before fear and 'property'?
in nearby Cambria County, Pennsylvania, 8 boys stole and cruelly
slaughtered 2 lambs from a local farmer. According to the Altoona
Mirror, one local said. “This was boys being boys, and they
made a mistake.”
police said the farmer initially reported the livestock stolen,
then settled the matter with the boys and their parents, accepting
$500 in restitution.
Cambria County District Attorney’s office turned the matter
over to the state Attorney General’s Office to decide if
criminal charges are warranted.&
criminal charges are warranted? So, apparently in Pennsylvania,
it's ok to steal lambs to torture and slay them, but not OK to
get a dog the emergency medical help it needed when it's supposed
caretakers left it to die on the ground for three days?
news, we do NOT have a definitive court date set yet for when
supporters need to come out. We will post far and wide as soon
as we do. The next activity is set for November 27th,
however that is something either the lawyer or the lawyers and
Tammy need only be present for.
are sending a letter to the D.A. once again, in writing, requesting
him to pursue charges against the Arnolds.
Slagle, the area rep accused of harrassment to a Houtzdale couple
for sending them two letters, had her charges all but dismissed
outright on Monday, October 23. The magistrate is continuing the
case for 60 days, at which time the charges will be dismissed.
October 18th Tammy went to see Doogie to see how his health was.
He was doing excellently for his age and physical challenges!
He is receiving great care, love, home cooked food, and kindness.
These are the two latest pictures of him, please click below to
see the videos.
Get your National Enquirer this weekend, the Doogie/Tammy story
is in this edition, the 10/30 edition.
The Altoona Mirror has run at least 6 positive
in the past week! Thanks to everyone
who chipped in to make this happen, and thanks to them for running
some of your many, many letters, finally.
got new, ,
today. Word is he is doing better and responding to his new medication.
to write the D.A. and ask why he refuses to even look at charges
against the Arnolds? Isn't this America, shouldn't all potential
charges be examined? We have video, photos, at least
2 eyewitnesses to the abuse, and a veterinarian statement. How
much more does he need?
the D.A.s office at:
Blair County District Attorney Richard Consiglio, Esq.: 814.693.3010
423 Allegheny St. Suite 421, Hollidaysburg, PA 16648
Tammy Grimes is a Finalist in the Animal Planet Hero of
the Year Contest! If you believe her actions and the
work she has put into Dogs Deserve Better to improve lives for
chained/penned dogs is worth your vote, please choose her at
Make sure to watch Inside Edition for an update Monday,
September 25, check the times near you. They are telling
me they are getting a ton of e-mail response to our stories, and
have promised to actually MENTION Dogs Deserve Better this time
(which they haven't done in the past)! Write them at
with positive or negative comments on this story.
Altoona Mirror ran a photo of Doogie provided by the Arnolds (on
his chain, of course) on Sunday, September 24. This is after they
have told everyone who asks them that they do not run any photos
that they do not take themselves, because someone could be doctoring
it. Apparently this is NOT true, they just won't run the
photos we've provided of him suffering! They also have not run
ONE positive letter to the editor, despite receiving thousands
of them. Please continue to write them and insist on
fair editorial practices at .
state reps Geist and Stern say they have not heard from their
constituents on this issue. If you are in the Blair County
PA area and are in their district, please start calling, writing,
e-mailing them asap. We need them to understand HOW MUCH we need
things to change here, and that we expect them to
and stand up for dogs who are left to die
on the end of a chain.
Richard Allen Geist
The Gables Building Suite 104
1331 Twelfth Ave.
Altoona, PA 16601
(814) 946-7218
Fax: (814) 949-7915
Main Capitol Building, Room 144
Harrisburg, PA
(717) 787-6419
Fax: (717) 772-5142
Jerry A. Stern
324 Allegheny Street
Hollidaysburg, PA 16648
(814) 695-2398
Fax: (814) 946-7239
210 Ryan Office Building
Harrisburg, PA
(717) 787-9020
Fax: (717) 705-1849
Robert C. Jubelirer
Senate District 30
Senate Box 203030
Harrisburg, PA
ROOM: 292 Capitol Building
(717) 787-5490
D.O. ADDRESS: 12 Sheraton Drive
P.O. Box 2023
Altoona, PA 16603
We know many of you are waiting for an update on the court case!
Best Friends is actually doing a better job of keeping this up
to date than we are, please visit their network for updates as
rally was amazing on Thursday. Tammy's attorney advised
her not to speak, so many others spoke on her behalf. Approximately
75 people attended from all areas of PA, Utah, Canada, Maryland,
Ohio, New York and Delaware, most bringing great signage and t-shirts.
We handed out pins for everyone to wear. The rally was organized
by Best Friends, and we cannot say enough good about the way they
have stepped up to help. Our gratitude goes out to all of you and
most especially Best Friends.
or so people went on to the district court, filled the courtroom,
with 30 or so people overflowing to the parking lot, where they
waited for 4 hours to see the results and be there when we came
out. Talk about dedication! They were amazing.
Dickey and Childers were incredible, and fought the good fight to
get all four charges dismissed outright. We were able to get rid
of the criminal trespass and criminal mischief, and still must go
to court on November 27 for theft and receiving
stolen property. Your support will be CRUCIAL for these
dates, so save the date and please SHOW UP! It's so important.
footage showing Patricia Haddock, volunteer with Best Friends, as
she opens the rally.
then Kim Eicher, the neighbor who called us for help for
Doogie, speaks, and is cheered by the crowd.
father, Jerry Sneath, gave the invocation for the
rally, and voiced his support of Tammy, saying he knows abuse when
he sees it, and this was clearly abuse. (This was the only time
all day Tammy cried, thank you for standing with me, Dad, it means
art is also linked here in jpeg format. You can use it to make
signs or iron on transfers for t-shirts (probably need the flipped
version for this.)
We brought on Attorneys Thomas Dickey and Leslie Childers of Altoona
to work with Courtney Bartholemew at the Preliminary Hearing on
Thursday. We received the below footage of Doogie, eight
days laters. Shows what a little vet care, love,
food, water, and a good bath will do for a dog! Pick the
person who was rudest to you and call them again...would be a hard
choice, but we've heard TV10 is leading the votes!
Thanks to everyone at Awareness Day and Woofstock for their support!
The Altoona Mirror Saturday ran a headine that states 'Vet
Confirms Dog Was Abused!' Finally! I spoke
to a lot of legal experts plus two great humane officers who said
they would absolutely prosecute the Arnolds for abuse given all
the evidence. Our Action Call is therefore to keep up the pressure
on the humane officer to get the cruelty investigation rolling.
Pennsylvania Humane Society: 814.942.5402;
Officer Paul Gotshall: 814.942.3780
Calling/writing the D.A.s office at:
Blair County District Attorney Richard Consiglio, Esq.: 814.693.3010
423 Allegheny St. Suite 421, Hollidaysburg, PA 16648
want to thank everyone for their e-mails and donations to our
cause. I have over 1000 e-mails right now, I try to answer them
all, but if you don't get a response, please know how grateful
I am for your support!—Tammy
I will be out of town all weekend in Harrisburg, speaking at Awareness
Day and then Woofstock. Our new action
alert is to send letters to the editor of the Altoona Mirror at
Mail: Altoona Mirror Letters
P.O. Box 2008
Altoona, PA 16603
Fax: (814) 946-7540
Calling/writing the D.A.s office at:
Blair County District Attorney Richard Consiglio, Esq.: 814.693.3010
423 Allegheny St. Suite 421, Hollidaysburg, PA 16648
him to drop all charges against Grimes, and file charges for
cruelty against the Arnolds based on video, photos, eye witness
accounts, and veterinary witness.
Inside Edition is coming today to film. We will
post asap when it is to air. We've put Doogie Attire and Pins on
the , see the side panel. We've ordered 200 buttons
for the demonstration planned with Best Friends Thursday, September
21 in Hollidaysburg, PA. Please be there to support Doogie
and Grimes! The art is also linked here in jpeg format. You can
use it to make signs or iron on transfers for t-shirts (probably
need the flipped version for this.)
did a hostile interview with WRTA Talk Radio in Altoona today.
The Inside Edition interview is done, he is also interviewing
the other parties. No word on air date yet. Did an Animal Radio
interview, thank you Hal and Judy! Mark from the Mirror did a
longer interview today, they seem ready to show more of our side.
Your calls are working! They still are not running
a photo of Doogie, saying they have to take it themselves. I have
a hard time believing that. Keep up the great work!
continue to get the video to national talk shows and media.
rally with Best Friends is set for 11:00 a.m. Thursday, September
21, at the courthouses at 423 Allegheny St. in Hollidaysburg,
PA. We need all your support! Please come and bring signs of support
for Tammy and Doogie.
We made front page of the Mirror yesterday. Were interviewed by
WTAJ and WJAC. WTAJ and the Mirror are still biased toward the
abusers. Kim Eicher, the neighbor who witnessed the abuse, tried
to tell WTAJ her story. They refused to take it! She immediately
went to WJAC, and they filmed her on the spot.
Alert: Call the Mirror at 814.946.7535, tell them their story is
biased, and they need to show Doogie's photo, as well as interview
Kim Eicher.
WTAJ and tell them it is unacceptable that they refused to interview
Kim Eicher. They must give her story equal time. 814.944.1414
is safe, warm, loved, being treated,
and doing as well as can be expected.
Grimes, founder of Dogs Deserve Better, was arrested September
11, 2006 for helping a dying chained dog named Doogie who could
not stand in East Freedom, Pennsylvania. Below are the details of
the case, with photo and video documentation.
statement: &I
I could not have lived
with myself or looked myself in the eye if I were such a coward
as to leave Doogie lying there dying on the ground for fear of what
would happen to me. I see this case as a travesty against
justice...the true perpetrators of a crime are the people who left
Doogie to lie there dying for three days without doing right by
him. I am very saddened that we live in a society where
people have to be afraid to do the right thing, to help those in
need, whether that need be human or animal. Arrests such as mine
are a pitiful statement for America, and I ask all dog lovers
to stand with me to insist that all charges against me are dropped
and charges of animal cruelty are instead placed against the Arnolds
of East Freedom, PA. The Arnolds who left Doogie to die.
This video truly speaks for itself, and for Doogie. I did what was
I stand by my decision to help him and will be proud
of it until my dying day. No one can take that from me.&
is the background info:
got a call from Kim Eicher in East Freedom 9/11/06, crying because
Doogie hadn't gotten up since Saturday. She had been calling the
Central Pennsylvania Humane Society since Saturday to no avail.
We told her we aren't law officers, and she needed to call the Humane
Officer. We told her to make sure she left a message, very clearly,
about the problem. Then we got another call about the same
dog, from another person who passes him every day. At that
point we called Kim back to see if she'd heard from the Humane Officer.
She had not, was very, very upset and we were very worried about
him, so we promised her we'd go out and see what we could do.
we arrived, we took photos and video of Doogie. We initially thought
he was dead, as he was not moving and his back was to us. We found
out that the people were not home to talk to about him, so I made
the decision that I would not leave him lying there on the cold
wet ground for one moment longer, and I would accept all consequences
of my decision.
Eicher has agreed to testify as to the animal cruelty perpetrated
against Doogie. She cried the whole time we were there, you can
hear her on the video.
I think once you see the video and pictures, you'll understand why
I made this decision.
vet documented his general negligent condition, low weight, sores,
missing fur, and took xrays of his back and hips. He determined
that he has very bad back spurs that are causing him a lot of pain
and are most likely responsible for his inability to walk. He also
saw an undetermined mass near his hip on the xray. He gave him a
shot for pain plus some B vitamins for energy, so that perhaps he
could have even one good day or a few good hours. He wrote a letter
stating his condition.
we got to the vet, the CPHS Humane Officer Gotshall was just leaving,
and he stopped us. He was about to go out to the residence. When
he found out we had Doogie with us, he was not happy. I volunteered
to take Doogie back and he could pick him up instead. He refused
that, and stated that I should get him the vet care he needed, and
to call him afterward on his cell.
I later called him, he did not answer, I left a message asking him
what he wanted me to do with Doogie, he never called back.
after we got Doogie to my home, situated, bathed—had to, the
stench was too bad—and fed and watered an Officer Flaig called
from the Freedom Township Police Department (Freedom, isn't that
ironic?). He wanted me to return Doogie, which I refused to do.
I explained that I had video and photos documenting the animal cruelty,
and the neighbor wa why didn't he pursue that
as they were the perpetrators of the crime, and should be charged?
He refused, and was not interested in seeing my evidence.
and three other police vehicles arrived at my home at approximately
9:30 p.m. As I refused to hand Doogie over to be returned
to death on a chain, and would not tell them where he was, I was
taken into custody, transported to the East Freedom police office,
and charged with theft, receiving stolen property, criminal mischief,
and criminal trespass. I was released on $50,000 unsecured bond
and ordered to appear at a preliminary hearing September 21, 2006.
was treated like a common criminal, especially by Chief Reilly,
who called me a 'freakin' idiot', 'incompetent', and I overheard
him telling Officer Flaig that if I ever came near his dog I would
have a slug in my a**. Again, there was no interest in any
evidence that the dog had been abused or criminally neglected. As
far as they were concerned, the dog's safety or condition was not
even an issue.
was released after seeing Judge Aigner, where Chief Reilly asked
that I be not given bail but incarcerated for my failure to cooperate.
It was 2:00 a.m., and I had no ride home, over 30 miles away. I
had to walk to a local all-night store to call and get a cab, because
there was no concern over how I would get home. Their attempt
to dehumanize me didn't work. I held my head high and still do.
I looked Chief Reilly square in the eye at every opportunity. I
will not be broken.
what I need from you all. View the videos and photos. I
think you'll agree with me that this is NOT acceptable in ANY way
in any kind of civilized society. We cannot allow this kind
of animal abuse. Period. Not ifs, ands, or buts. Insist
that all charges against Tammy Grimes are dropped and animal cruelty
charges are instead filed against the Arnolds of East Freedom, Pennsylvania.
Pass along the photos and the video, or a link to it, as much as
you possibly can.
laying on the ground, neighbor crying in background:
after vet at Grimes house:
could never look myself in the eye again, much less sleep at night,
had I left Doogie there dying, shivering in the dirt.
contact ALL media with these photos and videos. Get justice, for
Doogie and for me. Do NOT allow this treatment of those who are
here to help, and who actually care. Call the Central Pennsylvania
Humane Society and tell them you expect them to stand with me against
this kind of abuse, and that you expect them to return phone calls
for dying dogs the same day.
laying on the ground, neighbor crying in background:
after vet at Grimes house:
Flaig: Cell 814.201.0149 (Apparently cancelled cell phone)
County District Attorney Richard Consiglio, Esq.: 814.693.3010
Township Police Headquarters: 814.695.8545
Pennsylvania Humane Society: 814.942.5402;
Officer Paul Gotshall: 814.942.3780
Mirror: 800.287.4480; ;
WJAC-TV 6: 814.255.7600
national media! Make sure to send them links to the video, it's
very compelling. Don't stop until there is Justice for Doogie and
me! Any help with legal fees to get a competent attorney would be
much appreciated.
want to help with financial support for this cause.
can now accept donations over the phone
using a major credit card at 1.877.636.1408.
you prefer to donate by mail, send check or
money order to P.O. Box 23, Tipton, PA 16684.
Thank you!
Backyard Hell
I lay dying in a pool of dirt and mud
I felt a hand touch my matted fur
My old eyes looked up and saw
An angel with sad eyes staring down at me
hands stroked my fur and the unfamiliar
touch puzzled, yet comforted me
Can it be that I have already died,
Released from the never-ending agony
of chains, neglect, bones grating cold ground?
my rescuer has picked me up from this backyard hell
And bathed my skinny, dirty, bony body
Released me from the heavy chains and the fleas
whose bites I long ago became accustomed to
have little time left
But in a dog's world, a hint of kindness,
a soft touch, a kind word and a warm blanket
overshadow the years of suffering when no one cared
Can you see the love and gratitude in my eyes?
I lay dying, I looked up
and saw kind eyes looking back at me
An angel rescued me from backyard hell
And paved my way to eternity.
Who gives me the strength and courage to rise above my own fears
and limitations—Patti Ragsdale
God for angels like Tammy Grimes. &&
That the Arnolds planned on euthanizing their dog is NO EXCUSE for
him lying on the ground for THREE days without intervention.&
Clearly they were unconcerned about the relentless pain their poor
dog was enduring.& That the Humane Society also did not intervene
for that 3 day period, in spite of calls to their office and regardless
of some other “high priority” case to which they were
attending, should be an equal embarrassment to the citizens in your
town and county.&
Thanks to Tammy Grimes’ courage and the credibility she enjoys
nationwide and even internationally among influential animal advocates,
the breadth of this entire debacle will not go quietly away.&
The world is watching to see how your community handles this.&
We are hoping that it will be with compassion for the animal so
that he is not returned to the hell in which he was living, empathy
for the neighbor who called Tammy in earnest to help when the humane
society failed, and exoneration for Tammy who did what any civilized
human being would under the circumstances.
You should be thankful for a powerful voice for the animals such
as Tammy Grimes in your midst, prosecute the Arnolds for the abuse
that is inarguably evident in the photos and videos, and encourage
animal service providers in your area to embrace Tammy as a trainer
such that in the future they would be better prepared to intervene!
Debra Griggs
done Tammy for your correct actions to stop this poor dog's suffering.
thought things in Ireland were bad, but there is no way that you
would have been arrested here for saving an animal.
country is so fecked up with political correctness it is in danger
of disappearing up its own ass, and your legal system is a bad joke.
hope you are rewarded for your action, as I would have done exactly
the same thing.
sincerely Alison Herbert
can hardly see to type through my tears.& It breaks my heart
every time I read it.& Thanks god there are people like you
willing to stand up for what is right!&
you, Mara Fisher
appreciate everyone's opinions and thankfully we live in a country
where everyone is entitled to such. I think we, advocates against
animal abuse, in order to remain passionate and effect change, have
come to acknowledge we have a large stack of opposition. Be it laws,
ignorance or a combination of both. To be truly passionate and to
cause change, we must not back down from our beliefs just because
there are those that stand against us. If everyone did that, we
would not have Civil Rights laws, Political parties, etc. People
rebelled against what politics and the judicial system deemed &right&
because we live in a nation where revolution (in the lighter sense)
is not only accepted but expected. Boldly stated, to effect change,
we have to be prepared to see the worst before it gets better. Laws
will not change until we prove they are unjust and sometimes that
means being &unjust& in the process. I respect anyone
with the courage to step down, but I respect more, those that refuse
to back down. Much love to DDB!
sent this on to several of the national news programs, hoping that
it may receive well-deserved air time. I am so sorry for all that
you are going through but so proud of you for standing up for Doogie
and against those rotten &owners.& This may end up to
be the best thing that could have happened in the long run, because
I think it will force a LOT more people to open their eyes. Thanks
for doing what is right, Tammy!! I applaud you and your convictions.
Blessings, Joni Peters
of all, I can't believe you were arrested and the Arnold's were
not. Just so you know, I would have done the same thing no matter
what the legal ramifications were. And although the legal issues
will be a pain in the butt to resolve - you pleased the only Judge
that really matters - GOD. I have order pamphlets and posters from
you and I keep your pamplets out at the law firm where I work. Several
people have seen them and I encourage them to take them and share
the information. I gave one to a woman I met on the street the other
day. So you are making a difference.
will write a letter to the judges (I got their info from your website)
on your behalf and demand that the Arnolds be charged with animal
abuse. I watched the video and the more the neighbor cried, the
angrier I got. Poor Doogie. I have sent the video to several people
already and will tell whoever will listen about it. I'm way down
in Miami, Florida but I've got your back. And boy, am I pissed!
best to you, Carol Ann Moore
story about Doogie makes me physically ill!& I cannot believe
that someone who was helping would get arrested while the abuser
goes free.& Please tell me that Doogie is not back at his old
&home&.& I think Animal Abuse is one of the worst
acts someone can do.& Please let me know who I can right or
what I can do to help.& I want to commend you for what you
did regardless of the consequences I wish that there were more like
you out there.
called this poor little neglected creature Doogie and it has hit
a heart string for me because that is what I named my old beagle
that I rescue three years ago. He is an inspiration to me and he
will pass away one day know that&he was truly loved.
God bless you Tammy, you are truly an angel and Doogie is so lucky
that you came his way. Please keep me informed as to how he is doing.
Animals should never have to suffer and a human being should never
be arrested for doing what you did, after all it the right thing
Take Care and God Bless
Keep up the fight for chained dogs.
Wendy Clarke
just want to send my words of support for doing what is RIGHT --
regardless of the consequences. Perhaps if enough of us would take
like you did, animals would get better treatment and the people
them and neglect them would be the ones behind bars, NOT the people
trying to help them.You
are a hero to everyone in the rescue community!
Faith's Hope
Philadelphia, PA
the End of the Line*
the end of the line,
It's a lonely place,
Why even have me if this is the case?
the end of the line,
There can be no joy
A pile of rocks for my only toy.
the end of the line,
No pat on the head
A bowl full of food, if I'm lucky, instead.
the end of the line,
No people to greet,
Although I'd be friendly to all that I'd meet.
the end of the line,
A cold hard wet floor,
If I were inside, I could guard your door.
the end of the line,
I just wonder why,
Is this really the way that you chose me to die?
Stocks 9/13/2006
Info: Dogs
Deserve Better, Inc. • P.O.
Box 23 • Tipton, PA 16684
• Toll Free 1.877.636.1408 • 814.941.7447
• Website designed and maintained by


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