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white hair是什么意思
white hair是什么意思 white hair在线翻译 white hair什么意思 white hair的意思 white hair的翻译 white hair的解释 white hair的发音 white hair的同义词
white hairwhite hair 双语例句1. Moment, I have white hair, who flooded the thick layer of snow, his clothes soaked, I slowed down the pace of the road, slowly in the white world of a person walking alone, I do do not fear what they will get wet, do not want anything I just want to bring into their own in such a simple world.&&&&片刻间,我的头发白了,身上积满了厚厚的一层雪,浸透身上的衣服,我放慢行路的步伐,慢慢的在白茫茫的世界里一个人孤独的走着,我一点都不害怕自己会淋湿什么的,我只想什么都不想,把自己融进在这样一个简单的世界里。2. Her hair is black with only a few white strands, and her hands are delicate and plump.&&&&在那个时候只有富有的家庭才有这休闲的夫人,她就是这一位。3. white hair3. Since knowledge is infinite, one`s whole life is not long enough to gain knowledge. That`s why hoary-headed people in ancient times studied the classics, which means they continued to study even when their hair turned white with age. However, there is indeed great interest and fun in such kind of study.&&&&测试包括指定一个话题,用一分钟的时间做准备,然后用一分钟的时间就这一话题讲话,这类测试出于如下理由,认为口译,无论交传还是同传,都在更大程度上取决于组织信息的能力而并非确定涵义的能力。4. Major with white green red, up dress is fit or same for colour, major with undertint or color, trousers is major with jeans, suspension band dress break out half of back body, basseting navel 10cm beside up and down, some hair of navel appear, the shoes is major with slipper stilt-shoe, all kinds of colour, rump up and being 120 degree with body, abdomen stick out, become S type, hair spread over the shoulder, yellow or dithered color is nice, some hair together up the head, someone together two side hair with hair clasp, light dress up face, lipstick nature, face is red, many with glasses that are big glasses, grape red, up on the head, every woman have a bag with itself, white more, it is same color or fit with up dress, but color light. woman walk fast, body straight, eye sight forword, sometimes their dress fit whit mate, night dress may dress to street.&&&&以百色、绿色、红色为主,上衣与鞋颜色相配或一致,以浅色或彩色为主,长裤以牛仔为主,吊带装露背1/2,露胸及乳房的1/3,腰间露肚脐上下各10cm ,下部微露毛;鞋以拖鞋及高跟鞋为主,五颜六色,臀部上翘与腰成120度夹角,腹部前挺,呈大 S 型,头发以披散为多,长以过肩为界,黄色或杂色娇美,打发髻较高,或用小发卡夹住两边各一小绺,面部以淡妆为主,口红自然色,面颊微红,戴眼镜较多,以大镜片,葡萄红为主,戴在头顶作装饰较多,小肩包人人有,以白色居多,但一般与上衣搭配较合理,较衣服色浅。一般走路较快,身体笔直,不左右看。同性相伴造型一至,有时颜色统一。一般睡衣可以上街穿。5. 5. Wow! Long blond hair like a waterfall on her shoulder, a shining necklace around her white neck, a golden bracelet on her slim wrist, a neatly cut fringe over a pair of big, bright, beautiful eyes, surrounded by long eyelashes painted in black, a little mouth under an impressive but not aggressive nose, a svelte and graceful body timidly hidden in a shining gold skirt, small feet well fitted into a pair of black high-heeled shoes decorated with gold ornaments, a sunny smile on her face, she looked elegant, graceful, but a little bit shy.&&&&哇,一头瀑布般的金色长发披达在肩后;一条金光闪闪的项链挂在白皙的脖子上;一条金色的腕链亲昵着着一只纤纤玉手;一排整齐的金色流海垂隈着一双水灵灵的大眼睛;长长的黑睫毛点缀着心灵的窗户;那让人难忘但绝不咄咄逼人的鼻子俯临着一张欧式小嘴;苗条优美的身姿羞答答地躲藏在金光闪闪连衣裙里,一双秀脚怡然自得地躺在鑲有金边的黑色高跟皮鞋里,一丝快活的微笑撒满面庞。她显得温文尔雅,气度不凡。6. I have ever met an old man of hair white to lend my mathematics book to see, I started think it was a certain and sainted professor, result he learned music there at us, but the work of his do-it-yourself had no contact and this, learned music to be just a fondness for of his childhood years, he is carefree down now, wanted to learn again some thing that the oneself like.&&&&我曾经就遇到一个白发苍苍的老人借我的数学书看,我开始以为它是某个德高望重的教授,结果他是在我们那里学音乐的,而他自己做的工作和这没有什么联系,学音乐只是他儿时的爱好,现在他闲下来了,想再学点自己喜欢的东西。7. Into a living room, I carefully look at the teacher level, the only black swan dressed in long skirt and wrapped her plump body bodybuilding weekdays in hangs loose falls behind, such as black hair-like in the first draft into a chic chignon to reveal a slender, ivory-like white neck, cheek blush faintly revealed faint, shallow charming smile like a dream.&&&&进得客厅,我仔细再看平老师时,只见一袭黑天鹅长裙包裹着她健美丰腴的身躯,平日披散在脑后的如黑瀑布般的秀发在头挽成一个别致的发髻,露出修长的、象牙般雪白的脖颈,面颊上隐隐透出淡淡的红晕,浅浅的笑意如梦般迷人。8. Every year, without fail, she will stay glued to the goggle-box at that very moment and comment on how so-and-so from the Cabinet looks well despite reported illness, or how Mr X has shockingly grown a head of white hair.&&&&每一年,在那段时间,她一定会守候在电视机前。然后,她就会开始发表意见。例如,虽然报道某某内阁成员患病但却看来气色不错,或者某某人居然已经满头白发了等等。9. She is de-scribed as a white woman with a long jaw and graying hair.&&&&但这位和欧巴马的父亲离婚的女人露丝又是何许人也。10. The results showed that bulb height and flower size of'Large Copper'were least, with longest white short soft hair on stem. Obvious characteristics of'Toronto'were nacarat and lackluster membranous bulb scales, leaves with rufous stripe and base of perianth shape and colour. Obvious characteristic of'Pink Impression'were taller plantlet, bigger flower, taller and wider leaves and edge of leaves with short hair.&&&&结果表明:品种Large Copper的种球高度和花径均最小,茎上白色柔毛最长;品种Toronto的显著特征是种球的膜质鳞片为桔红色,无光泽,叶片上有红褐色条纹,花被片基部为黑色舌形;品种Pink Impression植株高,花大,叶片长而宽,叶缘有短毛。11. 11. I watched the girl with the bright hair swat at the bubbles, popping them just before they broke on the damp grey and white tiles set diagonally in rows before the house.&&&&&&我看着火红头发的女孩在屋子前灰白交错、斜对角排列的瓷砖地板上跳着,朝泡泡猛挥手,在它们落地前一刹那伸手啪地拍破。12. 12. Containing privet essence, along with the heat of hot spring, it features favorable effect on curing liver and kidney deficiency, lumbar debility, dizziness, tinnitus, white hair and poor vision.&&&&&&温泉水中加入女贞子药包,结合泉水的热力作用,对肝肾阴虚、腰膝酸软、头晕、耳鸣、须发早白、目暗不明有一定疗效。13. Maximilian hecker - polyester touching flowers with your scream meeting sweets she smiles like cream when your hair hides melting grace worn out minds won't touch your face i am leaning far, too far above the ice so i'll feed my hands with cheeks of other names i am lying under tons of porcine snow polyester absorbs me fawn at last my parents cried about my green and my last white now my darling goes to him she will dare her cross's skin i am leaning far, too far above the ice so i'll feed my hands with cheeks of other names i am lying under tons of porcine snow polyester absorbs me i'm using gloves&&&&&&谈到鲜花与你的尖叫会议甜食,她的笑容像霜当你的头发隐藏熔化宏破破烂烂心中不会触摸你的脸我偏远,也远高于冰因此,我将进我的手,与脸颊上的其他人的名字我躺在吨猪雪聚酯用掉我巴结最后我的父母哭着对我的绿色和我的最后一位白人现在我的爱人去请教他她不敢将她交叉的皮肤我偏远,也远高于冰,所以我会进我的手,与脸颊上的其他人的名字我躺在吨猪雪聚酯用掉我我用的手套14. Half-drow have dusky skin, silver or white hair and a broad range of eye colors.&&&&&&半卓尔拥有深灰色的皮肤,银色或者白色的头发,眼睛颜色多种多样15. danci.911cha.com15. Although my grandmother has white hair and wrinkled hands, but she always asked me some things popular now, we can see my grandma old heart is not old.&&&&&&我的奶奶虽然头发已经白了,手上已经布满皱纹,但是她总是会问我一些现在流行的事情,可见我奶奶是人老心不老。16. Ink series of security: ultraviolet fluorescent ink, infrared excited ink, ink temperature change, change color ink sunlight, water changed transparent ink, optical variable ink, magnetic ink, watermarks ink, ink-Loukong destruction, chemical change color ink, sterilization instructions I LCD ink, ink smell, mirror ink, ink Symphony, Pearlescent inks, Guagua Ka ink and electricity to the hair color ink, ink Paper, Jinsha, crystal white, blue galaxy, the sun, Chameleon, Xingzuan-ink, and other special effects.&&&&&&防伪系列油墨:紫外荧光油墨、红外激发油墨、温变油墨、日光变色油墨、遇水变透明油墨、光变油墨、磁性油墨、水印油墨、镂空破坏型油墨、化学变色油墨、灭菌指示油墨;液晶油墨、香味油墨、镜面油墨、幻彩油墨、珠光油墨、刮刮卡油墨、电致发色油墨、复写纸油墨、夜光油墨;金砂、银砂油墨;水晶银白、银河蓝、阳光金、变色龙、星钻龙等特殊效果油墨。17. Crossing a white hair down does not matter, as long as the boss did not like the hair to withstand covered by patches of white frost like.&&&&&&几根白发倒无所谓,只要还没像老板那样顶着片片白霜靠染发来盖就好。18. He has a little bit of curly black-grey-white hair coming out of the collar of his shirt.&&&&&&他有几根黑不溜秋的鬈发从衬衣领口露了出来。19. If you suspect head lice, check the base of hairs for eggs and comb the hair over a piece of white paper to see if you can spot any dark mature lice.&&&&&&如果您怀疑头虱,检查的基础上为毛鸡蛋和梳的头发超过一块白皮书地看到,如果你能当场任何黑暗成熟的虱子。20. S like a doll, with a shock of white hair and a wrinkled face.&&&&&&她很小;像一个洋娃娃,以冲击白发和皱纹的脸。white hair 单语例句1. Fifty years after his death, his shock of white hair and droopy mustache still symbolize genius.2. The soft doll depicts Paris as a white cat and has her trademark blonde hair.3. He has white hair down to his shoulders and pale blue eyes.4. She walked down the aisle carrying a bouquet of white roses with her hair up and her veil off her face.5. Old man's head mushrooms are reminiscent of an elderly gentlemen's cropped scalp of white hair.6. But his hair was significantly darker when he spoke at a state dinner for President Hu Jintao in the White House Wednesday night.7. My first impressions were of short brown hair and a skeletal frame under a white uniform.8. He would wear strange wigs on his head made of white hair.9. Polar bears have clear hair shafts that appear white because they reflect light.10. Her parents grasped a picture of the pretty girl with white ribbons in her brown hair.white hair是什么意思,white hair在线翻译,white hair什么意思,white hair的意思,white hair的翻译,white hair的解释,white hair的发音,white hair的同义词,white hair的反义词,white hair的例句,white hair的相关词组,white hair意思是什么,white hair怎么翻译,单词white hair是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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