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自动式折盖封箱机设计【毕业论文+CAD图纸全套】.doc 64页
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This topic is the design of case erector, using both sides of friction tape drive to seal box scheme, sealing, economic, fast, stable. The design of the automatic folding cover sealing machine, can according to the carton size, adjust the width and height by induction device, stand-alone operations, also with the use of automated packaging lines matching. When working, the carton from machine input into (the top of the box sealing cover should be erected by the conveyer belt drives), when let go, when the carton folding cover after the encounter, control switch, push the cylinder piston out, folded plate rise, when the carton completely after folding cover the control switch, control switch after folding cover reset, the cylinder piston shrinkage, folded plate down, the box cover, box cover on both sides of the swing rod completed under the action of the side cover folding cover action, can complete the folding cover sealing purpose. Fold cover order: front cover, back cover, left and right side cover. When the operation to the rest position, the box will rest and tape pressing wheel pressure to resign, then tape pressure acting on the four bar mechanism with the tape pressing wheel wheel keep synchronous movement to abdicate, and make the tape and cardboard box in front of the paste with sealing. As the body forward, constantly taking tape sealed in t
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