I'm feeling和feel well.I feel well.这两个句子有什么区别

> 【答案带解析】I’m not feeling well. I may have ____ ba...
I’m not feeling well. I may have ____ bad cold. A. a
D. the 
试题分析:句意:我感觉身体不好。我可能得了重感冒。固定短语:have a cold感冒。故选A
大家一定会想到a 、an和the,实际上,冠词就是指这三兄弟
& & & & 1. 不定冠词的基本用法:(1)不定冠词有a和an两种:a用于辅音音素开头的词前,例如:a dog, an用于元音音素开头的词前,例如:an apple;(2)用来表示“—”的意思,但不强调数的观念,只说明名词为不特定者。即不具体说明是何人何物。例如:She picked up a book and began to read.(3)不定冠词含有“—”的意思,但数量观念没有one强烈,在句子里边一般可以不必译出,但若有“一个”的意思则译出,(4)一般用在可数名词单数前,指人或事物的某一种类。例如:I am a nurse.(5)用在某些固定词组中,如have a rest,a few,a lot 等。
& & & & 2. &定冠词的用法:(1)特指某(些)人或某(些)事物。(2)指双方都知道的人或事物,例如:Open the door,please. (3)指上文提到的人或事物。(4)用在世界上独一无二的事物前。例如:The sun is bigger than the moon.太阳比月亮大些。(5)用在序数词和形容词最高级前。例如:The first island is the biggest of the three.第一个小岛是三个中最大的。(6)用在形容词前表示一类人,the +形容词指的是一群人,是一种复数含义,所以其后动词应用复数形式。例如:The old are sick.
& & & & 3. 零冠词的用法 ,就是不用冠词的情况。
& & & & 1) 国名,人名前通常不用定冠词:England, Mary;
& & & & 2) 泛指的复数名词,表示一类人或事物时,可不用定冠词;
& & & & They are teachers. 他们是教师。
& & & & 3) 抽象名词表示一般概念时,通常不加冠词;
& & & & Failure is the mother of success. 失败乃成功之母。
& & & & 4) 物质名词表示一般概念时,通常不加冠词,当表示特定的意思时,需要加定冠词;Man cannot live without water. 人离开水就无法生存。
& & & & 5) 在季节、月份、节日、假日、日期、星期等表示时间的名词之前,不加冠词;
& & & & We go to school from Monday to Friday. 我们从星期一到星期五都上课。
& & & & 6) 在三餐、球类运动和娱乐运动的名称前,不加冠词;如:have breakfast, play chess
& & & & 7) 当by与火车等交通工具连用,表示一种方式时,中间无冠词;by bus, by train;
& & & & 8) 固定短语,如:go to hospital 去医院看病;at home, in class,go to bed等。
& & & & 根据对冠词部分全国各地中考试题的分析可知,冠词考查主要在单项选择和完形填空题型之中。冠词主要考查的有:
& & & & 1、 不定冠词、定冠词和零冠词的基本用法。
& & & & 2、 冠词常见的习惯搭配用法。
& & & & 3、 部分物质名词抽象名词具体化之后的冠词用法。
& & & & 4、 冠词的位置 & &
典型例题1: ——Tina,could you please play____ piano for me while I’m singing?
——With pleasure.
A. a & & B. an & & C. the & & &D. /
解析:表示乐器的名词前应用定冠词the 。
& &典型例题2: There is ____“h” in the word “hour”,but____“h” doesn’t make a sound.
A . a, a &B. a, the &C. the, an &D. an, the
解析:这是一道很迷惑人的习题。第一个空很多学生认为“h”是一个辅音字母,所以会填a,但是选择a 或an,看的是音素,即读音,而并不是字母本身,“h”是一个辅音字母,但却是以元音音素开头,所以前面应用an;第二个空“h”第二次出现,所以用定冠词 the 。
& & & & 不定冠词a用于辅音音(而不是字母)开头的单词前,an用于元音音素(而不是字母)开头的单词前,例如上面典型例题2
The underlined part in the word “deaf” is pronounced as______.A. /i:/
上周我校对学生课外活动做了调查,情况如下表。请根据表格内容作简单介绍。students activityideas and reasons(理由)只有 15﹪ 的学生每天锻炼有利于健康更有利于学习比看电视更放松90﹪ 的学生每周上网2--3次能从中学到很多知识是最有趣的的活动之一45﹪ 的学生每天看电视可以看到自己喜欢明星,欣赏流行歌曲体育运动和才艺表演是最受欢迎的提示词:15﹪ 的学生
15 percent of the students
根据下列句子及所给单词的首字母,在答题卷上按题号写出各单词的完全形式(每空限填一词)。1.Where did you go on v________ last year?2.We w________ over an hour for the train because there were too many people. 3.My grandfather is healthy. He does exercise at l________ five times a week.4.They also didn’t bring e________ money, so they only had one bowl of rice and some fish.5.Which one do you like b________, the green one or the red one?6.My twin brother and I have nothing in c________.7.She d________ up like a boy and takes her father’s place to fight in the army.8.Whose home is the c________ to school in your class?9.He became very rich and s________. In the 1930’s, he made 87 cartoons with Micky.10.We are good friends, t________ we aren’t in the same school. 
用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文通顺、正确、连贯(每个单词限用一次)。 How do you like friends? Should friends be the same or different? We
three students about the question last month. Here are the
2..Jeff Green thinks friends should be the same. He is a quiet and serious boy, and his best friend is quiet, too, So they enjoy
3. together. Another boy Huang Lei thinks friends should be different. Huang Lei is much
than his best friend Larry. So He often gets better grades than his friend. And They both like sports, however, Larry plays tennis
than Huang Lei. Mary Smith doesn’t mind if friends are the same or different.
best friend Carol is really kind and funny. Last year, Mary
her arm . Her friend Carol made her laugh and feel good. They can
everything. They all think best friends are
9. important. Good friends should
each other. 
请仔细阅读题的信息和A-F 的内容,选出相匹配或对应的最佳答语或选项。(其中有一个为多余项)1.li Jia, a 13-year-old girl, is studying in a middle school of Wenchuan. She lost her legs in the earthquake(地震). She goes to school by lying prone(趴) on the backs of her classmates.2.My father goes to work at about 7:00 every morning. He doesn’t like driving a car. He takes a bus to his office every day.3.Mike is a cool boy. He doesn’t take the bus or ride a bike to school. He doesn’t go to school on foot either. Do you know how he goes to school?4.Li Guilin and Lu Jian fen are teachers in Sichuan. They teach and live in the mountains.5.I live in a small town. There is only one middle school in our town. My home is far away from school. It takes a long time to go to school.A. I know the teachers. They have taught the children there for many years, and have helped them out of the poor village and live a happy life. B. I often walk to school or ride a bike to school. I don’t think it’s good for students to go to school in cars.C. Does your school have a dormitory(宿舍) for students? I think you can live in your school.D. I think he might go skateboarding. That is a special way of getting to school.E. I feel sorry to hear the girl’s story. Let’s buy a wheelchair(轮椅) for her.F. Me, too. So I often meet your father at the bus stop. 
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feeling是什么意思 feeling在线翻译 feeling什么意思 feeling的意思 feeling的翻译 feeling的解释 feeling的发音 feeling的同义词 feeling的反义词
feeling英 ['fi:l??] 美 ['fil??] \u\u\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD第三人称复数:feeling 基本解释feeling什么意思n.感情; 感觉,知觉,情绪; 气氛adj.富有感情的,有感觉的; 有同情心的,仁慈的v.感觉; 认为(feel的现在分词)feeling 同义词v.n.feeling 反义词feeling的意思n.feeling 相关例句n.1. It is my feeling that things are not so simple.&&&&我感觉事情并不那么简单。2. I have a feeling that we are being followed.&&&&我觉得有人跟踪我们。3. 3. He played the piano with feeling.&&&&他弹钢琴时充满激情。<p class="p11查询·英语单词4. I have a feeling he'll come.&&&&我觉得他要来了。5. 5. The news brought a feeling of relief.&&&&这消息给人们带来了宽慰感。feeling 情景对话看病feeling的解释A:Are you feeling okay?&&&&&&你不舒服吗?&#57;&#49;&#49;&#26597;&#35810;&#183;&#33521;&#35821;&#21333;&#35789;B:I’m not feeling well.&&&&&&我觉得身体有点不对劲。A:What are your symptoms?&&&&&&是什么症状?B:I feel like throwing up.&&&&&&我想吐。A:Did you eat something unusual?&&&&&&吃了什么不对劲的东西没有?feeling是什么意思B:No.&&&&&&没有A:Do you have a fever?&&&&&&你发烧吗?B:No.&&&&&&没有A:Let me check your temperature.&&&&&&量一下体温吧。feeling 双语例句1. Refreshing qualities of the natural feeling of elegance, color carbonation bamboo flooring, colors like deep, more noble, calm or deep or shallow, able to highlight the distinctive style and taste, warm the room if the e-配上quality bamboo flooring, A return to more natural feeling.&&&&天然本色感觉清爽雅致,碳化色竹地板,颜色略深,更显高贵、沉稳或深或浅,皆能突显出与众不同的格调与品味,温馨的居室如果能配上优质的辰宝竹地板,更有一种回归自然的感觉。2. 2. The excellent performances of Shanghai Little Companion Art troupe led by Mr. Ai Bai Ying, Secretary-General of CWI, made a stir in Canberra, Sydney and Melbourne shook the local inhabitants and overseas Chinese. I can not express my feeling in words until now.&&&&中国福利会艾柏英秘书长亲自率领的东方小伙伴艺术团的精彩的表演,在堪培拉、悉尼、墨尔本激起极大的轰动效应,在澳大利亚当地居民和华人华侨中引起强烈振撼,至今我都无法用语言来表达大家的情感。3. 3. For example, if we clear out our unnecessary clutter we will achieve a greater feeling of space and freedom.&&&&举个例子,如果将生活中那些不必要的剔出,那将会获得更大的自由和空间。4. Anyway, I always got the feeling he thought I was too sensitive.&&&&反正,我总是觉得他认为我太敏感5. 5. We play skyscraping annulus first, skyscraping annulus can reach very tall place, we play corsair later, corsair left and right sides shakes special stimulation, we still have go playing very resemble rotating the You Le establishment of coffee cup, establishment of this You Le is very amused, if did not help good armrest up to be able to slip all the time, will slip, this I feel very interesting, we still have go playing imperial crown swing, establishment of this one You Le won't be very exciting, when rotating, have slightly wind is blown, this feeling seems to blowing fanner, nevertheless, the fanner of its nature, besides this a few swim interestingly again amusedly outside happy establishment, still have a lot of amused You Le establishment!&&&&首先,我们玩极高的环可达到很高极高的环,我们玩之后,左右摇特殊的刺激,我们还去打得非常像旋转您建立的咖啡杯,建立该你乐是很好玩,如果没有帮助好扶手上能够滑滑的时间,我觉得很有趣,我们还去玩,皇冠秋千,建立这一您不会很令人兴奋,当转动,略微风吹,这种感觉似乎吹电风扇,不过,农民的实质,除此之外,还有一部分有趣又快乐的建立,愉快地外还有很多好玩您建立!6. 6. We play the ferris wheel first, the ferris wheel may arrive at the very high place, afterward we played the pirate ship, about the pirate ship sway stimulate, we also had play revolve very likely coffee cup's amusement facility, this amusement facility was amusing, if has not held an arm rest straight skid to slide, this point i thought am very interesting, we also had play the imperial crown swing, this amusement facility will not stimulate very much, revolving time had the breeze blow slightly to come, this feeling on was blowing the electric fan probably, but, its nature's electric fan, except this some amusing was also interestingoutside amusement facility, but also many amusing amusement facility!&&&&们先去玩摩天轮,摩天轮可以到很高的地方,后来们去玩海盗船,海盗船左右摇晃非常刺激,们还有去玩很像旋转咖啡杯的游乐设施,这项游乐设施非常好玩,如果没有扶好扶手就会一直滑来滑去,这一点就觉得很有趣,们还有去玩皇冠秋千,这一项游乐设施不会很刺激,旋转的时候有微微的风吹过来,这个感觉就好像在吹电风扇,不过,它大自然的电风扇,除了这一些好玩又有趣的游乐设施外,还有好多好玩的游乐设施喔!7. You will have the feeling that you have eliminated a lot of clutter from your programs--and you will have.&&&&你会有感觉到它去掉了很多烦琐的东西。8. If you are interested, I can give you a copy, I said with genuine feeling.&&&&有一篇译成德文的小说,如果你有兴趣,我可以送给你。9. A lot of things, though ordinary, will hint obliquely at out the different feeling in different persons'eyes.&&&&很多东西,虽然平凡,可是在不同的人的眼里却会影射出不一样的感觉。10. And it wasn't that people who were already feeling bad spent more time on the Internet&&&&这不是说已经有不良感觉的人在网上花费了更多的时间。11. For this cause be a prophet about the land of Israel, and say to the mountains and to the hills, to the streams and to the valleys, This is what the Lord has said: Truly, in my bitter feeling and in my wrath I have said these things, because you have undergone the shame of the nations&&&&&&故此你要指着以色列地来传神言,对山和冈陵、对溪河跟平谷说∶主永恒主这么说∶看哪,我怀着妒愤和烈怒来说话,因为你们担受了外国人的羞辱12. Gently shake youth Campanula ring, a pleasant voice on the heart attack, looked up rays in the halo of colorful dreams, a few heart will indulge in the glory of touching: the stream of history, the splendid ancient Chinese poem so elegant that the idea of flying the look, clean up one's soul and beautify t breathing poetry of the text in the mellow air, let poets of sentiment or feeling then Qingli poetic, sincere love, dream The gorgeous cast of human soul, the soul of the strokes used to write their own lines, to the life of paper left on a clean page.&&&&&&轻轻摇响青春的风铃,一阵悦耳声袭上心头,抬头仰望霞光中五彩梦的光环,心几就会沉醉在那动人的光环之中:从历史的小溪里,掬起古人灿烂的诗句,让那飘逸的思想、飞动的神采,荡涤自己的灵魂,美化自己的气质;呼吸诗文中醇厚的文气,感悟诗人们放达抑或忧郁的情怀;再把诗的清丽、情的真挚、梦的绚烂投人心灵之中,用灵魂的笔触写出自己的诗行,给生命的纸页上留下一笔清澈。13. With regard to fear, in the Austrian thief in front of almost all of UD, I have no fear of taking on too much, is generally used to interrupt the outbreak he or rhythm, and sometimes good luck when he hit just kidney fear that it is the fear of the most perfect, and by the feeling of, Oh, there are ways, however, is that when you attack him mad by fear, the general attack on End Some thieves then Gouge, Kidney direct hit something that can not be when kidney is fear that the luck to see.&&&&&&关于恐惧,在奥门口几乎都是UD贼,我也没对恐惧考虑太多,一般是用来打断下他的爆发或者节奏,有时候运气好在他肾击的时候正好恐到,那是最完美的恐惧了,靠感觉的,呵呵,不过也有方法,就是他偷袭你的时候狂按恐惧,一般贼偷袭完有的接着凿击,有得直接肾击,能不能在肾的时候正好恐惧到,看运气。14. With an interest in doing things, I believe the feeling is not just the same!&&&&&&带着兴趣做一件事情,我相信那种感觉是不一样的!15. 15. Let us develop best product and service to the client first, pay close attention to the client's feeling sincerely, for client sincere real intention goes out work, so the product that the client can buy you certainly gives your money to say a thank to you even!&&&&&&先让我们把最好的产品和服务展现给客户,真心的关注客户的感受,为客户实心实意出做事,那么客户一定会买你的产品给你钱还要对你说谢谢!16. 16. I was amazed at their easy and graceful manner while I stood there feeling somewhat confused by the food.&&&&&&当我站在那儿被那些食物弄的有些糊涂的时候,我对他们的悠闲和优雅感到惊异。17. 17. Such an overview will give you a general feeling for the relevant variables and issues important to your topic.&&&&&&这样将会帮你建立起与题目相关的重要变量和事实的总体认识。18. I know it was wrong, but I think I couldn't help harbouring that feeling at that moment.&&&&&&同时,妻的离去还在刺痛着我,我真的不知道与LEO的感情是不是一种报复。19. It is my feeling.&&&&&&这是我的感慨。20. How can milk white and thin yellow alternate cabinet not make the person feeling warm?&&&&&&原木和砖红相间的橱柜怎能不让人感到温暖呢?feeling 词典解释1. 感情;情绪&&&&A feeling is an emotion, such as anger or happiness.&&&&e.g. It gave me a feeling of satisfaction...&&&&&&&&&&&这给了我一种满足感。&&&&e.g. Strong feelings of pride welled up in me...&&&&&&&&&&&我心中涌起强烈的自豪感。2. 看法;感受;态度&&&&Your feelings about something are the things that you think and feel about it, or your attitude towards it.&&&&e.g. She has strong feelings about the alleged growth in violence against female officers...&&&&&&&&&&&据称针对女警的暴力事件有所增加,她对此十分愤慨。&&&&e.g. I have also begun to reassess my own feelings about being a woman...&&&&&&&&&&&我也开始重新审视自己对身为女性的感受。3. (可能造成困扰、伤害或难堪的)感情&&&&When you refer to someone's feelings, you are talking about the things that might embarrass, offend, or upset them. For example, if you hurt someone's feelings, you upset them by something that you say or do.&&&&e.g. He was afraid of hurting my feelings...&&&&&&&&&&&他怕伤了我的心。&&&&e.g. He has no respect, no regard for anyone's feelings...&&&&&&&&&&&他不尊重,也不顾及别人的感受。4. 感情用事;激动&&&&Feeling is a way of thinking and reacting to things which is emotional and not planned rather than logical and practical.&&&&e.g. He was prompted to a rare outburst of feeling.&&&&&&&&&&&他被惹得情绪非常激动,这很少见。&&&&e.g. ...a voice that trembles with feeling.&&&&&&&&&&&激动得发颤的声音5. 爱慕;同情;关切&&&&Feeling for someone is love, affection, sympathy, or concern for them.&&&&e.g. Thomas never lost his feeling for Harriet...&&&&&&&&&&&托马斯对哈丽雅特的爱从未消逝。&&&&e.g. It's incredible that Peter can behave with such stupid lack of feeling.&&&&&&&&&&&彼得行事如此麻木不仁,真是难以置信。6. (饥饿、疲倦等)感觉,知觉&&&&If you have a feeling of hunger, tiredness, or other physical sensation, you experience it.feeling的近义词&&&&e.g. I also had a strange feeling in my neck...&&&&&&&&&&&我的脖子感觉也很奇怪。&&&&e.g. Focus on the feeling of relaxation...&&&&&&&&&&&全身心体会放松的感觉。7. (身体部位的)感觉,知觉&&&&Feeling in part of your body is the ability to experience the sense of touch in this part of the body.&&&&e.g. After the accident he had no feeling in his legs.&&&&&&&&&&&事故过后,他的腿丧失了知觉。8. 预感;感觉&&&&If you have a feeling that something is the case or that something is going to happen, you think that is probably the case or that it is probably going to happen.&&&&e.g. I have a feeling that everything will come right for us one day...&&&&&&&&&&&我有种感觉,事情总有一天会变得对我们有利的。&&&&e.g. You have a feeling about people, and I just felt she was going to be good.&&&&&&&&&&&人总会对其他人有某种感觉,我就觉得她会是个好人。9. (群体对…的)态度,意见,情绪&&&&Feeling is used to refer to a general opinion that a group of people has about something.&&&&e.g. There is still some feeling in the art world that the market for such works may be declining...&&&&&&&&&&&艺术界一些人仍然认为,这类艺术品的市场可能趋于低迷。&&&&e.g. It seemed that anti-Fascist feeling was not being encouraged.&&&&&&&&&&&看来反法西斯情绪并未受到鼓励。10. (处于某种处境的)感觉&&&&If you have a feeling of being in a particular situation, you feel that you are in that situation.&&&&e.g. I had the terrible feeling of being left behind to bring up the baby while he had fun.&&&&&&&&&&&我感觉糟糕透顶,我被留下抚养孩子,而他却在寻欢作乐。11. 理解力;领悟力&&&&&&If you have a feeling for something, you have an understanding of it or a natural ability to do it.&&&&&&e.g. Try to get a feeling for the people who live here...&&&&&&&&&&&&&试着去理解在这片土地上生息的人们。&&&&&&e.g. You seem to have a feeling for drawing.&&&&&&&&&&&&&看来你有绘画的天赋。12. (地方或书本营造的)气氛,氛围&&&&&&If something such as a place or book creates a particular kind of feeling, it creates a particular kind of atmosphere.&&&&&&e.g. That's what we tried to portray in the book, this feeling of opulence and grandeur.&&&&&&&&&&&&&那就是我们在书中竭力描绘的——一种富丽堂皇的气派。13. see also: 14. 反感;怨恨;交恶&&&&&&Bad feeling or ill feeling is bitterness or anger which exists between people, for example after they have had an argument.&&&&&&e.g. There's been some bad feeling between the two families.&&&&&&&&&&&&&两家人之前有过节。15. 芥蒂;宿怨&&&&&&Hard feelings are feelings of anger or bitterness towards someone who you have had an argument with or who has upset you. If you say 'no hard feelings', you are making an agreement with someone not to be angry or bitter about something.&&&&&&e.g. I don't want any hard feelings between our companies...&&&&&&&&&&&&&我不想我们两个公司间存有什么芥蒂。&&&&&&e.g. He held out his large hand. 'No hard feelings, right?'&&&&&&&&&&&&&他伸出大手:“不生气,对吧?”16. 我知道那种滋味;我理解那种感受&&&&&&You say 'I know the feeling' to show that you understand or feel sorry about a problem or difficult experience that someone is telling you about.17. 感情复杂;爱恨交加&&&&&&If you have mixed feelings about something or someone, you feel uncertain about them because you can see both good and bad points about them.feeling 单语例句1. Lu is not alone in feeling cheated by the Shenyang Blood Donation Administration.2. Caffeine is a staple in office break rooms across the nation, pepping up adults who slog through their days feeling drowsy and tired.3. " It's a different feeling playing for yourself and playing for your country, " the Californian said.4. Differing in content from the normal themes, this long cursive script expresses the passionate feeling of the calligrapher to the Olympics.5. I woke up feeling like I had licked the back of a camel that had spent a week rolling in a salt pit.6. If you're feeling adventurous, you can also take part in activities such as ice slides.7. There are some dishes that capture the heart with a first taste, when titillated taste buds trigger off a sentimentality for that instantly warm fuzzy feeling.8. I left feeling emotionally unraveled, morally dejected and incredibly pissed off that people categorically accept this treatment.9. US Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke recently wrote that the Fed wants to inflate the stock market so that Americans start feeling wealthier again.10. A charitable city or society will become a reality only if its residents or members have fellow feeling and are conscious about their social duties.feeling 英英释义noun1. the experiencing of affective and emotional states&&&&e.g. she had a feeling of euphoria&&&&&&&&&&&he had terrible feelings of guilt&&&&&&&&&&&I disliked him and the feeling was mutual2. an intuitive understanding of something&&&&e.g. he had a great feeling for music&&&&Synonym: 3. a physical sensation that you experience&&&&e.g. he had a queasy feeling&&&&&&&&&&&I had a strange feeling in my leg&&&&&&&&&&&he lost all feeling in his arm4. the sensation produced by pressure receptors in the skin&&&&e.g. she likes the touch of silk on her skin&&&&&&&&&&&the surface had a greasy feeling&&&&Synonym: 5. a vague idea in which some confidence is placed&&&&e.g. his impression of her was favorable&&&&&&&&&&&what are your feelings about the crisis?&&&&&&&&&&&it strengthened my belief in his sincerity&&&&&&&&&&&I had a feeling that she was lying&&&&Synonym: 6. the general atmosphere of a place or situation and the effect that it has on people&&&&e.g. the feel of the city excited him&&&&&&&&&&&a clergyman improved the tone of the meeting&&&&&&&&&&&it had the smell of treason&&&&Synonym: feeling是什么意思,feeling在线翻译,feeling什么意思,feeling的意思,feeling的翻译,feeling的解释,feeling的发音,feeling的同义词,feeling的反义词,feeling的例句,feeling的相关词组,feeling意思是什么,feeling怎么翻译,单词feeling是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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