
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
For the American rock band, see .
For other uses, see .
Bread is a
prepared from a
and , usually by . Throughout recorded history it has been popular around the world and is one of the oldest artificial foods, having been of importance since the dawn of .
There are many combinations and proportions of types of flour and other ingredients, and also of different traditional recipes and modes of preparation of bread. As a result, there are wide varieties of types, shapes, sizes, and textures of breads in various regions. Bread may be
by many different processes ranging from the use of naturally occurring microbes (for example in
recipes) to high-pressure artificial aeration methods during preparation or baking. However, some products are left unleavened, either for preference, or for traditional or religious reasons. Many non-cereal ingredients may be included, ranging from fruits and nuts to various fats. Commercial bread in particular, commonly contains additives, some of them non-nutritional, to improve flavor, texture, color, shelf life, or ease of manufacturing.
Depending on local custom and convenience, bread may be served in various forms at any meal of the day. It also is eaten as a snack, or used as an ingredient in other culinary preparations, such as fried items coated in crumbs to prevent sticking, or the bland main component of a , or
designed to fill cavities or retain juices that otherwise might drip away.
Partly because of its importance as a basic foodstuff, bread has a social and emotional significance beyond its imp it plays essential roles in religious rituals and secular culture. Its prominence in daily life is reflected in language, where it appears in proverbs, colloquial expressions ("He stole the bread from my mouth"), in prayer ("Give us this day our daily bread") and even in the etymology of words, such as "" and "" (literally those who eat/share bread with you).
The word itself,
bread, is most common in various forms to many , such as
br?d; it has been claimed to be derived from the root of . It may be connected with the root of break, for its early uses are confined to broken pieces or bits of bread, the
crustum, and it was not until the 12th century that it took the place—as the generic name for bread—of hlaf (hlaifs in : modern English loaf), which appears to be the oldest
hleib and modern
Laib derive from this
word for "loaf", which was borrowed into Slavic ( chleb,
khleb) and Finnic ( leip?,
leib) languages as well.
In many cultures, bread is a
for basic necessities and living conditions in general. For example, a "bread-winner" is a household's main economic contributor and has little to do with actual bread-provision. This is also seen in the phrase "putting bread on the table". The Roman poet
satirized superficial politicians and the public as caring only for "panem et circenses" (). In
in 1917, the Bolsheviks promised "peace, land, and bread." The term "" denotes an agriculturally productive region. In
is offered as a welcome to guests. In , life's basic necessities are often referred to as "roti, kapra aur makan" (bread, cloth, and house). In , the most usual phrase in work-related demonstrations is lekhem, avoda ("bread, work").
The word bread is commonly used around the world in -speaking countries as a
(as is the case with the word ""). A remarkable or revolutionary innovation is often referred to in North America and the United Kingdom as "" or "the best thing since sliced bread". In , bread this usage is derived from the phrase "bread and honey".
Main article:
Bread shop,
from Northern Italy, beginning of the 15th century
Bread is one of the oldest prepared foods. Evidence from 30,000 years ago in Europe revealed starch residue on rocks used for pounding plants. It is possible that during this time, starch extract from the roots of plants, such as cattails and ferns, was spread on a flat rock, placed over a fire and cooked into a primitive form of flatbread. Around 10,000 BC, with the dawn of the
age and the spread of agriculture, grains became the mainstay of making bread. Yeast spores are ubiquitous, including the surface of , so any dough left to rest will become naturally leavened.
There were multiple sources of
available for early bread. Airborne yeasts could be harnessed by leaving uncooked dough exposed to air for some time before cooking.
reported that the
used the foam skimmed from
to produce "a lighter kind of bread than other peoples." Parts of the ancient world that drank wine instead of beer used a paste composed of
juice and flour that was allowed to begin fermenting, or wheat bran steeped in , as a source for . The most common source of leavening was to retain a piece of dough from the previous day to use as a form of sourdough .
In 1961 the
was developed, which used the intense mechanical working of dough to dramatically reduce the
period and the time taken to produce a loaf. The process, whose high-energy mixing allows for the use of lower protein grain, is now widely used around the world in large factories. As a result, bread can be produced very quickly and at low costs to the manufacturer and the consumer. However there has been some criticism of the effect on nutritional value.
Recently, domestic
that automate the process of making bread have become popular.
White bread (left) and brown bread.
Bread is the staple
of the , , , and in European-derived cultures such as those in the , , and , in contrast to East Asia where
is the staple. Bread is usually made from a -
that is cultured with yeast, allowed to rise, and finally baked in an . Owing to its high levels of
(which give the dough sponginess and elasticity),
(also known as bread wheat) is the most common grain used for the preparation of bread.
Bread is also made from the flour of other wheat species (including ,
and ), , ,
(corn), and , usually, but not always, in combination with wheat flour. Spelt bread (Dinkelbrot) continues to be widely consumed in Germany, and emmer bread was a staple food in ancient Egypt.
is known for its heartier consistency due to high protein levels in Canadian flour.
is an ancient semi-leavened bread widespread in the Middle East, Levant and South Eastern Europe.
is made from
containing only the central core of the grain (endosperm).
is made with endosperm and 10% bran. It can also refer to white bread with added coloring (often caramel) this is commonly labeled in America as wheat bread (as opposed to ).
contains the whole of the wheat grain (endosperm, bran, and germ). It is also referred to as "whole-grain" or "whole-wheat bread", especially in .
bread has added wheat germ for flavoring.
Whole-grain bread can refer to the same as wholemeal bread, or to white bread with added whole grains to increase its fibre content, as in "60% whole-grain bread".
Classic French bread, boule.
is a whole-wheat-based bread eaten in South Asia.
is a type of roti.
is a leavened equivalent to these.
Granary bread (a registered trademark, owned by ) is made from flaked wheat grains and white or brown flour. The standard malting process is modified to maximise the maltose or sugar content but minimise residual alpha amylase content. Other flavor components are imparted from partial fermentation due to the particular malting process used and to
on flaking and toasting.
is made with flour from rye grain of varying levels. It is higher in fiber than many common types of bread and is often darker in color and stronger in flavor. It is popular in , Germany, , the , and .
Unleavened bread or , used for the
feast of , does not include yeast, so it does not rise.
is made with a .
is often simple, made with flour, water, and salt, and then formed
most are unleavened, made without yeast or sourdough culture, though some are made with yeast.
is a flat and dry type of bread or , containing mostly
bread includes strongly flavored hemp flour or seeds. Hemp has been used for thousands of years in . Hemp flour is the by-product from pressing the oil from the seeds and milling the residue. It is perishable and stores best in the freezer. Hemp dough won't rise due to its lack of gluten, and for that reason it is best mixed with other flours. A 5:1 ratio of wheat-to-hemp flour produces a hearty, nutritious loaf high in protein and . Hemp seeds have a relatively high oil content of 25–35%, and can be added at a rate up to 15% of the wheat flour. The
lies in the range of 2:1-to-3:1, which is considered ideal for human nutrition.
usually refers to a bread chemically leavened, usually with both baking powder and baking soda, and a balance of acidic ingredients and alkaline ingredients. Examples include
and , , and
have been created in recent years due to the discovery that
sufferers benefit from a . Gluten-free bread is made with ground flours from a variety of materials such as almonds, rice (rice bread), sorghum (sorghum bread), corn (cornbread), or legumes such as beans (bean bread), but since these flours lack gluten it can be difficult for them to retain their shape as they rise and they may be less "fluffy". Additives such as xanthum gum, guar gum, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC), corn starch, or eggs are used to compensate for the lack of gluten.
A baker prepares yeasted dinner rolls.
Steps in bread making. This shows an unleavened Chilean tortilla.
Doughs are usually , but in some cuisines breads are
(e.g., ), fried (e.g., ), or baked on an unoiled
(e.g., ). It may be
or unleavened (e.g. ). ,
are common ingredients, though bread may contain other ingredients, such as , , , ,
(such as ),
(such as ),
(such as ) or
(such as ). Referred to colloquially as the "staff of life", bread has been prepared for at least 30,000 years. The development of leavened bread can probably also be traced to prehistoric times. Sometimes, the word bread refers to a sweetened loaf cake, often containing appealing ingredients like , , nuts or spices, such as ,
Fresh bread is prized for its taste, aroma, quality, appearance and texture. Retaining its freshness is important to keep it appetizing. Bread that has stiffened or dried past its prime is said to be . Modern bread is sometimes wrapped in
film or stored in a container such as a
to reduce drying. Bread that is kept in warm, moist environments is prone to the growth of . Bread kept at low temperatures, in a
for example, will develop mold growth more slowly than bread kept at room temperature, but will turn stale quickly due to .
The soft, inner part of bread is known to
as the crumb, which is not to be confused with small bits of bread that often fall off, called crumbs. The outer hard portion of bread is called the crust. The crumb's texture is greatly determined by the quality of the
in the bread.
Professional baker recipes are stated using a notation called . The amount of flour is denoted to be 100%, and the amounts of the other ingredients are expressed as a percentage of that amount by weight. Measurement by weight is more accurate and consistent than measurement by volume, particularly for dry ingredients.
The proportion of water to flour is the most important measurement in a bread recipe, as it affects texture and crumb the most. Hard US wheat flours
about 62% , while softer wheat flours absorb about 56%. Common table breads made from these doughs result in a finely textured, light bread. Most artisan bread formulas contain anywhere from 60 to 75% water. In yeast breads, the higher water percentages result in more CO2 bubbles and a coarser bread crumb. One pound (450 ) of flour will yield a standard loaf of bread or two French loaves.
is commonly added by commercial bakeries to retard the growth of molds.
Main article:
is a product made from grain that has been ground to a powdery consistency. Flour provides the primary structure to the final baked bread. While wheat flour is most commonly used for breads, flours made from rye, barley, maize, and other grains are also commonly available. Each of these grains provides the starch and protein needed to form bread.
content of the flour is the best indicator of the quality of the bread
and the finished bread. While bread can be made from all-purpose wheat flour, a specialty bread flour, containing more protein (12–14%), is recommended for high-quality bread. If one uses a flour with a lower protein content (9–11%) to produce bread, a shorter mixing time will be required to develop gluten strength properly. An extended mixing time leads to oxidization of the dough, which gives the finished product a whiter crumb, instead of the cream color preferred by most artisan bakers.
Wheat flour, in addition to its starch, contains three water-soluble protein groups (, , and ) and two water-insoluble protein groups ( and ). When flour is mixed with water, the water-soluble proteins dissolve, leaving the glutenin and gliadin to form the structure of the resulting bread. When relatively dry dough is worked by , or wet dough is allowed to rise for a long time (see ), the glutenin forms strands of long, thin, chainlike molecules, while the shorter gliadin forms bridges between the strands of glutenin. The resulting networks of strands produced by these two proteins are known as . Gluten development improves if the dough is allowed to .
Water, or some other liquid, is used to form the flour into a paste or dough. The weight of liquid required varies between recipes, but a ratio of 3 parts liquid to 5 parts flour is common for yeast breads. Recipes that use steam as the primary leavening method may have a liquid content in excess of 1 part liquid to 1 part flour. Instead of water, other types of liquids, such as dairy products, fruit juices, or beer, they contribute additional sweeteners, fats, or leavening components, as well as water.
A dough trough once used for leavening bread from Aberdour Castle, Fife, Scotland.
is the process of adding gas to a dough before or during baking to produce a lighter, more easily chewed bread. Most bread consumed in the West is leavened. Unleavened breads have symbolic importance in
and : Jews consume unleavened bread called
during , and Roman Catholic and some Protestant Christians consume unleavened bread when celebrating the , a rite derived from the narrative of the
broke bread with his disciples, perhaps during a . In contrast,
always use leavened bread during their liturgy.
A simple technique for leavening bread is the use of gas-producing chemicals. There are two common methods. The first is to use
that includes baking powder. The second is to include an acidic ingredie the reaction of the acid with the soda produces gas.
Chemically leavened breads are called
and . This method is commonly used to make , , American-style , and quick breads such as .
Main article:
A block of compressed fresh yeast in its wrapper
Many breads are leavened by . The yeast most commonly used for leavening bread is , the same species used for brewing alcoholic beverages. This yeast ferments some of the
in the flour, including any , producing . Most bakers in the U.S. leaven their dough with commercially produced . Baker's yeast has the advantage of producing uniform, quick, and reliable results, because it is obtained from a . Many artisan bakers produce their own yeast by preparing a growth culture that they then use in the making of bread. When this culture is kept in the right conditions, it will continue to grow and provide leavening for many years.
Both the baker's yeast and the sourdough methods of baking bread follow the same pattern. Water is mixed with flour, salt and the leavening agent (baker's yeast or
starter). Other additions (spices, herbs, fats, seeds, fruit, etc.) are not needed to bake bread, but are often used. The mixed dough is then allowed to
one or more times (a longer rising time results in more flavor, so bakers often "punch down" the dough and let it rise again), then loaves are formed, and (after an optional final rising time) the bread is baked in an .
Many breads are made from a "", which means that all of the ingredients are combined in one step, and the dough is baked a others are made from a "" in which the leavening agent is combined with some of the flour and water a day or so ahead of baking and allowed to ferment overnight. On the day of the baking, the rest of the ingredients are added, and process continues as with straight dough. This produces a more flavorful bread with better texture.
Many bakers see the starter method as a compromise between the highly reliable results of baker's yeast and the flavor and complexity of a longer fermentation. It also allows the baker to use only a minimal amount of baker's yeast, which was scarce and expensive when it first became available. Most yeasted pre-ferments fall into one of three categories: "" or "pouliche", a loose-textured mixture composed of roughly equal amounts of flour and water (by weight); "", a stiff mixture with a higher and "p?te fermentée", which is simply a portion of dough reserved from a previous batch. Sourdough (also known as "levain" or "natural leaven") takes the pre-ferment method a step further, mixing flour and water to allow naturally occurring yeast and bacteria to propagate (usually Saccharomyces exiguus, which is more acid-tolerant than S. cerevisiae and various species of ).
Dough before first rising.
Dough after first rising.
Dough after
in tin, ready to bake.
Main article:
Sourdough loaves
Sourdough is a type of bread produced by a long fermentation of dough using naturally occurring yeasts and lactobacilli. In comparison with breads made with cultivated yeast, it usually has a mildly sour taste because of the lactic acid produced by the lactobacilli.
Sourdough breads are made with a sourdough starter (which differs from starters made with baker's yeast). The starter cultivates yeast and lactobacilli in a mixture of flour and water, making use of the microorganisms alre it does not need any added yeast. A starter may be maintained indefinitely by regular additions of flour and water. Some bakers have starters several generations old, which are said to have a special taste or texture. It is possible to obtain existing starter cultures to begin a new one.
At one time, all yeast-leavened breads were sourdoughs. The leavening process was not understood until the 19th century, when yeast was first identified. Since then, strains of Saccaromyces cerevisiae have been bred for their reliability and speed of leavening and sold as "baker's yeast". Baker's yeast was adopted for the simpicity and flexibility it introduced to bread making, obviating the lengthy cultivation of a sourdough starter. While sourdough breads survived in some parts of Europe, throughout most of the U.S., they were replaced by baker's yeast. Recently there has been a revival of sourdough bread in artisan bakeries.
There are other ways of sourdough baking and culture maintenance. A more traditional one is the process that was followed by peasant families throughout Europe in past centuries. The family (usually the woman was in charge of breadmaking) would bake on a fixed schedule, perhaps once a week. The starter was saved from the previous week's dough. The starter was mixed with the new ingredients, the dough was left to rise, and then a piece of it was saved (to be the starter for next week's bread). The rest was formed into loaves that were marked with the family sign (this is where today's decorative slashing of bread loaves originates from) and taken to the communal oven to bake. These communal ovens with time evolved into the modern bakery.
The rapid expansion of steam produced during baking leavens the bread, which is as simple as it is unpredictable. The best known steam-leavened bread is the . Steam-leavening is unpredictable since the steam is not produced until the bread is baked.
Steam leavening happens regardless of the rising agents (baking soda, yeast, baking powder, sour dough, beaten egg whites, etc.).
The leavening agent either contains air bubbles or generates carbon dioxide.
The heat vaporises the water from the inner surface of the bubbles within the dough.
The steam expands and makes the bread rise.
This is the main factor in the rise of bread once it has been put in the oven.
generation, on its own, is too small to account for the rise. Heat kills bacteria or yeast at an early stage, so the CO2 generation is stopped.
employs a form of bacterial leavening that does not require yeast. Although the leavening action is not always consistent, and requires close attention to the incubating conditions, this bread is making a comeback due to its unique cheese-like flavor and fine texture.
is leavened by carbon dioxide being forced into dough under pressure. From the mid 19th to 20th centuries bread made this way was somewhat popular in the United Kingdom, made by the
and sold in its high-street . The company was founded in 1862, and ceased independent operations in 1955. While it had some devoted adherents, it never eclipsed the use of baker's yeast worldwide.
The Pressure-Vacuum mixer was later developed by the Flour Milling and Baking Research Association at Chorleywood. With the application of both pressure and vacuum at different points in the mixing process, this mixer not only manipulates the gas bubble size, it may also manipulate the composition of gases in the dough via the gas applied to the headspace.
Fats, such as butter, vegetable oils, lard, or that contained in eggs, affect the development of gluten in breads by coating and lubricating the individual strands of protein. They also help to hold the structure together. If too much fat is included in a bread dough, the lubrication effect will cause the protein structures to divide. A fat content of approximately 3% by weight is the concentration that will produce the greatest leavening action. In addition to their effects on leavening, fats also serve to tenderize breads and preserve freshness.
Main article:
are often used in producing commercial breads to reduce the time needed for rising and to improve texture and volume. Chemical substances commonly used as bread improvers include , , , , various , , and .
Salt is one of the most common additives used in production. In addition to enhancing flavor and restricting yeast activity, salt affects the crumb and the overall texture by stabilizing and strengthening the gluten. Some artisan bakers are foregoing early addition of salt to the dough, and are waiting until after a 20-minute "rest". This is known as an
and is done with both refined and whole-grain flours.
compounds are mainly found in
in the form of insoluble bound
where it is relevant to wheat resistance to fungal diseases.
glucosides, ,
and , can be found in commercial breads containing .
Salmon cream cheese sandwiches
Bread ca once baked, it can subsequently be . It is most commonly eaten with the hands, either by itself or as a carrier for other foods. Bread can be dipped into liquids such as , , it can be topped with various sweet and savory spreads, or used to make
containing myriad varieties of , cheeses, vegetables, and .
Bread may also be used as an ingredient in other culinary preparations, such as the use of
to provide crunchy crusts or thicken sauces, sweet or savoury , or as a binding agent in
and other ground meat products.
Nutritionally, bread is known as an ample source for the grains category of nutrition. Serving size of bread is standard through ounces, counting one slice of bread (white processed bread) as 1 oz. Also, bread is considered a good source of carbohydrates through the whole grains, nutrients such as magnesium, iron, selenium, B vitamins, and dietary fiber. As part of the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, it is recommended to make at least half of the recommended total grain intake as whole grains and to overall increase whole grains intake.
In 2009, a natural preservative for extending the shelf life of bread for up to two weeks (as opposed to a few days) had been patented and licensed to Puratos, a Belgium-based baking ingredients company that supplies to more than 100 countries. The breakthrough was pioneered by Prof Elke Arendt at the University College Cork (UCC) by incorporating into the bread a lactic acid bacteria strain which also "produces a fine crumb texture" and "improves the flavour, volume and nutritional value of the food as well." Prior to this, "About 20% of all bread is thrown out due to shelf-life issues."
The bread crust is formed from surface dough during the cooking process. It is hardened and browned through the
using the sugars and amino acids and the intense heat at the bread surface. The nature of a bread's crust differs depending on the type of bread and the way it is baked. Commercial bread is baked using jets that direct steam toward the bread to help produce a desirable crust.
The crust of most breads is less soft, and more complexly and intensely flavored, than the rest, and judgments vary among individuals and cultures as to whether it is therefore the less palatable or the more flavorful part of a particular style of bread. Some manufacturers, including as of September 2009 , market traditional and .
The first and last slices of a loaf (or a slice with a high
of crust-area to volume compared to others of the same loaf) are sometimes referred to as the heel or the crust of the loaf.
suggest that eating the bread crust makes a person's hair curlier. Additionally, the crust is rumored to be healthier than the rest. Some studies have shown that this is true as the crust has more
and , notably . The
found in bread crust is being researched for its potential
inhibitory properties.
Bread has a significance beyond mere nutrition in many cultures in the West and Near and Middle East because of its history and contemporary importance. Bread is also significant in Christianity as one of the elements (alongside ) see . The word companion comes from Latin com- "with" + panis "bread".
The political significance of bread is considerable. In 19th century Britain, the inflated price of bread due to the
caused major political and social divisions, and was central to debates over
versus .[] The
in the 13th century demonstrated the importance of bread in medieval times by setting heavy punishments for short-changing bakers, and bread appeared in the
a half-century earlier.
Like other foods, choosing the "right" kind of bread is used as a type of , to let others know, for example, that the person buying expensive bread is financially secure, or the person buying whatever type of bread that the current fashions deem most healthful is a health-conscious consumer.
... bread has become an article of food of and properly so, for it constitutes of itself a complete life-sustainer, the gluten, starch, and sugar, which it contains, represents azotised and hydro-carbonated nutrients, and combining the sustaining powers of the animal and vegetable kingdoms in one product.
As a simple, cheap, and adaptable type of food, bread is often used as a
for food in general in some languages and dialects, such as
and . There are many variations on the basic recipe of bread worldwide, including , , , , , , , , , , , , , and many others. There are different types of traditional "cheese breads" in many countries, including , , , and .
Main article:
French bread
Arabian pita bread
An enormous variety of bread is available across Europe. Germany lays claim to over 1300 basic varieties of breads, rolls, and pastries, as well as having the largest consumption of bread per capita worldwide, followed by .
is a welcome greeting ceremony in many central and eastern European cultures. During important occasions when guests arrive, they are offered a loaf of bread with a salt holder to represent hospitality.
There is a wide variety of traditional breads in , often baked in a rectangular tin. Round loaves are also produced, such as the
speciality called a . A
is made of two balls of dough, one on top of the other, to form a figure-of-eight shape. A cob is a small round loaf. There are many variations on bread rolls, such as , ,
and so on. The
for mass-producing bread was developed in England in the 1960s before spreading worldwide. Mass-produced sliced white bread brands such as
have been criticized on grounds of poor nutritional value and taste of the loaves produced.
In , bread is called pan. The traditional Spanish pan is a long loaf of bread, similar to the French baguette but wider. One can buy it freshly made every morning in the traditional bakeries, where there is a large assortment of bread. A smaller version is known as , an iconic piece of the Hispanic cuisine. In Spain, especially in the Mediterranean area, there have been guilds of bakers for over 750 years. The bakers guild in Barcelona was founded in 1200 AD. There is a region called Tierra del Pan ("Land of the Bread"), located in the province of , where economy was in the past joined to this activity.
In , there has been a huge decline in the
culture. In the 1970s, French people were consuming an average of one loaf of bread per day. Only a century ago, the French ate approximately 3 loaves of bread per day. Today, French people eat only a half a loaf of bread per day. In response to this decline, bakers have created a national campaign to get people to call at the bakery before and after work just as they used to. The campaign models the American "Got Milk?" campaign, plastering "Hey there, have you picked up the bread?" all over billboards and bread bags.
In , bread is called pan. Although corn
are the staple bread in most of Mexico, bread rolls in many varieties are an important daily food for city dwellers. Popular breads in Mexico include the
roll and . Pan dulce, which is Spanish for "sweet bread", is eaten in the evenings with hot drinks like traditional hot chocolate.
In , pan has many variations due to the diversity of Peruvian cuisine. People usually eat pan de piso and pan serrano. There are also some kinds of br these are currently popular in the Andes. Bizcochos are sweet bread usually eaten with some butter and . A dough made with cooked pumpkin or squash, often shaped and fried into doughnuts and served with a sweet fruity dipping sauce, is a traditional favorite. Bread is an ingredient of , , and .
Also consumed is a thick and chewy fried bread that is smothered in oil beforehand. The rghifa bread is a staple in the food of Morocco and consists of several layers of lightly cooked bread.
In Ethiopia in east North Africa, a bread called injera is made from a grain called teff. This is a wide, flat, circular bread that is in a similar shape of a tortilla and is also used as a utensil to pick up food.
The traditional bread in
is . It is made by steaming or deep-frying dough made from wheat flour. In Northern China and northern central China, mantou is often eaten as an alternative staple to rice. Steamed mantou is similar to Western white bread, but since it is not baked it does not have a brown outer crust. Mantou that have a filling such as meat or vegetables (, for example) are called . The
is an example of a Chinese bread baked in a clay oven.
(including , , and the ),
or , types of unleavened flatbreads usually made from
or sometimes refined wheat flour and baked on a hot iron griddle called a tava, form the mainstay of the people's diet. Rotis and naans are usually served with
throughout the region. A variant called
flour rather than white flour. Another variant is , a thin flat bread that is fried rather than baked and puffs up while cooked.
is another variation on .
(leavened wholewheat bread) is baked in a
or clay oven and is rarely prepared at home. White and brown breads are also very common, but not as common as .
(or pan de sal, meaning bread of salt or salt bread) is a rounded bread usually eaten by Filipinos during breakfast. The Philippines also produces a cheap generic white bread called Pinoy Tasty.
as it became known is an unleavened bread with a long tradition. The bread can be spelled Chapati, Chapatti, Chappati, or Chapathi.
Traditional breads in the
include cornbreads and various quick breads, such as biscuits.
is made from cornmeal and can differ significantly in taste and texture from region to region. In general, the
prefers white cornmeal with little to no wheat flour or sweeteners added. It is traditionally baked in a cast-iron skillet and ideally has a crunchy outside and moist inside. The
usually prefers yellow cornmeal with sometimes as much as half wheat flour in its composition, as well as sugar, honey, or maple syrup. This results in a bread that is softer and sweeter than its southern counterpart. Wheat flour was not available to the average North American family until the early 1900s when a new breed of wheat termed
was produced. This was a hybrid of Red Fife and . Marquis grew well and soon average Americans were able to have homemade wheat bread on the table. Homemade wheat breads are made in a rectangular tin similar to those in the United Kingdom.
Rolls, made from wheat flour and yeast, are another popular and traditional bread, eaten with the dinner meal. Sourdough biscuits are traditional "cowboy food" in the . The
is known for its crusty . Spoon bread, also called batter bread or egg bread, is made of cornmeal with or without added rice and hominy, and is mixed with milk, eggs, shortening and leavening to such a consistency that it must be served from the baking dish with a spoon. This is popular chiefly in the South.
Up until the 20th century (and even later in certain regions), any flour other than cornmeal was this would explain the greater variety in cornbread types compared to that of wheat breads. In terms of commercial manufacture, the most popular bread has been a soft-textured type with a thin crust that is usually made with milk a this is the type that is generally sold ready-sliced in packages. It is usually eaten with the crust, but some eaters or preparers may remove the crust due to a personal preference or style of serving, as with finger sandwiches served with . Some of the softest bread, including , is referred to as "balloon bread".
Though white "" is the most popular, Americans are trending toward more
breads. Different regions of the country feature certain ethnic bread varieties including the French , the Ashkenazi Jewish ,
(an Italian-style bread made in ),
(a product of hardship, developed during the Indian resettlements of the 19th century), and Jewish rye, a bread commonly associated with
(also called Holy Communion or the Lord’s Supper) is considered a sacrament, ordinance, or equivalent in most Christian denominations.
During the
festival of , only unleavened bread is eaten, in commemoration of the flight from slavery in Egypt. The Israelites did not have enough time to allow their bread to rise, and so ate only unleavened bread ().
ritual of the , bread symbolically represents the body of Christ, and is eaten as a . Specific aspects of the ritual itself, including the composition of the bread, vary from denomination to denomination. The differences in the practice of the Eucharist stem from different descriptions and depictions of the
which provides the scriptural basis for the Eucharist. The
present the Last Supper as a Passover meal and suggest that the bread at the Last Supper would be unleavened. However in the chronology in Gospel of John, the Last Supper occurred the day before Passover suggesting that the bread would be leavened. Despite this point of disagreement, the
of the Catholic church agreed that “the body of Christ is truly confected in both unleavened and leavened wheat bread, and priests should confect the body of Christ in either”.
Some traditions of
consume bread as part of their religious rituals, attaching varied symbolism to the act.
Although eaten by nearly all people, some have rejected bread entirely or rejected types of bread that they consider unhealthy. Reasons for doing so have varied through history: whole grain bread has been criticized as being unrefined, and white bread as being unh homemade bread has been deemed unsanitary, and factory-made bread regarded with suspicion for being adulterated. Amylophobia, literally "fear of starch", was a movement in the US during the 1920s and 1930s.
In the United States, bread sales fell by 11.3% between 2008 and 2013. This statistic might reflect a change in the types of food from which Americans are getting their carbohydrates, but the trends are unclear because of differences between the markets for different classes of bread products. It is also possible that changing diet fashions affected the decrease in bread sales during that period.
The ancient Egyptians used moldy bread to treat infections that arose from dirt in burn wounds.
Breadmaking ingredients, techniques and tools
Culinary uses
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