
有什麼方法 可以快速增强我的读和听....没个音听得懂.但我花了半个多月时间 记了5000多个单词 就是怎麼感觉一点用也没有 不会听不会说...不是说学英文要单词量多吗...?..?...但昨天一看英文电影.只会看字幕 唉 烦死了 就像communicate 昨天的电影有这个词 我只会解 但不会听....那是什麼问题..? 原本还高兴著 2个月後 我单词量有10000多
可以跟外国人交流了? 好像advertisement 我听了十多次读音 跟著读 也记不住.唉 是不是我学习方式错了 我百度了很久 大家都说要学会单词做基础.......电影读到这个词 我也不知道..还有更简单的 ache area unsafe 我都不会读...也不会听 只会理解和写......到底我现在应该怎麼办才好..只会写只会理解意思 这有什麼用...我就只看字幕 像mountainous scientific 这些英文单词量我有5000多 但我一个读音也不会 只知道怎麼写和中文意思唉 好烦 都不知道怎麼学起了 已经有5000多个单词量 昨天试了 每个单词都听一遍读音 再跟著读 听完一个 听下一个 就忘了上一个怎麼读了...
..有办法在8个月学到吗? 我每天有10小时学习英文
我没有工作 没有上学 整天就在家自己学一下东西 准备自考专科去 因为已经决定了 要先把英文,高等数学和大学语文考了 所以才需要那麼急...8个月内就要学懂..听和说 因为听自考的同学说 成人英文3级 要考听力和说话的..不过我不是完全为了考试的...因为我想将来出来工作了 英文也是一个重点
...那我之前学的单词 要重头学起 是吗....? 那这样 8个月内 我单词写 读 听 解能到提10000吗? 现在写和解倒是没什麼问题 问题就是在读和听 8个月内有可能学会听和读吗?
兴趣我是有的...英文网页 我整天上去看 问题不大 有很多还是看得懂的 还有我很喜欢看外国电影..发现看外国电影对英文读音帮助不大...我每天至少看3部...有时会试著跟他读的去看英文字幕 感觉问题不大 还是可以跟得上的 但不看字幕只听...就没一个听得懂 现在读和听...就完全不会了我目标是在8个月内...学到听说都没问题 因为我要考试...
早上学英语是最好的时候 因为早上学习和记忆力强
每天早上记几个单词慢慢的就会英语了 其实英语也不难 英语句子是由单词组成 我相信你已经懂了
音标应该只对单词有用? 因为我看电影经常听到 wha s this 不是 what is this应该说简单点...我是想和外国人交流 还有就是过成人英语3级
出门在外也不愁This is a topic I’ve wanted to post for a long time.  How do you find people who mix English into their Chinese sentences?     I don’t know about you but I DO find this situation quite annoying, which has also been bugging me for a while. This happens pretty often, especially in my place, done by literally nearly every single Chinese speaker I know of. Those people are not necessarily ABCs (or other foreign BCs) or simply bad at Chinese, but are mostly native Chinese speakers. This is why, to me, they can’t excuse themselves by claiming that they “couldn’t find the right Chinese word for it”.     I personally use 97% of Chinese to communicate with Chinese friends/ family/ strangers, etc. The 3% of English goes to “sorry” and words I can’t pronounce in Chinese or some specific terms (such as: presentation).    My experience:    1. Looking for dumplings in a store when the saleslady came up to me and said:   “Miss, 现在是promotion,饺子在降price呢。菜很fresh,肉很嫩,想要的话我帮你keep起来,ok?”    2. A friend whose English is not good:  “明天Friday,我有一个specific的idea,你帮我mark down。”    3. Overhearing a mother’s conversation with daughter:  “Good girl. There have a fish, a duck, a camel, a....鳄鱼,and a bird。”  (Apparently, Konggy parents love to feed their kids with English.)    4. A cop talking to an old lady who’s probably in her 80s:  “你去 police station找个card,写个note就ok了。”    .......................................    Am I the only one with these experiences? I’m wondering if this is a way to show off their English ability, or simply a trendy thing...?  
楼主发言:1次 发图:0张
  同意LS    btw,梦女士是否能召集杂谈里的英语牛人开个YY群什么的,我想你应该有很多和老外交流的机会,但也许其他人并不多但又渴望得到更多联系。  所以我想口语好的的朋友先搭个舞台,大家时不时都在YY上用英语聊聊,绝对能用很好的效果    不知可否?
  A good question!    语言不过是传递信息内容的媒介。对话目的不外希望听众对你的所说内容达到理解最大化、歧义最小化。当夹杂不能最有效地增进沟通时,很奇怪有什么好show off 的?至于要不要夹杂那要看各种语境了~。    买饺子大妈想show off 吗? 一天操劳辛苦的她又何必?对她来说,也许只是徒顺口便利而已。再说她爱咋说,只要不影响你继续买她的东东,她就不会改口。一旦她因此失去了顾客,那她就得掂量掂量了。    朋友之间闲聊,若双方不介意,那各位爱咋夹杂就咋夹杂:好玩欢乐趣味丛生~    对方不懂中文或英文,你自然不会夹杂,除非吃得太撑了。    警察叔叔执行公务时这么夹杂,容易引起歧义,实在差劲,值得梦mm去呼吁罚他款~!    正式场合下,比如做presentation,估计谁也不会傻x到夹杂那个地步;    在双语学习过程中,夹杂现象很多,童鞋在练习时不应养成夹杂习惯,但在交流语法或分析错误时,则完全可以用母语解释。这样做的目的仍然是上面提到的,尽量减少学习者产生歧义。    在翻译界,目前仍在为地名、人名、特定术语是否翻译还是保持原文而争执不下。  
  作者:潜水自由2011 回复日期: 22:59:22  回复
           听过一个香港话说夹杂的经典笑话:         我们ss还没ki呢,ma什么rry啊?!  ---------------------------------  这个算外来语本土化了,跟说中文时夹个原封不动的英文情形有点不一样;前者可以是个只会说中文的土著,而后者起码还是会说点英文的
  Those I don't mind. To me the most annoying is the abuse of English by TV hosts and commentators, especially on those official programs.    有次看见堂堂新华社的新闻大字标题是:“租房 or 买房?”  混帐新华社连个“或”字都打不出来吗?
  这个嘛,很natural啦,历史很long啦。    逊帝溥仪当年就经常是:把pencil削好,放在desk上。把几个师傅弄的没办法。    毛主席也来个paper tiger嘛。    I have no beef with it, as long as it gets the message across. English is simply the dominating language in the world that infiltrates every country and culture.
We have to learn to live with this reality.
  @好多好多好多马甲  22:30:06  同意LS  btw,梦女士是否能召集杂谈里的英语牛人开个YY群什么的,我想你应该有很多和老外交流的机会,但也许其他人并不多但又渴望得到更多联系。  所以我想口语好的的朋友先搭个舞台,大家时不时都在YY上用英语聊聊,绝对能用很好的效果  不知可否?  -----------------------------  这个是个不错的提议,但我是电脑白痴,而且对录音真的不是那么有兴趣。。。不如你来吧?到时候我必定参加~  
  汉语,英语混着说很多时候是习惯了。尤其是在英语环境中呆时间很长的中国人。讲话很快,有些词不能马上找到对应的中文,很自然用汉语了。比如说:    你房子的mortgage是多少?  这车的gas mileage是多少?  明天有promotion。  小孩子很cute。  前面的rest area听一下。    不是说不知道中文应该用什么次。加入需要半秒钟来翻译,就不值得了。因为那样就会停顿。    “降价”是一个词。“降price”这样的说法我是头一次听到。感觉这样说的是在show off她的英语了。    @编梦人
21:20:00   This is a topic I’ve wanted to post for a long time.  How do you find people who mix English into their Chinese sentences?  I don’t know about you but I DO find this situation quite annoying, which has...........  -----------------------------  
  作者:jobbix 回复日期: 03:15:13      
回复     这个嘛,很natural啦,历史很long啦。        逊帝溥仪当年就经常是:把pencil削好,放在desk上。把几个师傅弄的没办法。        毛主席也来个paper tiger嘛。        I have no beef with it, as long as it gets the message across. English is simply the dominating language in the world that infiltrates every country and culture. We have to learn to live with this reality.  ------------------------------------------------    You are right about it not being a problem as long as it gets the message across. I sometimes allow myself do to that, but ONLY to people who I'm sure with a certain level of English proficiency (such as my sister, professors, doctor).     I find it VERY disrespectful when a Chinese speaker speaks English to another Chinese speaker who:    1. apparently is not able to speak English    2. you are not sure if he/she speaks English    For instance,in my 4th example, a cop talking to a 鱼蛋 lady downstairs by my apartment who’s probably in her 80s. Firstly, I'm not being skeptical about a 鱼蛋 lady/ 80 years old lady's English ability. The reason why I'm pointing this out is because in my place, like many other cities in China, those who are proficient is English are usually well educated or in the newer generation (I'm talking about after 50后).     Anyways, too much of rambling.     Here are more experiences of Chinese speakers speaking to another Chinese speaker in English:    1. My mom was asking a lady in the subway where she purchased her bag, that lady responded to my mom, who does not at all speak English:  “我在London 买的。”    2. A saleslady telling me:  “你要的pants在二楼,你要我帮你crop好还是你自己crop?要不你order后我再帮你crop?”  I was really pissed and spoke to her in full English. I bet you all could guess what happened. She didn't understand a sentence. And since then, whenever I bumped into her, she would speak to me fully in Chinese.  
  @reabull  10:56:52    汉语,英语混着说很多时候是习惯了。尤其是在英语环境中呆时间很长的中国人。讲话很快,有些词不能马上找到对应的中文,很自然用汉语了。比如说:  你房子的mortgage是多少?  这车的gas mileage是多少?  明天有promotion。  小孩子很cute。  前面的rest area听一下。  不是说不知道中文应该用什么次。加入需要半秒钟来翻译,就不值得了。因为那样就会停顿。  “降价”是一个词。“降price”这样的说法我是头一次听到。感觉这样说的是在show off她的英语了。  ----------------------------------------------------    你说的对,但有些人是很明显的生硬的把中文字删去,把相同意思的英语字放进去的,比如一次我偷听一个mm聊电话:    “你也不care我的feeling.你这样还说love我。”  
  对不会说英语的,应该讲汉语了    @编梦人  11:03:27  比如我妹那种英语超级棒的人,她倒是会把差不多要说出口的英语词翻译成中文的,我问她为什么,她说是因为觉得跟不会英语的人说英语很没礼貌。  -----------------------------  
  a good command of Chinese will help you better appreciate the joke. Also refer to: /group/follow/    zz
  Well, this is the world we live in. People from all walks of life love to communicate through every possible way. It can be annoying or endearing, depending on the situation. I have met Americans who tried to use a few Chinese words in conversations, with mixed results:-)
But I always appreciated the effort.    As I said, in a broader perspective, this is just a legacy of the Anglo-American dominance over the last two centuries, and still going strong, whether we like it or not.
  @编梦人  11:03:27    比如我妹那种英语超级棒的人,她倒是会把差不多要说出口的英语词翻译成中文的,我问她为什么,她说是因为觉得跟不会英语的人说英语很没礼貌。  ------------------------------------------------------------  
  ∑( ° △ °|||)︴
  As for me, it's case by case. i would pop up some specific words in english when i discuss certain issues with my colleagues, who would understand me without difficulty. With native speakers, i would try 100% in english, with no altertives. But to those i am not sure what his/her mother tougue is, i tend to talk in both ways, or in blend, as the purpose is only to convey without misunderstanding. Never thought it could be an annoying thing before, perhaps because i am one of those.
  @米笑尔  13:55:08      As for me, it's case by case. i would pop up some specific words in english when i discuss certain issues with my colleagues, who would understand me without difficulty.   -----------------------------    I think this is totally understandable. I do the same to those I'm sure would understand my English 100% without problem.  
  Oftentimes people do it just for the fun of it and it's not just a Chinese thing. I've heard things like &what are you doing manana? Manana I'm doing nada..&, &Are you going avec moi?& :-) In the middle of one of Lady Gaga's smash hits, &je vieux ton amour& jumped out of nowhere. What was she trying to accomplish by singing one or two lines in French?
Probably just for fun.
    And that Coldplay song, &Viva la Vida&, got a Spanish title, I suppose, yet there is not a single Spanish word in the lyrics. What's going on here? They couldn't find an English title for the song?
Who knows?
That's just how things are going all around the world.
  @好多好多好多马甲  22:30:06  同意LS  btw,梦女士是否能召集杂谈里的英语牛人开个YY群什么的,我想你应该有很多和老外交流的机会,但也许其他人并不多但又渴望得到更多联系。  所以我想口语好的的朋友先搭个舞台,大家时不时都在YY上用英语聊聊,绝对能用很好的效果  不知可否?  -----------------------------  @编梦人  10:09:59  这个是个不错的提议,但我是电脑白痴,而且对录音真的不是那么有兴趣。。。不如你来吧?到时候我必定参加~  -----------------------------  不是录音啊
是YY语音啊 有话筒就可以即时聊天那种 就是建个聊天室 有人在就可以聊呗~~  
  Oftentimes people do it just for the fun of it and it's not just a Chinese thing. I've heard things like &what are you doing manana? Manana I'm doing nada..&, &Are you going avec moi?& :-) In the middle of one of Lady Gaga's smash hits, &je vieux ton amour& jumped out of nowhere. What was she trying to accomplish by singing one or two lines in French? Probably just for fun.         And that Coldplay song, &Viva la Vida&, got a Spanish title, I suppose, yet there is not a single Spanish word in the lyrics. What's going on here? They couldn't find an English title for the song? Who knows? That's just how things are going all around the world.  -----------------------------    This reminds me of a famous Chinese romance novel writer who I used to ADORE when I was much younger. She was well known for the pieces written in her earlier years of creativity, which are much better than later ones as she was completely transformed into a different person.  The most significant change is that she turned from a person who used to hate those who mix English into their Chinese sentences, to a person who puts very English expressions such as “Duh!” “Gosh!” into her characters’ lines…  E.g.: “Duh! 她当然是个八婆。”  She used to translate every single English name into Chinese, such as Starbucks into 星巴克,Peter into 彼得.
Yes, she was kind of like a bigot. But guess what? She now even puts the very limited French words/phrases that she knows into her characters’ conversations. Her “French illiterate” readers, which occupy nearly 90% of all readers, often complain about having to skip through pages as those lines are simply nothing and meaningless to them as they don’t understand.  Those of you who have read her books perhaps have already figured out who I’m talking about :)  
  @好多好多好多马甲  22:30:06  同意LS  btw,梦女士是否能召集杂谈里的英语牛人开个YY群什么的,我想你应该有很多和老外交流的机会,但也许其他人并不多但又渴望得到更多联系。  所以我想口语好的的朋友先搭个舞台,大家时不时都在YY上用英语聊聊,绝对能用很好的效果  不知可否?  -----------------------------  @编梦人  10:09:59  这个是个不错的提议,但我是电脑白痴,而且对录音真的不是那么有兴趣。。。不如你来吧?到时候我必定参加~  -----------------------------  @好多好多好多马甲  17:47:25  不是录音啊
是YY语音啊 有话筒就可以即时聊天那种 就是建个聊天室 有人在就可以聊呗~~  -----------------------------  好像挺好玩的样子。你可以建立然后发个帖看看谁想加入。呵呵。
  Hong Kongese are notorious for that.
It has been like that for a very long time. It was already like that in
the 1950s.    
  编梦人 回复日期: 10:57:50   I find it VERY disrespectful when a Chinese speaker speaks English to another Chinese speaker who:        1. apparently is not able to speak English        2. you are not sure if he/she speaks English  ---------------------------------------------------    On the other hand, it is equally inconsiderate to speak to an Asian in Chinese without first finding out whether he or she is Chinese, and if so, whether he or she speaks Chinese and in what dialect.     Two months ago in the hospital I saw an old Asian lady whom I thought at first to be Chinese. Later on, we bumped into her in the para-transit waiting room. She struck up a conversation with us by asking if we were Chinese or Korean. Turned out she was from Kazakhstan.    
  作者:jobbix  French  ----  It was considered refine for an American or a Brit to be able to speak French. E.g. Miss. Piggie of the Muppet would throw in the occasional C'est Moi and n'est pas.
  Oops, just found out that I accidently used traditional chinese character type for the title. Sorry if people find it hard to read :(
  作者:雨横山 回复日期: 06:01:10       On the other hand, it is equally inconsiderate to speak to an Asian in Chinese without first finding out whether he or she is Chinese, and if so, whether he or she speaks Chinese and in what dialect.  -------------------------------------------    This happens pretty often. What I would do is to ask whether that fellow is Chinese before trying to start a Chinese conversation. I've never ran into situations like being spoken to in Korean or Japanese. People simply ask me where I'm from before the conversation.
  I've never ran into situations like being spoken to in Korean or Japanese. People simply ask me where I'm from before the conversation.  -----------------------------    Well, I lied, actually once or twice when I was back in high school, where 35% of students were Korean, 10% were Japanese.
  a few years back, i thought it was just inevitable that when you speak chinese, sometimes you have to borrow some terms/words/phrases directly from english to make the whole conversation go smooth, particularly when some of the relevant terms/concepts etc... were created or 1st raised in english.    now i've got to say, this trend has gone wild throughout the great china area. so from that miserable island we call taiwan to hongkong, from the southern part of china to the northern, we can hear such rubbish everywhere: &i think 这不是个好的idea& etc. and the most interesting point is: of all the chinese who speak this way around, very few speaks good english.        
  作者:浅草没马蹄75 回复日期: 13:30:32      
回复     @编梦人  11:03:27      比如我妹那种英语超级棒的人,她倒是会把差不多要说出口的英语词翻译成中文的,我问她为什么,她说是因为觉得跟不会英语的人说英语很没礼貌。    ------------------------------------------------------------     我有个哥,叫“倒哥”,他说他的身体里有两个容器,一个是英语集合水箱,一个是汉语集合抽水马桶,倒哥说他的英语水箱集合,就象老式抽水马桶的水箱一样,里面有个橡胶垫,一旦水箱里杂质多了,或者橡胶垫老化之后,“倒哥”的英语集合水箱就会跑冒滴漏,他的汉语抽水马桶集合就会渗出英语水箱的残液。  ------------------------------------------------------------------  腿毛级的废物总是用自己的无能去衡量别人。你因为无知无能被收拾了多少次了?  
  @倒在没靓女的城市  13:28:26    the most interesting point is: of all the chinese who speak this way around, very few speaks good english.  ------------------------------------------    This is actually THE idea I wish to bring up through this thread.     Whenever people add English to our Chinese conversation, the dark side of me simply wants to scare the shit out of them by answering in full English. I HAVE seen people who could actually mix good Chinese and English together, but the chances of meeting such people are pretty little.    To me, having to combine English + Chinese in order to make a conversation smooth and doing so purposefully in order to show off or anything are two separate things. I believe the former is absolutely “forgivable”.
I’m digressing from my point a little now…It’s like, for example, this morning I saw the 鸡蛋饼 gentlemen downstairs talking to a Filipino lady. I wasn’t so sure about what the 鸡蛋饼 gentlemen said but obviously he was communicating with the lady with the very limited chunks of English vocabularies that he knew. That, I think is totally acceptable if I was to judge the situation.     Btw, I don't know if it's just me or what… For some reason, I do find it difficult to pronounce words accurately when two languages are used in a sentence.  
  鱼蛋 lady,鸡蛋饼 gentlemen LOL
  I have a Chinese girl friend who pretends that she does not speak Chinese by speaking English to strangers or salesman on the street whenever we hangout.     I have a British+Chinese girl friend who I think is a Chinese illiterate. One thing adorable about her is that she NEVER uses an English word when she talks to people on the street. Her Chinese is horrifying but she insists to use it the whole time.    It's quite miserable to notice the difference among those two.  
倒哥,就您这样的马桶,难道还run smooth? 您这样的汉语马桶难道还要引进英语水箱里的new terms 和new concepts?  
再说了, 倒哥,您汉语马桶里冒出来的英文泡泡,也不是什么new terms that were 1st created in english 啊?  
倒哥,我豪爽地称您是南来北往的豪杰侠客,您还当仁不让,一口一个“from the southern part of china to the northern”,“this trend has gone wild throughout the great china area”。靠!倒哥您还真是“高山上倒马桶---------臭气远扬”啊!
  I have a British+Chinese girl friend who I think is a Chinese illiterate. One thing adorable about her is that she NEVER uses an English word when she talks to people on the street. Her Chinese is horrifying but she insists to use it the whole time.  ---------------------------------------------------------------  
我有一个哥,叫倒哥,他比你那位British+Chinese girl friend 要聪明得多,虽然他没有出国学习的经历。他的英语全部是在中国大陆好象还是内陆地区学习的,所以,他经常说“最好的英语学习者都是在中国国内学成的”。  
  Btw, I don't know if it's just me or what… For some reason, I do find it difficult to pronounce words accurately when two languages are used in a sentence.  --------------------------------------------------------------------  i'd vote yes if the 2 lanauges are of 2 different phonetic systems.       
  作者:浅草没马蹄75 回复日期: 14:54:33     你现在就一只被事实羞辱得恼羞成怒的猴子,在歇斯底里地通过歪曲事实来达到你那可笑的目的。    
  @浅草没马蹄75  15:25:30  我有一个哥,叫倒哥,他比你那位British+Chinese girl friend 要聪明得多,虽然他没有出国学习的经历。他的英语全部是在中国大陆好象还是内陆地区学习的,所以,他经常说“最好的英语学习者都是在中国国内学成的”。  -----------------------------    说到我那个女朋友,她的确很笨,虽然不算出国,但她的英语是外国学回来的。她是连“沙漠”也会写成“甜品”那种。。。也许是大麻吸多了的缘故。。。认识她后我才知道原来并不是所有洋鬼子的英语都那么好。  
  Those people are not necessarily ABCs (or other foreign BCs) or simply bad at Chinese, but are mostly native Chinese speakers. This is why, to me, they can’t excuse themselves by claiming that they “couldn’t find the right Chinese word for it。  --------------------------------------------------------  
我有一个哥,叫“倒哥”,他当然不是ABC,也不是other foreign BC,倒哥他和我一样,是一个彻头彻尾的 native Chinese speaker。不过,在英语杂谈的饺子铺里,他一段汉字中间总要夹杂一些洋泾浜的英语单词。不信?倒哥他吃剩下的饺子碗还留在杂谈的桌子上呢。  
倒哥总是声称“he couldn't find the right Chinese character for it&.为什么呢?因为倒哥说英语有约超过20万的单词,而常用汉字却不到1万个。这19万个汉字缺口,需要从英文中去借来使用。  
  说到我那个女朋友,她的确很笨,虽然不算出国,但她的英语是外国学回来的。她是连“沙漠”也会写成“甜品”那种。。。也许是大麻吸多了的缘故。。。认识她后我才知道原来并不是所有洋鬼子的英语都那么好。  ------------------------------------------------------------  
  倒哥就是这么一个gentleman,一个永远活在我心中的“鸡蛋饼gentleman”。    ------------------------------------------    你们笑死我了~
  作者:浅草没马蹄75 回复日期: 16:41:38      
回复     Those people are not necessarily ABCs (or other foreign BCs) or simply bad at Chinese, but are mostly native Chinese speakers. This is why, to me, they can’t excuse themselves by claiming that they “couldn’t find the right Chinese word for it。    --------------------------------------------------------     我有一个哥,叫“倒哥”,他当然不是ABC,也不是other foreign BC,倒哥他和我一样,是一个彻头彻尾的 native Chinese speaker。不过,在英语杂谈的饺子铺里,他一段汉字中间总要夹杂一些洋泾浜的英语单词。不信?倒哥他吃剩下的饺子碗还留在杂谈的桌子上呢。     倒哥总是声称“he couldn't find the right Chinese character for it&.为什么呢?因为倒哥说英语有约超过20万的单词,而常用汉字却不到1万个。这19万个汉字缺口,需要从英文中去借来使用。     倒哥就是这么一个gentleman,一个永远活在我心中的“鸡蛋饼gentleman”。  ====================================================================  我说腿毛,你被铁一般的知识羞辱之后的反击能不能有点质量而不是像菜市场的泼妇被羞辱后的满嘴胡说八道张冠李戴和倒打一耙?你真的不觉得你有多低级?你这是典型的被人在光天化日之后扒皮之后的泼妇式撒泼你不懂?    
  作者:浅草没马蹄75 回复日期: 16:50:31      
回复     说到我那个女朋友,她的确很笨,虽然不算出国,但她的英语是外国学回来的。她是连“沙漠”也会写成“甜品”那种。。。也许是大麻吸多了的缘故。。。认识她后我才知道原来并不是所有洋鬼子的英语都那么好。    ------------------------------------------------------------     可是我的哥,也就是那位倒哥,他的确很聪明,而且他不吸食大麻,他远离毒品,珍爱生命。从他学习英语的经历中,我明白了一个简单的道理:只要在汉语句子中,夹杂个把英语单词,哪怕老百姓,也能冒充新四军!  ==================================================================  是吗?你冒充个试试看。难道忘记被我当众扒皮的那一系列惨痛经历了?你现在就是根被羞辱得不愿意面对现实的悲惨腿毛。    
  玉米,瓜子,板凳。    越来越过瘾了~  
  我真不希望这个帖子被浅草那种废物中的废物给弄歪了。本来无知不是错,可偏偏无知成他那样,也居然好意思jjww。    浅草无数次被羞辱中的一例:    1, 我指出一个人把代词宾语放在phrasal verb中间错了。    2, 浅草猴子说:为什么错了?我在张道真语法上看到宾语放在phrasal verb后面没问题的。    3, 例子拿上来一看,是个名词宾语而不是代词宾语。我说:不懂就不要形而上学。    4, 浅草猴子说: 你牛b,张道真语法书摆在面前你都敢说错。。(后面省略他自编的段子若干)    。。。。        
  1, 我指出一个人把代词宾语放在phrasal verb中间错了。    ---------------------------------------------------  代词宾语放phrasal verb后面。      是啊,羞辱这群爱装的猴子也成为了我现在逛天涯的主要活动。记得5,6年前的时候天涯上还没这么多猴子的,可能是因为这些年三鹿,地沟油和瘦肉精开始泛滥了吧    
  本来逛天涯就是为了看马戏团的。    研究指出,猴子也有很多种,叔叔你那叫你哥的“兄弟”也傻得挺可爱的,话说从智商看来很我表妹年纪也差不多,什么时候介绍认识一下?隔壁楼那个什么bird就有点那个了。。。  
  那哪种猴子会连初中级的single强调都看不懂非要说a single word是错的,要用one word呢?你表妹应该不超过5岁吧?浅草这样的猴子你爱耍就拿去耍吧。不过提醒你,耍它太没劲了,一点技术含量都不需要。那个孔虽然也是耍起来不需要什么技术含量的,但起码不会可笑到这种地步。        
  呃,我表妹00后的,口味重一点。    她玉照。嘘~别说是我放的。  
  。。。不行了,叔笑到肚子痛。真是你表妹?那你们之间得有多大的仇恨啊?    不扯了。别好好地把帖给水了。                    
  当然是!不然怎么会介绍给你!呃,说错,你弟弟。    有什么好笑的!没见过00后?无聊!  
  I dig the hair:-/     Hard to believe she was born in this side of the century, based on that pic. I'm not saying she looks older than her age, maybe that pic didn't do her justice. In that case, whoever took the pic should be shot.
Just kidding...    Where were we ?
People do Chinese-English combo for a variety of reasons. Perceived elevation of social status and educational background, deliberate showing-off, or spurt-of-the-moment groping for the right word, IMHO.
And English is the de facto lingua Franca of the world for a reason--it gets to the point better and faster than other languages.            
    作者:jobbix 回复日期: 03:24:48  回复
      I dig the hair:-/   ====    孔乙己    从没见那个外国人论坛发个言,像你这么卖弄辞藻的。    适可而止,过犹不及。
  作者:倒在没靓女的城市 回复日期: 20:55:24     now i've got to say, this trend has gone wild throughout the great china area. so from that miserable island we call taiwan to hongkong, from the southern part of china to the northern, we can hear such rubbish everywhere:  ==    一个人的英语还能比这个更垃圾吗?    
  作者:雨横山 回复日期: 06:01:10  回复
           On the other hand, it is equally inconsiderate to speak to an Asian in Chinese without first finding out whether he or she is Chinese, and if so, whether he or she speaks Chinese and in what dialect.  ==    这个老不死的英语真的不错。  佩服ing.
    作者:编梦人 回复日期: 18:29:44  回复
          This reminds me of a famous Chinese romance novel writer who I used to ADORE when I was much younger. She was well known for the pieces written in her earlier years of creativity, which are much better than later ones as she was completely transformed into a different person.  ==    这英语,也太笨拙了吧?  你就不能写的轻松一些吗?
  作者:米笑尔 回复日期: 13:55:08  回复
      As for me, it's case by case. i would pop up some specific words in english when i discuss certain issues with my colleagues, who would understand me without difficulty.   ==    英语写的小心谨慎,中规中矩。不错的
  People do Chinese-English combo for a variety of reasons. Perceived elevation of social status and educational background, deliberate showing-off........  ----------------------------------------------------  
我有一个哥,叫倒哥,早些年,他showed off英语的时候,不小心露出了end up the mass的破绽,被群殴!我的倒哥当场被打落门牙两颗。时间过去很多年了,我哥他生理上的创伤,门牙已经修复,但是,他心理上的阴影,依旧存在。从此,我哥他每次出门的时候,老是掖着一块板砖。  
不仅如此,我哥他总想提升他在杂谈饺子铺的social status ,隔壁的孔东南老师,就是被倒哥的know of绊了一跤,当我在边上默默地看着倒哥起劲地冲孔东南扔板砖的时候,我的脑海里就浮现出我哥当年被end up the mass绊了一跤,被飞来的板砖砸掉门牙倒在血泊中的场景。  
  作者:kanmeinvpk 回复日期: 06:17:43  回复
      作者:倒在没靓女的城市     now i've got to say, this trend has gone wild throughout the great china area. so from that miserable island we call taiwan to hongkong, from the southern part of china to the northern, we can hear such rubbish everywhere:    -------------------------------------------        一个人的英语还能比这个更垃圾吗?  -----------------------------------------------------------------  
    作者:浅草没马蹄75 回复日期: 06:40:08  回复
        我哥在杂谈饺子铺闹的笑话,可以说车载斗量,有好事者已经给他出了本专集,放在自己的博客里  ==    哪个博客?,推荐推荐,我去看看    我一直觉得他英语很垃圾,好像高中水平一样,最大大二左右。    但不知道他以前还闹过很多笑话。
     有时候是大脑的自然反应,当大家都会英文和中文的时候,是不会觉得这是一种卖弄的行为。。。。。。。  ----------------------------------------------------------  
    作者:浅草没马蹄75 回复日期: 07:02:46  回复
      ----------------------------------------------------------     我有一个哥,叫倒哥,他就说他身体里有英文水箱和中文抽水马桶两个集合,  ==    这个就属于无知了  首先,从没有可靠的公开的科技文献,说人脑有两个记忆区域,互补干扰,开闭自如。    其次,家乡话和普通话。台湾人广东人说普通话,说的再好,也带腔调,包括哪些语言天赋极好的歌星。    最后,他自己写的英语,我看就是整个一个汉译英。奢谈什么两个互不干扰的马桶。
  /blogger/blog_main.asp?BlogID=2837495&page=2  ------------------------------------------------------  kanmeinvpk同学,这个链接是一位名叫pewpewnoqq的朋友给我哥收集的。                        
  他自己(倒哥)写的英语,我看就是整个一个汉译英。奢谈什么两个互不干扰的马桶。  -------------------------------------------------------  
  作者:kanmeinvpk 回复日期: 07:09:30     你这个废柴在隔壁楼被人收拾还不够?连英语都不敢写的人还有什么资格YY别人的英语!
  作者:浅草没马蹄75 回复日期: 07:22:34     你到底对我表妹有没有兴趣啊?
       作者:jobbix 回复日期: 03:24:48      
回复     I dig the hair:-/        Hard to believe she was born in this side of the century, based on that pic. I'm not saying she looks older than her age, maybe that pic didn't do her justice. In that case, whoever took the pic should be shot. Just kidding...      ---------------------------------------    Gee, can't you tell that the photo was self shot? I suppose you mean that my cousin should eat her own gun?     I got a knuckle sandwich for you here!    
  Hee-hee... That's why I don't recommend taking self photos. They NEVER came out the way you wanted. Just ask Bret Favre or some other celebs whose names escape me right now. A lesson for you kids out there..  
  楼主...         你一家人都长的挺有特色的....      
  My 表妹 is totally a bad example.    My 表弟 on the other hand is a better one of self shooting. The equal balence of positive and negative space, rythm of the hair, the combination of text and image, the overall atmosphere...    BTW, I wrote him a self description in Chinese, can anyone translate it for me please?    “小强,我表弟,生性忧郁沉溺在悲伤的大海中不能自拔,忧郁症病情日渐加重的他被送到了精神病院治疗,无数次电疗的洗礼造就了他现在唯美的发型却无法医治他的心碎。”    Thanks a lot~  
  觉得很正常哦  一个人对英语的热情,会不由自主流露出来,可能更多的是想实践运用下,算又是复习一遍。
  你到底对我表妹有没有兴趣啊?  -----------------------------------------------------  我有一个哥,叫倒哥,他体内有两个集合容器,一个是英语水箱,另一个是汉语马桶。请问,您的表妹的体内有没有英语水箱和汉语马桶啊?
  作者:szht1998 回复日期: 11:20:59  回复
  觉得很正常哦    一个人对英语的热情,会不由自主流露出来,可能更多的是想实践运用下,算又是复习一遍。  ---------------------------------------------------  
  This is a topic I’ve wanted to post for a long time..........................I personally use 97% of Chinese to communicate with Chinese friends/ family/ strangers, etc. The 3% of English goes to “sorry” and words I can’t pronounce in Chinese or some specific terms (such as: presentation).  -------------------------------------------------------  
  Your cousin looks like a cool dude. And cool hair, too.
    &My cousin Johnny, born in the depression valley and bred i To mental ward he went for electro-therapy, all the voltage didn't mend the broken heart, only the hair became spiky.&
  你们甭理她~      臭丫头你在那个找sex partner的贴还玩不够?      拿别人玩的照片是很没道德的~证据如下      @编梦人  11:19:53  Wa! My English are so suck that I don't get your mean...  By my way, this are my brother Ru Hua, see see if you like.    --------------------  戴尔麦道夫  11:49:09  Well, so pretty girl. This is my new TianYa ID. May I know the contact information of Ru Hua ?
My QQ is .  Many Thanks  --------------------  @编梦人  12:50:37  ....not girl. you don't get my mean? that are my brother... you not funny. bye bye.
  Wa! My English are so suck that I don't get your mean...  ===    真是艺高人胆大啊    什么样的英语你都敢说    我一再告戒你,要多看多听少说少写,你咱就不听呢?
  作者:浅草没马蹄75 回复日期: 13:39:05  回复
    我哥他从来没出过国,他的英语完全是在中国大陆好象还是在内陆地区学习的  ==    所以,好象你哥说过“英语最好的都是国内学的”    哈哈哈哈哈哈    这就叫 精分了,哈哈
  作者:jobbix 回复日期: 10:20:34  回复
      Hee-hee... That's why I don't recommend taking self photos. They NEVER came out the way you wanted. Just ask Bret Favre or some other celebs whose names escape me right now. A lesson for you kids out there..  ==    有进步。这一段就写的不错  不要老用那些生僻词汇。    能用简单的表达的,就不要用复杂的。
  作者:kanmeinvpk 回复日期: 17:00:09     你不过就是因为在隔壁楼泡不到姐才恼羞成怒嘛~    也不看看自己的蠢模样!后来不但调戏不来,连ID都被封了,哈哈。
          Wa! My English are so suck that I don't get your mean...  ==    知道这句话里面的错误了吗?    说出来很可笑的。
  @kanmeinvpk  17:17:39  Wa! My English are so suck that I don't get your mean...  ==  知道这句话里面的错误了吗?  说出来很可笑的。  -----------------------------    I'm completely speachless....... Your poor old mommy must have given you everything but a sense of humor~    


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