lg fasing英语中文翻译成英语汉字

你在干吗了What are you doing [wɒt] [ɑː] [juː] ['duɪŋ]请按照音标读比较准确.你让100人写中文读音,100个人有100种写法.
What are you doing now?(沃特 阿 忧 嘟音
what are you doing now? 握特 啊 哟 肚音 闹
(渥 特 啊 油
沃特 阿 油 度应?(我大学老师要是知道我这么教人学英语,大概会大义灭亲吧,同学,你要加油啊)把汉字翻译成英语_百度知道
//h.baidu.jpg" target="_blank" title="点击查看大图" class="ikqb_img_alink"><img class="ikqb_img" src="/zhidao/pic/item/9f2f86fa10fcaa014c086f06f080.baidu://h.hiphotos./zhidao/wh%3D450%2C600/sign=/zhidao/wh%3D600%2C800/sign=7a109eb6d639bb1df2f86fa10fcaa014c086f06f080://h&nbsp.jpg" esrc="http.<a href="http
?It&#39.Her sister looks the same as
her6.They will help you3,and has a pair of long legs4.What colour is that pair of pants.She has short red hair.Please give me your long rule5.We want to buy a pair of shoes2
1.we want to buy a shoes.
2.they can help you
3.she has short red hair and two long legs
4.please give me your long ruler
Mary is her English name and Ruimei shi her Chinese name,she is 13 years old.I like her very much beacause she is a beautiful girl.She is good at English and computer.she likes singing. she is in No.She is aCandian,and reading. 8 middle school class 9 grade 2.She learns english very good, dancingOne of my good friends
her name is Mary ,now she is 13years old .she is in No.Meirui is her Chinese name .She comes from Canada I have a good friend
it did not know what it meant, but also a waste of hard-earned money of parents in learning English so what is it, if there is no good to learn what to talk about out of travel, wasting time. But let me most worried about, us, with the exception that the opening can not be bought, guess this is something in the future to reach out to it, that, ah, or think about who can help me?
The book can be bought dictionaries can be bought, is, at present there is no time involved in this area, who can help me. 我哥哥翻译的, wish you happy playing in the 15) I think this essay or this is, because out of three in primary schools Mo Xuehao grade English, and more, how to talk about after the word grammar, while parents have a lot of encouragement in this regard may be it is Yes. I am just very confident in school, what if there is no good to learn more abothen you should back the word of even more!
Perhaps the teacher will want to &quot? The parents are illiterate? Their own to help yourself,他在外企工作, the real effort lies in themselves. If the current like a headless flies.
(Thanks to teach me writing friend, wasting energy?
Tutor, without a good plan to learn what to talk about wishful thinking. Yes my mind a new vocabulary, but I know how to make it back at the beginning of the word whereHow to learn English
High school career has already begun for the new environment, concluding found, I have some interest in high school, new status, the reality points, the most distressed and most troublesome is that English language learning, the daily study hall are a lot of time back with the word can be then gradually gave up: that as, what they have learned everything scattershot clue.&quot
&quot? The book can be bought dictionaries can be bought. I am just very confident in school? The parents are illiterate. Yes my mind a new vocabulary, but also a waste of hard-earned money of parents in learning English so what is it, new status, the reality points, the most distressed and most troublesome is that English language learning, us? Their own to help yourself, while parents have a lot of encouragement in this regard may be it is only some arguments, ah, the daily study hall are a lot of time back with the word can be then gradually gave up, or think about who can help me, how to talk about after the word grammar, wasting time, with the exception that the opening can not be bought, and more, I have some interest in high school, at present there is no time involved in this area, because out of three in primary schools Mo Xuehao grade English, that. But let me most worried about: that as, it did not know what it meant, the real effort lies in themselves, guess this is something in the future to reach out to it, who can help me, wasting energy? Tthen you should back the word of even more!Perhaps the teacher will want to &quot, concluding found, is, what they have learned everything scattershot clue. If the current l Yes, but I know how to make it back at the beginning of the word whereHigh school career has already begun for the new environment
How to learn English
High school career has already begun for the new environment, new status, I have some interest in high school. But let me most worried about, the most distressed and most troublesome is that English language learning, while parents have a lot of encouragement in this regard may be it is only some arguments, the real effort lies in themselves. I am just very confident in school, the daily study hall are a lot of time back with the word can be then gradually gave up, concluding found: that as, us, is, it did not know what it meant, because out of three in primary schools Mo Xuehao grade English, how to talk about after the word grammar, and more!
Perhaps the teacher will want to &then you should back the word of even more.& Yes, ah, but I know how to make it back at the beginning of the word where? The parents are illiterate, who can help me? Their own to help yourself?
The book can be bought dictionaries can be bought, with the exception that the opening can not be bought. If the current like a headless flies, that, what they have learned everything scattershot clue, wasting time, wasting energy, but also a waste of hard-earned money of parents in learning English so what is it?
Tutor. Yes my mind a new vocabulary, guess this is something in the future to reach out to it, at present there is no time involved in this area, the reality points, or think about who can help me.
(Thanks to teach me writing friend, wish you happy playing in the 15) I think this essay or this is, if there is no good to learn what to talk about out of travel, without a good plan to learn what to talk about wishful thinking, what if there is no good to learn more about how to enjoy life.
出门在外也不愁我想用英语给我女朋友写一封信 我写汉字 请帮我翻译成英语 谢谢!要信的格式 谢了!_百度知道
我想用英语给我女朋友写一封信 我写汉字 请帮我翻译成英语 谢谢!要信的格式 谢了!
You&#39, but some times I am always heartfelt.Reminder to the one who will translave got the snake which was I sent. I think you must be surprised when you get this letter, thanks, at the time when you are reading this letter you must be surprised cause you&#39, you should laugh out loudly when you are translating this letterDear Honey Xve never wrote a love letter to you before, please find a friend who can help to translate it for you.I know that I am not always the best., I think that you couldn&#39,Haha.Yve complished your wish and you&#39, am I right, I must make it up for you cause I&#39.;t read it, it seems like that this is the first time that I write a letter to you?This is a love letter in Eve said that you want someone to send you a box snack as a gift
谢谢 还按照我的格式给的 真不错
but sometimes I still heart, please you help him translation!In fact, I think even a decent love letters and didn&#39!Love your white, you will have a pleasant surprise, must laugh ohDear carefully, so when you see this letter?This letter is in English, I estimate that you cannot read, find someone to help you bring, that is I send you a box of snacks. Baby received my letter you surprised! So I want to make it up to you again,t give you written, I know that sometimes I do not good enough? Looks like this is the first time I write to you.You said you wanted someone to send you a box of snacks:Ha-ha.A man or a woman!October 12


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