feel left outfeel sick是什么意思思

英语翻译She won't feel left out为什么用left out,不用leave out?_百度作业帮
英语翻译She won't feel left out为什么用left out,不用leave out?
She won't feel left out为什么用left out,不用leave out?
leave out忽略某人,而此处需要填一个表语,leave out动作与she主语是被动关系,所以用过去分词left out
left ou略去;被忽略;被遗忘;冷落leave it out 使某人停止做某事leave sb./sth. out 不包括,不提及
是不是省略 省略了she are 意思是 她不觉得她被落下了
没有上下文不好判断,但是left out可以作为形容词性,就像feel good感觉很好一样,表示感觉没有被遗忘或者不会感到失落的意思,leave out 基本上可以肯定是动词词组,不考虑意思只看语法也该用 leaving out您要找的是不是:
feel left out xyer
汉语习语英译 ...
汉语习语英译-【感到四肢无力】feel wob xyer
汉语习语英译-【受冷落】feel left out xyer
汉语习语英译-【不容易】no cinch xyer ...
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Insurance agents feel left out of Obamacare
BY Kelli Kennedy | FROM USA TODAY |  08:29
&AP Business12:49 p.m. EST December 8, 2013
MIAMI (AP) ― When insurance agent Kelly Fristoe recently spent 30 minutes helping a client pick a mid-level health plan and the federal marketplace website froze, he called the government's hotline and tried to finish the application. But the operator refused to credit Fristoe as an agent on the application, meaning he wouldn't get the commission or be listed as the follow-up contact if his client needed help again later.
The Wichita Falls, Texas, insurance agent is one of many brokers around the country finding frustration as they try to help customers navigate the Affordable Care Act's marketplaces while earning the commissions they've long built their businesses around. Some insurers and insurance agents are calling on President Obama's administration to allow them to bypass healthcare.gov and enroll consumers directly amid growing complaints about problems with enrollment information generated from the website.
The so-called 'back-end' problems could mean that consumers who think they've successfully signed up for a health plan, may find themselves unable to access their coverage come January. The problems include enrollment information that's rendered practically useless by errors, duplication or garbles. Efforts to fix the issues are underway.
Nearly 70,000 agents and brokers have been certified nationwide to sell health insurance on the federal exchange. Many say they could be the troubled health law's best ambassadors with the potential to boost lackluster enrollment figures ― only about 27,000 had enrolled via the federal website nationwide in the first month. But instead, many agents said they're continually met by obstacles.
"You look at this dismal number they have of how many people have enrolled on healthcare.gov," said Fristoe. "If they would just relax and loosen up, because me and all of my associates across this nation want to help these consumers get enrolled into the market."
Government pledges to fix healthcare.gov
Federal health officials announced on Nov. 22 that they'd fixed some portions of the website to allow more insurers and insurance agents to enroll consumers directly. The feds are asking roughly 16 insurers, agents and brokers in Florida, Texas and Ohio to test it out and give detailed feedback about the fixes, hoping to expand it to other states in the coming weeks. Health officials have been vague about the scope of the botched applications insurers are receiving and what steps they're taking to fix the problems. One bug related to Social Security numbers, which federal health officials said accounted for more than 80 percent of insurers' problems, was fixed last weekend.
But the problems have persisted, prompting the head of the National Association of Health Underwriters to write the president Tuesday, urging him to make additional fixes a priority, saying agents have a significant backlog of clients with incomplete applications.
"We want to make it clear that a number of back-end technical obstacles still exist for health insurance agents and brokers trying to actively support the federal marketplace," said CEO Janet Trautwein.
Insurance industry executives also met with Obama last month and encouraged him to let them take a more active role in enrolling consumers in the 36 states relying on the federal website. Brokers' frustrations with the website are amplified by the pressure they face to add customers to offset reductions in their commissions under the law.
Among the complaints, agents say the website isn't always crediting brokers when they help enroll consumers ― meaning they're losing out on commissions. Once an application is started, consumers can't go back in and add a broker's name if they help midway through the process. Federal health officials said there are 975,000 customers who have started an application but not selected a plan.
Insurance agents waiting on website's features
Agents say they're also still waiting on the federal government to add a promised feature on the website that would easily connect consumers with local insurance brokers.
Insurers and insurance agents are allowed to sign consumers up for health plans through a "direct enrollment" process. Even though the process may start on the insurer's website, at some point it's redirected to the technology-plagued healthcare.gov website to determine if customers are eligible for subsidies, and then ideally transferred back to the insurer's site. But various points in the process have been mired in glitches. Federal health officials said they've fixed some of the problems, but skeptics fear the improvements still won't allow for a smooth shopping experience and are pushing for a way to bypass the website.
Brokers face similar problems in some of the states that are running their own exchanges, such as Oregon. It's easy for insurers to enroll customers who want a health plan and don't qualify for a subsidy. The trouble comes when insurers and agents need to sync to federal data hubs to verify income, citizenship and other personal information. Democratic Florida state Rep. Richard Stark, who is also an insurance agent, said many of his clients have received inaccurate subsidy estimates from the federal government for clients. For example, a client with twin children was told one is eligible for a subsidy, but not the other.
Insurance agents getting creative
Like others stymied by website malfunctions, Ken Statz and other agents at his firm in Brecksville, Ohio, filled out paper applications and mailed them, but it was taking time to hear back from the federal government about whether clients are eligible for a subsidy. Then they tried to get creative, planning to fill out the applications with clients during the day and hire someone to input the information into healthcare.gov during off-hours after 11 p.m. But that didn't work either because the site asks personal identification questions that only the user would know.
"We don't have a clear pathway to get them enrolled into the plan. (The federal government) hasn't given us the ability to do that. They're kind of missing the mark on this. They need to realize that we are the best pathway," he said.
Democratic U.S. Sen. Jeanne Shaheen of New Hampshire, recently sent a letter to federal health officials urging them to fix the barriers hampering brokers and possibly create a way to bypass the healthcare.gov site. She suggested a dedicated call-center line or mailing locations for paper applications.
Stark has noticed a chilly reception toward his industry when he's attended local outreach organizations on the health overhaul.
"They basically didn't want to work with insurance agents because they felt agents were going to steer a customer toward (a plan) where they think they will make the most money," said Stark. "If I steer someone incorrectly to a plan that doesn't meet their needs, there's a lot of hell to pay as an agent."
Navigators will likely be gone when enrollment ends in March. That's why Statz said it's important for federal health officials to empower agents to "help people now, but help them make decisions on their accounts moving forward."
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feel left out是什么意思
中文翻译感到受冷落受冷落:&&&&vt. ( felt) 1.触,摸;试探。 2 ...:&&&&adj. 1.左的,左边的,左侧的。 2.左翼的;〔L- ...:&&&&adv. 1.〔位置及运动的方向〕向外,向外部;在外,在 ...
例句与用法1.After the baby came, the young husband felt left out in the cold .自从小孩出生后,这位年轻的丈夫觉得自己被冷落了。2.Too many old stories . it makes her feel left out太多老故事让她觉得被冷落3.Who would like to feel left out at such a function在这样的场合上,谁愿意受到冷落那? 4.I ' m just worrying about ryan . i feel like he ' s feeling left out我只是很担心ryan我感觉他好像被抛弃了一样5.I ' m beginning to feel left out我有点开始跟不上了6.How often she felt left out when her friends pedaled by our house多少次了,她的朋友们踩车经过我们家时,她感到给抛下。 7.She gets tired of t too many old stories make she feel left out她厌倦了家庭聚会,那些陈年旧事的话题让她觉得插不上话8.He cites friends , die - hard fans of manchester united or arsenal , who now " feel left out他引用他的曼彻斯特或阿森纳的铁杆球迷的话,他们现在”感到置身度外。 9.Tom : i know you ' re not trying to be rude , but sometimes i feel left out . like a third wheel汤姆:我知道你们不是故意没礼貌,但是有时候我觉得自己被冷落,跟电灯泡没两样。 10.House treats a 15 year old faith healer , while wilson feels left out when he finds out house has a weekly poker game豪斯款待了一位15岁大的用宗教信仰来治病的术士。当威尔逊发现豪斯每星期都玩一次纸牌的时候,感觉自己被忽视了。 &&更多例句:&&1&&
相邻词汇热门词汇<: Namibia: Wrangle Over Geingob - Prime Minister Says No One Must Feel Left Out
Namibia: Wrangle Over Geingob - Prime Minister Says No One Must Feel Left Out
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By Mathias HaufikuThe Swapo Party Youth League (SPYL) has labelled as "opportunists" the opposition parties who declared they will support Swapo's presidential candidate, Dr Hage Geingob, in the upcoming elections. The SPYL urged those parties rather to rally behind both the party and its candidate if their support is genuine.
At its congress last weekend, the Republican Party (RP) indicated it would endorse Geingob in the presidential election. The party categorically stated that it would not support Swapo, but only rally behind its presidential candidate.
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Geingob, using his Twitter account, welcomed the decision by the RP to back him.
But speaking to New Era this week, SPYL spokesperson Job Amupanda described the RP as a "dying horse" that is trying to cut deals by supporting Geingob instead of both Swapo and its candidate.
"They must support Swapo and not individuals. I am sure this is what our candidate, as party leader, would like to see," said Amupanda.
Amupanda said Geingob is not an independent candidate "but a sole candidate for the Swapo Party to govern Namibia".
"How do you focus on the head and not the body on which the head rests?" Amupanda wanted to know.
Amupanda's remarks drew the wrath of RP President Henk Mudge, who accused the SPYL leader of being arrogant by trying to prescribe to the RP what it should do.
"I do not blame him because his reaction is typically that of a worried man and he has all the reason to be, because it is evident that the youth, like so many others, have lost faith in the ruling party," Mudge said.
"Having considered all the potential candidates from other parties, the Republican Party has decided to encourage its members to vote for Dr Geingob in the 2014 presidential election purely because we are of the opinion that he will be the most suitable candidate.
"It should now be clear that the Republican Party is not supporting Swapo's candidate. The fact that Swapo will nominate Dr Geingob is, as far as we are concerned, irrelevant," said Mudge.
Amupanda's remarks expose political immaturity and a lack of proper understanding of the principles of a true democracy, charged Mudge.
On Monday on one of the social networks Geingob welcomed the endorsement by the RP and stressed that no one must feel left out.
"It is in the spirit of the statement that no one must feel left out that we welcome the endorsement by RP," said Geingob on Twitter.
Amupanda boasted that Swapo and its candidate would emerge victorious with or without opposition support.
"We have numbers and can win any election. If elections are called even in two hours, we will win."
Swapo does not prioritise individuals above the movement, Amupanda said.
"If they are really genuine they must join Swapo and their children must join SPYL. Our candidate will win hands down with a victory that will be delivered by the youth though the SPYL. That man [Mudge] is only seeking to join the bandwagon," said Amupanda.
The RP is the second opposition party to publicly declare support for Geingob, after the United Democratic Front (UDF) urged its members to rally behind the Swapo candidate.
Cuvewaters, a German-Namibian project, on Monday handed over a flood-harvesting pilot plant at Iipopo to enable 10 &
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