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admin | 大纽约华夏中文学校(Huaxia Chinese School Greater New York) | Page 10
华夏总校北区辩论比赛将于本周日在我校举行(HXGNY Hosts HuaXia Chinese School Northern Division Debate Contest This Sunday):
继今年一月成功举办华夏总校北区演讲比赛, 我校将于本周日承办华夏总校北区辩论比赛。到时,将有六所学校的四至六年级以及七年级以上代表队参加。这些参赛者都是他们本校辩论选拔赛的优胜者。预祝所有的参赛选手赛出水平,赛出风格。
Students (4th to 6th graders, and 7th graders and up) from six HuaXia Chinese Schools in the northern division (Bergen,
Connecticut, Greater New York, New York Central, Long Island and Mid-Hudson ) will participate in this Sunday’s Debate Contest. All participants were winners of their own school’s debate contest.
We wish all the participants showcase their best performances.
各队注册时间 (Registration Time): 9:00AM at HXGNY Entrance close to Cafeteria.
比赛场地(Place): 四至六年级组(4-6th Grades):D108 (Choir); 七年级以上组(7th Grade and up):C107.
参赛选手家长休息区 (Resting Area): Cafeteria.
Award Ceremony will be held in D108 after the completion of all rounds of debate.
Parents can join them at that time.
四月二十八日全校家长大会(All-Parent Meeting on 4/28/2013):
Principal Jun Lin and PC Chair DaChun Yao will host the All-parent meeting on 4/28/2013. The school leadership will share with parents next academic year’s school leadership structures and registration information.
Safety Reminder: Talk to your children about proper behavior and safety guidelines
最近,学校家长多次发现有学生在教学楼过道追逐奔跑,这有可能会造成安全事故。为保证您的孩子的安全, 请家长在家中花几分钟时间提醒孩子不要在教学楼内奔跑。学校老师将在课堂上重申教学楼秩序, 校委会安全委员会将加强课间秩序监督, 也将提醒值班家长维护秩序。
It has been observed several times recently that some students were running around along the building corridor. This may cause a safety hazard. We’d like to ask all parents to spend a few minutes reminding your children not to be involved in such behavior. School teachers will reiterate school security rules during class this week. The Security Council will reinforce safety checking, and on-duty parents will be reminded to monitor the children closely. We appreciate every parent’s help to maintain a safe environment in our school.
北美崔哥光临华夏大纽约中文学校(Brother Sway visits Huaxia Chinese School Greater New York):
日期(date): Sunday 05/05/2013 ,时间(Time): 10:00am-12:00pm,
地点(Location): Auditorium @ White Plains High School
日,倍受欢迎的”北美崔哥”将光临华夏大纽约中文学校,并为我们献上最精彩的脱口秀表演。北美崔哥 (Brother Sway),本名崔宝印,是一位美式脱口秀笑星。他是地道的北京人,北大英语专业,在美国西雅图大学读过法律,曾经为比尔盖茨,波音总裁,星巴克总裁作过同声翻译,并于2006年为胡锦涛总书记访美担任美方翻译。崔哥于2009年开创“北美崔哥脱口秀”,主打作品有“劝你不要来美国”,“劝你不要嫁老外”等。崔哥的表演不拘一格,灵活多变,雅俗共赏,粉丝遍及世界,红遍美加。相信崔哥的这次光临定能给我们带来更多的惊喜,另外,在中场休息期间,我们将为你安排精彩的节目表演,希望大家不要错过这个机会。我们将于星期日4月21和4月28在华夏大纽约中文学校咖啡厅售票,成人票价8元,老年人(60岁以上)优惠价5元。期待大家的光临。
The well-known talk show star, Brother Sway, will visit Huaxia Chinese School Greater New York (HXGNY) on May 5, 2013, and offer us the most brilliant of performances. Brother Sway, whose real name is Cui Baoyin, is an Chinese-American stand-up comedian. Born in Beijing, he was a graduate of Beijing University with an English major, and studied law at the University of Washington in Seattle. He has been the simultaneous interpreter for Bill Gates, the Boeing and Starbucks CEOs. He was also the English translator for Hu Jingtao, during his state visit to the United States in 2006. Brother Sway created the “America Cui Brother Talk Show” in 2009. His main works include: “Do Not Come to US” and “Never Marry a Foreigner,” etc. Brother Sway’s performances earned him fans all over the world, and he is especially popular in North America. We believe the visit of Brother Sway will give us a pleasant surprise. In addition, during the break, we will arrange a wonderful show for you. Please do not miss this opportunity. We will sell tickets on the coming Sundays (4/21 and 4/28) at the cafeteria of White Plains High School. Each ticket costs $8.00 per adult and $5.00 per senior (60 years and older). We are looking forward to seeing all of you.
Recap: 上周日2013年华夏总校篮球赛 (2013 Huaxia Headquarter Basketball Tournament Last Sunday):
2013年华夏总校篮球赛北区小组预赛于上周日4月14日在华夏大纽约体育馆顺利举行。四所华夏分校,包括:Long Island, Livingston, Bergen and Greater New York 为小组排名展开了角逐。我们华夏大纽约篮球队在经过3场激烈争夺后,取得了两胜一负的不错战绩,尽管因净胜分之差屈居小组第二,但为将于5月12号举行的决赛占据了有利位置。特别感谢各位家长和朋友到场为球队加油助威, 并预祝我校球队在决赛中取得最好成绩。.
The group match of North Section for the 2013 Huaxia Headquarter Basketball Tournament was held on 04/14/2013 in Huaxia Chinese School Greater New York (HXGNY). Four teams from different Huaxia branches, including Long Island, Livingston, Bergen and Greater New York competed for better ranking in the group. Our team (HXGNY) obtained 2nd place after 3 tough matches, we are in a very good position entering the final matches scheduled on 5/12/2013. We appreciate very much for all the help and support from many parents and friends, and we wish our team great success in the final tournament. Please .
Recap:上周日2013年大华春季集市(HXGNY Spring Yard Sale Last Sunday):
最高销售奖:吴/任家庭组: Bryant Wu (马立平二年一班),任钧也(马立平二年二班), Caitlyn Wu (马立平二年一班);邓宇翱(美洲华语六年级), 袁梓恒(马立平三年一班)。
最佳推销奖:李琪(马立平五年一班), Mary Xu(美洲华语五年级), 张美华(美洲华语四年级), 沈洪琳(美洲华语八年级)。
Bryant Wu (马立平二年一班), 任钧也(马立平二年二班),CaitlynWu(马立平二年一班),Mary Xu(美洲华语五年级)将全部销售所得捐与学校,在此特别致谢。
Our spring market event last weekend was a huge success. Twenty four families opened their vending booths in the H-room. Many students came with creative posters to advertise their merchandise. During the market hours, hundreds of parents and students wandered between the tables to find their favorite items at an extraordinarily reasonable price. Our young business people learned all the tricks of attracting customers, bargaining with clients and calculating revenue. From all the excellent young entrepreneurs, we had a hard time to pick a few as winners of the following awards:
Best Selling: Wu/Ren Group: Bryant Wu (MLP_G2C1), Kenneth Ren(MLP_G2C2), CaitlynWu(MLP_G2C1); Tiger Tang (MZHY G6); Ziheng Yuan (MLP_G3C1)
Best Marketing: Amy Li (G5C1), Mary Xu(MZHY_G5), Meihua Zhang(MZHY_G4), Emily Shen (MZHY_G8)
Most Prosperous Booth: Emily Shi (MLP_G4C1)
Most Creative Merchandise: Emily Wang (MLP_G2C2)
Special thanks to Bryant Wu (MLP_G2C1), Kenneth Ren(MLP_G2C2), Caitlyn Wu(MLP_G2C1) and Mary Xu (MZHY_G5) for donating all their revenue to the school.
We thank all the students and parents for their participation. Thank you to Mrs. Jin Sheng for her initiation of and contribution to the event.Please .
Recap of Last Sunday’s Seminar: Summer Camp information and Experience Sharing:
Jin Sheng, Wenwei Du and other parents of HXGNY, made a presentation introducing several summer programs both in China and in USA. The presentation generated some interests from the audience members, who are themselves parents of HXGNY.
The programs introduced include:
TCE TransChina Education’s summer programs in Shanghai for kids, age 4 to 13, with duration of time ranging from two to three weeks or individually tailored
( Interested parents can contact Mr. Du ().
Local Chinese Language Program’s Summer Camp with various sessions in Scarsdale, NY (see).
Qingdao University’s Summer Immersion Language and Culture Program for older kids (mainly college students) (If interested, please contact Mr. Du ().
Blue Sky eSchool summer school to learn Chinese at home (, , ).
“YingHua in Beijing” 2013 Language and Leadership Summer program (,
The summer camps sponsored by China’s Overseas Chinese Offices (侨办) in various cities for youths of Chinese ethnicity (i.e.,
West Point Military Academy’s summer program () .
Best Regards,
Safety Reminder:
Please don’t drop off/pick up between the North Street entrance and parking lot entrance.
You can drive further ahead for drop off/pick up. Otherwise you will block the traffic.
Please do not park in the circle area when the parking spots on your right are full.
This area is reserved for fire department.
You may exit and use the parking lot facing North Street or Parking Lot A at the north side of the buildings.
Gyms News:
Both Gyms will be available this Sunday.
Please Note: the SOUTH GYM is not available on5/5/2013 due to setup for AP exams by WPHS.Please plan accordingly.
Per WPHS request, please do not keep any gym exit doors open throughout school sessions. Use only the door designated for HXGNY for entrance.
Community News:
“鹏达旅游”暑期签证服务(Panda Travel Visa Service)
“鹏达旅游”(PANDA TRAVEL)今年将向华夏中文学校大纽约分校的家长和同学们提供“上门”暑期签证服务。。
Please fill out .
for references.
YingHua in Beijing (英华在北京):
Nonprofit Summer Institute in Beijing
10th Session This Year: June 24 to July 21, 2013
“YingHua in Beijing” Summer Language & Leadership Institute will run its 10th session this year. This program has changed so many kids’ life (see attached ).
The program will be from June 24 to July 21 and the tuition is $3,580 (not including the airfare). The last week will be for community service at the Beijing Guang Ai School(北京光爱学校). Students ages 8 to 18 are welcome. No Mandarin proficiency level is required. Please click here for program
每年一度的“中国寻根之旅”海外青少年夏令营的报名工作又拉开了帷幕。由国务院侨办和各省市侨办出资举办的夏令营,内容丰富多彩,生活条件优越,收费低廉合理,但都要求有组织地进行。象往年一样,全美中文学校协会(CSAUS)为了给会员学校提供方便和服务,接受了中国国侨办和一些地方侨办的委托,帮助组团参加各地的夏令营。 相关详情请点击!
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主办公室位于纽约郊区魏郡白原市的联合会计师事务所, 在NJ, NYC设有分公室, 业务与客户覆盖全美五十州 。我们主要的两位会计师具有十几年美国企业财务税务与华尔街投资银行工作经验,为个人家庭提供报税, 理财与省税规划,中小企业会计税务薪资等全方位会计税务服务。
美国公民与在美的移民个人家庭税务规划与申报在美创业办企业,注册成立各类公司,企业与个人在美的各种投资税务,公司兼并收购改组税务规划, 公司解散联邦与各州政府来信与查税,核税上诉,罚款谈判等全权代办会计记账与财务报表, 销售税与营业税核算申报工资与雇主报税:每月员工薪资,季度与年度雇主报税, 雇主与雇员福利退休计划家庭理财:教育基金与大学政府补助申请退休计划与遗产赠与长期护理与人寿保险
有较高工资收入,房子贷款利息地税,孩子入托或上大学费用, 医疗费用 房地产出租,股票股权等投资买卖,共同基金与其他合伙人小企业投资
各类投资企业生意实体,投资公司(C corp), S corp, 合伙人(LLP, LP), LLC 餐馆,零售,进出口,诊所,律师等专业服务者,制造商,新能源安装,非营利机构
专业,综合,量身订做,省税创业投资税务规划一步到位, 全包会计税务与薪资计划与实施工作。
前期税务规划: 我们定期为我们的生意客户提供报税后税务规划,家庭理财分析策划等。
时间的灵活性: 办公室常年开门,随时都能联系到我们,包括周末下班时间约见解决问题。
魏郡办公室:707 Westchester Avenue, 1st Floor, Suite LL01,White Plains, NY10604
联系:Mandy Wang, tel 914-437-8500, fax 1-888-678-2936,
办公时间: 星期一到星期五,9am – 6 周末与下班时间需要预约
创意营销,锻炼能力,学在乐中, 学以致用
集 市在我国有着悠久的历史, 在中国传统文化中占有一席之地。 《周易》中即有“日中为市,各得其所“的记载。 集市不但是交易的场所,也是社交的场合。 在学校里,当代的校园营销更是给学生们提供了一种锻炼沟通交流、自我推广、市场实践等多项能力的有效方式。 为了帮助学生通过参与趣味销售活动扩展视野、增进能力,为增加社区活动的多样性,也为学校公益活动积累资金,华夏大纽约中文学校将于这个星期天12:30 至1:30 在学校大厅(H Room)举办2013年大华春季集市。 欢迎各家各户来集市上开设销售展位,出售家中不用的物品。 销售物品限于 A. 书籍、文具等学习用品; B. 玩具、运动器件; C. 自制的手工艺品;D. 节日服装; E. 中国工艺品; F. 不含花生成分的糕点饮料。 为了使此次活动更有教育性,每个展位都应有家中华夏学生参与销售。 我们鼓励参展学生在家长指导下制作广告、横幅、传单、价目表等促销物品。 为支付活动相关费用,也为其他公益活动积累资金,我们希望参加活动的家庭将销售总额的20-30%捐赠给学校。 活动结束后,我们将根据销售金额、展位设计、营销创意评选出若干奖项。 。 如您和您的孩子有兴趣参加,请填妥报名表,email 叶雪梅。
Town markets have a long history in China and have been part of Chinese culture. Early records of the market (over three thousand years ago) can be found in the famous divination book Zhou Yi. The market not only functions as a trading place, but also as a social gathering place for the community. In today’s schools, campus marketing provides a valuable venue for students to practice marketing, self-promotion and inter-personal communication skills.
To help students develop extracurricular capability, promote community building, and to help school raise funds for other public events, we will host the 2013 HXGNY Spring Market this Sunday from 12:30-1:30.
We welcome all families to come and set up their booths and sell items that are no longer used at home.
The goods are limited to school supplies such as 1)
3) home- 4) 5) C 6) peanut-free baked goods or drinks.
To emphasize the educational purpose of the event, student participation is required for all the booths.
We encourage participating students to create marketing materials such as flyers, posters, price lists, etc.
To cover the activity expense, and to fund future events, we recommend a donation of 20-30% of total sale proceeds to the school. Special prizes will be awarded based on booth poster design, sales amount and marketing creativity.
If you are interested, please email the completed form to Xuemei Ye at .
Last Sunday,
Apr 7th 2013, two special Japanese guests, Ms. Narumi Osawa and Mr. Mozart Ishizuka, visited Hua Xia Chinese School Greater New York (HXGNY) at the invitation of Mrs. Jie Tang, a well-known Go player at North America and the Go class instructor of HXGNY.
Ms. Osawa is a professional Go player (4P) from the Go Institute in Tokyo, and was appointed as the nation’s Go ambassador by Japanese government. The accompanying visitor, Mr. Mozart Ishizuka (5P Go Player), is the president of the Japanese Go Club in New York. The guests were greeted by HXGNY school leaders Dapeng Hu, Jun Lin and Dachun Yao.
All the participants shared their zeal and support of spreading Asian culture in North America.
In the following three hours, Hua Xia students and parents played matches with Ms. Osawa, Mr. Ishizuka and Ms.Tang on handicapped stones. At the end of this fun event, Ms. Tang shared her thoughts from years of Go teaching, which was summarized as “Go is like life as life is like Go.” Please
and . This event has been also reported by several regional media outlets, including English-Chinese Online Journal and China Press. Please .
Originated in China, glorified as a reflection of ancient oriental wisdom, Go constitutes an important component of traditional Chinese culture. Being Chinese Americans, we shoulder the honor and responsibility of carrying forward this cultural jewel and introduce it to more people in this land, especially to the younger generation.
Chinese school makes an ideal platform to carry on this task. Ms. osawa and Mr. Ishizuka’s visit is part of HXGNY’s continuous commitment to Go education.
Recently, a Go Expo was hosted at Harvard University.
A documentary film is being created by the event organizers with Mrs. Jie Tang’s facilitation. If you would like to learn more about it, please check out the website .”
上周日四月七号上午,应华夏大纽约中文学校围棋老师唐洁女士(美东围棋赛5段冠军)邀请,两位特别的日本客人来到中文学校的围棋课堂。一位是大泽奈留美女士(专业四段),被日本政府任命为围棋大使赴美国宣扬围棋文化。另一位是石冢莫扎特(业余5段), 日本围棋纽约俱乐部主席。中文学校领导胡大鹏,林俊,姚大纯等为来访客人举办了一个友好的欢迎仪式,宾主双方都对弘扬东亚传统文化,促进围棋事业表现了极大的热情和支持。在接下来的三小时,三位围棋高手与众多学生和家长展开让子对弈,场面欢快热烈,其乐无穷。 活动结束时,唐洁老师与大家分享了她多年来执教围棋的经验和心得,总结为“人生如棋,棋如人生”。和。本次活动同时被波士顿华人双语网和侨报等多家媒体报道, 查看详情请。
最近在哈佛大学举办了围棋博览会,活动发起人组织拍摄了一部旨在扩大围棋文化影响力的电影,唐洁老师应邀协助此活动。请大家支持围棋,点击以下网站: .
本周日2013年大华春季集市(HXGNY Spring Yard Sale This Sunday):
Time: 12:30PM-1:30PM; Location: H-Room
创意营销,锻炼能力,学在乐中, 学以致用
集 市在我国有着悠久的历史, 在中国传统文化中占有一席之地。 《周易》中即有“日中为市,各得其所“的记载。 集市不但是交易的场所,也是社交的场合。 在学校里,当代的校园营销更是给学生们提供了一种锻炼沟通交流、自我推广、市场实践等多项能力的有效方式。 为了帮助学生通过参与趣味销售活动扩展视野、增进能力,为增加社区活动的多样性,也为学校公益活动积累资金,华夏大纽约中文学校将于这个星期天12:30 至1:30 在学校大厅(H Room)举办2013年大华春季集市。 欢迎各家各户来集市上开设销售展位,出售家中不用的物品。 销售物品限于 A. 书籍、文具等学习用品; B. 玩具、运动器件; C. 自制的手工艺品;D. 节日服装; E. 中国工艺品; F. 不含花生成分的糕点饮料。 为了使此次活动更有教育性,每个展位都应有家中华夏学生参与销售。 我们鼓励参展学生在家长指导下制作广告、横幅、传单、价目表等促销物品。 为支付活动相关费用,也为其他公益活动积累资金,我们希望参加活动的家庭将销售总额的20-30%捐赠给学校。 活动结束后,我们将根据销售金额、展位设计、营销创意评选出若干奖项。 。 如您和您的孩子有兴趣参加,请填妥报名表,email 叶雪梅。
Town markets have a long history in China and have been part of Chinese culture. Early records of the market (over three thousand years ago) can be found in the famous divination book Zhou Yi. The market not only functions as a trading place, but also as a social gathering place for the community. In today’s schools, campus marketing provides a valuable venue for students to practice marketing, self-promotion and inter-personal communication skills.
To help students develop extracurricular capability, promote community building, and to help school raise funds for other public events, we will host the 2013 HXGNY Spring Market this Sunday from 12:30-1:30.
We welcome all families to come and set up their booths and sell items that are no longer used at home.
The goods are limited to school supplies such as 1)
3) home- 4) 5) C 6) peanut-free baked goods or drinks.
To emphasize the educational purpose of the event, student participation is required for all the booths.
We encourage participating students to create marketing materials such as flyers, posters, price lists, etc.
To cover the activity expense, and to fund future events, we recommend a donation of 20-30% of total sale proceeds to the school. Special prizes will be awarded based on booth poster design, sales amount and marketing creativity.
If you are interested, please email the completed form to Xuemei Ye at .
本周日2013年华夏总校篮球赛 (2013 Huaxia Headquarter Basketball Tournament This Sunday):
时间(Time): 9:30am-12:30pm,
地点(Location): South/North Gym at White Plains High School
2013年华夏总校篮球赛北区小组预选赛将于这个星期天 9:30am至 12:30pm在华夏大纽约体育馆举办。四所华夏分校,包括:Long Island, Livingston, Bergen and Greater New York 将为小组的排名展开角逐。我们华夏大纽约为今年的篮球比赛作了较为充分的准备,通过吸收新队员,加强队员之间的配合训练,球队实力比以前大有提升。真诚希望各位家长和朋友届时光临,为我们的球队加油助威, 并预祝我们的球队今年能够取得好成绩。
The group match of the North Section of the 2013 Huaxia Headquarter Basketball Tournament will be held this Sunday between 9:30am and 12:30pm, in the gym of Huaxia Chinese School Greater New York (HXGNY). Four teams from different Huaxia branches, including Long Island, Livingston, Bergen and Greater New York, will compete for better ranking in the group. This year, we are well prepared for this tournament. Our team roster has been greatly strengthened with the addition of several new players and intensive training. We encourage everyone to come and cheer for our team, and wish them great success in this tournament.
Summer Camp information and Experience Sharing This Sunday:
Time: 10:00 Location: Cafeteria
We will have a summer camp information and experience sharing session from our parents. Please feel free to come and join our discussions, and share your experiences. This would help you to choose a summer camp for your children.
Student Corner 19th Edition (小语世界第十九期):
Safety Reminder: Talk to your children about proper behavior and safety guidelines
最近,学校家长多次发现有学生在教学楼过道追逐奔跑,这有可能会造成安全事故。为保证您的孩子的安全, 请家长在家中花几分钟时间提醒孩子不要在教学楼内奔跑。学校老师将在课堂上重申教学楼秩序, 校委会安全委员会将加强课间秩序监督, 也将提醒值班家长维护秩序。
It has been observed several times recently that some students were running around along the building corridor. This may cause a safety hazard. We’d like to ask all parents to spend a few minutes reminding your children not to be involved in such behavior. School teachers will reiterate school security rules during class this week. The Security Council will reinforce safety checking, and on-duty parents will be reminded to monitor the children closely. We appreciate every parent’s help to maintain a safe environment in our school.
Recap: 日本围棋大使访问我校(Japanese Go Ambassador Visits HXGNY):
Last Sunday,
Apr 7th 2013, two special Japanese guests, Ms. Narumi Osawa and Mr. Mozart Ishizuka, visited Hua Xia Chinese School Greater New York (HXGNY) at the invitation of Mrs. Jie Tang, a well-known Go player at North America and the Go class instructor of HXGNY.
Ms. Osawa is a professional Go player (4P) from the Go Institute in Tokyo, and was appointed as the nation’s Go ambassador by Japanese government. The accompanying visitor, Mr. Mozart Ishizuka (5P Go Player), is the president of the Japanese Go Club in New York. The guests were greeted by HXGNY school leaders Dapeng Hu, Jun Lin and Dachun Yao.
All the participants shared their zeal and support of spreading Asian culture in North America.
In the following three hours, Hua Xia students and parents played matches with Ms. Osawa, Mr. Ishizuka and Ms.Tang on handicapped stones. At the end of this fun event, Ms. Tang shared her thoughts from years of Go teaching, which was summarized as “Go is like life as life is like Go.” Please
and . This event has been also reported by several regional media outlets, including English-Chinese Online Journal and China Press. Please .
Originated in China, glorified as a reflection of ancient oriental wisdom, Go constitutes an important component of traditional Chinese culture. Being Chinese Americans, we shoulder the honor and responsibility of carrying forward this cultural jewel and introduce it to more people in this land, especially to the younger generation.
Chinese school makes an ideal platform to carry on this task. Ms. osawa and Mr. Ishizuka’s visit is part of HXGNY’s continuous commitment to Go education.
Recently, a Go Expo was hosted at Harvard University.
A documentary film is being created by the event organizers with Mrs. Jie Tang’s facilitation. If you would like to learn more about it, please check out the website .”
上周日四月七号上午,应华夏大纽约中文学校围棋老师唐洁女士(美东围棋赛5段冠军)邀请,两位特别的日本客人来到中文学校的围棋课堂。一位是大泽奈留美女士(专业四段),被日本政府任命为围棋大使赴美国宣扬围棋文化。另一位是石冢莫扎特(业余5段), 日本围棋纽约俱乐部主席。中文学校领导胡大鹏,林俊,姚大纯等为来访客人举办了一个友好的欢迎仪式,宾主双方都对弘扬东亚传统文化,促进围棋事业表现了极大的热情和支持。在接下来的三小时,三位围棋高手与众多学生和家长展开让子对弈,场面欢快热烈,其乐无穷。 活动结束时,唐洁老师与大家分享了她多年来执教围棋的经验和心得,总结为“人生如棋,棋如人生”。和。本次活动同时被波士顿华人双语网和侨报等多家媒体报道, 查看详情请。
最近在哈佛大学举办了围棋博览会,活动发起人组织拍摄了一部旨在扩大围棋文化影响力的电影,唐洁老师应邀协助此活动。请大家支持围棋,点击以下网站: .
Recap: 上周日专题讲座: 家庭影响与中文教学(Family Influence and Chinese Education Seminar Last Sunday):
北美崔哥光临华夏大纽约中文学校(Brother Sway visits Huaxia Chinese School Greater New York):
日期(date): Sunday 05/05/2013 ,时间(Time): 10:30am-12:30pm,
地点(location): Cafeteria @ White Plains High School
日,倍受欢迎的”北美崔哥”将光临华夏大纽约中文学校,并为我们献上最精彩的脱口秀表演。北美崔哥 (Brother Sway),本名崔宝印,是一位美式脱口秀笑星。他是地道的北京人,北大英语专业,在美国西雅图大学读过法律,曾经为比尔盖茨,波音总裁,星巴克总裁作过同声翻译,并于2006年为胡锦涛总书记访美担任美方翻译。崔哥于2009年开创“北美崔哥脱口秀”,主打作品有“劝你不要来美国”,“劝你不要嫁老外”等。崔哥的表演不拘一格,灵活多变,雅俗共赏,粉丝遍及世界,红遍美加。相信崔哥的这次光临定能给我们带来更多的惊喜,希望大家不要错过这个机会。我们将于星期日4月14,4月21,4月28三天在华夏大纽约中文学校咖啡厅售票,成人票价8元,老年人(60岁以上)优惠价5元。期待大家的光临。
The well-known talk show star, Brother Sway, will visit Huaxia Chinese School Greater New York (HXGNY) on May 5, 2013, and offer us the most brilliant of performances. Brother Sway, whose real name is Cui Baoyin, is an Chinese-American stand-up comedian. Born in Beijing, he was a graduate of Beijing University with an English major, and studied law at the University of Washington in Seattle. He has been the simultaneous interpreter for Bill Gates, the Boeing and Starbucks CEOs. He was also the English translator for Hu Jingtao, during his state visit to the United States in 2006. Brother Sway created the “America Cui Brother Talk Show” in 2009. His main works include: “Do Not Come to US” and “Never Marry a Foreigner,” etc. Brother Sway’s performances earned him fans all over the world, and he is especially popular in North America. We believe the visit of Brother Sway will give us a pleasant surprise. Please do not miss this opportunity. We will sell tickets on the coming three Sundays (4/14, 4/21 and 4/28) at the cafeteria of White Plains High School. Each ticket costs $8.00 per adult and $5.00 per senior (60 years and older). We are looking forward to seeing all of you.
Best Regards,
Safety Reminder:
Please don’t drop off/pick up between the North Street entrance and parking lot entrance.
You can drive further ahead for drop off/pick up. Otherwise you will block the traffic.
Please do not park in the circle area when the parking spots on your right are full.
This area is reserved for fire department.
You may exit and use the parking lot facing North Street or Parking Lot A at the north side of the buildings.
Gyms News:
Please be advised that North GYM and South GYM will be used this Sunday 4/14/2013 for the HuaXia Basketball Tournament. Please plan accordingly.
Per WPHS request, please do not keep any gym exit doors open throughout school sessions. Use only the door designated for HXGNY for entrance.
Community News:
“鹏达旅游”暑期签证服务(Panda Travel Visa Service)
“鹏达旅游”(PANDA TRAVEL)今年将向华夏中文学校大纽约分校的家长和同学们提供“上门”暑期签证服务。。
Please fill out .
for references.
YingHua in Beijing (英华在北京):
Nonprofit Summer Institute in Beijing
10th Session This Year: June 24 to July 21, 2013
“YingHua in Beijing” Summer Language & Leadership Institute will run its 10th session this year. This program has changed so many kids’ life (see attached ).
The program will be from June 24 to July 21 and the tuition is $3,580 (not including the airfare). The last week will be for community service at the Beijing Guang Ai School(北京光爱学校). Students ages 8 to 18 are welcome. No Mandarin proficiency level is required. Please click here for program
每年一度的“中国寻根之旅”海外青少年夏令营的报名工作又拉开了帷幕。由国务院侨办和各省市侨办出资举办的夏令营,内容丰富多彩,生活条件优越,收费低廉合理,但都要求有组织地进行。象往年一样,全美中文学校协会(CSAUS)为了给会员学校提供方便和服务,接受了中国国侨办和一些地方侨办的委托,帮助组团参加各地的夏令营。 相关详情请点击!
亲爱的家长们,本周日专题讲座: 家庭影响与中文教学(Seminar This Sunday: Family Influence and Chinese Education):
时间: 9:40AM-10:30AM, 地点: Cafeteria
本周日成人太极养生班讲座(Adult Taichi Health Seminar This Sunday):
时间:10:30AM-11:30AM, 地点:Cafeteria
星期天10:30-11:30 am,将请成人太极养生班张老师(Richard Zhang) 给大家介绍太极养生的一些基本知识。
10th Annual Lower Hudson Engineering EXPO: This Sunday April 7th, 2013, White Plains High School
Attention High School & Middle School Students!
This Sunday: April 7th, 2013 from 11AM – 4PM.
LEARN about career opportunities in the engineering field and about career opportunities in fields from bridge and building design to the world of nanotechnology and biochemical. Learn about college curriculum offerings, admission requirements and financial aid information.MEET representatives of over 40 of the region’s leading learning institutions including Rutgers, Cornell, Columbia, Penn State, Villanova, RPI and SUNY.
DISCOVER aisles of interactive displays and exhibits focusing on engineering and higher learning opportunities to help you meet the challenges of today’s economic uncertainties.
Click here for .
Please be advised that the H Cafeteria, North GYM and South GYM will not be available on this Sunday 4/7/2013, due to the Engineering Expo that will be held at the the above areas of the White Plains High School.
Student Corner 18th Edition (小语世界第十八期):
2013年大华春季集市(HXGNY Spring Market) on 4/14/2013:
Time: 12:30PM-1:30PM; Location: H-Room
创意营销,锻炼能力,学在乐中, 学以致用
集 市在我国有着悠久的历史, 在中国传统文化中占有一席之地。 《周易》中即有“日中为市,各得其所“的记载。 集市不但是交易的场所,也是社交的场合。 在学校里,当代的校园营销更是给学生们提供了一种锻炼沟通交流、自我推广、市场实践等多项能力的有效方式。 为了帮助学生通过参与趣味销售活动扩展视野、增进能力,为增加社区活动的多样性,也为学校公益活动积累资金,华夏大纽约中文学校将于4月14日12:30 至1:30 在学校大厅(H Room)举办2013年大华春季集市。 欢迎各家各户来集市上开设销售展位,出售家中不用的物品。 销售物品限于 A. 书籍、文具等学习用品; B. 玩具、运动器件; C. 自制的手工艺品;D. 节日服装; E. 中国工艺品; F. 不含花生成分的糕点饮料。 为了使此次活动更有教育性,每个展位都应有家中华夏学生参与销售。 我们鼓励参展学生在家长指导下制作广告、横幅、传单、价目表等促销物品。 为支付活动相关费用,也为其他公益活动积累资金,我们希望参加活动的家庭将销售总额的20-30%捐赠给学校。 活动结束后,我们将根据销售金额、展位设计、营销创意评选出若干奖项。 。 如您和您的孩子有兴趣参加,请填妥报名表,email 叶雪梅。 报名截止日期为04/11。 由于销售展位数量有限,我们将按照报名递交日期指定展位,发完为止。
Town markets have a long history in China and have been part of Chinese culture. Early records of the market (over three thousand years ago) can be found in the famous divination book Zhou Yi. The market not only functions as a trading place, but also as a social gathering place for the community. In today’s schools, campus marketing provides a valuable venue for students to practice marketing, self-promotion and inter-personal communication skills.
To help students develop extracurricular capability, promote community building, and to help school raise funds for other public events, we will host the 2013 HXGNY Spring Market on 04/14 from 12:30-1:30.
We welcome all families to come and set up their booths and sell items that are no longer used at home.
The goods are limited to school supplies such as 1)
3) home- 4) 5) C 6) peanut-free baked goods or drinks.
To emphasize the educational purpose of the event, student participation is required for all the booths.
We encourage participating students to create marketing materials such as flyers, posters, price lists, etc.
To cover the activity expense, and to fund future events, we recommend a donation of 20-30% of total sale proceeds to the school. Special prizes will be awarded based on booth poster design, sales amount and marketing creativity.
If you are interested, please email the completed form to Xuemei Ye at
Vendor booths will be assigned based on application date.
2013年华夏总校篮球赛 (2013 Huaxia Headquarter Basketball Tournament):
日期(Date): 04/14/2013,时间(Time): 9:30am-12:30pm,
地点(Location): South/North Gym at White Plains High School
2013年华夏总校篮球赛北区小组预选赛将于4月14日(星期日) 9:30am至 12:30pm在华夏大纽约体育馆举办。四所华夏分校,包括:Long Island, Livingston, Bergen and Greater New York 将为小组的排名展开角逐。我们华夏大纽约为今年的篮球比赛作了较为充分的准备,通过吸收新队员,加强队员之间的配合训练,球队实力比以前大有提升。真诚希望各位家长和朋友届时光临,为我们的球队加油助威, 并预祝我们的球队今年能够取得好成绩。
The group match of the North Section of the 2013 Huaxia Headquarter Basketball Tournament will be held on 04/14/2013 between 9:30am and 12:30pm, in the gym of Huaxia Chinese School Greater New York (HXGNY). Four teams from different Huaxia branches, including Long Island, Livingston, Bergen and Greater New York, will compete for better ranking in the group. This year, we are well prepared for this tournament. Our team roster has been greatly strengthened with the addition of several new players and intensive training. We encourage everyone to come and cheer for our team, and wish them great success in this tournament.
第十五届华夏田径运动会通知 (15th Annual HuaXia Track and Field Competition):
Best Regards,
Safety Reminder:
Please be advised that due to the Engineering EXPO on this Sunday 4/7/2013, White Plains High School would like HXGNY families to use Parking Lot A”Students Parking Lot” on this Sunday 4/7/2013.Please don’t drop off/pick up between the North Street entrance and parking lot entrance.
You can drive further ahead for drop off/pick up. Otherwise you will block the traffic.
Please do not park in the circle area when the parking spots on your right are full.
This area is reserved for fire department.
You may exit and use the parking lot facing North Street or Parking Lot A at the north side of the buildings.
Gyms News:Please be advised that North GYM and South GYM will not be available on this Sunday 4/7/2013, due to the Engineering Expo that will be held the White Plains High School.Please plan accordingly.
Per WPHS request, please do not keep any gym exit doors open throughout school sessions. Use only the door designated for HXGNY for entrance.
Community News:YingHua in Beijing (英华在北京):
Nonprofit Summer Institute in Beijing
10th Session This Year: June 24 to July 21, 2013
“YingHua in Beijing” Summer Language & Leadership Institute will run its 10th session this year. This program has changed so many kids’ life (see attached ).
The program will be from June 24 to July 21 and the tuition is $3,580 (not including the airfare). The last week will be for community service at the Beijing Guang Ai School(北京光爱学校). Students ages 8 to 18 are welcome. No Mandarin proficiency level is required. Please click here for program
Beijing International Music Festival & Academy August 12-24, 2013
The 8th season of the Beijing International Music Festival & Academy (BIMFA) will take place from August 12-24, 2013 in the Chinese capital Beijing. We cordially invite you to visit our website for complete and updated information. For those who are interested in applying scholarship assistance to participate in this summer’s festival, the application postmark date is April 10th, 2013.Please contact: US Toll Free: (888) 860-BIMFA; Tele: ; Fax: ; Email: :
每年一度的“中国寻根之旅”海外青少年夏令营的报名工作又拉开了帷幕。由国务院侨办和各省市侨办出资举办的夏令营,内容丰富多彩,生活条件优越,收费低廉合理,但都要求有组织地进行。象往年一样,全美中文学校协会(CSAUS)为了给会员学校提供方便和服务,接受了中国国侨办和一些地方侨办的委托,帮助组团参加各地的夏令营。 相关详情请点击!
To Celebrate Easter Sunday, there will be no school this Sunday March 31, 2013.
Happy Easter!
专题讲座: 家庭影响与中文教学(Seminar: Family Influence and Chinese Education) 4/7/2013:
时间: 9:40AM-10:30AM, 地点: Cafeteria
成人太极养生班讲座(Adult Taichi Health Seminar) 4/7/2013:
时间:10:30AM-11:30AM, 地点:Cafeteria
星期天10:30-11:30 am,将请成人太极养生班张老师(Richard Zhang) 给大家介绍太极养生的一些基本知识。
2013年大华春季集市(HXGNY Spring Market) on 4/14/2013:
Time: 12:30PM-1:30PM; Location: H-Room
创意营销,锻炼能力,学在乐中, 学以致用
集市在我国有着悠久的历史, 在中国传统文化中占有一席之地。 《周易》中即有“日中为市,各得其所“的记载。 集市不但是交易的场所,也是社交的场合。 在学校里,当代的校园营销更是给学生们提供了一种锻炼沟通交流、自我推广、市场实践等多项能力的有效方式。 为了帮助学生通过参与趣味销售活动扩展视野、增进能力,为增加社区活动的多样性,也为学校公益活动积累资金,华夏大纽约中文学校将于4月14日12:30至1:30 在学校大厅(H Room)举办2013年大华春季集市。 欢迎各家各户来集市上开设销售展位,出售家中不用的物品。 销售物品限于 A. 书籍、文具等学习用品; B. 玩具、运动器件; C. 自制的手工艺品;D. 节日服装; E. 中国工艺品; F. 不含花生成分的糕点饮料。 为了使此次活动更有教育性,每个展位都应有家中华夏学生参与销售。 我们鼓励参展学生在家长指导下制作广告、横幅、传单、价目表等促销物品。 为支付活动相关费用,也为其他公益活动积累资金,我们希望参加活动的家庭将销售总额的20-30%捐赠给学校。 活动结束后,我们将根据销售金额、展位设计、营销创意评选出若干奖项。 。 如您和您的孩子有兴趣参加,请填妥报名表,email 叶雪梅。 报名截止日期为04/11。 由于销售展位数量有限,我们将按照报名递交日期指定展位,发完为止。
Town markets have a long history in China and have been part of Chinese culture. Early records of the market (over three thousand years ago) can be found in the famous divination book Zhou Yi. The market not only functions as a trading place, but also as a social gathering place for the community. In today’s schools, campus marketing provides a valuable venue for students to practice marketing, self-promotion and inter-personal communication skills.
To help students develop extracurricular capability, promote community building, and to help school raise funds for other public events, we will host the 2013 HXGNY Spring Market on 04/14 from 12:30-1:30.
We welcome all families to come and set up their booths and sell items that are no longer used at home.
The goods are limited to school supplies such as 1)
3) home- 4) 5) C 6) peanut-free baked goods or drinks.
To emphasize the educational purpose of the event, student participation is required for all the booths.
We encourage participating students to create marketing materials such as flyers, posters, price lists, etc.
To cover the activity expense, and to fund future events, we recommend a donation of 20-30% of total sale proceeds to the school. Special prizes will be awarded based on booth poster design, sales amount and marketing creativity.
If you are interested, please email the completed form to Xuemei Ye at
Vendor booths will be assigned based on application date.
第十五届华夏田径运动会通知 (15th Annual HuaXia Track and Field Competition):
Best Regards,
Safety Reminder:
Please be advised that due to the Engineering EXPO on4/7/2013, White Plains High School would like HXGNY families to use Parking Lot A”Students Parking Lot” on4/7/2013.
Please don’t drop off/pick up between the North Street entrance and parking lot entrance.
You can drive further ahead for drop off/pick up. Otherwise you will block the traffic.
Please do not park in the circle area when the parking spots on your right are full.
This area is reserved for fire department.
You may exit and use the parking lot facing North Street or Parking Lot A at the north side of the buildings.
Gyms News:
Please be advised that North GYM and South GYM will not be available on 4/7/2013, due to the Engineering Expo that will be held the White Plains High School. Please plan accordingly.
Per WPHS request, please do not keep any gym exit doors open throughout school sessions. Use only the door designated for HXGNY for entrance.
本周日专题讲座(Seminar This Sunday): 音乐经典欣赏(Classic Music Appreciation)
时间(Time): 10AM – 11AM, 地点(Location): Cafeteria
音乐经典(Music Humanities)是西方文化的基本组成部分之一。在欧美培养知识精英的一流大学中,是每一个大学生的核心必修课(Core Curriculum)。这个专题讲座使参与者更多地了解西方文化,并有助于培养子女成为知识精英.
主 讲人陈成钧,纽约市哥伦比亚大学应用物理与应用数学系资深研究员、兼任教授,主讲两门研究生课程:Introduction to Scanning Tunneling Microscopy 和 Physics of Solar Energy,并做有关的研究。从小学起,在上海学钢琴和西方古典音乐。初中时曾跟随著名作曲家程懋筠学习作曲。 高中时曾是上海音乐协会创作组成员,并在上海工人文化宫担任合唱团钢琴伴奏。在北京大学上学时曾是北大学生会管弦乐队队长及指挥。2004-07 在汉堡大学任访问教授时曾跟随德国钢琴家 Irinina Gerassimez进修钢琴。前几年在威郡音乐学院与俄国钢琴家Svetlana Gorovchenko 进修钢琴。
本周日儿童探奇系列知识讲座II (Little Wonder Seminar Series For Children II This Sunday):
时间(Time): 12:45 PM ;
地点: Cafeteria
孩童的好奇心是人生瑰宝之一。为了鼓励和培养孩童的好奇心, 中文学校自三月十日开始主办儿童探奇系列科学知识讲座. 内容包括自然科学与人文科学的诸多方面。
正如其他所有中文学校活动,我们需要家长的大力支持与帮助。我们需要更多家长来为孩子们讲授各种知识。主题可包括自然科学与人文科学的各个方面。 请有兴趣的家长与Sarah Zhang&& or Linda Wu && 联系。 谢谢支持!
Children learn by asking questions. To foster their curiosity and enthusiasm, HXGNY will host a series of science seminars for children.
As with all activities in our school, we need support from parents. We need more parents to come here to talk about science and any other interesting subjects with our children. If you are interested, please contact Sarah Zhang & & or Linda Wu &&. Thank you for your support!
Our second education seminar will be presented by Tiger Tang regarding the Ancient Greek Myth:What was Ancient Greek?
Who were the mighty Greek gods?
Who were the Greek heroes in the ancient Grecian myths?
What about the different city states of ancient Greece?
What were they and why are they important?
These are some of the questions that will be explored about the mysteries of ancient Greece.
Registration: Please email
to register.School will order pizza lunch for the parents to purchase. Please state how many slices of pizza you will order.
Student Corner 17th Edition (小语世界第十七期):
本期小语世界出版马立平三年级二班作文选, 指导老师韩晓英。 本期编辑陈钰瑶。小语世界。
Reminder: No School next Sunday on 3/31/2013
3/31/2013 is Easter Sunday. We will have no school next Sunday on 3/31/2013.
第十五届华夏田径运动会通知 (15th Annual HuaXia Track and Field Competition):
Best Regards,
Safety Reminder:
Please don’t drop off/pick up between the North Street entrance and parking lot entrance.
You can drive further ahead for drop off/pick up. Otherwise you will block the traffic.
Please do not park in the circle area when the parking spots on your right are full.
This area is reserved for fire department.
You may exit and use the parking lot facing North Street or Parking Lot A at the north side of the buildings.
Gyms News:
We will have only one gym (South Gym)
available till the end of March. The other gym will be used by WPHS.
Please be advised that North GYM and South GYM will not be available on 4/7/2013, due to the Engineering Expo that will be held the White Plains High School. Please plan accordingly.
Per WPHS request, please do not keep any gym exit doors open throughout school sessions. Use only the door designated for HXGNY for entrance.
Community News:
10th Annual Lower Hudson Engineering EXPO:
Sunday April 7th, 2013, White Plains High School
Attention High School & Middle School Students!
Save the day: April 7th, 2013.
LEARN about career opportunities in the engineering field and about career opportunities in fields from bridge and building design to the world of nanotechnology and biochemical. Learn about college curriculum offerings, admission requirements and financial aid information.
MEET representatives of over 40 of the region’s leading learning institutions including Rutgers, Cornell, Columbia, Penn State, Villanova, RPI and SUNY.
DISCOVER aisles of interactive displays and exhibits focusing on engineering and higher learning opportunities to help you meet the challenges of today’s economic uncertainties.
Click here for .
Please be advised that the H Cafeteria, North GYM and South GYM will not be available on 4/7/2013, due to the Engineering Expo that will be held at the the above areas of the White Plains High School.
Reminder: No School This Sunday 3/17/2013:
3/17/2013 is marked as snow make up day. Since we have not used any snow days so far this academic year, we will have no school this Sunday.
儿童探奇系列知识讲座II (Little Wonder Seminar Series For Children II) 3/24/2013:
时间(Time): 12:45 PM ;
地点: Cafeteria
孩童的好奇心是人生瑰宝之一。为了鼓励和培养孩童的好奇心, 中文学校将于三月十日开始主办儿童探奇系列科学知识讲座. 内容包括自然科学与人文科学的诸多方面。
正如其他所有中文学校活动,我们需要家长的大力支持与帮助。我们需要更多家长来为孩子们讲授各种知识。主题可包括自然科学与人文科学的各个方面。 请有兴趣的家长与Sarah Zhang&& or Linda Wu && 联系。 谢谢支持!
Children learn by asking questions. To foster their curiosity and enthusiasm, HXGNY will host a series of science seminars for children.
As with all activities in our school, we need support from parents. We need more parents to come here to talk about science and any other interesting subjects with our children. If you are interested, please contact Sarah Zhang & & or Linda Wu &&. Thank you for your support!
Our second education seminar will be presented by Tiger Tang regarding the Ancient Greek Myth:What was Ancient Greek?
Who were the mighty Greek gods?
Who were the Greek heroes in the ancient Grecian myths?
What about the different city states of ancient Greece?
What were they and why are they important?
These are some of the questions that will be explored about the mysteries of ancient Greece.
Lunch: School will order pizza lunch for the parents to purchase. To order, please contact Sarah Zhang & & or Linda Wu &&.
专题讲座(Seminar): 音乐经典欣赏(Classic Music Appreciation) on 3/24/2013:
时间(Time): 10:00AM ;
地点: Cafeteria
音乐经典(Music Humanities)是西方文化的基本组成部分之一。在欧美培养知识精英的一流大学中,是每一个大学生的核心必修课(Core Curriculum)。这个专题讲座使参与者更多的了解西方文化,并有助于培养子女成为知识精英.
主讲人陈成钧,纽约市哥伦比亚大学应用物理与应用数学系资深研究员、兼任教授,主讲两门研究生课程:Introduction to Scanning Tunneling Microscopy 和 Physics of Solar Energy,并做有关的研究。从小学起,在上海学钢琴和西方古典音乐。初中时曾跟随著名作曲家程懋筠学习作曲。高中时曾是上海音乐协会创作组成员,并在上海工人文化宫担任合唱团钢琴伴奏。在北京大学上学时曾是北大学生会管弦乐队队长及指挥。2004-07 在汉堡大学任访问教授时曾与德国钢琴家 Irinina Gerassimez进修钢琴。前几年在威郡音乐学院与俄国钢琴家Svetlana Gorovchenko 进修钢琴。
Have A Great Weekend!
Best Regards,
Reminder: Daylight saving starts this Sunday. Please remember to move your clock FORWARD by one hour!
本周日华夏大纽约中文学校辩论选拔赛 (HXGNY Debate Contest This Sunday):
时间:星期日(3/10/pm-1:30pm, 地点:马立平五年级教室 (C110)
为了迎接华夏中文学校的辩论赛(定于4/21/2013 举行)华夏大纽约分校将在本周日(3/10/2013)进行选拔赛。选拔赛将分两组进行,4-6年级为甲组,7年级以上为乙组。每位参赛者将作为一辩手进行三分钟陈述。辩手可以持有任一方(正方或反方)的观点,由辩手自己决定。各组的前六名优胜者将组成辩论队代表大纽约分校参加总校的辩论赛。上周日黄岳老师就如何准备3分钟陈述对参赛者进行了一次集中指导和训练,请各位家长帮助您的学生为参赛进行准备和练习。
2013 华夏辩论比赛辩论题目:
请感兴趣的同学Email ,报名截止日期:3/9/2013.
本周日专题讲座(Seminar This Sunday): 如何正确有效地培养儿童的音乐才华 (How to Effectively Foster Children’s Music Talent):
时间(Time): 10AM – 11AM, 地点(Location): Cafeteria
儿童的音乐才华需要悉心的培养与得当的方法。正确的方法会帮助儿童热爱音乐并能在才能上迅速提高并超越。本周日我们邀请Professor Elena Rossman, President of the American Association for Development of the Gifted and Talented, 给父母传授她30年来教学与培养儿童音乐才能的经验。
How do you cultivate children’s love of music and effectively foster children’s music talent? Professor Elena Rossman will share her more than 30 years’ experience with parents on teaching children music.
Please click here for
儿童探奇系列知识讲座 (Little Wonder Seminar Series For Children) Starting This Sunday:
时间(Time): 12:45 PM ;
地点: Cafeteria
孩童的好奇心是人生瑰宝之一。为了鼓励和培养孩童的好奇心, 中文学校将于三月十日开始主办儿童探奇系列科学知识讲座. 内容包括自然科学与人文科学的诸多方面。
正如其他所有中文学校活动,我们需要家长的大力支持与帮助。我们需要更多家长来为孩子们讲授各种知识。主题可包括自然科学与人文科学的各个方面。 请有兴趣的家长与Sarah Zhang&& or Linda Wu && 联系。 谢谢支持!
Children learn by asking questions. To foster their curiosity and enthusiasm, HXGNY will host a series of science seminars for children.
As with all activities in our school, we need support from parents. We need more parents to come here to talk about science and any other interesting subjects with our children. If you are interested, please contact Sarah Zhang & & or Linda Wu &&. Thank you for your support!
Our first education seminar will be presented by Wai Tang regarding the universe:
What is the origin of our universe?
Is the Big Bang the answer?
What is inflation? Is our universe still expanding?
Will it stop expanding and collapse back to a point?
What is dark matter?
How come we think dark matter exists, even though we have not detected it yet? And how about dark energy?
Is it really there? These are some of the interesting questions we would like to explore in our first Universe Seminar specifically designed for our youngsters.
Please click here for and .
Lunch: School will order pizza lunch for the parents to purchase.
Registration: Please email
to register. Please state how many slices of pizza you will order.
Recap 华夏大纽约元宵游行录像(HXGNY Lantern Parade Video):
Recap 上周日华夏大纽约花灯节 (HXGNY Lantern Festival Last
3月3日,大纽约华夏中文学校举办了首届元宵花灯节。家长和学生们观赏了在H-room展出的各色各样的自制花灯,并投票选出了他们最喜欢的作品。我们向所有参赛者和获奖者表示祝贺和感谢。还没有领回花灯或奖品的家长,可以在本周末到学校咨询台领取。All homemade lanterns collected from the HXGNY Chinese costume day/lantern parade were exhibited at last Sunday’s HXGNY Lantern Competition in the H-room. Many parents put in their votes for their favorite lanterns.
Congratulations and thanks to all participating students and parents.
If you have not picked up your lantern and prize, please come to the information desk this weekend.Here are the proud winners of this event:
First prize: 黄若涵(G2C1), 童相维 (PreK-3), 黄若岚(PreK2)
Second Prize: 廖晓安(G2C2),钮佩龄(G4马立平), 骆依林(G1C2), 林伊茗(G8), 黄瑞(G1C1), 钮奕飞(K2),吕梦忱(G1C2), One unnamed lantern.
Third Prize: Emma Wang (PreK2), Jerry Jin (K2), 徐翰轩 (G3C1), 任钧也(G2C2), 吴依蓉(G2C1), Jason Cai(G1C2),关易帆(G2C1), 刁大卫(G2C2),王洲宁(G1C1), Peter Yang(PreK), 任嘉也(K2), Katherin Lu (G1C1), 史婕如(G4C1),陈嘉绮(G3C1), 林经山(G2C1), 任昕也(K2), 林亦勤(G6C1), 周圆, Melissa, 朱欣怡(G1C1),
Justin Qu(K1), 叶琳娜(G5马立平)
Student Corner 16th Edition(小语世界第十六期):
本期小语世界出版马立平二年级一班《快乐的春节》专刊, 指导老师李谦云。 本期编辑胡舒菡。小语世界。
&侨报周末&华夏园地特刊在二月八日出版了我校专刊 (China Press Weekly Published Our School’s Special Edition on 2/8/2013)
侨报周末华夏园地特刊在二月八日出版了我校专刊。 专刊上刊登了林骏校长的题为《立足新起点,继续探讨海外办学模式》的文章和我校部分学生的作文选。请点击这里参阅。
China Press Weekly published our school’s special edition on 2/8/2013. Please visit .
Reminder: No School next Sunday on 3/17/2013
3/17/2013 is marked as snow make up day. Since we have not used any snow days so far this academic year, we will have no school next Sunday on 3/17/2013.
Best Regards,
Safety Reminder:
Please don’t drop off/pick up between the North Street entrance and parking lot entrance.
You can drive further ahead for drop off/pick up. Otherwise you will block the traffic.
Please do not park in the circle area when the parking spots on your right are full.
This area is reserved for fire department.
You may exit and use the parking lot facing North Street or Parking Lot A at the north side of the buildings.
Gyms News:
We will have only one gym (South Gym)
available till the end of March. The other gym will be used by WPHS. Please plan accordingly.
Per WPHS request, please do not keep any gym exit doors open throughout school sessions. Use only the door designated for HXGNY for entrance.
Community News:
Dispelling the Myth of the Tiger Mother
家庭教育专著《哈佛两姐妹》英文版:“The Chinese-American Method: Raising Our Children with the Best of Both Worlds”已经由Trafford Publishing出版,在Amazon 和 Barnes & Noble 均有出售。作者汪小武博士和胡琳老师在书中提出了一种融洽的,发人深省的养育孩子策略。Please
for a bit more detail about their book.
二月二十四日不仅是春节之后的第一个节日,元宵节,也迎来了华夏大纽约中文学校的第一次唐装日和华灯游行。孩子们成群结队,环绕着学校,向人们展示着各式各样的灯笼,色彩鲜明的唐装。 游行结束时的礼物包则更是孩子们的最爱。老师们也不失时机地向学生们介绍中国元宵节这一传统的千百年历史,比起万圣节来,两场游行可说各擅专场,这也让学生有机会对两种文化对照比较、兼收并蓄。
02/24 not only marked the first major holiday after the Chinese New Year, but also witnessed the first Chinese Costume Day and Lantern Parade in Huaxia Greater New York Chinese School. In teams and groups, children walked around the school, showcasing colorful dresses and a variety of lanterns. The goody bag given at the end of the parade, of course, was the best part . Teachers also took the opportunity to tell students the thousand-year history of this Chinese tradition.
The Halloween parade and the Lantern Parade each had its own flavor, which gave students an opportunity to compare and to appreciate the uniqueness of different cultures.
From , posted by
on 2/25/2013 (99 items)
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