卡佩罗 nighta bay of bloodd

【官网】【10.02】 国王:赢了比赛就是爽_利物浦足球俱乐部吧_百度贴吧
【官网】【10.02】 国王:赢了比赛就是爽
The Redshad to bide their time before Andy Carroll opened the scoring at Goodison Parkwhen he converted Jose Enrique's cross on 71 minutes after the Blues' JackRodwell was shown a straight red card midway through the first half.在卡萝莉没**之前,红军真是够憋屈了。不过现在守得云开见月明啦,表姐家的在上半场左右就领了红宝石战神卡,然后71分钟的时候,萝莉接到恩里克的传中之后终于开和了。5Y( [1]&T~
LuisSuarez made the three points safe with a neat finish following a mix-up in theEverton defence to leave the boss delighted with the efforts of his charges.在最后阶段,趁对方俩后卫搞基没成功之际,苏牙再入一球锁定胜局。国王终于笑了,他的努力收到了回报。,ut-Di=6
Dalglishtold his post-match press conference: "It was pretty even 11 against 11. Ihave not seen the incident, so I don't know whether he deserved red or not.赛后的媒体发布会上,国王表态说:“就算是人数相等的时候我们表现也还不错,至于对方那个红宝石是肿么回事呢??离得太远没看清,没调权爷没有发言权啊~”fFYfb4o
"Afterthey went down to 10, we were very professional, composed and thorough in whatwe were trying to do.“在多一人的时候,我们表现得就很职业啦,配合不错,也把我们赛前演练的战术打了出来。”{KGEv%
"Sometimesit is difficult to play against 10. It was difficult because you know whatyou're going to get from Everton and they put in a great effort to try and keepit at 0-0, or even win it themselves.“其实你们都不懂,有时候多一个的时候反而不好打,尤其是对糖糖,天知道是不是罚下那个哥们在下面给他们打鸡血了,他们拼了老命想守住平局,然后趁机进一个”d2a*xDkv
"Itwas never going to be easy for us, but I think the way we went about our workwas a great credit to the players."“所有的比赛都不是说能轻易拿下的,但朕认为,今天的胜利是对爱卿们辛勤的回报”8 v}B-cS
Liverpool could have taken the lead earlier had Tim Howard notproduced a fine save to deny Dirk Kuyt from the penalty spot on the stroke ofhalf-time.其实如果不是裤子今天中了邪了点球被人扑了,咱早在上半场就领先了。B[1]I CG@
Dalglishadded: "You're always hoping you're going to make a chance, whether youtake it or not is another thing. Although they (Everton) will be unhappy withthe result, I think they will be happy with the effort their players put in forthem.国王又说:“其实我们无时无刻不希望创造机会,进不进是另一回事,机会当然是越多越好。尽管糖表姐对这场比赛的结果不满,但我觉得他们应该为自己球员的努力表现感到高兴的,你说是吧~”CBr(a'3{Z
"Wewere delighted with our players and the way they went about their work. It'shypothetical whether we would have won or lost (with 11 versus 11) becausewe'll never know."“很高兴球员们走在正确的康庄大道上!!说实话,如果隔壁家的那个娃没被罚下的话,结果或许不同,可是现实是没有如果滴~~”PS}' LhZ
Carroll'sdeadlock breaker was his first goal in the Barclays Premier League this season.卡萝莉的本赛季首球打破了僵局。
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Onereporter put it to Dalglish that a derby goal could provide the No.9 with alift in confidence, to which the manager replied: "It won't do Luis anyharm either!一个记者说,萝莉会通过这场比赛找到自信然后进步的,然后国王回答说:“放心,这事影响不到苏牙”lQ M&q
"Whatwas also pleasing was the reaction of Dirk Kuyt after missing the penalty - itdidn't seem to affect him, which is the sign of a strong character.“对于裤子罚丢点球后快速的调整好状态,我们也很欣慰——要知道做到这一点需要一颗无比强大的心脏啊~~”; I;&O5Y
"Thosethree incidents are very positive returns for each of the three individuals.”Big Andy was unlucky a couple of times earlier with headers, but he stroked itaway nicely."“不管是卡萝莉,苏牙,还是裤子,胜利对就是对他们那三次机会(尽管裤子的没进)的回报”巨型卡萝莉在开局阶段运气一点都不好,现在云开雾散了,阳光要出来了。'eo/"~/*w
Dalglishadded: "We said when we signed both of them (Carroll and Suarez) it was agreat bit of business for the club and we don't see any reason to change thatopinion. I don't think there's any need for us to have a weekly bulletin abouthow they've played either.国王还说:“冬天的时候我们签下了,现在看来这笔生意是如此划算,真找不到理由黑他们了。当然,我们不需要媒体们充当懂球帝告诉我们怎么踢球”J= [D'h
"We'redelighted with them. Andy has worked really, really hard in training and he isgetting his reward on the pitch."“我们给好评了,萝莉其实是个刻苦训练的好孩纸,场上这个三好学习奖是他应得的回报”]h?q1
Meanwhile,a satisfying afternoon for Liverpool wasenhanced by the sight of Steven Gerrard getting a further 23 minutes under hisbelt after entering the action as a second-half substitute to continue hiscomeback.同时,我军还有一个不错的事情,就是咱的腹股沟大爷这次踢了23分钟哦,虽然是下半场替补上的,可是踢得时间比上次多了,这次可是整整的23分钟啊。xg}Q~ ,:
Dalglish wasquizzed on the prospect of the No.8 being included in &st1:country-region w:st="on"&England's squad for the forthcoming Euro 2012qualifier with &st1:country-region w:st="on"&Montenegro.当被问到包子能否出现在即将在欧锦赛预选赛中迎战黑山的英格兰阵中时。国王如是说:lSg[7lt
He said:"It's another step forward for Steven coming on in the derby and getting afew more minutes under his belt. I think Steven aired his views yesterday and Idon't think there is anything I need to add with regards to that.“能在德比中上场更长的时间,对于包子本身就是进步了。至于国家队那些破事,昨儿个包子不是自己说了吗?我不觉得我还有什么好补充的了。”g#MLA5%=u
"Withregards to any reaction after the game, there was none whatsoever other thanhappiness about the result."“至于赛后大家的反应,就那样呗,除了高兴还是高兴”6w=`0r3hy
MartinKelly's international future was also the subject of journalists' questions.另外还有一个无聊的记者问了国王关于基莉的国家队前景的事。MkL)
Thefull-back turned in another assured display at GoodisonPark and Dalglish was quizzed onwhether he could soon make the step up from U21 to full international for &st1:country-region w:st="on"&England.这位伤愈过来的病号今天打满全场了,所以国王又被人问起关于基莉能否在U21更进一步的事情。Vr|e(e.%
"Fabio(Capello) has got to pick a team and he'll pick whoever he wants to pick,"said the gaffer. "We're delighted with Martin and where his performancesfor us take him, I don't know."“这事不归我管,选人的权利在卡佩罗手里,他知道怎么弄,基莉能回来我们很高兴了,至于他的表现能把他带到什么位置,这个我也不清楚


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