
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &有没有会讲四川话的?帮个小忙,感激不尽帮个小忙,感激不尽,下面的帮我翻译成四川话:想我了没.吃饭了吗.和女朋友去逛街啊?最近干嘛呢?这几天都不见你啊.我想死你了.你回来了?—————翻译以上—————_百度作业帮
想呃了没 次饭了么有?黑女盆友粗气逛街啊?最近干撒子喽?在干撒子?则几天都不见你哈 呃想死你喽 你回雷喽吗?
想我么得?吃饭老没得?ho女朋友出切逛该啊?最近在住啥子?这几天都没看到你。我想死你老 。你回来老迈?(正宗四川话,望采纳)帮忙翻译几篇英文_百度知道
1. True learning English a number of qualifications such as the deep of the teachers said, &interest is the best teacher.& If you do not have the slightest interest in English, then English will not really very good score. Some time ago, and before meeting with old classmates and talk to the English, she said that he totally not interested in English, see English on the bored to death, I think this is bad a lot of English Student of the biggest questions facing. Look at me, very interesting study of language is one thing, by studying another language you not only have different languages and people's ability to communicate, but also to expand their horizons, there is joy of life to understand other cultures. In my efforts to find enjoyment in learning English, so that in life you will pay attention to all things English, television, advertising, film, street signs, road signs ... ... ... you will find in English on our side, are true, not lies. 2. I do not learn English &back& word. I always object to the word back, high school reading to see a large number of students a word list with a letter to back letters of words, I do not know they did not back stand back, but I am certain that, even so you back, back the living, back in quickly, then you must also forget quickly, but it is very difficult to use these words very well. In my opinion the right way to remember the words to memory through the article, as many articles or paragraphs of the article into the capacity to improve your reading, studying grammar, word memory is very useful. Article in the new words you do not know, you can check, and I want to emphasize that you should check very carefully, then put the word pronunciation, meaning, often with a note of as much as possible, and then on the article, the sentence re - re-read so well. 3. I never learn English, &learn& grammar. Now, ask me what are you Appositive, what is the attributive clause, my answer could be very difficult, I very much to these questions are not interested in grammar, which may be a lot of students are not interested. How can we not then have to study grammar, but also on the statement of the right to judge them? My solution is 憨籂封饺莩祭凤熄脯陇still the article watch many, read many articles, chapters of the article into a paragraph can be said that all the elements are the best source of study, but also the ultimate purpose of our study, if we study the better, can eat into some articles into a beautiful section of the article must also bear witness to our success.
要自己翻译的,不要那些翻译器翻译 的
1。真正的学习,如英语教师的资历深数说:“兴趣是最好的老师。”如果你没有丝毫的英语的兴趣,那么英国不会真的很不错的成绩。前一段时间,之前会见老同学,跟我们的英语,她说,他完全憨籂封饺莩祭凤熄脯陇没有对英语感兴趣,请参阅英文无聊到死,我觉得这是不好的英语面临的最大问题,学生很多。看着我,很有趣的语言学习是一回事,通过学习另一种语言,你不仅有不同的语言和人民的沟通能力,而且要扩大自己的视野,有生命的喜悦,了解其他文化。我在努力寻找学习英语的乐趣,让你在生活中会注意所有的事情英语,电视,广告,电影,路牌,路牌... ... ...你会在英国发现在我们一边,是真实的,不是谎言。2。我不学英语“回”字。我一直反对背单词,高中读书的学生看到大量带有信回字字母单词列表,我不知道他们没有回退后一步,但我可以肯定的是,即使如此你回来了,回到生活,回到快,那么你也必须很快忘记,但它是非常难用这些话非常好。我认为正确的方式来记住单词记忆体通过这篇文章,很多文章或段落的文章将提高阅读能力,学习语法,单词记忆是非常有用的。在新的话你不知道的文章,你可以检查,我想强调的是你应该仔细检查,然后把单词的发音,含义,是尽可能,并在文章然后注意经常,这句话再 - 重读这么好。3。我从来不学英语,“学习”语法。现在,你问我什么是同位语,什么是定语从句,我的回答可能是非常困难的,我对这些是非常不感兴趣的语法问题,这可能是很多学生不感兴趣。我们怎能不那么必须学习语法,而是根据权利声明还来评判他们?我的解决办法仍然是看的文章很多,看了很多文章,把文章的章节段落,可以说,所有的要素是学习的最佳来源,也是我们学习的最终目的,如果我们研究好,可以成成一个美丽的部分文章有些文章还必须吃见证我们的成功。
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &度假回来没干劲?一键回到工作模式
It's always overwhelming when you come back into the office from vacation. Your email inbox looks like something exploded in it, and the endless meetings seem to keep popping up in your calendar alerts. How in the world can you transition back from vacay
to the daily ? Here are some tips to having a stress-free first day at the office when you're back from vacation:每当你度完假回到办公室的时候总是压力山大。邮件收件箱就像爆炸了一样,无休无止的会议不停地从你的日程提示里弹出来。你要怎样才能从轻松愉快的假期状态回到琐碎的日常生活中呢?以下是一些能让你在度完假回到办公室的第一天抛开压力的好方法:
Get in earlier: If you're not too tired, then go into work an hour earlier to get a
on catching up on what you've missed. You'll probably want some quiet time before fellow coworkers come in and start asking you about your holiday or requesting you to do certain things, so try to get in before they do so you won't feel overwhelmed.尽早进入状态:假如你不是非常疲惫,最好早一个小时去工作,这样就能抢先一步把你落下的工作弥补起来。你或许需要一些安静的独处时间,赶在那些同事来上班,对你问这问那或是让你做什么事情之前。所以你要是能早一点去工作,或许你就不会觉得那么窘迫了。
Write a to-do list: One of the first things you should do when you come back from a trip is to draft a to-do list for the day. You will probably have a million tasks to do, so note them down and figure out which ones you should prioritize. You'll feel better once you start crossing each one off.写一份任务清单:你旅行完回来要做的首要任务之一就是写一份任务清单。你说不定有数不清的任务要做,所以你应该把它们记下来,并且找出你应该优先做的事情。当你一条一条把它们划掉的时候,你的感觉会好得多。
Deal with your emails: It's time to tackle the mountain of emails that have been piling up in your absence! Don't try to respond to them all at once, because it might be overwhelming. Delete the ones you don't need, mark the ones you need to respond to later in the day, and reply to urgent emails that need an immediate response.处理好邮件:到了处理那些你不在的时候堆积如山的邮件的时候了!不过,也别想着把它们全都回复掉。把那些你不需要的邮件删掉、把那些你需要稍后回复的邮件收藏起来,仅仅回复那些急需回复的邮件。
Review projects: While you were absent, the office probably continued to
along without you. Check on how the projects you're working on are doing and if there are any new developments. If someone was covering for you in your absence, then review what they've done. If necessary, make a note to give them feedback.回顾项目:你不在的时候,项目可能还是在照常运行。检查一下那些你参与的项目都怎么样了,是不是有什么新的进展。如果你不在的时候有人替你做了工作,你要看看他们做了些什么,可能的话,给他们写个便条提出反馈意见。
Check in with your boss and coworkers: Check in with your boss and coworkers as a
to let them know you're back. Ask them if there are any new developments that you should be aware of.向老板和同事报到:到你的老板和同事那里报到,这是一种礼貌,是为了让他们知道你回来了。问问他们是否有些什么值得你关注的新发展。
Take it slow: The first day should be spent doing regular job duties as well as catching up on what you've missed. Try to
from taking on new tasks and projects on your first day back so that you're not putting too much on your plate.慢慢来:第一天除了赶上你错过的进度外也要做些常规作业。回来的第一天不要接受什么新任务和新项目以免工作量太大超过了你的接受范围。
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