
>>>—What _____ great fun it would be if we could light candles ..
—&What _____ great fun it would be if we could light candles to celebrate his birthday!&
— Forget it! The teacher in _____ charge of our dorm won't be happy to see that.
据魔方格专家权威分析,试题“—What _____ great fun it would be if we could light candles ..”主要考查你对&&零冠词,介词和介词短语&&等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下:
零冠词是指名词前面没有不定冠词、定冠词,也没有其他限定词的现象,零冠词的用法如下:1、表示抽象概括意义时,不可数名词和复数名词使用零冠词:例:Books are my best friends. 书是我的好朋友。&&&&&&& Water boils at 100℃. 水在摄氏100度沸腾。比较:The water in this river is undrinkable. 这条河的水不可饮用。 2、专有名词通常使用零冠词:例:Lu Xun is a great Chinese writer. 鲁迅是一位伟大的中国作家。 &&&&&&& London is the capital of England. 伦敦是英国的首都。 &&&&&& China is a developing socialist country. 中国是一个发展中的社会主义国家。 3、按照习惯下列各类名词使用零冠词: 1)季节、月份、星期以及节假日等名词:例:Summer begins in June in this part of the country. 这个地区夏天从六月份开始。 &&&&&&& We have no classes on Sunday. 星期日我们不上课。 &&&&&&& There are a lot of people shopping at Christmas. 在圣诞节有很多人购买东西。2)三餐饭菜的名词:例:have supper 吃晚饭 &&&&&&& come to dinner 去吃饭 3)语言、运动、游戏等名词:例:She speaks Chinese. 她说汉语。 &&&&&&& He plays football. 他踢足球。 &&&&&&& Let's have a game of chess. 咱俩下盘棋吧。4)在某些意义有改变的名词前要使用零冠词:例:He has gone to school. (tolearn) 他去上学了。 &&&&&&& They are in church just now. (to worship) 现在他们在做礼拜。同样,in hospital是“住院(治疗)”,in prison是“服刑”,等等。注意:如果在这类名词前加冠词,则表示去那里干与之无关的事:例:go to the school 可理解为去学校看望人,而不是“学习”。 4、在表示职位、头衔、身份等名词前:例:Professor Wang 王教授 &&&&&&& Doctor Tompson 汤普生医生 &&&&&&& President Lincoln 林肯总统 &&&&&&& Dean of the English Department 英语系主任零冠词的特殊用法:
1、用于物质名词前。物质名词表示泛指或一般概念时,通常用零冠词: 如:Water boils at 100℃. 水在摄氏100度沸腾。 &&&&&&& Blood is thicker than water. 水浓于水(即亲人总比外人亲)。表示泛指或一般概念的物质名词前,即使有一描绘性修饰语,仍用零冠词: 如:Don't eat rotten food. 不要吃腐烂的食物。注:(1)若特指,物质名词前可用定冠词: 如:Is the water in the well fit to drink? 这井里的水能喝吗?&&&&&&&&&(2)表示一种、一杯、一场、一阵、一份等这样的概念时,可用不定冠词: 如:This is a very good wine. 这是一种很好的酒。 &&&&&&& A coffee, please. 请给我来杯咖啡。 &&&&&&& It was very cold and a heavy snow was falling. 当时天气很冷,正在下大雪。 2、用于抽象名词前。抽象名词表示泛指或一般概念时,通常用零冠词: 如:Do you like music? 你喜欢音乐吗? &&&&&&& Failure is the mother of success. 失败是成功之母。表示泛指或一般概念的抽象名词前,即使有一描绘性修饰语,仍用零冠词: 如:I like light music very much. 我非常喜欢轻音乐。注:(1)若特指,抽象名词前可用定冠词: 如:I like the music of Mozart. 我喜欢莫扎特的曲子。 &&&&&&& (2)若表示一种、一类、一方面、那种、这种等这之类的概念时,可用不定冠词: 如:He lives a happy life. 他过着幸福的生活。 &&&&&&& Physics is a science. 物理是一门科学。 &&&&&&& (3)表示动作的一次、一例、一番等时,可用不定冠词: 如:Let me have a look. 让我看一看。 &&&&&& (4)表示与抽象名词意义相关的具体的人或事,可用不定冠词: 如:The book is a delight to read. 这书读来很有趣。 3、用于专有名词前。在通常情况下,专有名词前用零冠词: 如:Smith lives in London. 史密斯住在伦敦。注:若特指,专有名词前有时也可用定冠词: 如:The Smith you're looking for no longer lives here. 你找的那个史密斯不住这儿了。& 4、用于复数名词前。复数名词表示类别时,通常用零冠词: 如:Teachers should be respected. 教师应该受到尊重。泛指不定量的人或物,也用零冠词: 如:We are students of ClassFive. 我们是五班的学生。注:若特指,复数名词前应用定冠词: 如:The teachers should attend the meeting 教师应参加会议。 5、用于单数可数名词前。单数可数名词前用零冠词,主要有以下情况: (1)用于表示家庭成员或nurse, cook, teacher等名词前: 如:Mother is not at home.妈妈不在家。 &&&&&&& Ask nurse to put the child to bed& 叫保姆孩子抱到床上去睡觉。 &&&&&&& Teacher was satisfied with our work. 老师对我们的工作很满意。 (2)用于动词turn(变成),go(变成)后作表语的名词通常用零冠词: 如:He was a teacher before he turned writer. 他在成为作家之前是教师。&&&&&&& He has gone socialist. 他成了社会主义者。 (3)在让步状语从句的倒装句式中,单数可数名词通常用零冠词: 如:Child as he is, he knows a lot. 他虽然是个孩子,但已经很懂事了。 &&&&&&& Teacher though he is, he can't knowe verything. 他虽然是老师,但也不可能什么都懂。 (4)单数可数名词用作呼语,通常用零冠词: 如:How is she, doctor? 医生,她怎么样? &&&&&&& Can you drive me to the station, driver? 司机,请送我去车站,好吗?(5)在某些独立结构中通常用零冠词: 如:The teacher came in, book in hand. 老师走进教室,手里拿着书。 &&&&&&& He was sitting in the chair, pipe in mouth. 他坐在椅子里,嘴里叼着烟斗。 (6)在“kind[sort]of+名词”这一结构中,名词通常用零冠词: 如:This kind of book is very interesting. 这种书很有趣。 &&&&&&& He is the sort of person I really dislike. 他这种人我真不喜欢。注:注意以下两句在含义上的差别:&& && Whatkindofcarisit?这是什么牌子的车? &&&&& Whatkindofacarisit?这种车质量如何? (7)当单数可数名词含义抽象化具有形容词意味时,通常用零冠词: 如:The man was more animal than man. 那个人与其说是人,不如说是畜生。&&&&&&&&&I was fool enough to accep this offer. 我接受他的提议真是太傻了。 &&&&&& Are you man enough for this dangerous job? 你有勇气敢做这项危险的工作吗?零冠词用法口诀:
下列情况应免冠,代词限定名词前;专有名词不可数,学科球类三餐饭;复数名词表泛指,两节星期月份前;颜色语种和国名,称呼习语及头衔。 以上口诀主要概括了一般应“免冠”的几种情况,即: ①名词前已有作定语用的this、that、some、any、my等限定词。 ②专有名词和不可数名词前。 ③表示学科的(如:maths、Chinese、physics)名词前。 ④球类活动的名词前及三餐总称前。 ⑤复数名词表示泛指(一类人或事)时。 ⑥节日、季节、星期、月份前。 ⑦表示颜色(如:It's red/yellow.)、语种(如:speak English/Japanese)和国家的非全称名词(如:We live in China. They come from America.)。 ⑧在称呼或表示头衔的名词前。 ⑨某些习惯短语中(如:inbed、go to school 等)。零冠词知识体系:
(1)节假日、星期、月份、季节等通常用零冠词: 如:We had a good time on Christmas Day. 我们在圣诞节过得很愉快。 &&&&&&& Monday comes before Tuesday. 星期二在星期一之后。 &&&&&&& He was born in September, 1988. 他出生在1988年9月。注:①我国用Festival构成的传统节日通常用定冠词:如:the Spring Festival春节&&&&&&& the Mid-autumn Festival [theMoonFestival]中秋节&&&&&&&&&②若表示特指或心目中的专指,星期、月份、季节等名词前可用定冠词:&&如:He went abroad in the September of 1988. 他于1988年9月出国。&&&&&&&& &He came on the Sunday and went away on the Monday. 他星期日来,星期一就走了。 &&&&&&& ③表示“某一个”或受描绘性定语修饰表示“某种”这样的意义时,节日、星期、月份、季节等名词也可用不定冠词:&如:My birthday happened to be on a Saturday. 我的生日碰巧是星期六。&&&&&&&&&She came round to see me on a sunny Sunday. 她在一晴朗的星期日来看了我。&&&&&&&&&We had a nice Christmas. 我们过了一个愉快的圣诞节。 &&&&&&& ④当季节名词不强调时间而强调季节的内涵时,通常用 the:&如:Winter is coming. 冬天要来了。(单纯指冬天的时间)&&&&&&&&The winter is coming. 冬天要来了。(暗示寒冷) (2)某些表示自然界时间变化现象的名词,与某些介词(如at, after, before, till, until, towards, from等) 构成短语时,通常用零冠词: &如:at day-break 在天亮时&&&&&&&& before&dawn 在天亮前 &&&&&&& &at dusk 在黄昏时&&&&&&& &after sunset 在日落后 &&&&&&&& after sunrise 在日出前&&&&&&&& until sundown 直到日落 &&&&&&& &towards dark 天快黑时&&&&&&&& at midnight 在半夜 &&&&&&& &from dawn till dusk 从早到晚当day, night, evening, morning, afternoon 等表示抽象的时间概念时,通常用零冠词: 如:Night fell. 天黑了。 &&&&&&& Evening came on. 夜幕来临。 &&&&&&& It was late afternoon before he reached home. 傍晚时候他才到家。 (3)球类、三餐、茶点等名词前,通常用零冠词: 如:We play basketball in the afternoon. 我们下午打篮球。 &&&&&&& What do you have for breakfast? 你早餐吃什么? &&&&&&& They were at tea when I called. 我来访时他们正在喝茶(吃茶点)。注:①球类名词若不是作为一项体育活动看待,而是作为一个实实在在的东西来看待,则可以用冠词: 如:The basketball is mine. 这个篮球是我的。 &&&&&&& He bought a basketball. 他买了一个蓝球。 &&&&&&& ②三餐饭被特指可用定冠词,若受形容词修饰且非特指,可用不定冠词: 如:The supper she cooked was delicious. 她做的晚餐很可口。 &&&&&&& We had a good lunch at Uncle's. 我们在叔叔家吃了顿丰盛的午餐。 (4)当名词后接有数词表示顺序时,名词前通常用零冠词: 如:Lesson10 is more interesting than Lesson11. 第10课比第11课更有趣。 &&&&&&& There's a picture of a ship on page15. 在第15页有张一艘船的照片。(5)公园、广场、学校、语言等名词前通常用零冠词: 如:Hyde Park 海德公园&&&&&&& Central Park(纽约) 中内公园 &&&&&&& Zhong shan Park中山公园&&&&&&& Tian AnMen Square天安门广场 &&&&&&& speak English 说英语&&&&&&& Beijing University 北京大学注:当语言名词表特指意义或指某一语言中的对应词时,通常用定冠词: 如:the English spoken in America and Canada 在美国和加拿大讲的英语 &&&&&& What's the English for this? 这个东西用英语怎么说? 另外,在语言名词后加上language一词时,也要用冠词:the English language。 (6)表示学习、生活、娱乐等的单数名词,若表示相关的活动时,通常用零冠词: 如:go to school (bed, church, town, class, college, etc)去上学 (睡觉,做礼拜,进城,上课,上大学,等) &&&&&&& in bed (school, class, college, church, prison, hospital,etc) 在睡觉 (上学,上课,上大学,做礼拜,坐牢,住院,等) &&&&&&& be sent to hospital (prison) 被送往医院住院或治疗(关进监狱) &&&&&&& School is over at twelve. 12点放学。注:①若不是指活动,而是指具体的实物,则要用冠词。比较: 如:go to the bed到床边去 (侧重指“床”这个实体) &&&&&&& go to bed 上床睡觉(侧重指与“床”有关的活动,即睡觉)&&&&&&& be in the school 在这所学校里 (侧重指“学校”这个地点)&&&&&&& be in school 在上学(侧重指与“学校”有关的活动,即读书) &&&&&&& ②但是cinema, theatre是例外,它们表示相关活动时,其前要用定冠词:如:He often goes to the cinema (theatre). 他经常去看电影(看戏)。 &&&&&&& I prefer the cinema to the theatre. 我喜欢看电影,不喜欢看戏。 ③有时定冠词和零冠词的选择与英美英语的不同习惯有关: 如:in hosptital (英) 住院&&&&&&& in the hospital (美) 住院 &&&&&&& go to university (英)上大学&&&&&&& go to the university (美)上大学 &&&&&&& at table (英)在吃饭&&&&&&& at the table(美)在吃饭 (7)某些用介词by构成的方式的短语通常用零冠词: ①表示乘坐交通工具: 如:by bus 乘公共汽车&&&&&&& by bike(bicycle) 骑自行车 &&&&&&& by plane/byair乘飞机&&&&&&& by ship(boat) 坐船 &&&&&&& by land 走陆路&&&&&&& by sea 从海路 ②表示用通讯或通信等方式: 如:by phone 用电话&&&&&&& by telegram 用电报 &&&&&&& by letter 用信件&&&&&&& by post 用邮寄 &&&&&&& by radio 用无线电&&&&&&& by hand 用手工 (8)表示正式的或独一无二的头衔或职位等,在用作宾语、表语、补语或同位语时,通常用零冠词: 如:John is captain of the team. 约翰是足球队的队长。 &&&&&&& He is head of the foreign languages department. 他是外语系主任。注:尽管有时也有用定冠词的现象,但以零冠词为普通。 (9)单数可数名词紧密联系的平行结构,通常用零冠词: 如:They are brother and sister. 他们是兄妹。 &&&&&&& Please pass me pencil and paper. 请把纸笔递给我。 &&&&&&& Boy and girl came up to me together. 一个男孩和女孩一起向我走来。 (10)有些短语用零冠词和定冠词均可,只是含义不同: 如:out of question 毫无疑问&&&&&&& out of the question 不可能,不值得考虑的 &&&&&&& keep house 料理家务&&&&&&& keep the house 呆在家里不外出 &&&&&&& in charge of 负责,管理,主管&&&&&&& in the charge of 在…的管理(负责)之下 (11)许多习语用零冠词: 如:catch fire 着火&&&&&&& give way 让路&&&&&&& lose heart 灰心 &&&&&&& move hosue 搬家&&&&&&& send word 捎信&&&&&&&&take place 发生 &&&&&&& by chance 偶然&&&&&&& catch sight of 看见&&&&&&& make use of 利用介词和介词短语的概念:
介词是一种用来表示词与词、词与句之间的关系的虚词,在句中不能单独作句子成分。介词后面一般有名词、代词或相当于名词的其他词类,短语或从句作它的宾语。介词和它的宾语构成介词词组,在句中作状语,表语,补语或介词宾语。介词可以分为时间介词、地点介词、方式介词和其他介词。 误用介词的三种情况:
1、多用介词:多用介词可能是受汉语意思的影响将及物动词误用作不及物动词,也可能是受相关结构的影响而用错:误:We discussed about the plan.正:We discussed the plan. 我们讨论了计划。误:Did he mention about the accident? 正:Did he mention the accident? 他提到那次事故了吗? 误:I saw her enter into the bank. 正:I saw her enter the bank. 我看见她进了银行。误:He married with[to] a nurse.正:He married a nurse. 他同一位护士结了婚。误:How can contact with you? 正:How can contact you? 我怎么与你联系? 误:We should serve for the people heart and soul. 正:We should serve the people heart and soul. 我们应该全心全意地为人民服务。误:Who controls over the factory? (但名词control可接over) 正:Who controls the factory? 谁管理这个工厂? 误:He has a great many of friends here. (比较a great number of) 正:He has a great many friends here. 他在这儿有很多朋友。 2、漏用介词:漏用介词可能是受汉语意思的影响将不及物动词误用作及物动词,或是受相关结构的影响的影响而用错等:误:This matter is difficult to deal. (deal with=处理) 正:This matter is difficult to deal with. 这事很难处理。误:He is not a man to be depended. 正:He is not a man to be depended on. 他不是个可靠的人。误:He took a cup of tea, and went on the story. 正:He took a cup of tea, and wentonwiththestory.他喝了一口茶,又接着讲故事。误:My mother still regards me a child. (比较consider…as中的as可省略) 正:My mother still regards me as a child. 我母亲还把我当小孩看。误:They insisted sending a car over to fetch us. 正:They insisted on sending a car over to fetch us.他们坚持要派车来接我们。误:What he says is worth listening. 正:What he said is worth listening to.他的话值得一听。3、错用介词:错用介词的情况比较复杂,可能是因受汉语意思的而错,也可能是因弄不清搭配关系而错,可能是混淆用法而错,也可能是受相关结构的影响而错,可能是忽略语境而错,也可能是想当然的用错:误:She called on his office yesterday. (call on+人,call at+地点) 正:She called at his office yesterday. 她昨天去了他办公室拜访。误:He is engaged with a nurse. 正:He is engaged to a nurse.他与一位护士订了婚。误:The sun rises from the east. 正:The sun rises in the east.太阳从东方升起。误:Under his help, I finished it in time. 正:With his help, I finished it in time. 在他的帮助下,我及时做完了。误:During he was in Japan, he visited many places. 正:During his stay in Japan, he visited many places.他在日本期间,参观过许多地方。误:We are familiar to his character. 正:We are familiar with his character.我们了解他的性格。误:Help yourself with the fruit. 正:Help yourself to the fruit.吃点水果吧。介词的宾语:
&1、名词或代词作介词宾语:如:Are you interested in history? 你对历史感兴趣吗? &&&&&&& Don't worry about it. 别为它担心。注:若是人称代词用作介词宾语,要注意用宾格。如:No one can sing like her. 没有人能像她那样唱歌。(不能用like she)2、动名词作介词宾语:如:He is good at telling stories. 他善于讲故事。&&&&&&&&&In crossing the street he was run over. 他在穿过马路时被汽车撞倒。 3、过去分词作介词宾语:如:We can't regard the matter as settled. 我们不能认为这事已经解决。 &&&&&&& I take it for granted you have read the book. 我以为你读过这本书。注:过去分词用作介词宾语通常只见于某些固定结构中,如上面第1句涉及regard…as(认为…是)结构,第2句涉及take sth for granted(认为某事属实)。在其他情况下,介词后通常不直接跟过去分词作宾语,若语义上需要接过去分词(表被动),可换用“being+过去分词”: 如:He went out without being seen by the others.他出去了,没有被其他人看见。 4、从句作介词宾语:如:He was not satisfied with what she said. 他对她说的不满意。 &&&&&&& I'm worried about where he is. 我担心他上哪儿去了。注:介词后通常不接that从句,遇此情况需考虑用其他结构:误:He paid no attention to that she was poor. 正:He paid no attention to the fact that she was poor. 他根本不注意她很穷这一事实。但有个别介词(如except)可接that从句。比较:I know nothing about him except that he lives next door./I know nothing about him except for the fact that he lives next door. 我只知道他住在隔壁,其它的就不知道了。 5、不定式作介词宾语: 如:I had no choice but to wait. 除了等,我没有别的选择。&&&&&&&&He wanted nothing but to stay there. 他只想留在那儿。 &&&&&& They did nothing but complain. 他们老是一个劲地抱怨。&&&&&&&&He never did anything but watch TV. 除了看电视,他从不干任何事。注:(1)介词后接不定式的情形通常只见于but, except等极个别个词。该不定式有时带to,有时不带to,其区别是:若其前出现了动词do,其后的不定式通常不带to;若其前没有出现动词do,则其后的不定式通常带to。& (2)介词后虽然通常不直接跟不定式作宾语,但却可接“连接代词(副词)+不定式”结构: 如:He gave me some advice on how to do it. 对于如何做这事他给我提了些建议。 6、形容词作介词宾语:如:Her pronunciation is far from perfect. 她的语音远不是完美的。 &&&&&&& In short, we must be prepared. 总而言之,我们要有准备。 &&&&&&& Things have gone from bad to worse. 事情越来越糟。注:(1)有些形容词用作介词宾语可视为其前省略了动名词being: 如:He regarded the situationas(being) serious. 他认为形势严重。 &&&&&&& His work is far from(being) satisfactory. 他的工作丝毫不令人满意。&(2)有些“介词+形容词”的结构已构成固定搭配:in full全部地,全面地,无省略地; in private私下地,秘密地; in particular特别地;in general一般地,通常地,概括地; in brief 简言之;in short总之,简言之; in vain徒然地,徒劳无益地;for fee免费地,无偿地; for certain肯定地,确切地;for sure肯定地,确切地; for short为了简短,简称;atl arge自由自在地,逍遥法外; by far…得多7、副词作介词宾语:如:I can't stay for long. 我不能久呆。&&&&&&&& It's too hot in here. 这里面太热了。 &&&&&&& I looked every where except there. 除了那儿,我到处都看过了。 8、数词作介词宾语:如:The city has a population of four million. 这座城市有四百万人口。 &&&&&&& He was among the first to arrive. 他是第一批到的。 9、介词短语作介词宾语: 如:Choose a book from among these. 从这些书中选一本吧。 &&&&&&& I saw her from across the street. 我从街的对面望见了她。 注:通常可后接介词短语作宾语的介词是from, till, until, since, except, instead of等。比较:I took it from the bed. 我从床那儿(或床上)拿的。 &&&&&&&&&&& I took it from under the bed. 我从床下拿的。&10、复合结构用作介词宾语:如:She had no objection to Mary marrying him. 她不反对玛丽与他结婚。 &&&&&&& She came in with a book in her hand. 她手里拿着一本书走了进来。 &&&&&&& All the afternoon he worked with the door locked. 整个下午他都锁着门在房里工作。
介词短语的句法功能: 1、表语:如:He was with a friend. 他和一个朋友在一起。 &&&&&&& Health is above wealth. 健康胜过财富。 &&&&&&& This knife is for cutting bread. 这把小刀是用于切面包的。注:有些介词(如because of)引出的短语通常只用作状语,不用作表语:误:His absence is because of the rain. 正:His absence is due to the rain. 他因雨未来。但是,若主语是代词(不是名词),becauseof引出的短语可用作表语: 如:It is because of hard work. 那是因为辛苦工作的原因。 2、状语:如:Don't touch it with your hands. 别用手去摸它。 &&&&&&& Did you do this by design or by accident? 你这样做是有意的还是无意的? 3、定语:如:This is his reply to your letter. 这是他给你的回信。 &&&&&&& This is the best way of doing it. 这是做此事最好的方法。 &&&&&&& My love for you is deeper than the sea. 我对你的爱比海深。 4、宾语补足语: 如:I found everythingin good condition. 我发现一切正常。 &&&&&& Her illness kept her in bed for a week. 她因生病在床上躺了一星期。注:用作宾语补足语的介词短语在相应的被动语态中则为主语补足语: 如:He was regarded as a hero. 他被看成是英雄。 5、宾语:如:A man stepped out from behind the wall. 一个人从墙后走出来。 &&&&&&& He cannot spare anytime except on Sunday. 除星期日外,他抽不出时间。 6、主语:如:Between6 and 7 suits me. 六点到七点对我比较适合。 &&&&&&& After the exams is the time to relax. 考试后是轻松一下的时间。注:介词短语通常不用作主语,尽管有时也像上面这样用作主语,但通常可视为是在一定的上下文中有所省略: 如:—When are we going to have the next meeting? 我们下次什么时候见面?&&&&&&& —On Tuesday may be convenient. 星期二可能比较方便。此句中onTuesday虽用作主语,但可视为是其前省略了meeting一词:即:Meeting during the vacation may be convenient.
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