e_book can be a very excellent中考英语短文填空空题

周报高二外研Book 7 Module
Book 7 Module 1 参考答案及部分解析参考答案1-5 AABBB
6-10 BABAB11-15 BACAB
16-20 CAABB21-25 ACBAB
26-30 CDBAC31-35 ACADB
36-40 CBADB41-45 ACDBC
46-50 DADBC51-55 AADBC
56-60 ACCBA61-65 BCCAD
66-70 AADBA71-75 ACDFE76. The birds.77. Because the birds built their nests low in the ground.78. In 2004.79. Because they ate the remains of the rat poison.80. The positive effects of the program.短文改错:81. ... in the way ...
in → on82. ... to help me.
me → us83. ... work very hardly ...
hardly → hard84. Wherever we meet ...
Wherever →Whenever85. ... did a lot for us.
did → does86. ... stays open up ...
去掉up87. ... taken well care of ...
well → good88. ... have good rest.
good 前加a89. ... very grateful to ...
to → for90. ... I’m determining to ...
determining → determinedOne possible version:Basketball is one of the most popular sports in the world and basketball games are widely watched by people.Basketball, a sport played by two teams of 5 players each, was first invented by an American PE teacher Dr. James Naismith in December 1891. It was in 1936 that basketball became a formal event in the Olympic Games. Today the most wonderful basketball games are those played by NBA teams in America.I love basketball very much. For one thing, playing basketball can help build up my body and keep me fit. For another, it teaches me the importance of cooperation with others.部分解析单项填空:21. A.hit 意为“红极一时的人物或事物”时,为可数名词,且此处表泛指,故第一空用a;由No. 3 及in 2012 可知,world’s best seller list在此表特指,故其前用the.22. C.nature 在此意为“本性”.in one’s nature在某人的禀性之中.23. B.由“只有一次我曾经感到害怕”可知,“我习惯了乘飞机旅行”.be used to doing sth.习惯做某事.24. A.由again 可知,凯特经常忘带钥匙,故用Typically,意为“不出所料地”.25. B.由feel lonely 可知,grow up 所表示的动作到现在为止已经完成,故用现在完成时.26. C.告知参加聚会的其他人自己可能会迟到是“考虑周到的(considerate)”表现.27. D.题意:直到(until)确定旁边没有人坐着时,罗伊才告诉我那个秘密.28. B.题意:马克的工作在期刊上仅仅被提及一点儿;他应该得到更好的待遇.deserve more应得到更好的待遇.29. A.题意:我不能忍受最好的朋友陷入困境而我不能帮忙的失望(frustration).30. C.分析句子结构可知,空格处引导定语从句,修饰experience,再结合短语recover from ...(从……中恢复)可知应选from which.31. A.由It doesn’t matter 可知,如果有必要的话(if necessary),我们可以改变旅行的日期.32. C.由Julie failed the exam again 可知,“她一定(must)在学习这门语言的过程中有许多困难”.33. A.There’s no doubt that ... 毫无疑问…….34. D.由I can’t help laughing 可知,“我寻找了一上午的信一直(all the time)在我的兜里”.35. B.由He’s really an excellent engineer 可知,答话者盼望与怀特先生合作,故用I’m looking forward to it.完形填空:话题:历史本文是记叙文.文章讲述了William Tell以精湛的射箭技术逃脱暴君Gessler 的惩罚并解救百姓于水火之中的故事.36. C.由下文的One day in the public square ... they came into the town 以及文章最后的Tell shot Gessler wi thus he set his country free 可以推知,在Gessler 的统治下人们的生活很是“艰难(hard)”.37. B.由该空后面的put his own cap on the top of it 可知,Gessler 在公共广场上“竖起(set up)”一根高杆.38. A.由该空后面的every man should bow down before it 可知,Gessler 下了一道“旨令(order)”.39. D.“当(when)”人们来到城里的时候,要向他的帽子鞠躬.40. B.由该空后面的with folded arms 可知,William Tell“挺直地(straight)”站立在那顶帽子前面.41. A.由该空前面的stood up 40 with folded arms 及下文Gessler 的惩罚措施可知,William Tell 的举止让Gessler 非常“恼怒(annoyed)”.42. C.由下文的He ordered that Tell's little son ... with just one of his arrows 可知,Gessler 要“惩罚(punish)”William Tell.43. D.由该空后面的he could shoot with bow and arrow very well 可知,William Tell是一个有名的“猎人(hunter)”.44. B.当Gessler“听说(heard of)”这一消息之后,他想出来一个主意.45. C.由下文的He ordered that Tell’s little son ... with just one of his arrows 可知,Gessler 的主意让Tell 十分“痛苦(painful)”.46. D.由下文的The boy was still there on his feet 可知,Tell 的儿子被要求“ 站(stand)”在广场上.47. A.由下文的It hit the apple right in the center 可知,小男孩头上放着一个“苹果(apple)”.48. D.因为Gessler 是国王,所以Tell 应该是“请求(begged)”国王不要让他那么做.49. B.50. C.Tell 不得不用一支箭将儿子头上的苹果射掉,这让Tell 非常“ 紧张(nervous)”,他担心自己的手会“颤抖(shake)”.51. A.这里应该是Gessler 对Tell 的恐吓,即:如果Tell 没有射中苹果,那么他将会永远失去自己的儿子,故选A项.52. A.take aim 表示“瞄准(目标)”,故A项正确.53. D.由该空前面的He was not afraid 可知,儿子对父亲的箭术相当有“信心(confident)”.54. B.由该空前面的It hit the apple right in the center 可知,那支箭将Tell 儿子头上的苹果射掉了,故用carried.55. C.人们看到Tell 成功地将苹果射掉后“高兴(joy)”地为他呐喊.阅读理第一节:A篇(社会)本文是应用文.文章是一所学校招聘英文教师的广告信息.56. A.细节理解题.由文中的Hours: Full Time 可知,在NELLC 你得准备好做全职工作.57. C.细节理解题.由THE BENEFITS 一节中的Nexus English Language Learning Centre (NELLC)offers ... continuous professional development 可知,在NELLC申请者有望获得更多的专业技能.58. C.推理判断题.由文中的Published: 8, February 2014 和Closing Date: 5, April2014 可知,C 项中的时间在规定日期之内.B篇(健康)本文是记叙文.Lexi 在一次事故中失去了左腿,但是她并没有放弃对美好生活的追求.59. B.细节理解题.由第一段中的she was breathing. However, she was unconscious可知,Lexi 在事故中失去了意识,所以她当时什么都感觉不到了.60. A.细节理解题.2009 年9 月5 日,Lexi和朋友在乘船游玩时突发事故,并在事故中失去了一条腿;2009 年11 月底,Lexi 遇到了假肢专家John Hardy 医生;2011 年春,Lexi 加入了校足球队,并于同年秋天上了大学.故选A项.61. B.推理判断题.由最后一段中的内容可知,Lexi 后来加入了校足球队,上了大学并且计划参加残奥会,由此可见她尽管身体残疾却是一个意志坚强的女孩.文章最后一句中的Nothing is going to get in her way升华了这一主题.62. C.写作目的题.本文主要向我们讲述了一个女孩尽管身体残疾却奋发拼搏的故事.C篇(体育)本文是说明文.文章主要对箭术的历史进行了简单的介绍.63. C.细节理解题.由第二段中的there is recorded evidence of archery competitions taking place in China more than 3,000years ago 可知,箭术作为一项运动在三千多年前的中国就已经有记载了,故选C项.64. A.词义猜测题.由第二段中的Then the sport began to develop fast 可知,现代箭术运动很可能起源于十四世纪的英格兰,随后快速发展并产生了几种类型,故选A项.65. D.细节理解题.由第三段中的arrows were held high into the air with the purpose of hitting a target which was laid flat, not vertical 可知,选手们所射击的靶子是平放着的,故选D项.66. A.标题归纳题.本文从箭术的起源、发展以及作为奥运会的参赛项目等几个方面对箭术的历史进行了简单的回顾,故A项作为标题最恰当.D篇(自然)本文是说明文.文章主要讲述了动物之间的交流方式以及噪音污染所带来的影响.67. A.段落大意题.由第二段中的Animals in different places have often been sounding off in different dialects 以及后面所给出的蓝鲸和鸣禽的例子可知,作者通过本段主要说明同一种动物因地域差异也会有各自的方言,故选A项.68. D.推理判断题.由第三段中的they share a general habitat 以及when an iguana hears ... watchful for arriving enemies, too 可以推知,鬣蜥蜴和霸鹟相处融洽,故选D项.69. B.推理判断题.由最后一段中鲸鱼和鸣禽的例子可知,作者的意思是受噪音污染的影响很多动物之间难以有效地交流了,故选B项.70. A.细节理解题.由最后一段中的Their new voices usually lead to ... female birds find decidedly less sexy 可知,受噪音污染的影响,鸣禽已经很难用自己的歌声来吸引异性了,故选A项.选做题参考答案及解析参考答案1-5 BCADA
6-10 ADDBC解析A篇(社会)本文是说明文.文章主要介绍了沉默晚餐这种新兴的就餐形式.1. B.篇章结构题.作者在文章首段通过两条沉默晚餐开始时的规则引出全文,以此来吸引读者的注意,故选B项.2. C.细节理解题.由第二段中的avoid using electronic devices 可知,人们不应该使用电子设备,故选C项.3. A.推理判断题.由第五段中的While silent dinners may seem curious, the idea is not a new one 以及瑜伽信徒很久以前就开始享用沉默晚餐的事例可知,作者通过本段主要说明沉默晚餐这一想法早就出现了.4. D.细节理解题.由倒数第二段中的I just wanted to create an atmosphere where you could relax 可知,Jordan Colon 认为沉默晚餐会让人们感到舒服.5. A.段落大意题.由最后一段中的personal responses, a lot of conversation 及a good laugh 等关键信息可知,本段主要谈论人们对沉默晚餐的反应.B篇(科技)本文是说明文.文章主要介绍了一种能将汗液转化为饮用水的机器.6. A.细节理解题.由第三段的内容可知,作者在文中之所以提到UNICEF 是因为这台机器是为UNICEF 所组织的一个活动而设计制造的.7. D.细节理解题.由第五段中的The amount of water it produces depends on ...just about a mouthful 可知,这台机器的产水量太少了,故选D项.8. D.词义猜测题.由前面的People haven't produced as much sweat as we hoped 可知,Mattias Ronge 会认为现在的天气很“糟糕”.9. B.推理判断题.由最后一段中Mattias Ronge 所说的the machine will never be produced in large numbers 可知,他认为这种机器不值得普及.10. C.主旨大意题.由第一段中的A machine that takes sweat-laden clothes and turns the sweat into drinking water is in use in Sweden 以及下文的描述可知,作者通过本文主要向我们介绍了一种能够将衣服上的汗液转化为饮用水的机器,故选C项.
第5册第四单元的答案和参考分析 1-5 BCBAB 6-10 ACABB
11-15 CCABB 16-20 ACBBC
21-25 ACCDC 26 - 30 AACDC
31-35 DBCAA 36-40管委会 41-45 DACDC 46-50 BBDBA
51-55 ACDAB 56-60 DDCBA
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