
I like reading in the library,for the quiet environment,intoxicated by the book world.Far from the Madding Crowd
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Creating A Climate Of Corporate Integrity
Critics from outside the corporate world have long attacked corporations as being amoral and greedy, routinely placing their own growth and success ahead of any concept of public responsibility. Until recently it has been possible to write off that criticism as the product of anti-capitalist leftists with examples of selfish greed written off as the product of atypical individuals. These days it is not so easy to do so. Corporate integrity is in question
People expect companies to have values, to act according to their values consistently, and to make the right choices. Corporate integrity? In many respects, corporate integrity?the ethics and core values of a business enterprise?is nothing more than individual integrity writ large. People expect business organizations to have values, to act according to their values in a consistent manner, and to make the right choices where the public good is at odds with corporate self- interest. This expectation has long applied to the corporation’s official acts: how it accounts for revenues, what business practices it encourages or condones, and what is says in its annual reports.
From now on, expectations of high integrity are going to be more rigorously applied to the personal acts of corporate leaders, especially CEOs. This broader definition of corporate integrity is a result of two perceived realities: first, the exposure of misbehavior and excesses of a few CEOs, and second, the continued reform foot-dragging by corporations themselves
Corporate leaders are increasingly being held accountable for the personal behavior of all members of their organization Corporate leaders, especially CEOs, are placed in an impossible position. Like public elected and appointed executives before them, corporate leaders are increasingly being held accountable for the personal behavior of all of the members of their organization. Not only
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Everyone is immersed in a festive atmosphere of joy,so am I.调动气氛的海词问答与网友补充:


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