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It's no surprise that LZ is a great and warm-hearted person in reality.THX~
谢谢楼主&&& the political fallout from president obama's suggestion that a future middle east should return israel to its 1967 borders. that has not gone over well, and mike joins us live from the white house with details. mike.&& reporter:
good evening. white house aides and many outside experts insist it was nothing new. after president obama proposed using 44-year-old boundaries as basis for the new palestinian state, the controversy and criticism haven't stopped. it was a blunt message delivered face to face in the oval office by the israeli leader.&& while israel is prepared to make generous compromises for peace, it cannot go back to the 1967 lines. these lines are indefensible.&& reporter:
president obama said those same lines should be the basis for future boundaries between israel and a now sovereign palestine. after their meeting, netanyahu was direct.&& that it will crash events on the rock of the middle eastern reality.&& he played down any rift with a close ally.&& obviously, there were some differences between us. that will happen between friends.&& reporter:
aides insist the president was stating a long-held position shared by all sides.&& previous american presidents from lyndon johnson to jimmy carter took a muff more severe position.&& reporter:
this agreement has been become a plital football with gop presidential hopefuls piling off. the president has thrown israel under a bus mitt romney said. a mistaken and very dangerous demand wrote pawlenty and mish bachmann showed it a shocking display of betrayal toward our allies.&& the republicans see an opportunity to break off from the democrats.&& reporter:
it's not just republicans. as some staunch supporters are expressing kerns.&& why do we emphasize things that hurt israel at the expense of the palestinians who won't even negotiate face to face? it makes no sense.&& reporter:
lester, we can expect to hear more in the comes days. the prime minister stays on here in washington. on tut he gives a speech to a joint meeting of congress, and tomorrow president obama travels across town to give a speech on american/ israel relations to a major pro- israel lobbying group._05-20-2011&Politicians play hot potato on Israel issue&
谢谢分享'Phantom charges' spook AT&T customersA class action lawsuit against AT&T claims the phone company systematically overstates data usage by 7 to 14 percent, making data charges higher for users. NBC's Lisa Meyers reports.---LESTER HOLT, anchor: Some 20 million Americans use AT&T for their iPhone and iPad service, but now the company is under fire from customers who say they've been routinely overcharged. Senior investigative correspondent Lisa Myers has details of their class-action lawsuit.LISA MYERS reporting: Whenever you check a Web site, download an app or play a game, you use data, and it's counted against your monthly data limit. Lisa and Mike Stewart, a four- iPhone family, chose the smallest AT&T data plan for Mike because he doesn't use his phone much.Mr. MIKE STEWART (AT&T Customer): Look at the bills that -- my charges.MYERS: Within days, he was surprised to find he'd exceeded his limit, generating an overcharge.Mr. STEWART: Fifteen dollar additional charge.MYERS: Even more surprising, what some call phantom charges.Ms. LISA STEWART (AT&T Customer): There's unusual activity on the bill in the middle of the night when we're all sleeping.Mr. STEWART: Charges. Charges.Ms. STEWART: They're data charges.MYERS: The class-action lawsuit accuses AT&T of systematically overcharging customers.Mr. BARRY DAVIS (Attorney): Well, it's like a rigged gas pump where, when you go to the gasoline station and you ask for a gallon of gas, you only get 9/10.MYERS: We asked John Davis, a computer engineer who isn't involved in the lawsuit, to show us how much data is downloaded when you click on various sites.Mr. JOHN DAVIS: Click on MSNBC, it's a good deal larger than the Google Web site.MYERS: And most news sites are going to be larger, are they not, in terms of data usage?Mr. J. DAVIS: Yes, they will be.MYERS: Click on a YouTube video and it uses even more data. For this lawsuit, the lawyers say they hired an independent computer firm to precisely measure every time the test iPhones and iPads used data in some way, and then compared it with the bill from AT&T. They say they found that AT&T systematically overstated data usage by 7 to 14 percent, sometimes as much as 300 percent. Did you find overcharges on every single transaction?Mr. B. DAVIS: Yes. Every single one.MYERS: Did you ever find an instance where the discrepancy worked to the benefit of the customer?Mr. B. DAVIS: Never. Always an overcharge. Never an undercharge.MYERS: To test for those phantom charges, the lawsuit says the engineer bought a new iPhone, disabled everything that might trigger data usage, and let the phone sit for 10 days, on but untouched. When the bill came in, there were charges for 35 different transactions.Mr. STEWART: This is like someone just coming in and stealing those minutes away from you. They're just robbing the time from your plan.MYERS: AT&T says the allegations are without merit and reflect a misunderstanding of how data is consumed and billed. For example, the company says some apps have software that runs in the background or is automatically updated, which may use data the consumer isn't aware of. Lisa Myers, NBC News, Washington._05-21-2011&Paying too much ?&惊人的相似:美国电话巨头AT&T 也欺诈消费者 手机不用也走费
楼主能分享Meet The Press不,Itunes上我实在是下不动!!!!!!!!!还问一下现在有没有什么办法看ABC的新闻节目?
非常感谢_05-23-2011 &Path of Destruction& 密苏里州又起龙卷风
无可名状的谢意&& we have one more story from joplin. this is the story of bethany and don. two people married six years, struggling in the economy, but well enough to have a house. bethany works at the local health facility. don worked at a machine shop. they had a lot of plans before a tornado bore down on their house sunday afternoon.&& i mean, the house was ripping apart. honestly, it happened so fast. all the pillows were flying off us. the only thing where managed to do was keep one right in front of my face.&& don landsaw, a former high school football star and the love of bethany's life knew his body over his as their house and their world was being ripped apart. he covered you.&& he just has so much love. in his heart. and you know, people keep saying that he wouldn't have wanted it any other way, but if i could have taken twice as much damage just to have him alive, i would have. and he got on top of me to take the brunt of most of it. and you know, he's -- he's my hero.&& reporter:
in the strange period of calm after the tornado. bethany thought she could still save her husband who was lying in the bath toob. the houses on the street were gone. her neighbors were either dead, trapped, or walking around stunned. don was turning blue. she didn't know it, but he had a puncture wound in his back. she flagged down a good samaritan, asking for help and getting an ambulant, but don was already gone.&& he just -- he did what he could to protect his family. and i did everything i could to get him help.&& reporter:
oddly, in the house where the storm took don's life, it didn't take their high school varsity jackets. it didn't take all the books off the shelves or all the stuff out of the cabinet under the sink. friends found their wedding photos and brought them to the house where bethany is now staying.&& just a great, great man. and loved by so many people. and there's a little guy that misses him fully.&& bethany and don were dog sitting with a spaniel. he stayed with don's body after the storm had passed. don's dog whisper knows something is wrong, so they're keeping him occupied while bethany tries to put one foot in front of the other and go on.&& to people who have tried to he help, i do want to say thank you because we tried.&& reporter:
bethany is just a nice person from joplin, missouri, just like everyone we met there. and like a lot of folk said there, she remains pretty banged up. friends have set up a memorial fund at a local bank and we have put the information for you on our website, .&&& later tonight, the people making a difference in joplin by showing up and doing the hard wurng._05-25-2011&Path of Destruction&Brian Williams 专访龙卷风灾区:天灾中失去丈夫 女教师没忘感恩社会的帮助 强忍悲痛并微笑 不把痛苦传染给别人
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顶贴,给动力!&&& we close on this memoriam day with a story about some four-legged friends who aren't exactly the cute and cuddly type. we all remember it was an elite unit of navy s.e.a.l.s who led the raid on osama bin laden's compound in pakistan, but they announced one of their canines played a big role that night. they call them war dogs, and tonight, we have been given acassociate to a facility where those dog s become true fighters.&& reporter:
a training mission in the nevada desert. a simulated high-stakes overnight raid. the 99th ground combat squadron, heavily armed, but one of their best soldiers doesn't carry a gun. these four-legged warriors, pursue, attract, and attack.&& what they bring to the fight for us cannot be overstated. their senses are what are literally saving people's lives.&& reporter:
today, 2,700 war dogs are on active duty. leaping into battle outfitted for war. radio callers relay orders, kevlar vests, goggles to sheer their eyes, but it's their senses the military depends on. able to smell six times better than humans, they're the best bomb detector the military has. nbc news was given access during the intense training. only the best of the best would be deployed. during their near lly month-long training at this facility, the canines and their handlers will go through virtually every scenario before they head out.&& the team has been together for years. the war dogs are fiercely loyal to their leaders. tech sergeant julian carlos spends more time with his dog than his family back home. 300 canines have died in the line of duty since the vietnam war. war dogs, more than man's best friend. a special breed of soldier. miguel alvarez.
brian williams&&& good evening. the world health organization today said cell phones are possibly karsin o'jennic. and they put cell phone use in the same category as contact with various chemicals for the possible cancer risk it could pose when the cell phone is pressed to the ear during use. this statement from the w.h.o. makes this topic front and center once again this statement label cell phones as a possible carcinogenic hazard comes from a panel of 31 scientists. and while it doesn't reverse any of the current studies, it does raise big questions about safety and long-term effects, and it's where we begin our broadcast tonight with our chief medical editor, dr. nancy snyderman. nancy, i'm not a scientist, but reading through this stuff, it appears to be saying it can't be good for you. which is what a lot of people walk around assuming anyway.&& i think that's where the confusion starts, brian, because it's the conventional wisdom. and these 31 scientists that you mentioned from 14 countries advised the world health organization, and they said, look, we know that cancer and asbestos are known carcinogens, but now we've studied everything from the radio waves of cell phones, tvs, transmitter towers, and the concern is is there a link to date? there is no definitive evidence linking cell phones to cancer. but then a big hedge from this group, saying that there may be enough evidence and maybes and coulds and possibilities that they have now put this in a group that includes other carcinogens, things like color o'form, cleaning fluids that you use at your dry cleaner's, gasoline fumes, and even the occupational hazards of being a carpenter, firefighter, or a dry cleaner. but we also heard counter from the cell phone industry, and they said that in fact there is no real concern and this classification really does not mean that cell phones cause cancer. and went on to say that the fda has stated that the weight of scientific evidence has not linked cell phones way health problem. and i think that's where you're going to see these two sides stort sort of stake ground. the real gulf between them is where is the science. and i think no one has seen that definitive proof yet.&& and the questions all seem to be about could these tumors be long term, and so the science hasn't caught up with reality. and then the experts always say at the end, probably a good reason to use hands-free.&& you just said something really smart, and that is 5 billion people around the world use cell phones and yet the gliomas, these brain tumors everybody's worried about, those numbers haven't budged up at all. that's why they're saying if you're concerned take your cell phone away from your ear, use handheld, and for heaven's sakes, there are probably more people who die every day by driving and texting and talking. that's the bottom line for right now.&& a good note to end on as we learn more about this. dr. nancy snyderman, as always, thanks.
谢谢分享&&& we turn now to politics. sarah palin spent the day the way she spent yesterday. on a bus ride, taking the media along for a ride, stopping at sites of historical persistence drawing crowds, talking to folks, mostly getting attention, as she is right this very minute, and causing people to ask what she's up to as we will in a moment. tonight our chopper here in new york found the bus in a jersey city parking lot, not moving, at least for the moment. so first we start with how an alaska politician ended up in jersey by way of philly, and that job tonight falls to nbc's mike taibbi. mike, good evening.&& reporter:
good evening, brian. how are you? i'm outside the liberty bell in philadelphia, sarah palin's last stop before heading up the turnpike, a trip you know well, to get to new jersey. but if this is the run-up to an actual campaign for the white house, brian, this is as odd and unconventional a political trip as anyone can remember. which is just the way sarah palin says that she'd want it to be.&& thank you so much for your help today.&& yes.&& reporter:
outside her hotel after visiting the gettysburg battlefields, sarah palin autographed anything put in front of her, including a t-shirt worn by one fan and in one of her few statements to a press corps straining to follow her said again she hasn't made up her mind about running.&& i don't know. i honestly don't know. it's still a matter of looking at the field.&& reporter:
her one-nation tour began with a motorcycle ride outside the pentagon on saturday.&& how are you?&& reporter:
and by its conclusion will reportedly take her from washington, d.c. to new hampshire. she's posted no schedule for reporters to follow. no need, she said.&& i'm having a great time with our family and our alaskan friends and our pennsylvania fans who met us here today.&& sorry p.&& reporter:
however, the political reality is even though in recent polls more than half of those questioned view her unfavorably she inspires passionate support among her conservative base including those who couldn't get close to her at the liberty bell.&& go all the way, sarah!&& reporter:
on this trip, though, she's mostly been stopping, in baltimore and pittsburgh's fort mchenry, and with reporters and photographers scrambling to keep up by convoy, even by air in the occasional coffee shop.&& thank you, guys, did you get my coffee?&& reporter:
it was a cat and mouse game with the press by design, which her supporters said made no difference.&& even without telling people where she's going everyone's finding her. so i think she's a really important person for the conservative movement and i really hope she runs.&& reporter:
there's that question again. will she or won't she?&& when will you decide, governor?&& reporter:
and once again the same answer. maybe.&& truly there is still a lot of time for folks to make up their mind and jump in and get their campaigns together. the field isn't set yet. not by a long shot.&& reporter:
well, as the chopper saw, palin and her family have now checked into that hotel in jersey city, which is just in shouting distance of ellis island, liberty island, likely stops on tomorrow's agenda. but first tonight dinner in manhattan with another would-be contender for the gop nod who turned out to be a pretender, donald trump. brian?&& oh, just too much rich material there, mike, but we're going to leave it right there anyway. mike taibbi at the liberty bell in philly. one of the stops along the cavalcade today. mike, thanks.
非常感谢!&&& now we turn to the economy and the thump of bad news today concerning just how bad the housing crisis is across this country. the index numbers out today show prices in 18 of the 20 cities they tracked fell in march. prices in 12 cities have hit their lowest level since the housing bubble burst. and it was supposed to get better, remember, not worse. nbc's john yang reports from one of those cities, chicago.&& the unit's leasing at 1400 per month.&& reporter:
as a real estate broker aaron galvin sees lots of potential homeowners choosing to become renters instead.&& the number of people who are able to buy, qualified to buy, and really would like to buy, but the uncertainty in the market is making it just too difficult to pull the trigger.&& what color this?&& reporter:
he speaks from experience. when his daughter mia was born 20 months ago, he and his wife, amy, needed more room. but they couldn't sell their two-bedroom condo.&& we decided to rent a three-bedroom, which afforded us the space to let mia run around, grow, and see what happens next.&& yay.&& reporter:
overall, home prices have plunged 1/3 since their peak in july 2006. home ownership has dropped sharply, too. according to the census bureau, it went from an all-time high of 69.2% in 2004 to 66.4%, the same rate it was in 1998.&& americans used to see financial stability in owning a home. today americans see financial risk.&& reporter:
housing prices are being pushed down by the glut of nearly 2 million foreclosed homes. at the current pace that backlog would take three years to sell off. analysts say a housing recovery depends on more jobs and economic growth.&& many people are saying that spring 2011 was going to be the turning point. i think we've postponed that to spring 2012. when hopefully we'll see a bottom.&& good girl.&& reporter:
austin clark and her fiance from homeowners in nashville and lost money when they sold to move to atlanta. they've decided to rent and postponed buying a piece of the american dream.&& that's something that we still aspire to, but i think that right now it's still an aspiration. it shouldn't be a reality.&& reporter:
retirees are being touched by this, too. many are choosing to sell their homes now rather than risk having their nest egg shrink even more. brian?&& john yang in chicago for us tonight. john, thanks, as always.
大家下个ITUNE就能自己下载了!&& flz stw 18 people have been already killed, there's a real emergency under way in europe, and american officials would like to keep it from spreading to this country. it's a rare, virulent strain of e. coli. michelle is in hamburg, where it all started. good evening.&& reporter:
we're talking about at least 1,600 people very sick from this. and today, scientists announce this is a new mutant strain of e. coli. highly toxic, highly resistant. it attacks the kidneys, and in most cases, severe nooueurological symptoms from difficulty speaking to seizures and puralicize. last night, a patient died here, and they're seeing new cases every day. they have never seen anything like this, so many people, so sick, so young. many were in their 20s and completely healthy. they still think it could come from contaminated cucumbers, lettuce, or krcarrots. but still, since every case seems to be linked to northern ji germany, scientists aren't talking about the risk of this breaking out somewhere else, at least not now.&& this is a puzzle. thank you very much for being with us from hamburg.-05-30-2011 毒黄瓜肆虐欧美
今天没更新啊&& we have learned an army ranger will be receiving the medal of honor, the country's highest military deck rration for his actions in afghanistan. he's 31-year-old sergeant first class leroy petree from santa fay. married father of four. he lost a hand throwing a live grenade, saving three american lives, including his own. he will receive the medal of honor from president obama in a ceremony july 12th. he will be only the second living medal of honor recipient since the vietnam era. there are 84 living recipients now.
一直寻找合适的英语听力资料。谢谢了!&&& two stories in the news have to do with procedures, rules, and regulations. we're starting with a story out of northern california where rescue crews said they were just following orders when they stood on the shore as a man drowned before their eyes. tom is there for us tonight. good evening.&& reporter:
good evening, brian. just about two days ago, on memorial day, 50 people on the beach saw a man commit suicide by drowning himself. if that wasn't graphic enough, what happened on the beach was bad. first responders watched himself for an hour drowning in the san francisco bay. they couldn't help him or get in the water. the reason, a cost cutting law that preventing them.&& sharon and her husband were there every step 06 the way.&& why are we standing here watching nthis happen? we all watched.&&& standing next to raymond zach, said to be suicidal, coming from crown beach, going 50 yards, and attempting to drown. the call came in as a woman, but in reality, it was a 52-year-old man. as this photo shows, beach goers watched in disbelief as alameda first responders arrived on the scene and didn't get in the water to attempt a rescue. on the beach that day, zach's step mother.&& i think these people are inept, that's what i think.&& they said our paolicy is we don't go in the water.&& the area was too shallow for a boat, and another helicopter was on another call. two years ago, they put the rescue swimmer program on hold and ordered rescuers to not enter the water until further notice. their rescue boat sits in a dry dock. residents said they had no idea their community had no rescue program. last night, residents wanted answers.&& it stieks me as unbelievably callus that nobody there with any training could strip off their gear and go and help this person.&& the fire department said they were just following policy. the result of a budget cut.&& firefighters were incredibly frustrated. these are dedicated personnel. they want to act. that's what they're trained to do. that's what they spend their time thinking about.&& tonight, city officials tell us they are reimplementing the water safety and water rescue program. the city and firefighters will work together to come up with the $20,000 to $40,000 to train first responders and buy equipment so the oath to protect and serve doesn't stop at the shoreline.&& story is hard to believe. tom, thanks.-06-01-2011&by the book& 没预算是不救人的理由吗? 看美国地方政府的一向削减预算害死人
really helpful stuffs! thx a lot!hope all is well!-06-02-2011&raw beauty&美国小镇惊现原始美景 令游人流连忘返
楼主是个好人啊!&&& shaquille o'neal retired today. he did it via his twitter feed. he wanted to tell his fans first that he's leaving basketball after 19 years. he's the fifth all-time scorer in the league, a 7'1& superstar for the l.a. lakers. he finished his career in boston without getting much hardwood time of late.-06-01-2011&shaq tweets retirement announcement&鲨鱼奥尼尔宣布退休
太好了,在此表示感谢!&&& good evening. a lot of people have been saying lately, this country is pulling out of economic recession, perhaps. but tonight, there is evidence to the contrary, and lots of it. some bad set of numbers that show real trouble still ahead. housing, home prices at their lowest since 2002. there are now 2.25 million foreclosures in this country. there's jobs, unemployment is stuck at 9%. 8 million americans are on unemployment. all those jobs gone away in the recession. and the cost of living is hitting hard. gas, food, everything is so expensive, that a lot of people, millions of americans are just spending to live. we want to start out by taking a big picture look before we whip around the country. tom costello here with us with that.&& we had such strong economics earlier in the year, that a lot of people were hoping we were beginning to see a bit of a turnaround. things have slowed dramatically. we're not in a recession, but this is threatening a fragile economy for millions of americans. chances have you have seen it first hand in your neighborhood home values, your grocery store aisle, the local gas station, and the news and daily paper. whatever economic recovery was under way is now in question. home prices are at the lowest level since 2002. a decade of equity wiped out. manufacturing growth, slowing. car sales and consumer spending, down, and unemployment stuck at 9%. and something that hits every household and business, gas prices near $4 a gallon.&& it feels like we're moving in a traffic jam, and every inch forward you move in the traffic jam, the more angry you get.&& and making matters worse, the debt crisis in europe, and the japan's dual disasters. the dow is down 5% from may. meanwhile, bond yields are paying less. that hurts retirees on fixed incomes. to stimulate the economy, the government has already cut payroll taxes while the fed has pumped $600 billion into it. but more government spending is unlikely given the political battle over the debt ceiling in washington. peter says our problems are deep and structural.&& they're not working because we're in a big trade deficit with china and all the oil we import. when that money leaves the united states and doesn't come back to buy american products, there are no jobs for americans.&& reporter:
with 8 million jobs lost in the great recession, at the current rate, it could take years to recover those jobs.&& we had a massive coronary during the financial crisis. we're lucky we're not dead. financial stimulus and monetary stimulus got us to the stage where we're healing, but we're still in rehab, and it can take a long time.&& tomorrow, the much anticipated jobs report for may. economists are estimated 180,000 jobs were created. anything less than that could be a disappointment for the market.&& the quote of the night so far. rehab can take a long time. tom, thanks for being here. -06-02-2011&summer slowdown&美国经济疲软 恐陷入二次衰退ps: 美国人真能尖叫,1加仑4美元就恐慌的不行,太缺承受力了.这点上,要好好向天朝人民学习.我来做一道小学数学题:美国目前汽车燃油油价是1加仑4美元,1加仑约=3.8升=4美元,经换算,也就是1升=1.05美元.按1美元=6.5元RMB计,美国目前油价1升=1.05美元乘以6.5元RMB=6.825元RMB.结论是:美国目前油价1升才=6.825元RMB不说美国人的平均工资是天朝人的多少倍,这汽车燃油价格可确实比天朝河蟹呀.
引用(相城E-club_sina @ -30, 02:35 PM) 大家下个ITUNE就能自己下载了!-05-30-2011 毒黄瓜肆虐欧美为什么我在Itunes 下载的是 音频,不是视频啊?求解答,和下载途径。
thanks dude&&& presented at the trial of casey anthony, who is accused of murdering her 2-year-old daughter three years ago. it came after a week in which the jury heard anthony's family testify against her and watched the defendant on videotape. nbc's kerry sanders has more tonight.&& reporter:
every morning the curious lineup outside the orange county courthouse in orlando. there are about 50 seats for the public to watch casey anthony's murder trial.&& i worked with the fbi for over 15 years.&& reporter:
during today's hearing prosecution experts introduced highly technical forensic evidence, proof, they argue, 2-year-old caylee's body was in the trunk of her mother's car. a single strand of hair left there, prosecutor's say, that was caylee's. their experts say it fell from a corpse, not a live child.&& consistent with decomposition.&& caylee died in 2008, but her mother didn't tell anyone for 31 days. then prosecutors say fabricate add story that caylee had been abducted. when deputies found casey's car, they said it had the smell of death. the forensics follow a week of highly emotional evidence, including casey's father, mother, and brother, all testifying for the prosecution.&& good morning, beautiful. i love you.&& hi.&& reporter:
despite defense objections, jurors listened to five hours of videotape jailhouse visits. casey, along with everyone else in the court, watched tape after tape. here she's talking with her parents.&& can something let me --&& casey, hold on, sweetheart. settle down.&& nobody is letting me speak. you want me to talk.&& i'll listen.&& give me three seconds to say something. i'm not in control over any of this. i don't know what the hell is going on. i don't know what's going on. my entire life has been taken from me.&& reporter:
while casey was not asked if she murdered her daughter, what has become her defense, that caylee accidentally drowned was discussed.&& someone just said that caylee was dead this morning, that she drowned in the pool. that's the newest story out there.&& surprise surprise.&& reporter:
prosecutors say they have about two more weeks of evidence to present before the defense can begin to tell its version of what they say really happened to caylee marie anthony. kerry sanders, nbc news, orlando.-06-05-2011&emotional:10th day of casey anthony trail&被指控谋杀亲生二岁女儿
楼主是个好银!哈哈~&&& twenty years ago in a case that created worldwide controversy, a teenager leukemia patient received a bone marrow transplant from her baby sister. it was controversial because the parents desperate to find a match conceived the baby so she could be a potential donor. as nbc's george lewis reports, 20 years later the decision is still making a big difference.&& reporter:
abe and mary ayala feel blessed.&& you think it was a miracle?&& yes.&& anissa anissa was diagnosed with leukemia, doctors saying her only hope was a bone marrow transplant.&& we called friends, family, strangers we didn't know.&& reporter:
they came up empty handed. it was then mary hit on the controversial idea of having another baby to donate marrow.&& everything had to align perfectly. mary had to get pregnant in her 40s from home run husband who had his vasectomy reversed, have a match, geth get through an arduous transplant.&& reporter:
mary did get pregnant but there was only ona one in four chance the baby would be a donor.&& we had faith and we had hope that everything would turn out, and it did.&& reporter:
the new baby named marissa was a match, anisa got the transplant and it cured her leukemia.&& what does your little sister mean to you?&& she means everything.&& without her and her sickness, i would not be here. without me being a perfect match for my sister, she would not be here as well.&& reporter:
over the last 35 years, doctors here at the city of hope have performed more than 10,000 bone marrow transplants. but none of them has received as much attention as anissa ayala's case. because of the publicity, 1,000 people signed up to be donors.&& that legacy carried on for 20 years.&& reporter:
the city of hope has a reunion of bone marrow recipients. anissa, somewhere in the huge crowd, surrounded by her legacy. george lewis, nbc news,-06-04-2011&sister saved sister&为救女儿 再生一女儿
楼主好人啊! 内牛满面! 这个太方便了! 如何表达俺的感激之情啊!&&& the government overreached in its indictment former presidential candidate john edwards. edwards is accused of using campaign funds to hide an extramarital affair. tonight even those with no love for john edwards are scratching their heads. more about this. lisa.&& reporter:
good evening, lester. this indictment put an exclamation point on john edwards stunning political fall. today there was unusual criticism, not of him but of the justice department. in the state which launched john edwards once promising political career, banner headlines today and condemnation.&& in public opinion, he's lost. and i think rightfully so, because what he did was wrong.&& he doesn't seem to comprehend right from wrong.&& edwards spent the day out of sight with his children at the family estate. a friend of his wife elizabeth, who died six months ago of breast cancer, told nbc that despite john's betrayal, nobody wanted him to face criminal charges. she said elizabeth's friends worry about the impact on the children. emma claire and jack and hope the case never comes to trial. the charges center on almost a million dollars secretly provided by two wealthy donors and used to keep edwards mistress, rielle hunter and their child hidden away in lavish homes and on private jets while he ran for president. the government argues even though the payments did not go to his campaign, they amounted to unlawful campaign contributions meant to keep his candidacy viable. edwards lawyer say the money was a gift from friends to help hide the affair from elizabeth. the indictment has triggered unusual criticism of the justice department, even among those usually pleased to see a politician prosecuted.&& i think that john edwards is a lousy human being but i think this is a really lousy and flimsy criminal case.&& reporter:
a & washington post& editorial said it is troubling that the justice department would choose to devote its scares resources to pursuing this questionable case.&& i did not break the law. and i never, ever thought i was breaking the law.&& reporter:
for this to be a criminal violation, prosecutors also must show edwards knew he was breaking the law.&& i think this is going to be a tough case for the government to prove. i by no means think it's a slam-dunk.&& reporter:
still some experts argue this case is critical to cracking down on campaign abuses.&& what the government says is there has to be a line. john edwards crossed that line. we believe it's criminal behavior, and that's why we saw an indictment.&& reporter:
this case was thoroughly reviewed by the justice department and prosecutors insist they have a strong case and can prove that edwards knowingly broke the law. lester.&& lisa meyers in raleigh for us tonight. thank you.-06-04-2011&edwards case boils down to : was it a criminal? &美国前总统候选人 利用政治献金包养二奶
好东西,齐分享!BRIAN WILLIAMS, anchor: The age of oversharing has claimed another victim. A man who wanted badly to some day go from Congressman Anthony Weiner to perhaps Mayor Anthony Weiner of the city of New Y he is a young, ambitious and volatile Democrat in the House of Representatives, and that's all people knew about him until a lewd picture of him surfaced from his own Twitter account, and that started all this days ago. He denied it was him first at first, then left it vague. Then today, at a rather humiliating and dark press conference, just the latest political self-immolation. He copped to years of improper computer contacts with women other than his wife. Though he said he never met any of them, he asked for forgiveness from all and says he intends to stay in Congress. We begin tonight with NBC News Capitol Hill correspondent Kelly O'Donnell. Kelly, good evening.KELLY O'DONNELL reporting: Good evening, Brian. Not just embarrassing, tonight Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi is urging the Ethics Committee to determine if Congressman Weiner broke any rules or violated any laws. He said he did not, but did talk about years of inappropriate behavior. Wiping back tears, an emotional Anthony Weiner admits he lied.Representative ANTHONY WEINER: I'd like to make it clear that I have made terrible mistakes that have hurt the people I care about the most, and I'm deeply sorry.O'DONNELL: The New York Democrat tried to unwind days of controversy.Rep. WEINER: I've exchanged messages and photos of an explicit nature with about six women over the last three years.O'DONNELL: Weiner says he sent sexually suggestive photos and messages using Facebook and Twitter. Among the photos that surfaced online, the congressman appears shirtless, and acknowledged more explicit photos of him exist. Weiner says he never met the women but spoke to some by phone. In Congress 12 years, Weiner says he will not step down.Rep. WEINER: I am deeply regretting what I have done, and I am not resigning.O'DONNELL: The 46-year-old married one of Secretary Hillary Clinton's closest, longtime aides last summer. His wife was not by his side today.Rep. WEINER: We have been through a great deal together, and we will -- we will weather this. I love her very much, and she loves me.O'DONNELL: When the scandal broke last week, Weiner claimed that he was a victim.Rep. WEINER: I made it very clear I didn't send the picture, that my Twitter account had been hacked.O'DONNELL: And today:Rep. WEINER: To be clear, the picture was of me, and I sent it. I'm deeply sorry for the pain this has caused my wife, Huma.O'DONNELL: Weiner's conduct and the uproar it led to started on social media, a novel outlet for an old kind of scandal.Mr. CHRISTOPHER LeHANE (Democratic Strategist): Yeah, I do think it's going to be a watershed moment in how elected officials and others communicate via social media platforms.O'DONNELL: In a bizarre twist, before Weiner spoke, the congressman's podium was taken over by the conservative blogger who broke the story and defended the accuracy of his posts. Weiner spoke to a packed room, answering dozens of questions for about 30 minutes. And he apologized again and again to his wife, constituents, the women involved, even the media, for his conduct and his cover-up. Brian:WILLIAMS: Kelly O'Donnell starting us off on the Hill tonight. Kelly,06-06-2011&&美国会议员网络交友不慎 被揭发检举后议员宝座岌岌可危
有更新了。BRIAN WILLIAMS, anchor: In the Bay Area today, Apple founder Steve Jobs took a break from his medical leave, entered a company conference to & I Feel Good& by James Brown. And in addition to his health, the big news today was the new iCloud, which before he was finished talking, users found, fired right up and already works on their devices. It gives you basically your iTunes library wirelessly wherever you are and on multiple devices. No more being chained to one computer source.06-06-2011 &iCloud&美国苹果老大乔布斯发布iCloud 有品论说:饥饿销售法也有失效的一天
!~BRIAN WILLIAMS, anchor: Sarah Palin is defending her own version of the story of the famous ride of Paul Revere. After last week giving a version to reporters that differs with history, this weekend she insisted she got it right.Former Governor SARAH PALIN: Part of his ride was to warn the British that we're already there, that, 'Hey, you're not going to succeed. You're not going to take American arms. You are not going to beat our own well-armed persons, individual private militia that we have.' He did warn the British. And in a shout-out gotcha type of question that was asked of me, I answered candidly. And I know my American history.WILLIAMS: By the way, we checked the shout-out gotcha question that got her talking about Paul Revere. It was a reporter asking her, quote, &What have you seen so far today, and what are you going to take away from your visit?& A political Web site reported today Palin supporters have attempted to change the story of Revere's ride on Wikipedia to reflect her version of-06-06-2011
非常感谢-06-09-2011&deadly force&迈阿密警察滥用警力 当街击毙一疑似涉毒嫌犯


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