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Dr. Seuss by Philip Nel | 4 | Paperback | Barnes & Noble
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Published in time for the centenary of Seuss's birth in March 2004, Dr. Seuss: American Icon, celebrates one of the most influential authors and artists of the 20th century: Theodor Seuss Geisel, best known as 'Dr. Seuss'. Dr Seuss's ascendance from children's author to American icon confirms that his cultural significance rests not just with the beginning reader, but with the scholar, the artist, and the poet.
Seuss's Beginner Books(starting with The Cat in the Hat in 1957) have obscured the enormous range of his contributions to American literature. Similarly his art, unfairly overlooked because it appears in children's books, cartoons, and commercials, actually covers a range of styles, including Surrealism, Art Nouveau, and Cubism.
Bringing to light the adult perspective behind the children's writer, Philip Nel examines Seuss's lesser-known works, such as the 'adult book' The Seven Lady Godivas (1939), and the live-action musical The 5,000 Fingers of Dr. T (1953). The book also features the most comprehensive Seuss bibliography ever produced, documenting his prodigious output.
As well as establishing Seuss's place among poets and artists, Dr. Seuss: American Icon links the Seuss people know and the Seuss people do not know.
Editorial Reviews
Publishers WeeklyCanadian author Maurice Yacowar takes a more general and less forced approach in his study of the popular show, The Sopranos on the Couch: Analyzing Television's Greatest Series. Yacowar dissects each episode, character and plot line from the show's first three seasons. It's enough to make even an aficionado's head spin. This comprehensive examination also includes a cast of characters, listing all actors from Dominic Chianese (Corrado "Junior" Soprano) to Michele DeCesare (Hunter Scangarelo), and a list of selected Web sites. Casual viewers will easily bore reading Yacowar's book, but die-hard fans will surely want it for their collections. (July) Copyright 2002 Cahners Business Information.
Library JournalDon't buy this book for the children's section! A highly academic treatment of an "American icon, American iconoclast," this study contends that the work of Theodore Geisel, the "U.S. Laureate of Nonsense," is worth taking seriously and has a great deal of underlying content. Nel (English, Kansas State Univ.), who previously authored J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter Novels: A Reader's Guide as well as the award-winning essay "Dada Knows Best: Growing Up `Surreal' with Dr. Seuss," thoroughly examines Geisel's politics-namely, his work to combat anti-Semitism, his anti-Hitler cartooning, and his problematic treatment of Asians-and discusses how Dr. Seuss has been interpreted in American pop culture. Almost a third of this book is taken up by an extensive notes section. In addition, 33 black-and-white (mostly political) cartoons are included. Recommended for academic libraries with extensive collections on popular culture and adult and children's literature.-Terren Ilana Wein, Univ. of Chicago Copyright 2004 Reed Business Information.
School Library JournalThese two books about the prolific artist are vastly different in purpose, approach, and audience. Cohen's goal is to document Geisel's creative development, tracing his writing and artistic skills chronologically within a cultural context. Endnotes document his sources, but the text is woven with supporting visuals that work with his engaging style to achieve broad appeal. Nel aims to elevate Dr. Seuss to the level of icon and builds his case through a series of linked essays, each one examining Geisel through the differing critical lenses employed by Liberal Studies scholars. He provides extensive commentary, endnotes, and an annotated bibliography, increasing the value to academics. Although no one premise is fully argued, no one assertion fully supported, the book provides fertile ground for further study. Cohen's title is simpler, larger, and more complete.-Sue Burgess, Framingham State College, MA Copyright 2004 Reed Business Information.
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