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英文翻译tena manja:&&&& real:&&&& good- pret ...
例句与用法1.This latter curtain was quite an affair .后面这重幕可真漂亮。2.You look stunning in your new suit .你穿着这套新衣服真漂亮。3.She i and patti sang divinely .她真漂亮,帕蒂唱得也神。4.You look pretty in that dress !你穿着那件连衣裙真漂亮!5.That flowered hat is a real killer .那顶花帽真漂亮。6.The garden 's so lovely , i think i will sit out .花园真漂亮,我想我还是坐在外面好。7. "oh, how pretty!" cried bertha with enthusiasm .“啊,真漂亮!”伯莎满腔热忱地叫道。8.You write a beautiful hand .这字写得真漂亮。9.You did it very nicely .你干得真漂亮。10.She looks so beautiful .她长得真漂亮。&&更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&
真漂亮的英文翻译,真漂亮英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译真漂亮,真漂亮的英文意思,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。(window.slotbydup=window.slotbydup || []).push({
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I dry my aunt, butterfly flying &page=5
大舅妈是什么意思 大舅妈在线翻译 大舅妈什么意思 大舅妈的意思 大舅妈的翻译 大舅妈的解释 大舅妈的发音 大舅妈的同义词
大舅妈大舅妈 网络解释1. meehbac& & 38、bohnax 小舅父 | 39、meehbac 大舅妈 | 40、meehnax 小舅妈大舅妈 网络例句1. Like these people, my aunt is old but she is very young in spirit. & &就像这些人一样,我的舅妈年龄大了,但她的心却非常年轻。2. Like these people, my aunt is old but she is very young in spirit. & &就像这些人一样,我的舅妈年纪虽大了些,但她在精神上却非常年轻。3. In the last two pictures, the little child by her side is my cousin daughter of eldest uncle and aunt & &最下面两张照片妈妈身边的小孩是我的表姐大舅和大舅妈的女儿4. But the most realistic thing is that it in deed has no ending but also no results I mean a good one! & &大舅妈回来了,带着快满5岁的小丫丫,霎那间,我有有点苍老的感觉,5岁的我是什么样子都快要模糊了,残留的影响已经拼不出现在这个我了!5. My parents were loving, kind, I had an extra mother in my great- I had three big brothers to tag around after (and to have fights with the youngest of them and everybody in the family was glad I was a girl, which made me able to be glad to be a woman, eventually. & &我的父母慈爱、和善而且睿智;我还有另一个&母亲&——我的大舅妈。我的三个兄长总是喜欢跟在我后面捉弄我。而家里的每个人都为我这个女孩而快乐,这也最后使我乐于长大成一个女人。6. The head was getting some water ready for the group,and the northeast uant carried solid food for the whole team & &团长在给大家准备水,东北虎大舅妈给大家背的干粮7. Because my Mom has recently experienced a pain in her right arm from the shoulder to the elbow, my aunt has bought a lot of therapeutic patches for Mom to apply on her right arm to alleviate the pain. & &因为我妈的右手臂最近会感觉痛,所以大舅妈帮我妈买了很多药用贴布让她贴在右臂上以减轻疼痛。大舅妈是什么意思,大舅妈在线翻译,大舅妈什么意思,大舅妈的意思,大舅妈的翻译,大舅妈的解释,大舅妈的发音,大舅妈的同义词,大舅妈的反义词,大舅妈的例句,大舅妈的相关词组,大舅妈意思是什么,大舅妈怎么翻译,单词大舅妈是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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英文翻译you look beautiful:&&&&you:&&&& real:&&&& good- pret ...
例句与用法1.I missed you so much ! - you look so beautiful我真想你们! -你看起来真漂亮2.- i missed you so much ! - you look so beautiful-我真想你们! -你看起来真漂亮3.- i mean , you look amazing . - oh , honey , thanks-我是说,你看起来真漂亮-谢谢4.I mean , you look amazing . - oh , honey , thanks我是说,你看起来真漂亮-谢谢5.Mommy ! mom ! - you look so beautiful妈妈!妈妈!你看起来真漂亮6.How are you feeling ? you look beautiful . - i ' m . well , i ' m-觉得怎么样?你看起来真漂亮-我.嗯,我7.- you look beautiful . - thank you-你看起来真漂亮-谢谢你8.You look beautiful . - thank you你看起来真漂亮-谢谢你9.Jaya , you look absolutely beautiful佳亚你看起来真漂亮10.- okay ? - you iook beautiful ,-行吗? -你看起来真漂亮&&更多例句:&&1&&


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