
  如何进行受力分析呢?主要是依据力的概念,从物体所处的环境(有多少个物体与它接触)和运动状态着手,分析它与所处环境的其它物体的相互联系,物体之所以处于不同的运动状态,是由于他们的受力情况不同.要研究物体的运动情况,首先要分析物体的受力情况.正确分析物体的的受力情况,是解决力学乃至整个物理学问题的前提和关键,是高中学生必须掌握的基本功.具体方法是: 中国论文网 /9/view-6801640.htm  1 确定研究对象-即所要研究的物体,然后找出哪些物体对它产生作用――即找施力物体   分析物体受力时,只分析周围物体对研究对象所施加的力,不要分析研究对象对周围物体施加的力,也不要把作用在其他物体上的力错误地认为是通过“力的传递”而作用在所研究的对象上.明确研究对象,并把它从周围的环境中隔离出来,分析物体的受力,首先要选准研究对象,并把它隔离出来.根据解题的需要,研究对象可以是质点、结点、单个物体或多个物体组成系统.   2 要养成按步骤分析的习惯   首先画重力:作用点画在物体的重心.其次画接触力(弹力和摩擦力):环绕研究对象逆时针(或顺时针)观察一周,看研究对象跟其他物体有几个接触点(面),某个接触点(面)若有挤压,则画出弹力,若还有相对运动或相对运动趋势,则画出摩擦力,分析完这个接触点(面)后再依次分析其他接触点(面).再画其他场力:看是否有电场、磁场作用,如有则画出场力.所以一般按照重力、弹力、摩擦力的顺序分析较好.“重力一定有,弹力看四周,摩擦分动静,方向要判准.”弹力和摩擦力都是接触力,环绕研究对象一周,看研究对象与其他物体有几个接触面(点),每个接触面对研究对象可能有两个接触力,应根据弹力和摩擦力的产生条件逐一分析.   3 画完受力图后再做一番检查   检查一下画出的每个力能否找出它的施力物体,若没有施力物体,则该力一定不存在.特别是检查一下分析的结果,能否使研究对象处于题目所给的运动状态,否则必然发生了多力或漏力的现象.   4 如果一个力的方向难以确定,可用假设法分析   先假设此力不存在,观察所研究的物体会发生怎样的运动,然后审查这个力应在什么方向上,研究对象才能满足给定的运动状态.分析物体受力时,还要考虑物体所处的状态.分析物体受力时,要注意物体所处的状态,物体所处的状态不同,其受力情况一般也不同.如:放在水平传送带上的物体随传送带一起传动时,若传送带加速运动,物体受到的摩擦力向前;若传送带减速运动,物体受到的摩擦力向后;若传送带匀速运动,物体不受摩擦力作用.   5 合力和分力不能重复地列为物体所受的力   例如:在分析斜面上的物体的受力情况时,不能把物体所受的重力和“下滑力”并列为物体所受的力,因为“下滑力”是重力沿斜面方向上的一个分力.   6 只分析性质力.不分析效果力   如靠传送带的带动而加速运动的物体.在分析物体受力时,就不能把“动力”分析上,因为“动力”是效果力,它实际上就是皮带对物体的摩擦力.只分析根据性质命名的力,如重力、弹力、摩擦力,不分析根据效果命名的力,如下滑力、动力、阻力等.   研究物体A的受力时,只分析“甲对A” 、“乙对A” 、“丙对A”……的力,不分析“A对甲”、“A对乙”、“A对丙”……的力,也不要把作用在其他物体上的力,错误的认为通过“力的传递”而作用在研究对象上.   例1 如图1所示,物体A靠在竖直墙面上,在力F的作用下,A、B保持静止.物体B的受力个数为   A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5   解析 如图2所示,以物体B为研究对象,B受重力 向上的外力F和A对B的压力N,物体B有相对A上移的运动趋势,故A对B的静摩擦力沿斜边向下 ,故选C正确.正确分析物体的受力情况,是研究力学问题的关健,是重点,也是难点,是必须掌握的基本功.   力学部分常用的分析方法:整体法和隔离法.   整体法是从局部到全局的思维过程,是系统论中的整体原理在力学中的应用.它的优点是:通过整体法分析物理问题,可以弄清系统的整体受力情况,从整体上揭示事物的本质和变化规律,从而避开了中间环节的繁琐推算,能够灵活地解决问题.通常在分析这一整体对象之外的物体对整体的作用力(外力),不考虑整体内部之间的相互作用力(内力)时,用整体法.   隔离法就是把要分析的物体从相关的物体体系中隔离出来,作为研究对象,只分析该研究对象以外的物体对该对象的作用力,不考虑研究对象对其他物体的作用力.它的优点是:容易看清单个物体的受力情况,问题处理起来比较方便、简单,便于理解.在分析系统内各物体(或一个物体的各个部分)间的相互作用时用隔离法.   整体法和隔离法是力学部分常用的分析方法.可以先隔离再整体,也可以先整体再部分隔离.这就是整体法与隔离法的综合应用.   在力学中,解决力学问题时,往往遇到这样一类情况:题中被研究的对象不是单一的一个物体,而是互相关联的几个物体组成一个系统.解这一类问题,一般采用隔离法:即把各个物体隔离开来,分别作受力分析,再根据各自的受力情况和运动情况,应用牛顿运动定律和运动学公式,列式求解.但在这类问题中,往往单用隔离法很难求得结果,解决过程也十分繁复,甚至用隔离法解简直无从着手.这时,我们不妨试用整体法:即把整个系统当作一个整体作为研究对象进行受力分析,再列式求解.这样做,往往能使原来很难求解的问题简单化,无从着手的问题也迎刃而解.   其实一般情况下,针对不同的运动状态我们可以选择不同的分析方法,一般可以分为以下三种情况:   (1)系统处于平衡状态.整体都处于静止状态或一起匀速运动时,或者系统内一部分处于静止状态,另一部分匀速运动.以上这些情况,整体都平衡,整体内每个物体所受合力为零,整体所受合力也为零.这样,根据整体的平衡条件,就可以确定整体或某一个物体的受力特点.   例2 在粗糙水平面上有一个三角形木块abc,在它的两个粗糙斜面上分别放两个质量m1的m2的木块,m1>m2,已知三角形木块和两物体都是静止的,则粗糙水平面对三角形木块   A.有摩擦力的作用,摩擦力的方向水平向右   B.有摩擦力的作用,摩擦力的方向水平向左   C.有摩擦力的作用,但摩擦力的方向不能确定,因为m1,m2,θ1,θ2的数值并未给出   D.以上说法都不对   解析 这样类型的问题优先选用整体法,根据整体受力平衡,则很容易判断水平面对三角形木块摩擦力为零,且弹力等于整体的重力之和,所以选项D正确.   (2)系统处于不平衡状态且无相对运动.由于系统内物体间没有相对运动,即整体内每个物体都具有相同的速度和加速度,这时整体所受的合力提供整体运动的加速度.这种情况利用整体法,更容易把握整体的受力情况和整体的运动特点.   例3 光滑水平面上,放一倾角为θ的光滑斜木块,质量为m的光滑物体放在斜面上,如图4所示,现对斜面施加力F,若使M与m保持相对静止,F应为多大?   解析 由于斜面光滑,物块只受重力和斜面的弹力,而且和斜面一起运动,则先隔离物块分析受力,计算出加速度a=gtanθ,方向水平向左,再根据整体法可以求得F=(M+m)gtana.这是典型的整体法与隔离法的综合应用(先隔离后整体).   (3)系统内部分平衡部分不平衡.这种情况由于系统内物体的运动状态不同,物体间有相对运动,通常习惯用隔离法.若系统内两个物体一个处于平衡,另一个处于不平衡状态时,也可以利用整体法来分析,有时会使问题简化易于理解.当然,这种情况整体所受合力不为零,整体所受合力就等于不平衡物体所受的合力,用来提供不平衡物体的加速度.   例4 质量为M的框架放在水平地面上,一轻弹簧上端固定一个质量为m的小球,小球上下振动时,框架始终没有跳起.当框架对地面压力为零瞬间,小球的加速度大小为   A.大于g B.小于g C.0 D.g   解析 这里框架恰好平衡,而小球不平衡,利用整体法,由于框架对地面的压力为零,则整体只受到重力(M+m)g,合力即为(M+m)g,方向竖直向下,提供小球的加速度,所以(M+m)g=ma,即a>g,所以选项A正确.这一题如果用隔离法分析过程要复杂麻烦.   综上所述,在分析物体的受力问题时,能掌握物体的受力分析方法和步骤,并灵活运用整体法和隔离法应对不同的问题是解决物理受力分析问题的关键.这不但能在教学过程中有意识地培养学生知道物体的多种运动状态,增强整体法的思维意识,也能帮助学生能够更加全面地理解力和运动的相互关系,是帮助学生思维能力的提升的好方法.
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Focal concept as series all disciplines may branch subject is the crux of the concept and its research has become the International Arts teach a major category, Chinese high school curriculum standards is also presented to sponsor Mr. profoundly understand the subject focus concept. Learning is a gradual process, need connectivity, easy to digest, from simple to complex, special learning concept is the focus concept learning should abide by such principles. Learning advanced is Mr. on a focus of common sense and coherent way, techniques and theory of motion in a period of time to improve the process of growing up, remind the students studying the cognitive process and growth form. The research to our country high school physics mechanics department as the carrier, through the process of analysis compared to the United States and China curriculum standards, combing attributed to teach version of high school physics textbooks and reference inquires the visit first teacher views retrieved a total of conceptual focus five: force, motion, Newton's will law, Newton's second law and Newton's third law. In Shijiazhuang region Province, city and county level school happen together 280 logic students as the research object, relying on the &force concept test& to develop learning advanced test scale, the five concepts do advanced degree of quantitative research. The statistical comparison response problem sets in each question of the accurate rate, concentration two-dimensional type a preliminary affirmative is related to the concept of advanced cases, initially through analysis test results of various topics group affirmed the advanced degree. The following conclusions: (1) the concept of focus &force& learning advanced expressed the degree 1: moving objects may object bias and stress differences bias, and objects of uniform linear motion, the end of a body force is zero, belonging to the equilibrium, if the object is only affected by two forces, both on the eve of the force small equally, biased toward the opposite. Don't consider air pressure stress analysis effect. 2: circular moving objects by centripetal force action, always pointing to the center bias. The centripetal force is not the force by the objects of the real, it is the object by force or force all together. Circular moving objects without force deviation in activities. 3: uniform rectilinear moving objects, accelerate the activity, stress bias and bia accelerated activity, stress and bias bias opposite activities. Vertical upcast activities, regardless of the resistance, the objects to accelerate the rise is because in the vertical downward gravitational action, and then accelerate whereabouts as well as vertically downward gravitational action. 4: force and related activities to bias, stress is the cause of the transformation of object activities is not to maintain activity. The body bias does not necessarily exist on the same bias force. If the body force bias and bias and vertical activities, objects for uniform linear activities, the activities of the objects from the bias force, and the activity was only vertical force equilibrium bias. Step by step (2) focus on the concept of &active& learning expressed the degree 1: objects along the degree of deviation in uniform linear motion, only by gravity action, in the air as the frame of reference objects running track is a parabola. Degree 2: free landing objects, landing in the process by gravity and air resistance, regardless of the resistance, objects do free falling body activity, object landing speed is becoming faster, and heavy objects and light objects. Objects landing time by high resolution landing, and the mass of the body. For the flat projectile activities, if the degree of deviation rate are same. Where from time point the degree of interval and its landing height, and quality related. 3: uniform linear displacement in the same time activities within a distance equal to the constant speed, acceleration is zero. If in the same time range of object displacement increases, the speed increases. The instantaneous speed of some position is equal to the uniform speed equal time distance of adjacent uniform rectilinear activities. Uniform linear one hour moving objects and zero initial velocity evenly accelerate the speed of the object the same line activity. Level 4: flat parabolic locus of the activity is a parabola, parabolic concave total pointing to objects by constant bias and parabola beginning end total in the object only by the constant action corresponding to the position. Flat parabolic activities can be differentiation for the degree of deviation of uniform linear motion and vertical bias of uniform speed linear motion, two sub activities are isochronous. (3) the focus concept &Newton's first law& learning advanced expressed the degree 1: with an initial speed of objects, no outside force action, trajectory is a straight line, speed, adhere to the same. 2: pitch circle activity in a level of the height of the object in the air will, without external force action, activity trajectory of objects is still linear, constant speed object activity. 3: with the initial velocity of the object, the instantaneous impact, still insist on constant speed objects. 4: flat projectile moving objects at a certain point out to the external force, track linear objects. (4) the concept of focus &Newton's second law& learning advanced expressed the degree 1: if motion of objects in the coarse degree of surface subjected to a constant external force action with constant velocity along the degree of bias activity, that at the end of the object by the force constant is zero, acceleration is zero, degree of bias force and resistance is a balanced force. Degree 2: the object in the external force under the action of uniformly accelerated linear motion, suddenly the external force is removed, the object will under the action of resistance, a and bias instead of acceleration that makes an object immediately accelerated activity until stagnation. 3: object of uniform linear activities in the degree of air, applying a constant force effect, then in force deviation occurs constant acceleration. If constant bias and moving objects tend to the same or is clamped at an acute angle, object will always if the opposite or clip obtuse, objects will be to speed up and back up. 4: the instantaneous impact only instantaneous acceleration. (5) the concept of focus &Newton's third law of learning advanced expressed the degree 1: the motion of two objects, when an object to another object applied force and other objects will also apply force to the object of action, the force Nianye small with the mass of the object about, their big small equal, biased when the object stagnation force application, the force applied to another object will fade away. Two in the process of collision between their influence, equal size, opposite bias. Level 2: an object into another object to speed up activities, mutual influence of equal size, biased instead, role in the unified line. 3: touch each other and there is no bias on the activity to influence between the two objects were speed.目录:摘要4-7Abstract7-101 绪论13-22&&&&1.1 问题的提出13-19&&&&&&&&1.1.1 研究背景13-16&&&&&&&&1.1.2 研究意义16-19&&&&&&&&1.1.3 研究内容19&&&&1.2 研究的设计19-22&&&&&&&&1.2.1 研究思路19-20&&&&&&&&1.2.2 研究方法20-222 研究综述22-33&&&&2.1 “核心概念”的研究综述22-26&&&&&&&&2.1.1 “核心概念”的概念界定22-25&&&&&&&&2.1.2 “核心概念”的检索标准25-26&&&&2.2 “学习进阶”的研究综述26-33&&&&&&&&2.2.1 “学习进阶”的由来26-29&&&&&&&&2.2.2 “学习进阶”的研究现状29-30&&&&&&&&2.2.3 “学习进阶”的概念界定30-333 高中物理力学核心概念检索33-48&&&&3.1 检索过程33-46&&&&&&&&3.1.1 美国科学课程标准33-35&&&&&&&&3.1.2 我国高中物理课程标准35-39&&&&&&&&3.1.3 高中物理教材分析39-44&&&&&&&&3.1.4 一线教师调查44-46&&&&3.2 检索结果46-484 高中物理力学核心概念学习进阶研究48-76&&&&4.1 研究对象48-49&&&&4.2 研究工具49-50&&&&4.3 研究方法50-51&&&&4.4 研究过程51-76&&&&&&&&4.4.1 核心概念“力”学习进阶研究51-57&&&&&&&&4.4.2 核心概念“运动”学习进阶研究57-63&&&&&&&&4.4.3 核心概念“牛顿第一定律”学习进阶研究63-66&&&&&&&&4.4.4 核心概念“牛顿第二定律”学习进阶研究66-71&&&&&&&&4.4.5 核心概念“牛顿第三定律”学习进阶研究71-765 结论及反思76-80&&&&5.1 结论76-79&&&&5.2 反思79-80参考文献80-84附录84-98&&&&附录一84-87&&&&附录二87-89&&&&附录三89-98致谢98分享到:相关文献|


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