
sluggish tailless Australian arboreal marsupial with grey feeds on eucalyptus leaves and bark
用作名词 (n.)
The koala is the most popular animal in this zoo.
Can the koala bear cook the meals?
I saw a koala mother with her baby on her back.
koala&:&树 ...
koala&:&考拉(产于 ...
Koala:koala n. [动] 树袋熊(澳洲产,树栖无尾动物)…
n. m. 《澳大利亚土语》1〔动〕(澳洲产)树袋熊2袋鼠科, 长约80厘米 www.fr ancoc hino is.co m 版
1. n. m【动物学】考拉2. n. m. 【动物学】(澳洲产的)树袋熊, 考拉
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考拉就是树袋熊(Koala) 是澳洲原住民的方言,意指“不喝水”,是澳洲的特有种生物,全世界仅分布在澳洲的东部昆士兰州、新南威尔士和维多利亚地区低海拔、不密集的...
答: 我家宝宝都是跟着电脑学的,情景动画,宝宝也愿意学,感觉自己教的话还没有她跟着电脑学的快
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koala英 [k??'ɑ:l?] 美 [ko?'ɑ:l?] 第三人称复数:koala 基本解释名词考拉; 树袋熊koala 网络解释1. 无尾熊:无尾熊(koala)这个名称,在澳洲原住民的土话中,是「不喝水」的意思. 但是,所有的动物都需摄取水分才能生存,那么住在高树上的无尾熊,究竟是如何摄取水分的呢?其实尤加利树叶里含有很多水分,所以,只要吃尤加利树叶,2. 911查询·英语单词2. 考拉熊:熊猫成为了木栅动物园的明星,也成为了招揽游客的王牌. 然而,他们只会像台湾风靡一时的偶像派明星一样--不久便沦为后尘. 这动物园里的考拉熊(Koala)便已经是例子. 台湾人着迷于一时之爽的风气,虽然为各经济界带来了利润,但却给大地带来了资源的浪费.koala 双语例句1. Eucalyptus leaves Zhiduoweixiang, contains eucalyptus and water fennel terpene brain, therefore, koala, who always exudes a kind of Fu Yu Hsiang smell of eucalyptus leaves.&&&&桉叶汁多味香,含有桉树脑和水茴香萜,因此,树袋熊的身上总是散发着一种馥郁清香的桉叶香味。2. Koala: An arboreal Australian marsupial that has dense grayish fur, large ears, and sharp claws and feeds chiefly on the leaves of eucalyptus trees.&&&&树袋熊,考拉:一种澳大利亚树栖有袋动物,长有浓密的灰毛、大耳朵和尖利的爪子,主要以桉树的树叶为食3. Okay, I went to the zoo yesterday, now I'm a koala bear.&&&&好的,我昨天去了动物园现在我就是无尾熊了4. We of the Koala Bear Kingdom have much to say to our ascending human brothers and sisters.&&&&我们树袋熊王国有许多话要对我们提升人类的兄弟姐妹们说。5. koala的解释5. This is an interesting transcription of what actually occurred from Koala Bear`s point of view.&&&&这是来自树袋熊对于真实发生过的事件的一个有趣转译。6. There is a Koala bear over there.&&&&在那边有一个考拉熊。7. I really love this koala bear.&&&&我真的很喜欢这个考拉熊。8. 8. A few days later, I kept moving up to another Koala beach resort in Airlie beach which is a chain backpacker with a sign of Koala and most of them concentrate in Queensland.&&&&几天后,我继续移动,北上到爱尔莱海滩的无尾熊背包客栈,这个有著无尾熊标识的背包客栈是一个连锁的客栈,都集中在昆士兰省。9. The prosecutor's office said the Panamanian-registered Probo Koala had been seized in the Estonian port of Paldiski.&&&&Probo Koala在西非科瓦迪倾泻的有毒垃圾已致八人死亡,应科瓦迪政府的请求,爱沙尼亚扣押了该船只。10. 10. An official Dutch analysis of samples of the waste carried by the chartered ship Probo Koala in 2006 indicate that it contained about two tonnes of toxic hydrogen sulphide.&&&&荷兰对2006年装载在特许船舶普罗伯考拉上的废物进行了正式的样本分析,结果显示其中含有约为两吨的有毒物硫化氢。11. A report submitted to the U. N. Human Rights Council links the toxic waste dumped by a Dutch-owned vessel in the Ivory Coast three years ago to deaths and illnesses. On August 19, 2006, the Probo Koala, a ship owned by the Dutch oil trading company Trafigura and flying the Panamanian flag docked in the capital Abidjan and discharged its tanks containing the waste.&&&&&&提交至联合国人权理事会的一份报告称,三年前象牙海岸的死亡和患病事件与一艘荷兰船只倾倒有毒废物有关。日,荷兰石油贸易公司船只Probo Koala号悬挂巴拿马国旗在首都阿比让进港,倾倒了装载有毒废物的水槽。12. 12. A report submit ted to the U. N. Human Rights Council links the toxic waste dump ed by a Dutch-owned vessel in the Ivory Coast three years ago to deaths and illnesses. On August 19, 2006, the Probo Koala, a ship owned by the Dutch oil trading company Trafigura and flying the Panamanian flag dock ed in the capital Abidjan and discharge d its tanks containing the waste. A man points to an open drain where toxic waste was dumped, in an industrial zone of Abidjan&&&&&&提交至联合国人权理事会的一份报告称,三年前象牙海岸的死亡和患病事件与一艘荷兰船只倾倒有毒废物有关。日,荷兰石油贸易公司船只Probo Koala号悬挂巴拿马国旗在首都阿比让进港,倾倒了装载有毒废物的水槽。13. Just as its name implies, lotus blooming lotus pool, but due to have the vicissitudes, lotus has quietly, and magical koala snails still here for survival.&&&&&&顾名思义,白莲池内应有白莲盛开,但由于沧桑变迁,白莲已悄然绝迹,而神奇的无尾螺蛳却仍在这里繁衍生存。14. 911查询·英语单词14. There`s a little koala on Molly`s back.&&&&&&有一只小无尾熊在Molly的背上。15. Sure. She's the beautiful koala in that tree.&&&&&&她是那颗树上的那只美丽的无尾熊。16. koala16. The koala, one of the symbols of the great Down Under, is one of these.&&&&&&无尾熊,这澳洲大地的象征之一即为其中一例。17. 17. It appears that this koala has learned to fly.&&&&&&这只无尾熊好像会飞的样子。18. koala18. Along the way and there is a koala habitat with the mouse.&&&&&&前进的道路上,而且有无尾熊栖息地用鼠标。19. koala的近义词19. You can even experience Australia's wildlife in Brisbane's Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary.&&&&&&你甚至可以在布里斯本的龙柏无尾熊公园体验澳洲的野生动物。20. When a koala is born, he has no fur&&&&&&刚出生的袋熊是没有毛的。koala 词典解释1. 树袋熊;考拉&&&&A koala or a koala bear is an Australian animal which looks like a small bear with grey fur and lives in trees.koala 单语例句1. A pair of koala twins finally emerged from their mother's pouch on Tuesday, much to the delight of visitors to Guangzhou Xiangjiang Safari Park.2. The world's first koala twins recently gave birth to cubs at the Guangzhou Xiangjiang Safari Park.3. The driver made an urgent call to the nearby Caboolture Koala Care and Rescue group.4. The park became the first in the mainland to have koala when it imported three male and three female koalas from Australia in April 2006.5. The party was organized for two female koala twins celebrating their first birthday on Monday.6. If you really must have that stuffed koala toy, here is probably the place to buy it.7. Guangzhou Xiangjiang Safari Park is seeking the help of the public to find names for its four koala cubs.8. The two new koala cubs now bring the park's koala population to 10.9. Many local residents also refused to believe the restaurant sold koala meat dishes.10. The new koala baby will stay in its mother's pouch for eight months before it comes out.koala 英英释义noun1. sluggish tailless Australian arboreal marsupial with grey furry ears and coat&&&&feeds on eucalyptus leaves and bark&&&&Synonym: Phascolarctos cinereuskoala是什么意思,koala在线翻译,koala什么意思,koala的意思,koala的翻译,koala的解释,koala的发音,koala的同义词,koala的反义词,koala的例句,koala的相关词组,koala意思是什么,koala怎么翻译,单词koala是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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