divelements. ribboncontrol C#控件

&RadControls for Silverlight includes 24 UI
controls that can be used in pure Silverlight applications or as
parts of existing ASP.NET applications. Sharing the same codebase
with our WPF components, the Silverlight controls offer a clean and
intuitive API, complete Blend support and powerful theming
capabilities that will radically improve your RIA
&As the release of Silverlight draws near,
DevExpress has invested the engineering resources needed to deliver
a feature-rich grid control for Silverlight. Not just a "preview"
of what is possible with Silverlight, the AgDataGrid Suite was
developed to fully exploit the power and flexibility of the
platform and will ship with the following features......
&It’ the most complete suite of Silverlight
controls on the market & with over 30 Silverlight controls! We
didn’t stop there. ComponentOne Studio& for Silverlight controls
are easy to style, packed with built-in features, and are
compatible across multiple browsers. The future of Web development
tools is yours. Illuminate your RIAs today with rich design,
interactivity, and enhanced performance. &
&Infragistics Silverlight Data Visualization
controls feature the new Map, Timeline and Zoombar in addition to
Charting with more than 28 chart types, and powerful Gauges.
Includes SharePoint& Web Parts, providing developers with the tools
to design data visualization and dashboard-driven applications
today. & & &
&WebAqua.NET& 2.0 brings the future Web UI and UX
concept build upon Microsoft Silverlight 2.0. It is designed with
two key objectives - bringing aqua-fresh and crystal clear
experience to your professional Web application. &
&A brief tour of GOA Toolkit Controls for
Silverlight. Browse Commands, Container and Navigators samples in
this demo. & & &
&Visifire is a set of open source data
visualization components - powered by Microsoft& Silverlight&
& WPF. Visifire is a multi-targeting control which
can be used in both WPF & Silverlight applications.
Using the same API, charts in both Silverlight &
WPF environments can be created within minutes. Visifire can also
be embedded in any webpage as a standalone Silverlight App.
Visifire is independent of server side technology. It can be used
with ASP, ASP.Net, PHP, JSP, ColdFusion, Ruby on Rails or just
simple HTML. Don't take our word for it! Visit Visifire Gallery or
design your own chart using Chart Designer. &
&Quickly and easily add upload capabilities to any
Silverlight 2 application. & &
&SandDock is our award-winning window management
software that enables dockable windows and advanced window
management functionality in applications that use it. We have
ported this technology to the Silverlight platform to bring web
developers flexible window management features for their online
applications. The product is designed to offer the power of the
Visual Studio windowing system - though that doesn't mean your
application will look like Visual Studio. &
&Kit3D is a 3D graphics engine written for
Microsoft Silverlight. Kit3D was initally released in a JavaScript
format to run with Silverlight 1.0, now there is a new release
which is written for the upcoming Silverlight 2 release. The new
version of the engine is written in C# and the classes now model
the WPF3D types which are found in the System.Windows.Media.Media3D
namespace. Applications written using Kit3D will look nearly
identical to code written to produce WPF3D content. NOTE: Use this
library at your own risk, it does not come with any level of
support. & & &
&agTweener provides a toolkit for Silverlight
designers and developers to achieve animation and transition
effects similar to toolkits currently available for Flash/Flex
developers by defining transition effects in .NET code and applying
these effects to any FrameworkElement. &
&I'm happy to announce the Alpha 2 release of
Silverlight Contrib!&&If you have
been following the project on CodePlex, you know that a lot has
changed in the past few
weeks.&&The team has grown to 6
members and we have added quite a few new features (including
Silverlight 2 RTW
Compatibility).&&Additionally, we
have created a web site (SilverlightContrib.org) which contains
live demonstrations of many features in Silverlight Contrib as well
as an RSS feed for keeping up with
&The Silverlight Toolkit is a collection of
Silverlight controls, components and utilities made available
outside the normal Silverlight release cycle. It adds new
functionality quickly for designers and developers, and provides
the community an efficient way to help shape product development by
contributing ideas and bug reports. This first release includes
full source code, unit tests, samples and documentation for 12 new
controls covering charting, styling, layout, and user input.
Your Flash and Silverlight Repository
1、RadControls Silverlight
1、翻书效果 :
2、SilverLight TreeView:
3、Silverlight Ribbon
4、Silverlight Audio Player
5、Silverlight photo album
6、 Silverligth Behaviors Toolkit
7、Priyakant's Silverlight Slide Show
8、silverlight JacAD
功能描述:jacAD是一个使用silverlight 2 开发的广告轮播系统.
10、Silverlight File Upload
11、Silverlight Video player
12、Silverlight Contrib
13、Silverlight Muti File Upload
14、Silverlight Gantt Chart
15、Silverlight Validator & Input
17、Silverlight PropertyGrid
18、DeepZoomContainer, improved MultiScaleImage in
19、Word 2007 XAML Generator
以上网友发言只代表其个人观点,不代表新浪网的观点或立场。一个非常不错的office 07的界面控件。可以浏览下:&&&&非注册版本有30天的使用限制。使用.net reflector,可以看到关键地方:&&namespace Divelements.Util.Registration{。。。代码private&bool&xa1d7cab22b1cb36a()&&&&&&&&{&&&&&&&&&&&&string&str2;&&&&&&&&&&&&AssemblyName&name&=&Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName();&&&&&&&&&&&&string&assemblyProductName&=&x294bd621a33dc533.GetAssemblyProductName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly());&&&&&&&&&&&&using&(SHA1&sha&=&SHA1.Create())&&&&&&&&&&&&{&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&string&s&=&string.Concat(new&object[]&{&assemblyProductName,&name.Version.Major,&".",&name.Version.Minor,&".",&name.Version.Build&});&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&str2&=&Convert.puteHash(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(s)));&&&&&&&&&&&&}&&&&&&&&&&&&RegistryKey&key&=&Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(@"Software\Microsoft\.NETFramework",&true);&&&&&&&&&&&&if&(key&==&null)&&&&&&&&&&&&{&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&try&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&{&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&key&=&Registry.CurrentUser.CreateSubKey(@"Software\Microsoft\.NETFramework");&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&}&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&catch&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&{&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&return&true;&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&}&&&&&&&&&&&&}&&&&&&&&&&&&DateTime&minValue&=&DateTime.MinV&&&&&&&&&&&&try&&&&&&&&&&&&{&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&string&str4&=&(string)&key.GetValue(str2);&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&if&(str4&==&null)&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&{&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&key.SetValue(str2,&DateTime.Now.ToFileTime().ToString());&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&return&false;&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&}&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&minValue&=&DateTime.FromFileTime(long.Parse(str4));&&&&&&&&&&&&}&&&&&&&&&&&&finally&&&&&&&&&&&&{&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&key.Close();&&&&&&&&&&&&}&&&&&&&&&&&&return&(DateTime.Now&&&(minValue&+&new&TimeSpan(30,&0,&0,&0)));&&&&&&&&}&&这个公司使用了.net自带的版权控制机制,所以搞起来即麻烦又简单。&本来以为是通过网络去验证是否过期,看来原来是利用了.net的机制操作了注册表。&反正只要上面的方法返回 false,就能够绕过。如果返回true,则过期。&破解方法是直接修改IL。如果反编译,会出现错误。毕竟使用了&Xenocode。&1. 首先使用ildasm.exe 解压dll为il。命令为:&&&ildasm Divelements.SandRibbon.dll /out=Divelements.SandRibbon.il&2. 然后寻找类:&xa1d7cab22b1cb36a。搜一下就有了。要找到里面的方法:有个设置timespan的地方:&ldc.i4.s 30&修改为&ldc.i4 3650&3. 再打包:&C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\ilasm /res:Divelements.SandRibbon.res /RESOURCE=Divelements.SandRibbon.ClientPanel.png /RESOURCE=Divelements.SandRibbon.ContextPopup.png Divelements.SandRibbon.il /RESOURCE=Divelements.SandRibbon.Resources.check.png /RESOURCE=Divelements.SandRibbon.Resources.defaultimage.png /RESOURCE=Divelements.SandRibbon.Resources.exit.png /RESOURCE=Divelements.SandRibbon.Resources.furtheroptions.png /RESOURCE=Divelements.SandRibbon.Resources.help.png /RESOURCE=Divelements.SandRibbon.Resources.Messages.resources /RESOURCE=Divelements.SandRibbon.Resources.options.png /RESOURCE=Divelements.SandRibbon.Ribbon.png /RESOURCE=Divelements.SandRibbon.RibbonManager.png /RESOURCE=Divelements.SandRibbon.StatusBar.png /RESOURCE=Divelements.SandRibbon.ToolBar.png /RESOURCE=Divelements.SandRibbon.x54aad.resources &/out:Divelements.SandRibbon.dll /dll&之后就可以用了。至于网上下载的dll是否真的被限制了。。。。我还是说不清楚。因为要去看微软如何实现license的。比较麻烦。。&&&参考文献:&
阅读(...) 评论()有时在项目里我们经常会用到许多不同的第三方组件、控件等。但绝大部分优秀的第三方组件都需要注册或有使用限制,又或者在界面上显示一段丑陋的未注册信息。这对于一些小型私人软件来说是不太有必要购买组件的。最近我使用的一个优秀的SL控件库Divelements.SandRibbon也需要收费注册,使用限制就是在Ribbon界面上显示了未注册字样。项目已经开发完成了,但这个“未注册”就要伴随程序部署了吗?下面我来讲解一下如何把这些消息去除。首先下载Reflector,反编译DLL,研究DLL的程序内容。() 7:16:36反编译出来的代码包括了Divelements.Licensing等几个命名空间,查看Licensing命名空间中的类,发现类名很奇怪,出现“x82d9ac98ca71b857”这样的名称,根本看不懂!看不懂没关系,这是该DLL代码混淆的结果,许多类名和变量名都已经被混淆器改成了这种难以理解的名称。不过幸好各种逻辑代码依然完好地反编译了出来。关于消除未注册字样的方法有很多,最直观的就是修改注册验证。不过由于该组件仍处于DEMO状态,就算注册了,也会出现DEMO的字样,所以我直接修改了“未注册”为空白字符串。具体的修改方法如下:下载Reflector插件Reflexil,并添加到Relector中。在左边的对象树中打开需要修改的类,再在Reflexil中找到需要修改的地方,直接修改或删除就可以了,如下图() 7:16:36最后选择在对象树中选择DLL,并在Reflexil的Save As一下就可以了。需要注意一下的是,一些DLL拥有强名称,重新应用的时候可能会出现错误,这时需要在Save As的时候去除一下强名称就可以了。最后贡献下Divelements.SandRibbon破解DLL
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