
更新一发!补充一些干货。评论有说希望给些高中英语的建议,我觉得初中高中要做的差不多,不过高中题型更多,题量更大,对应试技巧要求也高,所以针对题型写了一篇答案,传送门:。高考英语幸运地考到了全校第二& &,成功挽救惨不忍睹的理综成绩的湖北孩子,来分享一下亲身经历。满满的心得。我想带着个人经历来分享,不过还是把重点总结一下放在前面。题主的问题是,初中生如何提高英语成绩?答案里看到有一些说看电影的,做练习的,看新概念的。我个人觉得操作性和性价比都不是很高。1.看电影:很多人看英文电影,要么在看剧情,要么在看字幕。比较有效的利用电影学英语的方法是看英文字幕的电影,如果有不懂的,看完一遍再看一次有双语字幕的,甚至一两遍看不懂多看几遍。就算有初中生愿意这样苦练英语,英语电影里有很多很口语化的表达,还有一些对于初中生的考试来说不是很有用的表达,而且效率不算太高,不过培养一下对英语的兴趣还是可以的。2.做练习:初中英语还是个打基础的过程吧,盲目的做练习不搞懂为什么还是徒劳。3.看新概念:我那时候也买了新概念,密密麻麻的字,而且要我除了课本以外还要多几本课本,我是不愿意的,而且初中生自学新概念有一定难度。那么说一下我个人觉得,面对应试教育,针对提高成绩简单有效的方法吧:1.背单词,把背单词放在第一个,倒不是说要在单词上花费多少时间,但是单词的确是听力阅读等等的基础。我以前给一个高三的女生补习英语,我发现她很多初中的词汇都没掌握,英语选择题多,她做题就靠蒙。所以没有单词做基础,其他的要实施起来就很难。说一下怎么记单词吧,记单词很重要,但是我并不觉得记单词是多么大的负担。我从初中到高中,身边都有同学这样记单词:apple,A-P-P-L-E,apple,A-P-P-L-E......这样一直重复直到背下来。我初高中都有同学这样记单词,我觉得自己没有这种记忆力,要我这样去背单词真的是很大的负担,宝宝选择狗带!我的建议就是:结合一下读音来背,边读这个单词,边用手指划一下怎么写。除此之外还要注意,记单词不要只会看着中文背英文,也要反过来看着英文说中文。最好边背边写。那时候我都是这样记的:用一张纸蒙住单词左边的英文部分,看着中文去写英文,写完检查一下,再蒙住中文部分,看着英文写中文。把写错的,尤其多次写错的单词重点标记出来,以后复习都可以重点复习这些单词。背完去读读新的课文,检查自己记住了没,通过阅读来掌握新的单词还有一个好处,就是能更好的区别理解synonyms(近义词),这个在选择题里面都会考到的。2.多听听力,都多背书,找找语感。我初中那会儿背书会设想自己是个听力播音员,想尽办法模仿听力磁带里的发音(当然现在应该不会用磁带啦,下载mp3里都可以)。所以我背得很投入不嫌无聊。多坚持一段时间,每天背书(课文有情景模拟的,在脑海里想象一下也不会太无聊)。慢慢会看到质的变化。背书真的超有用啊!!!!但是也真的需要坚持。不过完整地背下来一篇课文之后,那种成就感也是很棒的。3.学英语一定要开口,在心里默念跟讲出来真的很不一样。4.通过一定的投入,目标和奖励,让自己喜欢上英语。一般来说,投入了时间又取得了进步,很自然而然的会喜欢上。平时有空,看电影,听听力都是很不错的。我初高中那会儿都喜欢听Taylor Swift,Lenka,Avril的歌。4.对老师教的语法知识做好笔记,熟练掌握,遇到对应句型语法就思考一下。讲真,初中的知识点不多,平时上课的时候就养成做笔记的习惯,如果课上做的笔记太乱,可以课后再用笔记本整理一下,整理下来你会发现很多知识点老师都在重复地讲,最后发现就那么些知识点要掌握。大大小小的考试啊做的卷子啊真的很多,老师都会课堂订正吧。用不一样颜色的笔把自己的错题涉及到的知识点考点弄清楚,整理好。真的有用心去做的话,英语这种文科,不断强化记忆后就不会再那么容易犯错了。接下来讲讲我学习英语的经历。先交代一下背景,我初中在一个发展还不错的小城市,教育水平是除了省重点教育最好的地方,但是也没有好到哪里去(上过voice and accent training以后发现那时候老师发音都很不标准)。我小时候没有接触过英语,爸妈没怎么重视英语方面的培养。小学有英语课但是因为不考试,大家都是玩过来的。记得小升初要考英语。考试前有一次模拟考,作为一个在小学考试分数总是很靠前的我,那是我第一次靠蒙写完全部。我记得阅读我就从文章里和问题答案找相似配对来写,听力一个单词都听不懂。那次我考了第一个不及格。班上有上补习班的小伙伴都考得比我好。我妈妈也不怪我。在我小学毕业后,因为我自己提出来要学英语,妈妈就送我去培训班。到现在我还记得那个老师很漂亮,人很nice,去旅游给我们带小礼物,上课也很有趣。最后测评我还拿了满分得了奖品。但其实,在那个培训班几乎没学到什么,除了知道很简单的问句和单词,对英语根本没有一个概念。直到我上了初中,在全校最有名的老师班里。其实这个老师为什么有名呢?简单来说就是每次考试她班上的成绩最好。但是我这个老师实际只是初中毕业的水平。我们老师对我们的核心教学方法就是:背书。我们初中有早自习,每天英语老师都会布置东西给我们背。要背的不止是课文,连阅读材料和课后附的听力练习的听力材料也要背。班上分小组,每个小组组长负责几个人,每天早上组长要去讲台到老师那里背。因为当组长的也算是比较好一点的学生嘛,谁都不想输给谁,于是每天早上背书简直就是在比谁背得快背得熟练。背得快好像觉得特光荣哈哈。对于初中生来说,老师布置的要背的内容真的很多,一开始我背得很难受,背很久也是吞吞吐吐的,可是我又怕来说批评,不敢不背。有次背得太痛苦,我一边哭一边撕报纸,后来还是背下来。不过这都是刚开始背的时候。后来背得多了,我就很快能背下来一篇文章。有次我跟我语言课的老师说,我们初中是这样背课文的,老师觉得很无语。但是在我自己看来,对于我一个当时完全没有英语知识储备的人来说,这样的方式真的给了我很多素材。不管是在完形填空还是听力还是写作。那时候有个妹妹英语不好,她妈妈把她送来我家和我一起学习。我发现她读英语的时候,只张口,没有声音。到了我每天听听力磁带背书的时候,我就带上耳机大声的背起来。我能从余光感觉到她的意外。后来慢慢的,她也开始旁若无人的背书。她妈妈也很开心。(现在这个妹妹好厉害!早就超过我!是个名校大学霸~)还记得初中高中常常我同桌问我,这道题怎么选这个?我会说:“我也不是很确定,凭语感吧。”也不是装,就是背得多了,有些看到有点不确定,但是却自然而然就觉得答案是那个。那时候老师还会用很多小方法提高我们学习,比如根据月考成绩建立竞争对手,下次考试输的那一方要送对方一个小礼物。那时候我过关斩将一次又一次打败我们班学霸(其实我感觉是偶然吧,可能他们没发挥好)。但是我却越来越有信心。其实我英语一直学得比较轻松,即使在高三也觉得没付出多少精力在英语上。因为是初中英语,不是很难,涉及得语法问题和题型都比较简单,所以专项的一些训练和提高我没怎么说(感觉高中英语才需要用得着这些)。不过已经这么多年了我都上大学了= = 也许现在初中英语已经很难了我还不知道呢。我写得那么认真,宝宝不右上角给个赞咩( o ?ωo? )
英语要一点一点积累我们老师初一刚开学就说一个知识点她会说很多很多遍,可是也就是在那一段时间内而已所以每个语法点,哪怕书上没有老师说的东西,都记住!!!!用你的脑子!!!记住嘞!!!记在固定的地方!!!美剧啥的我挺喜欢看的,纯粹是提升语感,但语感是你遇到不会的题的时候的猜题法宝,其他的我也没觉得有多大作用从初一就认真听课!我觉得学英语像是金字塔,最基础的你都不会那就别谈了昂...人生巅峰!!4个赞!!!我记英语大概是用的是联想,讲一段话或一句话用图片联系起来,我也讲不好,但是背起书来so easy蟹蟹大家,其实英语基础不好的同学我身边也有,三个原因吧,一就是背东西太过死板了,英语不是语文啊,你在记得同时多想想这个语法点放在课文给你的句子里怎么用,然后不断的变换一下,虽然可能要费点事,但总比死学好受。二就是当基础没打好之后厌恶英语,反正我炒鸡喜欢在生活里时不时飚句英语装个哔——,真的,多看看美剧英剧,但是千万不要抱着我是来学习,每句话我都要尽力听懂,真的看这些剧其实就图个乐,但是慢慢的你会领略到那种嘴巴里发出的迷人的音节,会感受到这是一种不同的文化,太奇妙了,所以我已经决定了长大一定要再学一门语言。三就是不自信吧,我也知道这种感觉,毕竟我可是60分化学试卷考40的那种,(哈哈哈哈不过我龙傲天最近又追回来了考了60),无助愤怒厌恶,我旁边的一个女同学每次我跟她还有几个女同学开玩笑说英语这回事,她就会很不耐烦的说:我们那能和你种人比啊......噫,微妙可是,再怎么无助你也要跑啊,我知道这种感觉啊因为化学我不知道伤心了多少回,我其实在学习中比较烦一句话的:人大多数的愤怒来源于自己的无能.......Excuse
一个英语渣来谈谈这门科目的学习吧以下全是本人的经验教训:①英语补习班什么的不需要报,英语自学的话进度很快,更自由,有不懂的可以直接问老师②英语阅读一定要多做,成本成本的刷,不仅可以锻炼能力还可以积累词汇,短语③语法书推荐星火,一本好的语法书真的帮助很大④笔记本一定要准备,不会的不熟的及时记下,每天利用等车,课间等碎片化时间记忆⑤上课要很专心,以前上英语课我都是昏昏欲睡,后来一想到可以积累很多知识到笔记本上我就很兴奋,所以兴趣最重要⑥单词嘛。我自己都不是很会记,蛮多人用词根记忆,但很麻烦,也有人利用读音记忆,但是我英语就是读不好!!读不好!!⑦作文我都是背,买五三后就把答案里的作文裁成小块放在口袋里有时间就背几句。###字写的一定要好,考试用的横格要把字母写在中间,保证每个字母的上中下都在横线以上,字母的书写要规范,简化。比如t,我一般简化成十字架,看起来不拖沓###简述一下我初中英语学习吧。七八年级英语经常七八十(七到九年级都是120满分),九年级上学期就经常是96 97 98 99,反正从没有下过九十,也没有上过100,英语老师一直说我进步很大,但那时我仅仅改变了学习英语的态度,从厌倦到有了点兴趣。后来一直没过100有点烦躁,于是寒假做了很多英语阅读,预习了九下英语,下学期第一次考试得了108,那段时间学英语像上瘾了一样,每天背课文,感觉很充实很快乐,直到中考,我的英语都是100分以上,一直对英语保持热情。中考,有些意外,总体上是失败的,很多擅长的科目都没考好,倒是英语,我唯一一门不怎么在意的,考了107,全班第四。兴趣真的是最好的老师,以前听人说这句话都觉得说了跟没说一样,的确,你也无法告诉我是如何找到兴趣的,也许你认为有趣,我并不觉得,但现在真的觉得这句话很准确,我相信,每个人都会找到它的乐趣的好像不是简述了哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈
去尼玛把 新概念英语第二册(亚历山大,何其莘的那个)从头到尾给老子熟读下来!单词背会!每篇课文下面的语法看了!这简单吧!然后给你列举一些第二册里的课文给老子默背如流(默写也要同步)1.a private conversation私人谈话——(至)——one man in a boat独坐孤舟:也就是前20篇流利的背诵+流利的默写+文章下面的语法。我现在也能完整的复述独坐孤舟那篇,那是我的伯乐老师教的我的第一篇课文。2.mad or not是不是疯了,a glass envelope玻璃信封,a new house新居,it could be worse不幸中的万幸,do the english speak english 英国人说英语么,football or polo足球还是水球,success story成功者的故事,quick work破案神速,stop thief捉贼,across the channel横渡海峡,the olympic games 瑶林匹克运动会,everything except the weather唯独没有考虑天气,but not murder 并非谋杀,april fools day愚人节,never too old to learn活到老学到老,trapped in the mine困在矿井里,a fantasy纯属虚构,the dead return亡灵返乡。上述熟读后背会然后会默写,以后翻看一遍就能想起来能写出来。单词就不必说了,那是一定要记住的。其他课文,熟读后,看完下面的语法部分,背单词就行。打了半天,写了半天,休息去了...学英语没有方法,只有阅和读。背诵上面这些课文你要是认真专心的话基本都是小意思。
[03:54.48]Hi!My name is Wei Hua.[03:58.42]Whats your name? My name is Ann Read.[04:03.77]Nice to meet you! Nice to meet you,too.[04:09.13]Hi!Im Polly.
[06:00.99]X Y Z Now you see,I can say my A B C.[06:12.53]10 Sing this song[06:17.78]Hello!How are you?[06:22.22]Hello!How are you?I am fine.Thank you.Thank you very much
[01:18.89]Are you Liu Ying? Yes,I am.[01:24.45]Are you in Row 5? No,Im not.Im in Row 1.[01:33.10]Lesson 10 2.Listen and say[01:43.08]10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 ZERO!
[02:07.24]Look!Thats a car.[02:11.00]Yes.Its a Chinese car.[02:15.05]Is that an English car?[02:18.40]No,it isnt.Its a Japanese car.[02:22.84]Look!Thats an English car!
[02:29.81]A:Whos that girl?[02:32.76]B:Thats my sister,Joy.[02:36.11]A:How old is she? B:Shes seven.[02:41.36]A:Whos that man? B:Thats my father.[02:46.71]A:Is the woman your mother?
[03:34.49]Mum,these are my friends Kate and her brother Jim,Ann and her brother Tom.[03:43.84]MUM:Hi! Nice to meet you.[03:47.32]CHILDREN:Hi! Nice to meet you.[03:50.40]MUM:Welcome to e in, please.
[06:12.85]My brother is twelve.[06:16.40]He is a student in No.14 Middle School.[06:22.04]Li Lei and Lin Tao are his good friends.[06:26.90]Polly is his bird. It is a parrot.
[05:44.16]My students are very good. We are friends.[05:50.69]8.Sing this song.The spelling song[05:56.64]Polly,can you spell its name?One,two,three!Yes,we can!P-O-double L-Y!
[05:24.49]Come and see my family.Under the old apple tree![05:41.63]This is my father.How do you do?Sit down and have a cup of tea with me![05:55.08]Come and see my family.Under the old apple tree!
[03:40.58]A:No,it isnt.Oh,its in my pencil-box.Wheres my cat,Mom?[03:48.31]B:Oh,look! Shes on the fish bowl![03:52.54]Words and expressions in each unit
[03:54.45]Whats in it?[03:57.19]Theres a small bed,a table and a clock.[04:01.66]Great!Lets go and have a look.[04:05.32]Lesson 44 1.Listen,read and say
[04:45.02]In a dark,dark wooods theres a dark,dark house.[04:49.12]In the dark,dark house,theres a dark,dark room.[04:54.77]In the dark,dark room,theres a dark,dark cupboard.
[07:21.55]8.Whats in his bedroom?[07:25.91]9.Is it a very nice room?[07:30.59]10.What colour are the chairs and desk?[07:35.86]11.Is there a TV in the house?[07:40.51]12.Is there a car in it?
[02:01.50]Lucy and Lily! Come here,please.Are these sweaters yours?[02:09.65]Yes,theyre ours.[02:13.90]Here you are.You must look after your clothes.[02:18.48]Yes,thank you,Miss Gao.
[05:19.90]chair Chinese teacher[05:26.35]Jim jeep orange[05:32.54]5.Count and write[05:36.98]Count from one to one hundred.[05:41.05]write some of the numbers yourself.[05:44.89]See page 201 and check your spelling.
[03:23.05]I like Chinese very much,and I like her,too.[03:28.09]I can speak some Chinese now.Xiexie!Zaijian!See you next term!Goodbye![03:39.56]Words and expressions in each unit
[07:01.02]3 Listen,read and talk[07:06.19]Read the following words.[07:09.53]Put each of them in the right place of the picture.[07:13.97]Then talk in pairs about the doll.
[06:40.07]But a boy broke me.Now I have no arms,no hands,[06:44.14]但是一个男孩把我弄坏了.现在我没有了胳膊,手.[06:48.22]no legs and no feet.I cant work.Could you help me,please?[06:51.69]腿和脚也没有了.我不能工作了.请问你能帮我吗?
[05:56.47]dear ice cream ice cream[06:01.44]亲爱的;可爱的 冰 奶油 冰淇淋[06:06.42]USA different vegetable sometimes[06:12.55]美国 不同的 蔬菜 有时
[07:13.06]LET YOUR KITE FLY HIGH[07:17.13]Fly,fly,fly your kite.[07:25.18]High in the sky!Up and down,Round round,[07:31.06]Let your kite fly high![07:34.50]Fly,fly,fly your kite.
[05:07.51]Look at that big tree.Under it are some men.[05:10.60]看那颗大树.树低下有些人.[05:13.68]Three of them are playing cards.One of them is looking at two cats.[05:17.20]当中有三人在玩牌,一个在看两只猫.
[08:27.90]Lucy and Lily are thinking.Han Mei is writing something.[08:31.48]Lucy和Lily在思考.Han Mei在写东西[08:35.06]All of them are working hard.[08:37.04]他们所有人都很努力.
[07:11.64]Could you come on Thursday afternoon?[07:13.52]你可以星期四下午来吗?[07:15.40]LI FEN:Sorry.We have a meeting that afternoon.[07:17.74]LI FEN:对不起.那天下午我有一个会议.
[10:28.43]Australian Canadian city foreigner[10:34.51]澳大利亚人 加拿大人 城市 外国人[10:40.60]visit word well why[10:46.43]访问;参观;拜访 词;单词 好 为什么[10:52.25]English-speaking letter[10:55.67]说英语的信
sping is coming.Another flu season is coming,too.But this year things could be a little different.It could be so serious because it could be a type of bird flu.Bird flu has killed at least 65 peo
Last summer holiday, I learned to swim. It was very unforgettable and interesting. I went to the swimming pool with my father. He taught me how to swim. At first, I was afraid of diving in the wa
Time waits for no one. If it flows away, it will never come to us again. We can't take charge of our time but we should know the importance of time and cherish time.
Yesterday has become
My best friend is Mary. She lives in a tall building. She lives on the fifth floor. Everyday she takes the lift up and down. She is twelve years old. She is tall and thin. She has short black hai
Jane is an English girl. She and her parents are live in Nanjing now. Today is Friday. Jane and her parents are planning for their weekends. Jane's father likes Beijing Opera very much, so he is
Today, I go to school with a headache. At the beginning, it is just a slightly pain. Nevertheless, it is not until the English lesson that my head pains heavily. So it is difficult for me to take
My school life is very common. I get up at six oclock every morningfrom Monday to Friday. And the I would go running with my classmates, as our head teacher says health is themost important thing
Hello, my dear friends! Whats my favourite season? Let me tell you.My favourite season is spring. Spring is a lovely season, I think. There is a garden behind my house. In spring, the trees becom
A bunny rabbit costume is an eternal Easter party favourite and very easy to make. A white, cream or pastel colored bunny suit with an open face works wonders for infants and even teens. Such sui
easter is a movable holiday, which is calculated as the first sunday after the full moon that occurs on or after the vernal equinox. if the full moon falls on a sunday, then easter is the followi
Easter is the most important religious feast in the Christian liturgical year. Christians believe that Jesus was resurrected from the dead two days after his crucifixion, and celebrate this resur
easter is not only a holiday but a season unto itself. to many religious people, it marks a time of miracles and a reaffirming of faith. to those with a more secular view of the world, it is a ce
Easter is a religious holiday that commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ three days after his death by crucifixion some 2,000 years ago. For Christians, Easter is a day of religious servi
spring comes.lt'sgetting warmer and warmer.Everything is dry, trees, fields and even the air. Just then, it rains. lt's as soft as silk. ltwashes the dirty of the earth and waters the plants and
I have a good friend. His name is Chin Daibe. He is 15 years old. We both want to be detectives. He is very clever. He is just a secondary school student but he is cleverer than any other student
In my life, I am proud of having a happy family. I have a kind father, strict mother and a naught little brother. As most other families, there are laughs and tears at my home. My father is frien
Smile, how warm the word is! it can make anyone happy. and this happiness is from the bottom of heart.
Its not like enthusiastic laughter, but just warm, makes your heart warm.
There're many different kinds of colour in the world, such as white, blue, orange, red, and so on. But my favourite colour is green.
I think green is the most beautiful colour. Do you kno
I love English,it gives me a colorful dream.I hope I can travel around the world one day. With my good English, I can make friends with many people from different contries.I can see many places o
My Happy Times During Winter Vacation I often go to see my grandma and grandpa during winter vacation. They are both seventy years old and live in the country happily. I can do many interesting t
In my hometown, there is a tradition that every family would keepmaking dumplings. We usually make dumplings on the last day of the lunar calendar and eat them on the New Years Eve. We roll the d
On New Year's Eve, our class had a party. The atmosphere was good. It was out of the ordinary from the very begining. The boy student from one bedroom gave an unusual performance. We saw a boy na
An English proverb says that time is money. I consider it (this) wrong. Why? Because we all know that we can earn money be work but can not in any way get back time (in anyway). For this reason,
My sister is a lovely girl. She has a nice English Name, Elsa. She is very clever and pretty. She is eight years old so she is old enough to go to school. This year, she tells me that she is a st
My cousin is only five years old. She comes to my house every weekend. We like her very much. Though she is very young she has ideas of her own. She says she wants to invite a fairy to help my mo
There are many festivals in China. Among them, I like the Spring Festival most. Not only because its the biggest festival in the year, but also because its a new beginning that brings hope to peo
Since I was a little baby, my parents read simple stories for me. They bought me many cartoon books with stories. They were my bedtime stories. Among all the interesting stories, I like fairy tal
The final exam is around the corner. All students are working hard to prepare for it. So am I. Doing well in final exam is important, because it reflects how much I learn in school. Its a good wa
LaBa morning, get up early, and their brother and sister, and mother in the red laba rice porridge, run to the courtyard, scrambled to feed on every last night at the door of the people on both s
The New Year is coming and I am looking forward to it. New Year means a new start, even though its nothing changed. Its the things in our heat that make it different. As usual and many other peop


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