not...not until 倒装近义短语

decide to do 的近义短语_百度作业帮
decide to do 的近义短语
decide to do 的近义短语
determine to do着急要.能不能提供几个关于go的短语,说出几个go近义短语的的区别,如go off\go out希望能有中文翻译及解释,我英语不是很精通_百度作业帮
着急要.能不能提供几个关于go的短语,说出几个go近义短语的的区别,如go off\go out希望能有中文翻译及解释,我英语不是很精通
着急要.能不能提供几个关于go的短语,说出几个go近义短语的的区别,如go off\go out希望能有中文翻译及解释,我英语不是很精通
go aboutT undertake:Go about your chores in a responsible way.go alongTo cooperate:They get along by going along.go aroundTo satisfy a demand or requirement:just enough food to go around.T move from place to place.To have currency:rumors going around.go atTo attack,especially with energy.T undertake:He went at the job with a lot of energy.go byT pass:as time goes by.To pay a short visit:My parents were away when we went by last week.go downTo dr set:The sun went down.To fall to the ground:The helicopter went down in a ball of fire.To sink:The torpedoed battleship went down.To experience defeat or ruin.To admit of easy swallowing:a cough syrup that goes down readily.To decrease in cost or value.Chiefly British.To leave a university.Slang.T happen:鈥渁 collection of memorable pieces about the general craziness that was going down in those days鈥 (James Atlas).To be accepted or tolerated:How will your ideas go down as far as corporate marketing is concerned?To come to be remembered in posterity:a debate that will go down as a turning point in the campaign.Vulgar Slang.To perform fellatio or cunnilingus.go forInformal.To have a special liking for:I really go for progressive jazz.To attack:an opponent who is known to go for the jugular in arguments.To pass for or serve as:a couch that also goes for a bed.go inTo take part in a cooperative venture:went in with the others to buy a present.To make an approach,as before an attack:Troops went in at dawn.go intoTo discuss or investigate:The book goes into classical mythology.To undertake as a profession or course of study:She's going into medicine.go offT explode.T sound:The siren went off at noon.To leave:Don't go off mad.Informal.To adhere to the expected course of events or the expected plan:The project went off smoothly.go onT happen:didn't know what was going on.To continue:Life must go on.To keep on doing (something):Don't go on talking.To proceed:She went on to become a senator.Informal.To talk volubly:My,you do go on.go outTo become extinguished.T leave one's residence:He went out at seven.To take part in social life outside the home:goes out a lot.To become unfashionable:High boots went out last year.To undergo structural collapse:The bridge went out.go overTo gain acceptance or approval:a new style that didn't go over.To examine or review:go over the test scores.go throughTo examine carefully:went through the students' papers.To experience:We went through hell while working on this project.To perform:I went through the sonata in 30 minutes.go underTo suffer d fail.To lose consciousness.go upTo increase in price or value.To be in the process of construction:Office buildings went up all over town.Chiefly British.To go to a university.go withTo date (someone) regularly.To select or choose:decided to go with the pink wallpaper.idioms:from the word goFrom the very beginning.go all the waySlang.To have sexual intercourse.go back onTo fail to honor or keep:go back on a promise.go beggingTo be in little or no demand:鈥淧restige or no prestige,directors' jobs at some companies have actually gone begging鈥 (Bill Powell).go belly up Informal.To undergo total financial failure:鈥淎 record number of ...banks went belly up鈥 (New Republic).go bust Informal.To undergo financial collapse:鈥淩ailroads were in the news mainly when they were going bust鈥 (Christian Science Monitor).go by the boardTo be discarded or ignored:old dress codes that have now gone by the board.go down the lineTo provide strong support.go fly a kite Informal.To cease being an annoyance.Often used in the imperative.go for broke Informal.To commit or expend all of one's available resources toward achievement of a goal:鈥淲hy not go for broke and take on somebody who is quite young and see what he does?鈥 (Roger L.Stevens).go for it Informal.To expend all one's strength and resources toward achievement of an end or purpose.go in forTo have interest in:goes in for classical music.To take part in:goes in for water skiing.go in withTo join in or combine with:He'll go in with them on the plan.go it aloneTo undertake a project,trip,or responsibility without the presence or help of others.go off the deep endTo behave hysterically or very recklessly.go one betterTo surpass or outdo by one degree:He's gone me one better.go out forTo seek to become a participant in:go out for varsity soccer.go out of (one's) wayTo inconvenience oneself in doing something beyond what is required.go out the window Informal.To become insignificant or inoperative:鈥淎s soon as a third body is introduced to the Newtonian system,all lawful ordering of processes goes out the window鈥 (Fusion).go places Informal.To be on the way to success:a young executive who is clearly going places.go steadyTo date someone exclusively.go the distanceTo carry a course of action through to completion.go the voleTo risk all of one's resources in the prospect of achieving great gains.go to itTo begin something right away.go to (one's) headTo make one dizzy or inebriated.To make one proud or conceited.go to piecesTo lose one's self-control.To suffer the loss of one's health.go to the mat Informal.To fight or dispute until one side or another is victorious:The governor will go to the mat with the legislature over the controversial spending bill.go to the wall Informal.To lose a con yield:Despite their efforts,the team went to the wall.To be fo fail.To make an all-out effort,especially in defending another.go to town Informal.To work or perform efficiently and rapidly.To be highly successful.go up in flames (or smoke)To be utterly destroyed.go without sayingTo be self-evident:It goes without saying that success is the product of hard work.on the goConstantly busy or goTo be taken out,as restaurant food or drink:coffee and doughnuts to go.
go home 回家go to work 上班go to XXX 去某地go nuts 失去理智go crazy 变得疯狂go aboard 上船go across 走过go against 反对go away 走开go blind 失明
go to school上学go home回家知道这些,因为是菜鸟暑假专题二:七年级常考近义词或词组辨析(二)_百度文库
  1、begin/start with…以……开头
  [例]Begin with this one and do the others afterwards.先从这个开始,之后再做其他的。
  The concert began with the National Anthem.音乐会在国歌声中开始。
  2、fall into…开始
  [例]I fell into conversation with an interesting man at the meeting.在会议上我开始与一个非常有趣的人交谈。
  3、fall to…着手做,开始做
  [例]I fell to thinking about the happy days of the past.我开始回味过去那美好的日子。
  I fell to wondering where to go for my holidays.我开始考虑到何处去度假。
  4、get down to…开始认真应付(或处理)
  [例]They got down to their work after the holidays.假期后他们静下心来开始工作。
  It's time you got down to some reading or the other students will leave you behind.你该开始认真读书了,不然其他的学生就要甩下你了。
  5、get to…开始做
  [例]We must get to work at once on the new building plans.我们必须马上开始制订新的建筑方案。
  He got to thinking that she wouldn't come after all.他开始觉得她毕竟不会来了。
  6、go about…着手做
  [例]Boby is going about his homework very seriously tonight.今晚鲍比在非常认真地做家庭作业。
  It's high time that they went about their own business.他们早该干自己的事了。
  7、set out to do sth., set about doing sth.开始做,着手做
  [例]He set out to break the world record for high jump.他开始为破跳高世界记录而努力。
  He set about(doing) his homework right after supper.晚饭后他开始做家庭作业。
  8、start out to do sth.开始做,着手做
  [例]He started out to write his reports.他着手写报告。
  9、take up…开始(从事于……)
  [例]At the age of sixty he took up the study of Russian.他60岁时开始学习俄语。
  1、break out(战争、疾病、灾难等)发生
  [例]Fire broke out in the hospital last night.昨天晚上医院突然失火了。
  The Second World War broke out in September 1939.第二次世界大战爆发于1939年9月。
  2、burst into…/out…突然开始,突然爆发
  [例]The entire hall burst into thunderous cheers.全场爆发出雷鸣般的欢呼声。
  On hearing the news, she burst out crying.听到这消息以后,她放声大哭起来。
  [用]burst into后接laughter, tear等名词,而burst out后则接动名词等。
  3、come about发生,出现
  [例]Many a quarrel has come about through a misunder standing.许多争吵是因为误解而产生的。
  Peace can only come about if each side agrees to give in to the other.只有双方都同意让步才有可能获得和平。
  4、come/go on发生,开始
  [例]Rain came on just before daybreak.天快亮时开始下起雨来。
  There is a wedding going on at the church.教堂在进行一个婚礼。
  5、come up发生,出现
  [例]We can surely overcome all difficulties that may come up.我们一定能克服可能发生的一切困难。
  Something pressing came up at the hospital.医院里发生了紧急的事。
  6、grow up产生,发生
  [例]As time went on, a genuine friendship grew up between us.随着时间的推移,我们之间产生了一种真挚的友谊。
  A new town has grown up in this industrial district.在这个工业区兴起了一座新城镇。
  7、take place发生
  [例]Great changes have taken place in our hometown since that year.自那年以来,我们家乡发生了巨大的变化。
  The accident took place only a block from his home.这次事故发生在离他家仅有一个街区的地方。
  [用]该短语不能用于被动语态中。另外,该短语不能与take the place of…混为一谈。take the place of…的意思是“替代,取代”。如:
  I'll take the place of my father for a while.我将暂时代理我父亲。
  8、turn up发生,出现
  [例]Don't worry, something's sure to turn up.不要担心,肯定会发生点事情的。
  He's still waiting for something to turn up.他仍在等待机会出现。
  1、bring about…/forth…引起,导致
  [例]He brought forth a quarrel between his parents.他引起父母间的相互争执。
  Scientists say that many factors bring about changes in the weather.科学家们说天气的变化可由许多因素造成。
  2、call forth…引起
  [例]The proposals called forth a great deal criticism.这些建议引来许多批评。
  3、come/result from…由……造成,由……引起
  [例]That is what comes from trying to be an actress.这就是想做个女演员的后果。
  The traffic accident resulted from carelessness.这次交通事故是由粗心引起的。
  4、come to…结果是,引导,导致
  [例]It comes to the same thing.结果是一样的。
  5、give brith to…造成,引起
  [例]The invention of the computer has given birth to information revolution.电脑的发明引起了信息革命。
  The Chinese nation has given birth to many national heroes and revolutionary leaders.中华民族造就了许多民族英雄和革命领袖。
  6、give rise to…导致,引起
  [例]Such conduct might give rise to misunderstandings.这种行为可能引起误解。
  7、go with…由……产生,由……导致
  [例]Crime does not necessarily go with poverty;some rich men are criminals.犯罪并不一定是因为贫穷,有些富人也犯罪。
  8、grow out of…由……产生(或引起),起因于
  [例]His trouble grew out of his bad temper.他的麻烦是由他的坏脾气引起的。
  The plan grew out of a casual conversation.这个计划起始于一次随便的谈话。
  9、lead to…导致(某种结果)
  [例]His pride led to his failure.他的骄傲导致他的失败。
  10、result/let in…结果为,导致
  [例]His attempt resulted in failure.他的尝试最终失败了。
  His careless speech resulted in much argument.他发言过于草率,结果引起许多争议。
  [用]let in, result in不可用于被动语态。
  11、set sth. off引发
  [例]He accidentally set off the fire alarm.他意外地触动了火灾警报器。
  12、set sth. up造成,引起
  [例]Ocean tides are set up by the pull between the earth the moon.海潮是由地球和月亮之间的引力引起的。
  1、be all over(with…)(与……)结束,完了
  [例]He told me that his relationship with his girlfriend was all over.他告诉我,他与女朋友的关系结束了。
  It's all over with him.他已经没有指望了。
  2、break up终止,结束
  [例]There were good friends;but then they had a quarrel and broke up.他们原是好朋友,但后来争吵了一场便绝交了。
  When does your school break up for the summer holidays?你们学校什么时候放暑假?
  3、close with…、end up with…以……结束
  [例]We usually close a business letter with“Sincerely yours”。商业信函通常以“谨启”结尾。
  The meeting ended up with the International.会议最后以唱《国际歌》结束。
  4、do away with…废除,结束
  [例]Peace-loving people all over the world want these deadly weapons done away with.全世界爱好和平的人们主张销毁这些杀伤性武器。
  It's time to do away with some of the old laws.该废除一些旧法律了。
  5、draw sth. up停下,停住
  [例]The driver drew his horses up in time to avoid hitting the child.赶车人及时把马勒住,没有撞着孩子。
  A police car drew up outside their house.一辆警车在他们房子外面停下。
  6、get through with…结束
  [例]I'll call you when I get through with this piles of papers.我处理完这堆文件后就给你打电话。
  When will you get through with painting the house?你什么时候能漆好这房子?
  7、give sth. up终止,停止
  Then he remembered that he given up smoking.那时他想到他已经戒烟了。
  [用]give up后可接动名词。
  1、go ahead with…继续
  [例]In spite of the chairman's illness, the meeting will go ahead as planned.尽管主席生病了,会议仍将如期举行。
  The council gave us permission to go ahead with our building plans.委员会同意我们继续执行我们的建筑计划。
  2、continue (with…)继续
  [例]Please continue with what you were doing before I came in.请在我进来之前继续做你们正在做的事情。
  The teacher told the class to continue with their work while he was out of the classroom.老师告诉全班在他不在教室的时候,继续做自己的作业。
  [辨]与keep on, go on等的辨析见keep on。
  3、go on with…继续做…
  [例]Please go on with your work.继续干你的事。
  I couldn't finish my homework, so I have to go on with it tomorrow.我无法完成家庭作业,所以明天得继续做。
  [用]go on后可以接动名词或不定式。但意思有区别。前者表示“继续做同一件事”,而后者则表示“做好了一件事,紧接着去做另一件事”。试比较:
  They went on working till late at night.他们继续干到深夜。
  He finished writing and went on to read.他写完后,又继续读。
  [辨]与keep (on)辨析见keep on。
  4、keep on…继续做…
  [例]The boy kept reading for two hours.那男孩连着读了2个小时的书。
  He kept on asking silly questions.他反复问些愚蠢的问题。
  [辨]keep on, go on, continue with, keep on doing,go on doing, cotinue with sth.意思一样,表示“继续做同一件事”。go on to do sth.则表示“做好了一件事,紧接着去做另一件事”。
  5、keep (sth.) up保持,持续
  [例]Will the weather keep up?这样的天气还能持续下去吗?
  We've kept up our friendship for over twenty years now.我们之间的友谊已经保持了20多年。关于until短语_百度作业帮
until前的主句中的动词用延续性动词,如;I do my homework until 11 o’clock.I slept until my mother called me.
区分的有: not.until直到.才.
.until中主句的动词用短暂性动词.例如,I won‘t believe it until i see it with my own eyes.
I didn’t go to bed until my mother came back.


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