苹果六plus 出现china mobile手机 communication怎么关掉

Try not to have a party before payday this month. You may need money earlier than you thought if you want to show off that new iPhone 6 to your colleagues.这个月发工资之前别再跟朋友们聚会了,因为如果你想买最新的iPhone 6向同事们炫耀的话,你得早早准备好钱了。
On Tuesday, a week before Apple Inc is set to unveil its next-generation smartphone, China Mobile Ltd - the world's biggest telecom carrier by subscriber number - kicked off online preorders for the widely anticipated device.本周二,在苹果公司宣布新产品的前一周,世界上用户数量最高的电信运营商--中国移动公司宣布,可以在线预订这款万众期待的电子产品了。
China Mobile's preorder campaign also confirmed rumors that Apple will release larger screens for the device as buyers are asked to choose either a 4.7-inch version or a 5.5-inch one. The iPhone 5S has a 4-inch screen.中国移动的预订服务同时证实了之前的传言:在客户的要求下最新一代的苹果手机推出4.7寸和5.5寸两款大屏供选择。之前的iPhone 5S屏幕大小是4寸。
The program is available only in Beijing and, as of Tuesday evening, had attracted more than 33,000 orders. It remains unclear when the buyers can get the device. A person familiar with the matter told China Daily the first iPhone 6 could be distributed to Chinese customers as early as mid-month.这项预订业务目前仅限于北京地区,周二晚上,已经收到超过3.3万个订单。但预订的客户具体何时能够拿到手机还不清楚。
China Mobile did not disclose whether the preorder would be expanded to the rest of the nation. Apple is slated to unveil the devices on Sept 9 in San Francisco.中国移动并未透露这项预订业务是否会推广到其他地区。苹果公司将于9月9日在旧金山召开新品发布会。
Online reservations are the usual way that Apple enthusiasts on the Chinese mainland get the first batch of iPhones. On Taobao, the largest consumer-to-consumer e-commerce platform in China, hundreds of stores that are receiving the iPhone 6 are asking for a down payment of about 5,000 yuan ($810).在线预订是中国大陆的果粉们想要最早体验苹果新品的通常办法。淘宝,作为中国最大的C2C电子商务平台,已有上百家店铺接受iPhone 6的预订,预付金为5000元人民币(810美元)。
&Many people are asking about the iPhone 6, but only a few have paid the preorder fee,& said Li Lijun, an electronics seller on Taobao. A total of 16 people had ordered the device from him since July.&很多人咨询和iPhone 6有关的问题,但是只有一少部分人付了定金。&淘宝卖家李力军说。从7月份至今共有16人在他的淘宝店里预订了iPhone 6。
Significantly fewer people are opting to book iPhones from unofficial dealers this year as opposed to several years ago because Apple products now become available on the Chinese mainland shortly after the worldwide launch.与几年之前相比,越来越少的人选择通过非官方渠道预订苹果产品了,因为苹果新品在全球发布后,很短时间之内中国大陆的用户就可以买到。
The top Taobao shops each gathered roughly 200 preorders this year, compared with the iPhone 5 release, when some stores received about 700 preorders, according to Li.李力军说,今年的淘宝店收到的订单大概都在200个左右,而iPhone 5发布的那一年,有些店铺最高收到订单达700多个。
Apple dropped to sixth place in market share among smartphone vendors in China in the second quarter of this year, according to data from industry researcher IDC.根据行业调查公司IDC提供的数据可知,今年第二季度,苹果公司在中国智能手机市场份额的地位降至第六位。
Its quarterly shipments were on par with second-tier local makers such as vivo Communication Technology Co Ltd and OPPO Electronics Corp, said IDC.IDC称,苹果的季度出货量与如vivo、oppo等这些二线国内品牌的出货量平分秋色。
Sales of iPhones in China are predicted to face stiff competition from domestic smartphone vendors Xiaomi Corp and Lenovo Group Ltd as they release their flagship devices.在国内智能手机品牌如小米、联想等推出自己的旗舰产品之后,预计苹果产品在中国市场上会面临更加激烈的竞争。
On the same day that China Mobile started its reservation service for the iPhone 6, Chinese company Meizu Telecom Equipment Co Ltd introduced its latest smartphone in Beijing.在中国移动宣布开始预订iPhone 6的同一天里,魅族在北京发布了其最新一代的智能手机。
Meizu, a niche player, is said to be planning 1,000 brick-and-mortar retail outlets in the country, challenging Apple and Xiaomi.魅族,作为一个利基型企业(指致力于按照规模、垂直市场或项目复杂性为标准区分出来的客户基础构成的特定的细分市场),计划在国内的实体零售店达到1000家,并对苹果和小米发起挑战。我的苹果6Plus发表说说上传照片机型显示iPhone 6 Plus(China Mobile-4_百度知道
我的苹果6Plus发表说说上传照片机型显示iPhone 6 Plus(China Mobile-4
我的苹果6Plus发表说说上传照片机型显示iPhone 6 Plus(China Mobile-4G)是不是坏了?
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