
学习文科,经常需要写 笔记、论文、执行报告、提案、文章,偶尔还要写个微积分作业、交个引人入胜、图文并茂的活,哪儿能不做的专业高端?
学习理工科,经常会遇到需要写 微积分作业、代数作业、物理作业、工程作业、执行报告、提案、论文、文章、笔记。不用笔的话,排版、格式都是大问题。Word够不够用?怎样出来的pdf文档才好看,规矩,人人欢喜?
你也许听别人说过用laTeX写出来的文档多么地美,多么地高端大气上档次,但也听过laTeX上手难之类的说法。很多人可能都安装好了,但是一点去仔细研究TeX的动力也没有:太强大的工具涉及的方法和工具太杂了!比起安装,难的是真正简单地写出一个拿得出手的文档!就像我们最后一分钟才交的信号期末作业这样[额 弹簧很难画的好不好!?!]:
现在我要写一个非常非常简单的教程,让你能够自己用laTeX写出作业和论文。跟其他的教程相比,我的教程只涉及两个异常简单的模版: hmcpset 和 Article,两个都是可以由laTeXpdf生成pdf文档的,而我会用TeXworks来写,因为很简单。我会用小段落解释每个模版自己的几个标签[1][2],然后再教一些常见数学公式的写法[3]、基本图片嵌入方法[4],最后附加一个符号表格[5]和引申[6]。
从[1]-[5],任何无伤大雅的格式小问题我都会忽略 而讲述最简单的攒出文档的方法,用来写平常的作业和报告应该是游刃有余了。所以当你在写毕业论文之类的重要文档时,一定要看下[6]。
1.当你创建一个新文档的时候,你可以选择从已有模版中添加,而Article class总是默认有的。写Article很简单,只要学会最基本的\section{标题}和\subsection{副标题}就可以了。顾名思义,副标题在标题下面一级,而每一级里的内容都会在Article(文章)模版下被编上序号,比如第二个\section{}标签就会对应着一个非常大的&2&,而其后紧随的小标签\subsection{第一个小标题}就会对应pdf里的2.1。
\section{1st Section}
\subsection{1st section, 1st subsection}
This is a little part. We call it 1.1.
\subsection{1st section, 2nd subsection}
This is another big part. We call it 1.2.
\section{2nd section!!!!}
Blah Blah Blah Blah
现在你的文本部分是不是很容易就可以搬过来laTeX了?看看哦,标题只要放到{标题在这里面!}就可以自动加粗另起一行什么的啦! 什么?你问我不想另起subsection但是你想分段怎么办? 土办法,在两个段落中间回车两次! 再有日期、姓名、题目什么的,应该一看就明目了然了吧(&\date&,&\author&,&\title&)。所以说Article是满足了文本论文的基本需求的。[引申见6]
2.hmcpset就是很多学理科的同学都知道习题集,但是&作业集&一般被我们称为problem set,简称pset,在理工科学校这种说法尤其普遍。在写作业方面,这个模版真的是丧尽天良地方便!有很多很多人在用,还有很多改进版本在网上。:http://www.math.hmc.edu/computing/support/tex/classes/hmcpset/,其实你只要一个 hmcpset.cls 的文件就够了,存在你存这个.tex文件一样的地方就可以用了。我说&用&,意思就是import。从一个空白页写东西真是麻烦而且伤脑筋还没有成就感,所以我们要用下载下来的template文件,一打开就是一个示范了有木有?!!
\begin{problem}[Problem Name]Can you prove Blah Blah Blah?\end{problem}
\begin{solution} Because blah blah blah. \end{solution}
\begin{problem}[Chicken and the Street]
Did the chicken cross the street? How did the chicken cross the street?
I have no clue how. But since you asked it, the chicken must have crossed the street.
是不是很有层次? 那种文字答题是不是比手写排版要爽? 每道题题目一个大盒子,然后答案写一两页是常有的事情,那个时候作业格式就壮观了!
题外话:hmcpset没人听说过是嘛? 呵呵,那是因为我大理工技校HMC....(省略1000字)留很多很多的作业,于是这个模版就在我们上课时互相发作业题(题,不是答案!)用,要是新生猛然发现基础微积分课的同学群发了一个(类似)这样子的东西,是会不知所措的。。。
(其实这样的邮件,意思就是pdf一般是题与题中间给了一些空地方,而.tex发的是题目的源文件,这样有(i)利于愿意TeX up答案但懒得TeX up题目要求的人& 在.tex上面直接写答案生成pdf 和(ii)愿意手写答案但又懒得抄题目要求的人 把题目要求打印出来在留白上写上答案。一般也就这两种人了!大家偶尔会愿意去帮整个班的同学提前把题目打出来到这样的.tex文件中,群发给班级邮箱单子,也就是做 成就别人 牺牲自己时间的活!雷!锋!!其实每次作业都有人去发TeX文件,到后来我就坐等了=_=。当然,自己也是做过几次活雷锋的!)
3. 在hmcpset中,数学所需要的包裹(貌似)都包括了,而Article也可以在最上面加上AMS math的包裹(\usepackage{amsmath}或者\userpackage{mathtools})也可以写了。数学公式写法跟符号和运算的写法密切相关,所以以下几个例子只能算是引子,但也在很广的领域受用!
记住: 数学公式的真谛就是夹在$$中求生!
简单: F=ma 写成: $F = ma $. 自然,我们有时想写 a = F/m,但是那个杠杠好奇怪怎么办?
简单:$a = {F \over m}$。其实是有更专业的复杂方法(用frac)但是一个{a\over b}足够各种分数式子了,就像\times足够写乘号一样。其中a要是复杂,就用{a}将a紧密框起来。比如要是想写
a = F/m = F/(F/a) = F*(a/F)=a我就可以写:
$a = {F\over m} = {F\over ({F\over a})} = F \times {a\over F} = a$&
注意,在laTeX中,括弧()是显示的出来的,但是{}不会的。这样,上面的才可以写{a\over F}而没有看到括弧。但上面的微长哈,干脆另起一行! 而这个另起一行真的很美:
\[a = {F\over m} = {F\over {(F\over a)}} = F \times {a\over F} = a\]
$m\ddot{x}+k\dot{x}+x =0$是不是很可爱? 然后再来个经典:
x=plus or minus (square root of(b's square - 4ac))/(2a):
\[x = \pm {\sqrt{b^2-4ac }\over {2a}}\]
sum of all i from 1 to n:
$\sum_{i=1}^n i$更重口味的
integral of cosine of alpha for alpha from negative infinity to 0:
\[\int_{-\infty}^0 \cos \alpha \,d \alpha\]
(i)include graphics的包裹usepackage{graphicx}
[上面的需要另外一个包裹,叫做wrapfig,usepackage{wrapfig} 这样那个图就可以自己调大小、描述和位置,还不会挡住字。]看,还是蛮好玩的,尤其你们做过网页之类也用过markup语言的人,这个教程看到这里,应该超熟悉了吧。不多说。
6.引申:其实要写出一份得体的laTeX文档以代替word和手写 以上的做法是够了的。但是要真的精益求精,除了要多练、熟能生巧以外,还得要有&职业精神&,不如数学上有些变量一般为斜体,有些不想斜,但粗犷的$italicized$把所有字母都变斜了。这个时候就需要\text{}之类的方法来补救。还有一般写出来的东西要符合行业标准,并不是一个自己设计看起来还好就可以了的,比如说段落前面空几格,表格有没有框,引用用什么格式等等。再比如数学上不同格式的字母,一般用在不同地方,表示集合的时候,表示向量的时候,等等。
laTeX : http://www.latex-project.org/
支持中文的ctex[这个其实很重要哈...]: http://www.ctex.org/HomePage
中文的另外一个,也是用TeXworks:& /blog/2697390
经过补充 还有一个latex,但是慎开: http://www.tex.ac.uk/tex-archive/info/symbols/comprehensive/symbols-a4.pdf谢谢读完。
数学, 艺术, 界限
Riemann Integrability: by 龙马
写在前面: 在光棍节状态:&假如你的光棍节是连续的...&被传疯之际 我邀请到龙马(Martin Loncaric, HMC '15)同学在写作业之余来讲什么是黎曼可积。注意哦 连续不代表可积 可积也不代表连续。当然了,离散空间得以后再说。&In a typical calculus course, you will learn how to integrate many functions, but not when you can. Perhaps the teacher will show you the plot of 1/x and say that you can't integrate it on an interval that includes 0. However, the mechanism behind this judgment generally remains mysterious until your reach some level of real analysis. We'll start with two exciting cases of integrability. Both are functions that will be used for countless example and counterexamples in analysis courses.1. Let g(x) = 1 if x is rational and 0 if x is irrational. If you haven't heard of this function before, it might be hard to visualize. Between any two points where g(x) = 1, there is a point where g(x) = 0. Similarly, between any two points where g(x) = 0, there is a point where g(x)&= 1. This function is disconinous at every point, and it turns out that you can't integrate it on any interval except [a,a], which is an empty interval.2. Let h(x) = 1/p if we may write x as p/q, where p and q are relatively prime integers and q&0 (this fits the definition of rational). h(x) = 0 if x is irrational. This function is again difficult to visualize, but h turns out to be continuous at irrational points, and discontinuous at rational points. This function can, amazingly, be integrated as 0 over any interval.Limit. A limit of a function f exists at x if there is a y such that, for any ε & 0, there we can find a&δ&& 0 such that, for any point except x in the interval&(x-δ,x+δ), the function f is within ε of y. Then the limit is&y.Continuous. The function f is continuous at a point x if the limit of f at x is f(x). So when we say that f is continous on an interval, it is continuous at every point in the inteval.Supremum and Infimum. Basically, the supremum is the least upper point on a set of reals, and the infimum is the greatest lower bound. For instance, on the set of numbers of the form 1/n, where n is a positive integer, the supremum is 1, since 1 &= 1/n, and any "upper bound" less than 1 would be less than 1/1, and not really be an upper bound. The infimum of this set would be&0, since 0 & 1/n, but for any number greater, such as 0.01, we could find an n,&such as 1000, so that 1/1000 & 0.01. So&0 is the
the infimum.Now let's work our way to the definition of riemann integrable. Let's first hazily define a partition from a to b as a sequence of integers x_0, x_1, ... x_n
such that a=x_0 & x_1 & ... x_n = b. Partition does have a more general meaning, but for us it's not important. Using that would be like using a tank to kill a fly in your house. It would be unnecessary and expensive. And society would lock you up for doing it. Now let M_i be the supremum of&f on the interval [x_(i-1), x_i), and m_i be the infimum over this interval. We let the upper sum&U&be the sum of the&M_i*(x_i - x_(i-1)), and the lower sum&L be m_i*(x_i - x_(i-1)). Fortunately, this can be visualized easily:
Here the lower sum is the area of the blue region, and the difference between upper sum and lower sum is the red area. A function f is riemann integrable if, for any real ε & 0 we can find a partition P such that&U(f,P) - L(f,P) & ε. The integral will be the limit of either the upper or lower sum as ε goes to 0. Let's return to our examples in the beginning.1. Since any nonempty interval contains both rational and irrational points, f contains points of value&0 and 1 on any interval. Therefore the supremum over any interval must be 1, and the infimum must be 0, so we have M_i-m_i = 1 for any i in some partition. Therefore the difference between upper and lower sums is the sum of (x_i-x_(i-1))*(M_i-m_i) = (x_i-x_(i-1)), which is just the length of the interval. So ifεis less than the length of the interval, the difference between upper and lower sums over any partition is greater thanε.Therefore the function cannot be integrated.2. This one is a bit trickier. Consider the interval from a to b, and some ε & 0. Now make up h = ε/(2(b-a)). There must be a finite number of points at which&f(x) has value greater than h, so suppose there are&n of them. Around each of them, create one section of a partition P with width&ε/2n. Since the supremum over any interval is at most 1 and the infimum is 0, the difference between upper and lower sums is at most the length of the interval. Therefore the difference between upper and lower sums over these particular sections is at most n * (ε/2n) = ε/2.&Over the rest of the interval&(a,b), the supremum is at most&h and the infimum is still 0. Then&U-L over these sections is at most&h*ε/(2(b-a)) = ε/2. Combining these two, we see that&U-P & ε.&Therefore the function is riemann integrable. We can visualize this below:
In this case ε is about 0.8. And we see that the upper sum becomes as small as we like with finer partitions, so the integral is 0.A few facts follow from these definitions:a. If two functions are riemann integrable, their sum is as well.b. If f is riemann integrable, cf is as well, for any constant c.c. Continuous, bounded functions are integrable. Being continuous alone is not enough to for instance, consider x on the interval [0,&). The upper and lower sums both diverge for any partition, so their difference cannot be said to exist. Hence&x is not integrable over&[0,&).d. The product of two riemann integrable functions is integrable.e. The composition of integrable functions might not be integrable. For instance, consider the function&f(x) = 0
if x = 0 and 1 otherwise. Then f(h(x)) = g(x), where h and g are the examples above.
Warm Up 热身题
Source: Problem-Solving Strategies by Arthur Engel.其中有一个&infinite&拼错了jiong
给所有数学爱好者: 主张合作 但要求原创
(图片来自)尽管我非常非常注重原创性 尤其解题的时候 尽管学校说可以问别人我也是能单独做就单独做 或者说因为我很&独&,所以作业分普遍不高 =_=当然了 这也是我非常弱的借口。有必要说明一下,这个站不是关于我作业分的。。。而是我们所有&热爱&数学的人都需要的合作精神。谁都免不了需要别人的指导。比如:1. 有时候觉得自己很天才地想出了比别人说的要简单的证明方法 最后发现其实是错的 还错得很SB...& 有其他人去review/proofread 能让自己提高 而且说不定就会有什么有用的发现~2. 有时候凌晨才开始写作业 万一数学不会写 有挂掉的风险。3. 大学竞赛题都很扯 想不出来的时候总是想不出来 有时候方向都是错的 需要他人点拨。4. 合作起来可以解决难题。大神Terrance Tao 已经告诉了我们 数学现在最需要的就是合作精神 与其有了灵感藏着掖着几年之后写出paper 不如马上说出来让大家去一点一点即时地探讨 这样每个人对于学科的贡献可以大大增加 难题也会被加速地解决。这样以后的问题就会更难更有趣。5. 我觉得我的&独&以至于我不能够于爱好相同的同学交流是一件非常惨烈的事情。在高中的时候 我经常帮助别人学数学 去做&课代表&/TA/Peer Tutor/私人家教?? 但在大学之后,我知道的东西更多而且更有趣,对以前学的东西也有了更新的认识,我却很少有机会与人分享,很有愧疚感。在这里却可以时不时地发个题帮个忙什么的,会让我感觉好那么一点点?&总而言之 就那么一句话:(\题目)
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