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Oracle jing sui zhi ORACLE jian jie ji chang jian cuo wu chu li - 王朝网络 - & |
分享到:&&&&&当前位置: &&&&&&&&Oracle jing sui zhi ORACLE jian jie ji chang jian cuo wu chu liOracle jing sui zhi ORACLE jian jie ji chang jian cuo wu chu li上一篇下一篇字体: || 本文来源: 互联网&&&本文为【】的拼音翻译版  1. Oracle ji shu de fa zhan   1)1979 nian ,Rational Softwar gong si tui chu oracle v2  2)1983 nian ,RSI geng ming wei ORACLE gong si , tui chu mian xiang duo cao zuo ping tai de oracle dan yi dai ma ku   3)1989 nian , tui chu oracle6  4)1999 nian , tui chu oracle8i
(i biao shi zhi chi internet)  5)2000 nian , tui chu oracle9i  2. OCI(Oracle Call Interface): tiao yong jie kou   3. shu ju ku wang luo   1)oracle ke hu - oralcle net
-oracle shu ju ku fu wu qi   
oracle names  
oracle internet Directory  2) ji yu liu lan qi de ke hu -orace9i AS( ji cheng le yuan lai de ying yong fu wu qi he web fu wu qi )-oracle shu ju   ku fu wu qi   3)corba dui xiang - lian jie zhi li qi -oracle shu ju ku fu wu qi   4.RMAN(Recovery Manage): hui fu zhi li qi , jie zhu cun chu zai shu ju ku zhong de hui fu mu lu , lai zhi li shu ju ku de hui fu he bei fen   5. chang jian cuo wu chu li   ORA-01650:unable to extend rollback segment NAME by NUM intablespace NAME  chan sheng yuan yin : shang shu ORACLE cuo wu wei hui gun duan biao kong jian bu zu yin qi de , zhe ye shi ORACLE shu ju zhi li yuan zui chang jian de ORACLE cuo wu xin xi 。 dang yong hu   zai zuo yi ge fei chang pang da de shu ju cao zuo dao zhi xian you hui gun duan de bu zu , shi ke fen pei yong de hui gun duan biao kong jian yi man , wu fa zai jin xing fen pei , jiu hui chu xian shang shu   de cuo wu 。  jie jue fang shi : shi yong “ALTER TABLESPACE tablespace_name ADD DATAFILE filename SIZE size_of_file” ming ling xiang zhi ding de   shu ju zeng jia biao kong jian , gen ju ju ti de qing kuang ke yi zeng jia yi ge huo duo ge biao kong jian 。 dang ran zhe yu huan yu ni zhu ji shang de luo pan she bei you guan , jia ru ni zhu ji de luo   pan she bei yi jing mei you duo yu de shi yong kong jian , jian yi ni bu yao qing yi de zeng jia hui gun duan biao kong jian de da xiao , ke shi yong xia lie de yu ju xian cha xun yi xia sheng yu de   tablespace kong jian you duo shao :  Select user_name,sql_text from V$open_cursor where user_name=’&user_name&’;  jia ru duo yu de kong jian bi jiao duo , jiu ke yi shi dang zhui jia yi ge da de hui gun duan gei biao kong jian shi yong , cong er bi mian shang shu de cuo wu 。 ni ye ke yi yong yi xia yu ju   lai jian ce yi xia rollback segment de jing zheng zhuang kuang :  Select class,count from V$waitstat where calss in(‘system undo header’,’system undo block’,’undo   header’,’undo block’); he   Select sum(value) from V$sysstat where name in (‘db_block_gets’,’consistents gets’);  jia ru ren he yi ge class in count/sum(value) da yu 1%, jiu ying gai kao lv zeng jia rollback segment。  xiang ying de ying wen ru xia :  Cause:Failed to allocate extent from the rollback segment in tablespace  Action:Use the ALTER TABLESPACE ADD DATAFILE statement to add one or more files to the specified   tablespace.  ORA-01652:unable to extend temp segment by num in tablespace name  chan sheng yuan yin :ORACLE lin shi duan biao kong jian bu zu , yin wei ORACLE zong shi jin liang fen pei lian xu kong jian , yi dan mei you zu gou de ke fen pei kong jian huo zhe fen pei bu lian   xu jiu hui chu xian shang shu de xian xiang 。  jie jue fang fa : wo men zhi dao you yu ORACLE jiang biao kong jian zuo wei luo ji jie gou - dan yuan , er biao kong jian de wu li jie gou shi shu ju wen jian , shu ju wen jian zai ci pan shang wu   li di chuang jian , biao kong jian de suo you dui xiang ye cun zai yu ci pan shang , wei le gei biao kong jian zeng jia kong jian , jiu bi xu zeng jia shu ju wen jian 。 xian cha kan yi xia zhi ding biao kong jian de   ke yong kong jian , shi yong shi tu SYS.DBA_FREE_SPACE, shi tu zhong mei tiao ji lu dai biao ke yong kong jian de sui pian da xiao :  SQL&Select file_id,block_id,blocks,bytes from sys.dba_free_space where tablespace_name=’&users&’;  fan hui de xin xi ke chu bu que ding ke yong kong jian de zui da kuai , kan yi xia ta shi fou xiao yu cuo wu xin xi zhong ti dao de chi cun , zai cha kan yi xia que sheng de biao kong jian shen   shu :  SQL&SELECT INITIAL_EXTENT,NEXT_EXTENT,MIN_EXTENTS,PCT_INCREASE FROM SYS.DBA_TABLESPACES WHERE   
TABLESPACE_NAME=  tong guo xia mian de SQL ming ling xiu gai lin shi duan biao kong jian de que sheng cun chu zhi :  SQL&ALTER TABLESPACE name DEFAULT STORAGE (INITIAL XXX NEXT YYY);  shi dang zeng da que sheng zhi de da xiao you ke neng jie jue chu xian de cuo wu wen ti , ye ke yi tong guo xiu gai yong hu de lin shi biao kong jian da xiao lai jie jue zhe ge wen ti :  SQL&ALTER USER username TEMPORARY TABLESPACE new_tablespace_  shi yong ALTER TABLESPACE ming ling , yi dan wan cheng , suo zeng jia de kong jian jiu ke shi yong , wu xu tui chu shu ju ku huo shi biao kong jian tuo ji , dan yao zhu chong , yi dan tian jia   le shu ju wen jian , jiu bu neng zai shan chu ta , ruo yao shan chu , jiu yao shan chu biao kong jian 。  yi ge bao cuo li zi ru xia :  ORA-1652:unable to extend temp segment by 207381 in tablespace TEMPSPACE  xiang ying de ying wen ru xia :  Cause: Failed to allocate extent for temp segment in tablespace  Action:Use the ALTER TABLESPACE ADD DATAFILE statement to add one or more files to the specified   tablespace or create the object in another tablespace.  ORA-01578:Oracle data block corrupted(file # num,block # num)  chan sheng yuan yin : dang ORACLE fang wen yi ge shu ju kuai shi , you yu 1、 ying jian de I/O cuo wu ;2、 cao zuo xi tong de I/O cuo wu huo huan chong wen ti ;3、 nei cun huo paging wen   ti ;4、ORACLE shi tu fang wen yi ge wei bei ge shi hua de xi tong kuai shi bai ;5、 shu ju wen jian bu fen yi chu deng shang shu ji zhong qing kuang de yi zhong yin qi le luo ji huai kuai huo zhe   wu li huai kuai , zhe shi jiu hui bao ORA-01578 de cuo wu 。  jie jue fang shi : you yu ORACLE zhi you zai fang wen dao you wen ti de shu ju wen jian shi cai hui bao cuo , suo yi bao cuo de shi jian you ke neng hui bi shi ji chu cuo de shi jian yao wan , ru   guo ORA-01578 chu cuo xin xi ti shi shu ju huai kuai zhi xiang de shi yong hu zi ji de shu ju wen jian , ze yong yi xia fang fa lai jie jue :  jia ru tong guo xia mian de SQL yu ju cha chu de huai kuai chu xian you suo yin shang , ze zhi xu chong jian suo yin ji ke   SQL&Select owner,segment_name,segment_type from dba_extents where file_id=&F& and &B& between block_id and   block_id+blocks-1;(&F& he &B& fen bie shi ORA-01578 bao chu de huai kuai chu xian de wen jian hao he kuai hao )  jia ru huai kuai chu xian zai biao shang , xian yong yi xia yu ju fen xi shi fou wei yong jiu xing huai kuai ( jian yi duo zhi xing yi liang ci , you zhu yu jian bie shu ju huai kuai shi yong jiu xing de ( ying pan   shang de wu li huai kuai ) huan shi sui ji xing de ( nei cun huo ying jian cuo wu yin qi )):   SQL&Analyze table &table_name& validate strUC  zhi xing gai ming ling hou , ke neng hui chu xian yi xia de jie guo :  ORA-01578: yu yuan xian cuo wu xin xi you xiang tong de shen shu , wei yong jiu xing de wu li huo luo ji huai kuai ; yu yuan xian cuo wu xin xi you bu tong de shen shu , ke neng yu nei cun ,  page space he I/O she bei you guan 。  jia ru yong hu you ci biao de zui xin bei fen , na me zui hao shi yong ci bei fen lai hui fu ci biao , huo zhe shi yong event 10231 lai qu chu huai kuai yi wai de shu ju :  &1&. xian guan bi shu ju ku   &2&. bian ji init&sid&.ora wen jian , jia ru :  event=”10231 trace name context forever,level 10”  &3&.startup restrict  &4&. chuang jian yi ge lin shi biao :SQL&create table errortemp as select *(error shi huai biao de biao ming )  &5&. ba event cong init&sid&.ora wen jian zhong shan diao bing chong qi shu ju ku   &6&.rename huai biao , ba lin shi biao rename cheng huai biao de biao ming   &7&. chuang jian biao shang de INDEX deng   jia ru ORA-01578 chu cuo xin xi ti shi shu ju huai kuai zhi xiang de shi shu ju zi dian huo zhe shi hui gun duan de hua , ni ying gai li ji yu ORACLE gong si lian xi , gong tong shang liang yi ge   hao de jie jue ban fa 。  zhe li suo jiang de jie jue fang fa zhi shi bi jiao chang jian de yi zhong , yi xie geng wei ju ti de jie jue ban fa ke yi cha kan yi xia ORACLE de gu zhang jie jue shou ce , na li mian you zhuo ji   shi yong ROWID fang fa lai qu chu huai kuai yi wai de shu ju de fang fa , zhe li jiu bu jie shao le 。  xiang ying de ying wen ru xia :  Cause:The given data block was corrupted,probably due to program errors  Action:Try to restore the segment containing the given data block,This may involve dropping the segment   and recreating it,If there is a trace file,report the messages recorded in it to customer support.  ORA-01628:max # of extents num reached for rollback segment num  chan sheng yuan yin : zhe zhong cuo wu tong chang wei yi ge hui gun duan he yi ge biao kong jian yi jing da dao MAXEXTENTS shen shu she zhi de ji xian 。 yao zhu chong de shi zhe ge MAXEXTENTS bu   shi gai hui gun duan huo biao kong jian de ying jian ji xian , ying jian ji xian qu jue yu shu ju ku chuang jian shi zai init.ora wen jian zhong zhi ding de DB_BLOCK_SIZE shen shu de zhi 。  jie jue fang fa : shi yong SQL ming ling ALTER TABLESPACE…STORAGE(MAXEXTENTS XXXX) lai zeng jia MAXEXTENTS, qi zhong “XXXX” zhi bi xu da yu   
cuo wu xin xi zhong suo zhi de shu zhi , dan bu neng da yu LARGEST MAXEXTENT de zhi , jia ru yi jing da dao le LARGEST MAXEXTENT VALUE, jie jue de ban fa jiu   shi chong xin chuang jian jiao da de fan wei chi cun , shi yong dai you xuan xiang COMPRESS=Y de EXPort gong ju dao chu biao , jia ru biao kong jian you ke yong kong jian , xian gei biao zuo yi ge bei   fen , yong alter tablespace tablespace_name geng gai qi ming zi , ran hou zai zhuang zai biao hui shu ju ku 。  cha kan qi cuo wu chu xian de di fang , jia ru chu xian zai hui gun duan huo suo yin shang , na me bi xu jiang qi shan chu bing chong jian , jia ru chu xian zai lin shi biao kong jian , xiu gai lin shi biao kong   jian de cun chu zi duan , bian ke jie jue zhe ge wen ti 。  yi ge bao cuo li zi ru xia :  ORA-1628:max # extents 50 reached for rollback segment RBS_1  xiang ying de ying wen ru xia :  Cause: An attempt was made to extend a rollback segment that already has reached its maximum size or space   could not be allocated in the data dictionary to contain the definition of the object.  Action:If possible,increase the value of either the MAXEXTENTS or PCTINCREASE initialization parameters or   find the data dictionary table lacking space and alter the storage parameters,as described in the Oracle8   Server Administrator’s Guide.  ORA-00600:internal error code,arguments:[num],[?],[?],[?],[?]  chan sheng yuan yin : zhe zhong cuo wu tong chang wei ORACLE de nei bu cuo wu , zhi dui OSS he ORACLE kai fa you yong 。ORA-600 de cuo wu jing chang ban sui gen zong wen jian de zhuang tai zhuan chu   ( xi tong zhuang tai he jin cheng zhuang tai ), xi tong zhuang tai cun chu jiang bao kuo ORACLE RDBMS chi you de dang qian dui xiang de xin xi , jin cheng zhuang tai zhuan chu ze jiang xian shi fei fan jin cheng chi   you de dui xiang , dang jin cheng fu he le mou cuo wu tiao jian shi , jing chang shi you yu yi xie xin xi qu zi ta chi you de yi ge kuai , jia ru wo men zhi dao zhe xie cuo wu jin cheng chi you de   kuai , jiu qing yi gen zong wen ti de lai yuan 。  jie jue fang fa : yi ban lai shuo chu xian zhe ge cuo wu wo men ben shen shi wu fa jie jue de , zhi you cong ti gao xi tong ben shen ge fang mian lai jie jue zhe ge nei bu wen ti , ru zeng jia ying jian   she bei , tiao zheng xi tong xing neng , shi yong OPS( dang ran OPS cong mou zhong yi yi shang shuo bing bu shi yi zhong hao de jie jue fang shi ) deng 。ORA-600 cuo wu de di yi ge bian liang yong yu biao   ji dai ma zhong cuo wu de wei zhi ( dai ma zhong de mei ge bu fen de di yi bian liang dou bu yi yang ), cong di er ge dao di wu ge bian liang xian shi fu jia xin xi , gao su OSS dai ma zai na   li chu xian le cuo wu 。  yi ge bao cuo li zi ru xia :  ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [1237], [], [], [], [], [], [], []  xiang ying de ying wen ru xia :  Cause:This is a catchall internal error message for Oracle program exceptions.It indicates that a process   has met a low-level,unexpected condition.Various causes of this message include:  Time-outs( chao shi )  File corruption( wen jian tai lao )  Failed data checks in memory( nei cun jian suo shi bai )  Hardware,memory,or I/O errors( ying jian 、 nei cun huo zhe ci pan cuo wu )  Incorrectly restored files( cuo wu de chong jian wen jian )  ORA-03113:end-of-file on communication channel  chan sheng yuan yin : tong xun bu zheng chang jie shu , cong er dao zhi tong xun tong dao zhong zhi   jie jue fang fa :1&. jian cha shi fou you fu jin cheng bu zheng chang si ji , ke cong alert.log de zhi   2&. jian cha sql*Net Driver shi fou lian jie dao ORACLE ke zhi xing cheng xu   3&. jian cha fu wu qi wang luo shi fou zheng chang , ru wang luo bu tong huo bu wen ding deng   4&. jian cha tong yi ge wang shang shi fou you liang ge tong yang ming zi de jie dian   5&. jian cha tong yi ge wang shang shi fou you chong fu de IP di zhi   xiang ying de ying wen ru xia :  Cause:An unexpected end-of-file was processed on the communication channel.The problem could not be   handled by the Net8,two task,software.This message could occur if the shadow two-task process associated   with a Net8 connect has terminated abnormally,or if there is a physical failure of the interprocess   communication vehicle,that is,the network or server machine went down.  Action:If this message occurs during a commection attempt,check the setup files for the appropriate Net8   driver and confirm Net8 software is correctly installed on the server.If the message occurs after a   connection is well established,and the error is not due to a physical failure,check if a trace file was   generated on the server at failure time.Existence of a trace file may suggest an Oracle internal error   
that requires the assistance of customer support.  ORA-00942:table or view does not exist  chan sheng yuan yin : zhe shi you yu zhuang zai de biao huo shi tu bu cun zai , duo ban shi CATEXP.SQL huan mei you yun xing , wu fa zhi xing Export shi tu , jia ru CATEXP.SQL yi jing yun   xing , ze ke neng shi ban ben cuo wu 。  jie jue fang fa : yin wei Import he Export gong xiang de yi xie shi tu shi tong guo yun xing CATEXP.SQL lai zhuang zai de ( ta men ju you xiang tong de shi tu ), bing bu sheng cheng dan du   de CATEXP.SQL, yin er zao cheng shi tu yu Export dai ma bu tong bu , jiao nan bao chi bi ci zhi jian de jian rong , yong hu jiu bi xu jian li zi ji de Export ying yong , cong er   bi mian ORA-00942 de cuo wu 。  xiang ying de ying wen ru xia :  Cause:The table or view entered does not exist,a synonym that is jnot allowed here was used,or a view was   referenced where a table is required.Existing user tables and views can be listed by querying the data   dictionary.Certain privileges may required to Access the table.If an application returned this message,the   table the application tried to access does not exist in the database,or the application does not have   access to it.  Action:Check each of the following:  The spelling of the table or view name.  That a view is not specified where a table is required  That an existing table or view name exists.  Contact the database administrator if the table needs to be created or if user or application priviledes   are required to access the table.  Also, if attempting to access a table or view in another schema,make certain thecorrect schema is   referenced and that access to the object is granted.  ORA-01598:rollback segment “name” is not online  Cause:The rollback segment was taken offline either manually or by SMON.  Action:Check the status of the rollback segment in DBA_ROLLBACK_SEGS.  ORA-1636: rollback segment “name” is already online  Cause:A rollback segment can only be used by one instance and an instance is trying to bring a rollback   segment online that is already in use.  Action:Check that the values set in the initialization parameter file for parameters   ROLLBACK_SEGMENTS,ROLLBACK_SEGMENT_INITIAL,and ROLLBACK_SEGMENT_COUNT are correctly set for the instance   whiththe problem,Also check that the instance is using the correct initialization parameter file.Make sure   you are not confused about the difference between private and public rollback segments.See the Oracle8   Server Administrator’s Guide for more information about using rollback segments in paraller mode.  shang shu cuo wu yun wei wo men zai shi yong hui gun duan shi bi jiao chang jian de wen ti ,ORA-01598 zhi ming dang qian shi yong de hui gun duan de zhuang tai wei “not online”, bu neng shi   yong , jiang ta gai wei “online” zhuang tai ji ke shi yong ;ORA-01636 zhi ming dang qian hui gun duan yi jing wei “online” zhuang tai , ke yi zhi jie shi yong , bu yong zai ji he   ta 。  ORA-1636 signalled during: alter rollback segment rb00 online  wo men zai zuo tong ji shi huan ke neng peng dao xia shu wen ti : yi ge rollback segment de zhuang tai wei ”Needs Recovery” de xian xiang , zhe shi you yu ORACLE hui tui   yi ge shi wu biao zhong de mei you ti jiao de shi wu shi shi bai suo zao cheng de 。 tong chang yuan yin wei yi ge datafile huo zhe tablespace shi zai offline de zhuang tai huo zhe yi ge   undo de mu biao bei po huai huo zhe rollback segment bei po huai 。 jie jue de ban fa shi jiang suo you de tablespace he datafile dou zhi wei online zhuang tai , jia ru   bu neng jie jue ze zuo xia mian de gong zuo :1&. zai initsid.ora zhong jia ru event=”10015 trace name context forever lever   10”;2&.shutdown shu ju ku ran hou chong qi ;3&. zai $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/log xia , zhao dao startup shi sheng4&. zai trace wen jian   
zhong , zhao dao xia lie xin xi “error recovery tx(#,#) object #”;5&. gen ju object#( yu sys.dba_objects biao zhong de object_id xiang tong ) zai   sys.dba_objects biao zhong cha chu gai object de ming zi ;6&. jiang g7&. zai init.ora wen jian zhong jiang gai rollback segment fang hui   rollback_segments shen shu zhong ,8&.shutdown shu ju ku ran hou chong qi 。 ci shi ”Needs Recovery” de wen ti ying gai shi wan quan jie jue   le , fou ze jiu shi rollback segment bei po huai le 。  ORA-01688:unable to extend table partition NAME by NUM in tablespace NAME  chan sheng yuan yin : zhi ding de tablespace kong jian yi jing bei zhan yong man , wu fa kuo zhan 。  jie jue fang fa : shi yong “ALTER TABLESPACE ADD DATAFILE” ming ling zeng jia wen jian xi tong wen jian he yuan shi fen qu , huo zhe zeng jia INITIAL de da xiao ( ru :  alter tablespace CDRS101 default storage(next 500M pctincrease 1)) ying gai neng gou jie jue , fou ze jiu shi you ren shi yong ni de biao kong jian   shang chuang jian le yi ge bi jiao da de shu ju wen jian dao zhi ni de biao kong jian bu gou yong 。  yi ge bao cuo li zi ru xia :  ORA-1688: unable to extend table RMMCDR.LOCAL_CDR partition LOCAL_CDR101 by 460800 in tablespace CDRS101  xiang ying de ying wen ru xia :  Cause:An extent could not be allocated for a table segment in tablespace  Action:Use the ALTER TABLESPACE ADD DATAFILE statement to add one or more files to the specified tablespace【】【】&今日推荐&&幽默笑话百态军事探索娱乐女性健康旅游互联网&&1. Oracle ji shu de fa zhan
1)1979 nian ,Rational Softwar gong si tui chu oracle v2
2)1983 nian ,RSI geng ming wei ORACLE gong si , tui chu mian xiang duo cao zuo ping tai de oracle dan yi dai ma ku
3)1989 nian , tui chu oracle6
4)1999 nian , tui chu oracle8i
(i biao shi zhi chi internet)
5)2000 nian , tui chu oracle9i
2. OCI(Oracle Call Interface): tiao yong jie kou
3. shu ju ku wang luo
1)oracle ke hu - oralcle net
-oracle shu ju ku fu wu qi
oracle names
oracle internet Directory
2) ji yu liu lan qi de ke hu -orace9i AS( ji cheng le yuan lai de ying yong fu wu qi he web fu wu qi )-oracle shu ju
ku fu wu qi
3)corba dui xiang - lian jie zhi li qi -oracle shu ju ku fu wu qi
4.RMAN(Recovery Manage): hui fu zhi li qi , jie zhu cun chu zai shu ju ku zhong de hui fu mu lu , lai zhi li shu ju ku de hui fu he bei fen
5. chang jian cuo wu chu li
ORA-01650:unable to extend rollback segment NAME by NUM intablespace NAME
   chan sheng yuan yin : shang shu ORACLE cuo wu wei hui gun duan biao kong jian bu zu yin qi de , zhe ye shi ORACLE shu ju zhi li yuan zui chang jian de ORACLE cuo wu xin xi 。 dang yong hu
zai zuo yi ge fei chang pang da de shu ju cao zuo dao zhi xian you hui gun duan de bu zu , shi ke fen pei yong de hui gun duan biao kong jian yi man , wu fa zai jin xing fen pei , jiu hui chu xian shang shu
de cuo wu 。
   jie jue fang shi : shi yong “ALTER TABLESPACE tablespace_name ADD DATAFILE filename SIZE size_of_file” ming ling xiang zhi ding de
shu ju zeng jia biao kong jian , gen ju ju ti de qing kuang ke yi zeng jia yi ge huo duo ge biao kong jian 。 dang ran zhe yu huan yu ni zhu ji shang de luo pan she bei you guan , jia ru ni zhu ji de luo
pan she bei yi jing mei you duo yu de shi yong kong jian , jian yi ni bu yao qing yi de zeng jia hui gun duan biao kong jian de da xiao , ke shi yong xia lie de yu ju xian cha xun yi xia sheng yu de
tablespace kong jian you duo shao :
Select user_name,sql_text from V$open_cursor where user_name=’&user_name&’;
   jia ru duo yu de kong jian bi jiao duo , jiu ke yi shi dang zhui jia yi ge da de hui gun duan gei biao kong jian shi yong , cong er bi mian shang shu de cuo wu 。 ni ye ke yi yong yi xia yu ju
lai jian ce yi xia rollback segment de jing zheng zhuang kuang :
Select class,count from V$waitstat where calss in(‘system undo header’,’system undo block’,’undo
header’,’undo block’); he
Select sum(value) from V$sysstat where name in (‘db_block_gets’,’consistents gets’);
jia ru ren he yi ge class in count/sum(value) da yu 1%, jiu ying gai kao lv zeng jia rollback segment。
xiang ying de ying wen ru xia :
Cause:Failed to allocate extent from the rollback segment in tablespace
Action:Use the ALTER TABLESPACE ADD DATAFILE statement to add one or more files to the specified
ORA-01652:unable to extend temp segment by num in tablespace name
   chan sheng yuan yin :ORACLE lin shi duan biao kong jian bu zu , yin wei ORACLE zong shi jin liang fen pei lian xu kong jian , yi dan mei you zu gou de ke fen pei kong jian huo zhe fen pei bu lian
xu jiu hui chu xian shang shu de xian xiang 。
   jie jue fang fa : wo men zhi dao you yu ORACLE jiang biao kong jian zuo wei luo ji jie gou - dan yuan , er biao kong jian de wu li jie gou shi shu ju wen jian , shu ju wen jian zai ci pan shang wu
li di chuang jian , biao kong jian de suo you dui xiang ye cun zai yu ci pan shang , wei le gei biao kong jian zeng jia kong jian , jiu bi xu zeng jia shu ju wen jian 。 xian cha kan yi xia zhi ding biao kong jian de
ke yong kong jian , shi yong shi tu SYS.DBA_FREE_SPACE, shi tu zhong mei tiao ji lu dai biao ke yong kong jian de sui pian da xiao :
SQL&Select file_id,block_id,blocks,bytes from sys.dba_free_space where tablespace_name=’&users&’;
   fan hui de xin xi ke chu bu que ding ke yong kong jian de zui da kuai , kan yi xia ta shi fou xiao yu cuo wu xin xi zhong ti dao de chi cun , zai cha kan yi xia que sheng de biao kong jian shen
tong guo xia mian de SQL ming ling xiu gai lin shi duan biao kong jian de que sheng cun chu zhi :
shi dang zeng da que sheng zhi de da xiao you ke neng jie jue chu xian de cuo wu wen ti , ye ke yi tong guo xiu gai yong hu de lin shi biao kong jian da xiao lai jie jue zhe ge wen ti :
shi yong ALTER TABLESPACE ming ling , yi dan wan cheng , suo zeng jia de kong jian jiu ke shi yong , wu xu tui chu shu ju ku huo shi biao kong jian tuo ji , dan yao zhu chong , yi dan tian jia
le shu ju wen jian , jiu bu neng zai shan chu ta , ruo yao shan chu , jiu yao shan chu biao kong jian 。
yi ge bao cuo li zi ru xia :
ORA-1652:unable to extend temp segment by 207381 in tablespace TEMPSPACE
xiang ying de ying wen ru xia :
Cause: Failed to allocate extent for temp segment in tablespace
Action:Use the ALTER TABLESPACE ADD DATAFILE statement to add one or more files to the specified
tablespace or create the object in another tablespace.
ORA-01578:Oracle data block corrupted(file # num,block # num)
chan sheng yuan yin : dang ORACLE fang wen yi ge shu ju kuai shi , you yu 1、 ying jian de I/O cuo wu ;2、 cao zuo xi tong de I/O cuo wu huo huan chong wen ti ;3、 nei cun huo paging wen
ti ;4、ORACLE shi tu fang wen yi ge wei bei ge shi hua de xi tong kuai shi bai ;5、 shu ju wen jian bu fen yi chu deng shang shu ji zhong qing kuang de yi zhong yin qi le luo ji huai kuai huo zhe
wu li huai kuai , zhe shi jiu hui bao ORA-01578 de cuo wu 。
jie jue fang shi : you yu ORACLE zhi you zai fang wen dao you wen ti de shu ju wen jian shi cai hui bao cuo , suo yi bao cuo de shi jian you ke neng hui bi shi ji chu cuo de shi jian yao wan , ru
guo ORA-01578 chu cuo xin xi ti shi shu ju huai kuai zhi xiang de shi yong hu zi ji de shu ju wen jian , ze yong yi xia fang fa lai jie jue :
jia ru tong guo xia mian de SQL yu ju cha chu de huai kuai chu xian you suo yin shang , ze zhi xu chong jian suo yin ji ke
SQL&Select owner,segment_name,segment_type from dba_extents where file_id=&F& and &B& between block_id and
block_id+blocks-1;(&F& he &B& fen bie shi ORA-01578 bao chu de huai kuai chu xian de wen jian hao he kuai hao )
jia ru huai kuai chu xian zai biao shang , xian yong yi xia yu ju fen xi shi fou wei yong jiu xing huai kuai ( jian yi duo zhi xing yi liang ci , you zhu yu jian bie shu ju huai kuai shi yong jiu xing de ( ying pan
shang de wu li huai kuai ) huan shi sui ji xing de ( nei cun huo ying jian cuo wu yin qi )):
SQL&Analyze table &table_name& validate strUC
zhi xing gai ming ling hou , ke neng hui chu xian yi xia de jie guo :
ORA-01578: yu yuan xian cuo wu xin xi you xiang tong de shen shu , wei yong jiu xing de wu li huo luo ji huai kuai ; yu yuan xian cuo wu xin xi you bu tong de shen shu , ke neng yu nei cun ,
page space he I/O she bei you guan 。
jia ru yong hu you ci biao de zui xin bei fen , na me zui hao shi yong ci bei fen lai hui fu ci biao , huo zhe shi yong event 10231 lai qu chu huai kuai yi wai de shu ju :
&1&. xian guan bi shu ju ku
&2&. bian ji init&sid&.ora wen jian , jia ru :
event=”10231 trace name context forever,level 10”
&3&.startup restrict
&4&. chuang jian yi ge lin shi biao :SQL&create table errortemp as select *(error shi huai biao de biao ming )
&5&. ba event cong init&sid&.ora wen jian zhong shan diao bing chong qi shu ju ku
&6&.rename huai biao , ba lin shi biao rename cheng huai biao de biao ming
&7&. chuang jian biao shang de INDEX deng
jia ru ORA-01578 chu cuo xin xi ti shi shu ju huai kuai zhi xiang de shi shu ju zi dian huo zhe shi hui gun duan de hua , ni ying gai li ji yu ORACLE gong si lian xi , gong tong shang liang yi ge
hao de jie jue ban fa 。
zhe li suo jiang de jie jue fang fa zhi shi bi jiao chang jian de yi zhong , yi xie geng wei ju ti de jie jue ban fa ke yi cha kan yi xia ORACLE de gu zhang jie jue shou ce , na li mian you zhuo ji
shi yong ROWID fang fa lai qu chu huai kuai yi wai de shu ju de fang fa , zhe li jiu bu jie shao le 。
xiang ying de ying wen ru xia :
Cause:The given data block was corrupted,probably due to program errors
Action:Try to restore the segment containing the given data block,This may involve dropping the segment
and recreating it,If there is a trace file,report the messages recorded in it to customer support.
ORA-01628:max # of extents num reached for rollback segment num
chan sheng yuan yin : zhe zhong cuo wu tong chang wei yi ge hui gun duan he yi ge biao kong jian yi jing da dao MAXEXTENTS shen shu she zhi de ji xian 。 yao zhu chong de shi zhe ge MAXEXTENTS bu
shi gai hui gun duan huo biao kong jian de ying jian ji xian , ying jian ji xian qu jue yu shu ju ku chuang jian shi zai init.ora wen jian zhong zhi ding de DB_BLOCK_SIZE shen shu de zhi 。
jie jue fang fa : shi yong SQL ming ling ALTER TABLESPACE…STORAGE(MAXEXTENTS XXXX) lai zeng jia MAXEXTENTS, qi zhong “XXXX” zhi bi xu da yu
cuo wu xin xi zhong suo zhi de shu zhi , dan bu neng da yu LARGEST MAXEXTENT de zhi , jia ru yi jing da dao le LARGEST MAXEXTENT VALUE, jie jue de ban fa jiu
shi chong xin chuang jian jiao da de fan wei chi cun , shi yong dai you xuan xiang COMPRESS=Y de EXPort gong ju dao chu biao , jia ru biao kong jian you ke yong kong jian , xian gei biao zuo yi ge bei
fen , yong alter tablespace tablespace_name geng gai qi ming zi , ran hou zai zhuang zai biao hui shu ju ku 。
cha kan qi cuo wu chu xian de di fang , jia ru chu xian zai hui gun duan huo suo yin shang , na me bi xu jiang qi shan chu bing chong jian , jia ru chu xian zai lin shi biao kong jian , xiu gai lin shi biao kong
jian de cun chu zi duan , bian ke jie jue zhe ge wen ti 。
yi ge bao cuo li zi ru xia :
ORA-1628:max # extents 50 reached for rollback segment RBS_1
xiang ying de ying wen ru xia :
Cause: An attempt was made to extend a rollback segment that already has reached its maximum size or space
could not be allocated in the data dictionary to contain the definition of the object.
Action:If possible,increase the value of either the MAXEXTENTS or PCTINCREASE initialization parameters or
find the data dictionary table lacking space and alter the storage parameters,as described in the Oracle8
Server Administrator’s Guide.
ORA-00600:internal error code,arguments:[num],[?],[?],[?],[?]
chan sheng yuan yin : zhe zhong cuo wu tong chang wei ORACLE de nei bu cuo wu , zhi dui OSS he ORACLE kai fa you yong 。ORA-600 de cuo wu jing chang ban sui gen zong wen jian de zhuang tai zhuan chu
( xi tong zhuang tai he jin cheng zhuang tai ), xi tong zhuang tai cun chu jiang bao kuo ORACLE RDBMS chi you de dang qian dui xiang de xin xi , jin cheng zhuang tai zhuan chu ze jiang xian shi fei fan jin cheng chi
you de dui xiang , dang jin cheng fu he le mou cuo wu tiao jian shi , jing chang shi you yu yi xie xin xi qu zi ta chi you de yi ge kuai , jia ru wo men zhi dao zhe xie cuo wu jin cheng chi you de
kuai , jiu qing yi gen zong wen ti de lai yuan 。
jie jue fang fa : yi ban lai shuo chu xian zhe ge cuo wu wo men ben shen shi wu fa jie jue de , zhi you cong ti gao xi tong ben shen ge fang mian lai jie jue zhe ge nei bu wen ti , ru zeng jia ying jian
she bei , tiao zheng xi tong xing neng , shi yong OPS( dang ran OPS cong mou zhong yi yi shang shuo bing bu shi yi zhong hao de jie jue fang shi ) deng 。ORA-600 cuo wu de di yi ge bian liang yong yu biao
ji dai ma zhong cuo wu de wei zhi ( dai ma zhong de mei ge bu fen de di yi bian liang dou bu yi yang ), cong di er ge dao di wu ge bian liang xian shi fu jia xin xi , gao su OSS dai ma zai na
li chu xian le cuo wu 。
yi ge bao cuo li zi ru xia :
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [1237], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
xiang ying de ying wen ru xia :
Cause:This is a catchall internal error message for Oracle program exceptions.It indicates that a process
has met a low-level,unexpected condition.Various causes of this message include:
Time-outs( chao shi )
File corruption( wen jian tai lao )
Failed data checks in memory( nei cun jian suo shi bai )
Hardware,memory,or I/O errors( ying jian 、 nei cun huo zhe ci pan cuo wu )
Incorrectly restored files( cuo wu de chong jian wen jian )
ORA-03113:end-of-file on communication channel
chan sheng yuan yin : tong xun bu zheng chang jie shu , cong er dao zhi tong xun tong dao zhong zhi
jie jue fang fa :1&. jian cha shi fou you fu jin cheng bu zheng chang si ji , ke cong alert.log de zhi
2&. jian cha sql*Net Driver shi fou lian jie dao ORACLE ke zhi xing cheng xu
3&. jian cha fu wu qi wang luo shi fou zheng chang , ru wang luo bu tong huo bu wen ding deng
4&. jian cha tong yi ge wang shang shi fou you liang ge tong yang ming zi de jie dian
5&. jian cha tong yi ge wang shang shi fou you chong fu de IP di zhi
xiang ying de ying wen ru xia :
Cause:An unexpected end-of-file was processed on the communication channel.The problem could not be
handled by the Net8,two task,software.This message could occur if the shadow two-task process associated
with a Net8 connect has terminated abnormally,or if there is a physical failure of the interprocess
communication vehicle,that is,the network or server machine went down.
Action:If this message occurs during a commection attempt,check the setup files for the appropriate Net8
driver and confirm Net8 software is correctly installed on the server.If the message occurs after a
connection is well established,and the error is not due to a physical failure,check if a trace file was
generated on the server at failure time.Existence of a trace file may suggest an Oracle internal error
that requires the assistance of customer support.
ORA-00942:table or view does not exist
chan sheng yuan yin : zhe shi you yu zhuang zai de biao huo shi tu bu cun zai , duo ban shi CATEXP.SQL huan mei you yun xing , wu fa zhi xing Export shi tu , jia ru CATEXP.SQL yi jing yun
xing , ze ke neng shi ban ben cuo wu 。
jie jue fang fa : yin wei Import he Export gong xiang de yi xie shi tu shi tong guo yun xing CATEXP.SQL lai zhuang zai de ( ta men ju you xiang tong de shi tu ), bing bu sheng cheng dan du
de CATEXP.SQL, yin er zao cheng shi tu yu Export dai ma bu tong bu , jiao nan bao chi bi ci zhi jian de jian rong , yong hu jiu bi xu jian li zi ji de Export ying yong , cong er
bi mian ORA-00942 de cuo wu 。
xiang ying de ying wen ru xia :
Cause:The table or view entered does not exist,a synonym that is jnot allowed here was used,or a view was
referenced where a table is required.Existing user tables and views can be listed by querying the data
dictionary.Certain privileges may required to Access the table.If an application returned this message,the
table the application tried to access does not exist in the database,or the application does not have
access to it.
Action:Check each of the following:
The spelling of the table or view name.
That a view is not specified where a table is required
That an existing table or view name exists.
Contact the database administrator if the table needs to be created or if user or application priviledes
are required to access the table.
Also, if attempting to access a table or view in another schema,make certain thecorrect schema is
referenced and that access to the object is granted.
ORA-01598:rollback segment “name” is not online
Cause:The rollback segment was taken offline either manually or by SMON.
Action:Check the status of the rollback segment in DBA_ROLLBACK_SEGS.
ORA-1636: rollback segment “name” is already online
Cause:A rollback segment can only be used by one instance and an instance is trying to bring a rollback
segment online that is already in use.
Action:Check that the values set in the initialization parameter file for parameters
whiththe problem,Also check that the instance is using the correct initialization parameter file.Make sure
you are not confused about the difference between private and public rollback segments.See the Oracle8
Server Administrator’s Guide for more information about using rollback segments in paraller mode.
shang shu cuo wu yun wei wo men zai shi yong hui gun duan shi bi jiao chang jian de wen ti ,ORA-01598 zhi ming dang qian shi yong de hui gun duan de zhuang tai wei “not online”, bu neng shi
yong , jiang ta gai wei “online” zhuang tai ji ke shi yong ;ORA-01636 zhi ming dang qian hui gun duan yi jing wei “online” zhuang tai , ke yi zhi jie shi yong , bu yong zai ji he
ORA-1636 signalled during: alter rollback segment rb00 online
wo men zai zuo tong ji shi huan ke neng peng dao xia shu wen ti : yi ge rollback segment de zhuang tai wei ”Needs Recovery” de xian xiang , zhe shi you yu ORACLE hui tui
yi ge shi wu biao zhong de mei you ti jiao de shi wu shi shi bai suo zao cheng de 。 tong chang yuan yin wei yi ge datafile huo zhe tablespace shi zai offline de zhuang tai huo zhe yi ge
undo de mu biao bei po huai huo zhe rollback segment bei po huai 。 jie jue de ban fa shi jiang suo you de tablespace he datafile dou zhi wei online zhuang tai , jia ru
bu neng jie jue ze zuo xia mian de gong zuo :1&. zai initsid.ora zhong jia ru event=”10015 trace name context forever lever
10”;2&.shutdown shu ju ku ran hou chong qi ;3&. zai $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/log xia , zhao dao startup shi sheng4&. zai trace wen jian
zhong , zhao dao xia lie xin xi “error recovery tx(#,#) object #”;5&. gen ju object#( yu sys.dba_objects biao zhong de object_id xiang tong ) zai
sys.dba_objects biao zhong cha chu gai object de ming zi ;6&. jiang g7&. zai init.ora wen jian zhong jiang gai rollback segment fang hui
rollback_segments shen shu zhong ,8&.shutdown shu ju ku ran hou chong qi 。 ci shi ”Needs Recovery” de wen ti ying gai shi wan quan jie jue
le , fou ze jiu shi rollback segment bei po huai le 。
ORA-01688:unable to extend table partition NAME by NUM in tablespace NAME
chan sheng yuan yin : zhi ding de tablespace kong jian yi jing bei zhan yong man , wu fa kuo zhan 。
jie jue fang fa : shi yong “ALTER TABLESPACE ADD DATAFILE” ming ling zeng jia wen jian xi tong wen jian he yuan shi fen qu , huo zhe zeng jia INITIAL de da xiao ( ru :
alter tablespace CDRS101 default storage(next 500M pctincrease 1)) ying gai neng gou jie jue , fou ze jiu shi you ren shi yong ni de biao kong jian
shang chuang jian le yi ge bi jiao da de shu ju wen jian dao zhi ni de biao kong jian bu gou yong 。
yi ge bao cuo li zi ru xia :
ORA-1688: unable to extend table RMMCDR.LOCAL_CDR partition LOCAL_CDR101 by 460800 in tablespace CDRS101
xiang ying de ying wen ru xia :
Cause:An extent could not be allocated for a table segment in tablespace
Action:Use the ALTER TABLESPACE ADD DATAFILE statement to add one or more files to the specified tablespace&  免责声明:本文仅代表作者个人观点,与王朝网络无关。王朝网络登载此文出于传递更多信息之目的,并不意味着赞同其观点或证实其描述,其原创性以及文中陈述文字和内容未经本站证实,对本文以及其中全部或者部分内容、文字的真实性、完整性、及时性本站不作任何保证或承诺,请读者仅作参考,并请自行核实相关内容。&王朝美图& 23:26:04&&&&&&&转载本文&UBB代码&HTML代码复制到剪贴板...&更多内容··········&&&&频道精选


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