什麼是prepast perfect tenseprogressive tense?? 什麼时侯要用的??

专门替中国人写的英语语法4-3:过去完成进行式(Past Perfect Progressive Tense)
  第四章 完成式(Perfect Tense)
  4-3 过去完成进行式(Past Perfect Progressive Tense)
  过去完成式的形式:had + past participle
  过去完成式是不能单独用的。我们用的时候,必须有另一个事件。也就是说,假如我们有两件事 A 和 B,两件事都发生在过去,但 A 发生在 B 以前,A 应该用过去完成式,B 则用过去式。以下是几个例子:
  He had studied Chinese before he came to Taiwan.
  He had worked before he decided to go to college.
  I had been to Ireland before I wrote this book about Ireland's people.
  I had studied calculus before I got into college.
  It had already snowed before Monday.
  过去完成进行式和现在进行式惟一不同的地方是 verb to have 的地方一定要用had 。
  1.I had been watching TV before you called me.
  2.I had been working hard in a company for many years before I went to college.
  3.He had been studying before he went to class.
  4.He had been driving all day before he went to sleep.
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Unit 6 复习学案
你可能喜欢Present Participle, Past Participle, Perfect Participle
Present Participle, Past Participle, Perfect Participle
1. Present participle
The present participle is often used when we want to express an active action. In English we add -ing to the infinitive of the verb.
1.1. Use of the present participle
Progressive Tenses
He is reading a book.
He was reading a book.
Reading books is fun.
He likes reading books.
Look at the reading boy.
Together with other words
He came reading around the corner.
He sat reading in the corner.
I saw him reading.
2. Past participle
The past participle is often used when we want to express a passive action.
In English we add -ed to the infinitive of regular verbs. We use the 3rd column of the table of the .
2.1. Use of the past participle
Perfect Tenses
He has forgotten the pencil.
He had forgotten the pencil.
Passiv voice
A house is built.
A house was built.
Look at the washed car.
Together with other words
The car washed yesterday is blue.
He had his car washed.
3. Compounds with the past participle
This combination is also known as perfect participle. It is used to form an active sentence with the past participle. There is a time gap between the actions.
3.1. Past participle and having
Having read the book the boy came out of the room.
One action happened after the other.
3.2. Present participle
The boy came reading out of the room.
Both actions happened at the same time.
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Present Participle, Past Participle, Perfect ParticiplePresent Perfect Continuous Tense
I have been singing
The Present Perfect Continuous uses two auxiliary verbs together with a main verb.
In this lesson we look at the structure and use of the Present Perfect Continuous tense, as well as the use of for and since, followed by a quiz to check your understanding:
Note that continuous tenses are also called progressive tenses. So the Present Perfect Continuous tense is sometimes called the Present Perfect Progressive tense.


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