perch like to gooff to a good startt for the coyotes as the armies

Know Before You Go
The Content CompanyLooney Lyrics
Welcome to
This page is the original home of the lyrics to many of the wonderful songs
sung in Warner Bros. cartoons. If you have any lyrics you wish to add or have
any corrections/additions to make, please forward to .
(And PLEASE tell me when I'm wrong!! I'm striving for perfection here!!) Also,
if you have any useful tidbits of information related to the lyrics, i.e. song's
origin, possible influences, etc., please let me know. 99% of these lyrics were
transcribed just by listening to the cartoon and should not be considered official
in any way. Lyrics are arranged in alphabetical order by the cartoon in which
they appeared.
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Out on the desert early in the morning
See the desert flowers all in a row
Hear the little birdies tweet their happy tweeting
("Meep! Meep!" "Meep! Meep!")
There he goes!
Out on the desert early in the morning
See the happy Road Runner burning up the roads
See the old Coyote dreaming of his breakfast
("Meep! Meep!" "Meep! Meep!")
There he goes!
thanks to Jon Cooke
Every morning, every evening
Ain't we got fun?
Jams and jellies fill our bellies
Oh, boy! Some fun!
The cat's away boys, we have't a care
The old man's sleeping
Sleeping in his easy chair
Sliced tomatoes, sweet potatoes
Ain't we got fun?
In the breadbox, eating hemlocks
Oh, boy! What fun!
The place is ours, gang
There's lots of food and lots of time
Time swingin' La la da di Time swingin'
Let's get together
Whoa, baby, whoa
Ain't we got fun? Yeah!
thanks to Bugsmer
She's the girlfriend of the Whirling Dervish
She's the sweetest one he's found
But every night
In the mellow moonlight
When he's out dervishing with all his might
She gives him the run around
All the boyfriends of the Whirling Dervish
Are his best friends to his face...
thanks to Jon Cooke
The tall man with the high hat and the whiskers on his chin
Will soon be knockin' at your door and you outta be in!
The tall man with the high hat will be comin' down your way
Get your savin's out when you hear him shout, any bonds today!
("Come on and get 'em folks! Step right up and get 'em!")
Any bonds today?
Bonds of freedom, that's what I'm sellin'
Any bonds today?
Scrape up the most you can
Here comes the freedom man
Askin' you to buy a share of freedom today!
Ahh, any stamps today? Give kiddies
Will be blessed if we all invest in the U.S.A.
Sammy! My, my Uncle Sammy!
Here comes the freedom man
Can't make tommorow's plan
Not unless you buy a share of freedom today!
Any stamps, any bonds today?
thanks to Jon Cooke
(Jones - 1951)
"My Pa" by Junior Bear Age 7 and a half
When the nasty old boogie man fills me with fears
And my little old pinafore is all wet with tears
And my cute little pug nose is all red from cryin'
Who is it that saves me and keeps me from dyin'?
When my little pink cheeks are pale with fright
Who is it that lifts me and holds me tight
And says "There, there, little man, everything is all right"
Oh, who's your best friend it's father
'Cause father is a best friend
And who's your best friend, to the very end
Nobody else but Pa
He is the only friend bestest
Nor south and east and westest
Who is your best friend father
'Cause father is all right
Morning, noon, and night
Pa! Pa! Pa!
Who do we love these skies above is
Father, father
Who's the bravest of the brave
Father, father
Who's the one who fills our lives completely
And ever sweetly will remain
Let's give a cheer for father
Let's make his life a joy
I'll be his loving wifey
And I'll be his darling boy (Duh)
Let's all look up to father
Worship him near and far
He never is a bother
thanks to Jon Cooke
Welcome little girl! (Welcome little girl!)
We are hear to meet you
Very glad to meet you
We will play all day
Welcome little girl! (Welcome little girl!)
Welcome to our toy land
Happy girl and boy land
Everything is bright and gay
You must be careful of the big bad beast
And if he gets you, he shall have a feast
Welcome little girl! (Welcome little girl!)
To the land of slumber. Land of many wonders
Heigh ho, little girl, heigh ho!
Beauty and the Beast. (bi doop boop boop)
He's so mean and vicious
She is so suspicious
Poor little Beauty and the Beast
Beauty and the Beast
Each time he would trail her
Her poor heart would fail her
Poor little Beauty and the Beast
He wants to snatch her
He's such an awful cur
If he should catch her
What would become of her?
Beauty and the Beast
Won't some prince protect her
From this awful spectre?
Poor little Beauty and the Beast
thanks to Bugsmer
Merrily we roll along, Rub-'Em-Off and me
When he plays his fiddle I just go on a spree
It's a cinch that every time I go on the air
I just look around and find old Rub-'Em-Off there
Every time I think that I'm about to have fun
Eddie brings his....I think he's a bum
Though we razz each other, it's all in song
As we merrily roll along
thanks to Bugsmer
Oh people call me Daffy
They think that I am goony
Ah just because I’m happy is no sign I’m looney tooney
Oh when they say I’m nutsy
It sure gives me a pain
Please pass the ketchup I think its going to rain
Oh you can’t bounce a meatball
Though try with all your might
Ah turn on the radio I want to fly a kite
Good evening friends
Nothing could be feener than to be in Caroleena in the mornink
Nothing could be sweeter than my sweety when I meet her in the mornink
Where the mornink glories, tween around the door
Listening to snappy stories, I long to hear once more
Strolling with my girly where the dew is pearly, early in the mornink
Butterflies all flutter up and kiss each little buttercup at dawn-ink
If I had Aladdin's lamp for only a day
I'd make a wish and here's what I'd say
Nothing could be feener than to be in Caroleena in the mornink
thanks to Jon Cooke
All is not gold that glitters
All is not pure that shines
Follow your mother's teachings
And happiness will be thine
Will be thine!
thanks to Jon Cooke
"This Is It"
Overture, curtain, lights
This is it, the night of nights
No more rehearsing and nursing a part
We know every part by heart
Overture, curtains, lights
This is it, we'll hit the heights
And oh what heights we'll hit
On with the show this is it
Tonight what heights we'll hit
On with the show this is it
copyright 1961 Warner Bros.
thanks to Karen_Hope and DPJOHNSON&
As heard on Channel 12:
Pussykins cat food tastes real good
Satisfies cats like a cat food should
Hardens their muscles softens their fur
Pussykins cat food makes them purr
Are you eating more cat food lately but enjoying less??
thanks to paddison
Over the sea, let's go men
We're shovin' right off, we're shovin' right off again
Nobody knows where or when
We're shovin' right off, we're shovin' right off again
We're leaving today It's anchors aweigh
Sally and Sue don't be blue
We'll just be gone for years and years and then
We're shovin' right off for home
Shovin' right off for home
Shovin' right off for home again!
thanks to Jon Cooke
We're gonna tell, we're gonna tell
We know what you're thinkin', Naughty Boy
Better stop your slinkin', Naughty Boy
You'll be playing hookey on your way to school
Teacher's gonna get you 'cause she's not a fool
If you tell the teacher, tattletales
I'll be sure to beat-cha, tattletales
You'd better keep away from that there garden plot
Or that man will throw you in a pot
I'm not a bit afraid of any man
I'll just sock him right in the pants
And then if he thinks he's smart,
I'll just poke him in the chin
Oh, you know there's no pot big enough to do ME in
What is that you're saying, naughty boy?
You better start your praying, naughty boy
We're gonna tell the teacher
And she'll be out to meet'cha
Oh, you'll get yours, naughty boy
thanks to Bugsmer
Crosby, Columbo and Vallee
Comes to paleface enemies, I know only three:
Crosby, Columbo and Vallee
They make a million Injun women wish that they were (late?).
Crosby, Columbo and Vallee
Those crooning juvenours are stealing all our squawrs.
(Now I know what has become of Sally.)
And every time you kiss your girl, who is she thinking of?
Crosby, Columbo and Vallee
Who sings songs of happy couples 'neath the stars above?
Crosby, Columbo and Vallee.
And as the evening shadows fall I hear my call of love.
Bing: Many happy returns of the day.
Crosby, Columbo and Vallee
Beneath the pale moon's glow, I tune the radio.
And boopidoop boopidoop Vallee.
I hear my heart go pitter-pat and fill me through and through.
Vallee dog: Hi, ho, everybody.
A song that you and I
Someday can glorify
Into a lullaby
This is my love song.
Beneath the pale moon's glow, I tune the radio.
What makes my heart go pitter-pat and fill me through and through?
Crosby, Columbo and Vallee
thanks to Bugsmer, David Gerstein and bjimba
When April showers may come your way
They bring the flowers that bloom in May
So if it's raining have no regrets
Because it isn't raining rain, you know, it's raining violets
And when you see clouds, when you see clouds upon a hill
Nah, you're not lookin' at clouds, nah, you're lookin' at daffodils
So, keep on lookin', keep lookin' for the blue bird and listenin' for
Whenever April showers come along
thanks to Jon Cooke
We've all got a mission in life
We get into different ruts
Some are just cogs on the wheels
Others are just plain nuts
Science is some folks calling
Others pilot a ship
My mission in life stated simply is
A moustache on every lip
She was an acrobat's daughter
She swung by her teeth from a noose
But one matinee her bridgework gave way
And she flew through the air like a goose
Hold your seats folks, here we go again
My name is Daffy Duck
I work on the merry-go-round
The job was swell, I did quite well
'Till the merry-go-round broke down
The guy that worked with me
Was a horse with the lavender eye
Around in whirls we winked at girls
'Till the merry-go-round broke down
Up and down and around it we sped
The dizzy pace soon went to my head
Now you know why I'm dizzy
And do the things I do
I am askew and you'd be too
When the merry-go-round broke down
Yes the merry go round broooookkkkkkeeeeeeeeee.... down
thanks to Larry T
Close your sleepy eyes, my little buckaroo
While the lights of western skies are shining down on you
Don't you know it's time for bed, another day is through
So hit the hay, my little buckaroo
("Howdy, you all!")
Don't you realize, my little buckaroo
T'was from a little oak tree that a chesnut grew
And remember that your Pop was once a punk like you
My little buckaroo!
Oh.. (some nonsense singing)
Now it's time for you, to a round-up a dream or two
So get some shuteye, my little buckaroo
thanks to Jon Cooke, dge, and Larry T
Oh boll my weevil and corn my pone
You'll never be lonely 'cause you're never alone
When you're way down south
I said a way down south
When you're way down south in the land of juleps
In the warm summer sun where the girls have tulips.....
Oh hooray for the red, white, & blue
Oh hooray for the red, white, & blue
Yankee doodle went to town riding on a pony
Like Teddy did at San Juan Hill
And this is no baloney
If I could be with you one hour tonight
If I was there to do the things I might
(machine gun sounds)
From the halls of Montezuma
To the shores of Tripoli
Hear the bells of freedom ringing
Oh no its just the phone for me
Oh the little man from the draft board
He is coming to see me
The man from the draft board??!!?? Yipe!!!!
Oh it had to be me, yes me
It had to be me, poor me
It couldn't be him, it couldn't be you, it had to be me...
She's the flower of Gower gulch
A cowpuncher's sweetheart true
And her looks don't amount to much
'Cause one of her eyes is blue
She's got skin just like prarie dog leather
She cooks nothing but chuckwagon stew
Her name is Minurva Ulch
She's the flower of Gower gulch
Pimento U., oh sweet P.U.
Thy fragrant odor scents the air
A pox on Yale, poo-poo Purdue
Pimento U., my college fair
Oh Dora dear, sweet Dora dear
Keep courage up and chin held high
The stalwart sons of old P.U.
Are here at hand to do or die
P.U. P.U., we're all for you, yeah P.U.!!!
(sung in a Caribbean-style voice)
Bugs Bunny came to Martinique
When he arrived he was pretty weak
His knees look like they would buckle in
His tribulations caused by a penguin
Now he's built a boat on which they both could leave
He hope that fickle fate have nothing up her sleeve
If he can accomplish this daring thing
A miracle to Martinique Bugs did bring&
Oh I can't get a-long little dogie
I can't even get one that's small
I can't get a-long little dogie
I can't get a dogie at all
"Get along, little dogie!" was a shout used by cowboys to herd
cattle calves. Yosemite Sam is playing on words when he sings the song
---info provided by tishtash
Let get out the shootin' iron
And start right into firin'
We'll wake the critter up
Throw a bead right on those punks
It's the same as pluggin' skunks
Them McCoys is the mangy ign'rant pups
(SPOKEN: Do you need money?
Borrowed for your old shotgun or not?
Call Gladstone-3451 & a personal representative will call at your home or office)
Oh, we're in the mood
To kindle up a feud
We meant what we said
Shake a leg, you McCoys
Rise up from your LaZ Boys
Else we'll plug you while you're in bed
thanks to Brenda(n) Spillane
That cat he done told me
Out there in the kitchen
That cat he done told you, what?
Oh he's come here to save us
And not to enslave us
That cat's just a rat just the same
No no kids
That cat is a two face
A treacherous thing that will eat us to sing
The blues in the night
Please take my advice and don't be naughty mice
Appease him or he'll get bented
He wants to protect us from the ones who's wrecked us
Please him
He wants to protect us?
That's what I've been saying
Gee that'll be fine
Well then hurry & sign
A truce, there'll be no fight
(Clampett- 1939)
There's a brand new show that's opening today
Everyone is going, hurry, don't delay
On today it's really smart
Don't you think you'd better start
We're sure you'll like the show
It's a double bill you know
Everyone will soon be coming in their cars
They will never miss a chance to see the stars
If you listen in people's windows, here's what you'll here them say
There's a brand new show that's opening today
thanks to Jon Cooke
In the colony, the flowers dance and sing in harmony
So you have never seen them play before
You can't help adore. They're beautiful to see
And they play a tune. You see the flowers and they start to groom
They all put on their very best array
For this is the day of the Flower Parade
thanks to Bugsmer
(Harman/Ising- 1932)
Who gets all the girlies chasing him around?
Freddy the Freshman, the freshest kid in town
Who wrecks all the parties, turns them upside down?
Freddy the Freshman, the freshest kid in town
I play the ukulele, I play the saxophone
And the pretty babies just won't leave him alone
Who got bounced at Harvard, Princeton, Yale, and Brown?
Freddy the Freshman, the freshest kid in town
thanks to Jon Cooke
I'm out west diggin' gold for Matilda
Searching for ore down beneath
She's my sweetheart and she's happy
Has a beard just like her pappy
And she needs gold to put in her teeth
How I sigh
How I sigh
When I'm diggin' for gold down beneath
Down beneath
If my luck don't change I'll dump it
And I'll find a claim and jump it
For sweetheart needs gold for her teeth
For sweetheart needs gold for her teeth
thanks to Jon Cooke
Now let me tell a story that I heard a somewheres
About Goldilocks and the 3 black bears
It was way down south in a forest black
Where the 3 black bears lived in a double down shack
Now these 3 bears they never went to school
But when it came to jivin' they was nobody's fool
ah 1, ah 2, ah 3, commence
Man you's crazy, no just lazy
My horn's too hot, my piano just fired up, mine's rolling a tempature
I'll tell you what we'll do
We'll take a nice walk through the woods and when we get back the instruments
will be all cooled off
Well that's what it say here
Now if you've read your fairy tales just like you should
You'd heard about the Big Bad Wolf and Red Riding Hood
Well here's that old rascal right in grandma's bed
He's gonna kill her dead
Telegram from Red.....quote
Uh, sorry grand mater can't be there till later
Working at Lockheed as a rivetater
Signed Red Riding Hood.....unquote
Well kill me dead
What's the matter with you pudding head
Sorry sir but that's what you said
That's what he said that's what the man said he said that
Oh that wold he was hungry he was mad and sore
Then he heard a loud rappin' at the bear house door
Well slap me silly and blind me for corn
Its Goldilocks just as sure as you born
Goldilocks mmmmm with this food shortage what am I waiting for
Well now about this time like the story book said
Goldilocks was tired she was going to bed
This bed is too hard little Goldilocks said
This bed is too soft so she tried the other bed
This bed is just right well then good night
Good night
Good night say who are you?
You aren't the 3 old bears
You bet I honey but lordy who cares
Oh that big bad wolf had better think up some talk
Because the 3 black bears are coming back from their walk
Well shut my mouth
Well shut my mouth
Well shut my mouth
Hit that jive boy
That old wolf was beat he was almost dead
He had more than enough then along came Red
If I could be with you, I'd love you strong
If I could be with you, I'd love you long
I want you to know I wouldn't go
Until I told you, honey, why I love you so
If I could be with you an hour tonight
If I were free to do the things I might
I'm telling you true
I'd be anything but blue
If I could be with you
By a waterfall, I'm calling you-ou-ou-ou
You give me your lips and your lips are so heavenly
Stars in the sky are all free and they shine for me
So does the moon in the blue
For this is mine and heaven too
You give me your arms and your arms are like angel wings
Sweet to my ears is the song every bluebird sings
Each rosebud kissed by the dew
All this is mine and heaven too
I`m just wild about Harry and Harry's wild about me
The heavenly blisses of his kisses fill me with ecstasy
I'm just wild about Harry
And he's just wild about
Cannot do without
He's just wild about me
thanks to Bugsmer
Down where the trade winds play
Down where you lose a day
We found a new world where paradise starts
We traded hearts
Way down where the trade winds play
Someone's rockin' my dreamboat
Someone's invading my dreams
We were sailing along
Peaceful and calm
Suddenly something went wrong
Someone's rockin' my dreamboat
Disturbing a beautiful dream
But with love as my guide
I'll follow the tide
I'll keep sailing till I find you
thanks to Jon Cooke
(Hardaway & Dalton-1939)
All the world goes gay, swinging on its way,
Things were looking brighter day by day
Nothing ever wrong, life was just a song,
Till that Looney Tune came along...
I'm going cuckoo, woo-woo!
Here comes the choo-choo, woo-woo!
I'm so gooney Looney Tuney, touched in the head
Please pass the ketchup, I think I'll go to bed
Am I the screwball woo-woo
Throw me the eightball woo-woo
Once I knew a thing or two, but now I'm a buckaroo
Hinky-dinky parlais... vous-woo!&
Oh Columbus is the discoverer of America
As we sailed the sea in 1492
And the good queen Isabella
Gave the jewels to her fella
So Columbus could sail cross the ocean blue
She's the daughter of Rosie O'Grady
A regular, old fashioned girl
She isn't crazy for diamond rings
Silkins and satins and fancy things
She's just a sweet little lady
And when you meet her, you'll see
Why I'm glad I called up the daughter of Rosie O'Grady
thanks to Jon Cooke
Munchie Crunchies are the best
Look delicious on your vest
Serve them to unwanted guests
Stuff the mattress with the rest
thanks to Alsis30&
Her name was Hula Lou
Kind of gal that never could be true
She did her dancing in the evening breeze
Beneath the trees
She's got more sweeties than a dog has fleas
I never knew
a man who wouldn't shoot a Dan McGrew
And sail across the briney blue to woo
The lady known as Hula Lou
The reference to Dan McGrew refers to the famous poem by Robert W. Service, The Shooting of Dan McGrew, in which two men shoot each other over 'the lady known as Lou.'
thanks to Jeffrey K and Inkwolf
Oh I love the girls and the girls love me
Just like the sheik of Araby
My fatal charms make them fall in my arms
I am sure a gorgeous hunk of man
I know I got a rep for being kind of hep
About the latest step when we’re dancing
But I really shine get to going fine when I get my line at romancing
(Ah my darling, a cup of coffee, a sandwich, and you
Ah, you are the flower of my art sweet adeline)
I don’t know what they see in me
But what’s my word against 103
The leans & the fats all think I’m the cats
I must have a lot of oomph, yeah
My best girl lives in the city
She ain't smart but she's a-pretty
That's why I sing this ditty
Just to tell ya that I'm a-going to see her
Got my tie, got my collar
And I'll bet my bottom dollar
I will be the guy she'll foller
Foller to the church someday
Movin quick, nothing can tarry me
Taxi cab, it's gonna carry me
I will ask that mouse to marry me
We'll be lovin' happily ever after
thanks to Jon Cooke and Larry T
Promenade across the floor
Sass shay right on out the door
Out the door and in to the glade
And everybody promenade
Step right up, you're doing fine
I'll pull your beard, you pull mine
Yank it again, like you did before
Break it up with a tug of war
Now into the brook and fish for the trout
Dive right in and splash about
Trout, trout, pretty little trout
One more splash and come right out
Shake like a hound dog, shake again
Wallow around in the old pig pen
Wallow some more, you all know how
Roll around like an old fat sow
Allemande left with your left hand
Follow through with a right-left grand
Now lead your partner, the dirty ol' thing
Follow through with an elbow swing
Grab a fence post, hold it tight
Whomp your partner with all your might
Hit him in the shin, hit him in the head
Hit him again, the critter ain't dead
Wop him low and wop him high
Stick your finger in his eye
Pretty little rhythm, pretty little sound
Bang your heads against the ground
Promenade all around the room
Promenade like a bride and groom
Open up the door and step right in
Close the door and into a spin
Whirl, whirl, twist and twirl
Jump all around like a flying squirrel
Now don't you cuss and don't you swear
Just come right out and form a square
Now right hand over and left hand under
Both join hands and run like thunder
Over the hill and over the dale
Duck your head and lift your tail
Don't you stray and don't you roam
Turn it around and promenade home
Corn in the crib pen, wheat in the sack
Turn your partner, promenade back
And now you're home
Bow to your partner
Bow to the gent across the hall
And that is all&
Oh a hobo's life is a life of ease
We never work and we do as we please
We're lazy as heck but there's one thing we'll do
Its tune up our gadgets and toot toot for you
When its swingtime down in hobo town
Everyone begins to clown
Oh boy what rhythm ?????
And notes we don't understand
We just swing to beats of pans
On a hunk of junk or an old tin can
Pots and pans old tin cans
It makes no matter what
We swing 'em high we swing 'em low
We swing 'em sweet or not
So grab your partner by the hand
Its rhythm of a different brand
Craziest music in the land
This hobo jugtown gadget band
We are here to say
What we have to say
In the proper way to you
Our job is just to advertize
To put you wise
So we're gonna say
All we have to say
You are not so far away
So why not come on up sometime
To Bugtown's buggy clime
Come along and take a trip to Bugtown
We will try and give you something new
We will show you insects that are living
Just the same as me and you
Here you will find a very busy corner
Traffic is handled very well
Here we find a buggy little lunchroom
Where they say the food is swell
Good bye to Depression. Business here is fine
(But) the transportation on Bugville's trolly line
And here's an anxious crowd of buggy people
Who have come to town to get some (ale)
Here's a little alimony dodger in the Bugtown County Jail
And Bugville even has a park for bugs to have a lark
Now you've seen this buggy town, how'd you like to stick around?
Long enough to catch a glance of a budding bug romance?
A ladybug who likes to hug as followed by Tumble Bug
I'm the guy that carries all the luggage
I work in the Honeymoon Hotel
I see all the kissage and the huggage
And many other things as well
I'm the guy to see for reservations
You will find our hotel very neat
That's it--we'll take the combinations
Yippee! A bridal suite!
How about a little glass of something?
Just a special brand we know is swell
This will put you (right with service)
In the Honeymoon Hotel
Hard enough, but here's some extra bedding
It might be chilly one can never tell
We are here to see that you are comfy
In the Honeymoon Hotel
This is quite disturbing
Why don't you say goodnight?
If you only leave us, I'm sure we'll be all right
Very good we'll see you in the morning
Pleasant dreams, we hope that you sleep well
Just don't go to sleep till dawning
In the Honeymoon Hotel
Ah, the moon is here
You're in love I fear
I can see everything that you do
(Is my face red!)
thanks to Bugsmer
At'sa matter, at'sa matter??
At'sa matter for you?
You eata my raviola
And my pasta fagiole too
I'mma give you caccitore
And a pizza that's good to chew
At'sa matter you no like me??
At'sa matter for you??
"...just in case you care pasta fagiole is an italian soup with
small round pasta , a thin tomato sauce and beans (fagiole, in italian means beans),
it's considered poor people's food. years ago it was only known as a peasant dish
and it was brought to america by the less than fortunate immigrants..."
thanks to liz--conansgirl
I'd tip my hat to you, I'd do just that
Take it right off for you, but I haven't got a hat
I'm just a college boy, even at that
I'd tip my hat to you, but I haven't got a hat
I'm really not a sap, it's plain to see
But if I wore a cap, they'd never let me back in the University
I think you're swell, I do, I'm standing pat*
I'd tip my hat to you, but I haven't got a hat!
* See Merriam-Webster's Third unabridged, definition 4pat 3:, for this phrase.
thanks to J/K Mueller & Jon Cooke
I love to sing-a
About the moon-a and the June-a and the Spring-a.
I love to sing-a
About a sky of blue-a or a tea for two-a,
Anything-a with a swing-a to an I love you-a.
I love-a to, I love-a to sing!
I was born ??? -oola.*
Major Bowe's gonna get me.
Got through Yale with boola-boola.
Oh, microphone's got me.
I love to sing-a.
I like to wake up with the South-a in my mouth-a,
And wave the flag-a,
With a cheer for Uncle Sammy and another for my Mammy.
I love to sing!
Go on and sing-a
About your moon-a and your June-a 'bout-a Spring-a.
Go on and sing-a
About a sky of blue-a or a tea for two-a,
Anything with a swing-a to an I love you-a.
I love-a to, I love-a to sing!
I love to sing-a.
I like to sing-a never stop-a to my poppa,
And wave the flag-a,
With a cheer for Jacky Bunny and another for my Mommy.
We love to sing!
Frank Sinatra, (sorta like our pal the owl), was "discovered" on a radio program called "Major Bowe's Amateur Hour.
thanks to J/K Mueller & Jon Cooke
(Avery - 1936)
Hello Pa, did ya have a busy day
Yes I did Ma, scared ten crows away
Now while I go and cook your supper
Get to this little cutter-upper
He wants to play scarecrow, Pa
Beats anything I ever saw
I'll be teacher
I'll cook the stew
Well, come on Dad, I'll take orders from you
Now here's the first pose
I'll try it too
Because I'd like to take orders from you
Here's one to try that'll make crows fly, I use it everyday
When a crow flies down he'll get this frown
It'll scare any crow away
Now you try this one
That's what I'll do
'Cause I'd just love to take orders from you
Now, son, I'll be the Major and I'll give you the gong
That is, if you do any of 'em wrong
Let's go through them all and I'll try to do them well
But remember Pa, take it easy on the bell!
thanks to Jon Cooke
Oh Mr. Cat please let me go
Oh Mr. Cat don't eat me so
Looks like he's got me again, Mammy, Mammy
When those green eyes look into mine
Shivers run right up my spine
Looks like he's got me again
Oh boy my chances ain't so hot
Oh boy he's got me on the spot
C'mon gang don't let me down
Give this cat the works
Looks like he's got me again
Jeepers creepers I love to haunt those sleepers
Jeepers creepers its a lot of fun
Taunting jaunting all around I'm haunting
Glaring scaring 'till the night is done
A haunting I will go
A haunting I will go
A haunting I will go
Always could move around with ghostly still
I'm so good that I even scare myself
Sneaking wreaking through the night I'm shrieking
Growling howling I'm a bad old ghost
As easy as rollin' off a log
I've found it easy baby, to fall in love with you
As easy as rollin' cigerettes
If that ain't easy maybe there's simpler things to do
For instance, let's cuddle, I love to cuddle
Get in a huddle, it's easy with you
As easy as rollin' off a log
I really tumble baby, but what else could I do?
It's so easy to fall in love with you
I know that it's as easy as rollin' off a log
It's also easy baby to do like the way you do
It's as easy baby, as rollin' off a log
It's awful easy baby, to make me think that you think that it's true
'Cause I've heard a few say
The things that you say
But if I do say
I love you I do
So help me it's true
This love stuff has got me in a fog
The boys all say they love me
I wonder why they do
It's so easy to fall in love with you
{trumpet solo}
Now what else could I do?
It's so easy to fall in love with you
thanks to Jon Cooke
Bum bum bum bum do wah do do wah
Bum bum bum bum do wah do wah
My high polished nose
It glows and glows and glows
If you've got a cold
The best remedy sold
Is Dinkleheimers squeak stops soothing syrup anti nose glows
Oh my high polished nose
(it sparkles and gleams at night)
It glows it glows it glows
(it flickers and beams so bright)
(incoherent babbling humming the tune)
What a night with my high polished nose&
Sweetheart Pepe Le Pew loves you
Sweetheart fortunate lucky you
Sweetheart wake and you will find
Pepe he's got you on his mind
Off with the blanket, down with the window, on with the day
Stretch just a little, bend just a little, you'll feel okay
Sing while you're washing, sing while you're dressing carefree and gay
All the day start the day right
Now if you want to buy for cash or credit, try C.O.D. or I.O.U.
'Cause I just love to take orders from you
If you see your Romeo sitting in the morning low
Do a little Hi-De-Ho and shake your powder puff
We're in the money, we're in the money
We've got a lot of what it taks to get along
You were a chronic. How've you been?
Then, like the tonic, I blew in
I'm the cure for what ails you and I do you good
Half of me says let's get religion
Half of me says no we won't
Good lord, I'm in a mess of trouble
Half of me wants to be good
Only half of me wants to be good
Singing in the bathtub, ready for a rub
Everybody's happy while he's singing in the tub
thanks to Bugsmer
The five o'clock whistle's on the blink
The whistle won't blow, and whattya think
My pappy's still in a factory
'Cause he don't know what time, it happens to be!
thanks to Jon Cooke
(Bugs is playing a banjo)
What do they do on a rainy night in Rio
Rinky dinky dink
What do they do when there is no starry sky
Oh a starry sky
Where do they go when they can't go for a walk
Do they stay home and talk
Or do they sit and sigh, igh-de-igh
(interrupted by Giovanni Jones practicing his opera singing)
(Jones) What do they do in Mississippi
When skies are drippy
(Bugs) And what do they do in Tiajuana
When they want to snuggle tight
(Bugs has a harp this time)
She's a fancy stepper when she dances
Go and see her as she kippers and prances
My gal don't do much talking
Dances even when she's walking
(Jones ad libs) One and two and three and four she dances all day long
(Bugs) Oh my gal is a high part stepper
Ginger with salt and pepper
She's a fancy stepper when she dances
Go and see her as she kippers and prances
When I was young I used to wait
On master and hand him his plate
And passed the bottle when he got dry
And brush away the blue tail fly
Jimmy crack corn and I don’t care
Jimmy crack corn and I don’t care
Jimmy crack corn and I don’t care
My master’s gone away
And when he’d ride in the afternoon
I’d follow after with a hickory broom
The pony being rather shy
When bitten by the blue tail fly
One day he ride around the farm
The flies so numerous they did swarm
Once chance did bite him on the thigh
The devil take the blue tail fly
The pony run he jumped he pitch
He throw my master in the ditch
He died and the jury wondered why
The blame it was the blue tail fly&
the "Lumberjack Rabbit" lyrics are a traditional folk song (sometimes called "Jim Crack Corn") attributed to the "Virginia Minstrels" that don't appear to have any "looney" modifications to them - info from Jeff S.
When the moon is new
I always make a little wish or two
And when I want someone to tell them do, I do, I do
I page Miss Glory
When the stars glow bright
And sprinkle ?? and wink their light
To add a little bit of romance to another night
I page Miss Glory
I've never seen a sunset, or rainbow in the sky
That ever could compare with the glory of your eyes
So, when we're apart
And I begin to feel the tear drops............start
And when I get that empty feeling way down in my heart
I page Miss Glory!
thanks to Jon Cooke
If you're feeling mighty lucky
Bugs Bunnyish and Daffy Ducky
And taught you taw a putty tat
There's just one thing to do for that
thanks to Jon Cooke
Oh I've got a horse Lazy Will Lazy Will
When I want a ride he just stands still
He won't go up or go down hill
Giddy up giddy up Lazy Willy
Giddy up giddy up giddy up up up
Giddy up giddy up Lazy Willy
We rode into town one bright sunny day
In a cloud of dust we galloped away
He was on my back yelling yippie yi ay
That no good horse Lazy Willy
Giddy up giddy up giddy up up up
Giddy up giddy up Lazy Willy
When I yoo hoo in the valley to my Loulou in the hills (yoo hoo)
She will answer with a yodel-ay-dee-hoo (yodel-ay-dee-hoo)
When I hear my Loulou's yodel as it echoes through the dells (yoo hoo)
And I knew she was a-thinking I Love You (yodel-ay-dee-hoo)
Now I ain't had no book learnin' and she never learned to write
So we kept in touch with one t'other yodelin' every night
When she'd answer with her yodel-ay-dee-hoo (yodel-ay-dee-hoo)
(Porky) Mmm mmm mmm, aren't you glad that we are friends?
(Petunia) Mmm mmm mmm, from now on the fighting ends
Mmm mmm mmm , no more sallies in our alleys
(Po) Now we're Pally-Wallys!
(both) Something good will come from that!
(Pe) Mmm mmm mmm, oh I feel so awfully pleased
Mmm mmm mmm now that we are both appeased
(Po) Mmm mmm mmm, now there's a sight that's rare
Pals are playing fair
(both) Something good will come from that!
(Pe) We will try to work together
(Po) Together
(Pe) To build a friendship, strong and true
(Po) Strong and true
(Pe) And while we're talking friendships
(bo) It goes for you and you and you!!
(Pe) Mmmm mmm mmm, ?we are happy? every day
(Po) Mmmm mmm mmm we will smile and be more gay
(Bo) Mmm mmm mmm, from now on they'll be no brooding
Since we've stopped this feuding
Something good will come from that!!
thanks to snayle and mbrydon
(Jones -1961)
Should liver ailments be forgot
And never brought to mind
Should stomach problems be ignored
Or a slipped disk in the spine
Drink Algonquin Rutabaga Tonic, my dear
And never have the measles
Drink Algonquin Rutabaga Tonic, my dear
It takes care of all diseasels
I'm the flower of Gower Gulch
A cowpuncher's sweetheart true
My looks don't amount to much
'Cause one of my eyes is blue
But one thing you can reckon
That when it comes to neckin'
I'm the queen of the wild, wild west
thanks to Jon Cooke
There ain't no place like a hole in the ground
A hole in the ground, a hole in the ground
There ain't no place like a hole in the ground
With a big fat goon a-floatin' around
Oh the carrots that bloom in the spring time
I'd rather have carrots than fish
Or pheasants or fowl or even an owl
In fact they are my favorite dish
This is the time when squirrels are busy
Their industry will make you dizzy
This is sure to get his acorns stored up
Now that summer is gone
Each one is sure to do his duty
Working to gather up the booty
Our little friend's a most determined fellow
Now that summer is gone
This one has cause to sing & dance
A string of luck's the reason
The oak trees haven't got a chance
'Cause it's the harvest season
Into their homes the nuts are hauling
They know that snow will soon be falling
He's turned the tables & he'll soon have plenty
Now that summer is gone
The nuts are taken from the trees
Assorted out in sizes
The smaller acorns rarely please
The larger ones are prizes
Bad acorns never miss detection
Here in the busy stampin' section
Wise little fellows make their safe deposit,
Now that summer is gone
thanks to Brenda(n) Spillane
Now that old hound dog is an awful pest
He barks so much I get no rest
Homely as an old mud fence
That old hound dog just got no sense
Oh doggie you're gonna get your lumps
Oh doggie you're gonna get some bumps
Oh doggie.....
Oh, give me a home
Where the billionaires roam
And the oil and the cattle man play
With their gushing oil wells
And super hotels
And count up their money all day
And dat ain't hay!
thanks to Jon Cooke
(McKimson - 1947)
A groundhog and his shadow are a very famous pair
They forecast the weather together a trick that is rare
The one little thing that bothers me when out of doors I go
Now does my shadow mean springtime or 16 feet of snow
Never know which I just can't remember
Will it be warm or make like December
The whole thing just confuses me and that is why I sing
A groundhog's shadow just doesn't mean a thing
One more time.
One more time.
No more crime, buddy.
No more crime.
One more fine.
Yeah, one more fine.
For running me down and the fire plug too.
There's a great big cell at the jail for you.
One more fine.
Yeah, one more fine.
Don't you bawl me out. Don't you call me names.
Aw, tell it to the judge. I ain't know you dames.
One more fine.
Yeah, one more fine.
Eating all alone will make me lazy.
Talkin' alone will make you crazy.
Please let me go---just this one time?
You can drink my gin. You can have my dough.
Please, won't you let me go?
Just one more time?
Aw, baloney!
I know. Old Gold.
One more time.
Just one more time.
It took long enough for the old rough stuff
To come out in the open sure enough.
Oh, not this time. No, not this time. Ha ha ha!
You're not so hot. You're on the spot.
One more time.
You're just in time.
For one more night in the jail of truth)
You know that the judge won't turn you loose.
Not this time. Ha ha ha!
thanks to Bugsmer
Oh baby what I'm going to do
With plenty of gravy on you
I'll pick out your feathers one by one
Then I'll throw you in a red hot oven till you're done
And then with parsley & garlic I'll add for zest
And eat till the buttons pop off my vest
Its the fate of digestion
But that's not the question
You look so nutritious
So very delicious
With plenty of gravy on you
When unexpectedly a lovely face you see and suddenly Pop Goes Your Heart
Boom Boom Bi Doom
Without a warning word a charming voice is heard and suddenly Pop Goes Your Heart
Boom Boom Bi Doom
When life is just a bowl of withered (droo), so sour and dry you just want to cry
And presto-chango you're involved and life's a cherry pie
You tag along so much that someone sends you touch and suddenly Pop Goes Your Heart
Because the grey roll away on the day your love dreams get their start
But if you chance to follow, you say goodbye and then
When unexpectedly a lovely face you see and suddenly Pop Goes Your Heart again
thanks to Bugsmer
(Hardaway & Dalton-1939)
La la nice baby up on the tree
When the wind whistle, I no can see
This cute little kiddo, and that ain't all
Five feet, seven inches, that's not very tall
Gosh, I'm glad they've hit the hay
Now's my chance to make a getaway
I'll sneak out while they're asleep
They won't miss me till...
Oh, yes, uh 'U', that's right...
Uh, U and V, W, and X-Y-Z
Everything seems to happen to me
A-B-C-D-E-F-g-g-g-uh-g.... shucks...
thanks to Jon Cooke
This hotel is really very cozy
You'll be sure to like it very well
Everything's so quiet and so dozy
At the Porky Pig Hotel
Keeping it so tidy and so happy
Everything is lively you can tell
You'll be pleased when you go in the lobby
At the Porky Pig Hotel
(Clampett- 1940)
I am Porky the Pig
And have here all kinds of fish
And then I know you would like one of them to have around in your home
The fish that he has here are nobody's fools
And we know that we all come from excellent schools
Oh, Salmon and Sturgeon
You should need no urgein'
To take along one of us fish
This cute little filet's so jolly on foot
And to dance like Astaire is his life's only hope
Now the fish are all hams and they must keep in step
If they don't they will all get the hook
thanks to Jon Cooke
(Jones- 1941)
I'm in the money
The track is sunny
I'm telling you
I'm glad clear through
To be a horse's nurse
I'm feelin' cocky
Like any jockey
Two minutes flat
And I'll have that
Ten thousand dollar purse
thanks to Jon Cooke
I'm a tweet little bird in a guilded cage
Tweety's my name but I don't my age
I don't have to worry and that is that
I'm safe in here from that old puddy tat
Oh, carrots are divine
You get a dozen for a dime
It's magic
They fry, a song begins
They roast and I hear violins
it's magic
Why do I kid myself
of the love that I really
have are a few?
When in my heart I know
the magic's my love for you!
thanks to brenspill7
Welcome to my shop, let me cut your mop, let me shave your crop
Daintily, daintily
Don't look so perplexed, why must you be vexed, can't you see you're
Yes you're next, you're so next
How about a nice close shave
Teach your whiskers to behave
Lots of lather lots of soap
Please hold still don't be a dope
Now we're ready for the scraping
There's no use to try escaping
Yell & scream & rant & rave
It's no use you need a shave
(oh ouch ouch oh ouch oh oh ouch)
There, you're nice and clean
Although you're face looks like it might have gone through a machine
Oh, wait until I get that rabbit
What would you want with a rabbit
Can't you see that I'm much sweeter
I'm your little senorita
You are my type of guy
Let me straighten your tie
And I shall dance for you
see "The Adventures of the Road Runner"
"Road Runner A-Go-Go" was excerpted from that cartoon
If you're on a highway and Road Runner goes "Beep beep"
Just step aside or you might end up in a heap
Road Runner, Road Runner runs down the road all day
Even the coyote can't make him change his ways
Road Runner, the coyote's after you
Road Runner, if he catches you you're through
Road Runner, the coyote's after you
Road Runner, if he catches you you're through
That coyote is really a crazy clown
When will he learn that he never can mow him down?
Poor little Road Runner never bothers anyone
Just running down the road's his idea of having fun
thanks to Big C ccmatt
Oh, join up with me,
So joyous and free,
And away to old Sherwood, hie !
For I'm Robin Hood,
And I'm very good,
At avoiding the Sheriff's eye.
So, we'll trip along merrily
O'er the green swards so gracefully
To trip and trip and trip and trip and trip it up and down
To trip and trip and trip and trip and---whoa, whoops, trip it....[etc.]
[Big splash]
Sooo, triiip it uuuup,
Aaaaaand doooown......!!!
thanks to Alsis30 and longhair
In Scarlet Town, where I was born,
There was a fair maid dwellin'
Made every boy cry, "Well-a-day!"
Her name was Barbara Allen.
thanks to thomas3 and gary
What fool get ready for battle with Robin Hood
En guard you certainly have to be very good...
...To beat me though I doubt that you will ever can...
...Defeat me though you will never be quite the man for my plan
Oh boy a nastier villian I'll never see
Come on its time you were facing your enemy
Remember you're the terrible rich old guy
To beat you will be easy as pumpkin pie
Quit your stalling around
You're the logical one we've found
To be robbed once again
By the jolliest merry men
We sing and though we are doing the things we should
To be like Robin Hood
(McCabe- 1941)
Boston beans
Lima beans
String beans
I'm not keen for a bean
Unless it is a cheery coffee bean
I love coffee, I love tea
I love the java jar and it loves me
Coffee and tea and a java and me
A cup, a cup, a cup, a cup, a cup
He loves java sweet and hot
Look Mr. Crusoe, I'm a coffee pot!
So slip me a slug
From the wonderful mug
And I'll cut-cut a rug
Till I'm snug in a jug
A slice of onion on a raw one (Raw one)
Oh, waiter, waiter, perculator!
I love coffee, I love tea
I love the java jar and it loves me
Coffee and tea and a java and me
A cup, a cup, a cup, a cup, a cup
thanks to Jon Cooke
We're gremlins from the Kremlin
Da da da da da
We're gremlins from the Kremlin
Da da da da da
I'm a gremlin from the Kremlin
We are Russian gremlins
Up in the sky we're from
*Schickelgruber's aeroplanes
We shake right to the ground
We like nothing better than to mess up Messerschmitts
And send their heavy bombers down to earth in teeny bits
Napoleon and his army never got to first base
Now we'll push those nasty Nazis in der fuehrer's face
We're here, we're there, we're everywhere
We're in the Nazi's hair
And when they try to catch us
We're the little men who weren't there
And when they try to catch us
We're the little men who weren't there
*Adolph Hitler was actually Adolph Schickelgruber-Hitler. Schickelgruber was used to poke fun at him by the allies
thanks to John T.
We're in to win so lets begin
To do the job with junk
We're in to win turn in your tin
And listen to it plunk
To our nation's call every rubber ball
Goes to conquer freedom's foe
Freedom's foe, freedom's foe, oh, freedom's foe
We're in to win our fat is in
So to victory lets go
And do the job with junk
Pots pans old tin cans pails nails empty jail fats hats rubber mats
missing links kitchen sinks garbage can electric fans rubber boots bathing
suits reels wheels run down heels bed springs piston rings metal shears
old tin ears....
(wolf whistle) canes water mains skates plates furnace grates pitching
forks rubber corks sacks racks railroad tracks poles holes telephone poles
plugs lugs bathroom rugs ???humphily??meat??car??heat???? rubber bands
bird cage stands metal ships pillow slips locks socks grandpa clocks
And that's why we're in to win
Did I cry spinach when I stood a duck on Plymouth Rock?
Did I and Washington give up with Valley Forge in hock?
Did Daniel Boone and me cry quits when injuns shaved our scalp?
Did John Paul Duck give up the ship or ever holler help?
Hey Daffy Americans don't give up
No Daffy Americans don't give up
They're making toys for little girls and boys
In the Shanty where Santy Claus lives.
They're taking tears and turn them into joys
In the Shanty where Santy Claus lives.
"Oh, boy! I'd like to go with you!"
"You've been so good, I'll make your wish come true."
"Perhaps there'll be a bunch of toys for me."
In the Shanty where Santy Claus lives.
C'mon, let's go.
We are the toys for little girls and boys in
The Shanty where Santy Claus lives.
We're taking tears and turn them into joys in
The Shanty where Santy Claus lives.
We give a whirl just like we used to do.
You'll make a wish and have that wish come true.
(Come after me and make my bed for me?)
In the Shanty where Santy Claus lives.
Shine on, shine on Harvest moon.
Shine on, shine on Harvest moon.
thanks to Bugsmer
She was an acrobat’s daughter
Her muscles would swell up like yeast
One look at her face made guys keep their place
Please do not spit on the floor
For she feared neither boy, man, nor beast
Whoa, she was an acrobat’s daughter
She used to tame lions besides
One bit her named Jack and she bit him right back
In two days the poor lion died
Oh where can you be brother Clem, brother Clem
Oh where can you be darling brother
Oh we know you're down below
Come on up and say hello
You're a young thing and can not leave your mother
Smile, Darn Ya, Smile
Smile, darn ya, smile
Clang Clang Clang Clang
Smile, darn ya, smile
Clang Clang Clang Clang
Come on and smile, darn ya, smile
Good morning to you
Good morning to you
Good morning dear Foxy
I'm glad to see you.
Smile, darn ya, smile
You know this whole world is a good world after all
Smile, darn ya, smile
And right away watch lady luck pay you a call
Things are never black as they are painted
Smile, darn ya, smile
Smile, darn ya, smile
That dear old Foxy doesn't want to move at all
Smile, darn ya, smile
It seems to us you're riding for an awful fall
You should get behind and try to shove her. (Boom bi doom boom boop.)
That's no good. She may be someone's lover. (Boom bi doom boom boop.)
Make life worthwhile
Come on and smile, darn ya, smile
(radio singing):
Make life worthwhile
Come on and smile, darn ya, smile
thanks to Bugsmer
Oh boy, oh boy, I'm on my way
To have a happy holiday
I'm off to roam the country-side
Where all the squrriels and chipmunks hide
I'll listen to the birds and bees
Smell the flowers, climb the trees
And I'll go swimming in the brooks
Just like the ones in picture books
I'm happy as a mouse can be
The reason why is plain to see
The great outdoors is calling meeeee!
thanks to Jon Cooke
Remember the story of the 3 little pigs
One played a pipe and the other danced gigs
The 3 little pigs are still around
But are playing music with the modern sound
3 little pigs were in the groove
Everything was running smooth
The pigs were due for a big surprise
For the wolf appeared with red rimmed eyes
Oo you cool, oo you cool, oo you cool man cool
Well sho he was friendly he shook their hands
Announced he was joining up with the band
Instead of starting an argument
A 1 and a 2 and away they went
The 3 little pigs were really gassed
They’d never heard such a corny blast
We’ve played in the west
We’ve played in the east
We’ve heard the most, but you’re the least
Well the big bad wolf was really mad
He wanted to play music and wanted to play bad
They stopped me before I could go to town
so I’ll huff and puff and blow their house down
The house of straw was blown away
The pigs had to find another place to play
Dew Drop Inn the house of sticks
3 little pigs were giving out licks
Well the piano playing pig was swinging like a gate
Doing the Libarace on the 88
(I wish my brother George was here)
The 3 little pigs were having a ball
When the big bad wolf he entered the hall
The big bad wolf he sat right down
C’mon cats we’re going to town
From the crowd came an angry shout
Stop the music throw the square out
the Big Bad Wolf was really sore
If they’re going to get tough I’ll give them more
They don’t know talent in this here town
I’ll huff and I’ll puff and blow the place down
Dew Drop Inn did drop down
The 3 little pigs crawled out of the rubble
This big bad wolf gives us nothing but trouble
We won’t be bothered by his windy tricks
The next place we play must be made of bricks
Sturdy place this house of bricks
Built in 1776
High class place with the high class crowd
Sign on the door no wolves allowed
The wolf was sore and fit to be tied
He was sworn and determined to get inside
He huffed and puffed at the house of bricks
But the bricks are stronger than straw or sticks
He huffed and puffed and bleeped and blooped
And at 10:00 was completely pooped
When all of the sudden came a ray of hope
I could disguise myself, boy what a dope
Well the big bad wolf took it all in stride
He figured out the way to get inside
I’ll show those pigs that I’m not stuck
If I can’t blow it down I’ll blow it up
Well the big bad wolf was really gone
And with him went his corny horn
Went out of this world with out a trace
Didn’t go to heaven it was the other place
The big bad wolf he learned the rule
You’ve got to get hot to play real cool
Carrots wait for no one
So I'll pick them now
Before they are eaten
By some slobby cow
Carrots wait for no one
So I'll eat them now....
The arms of Pepe are about you
All the day live long
The lips of Pepe are upon you
Mmm mmm mmm mmm
Pepe's love is strong
Darling can't you hear me asking
You are going now to where?
Do you think she's gone and left me?
Oh well c'est le guerre
The last line is "c'est le guerre." Literally, it means "That's
war," and is a play on "c'est la vie [that's life]" (probably because it rhymes
with "where" from the second line)---info provided by tishtash
When someone steals your heart away
Let it be me
But when someone steals your heart away
Let it be me, just me
Merrily we roll along, Rubinoff and me
When he plays his fiddle I just go on a spree
It's a cinch that every time I go on the air
I just look around and find old Rubinoff there
Sweet music makes a rainy day seem clear again
It brings you near again to me
Sweet music makes the same old story new again
By bringing to you again my song
Say, have you ever met the girl who's the talk of the town?
A work of art without a question
Who gives you part of her suggestions
You better write her number down
I'm wearing my green fedora, Fedora
Not Alice, not Annie, not Casey but Fedora
I usually come to town in a battered old hat of brown
But it got red/green when me and my queen go steppin' around
Fedora is the girl I love
thanks to Bugsmer
Oh a tugboat whistle goes toot toot toot
It toots high
And it toots low
But the toot toot toot doesn't mean a hoot
Its the chuga chuga chuga that makes it go
Whenever a tugboat chugs up stream
You'll always see it puffing off steam
A happy tugboat seems to sing
A toot toot toot and a ding ding ding
Oh a tugboat whistle goes toot toot toot
It toots high
And it toots low
But the toot toot toot doesn't mean a hoot
Its the chuga chuga chuga that makes it go&
I'm a wee little birdy trapped high in a tree
I wonder if puddy will ever catch me
I'm hardly a mouthful
I can't really see
What puddy would want with poor little me
I really mean it, what puddy tat would want with me&
All the pussycats have got a song meow, meow
You can hear the song the whole night long meow, meow
thanks to paddison
Life is bitter for I’m a sitter
And put little kiddies to bed
While I tuck the sheet around their feet
They’re busy slapping my head
They throw their trains and rattle my brains
My head is full of dents
No wonder I’m sour it goes on by the hour
And each hour I earn fifty cents
Be it ever so crumble-ly there's no place like Rome
Nero he was the emperor and the palace was his home
But he liked to play with matches and for a fire yearned
So he burned Rome to ashes and fiddled while it burned
Oh Susannah, don’t you cry for me
I’m gonna get me lots of gold out on the lone prarie
Gold is where you’ll find it and when I find that stuff
I’ll dig & dig & dig & dig I’ll never get enough
I tramp the praries and the plains
I trudge each weary mile
I tramp & trudge & trudge & tramp until I make my pile
Oh Susannah, don’t you cry for me
I’m gonna dig up lots of gold “V” for victory
I’m a wagged, wugged, wover of the wild & wooly west
Of all the things I haven’t got I like gold the best
Oh it rained all night the day I left
The weather was so dry
It was so warm I froze to death Susannah don’t you cry
(Elmer) Be very quiet I'm hunting rabbits
(E) Rabbit tracks!!!
(E) Kill the rabbit, kill the rabbit, kill the rabbit
(E) Yo ho to oh! Yo ho to oh! Yo ho...
(Bugs) O mighty warrior of great fighting stock
(B) Might I enquire to ask, eh, what's up doc??
(E) I'm going to kill the rabbit!!
(B) Oh mighty warrior t'will be quite a task
(B) How will you do it, might I enquire to ask??
(E) I will do it with my spear and magic helmet!
(B) Your spear and magic helmet?
(E) Spear & magic helmet!
(B) Magic helmet?
(E) Magic helmet!
(B) Magic helmet
(E) Yes, magic helmet and I'll give you a sample
(E) (that was the rabbit)
(E) Oh Brunhilda, you're so lovely
(B) Yes I know it I can't help it
(E) Oh Brunhilda be my love
(E) Return my love a longing burns deep inside me
(B) Return my love I want you always beside me
(E) A love like ours must be
(B) Made for you and for me
(B&E) Return won't you return my love for my love is yours
(E) I'll kill the rabbit
(E) Arise storms
(E) North winds blow, south winds blow
(E) Typhoons, hurricanes, earthquakes, smog
(E) Flash lightning strike the rabbit
(E) What have I done?? I've killed the rabbit....
(E) Poor little bunny, poor little rabbit...
(B) (well what did you expect in an opera, a happy ending???)
For an analysis of the Wagner music used in this cartoon,
check out:
Oh we're the boys of the chorus we hope you like our show
We know you're rooting for us but now we have to go
What's up doc, what's cooking
What's up doc, are you looking
For Bugs Bunny's bunting doc has gone a-hunting
Just to get a rabbit's skin but now that rabbit's gone again
What's up doc, what's cooking
Hey, look out, stop!!!
You're gonna hurt someone, with that old shotgun
Hey what's up doc??
We really mean it
(Freleng- 1936)
When I yoo hoo in the valley
To my Lulu in the hills
She would answer with her yodel-ay-ee-oo
When I hear my Lulu yodel
As it echoed through the dell
Since she knew I was pickin' "I Love You"
Now I ain't had no much learnin' and she never learned to write
So we kept in touch with one another, yodellin' everynight
When I yoo hoo in the valley
To my Lulu in the hills
She would answer with her yodel-ay-ee-oo
thanks to Jon Cooke
You shouldn't smoke, shouldn't smoke, shouldn't smoke
Its no fun to smoke just one
Take six at a stroke
Fume and buzz and sizzle
Children should not smoke right-o
Light a fag and take a gag
This is not a joke
You will squirm and hoot
Little kids shouldn't smoke tobaccy
You feel it and see spots and get a tummy ache
Inhale exhale smoke until you start to bake
So smoke a lot you're on the spot
You may have a stroke
Puff and puff and puff
Little boys should not smoking cigarettes
Smoke a lot and chew some more
Now that we have spoke
Chew and chew and chew
Little boys should not smoke
Little boys shouldn't smoke
I'm just wild about Harry
And Harry's wild about me
The heavenly caresses of his kisses
Fills me with ectasy
He's as sweet as chocolate candy
And just like honey from a bee
Oh I'm just wild about Harry
And he's just wild about
Cannot do without
He is from the south
Can't you hear me shout
Talking with my mouth
Could you ever doubt
He's just wild about me
I'd be famous on the screen
The greatest ever seen
Oh, how my feet would go
Bill Robinson is slow
Fred Astaire never could top this one
(Daffy dances)
I'd be famous on the screen
My voice is so supreme
I'd put my heart and sole in each and every role
If it's grand opera, I'll be singing
La la la la la la la la la la LA LA!
La la la la la la la la la LA!
La la la la-la... [etc.]
Figaro the old Figaro!
And now that you have seen my act
How's about a nice contract?
thanks to Jon Cooke
This page (Looney Lyrics) is not affiliated
with nor endorsed by Warner Bros. Inc. Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies
characters and all related slogans and indica are trademarks of Warner
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trademarks of their respective owners. No compensation has been received
in the creation, development, or maintenance of this page. The remaining contents of Looney Laughs, Lists, and Lyrics, including Looney Lyrics, are copyright
by GP Markham.
No part may reproduced, retransmitted, published, etc. in any form without
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