
摘要: 一、目的在一台服务器上面管理所有机器的应用程序.设想是通过一条命令能够知道所有应用程序是否running如果not running 查看具体项目的log 跟踪具体原因,程序问题汇报相关负责人二.环境搭建(68部署服务器)公司部门:业务部,数据处理部,系统运维部,数据挖掘部/home/release/business/home/release/datamining/home/release/ops/home/release/platformok 创建好目录我们来进行程序的上线操作三、源码上传项目上线1.提供相关文档(需求,设计,测试,部署,上线申请单)2.评审ok 根据部署文档进行上线//创建项
16:28 喜欢踢足球的it码农 阅读(53) 评论(0)
摘要: 目的: 为节省公司外网ip,现需要把部分没有外网ip的服务器做端口映射. 服务器节点:外网服务器) em1 内网 em2 外网内网服务器) 场景: 124 12580映射到118.192.66.66 12580 telnet 118.19
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摘要: MariaDB Galera Cluster 部署 MariaDB作为Mysql的一个分支,在开源项目中已经广泛使用,例如大热的openstack,所以,为了保证服务的高可用性,同时提高系统的负载能力,集群部署是必不可少的。 MariaDB Galera Cluster 介绍 MariaDB集群是M
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摘要: 1、安装kvm,vnc软件/kvm/67.htmlyum install kvm,缺啥补啥yum install kvm kmod-kvm qemu kvm-qemu-img virt-viewer virt-manager lib...
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摘要: 目录一.Nagios报警简介... 3二.nagios-master安装... 31.用户,目录权限设置... 32.安装 nagios-3.0.5.tar.gz. 33.Nagios-plugins-1.4.13.tar.gz. 44. 修改apache配置... 45.主配置文件nagios.c...
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期期中测试题(Unit 1―7)正文
期期中测试题(Unit 1―7)
期期中测试题(Unit 1―7)
期期中测(Unit 1―7)Ⅰ.语音A)找出下列各组单词中划线部分读音不同的1.A.already
D.certainlyB)选出与所给单词划线部分读音相同的单词1.baby A.family
D.half2.library A.middle
 C.city       D.find3.move
D.win5.wear A.early
D.nearlyⅡ.词汇A)与划线部分意思相同或相近的答案1.Pleased to see you again.  A.Glad
B.Fine  C.Good
D.Well2.The teacher went quickly to the hospital when she cameto school.  A.walked
B.drove  C.went slowly
D.hurried off3.It's time for class.You'd better not talk.  A.You are kind enough if you do not talk.  B.It's good for you not to talk.  C.The more you talk, the worse you talk.  D.If you don't talk, you'll feel better.4.You must return your library book on time.  A.come back
B.go back  C.give back
D.put back5.----Who won the boys'400 metres?----I'm not sure.It was hard to say.  A.easy
B.nice  C.difficul
D.goodB)用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空1.Miss Yang works in the school library.She works hard and is very______.(help)2.Here are some flowers for you with our best______(wish)3.You can't win every time.You aren't a______ this time.(win)4.I was just falling______ when there was a loud knock at the door.(sleep)5.Be quiet, everyone! Listen to me______.(quiet)Ⅲ.单项选择1.You must hurry,______ you'll be late for school.  A.if
B.and  C.so
D.or2.I'm sorry.I______ to bring you the photos.  A.forget
B.have forget  C.have forgotten D.have forgot3.Thank you for______ us so well.  A.to teach
B.teaching  C.taught
D.teaches4.My bike is broken.I have to______ it.  A.stop to mend
B.stop mending  C.stop mend
D.stopped mending5.There will be______ important meeting next week.You must be here o time.  A.an
B.a  C.the
D.―6.----Which is______, science or English?----English maybe.  A.more interesting
B.interesting  C.interest
D.more interested7.______ a smile, the man from downstairs said, “I'm sorry______ you, comrade.”  A.On… to trouble.
B.With…to trouble.  C.In… trouble.
D.With…trouble.8.While we______the teacher came in.  A.are talking
B.talked  C.were talking
D.talked about9.We won't have a football match if it______ this afternoon.  A.rains
B.raining  C.doesn't rain
D.not rain10.I really agree______you______ your ideA.  A.with…about
B.with…to  C.with…on
D.to…with11.He found it very difficult______ sleep.  A.get to
B.to get  C.to get to
D.got to12.Tom is not here, maybe he______ to the post office.  A.goes
B.is going  C.was going
D.has gone13.I don't think I have______to do.  A.something important
B.anything important  C.important something
D.important anything14.I don't think English is______ maths.  A.so easy as
B.less easy as  C.not so easier
D.more easier as15.You______ better______ TV tonight.  A.had…not watch
B.would…not watch  C.had… not to watch
D.would… to watch16.A doctor saw it______ when she was walking past.  A.happened
B.happens  C.happen
D.to happen17.Congratulations______ you______ your good result.  A.to… on
B.to… about  C.for…to
D.to… in18.______ you______ your supper? Yes, I______ it just now.  A.Did… have… had
B.Have… had… had  C.Had… had… had
D.Will… have… had19.----May I call you Bob?----_____, if you wish.  A.It doesn't matter
B.Of course  C.No
D.Yes20.----It's very nice of you.Thank you very much.----______.  A.Don't say so
B.You're right  C.Don't thank
D.It's nothingⅣ.情景交际,选择适当的问句或答句1.----Excuse me.Have you got any books about sports?----______.  A.Yes, we've got some.
B.Yes, I have forgotten.  C.Sorry, I have. D.No, you haven't2.----______?----Yes.I have cleaned it already.  A.Has he cleaned the garden yet   B.Have you cleaned the classroom  C.Have you written the letter  D.Are you sure3.----Good idea! Maybe I could talk about English names.----______.  A.Not at all
B.That's not easy for her.  C.Yes, do please. D.Yes, you are.4.----______.----John Allan Brown.  A.What's her name  B.Can you spell your name  C.What's your given name  D.What's your full name5.----Our class were the winners.----______!  A.Hello
B.What a good idea  C.Thank you very much
D.Well doneⅤ.句型转换A)根据要求变换句型1.Jim has already found his lost motorbike.(改为否定句)Jim ______found his lost motorbike______.2.Meimei spent some money on the dictionary.(改为一般疑问句)______ Meimei spend ______money on the dictionary.3.David has never dropped maths.(改为反意疑问句)David has never dropped maths,______?4.Mr Li has bought several shelves for the library.(对划线部分提问)______ ______ shelves has Mr Li bought for the library?5.Mrs Zhans is a strict teacher.(改为感叹句)______ ______ strict teacher Mrs Zhang is!B)根据第一句的意思,完成第二句,一空一词,,《》()。6.I found that it was very difficult to learn English well.I found ______very difficult ______learn English well.7.Jiang Honglin wasn't behind Wu Peng.Wu Peng didn't run faster than Jiang Honglin.Jiang Honglin and Wu Peng were______ and ______.8.Yang Min didn't do well in the school sports meeting.Yang Min______ ______ in the school sports meeting.9.Lily and Lucy went to school after they ate breakfast.Lily and Lucy ______go to school______ they ate breakfast.10.I think maths is more interesting than any other subject.I think maths is the______ ______ subject.Ⅵ.从A、B、C、D四个划线部分中,选出的一项1.My parents are all(A) doctors, and(B) they work(C) in a(D) large hospital.2.All(A) our(B) comrades(C) agree to (D) you.3.How long have(A) they arrived(B) at(C) the(D) reading room?4.After he finished doing (A)his homework, Tom went on (B) writing(C) a letter to(D)one of his friends.5.The old grandmother was very(A)tired(B) to walk on(C), so he policeman took her back(D).Ⅶ.动词时态填空1.----What were you doing when I knocked at the door.---- I______ (make) a telephone call.2.Look, the truck______ (come) round the corner.3.----______your sister______(return)the library book yet?----No.I have done it for her.4.______you______(see) my bike anywhere?5.They______ ______(help) their parents with the housework at 9∶00 last night.Ⅷ.完形填空Once upon a time there was a poor man.He had an orange tree in his garden.______ the tree there were many fine oranges.One day he found one of his oranges______ much bigger than______.It was______ a football.Nobody had ever seen______ big orange.The poor man took the orange to the king.The king was______ pleased that he gave the man a lot of money______it.When a rich man heard of it, he said to______.“It's only an orange.Why has the king given him so much money for it? I'll take my gold cup to the king.He'll give me______ money.”The next day the king received(得到) the gold cup, he said to the rich man:“______ a beautiful cup! I'll show you something wonderful.Please take this great orange.”1.A.On
D.were3.A.another B.other
 C.the other
D.the others4.A.so big as B.as big as
 C.so bigger than
D.big than5.A.a such
C.very much
D.too7.A.to B.from C.for D.of8.A.herself
C.the king
D.the poor man9.A.greater
D.GoldⅨ.阅读理解Guessing a Riddle (猜迷) Mr Thomson is one of my neighbours.He is an able(能干的) man, but he has a shortcoming(缺点).He thinks himself clever and often says to others, “What a fool you are! ”One day, when he was passing a restaurant, he felt hungry.He decided to have something in it.When he went in, he heard some waiters telling about talent(天才).He joined them at once and before long he said to them:“What fools you are!”“Oh, Mr Thomson,” said a waiter, “I hear you are the cleverest man in our town.You must be able(能够)to guss all kinds of riddles, aren't you? And will you please guess a riddle of mine?”“Yes, I'm glad to,” Mr Thomson answered proudly(骄傲地).“A person is neither my brother nor my sister, but the person is my parents' child. Can you guess who he is?”Mr Thomson thought for a long time, but he couldn't answer.At last he had to ask, “Please tell me the answer.”“It's me,”the waiter said with a smile.That evening MrThomson said to his wife, “I want to ask you a riddle.Try to guess it, will you?”“Of course, I will.” said Mrs Thomson.“A person is neither my bother nor my sister, but the person is my parents' child. Can you guess who he is?”Mrs Thomson thought for a long time, but she couldn't answer, either(也不).Mr Thomson had a good laugh over that and then he said, “How foolish you are.It's the waiter at the restaurant.”判断正(√)误(×):1.Mr Thomson's shortcoming is that he often thinks he is clever and others are foolish.2.Mr Thomson thought he could guess the riddle at first.3.The waiter told the answer to the riddle to Mr Thomson.4.Mrs Thomson couldn't guess the riddle, so Mr Thomson laughted at her and gave her the right answer.5.From the story we can tell that Mr Thomson is very clever.
期期中测试题(Unit 1―7)2    〖预览〗2006年湖北省十堰市(非课改实验区)高中招生考试(开卷)政&&& 治&一、选择题(下列各题的三个选项中,只有一个是最符合题意的,请你将该选项代号写在下面答题框的对应题号下,写在其他位置无效。每小题1分,共18分)1. 日至11日,中共十六届五中全会在北京举行。全会通过了《中共中央关于制定国民经济和社会发展第&&&&&&&&&& 的建议》。A、十一个五年规划&&& &&&&&& B、十个五年规划&&& &&&&&&&& C、十一个五年计划2.日,十届全国人大常委会第十九次会议通过了关于废止《中华人民共和国&&&&&& 条例》的决定。这标志着在中国存在2600年历史的“皇粮国税”彻底成为历史。&&& A、特产税&&& &&……【】第一学
期期中测试题(Unit 1―7)3    〖预览〗
2006年广东省汕头市高中阶段学校招生考试思想政治第Ⅰ卷一、单项选择题(本大题共有20小题,每小题1.5分,共30分)下列各题的备选答案中,只有一个是最符合题意要求的答案。1.日,胡锦涛总书记在全国政协会议期间的民盟、民进联组会上发表了关于__________的重要讲话。A.保持共产党员先进性&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B.加强公民道德建设教育C.树立社会主义荣辱观&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D.加强青少年思想教育2.日,《中共中央国务院关于推进________建设的若干意见》公开发表。这是2004年以来,中央连续第三年制定加强这方面工作的“一号文件”。A.社会主义新农村&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B.创新型国家……【】
期期中测试题(Unit 1―7)〕
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