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Beverford Guru / Death Experience Described | LinkedIn
Have something to say? Join LinkedIn for free to participate in the conversation.When you join, you can comment and post your own discussions.Beverford Guru / Death Experience DescribedI had an astral encounter with my first yoga teacher, the martial arts master, Arthur Beverford, on the night of Nov 1st 2014. In this we had several discussions but the main focus was his explanation of what happen at the death of the body. He said this:
It was sudden. I got a sickness which made very bad feelings in the material body, like if nothing was in order, like total disorder of the cells, organs and their functions. Then there was a period of being in and then being out of consciousness in relation to the body and in relation to the physical reality, with some missing-ness in consciousness on the subtle side as well.
I could not focus at that time. There was no question of meditation or any sort of spiritual quest when that happened. All of that just vanished completely. I was only aware of the upset in health. It may be compared to when a person finds his office or home ransacked by burglars where everything is helter skelter and some things are missing.
But if you asked me about when the physical body died, I cannot recall the exact moment when that happened. I cannot recall observing what happened. My honest guess now is that it happened when I was not aware of the physical system, when I was on the astral side or when I was not even aware either of the physical or astral sides.
I realized that I was on the astral side and that the physical body must have died but I did not have any time gage to go by so that I knew exactly when or how it died. I just knew that it died, that I was no longer a part of the physical scene. At first it as a relief but then soon after I began to worry about my dependents who were left behind in the physical world. All kinds of anxieties about them surfaced in the mind.
As these occurred, I calmed the mind using my yogic process which I developed before. After this I came near to some of my dependents and began to think into their minds that I was okay and there was no need to worry about my physical condition of death, because I was no longer afflicted as was the physical body. I was no longer in that pain and confusion, that unhealthy condition. Even my tobacco smoking habit did not assert itself on the astral side. I thought that was strange and in a way I missed it, missed lighting up a cigarette and pulling smoke though it. But I noticed that it was not a requirement for me anymore and then I thought that maybe the habit would return soon and somehow I may be smoking on the astral level as well. But that never asserted itself as it did when I had the physical body which always demanded tobacco.Are you sure you want to leave this group? Canceldo the needful
[du: ?? 'ni:dful]
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1. The baby' I'd better go and do the needful.
孩子哭了, 我最好还是去看看要做些什么.
2. Sister handed Peter the rubbish bin and said, " go and do the needful. "
姐姐把垃圾桶递给彼得,说: “ 干你的活儿去吧. ”
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do the needful
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