关于to talk me downdown to someone与to talk me downsomeone down的区别

For most students, the time of exams is very stressful and difficult. Some students find the exam time is so bad that they become ill, because they are afraid of failing,
and they are afraid of letting their parents and families down.
If exams are really making you ill or worried,
don't hide your feelings.
Talk to someone about it.
If he or she doesn't help you, ask someone else.
Here are some top tips given by educational psychologists
(1) Ask a teacher about how to revise and about exam skills-how to work when you are in an exam.
(2) Take a short rest during your time of work and revision. If your mind is tired, it will not remember well.
(3) Revise at the time when you know you will work at your best.
(4) Get enough sleep, and eat healthy food.
(5) If you feel bad,
talk to someone about your worries.
But don't be too relaxed! Some stress over exams makes you work hard for them.
(6) If it upsets you to talk to your friends about an exam when it is finished, don't do it!
In fact, don't even think about the exam you have finished. What is done has been done. You cannot change what you have written !
(7) If you are studying in the evening,
don't go straight to bed afterwards. Your mind will still be "going round and round"
——thinking too much. Do something else, maybe walk or get exercise. Choose something that will relax you, and make you think of other things. 
SuggestionsDon't know how to work for an exam.
Ask a teacher about 1. _______Feel tired.
2. _______Feel bad or worried.
It's necessary for you to 3.It upsets you to talk to your friends about an exam when it is finished.
Don't 4. _______
when it is finished. You can't fall asleep after studying in the evening.
Don't 5. _______ Do something else.
For most students, the time of exams is very stressful and difficult. Some students find the exam time is so bad that they become ill, because they are afraid of failing,
and they are afraid of letting their parents and families down.
If exams are really making you ill or worried,
don't hide your feelings.
Talk to someone about it.
If he or she doesn't help you, ask someone else.
Here are some top tips given by educational psychologists
(1) Ask a teacher about how to revise and about exam skills-how to work when you are in an exam.
(2) Take a short rest during your time of work and revision. If your mind is tired, it will not remember well.
(3) Revise at the time when you know you will work at your best.
(4) Get enough sleep, and eat healthy food.
(5) If you feel bad,
talk to someone about your worries.
But don't be too relaxed! Some stress over exams makes you work hard for them.
(6) If it upsets you to talk to your friends about an exam when it is finished, don't do it!
In fact, don't even think about the exam you have finished. What is done has been done. You cannot change what you have written !
(7) If you are studying in the evening,
don't go straight to bed afterwards. Your mind will still be "going round and round"
——thinking too much. Do something else, maybe walk or get exercise. Choose something that will relax you, and make you think of other things. 
SuggestionsDon't know how to work for an exam.
Ask a teacher about 1. _______Feel tired.
2. _______Feel bad or worried.
It's necessary for you to 3.It upsets you to talk to your friends about an exam when it is finished.
Don't 4. _______
when it is finished. You can't fall asleep after studying in the evening.
Don't 5. _______ Do something else.
For most students, the time of exams is very stressful and difficult. Some students find the exam time is so bad that they become ill, because they are afraid of failing,
and they are afraid of letting their parents and families down.
If exams are really making you ill or worried,
don't hide your feelings.
Talk to someone about it.
If he or she doesn't help you, ask someone else.
Here are some top tips given by educational psychologists
(1) Ask a teacher about how to revise and about exam skills-how to work when you are in an exam.
(2) Take a short rest during your time of work and revision. If your mind is tired, it will not remember well.
(3) Revise at the time when you know you will work at your best.
(4) Get enough sleep, and eat healthy food.
(5) If you feel bad,
talk to someone about your worries.
But don't be too relaxed! Some stress over exams makes you work hard for them.
(6) If it upsets you to talk to your friends about an exam when it is finished, don't do it!
In fact, don't even think about the exam you have finished. What is done has been done. You cannot change what you have written !
(7) If you are studying in the evening,
don't go straight to bed afterwards. Your mind will still be "going round and round"
——thinking too much. Do something else, maybe walk or get exercise. Choose something that will relax you, and make you think of other things. 
科目:最佳答案见解析解析1. how to revise and about exam skills2. Take a short rest
3. talk to someone about it4. talk or think about it5. go straight to bed afterwards知识点:&&基础试题拔高试题热门知识点最新试题
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March 13, 2007
Okay, I'm not supposed to like this on-court coaching thing. I know. But the experiment that has traditionalists apoplectic has borne some strange - and funny - fruit here. Just this morning, in the round table with Larry Scott, CEO of the WTA Tour, he made his case for coaching: We don't really know yet what value it brings to the fan or spectator experience, but I don't think the position that, as an individual sport, tennis should not have coaching is supported by anything besides tradition. Look at the other individual sports - car racing, cycling, boxing - almost all of them have coaching and nobody seems to mind. Hmmmm. . . The strongest example there is boxing, which is the most underrated of sports. Many ill-informed people see the Sweet Science as a mere exercise in manslaughter. Is anybody going to suggest that a boxer is somehow less of an athlete (talk about a &warrior mentality!&) because he has the equivalent of &on-court& coaching? Maybe the real point is that boxing is such a visceral, savage and lonely enterprise that it would be downright inhumane to send a puncher out there with no support system whatsoever.
But there’s an interesting, alternate view to consider here: In resisting on-court coaching for so long, tennis is not merely traditional, it’s also unique - the boxing analogy makes that very clear. The sport has resolutely refused to add features that lessen the mental, emotional and physical strains and challenges of the game. There is, of course, a slippery slope here. Once you allow injury timeouts for massage (look under “P” for Pierce), is it so unreasonable to ask to be allowed some quality face-time with your agent, astrologer or personal shopper during a match? I guess I come down on the flip side of Scott’s perspective. If tennis is behind the times in this coaching matter, it’s in a good way.
If you’re anything like me, you tend to ignore things you don’t like. So I wasn’t paying a whole lot of attention to the ins-and-outs of on-court coaching until it appeared to have an impact to today's match, thanks to which the Pacific Life Open losts its top female seed, Maria Sharapova. She was leading Vera (Waaaaah!) Zvonareva by a set and 5-3 when the wheels fell off Sharpy's game. It’s hard to say exactly what happened, and Sharapova had no better theory than anyone else when the smoke finally cleared. “I just deflated a little bit,” she said in her presser. “I wasn’t moving well, I missed a lot of first serves and that obviously gives your opponent so much confidence. She just started swinging and wasn’t making a lot of errors.”
One thing that did happen was that Zvonareva, who has had a disconcerting habit of physically abusing herself with the racquet (Take that, knee! How do you like that smack, ankle!) and bursting into tears amid emotional meltdowns (it’s not a question of if! It’s a question of when.) really pulled her game together following her post second-set consultation with her mentor, Sam Sumyk.
I’m not sure how much to make of that factor, because Sharapova understated the effect of h this is a player who’s lost in the desert without a canteen when she’s not bringing the hard, high one. Today, she threw in some stinkbombs that would make her countrywoman Elena Dementieva green with envy. But British journalist David Law was onto something when, noting that Zvonareva has suffered from nerves in past matches, he asked Sharapova if the cordial visits Zvonareva had with Samyk had anything to do with the outcome.
Maria, who is a stonewaller of the highest order, gave the usual stock answer about not worrying about what her opponent is doing and how she’s handling her nerves and blah-blah-blah. Zvonareva’s take was a little different.In her presser, she said:You know, we don't really -- it wasn't like about something, like, a game play on something. It was just more to concentrate on myself. And he just told me to go for my shots, like, because sometimes I had a doubt, maybe I shouldn't do, maybe I should change. He told me just go for it, you know, your game is great and you have the shots, so I just have to do it. I think that was the most important thing at that moment.Later, she added:I think for me, it doesn't really do a huge difference, you know, 'cause I think I can figure it out pretty good on my own. But I played only two or three matches where my coach was able to come on court, so it's too early to say about is there a big difference. I don't have that much experience in it.
But, for sure, just like support. It's great to have a coach. I think it would be too much to -- if coach would be able to come out every change-over. Still tennis is an individual sport. But between the sets, if you can get that extra support, it definitely can take your game to the next level. So I guess it was mere coincidence that Zvonareva wasn't wailing or trying to use her racquet as a meat tenderizer on her thigh as the third set unrolled.
My buddy Steve Tignor likes the idea of on-court coaching because it helps level a WTA playing field that is closer in degree-of-pitch to the Santa Rosa mountains rather than the flat plain of the CoachellaValley.& It's a good point, I suppose.
If you don’t know about the on-court coaching system, here’s how it works: A player can designate a coach for the entire tournament, or name one on a –day-to-day basis. The player and coach both have to sign-in with the WTA, either at the start of a tournament or before a match if the coach is different from the one the player used in her last match.
The coaches sit in the courtside boxes in either corner behind and to the right and left of the umpire, and they enter the court through a little swinging door like the kind you find in a jury box. A coach can consult with his player at the end of each set, or while a player’s opponent is receiving medical treatment or on a bathroom break (now there’s one good reason for allowing on- if you find that seeing your 5-1 lead melt away suddenly makes you need to pee, you pay!).
I was sufficiently intrigued by the complexities of this system to ask the WTA to provide me with the official on-court sign-up sheets. Examining them, I learned some interesting things besides the fact that there’s a coach named Francesco Palpacelli (he coaches Roberta Vinci, whose last coach [according the current WTA media guide] was the even more formidably named Roberto Meneschincheri). So here’s a list of some of the player- I’ll also put the name of the coach listed in the current media guide in parenthesis behind the team, if it differs:
Marion Bartoli – (father) Walter Bartoli
Peng Shuai – Michael Chang (Karel Fromel)
Maria Kirilenko – Thomas Blake (Yuri “I’m not that Yuri!” Kirilenko)
Maria Sharapova – Mike Joyce (Yuri “I am that Yuri” Sharapov and Michael Joyce)
Anabel Medina Garrigues – Conchita Martinez (Gonzalo Lopez)
Kateryna Bondorenko – Alona Bondorenko (Vladimir and Natalia Bondorenko)
Gisela Dulko – Alejandro Dulko
Iveta Benasova – Lukas Dlouhy& (Petr Luxa)
Vania King – Robert Lansdorp (David King)
Camille Pin – Eric Bremond
Carly Gullickson and Bryanne Stewart (yes, there is o/c coaching in doubs!) – Shenay Perry* (I don’t know, but I’m pretty sure Perry isn’t their full-time coach!)
As you can see, there’s a coach-for-the- as Zvonareva said, it’s nice to have somebody to talk to. From the looks of things, it's nice to have anybody to talk to.& So if you’re attending one of these coaching-allowed events, just go hang around the player lounge. You never know, right?
* Gullickson/Stewart was the only doubles team that I found signed up for on-court coaching.
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How do people do this? :( I cant eat, I can't do anything.. if I do something I feel sick, if I lay down I feel sick.. I'm only 6 weeks and I've had enough of feeling sick :( I know it'll all be worth it but at the moment I'm just miserable :(
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I know how u feel I've just started recently able to keep things down I've had to leave work a few times because of my nausea.. I'd even wake up sick even if I hadn't had anything to eat or drink yet :/ maybe u should talk to ur Dr so u can get some meds to help I keep forgetting to ask mine lol I'm 21+6 and I've lost 2 pounds and haven't gained anything yet but my baby girl is still healthy and growing and her kicks are getting stronger :)
I know how u feel I've just started recently able to keep things down I've had to leave work a few times because of my nausea.. I'd even wake up sick even if I hadn't had anything to eat or drink yet :/ maybe u should talk to ur Dr so u can get some meds to help I keep forgetting to ask mine lol I'm 21+6 and I've lost 2 pounds and haven't gained anything yet but my baby girl is still healthy and growing and her kicks are getting stronger :)
I was like that till 13 weeks I wish I would've asked my dr sooner as soon as I told him he gave me a prescription and the same day I was back to normal.. Maybe u should consider it hun
I was like that till 13 weeks I wish I would've asked my dr sooner as soon as I told him he gave me a prescription and the same day I was back to normal.. Maybe u should consider it hun
I'm 13 weeks i keep trowinq up everyday can't do nothinq but just be laying down dealings w my two kids . I think I'm more miserable :(
I'm 13 weeks i keep trowinq up everyday can't do nothinq but just be laying down dealings w my two kids . I think I'm more miserable :(
Definitely talk to your dr about medicine if your that sick. It will help trust me! I remember when I was that sick. I barely ate anything and lost 10 pounds. Luckily it went away at 11 weeks but now the past week I've been having morning sickness again :( hope it goes away soon!!
Definitely talk to your dr about medicine if your that sick. It will help trust me! I remember when I was that sick. I barely ate anything and lost 10 pounds. Luckily it went away at 11 weeks but now the past week I've been having morning sickness again :( hope it goes away soon!!
Ur just going to have to tough it out hun i stayed sick untill i wad 15 weeks nd nothing i tried worked for me not even the naseau pills but if your always naseaus ask your doctor for some naseau pill to help you get through your sick time nd try eating light snacks or meals
Ur just going to have to tough it out hun i stayed sick untill i wad 15 weeks nd nothing i tried worked for me not even the naseau pills but if your always naseaus ask your doctor for some naseau pill to help you get through your sick time nd try eating light snacks or meals
Thanks girls :) I have some tablets but trying to swallow them makes me sick :(
Thanks girls :) I have some tablets but trying to swallow them makes me sick :(
Which ones did they give u?
Which ones did they give u?
Blackmores morning sickness tablets they're so big :(
Blackmores morning sickness tablets they're so big :(
Oh no hun call tomorrow and ask for Promethazine (Phenergan is the brand name) that's what I've seen almost every girl on here take. Google the pill ull see its super tiny
Oh no hun call tomorrow and ask for Promethazine (Phenergan is the brand name) that's what I've seen almost every girl on here take. Google the pill ull see its super tiny
Ok, thankyou so much!
Ok, thankyou so much!
There is also zophran and dilecton. They are both tiny. Don't fell ashamed to ask for help. Without dilecton I'm glued to the toilet all day with horrible nausia. I'll be 30 weeks on Sunday and the morning sickness never left me. The nausia pills will let you feel human again!
There is also zophran and dilecton. They are both tiny. Don't fell ashamed to ask for help. Without dilecton I'm glued to the toilet all day with horrible nausia. I'll be 30 weeks on Sunday and the morning sickness never left me. The nausia pills will let you feel human again!
No problem hun let me know how it goes :)
No problem hun let me know how it goes :)
I started getting it at 6w too, i am now 12 weeks and i only get sick once every two weeks if that, it will pass by just have to look past it. but i know how you feel, ij didn't leave the bed for weeks
I started getting it at 6w too, i am now 12 weeks and i only get sick once every two weeks if that, it will pass by just have to look past it. but i know how you feel, ij didn't leave the bed for weeks
I got zofran for nausea and it dissolves under your tounge. It taste like mint so it isn't gross. It helps a lot ask your Dr.!
I got zofran for nausea and it dissolves under your tounge. It taste like mint so it isn't gross. It helps a lot ask your Dr.!
I gor the same thing texxasbby13 those are amazing!
I gor the same thing texxasbby13 those are amazing!
Ooh they sound nice! I want them! Haha
Ooh they sound nice! I want them! Haha
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Someone to talk to? :(
How do people do this? :( I cant eat, I can't do anything.. if I do something I feel sick, if I lay down I feel sick.. I'm only 6 weeks and I've had enough of feeling sick :( I know it'll all be worth it but at the moment I'm just miserable :(
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