twig 判断 string数组非空判断在不在数组中

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I have a weird problem with twig in Symfony2. I am using the following array:
[days] =& Array
[1] =& Array
[money] =& 9
[2] =& Array
[money] =& 21
[3] =& Array
[money] =& 38
[4] =& Array
[money] =& 6
[18] =& Array
[money] =& 6
[19] =& Array
[money] =& 3
[31] =& Array
[money] =& 11
to test this I used the following code
{% for key in days %}
{{ key }}&br&
{% endfor %}
but the output shows the following
but it should look like this
Looks like twig creates a new array with new indexes. Is there a way to get the right index from array?
With var_dump($days) in php I can see the right index, so the "problem" is related to twig.
also you can try this :
{% for key,value in users %}
{% endfor %}
or maybe look into the "loop" object defined in the for loop
Maybe this
By default, a loop iterates over the values of the sequence. You can iterate on keys by using the keys filter:
{% for key in users|keys %}
&li&{{ key }}&/li&
{% endfor %}
It's not related on twig, it's a known gap in doctrine-mongodb using embeddedDocuments. Doctrine can't handle key-Values from embeddedDocuments, it will reorder the keys beginning from 0 and will so ignore the right key-values. Thank you anyway for your help :).
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Stack Overflow works best with JavaScript enabledObject or array in twig file Symfony 2 [在Symfony枝文件2对象或数组] - 问题-字节技术
Object or array in twig file Symfony 2
问题 (Question)
i edited the post
where i set $appartement:
$appartement = new Apartement ();
$em = $this-&getDoctrine()-&getManager();
$appartement = $em-&getRepository('LeymaxDashboardBundle:Apartement')-&find(1);
well i think that i have a syntax error that what i have in the controller that send s params to twig file :
return $this-&render('LeymaxDashboardBundle:Default:client.html.twig', array('apart' =& $appartement,
'user' =& $connected_user-&getId(),
in the twig file i do the following :
{{ path('leymax_changemodules_showModal',{'iduser': user,'profil':'client','apart':apart}) }}
the generated route is like so :
defaults: { _controller: LeymaxDashboardBundle:Default:changeModulesModal }
the error message :
An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template ("Warning: preg_match() expects parameter 2 to be string, object given
what's wrong i'm doing ?
我编辑了帖子我将此美元:$appartement = new Apartement ();
$em = $this-&getDoctrine()-&getManager();
$appartement = $em-&getRepository('LeymaxDashboardBundle:Apartement')-&find(1);
我认为我有一个语法错误,我所的控制器发送年代params枝文件:return $this-&render('LeymaxDashboardBundle:Default:client.html.twig', array('apart' =& $appartement,
'user' =& $connected_user-&getId(),
嫩枝的文件我做以下:{{ path('leymax_changemodules_showModal',{'iduser': user,'profil':'client','apart':apart}) }}
defaults: { _controller: LeymaxDashboardBundle:Default:changeModulesModal }
错误消息:An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template ("Warning: preg_match() expects parameter 2 to be string, object given
最佳答案 (Best Answer)
You can access a (public) property or method of an object in twig using the . syntax.
As long as this method's return value or property is of type string/integer - the following will work:
'parameter2': object.someMethod
You can further add a _toString() method to the object's class that will return a i.e. the id ...
class Object {
public function __toString()
return $this-&
... and then pass the object directly:
'parameter2': object.someMethod


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