运动鞋子的ventilation fanwindow是什么意思

&&&ventilation air
Minimum ventilation air volume control in VAV systems
The fresh air system remove 100% the space latent loads and partial sensibleloads, and the terminal equipment is required to remove only the sensible loads thatremain after the dry ventilation air has been introduced into the conditioned space,this system is called Fan-coil Units with Fresh Air System on Dry-coil Condition.
Points out that adequate minimum ventilation air can not be maintained by the fan tracking method because of its inherent limit in measurement accuracy of the velocity pressure and the CO
based method may not meet the requirements of indoor air quality.
The requirement of humidity control in designing air processing unit which can' t consider sensible heat is introduced. The important methods of separate fresh air dehumidification system and indoor humidity control separately are presented. In order to improve the indoor environmental quality, the developing tendency of ventilation air dehumidifying and indoor air humidity control is put forward.
Minimum ventilation air volume control in VAV systems
This paper introduces the composition and theorem of the photoelectric -Micro computer determination system (PCDS) and its application to investigation of ventilation effects on contaminant exhausting. Based on the model test results, the general formula of the ventilation air rate for a 2 - D Chamber, Q=β(V/t)ln(C0/ C),was put forward.
Provides an introduction to and overview of the
Distribution System Design Guide, commissioned by ASHRAE, describes its contents and use and provides an overview of steps in the cold air distribution design procedure on the areas including calculating cooling loads, determining ventilation air requirements, selecting air distribution terminals and diffusers, and developing control sequences. Also provides discussions of economic analysis, computer modelling and commissioning of cold air distribution systems.
Retrospects the development and fundamentals of constant pressure constant temperature and constant pressure variable temperature control methods, expounds the VPT(variable pressure variable temperature) control, its theory, constitution and features in energy saving, guaranteed comfort and ventilation air, etc. and gives two application examples in Shanghai.
It has been proved that the amount of ventilation air calcuated could meet the requirements of radiation safety rationally and economically
Discussion of the Displacement Ventilation Air Conditioning
System Design of Guangzhou New Stadium
Based on several years' practice and experience in design in this paper according to the pollution source in kitchen analysis is carried out. Meanwhile, corresponding integrated control measures are proposed such as controlling pollution sources, strengthening ventilation, air purification and so on to completely control air pollution in kitchen.
结合多年设计和实践经验 ,对厨房污染物的产生途径作了分析 ,提出了防治厨房空气污染 ,须采取污染源控制、加强通风、净化空气、改变生活习惯和走出建筑设计误区的综合措施。
Study on CDM Application in Ventilation Air Methane Generation of Chinese Coalmines
The Analysis on Cooled Ceiling and Displacement Ventilation Air Condition System
There is a great potential in the development of Chinese VAM (ventilation air methane) CDM projects.
我国煤矿风排瓦斯(Ventilation Air Methane,VAM)CDM发展潜力巨大,但是由于CDM是个新生事物,并且煤矿风排瓦斯的抽放情况复杂多样,目前,还没有相关的方法获得EB的批准,这成为煤矿风排瓦斯CDM发展的瓶颈。
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为了更好的帮助您理解掌握查询词或其译词在地道英语中的实际用法,我们为您准备了出自英文原文的大量英语例句,供您参考。&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& In accordance with testing data of removing radon and its daughters by ventilation from shrinkage and filling stopes of uranium mines, a law of removing radon by ventilation from the stopes is analyzed and summed. According to the decay law of radon and its daughters,an accumulation equation of potential alpha energy from radon daughters is presented with hyperbolic regression equation.The calculating formulae of ventilation flow are derived from the accumulation equation for eliminating r... &&&&&&&&&&&&根据铀矿山留矿法和充填法采场通风降氡试验资料,本文分析总结了采场通风降氡规律。根据氡和氡子体衰变规律的研究,提出了用双曲线回归方程表示氡子体α潜能积累方程。由此方程导出了入风流未受污染和受污染两种情况下的排氡子体风量计算公式。并在矿山生产条件下进行了验证试验,按公式算出的风量能够满足辐射安全要求,比较经济合理。&&&&&&&& In accordance with testing data of removing radon and its daughters by ventilation from shrinkage and filling stopes of uranium mines, a law of removing radon by ventilation from the stopes is analyzed and summed. According to the decay law of radon and its daughters, an accumulation equation of potential alpha energy from radon daughters is presented with hyperbolic regression equation. The calculating formulae of ventilation flow are derived from the accumulation equation for eliminating... &&&&&&&&&&&&根据铀矿山留矿法和充填法采场通风降氡试验资料,本文分析总结了采场通风降氡规律。根据氡和氡子体衰变规律的研究,提出了用双曲线回归方程表示氡子体α潜能积累方程。由此方程导出了入风流未受污染和受污染两种情况下的排氡子体风量计算公式,并在矿山生产条件下进行了验证试验,按公式算出的风量能够满足辐射安全要求,比较经济合理。&&&&&&&& In this work, the effects of ventilation time and the ventilation rate to the indoor air temperature, and the benefits of indirect evaporatively cooling the ventilation air are presented. &&&&&&&&&&&&讨论了通风时间与通风量的影响,引入间接蒸发冷却技术,以降低送风温度、加强通风降温效果,并比较使用该技术前后的室温状况。&nbsp&&&&&&&&相关查询:
2008 CNKI-中国知网
北京市公安局海淀分局 备案号:110 1081725
&2008中国知网(cnki) 中国学术期刊(光盘版)电子杂志社16 Reported Dead At 4Minute Performance After Ventilation Window Collapses
(Photo : Facebook)
(Photo : BBC)
Sixteen concert-goers are being reported dead at the Pangyo Techno Valley Festival in Seongnam, South Korea.
According to reports by media outlets around the world, including , , and , a ventilation window collapsed on site during an outdoor performance by K-Pop girl group 4Minute.
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After indicating that two people had died and ten were injured, the latest reports mark the death toll at sixteen with eleven others injured, eight critically.
"Twelve people were killed at the scene, two others were killed while they were being rushed to the hospital,"&a local fire official was quoted as saying by Korean media outlet Yonhap News.
"Others are assumed to have passed away while receiving medical treatment."
According to reports, on Friday, at approximately 5 p.m. Korean Standard Time, more than 25 fans fell roughly three stories onto a parking structure after the vent collapsed.
Meanwhile, the YTN television network reported that many of the spectators were young female students, as reported by several unidentified witnesses.
Officials at the scene have suggested the incident may have been caused by the weight of the fans who had climbed on top of the structure to watch the performance.
About 700 people had reportedly gathered to watch the concert.
The accident is intensifying concerns about safetly measures in South Korea, which has been a matter of much debate since the Sewol Ferry tragedy that took the lives of more than 300 people, most of whom were high school students on a class field trip. &Many have suggested that the rapid rate in which South Korea has developed has led to lax security standards resulting in such tragedies.
Cube Entertainment, 4Minute's record label and management company, has issued a statement that they are looking into the matter and will release a statement soon.
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