如何投wiley怎么投稿 的 supporting information

General Information on Angewandte Chemie and Author Guidelines
1. General Information
Angewandte Chemie International Edition and its German version Angewandte Chemie are owned by the Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (German Chemical Society) and are published by Wiley-VCH. It is a leading journal for all fields of chemistry and adjacent fields. Both editions of the journal have 52&issues in print and online (in the Wiley Online Library) all articles are available online weeks before the printed version appears (Early View). Contributions may be submitted in English or German. Angewandte Chemie does not publish manuscripts that have already appeared completely or in essential parts.
Submissions are handled by full-time editors who have a thorough scientific education in chemistry (PhD/Postdoc in leading groups) and have a broad view of the field of chemistry.
2. Responsibilty of Authors
The author must inform the editor of other manuscripts accepted, submitted, or soon to be submitted that have a bearing on the manuscript being submitted. If the submitted manuscript is, in fact, a revised/extended version of a manuscript previously rejected by Angewandte Chemie, the author must inform the editor about the previous submission in the cover letter and explain in detail the essential changes that have been made. The
issued by the European Association for Chemical and Molecular Sciences (EuCheMS) are followed and applied by Angewandte Chemie; these guidelines are similar to the
of the American Chemical Society. A further source for information are the . Please note that all submitted manuscripts are subject to plagiarism checks. Authors should declare any conflict of interest in their letter to the editor, for example support of the research by companies who stand to profit from publication of the results. Honorary authorship is forbidden, i.e., all co-authors of a submitted paper must have contributed significantly to the work being described and/or to the writing of research proposals or the manuscript. In cases of more than three authors, the contribution of each author should be explained in the cover letter. Every author must be informed about the submission and must have agreed to the submitted version.
All manuscripts should be submitted online through the , where also instructions for the submission can be found ("How to submit a manuscript"). We recommend that you prepare the manuscripts using the MSword templates that are available on the Angewandte Chemie website (). These templates help to judge the length (number of pages) of an article, and they facilitate evaluation of the work by referees and editors, but they do not exactly reflect the final print layout. At the time of submission the manuscript is assigned a DOI (digital object identifier), which is the one under which the manuscript will be published after acceptance. When your article has been accepted you will be informed of the procedure for submitting the revised manuscript. The most important difference is that a revised manuscript must be accompanied by the graphics in addition as separate electronic files (see also Section&6).
Authors submitting a manuscript to Angewandte Chemie for the first time are asked to characterize in the
their main research interests with a maximum of five keywords from the . We also ask authors to indicate their ORCiD identifier (see ).
Cited publications not yet available publicly should be uploaded along with the manuscript. Unpublished results and lectures should only be cited for exceptional reasons.
3. Types of Contribution and Their Lengths
Although Reviews, Minireviews, Essays, and Highlights are generally written upon invitation of the editor, they can also be the result of an author′s own initiative. However, the editor should be informed in advance about such an intended contribution (the best way is to send a summary/outline). Essays and Highlights should be written by one author only.
We would like to emphasize that the number of characters mentioned in the following Sections always include spaces. For longer articles, the agreement of the editor should be sought as early as possible.
3.1. Communications
Communications (length: up to 15000&characters, including footnotes, literature citations, tables, and legends) report on experimental and/or theoretical studies in all branches of chemistry and adjacent fields. Longer Communications will be accepted only if their quality warrants special consideration and a written justification of their length is provided. The results must be of general interest or at least important for the development of an area of research. Details that are of importance to specialists (and potentially to the referees), but not to most of the readers, should be submitted as Supporting Information (see Section&4.3), which will be made accessible on the Web. The essential findings presented in a Communication or significant parts of them may not already have appeared in print or in electronic online systems (for example, in online resources, in reviews, proceedings, or preprints). Contributions that do not fulfill the criteria mentioned will be returned to the authors without further external review. All other Communications are sent to referees. Authors are welcome to suggest referees, but they should not suggest people who have currently or previously had a collaboration or any other close connection to any of the authors. We ask referees to consult the
when judging the suitability of a Communication for Angewandte Chemie.
Communications that are "very important" in the opinion of at least two referees are denoted as being a VIP (very important paper) upon publication. If a third referee´s report is however received that does note judge the work to be "very important" or "highly important", the communication does not receive this VIP status.
Authors are asked to make their manuscripts suitable for a heterogeneous readership&please use a clear style and avoid jargon. In some cases, it might be helpful for manuscripts to be checked by a third party, such as . Communications submitted in English to Angewandte Chemie will be printed in English also in the G German-speaking authors however are asked to also supply a translattion into German.
The identity and purity of all new compounds must be fully characterized by appropriate analytical methods (NMR spectroscopy, X-ray crystal structure analysis, elemental analysis, etc.). These spectra and data should in general be given in the Supporting Information.
Computer-aided image enhancement is often unavoidable. However, such manipulation cannot result in data that are less relevant or unrepresentative being shown and/or genuine and significant signals being lost. A clear relationship must remain between the original data and the images that result from those data. If an image has been electronically modified, the form of the modification shall be given in the Figure caption. If computer-aided processing or modification of an image is a fundamental part of the experimental work, then the form that this processing takes must be clearly described in the Experimental Section or in the Supporting Information.
Informed consent must be obtained for studies on humans after the nature and possible consequences of the studies were explained. All research on humans must have approval from the author′s institutional review board (IRB) or equivalent body. Care of experimental animals must be in accordance with the author′s institutional guidelines.
Communications need an Abstract. In this abstract the motivation for the work, the methods applied, the results, and the conclusions drawn should be presented (maximum 1000&characters). When you write the abstract, please keep the following aspects in mind:
1)The abstract should awaken the curiosity of as many readers as possible.
2)The abstract should reflect the content of the paper, and the text should contain several keywords to aid finding the paper online.
3)The abstract should contain neither hints to graphical elements or tables in the paper nor to references, as the abstract will be found independently, for example in databases.
4)Please restrict the use of abbreviations to a minimum.
Communications should not be divided into sections. However, experimental details or methods should be summarized concisely under the heading Experimental Section or Methods. The first paragraph of a Communication should be formulated as an introduction that provides the nonspecialist reader with a general idea of the state of the art of the field and allows the importance of the results to be put into perspective. In the final paragraph the results should be summarized succinctly and one sentence should be devoted to their significance and&if appropriate&to the next challenges.
3.2. Review Articles
Review articles (length: up to 65000&characters, including footnotes, literature citations, tables, and legends) should be written by leading experts and deal with topics of high current interest in any area of chemistry. Rather than an assembly of detailed information with a complete literature survey, a critically selected treatment of the unsolved problems and possible developments should also be discussed.
Reviews should be divided into numbered sections, as in this "Notice to Authors". Cross-references in the text should also use these section numbers. The Review starts with a lead-in (1000&characters, no references). This text should not be a mere summary but rather should&together with a round picture 18.5&cm in diameter (frontispiece)&arouse the readers′ interest. The first section of the Review itself, the Introduction, should primarily introduce the nonspecialist to the subject in as clear a way as possible. A Review should conclude with a section entitled Summary and Outlook, in which the achievements of and new challenges for the subject are presented succinctly. In addition, biographical sketches (maximum length 560&characters) and portrait-quality black-and-white photographs of the correspondence authors should be submitted.
3.3. Minireviews
A Minireview (length: up to 25000&characters, including footnotes, literature citations, tables, and legends) should present current topics in a concise review style. Minireviews offer the flexibility to treat topics at a time when a Review would still be premature or inappropriate. The format is the same as that outlined for Reviews in Section&3.2; however, Minireviews do not have a frontispiece and the lead-in should be no longer than 800&characters.
3.4. Essays
In Essays (length: up to 25000&characters) themes from every aspect of chemistry, including the philosophy or history of science, are addressed freely. Use of unpublished results from original research should be extremely limited. Primarily, known topics should be discussed illuminatingly and critically from a new vantage point, and they should be suitably illustrated. In addition, a biographical sketch (maximum length 560&characters) and a portrait-quality black-and-white photograph of the author should be submitted.
3.5. Highlights
In Highlights (length: up to 8500&characters) very important new results of original research should be described, in general by a third person, with a view to instruct and to highlight their significance. The results should be presented clearly, but as succinctly as possible, without the comprehensive details required for an original article. Highlights should include only essential formulas and figures as well as not more than 15 references. A Highlight should not be longer than two pages. To ensure that your manuscript does not exceed this length, please use the template, which can be found in the section
of the homepage.
3.6. Correspondences and Corrigenda
Manuscripts that critically comment on Communications in Angewandte Chemie that ideally have been published not more than three months ago can be published as Correspondences if they make an important contribution to the scientific discussion. The author of the Communication to which the Correspondence pertains will have the opportunity to reply.
Scientifically incorrect or incomplete information in published articles should be corrected in a Corrigendum&which is as short as possible. Corrigenda are printed directly after the Table of Contents. We request that authors submit the Corrigendum electronically like any other article through the
and that they cite the publication to be corrected as well as its DOI.
3.7. Book Reviews and Obituaries
Book Reviews are written upon invitation. Suggestions for books to be reviewed are welcome, as are suggestions for possible authors. Publishers should send brochures or preferably books directly to the editorial office. Angewandte Chemie occasionally also publishes Obituaries of eminent scientists who have had a great impact on chemistry and whose results have become "textbook" knowledge. Authors are usually invited by the Editorial Office.
An informative Book Review should provide answers to the following questions: Has the area of research covered in the book been the focus of recent research efforts, or does the book provide a fresh look at an already established area? Does the book have other merits, or is it unnecessary? Are the many aspects of the book′s topic appropriately weighted? What benefits does the book offer to different types of readers?
In an Obituary, the scientific career and research achievements of the subject should be the main focus. The following questions can serve as guidelines: which of the subject′s achievements have resulted in fundamental new knowledge? How were these results obtained? How can these results be further developed by future generations of researchers?
4. General Remarks
4.1. Acknowledgements
Acknowledgments&especially for any financial support&are given as a separate paragraph at the end of the main text. Example: This work was supported by the Science and Research Foundation. We thank Dr. A. Smith, London, for the spectra and the XYZ company for chemicals.
4.2. Graphical Table of Contents, and Keywords
A short text for the Table of Contents of the issue (up to 450& templates available from the section
on the homepage) and a maximum of five keywords in alphabetical order should be included as the last page of the manuscript. At least two of the keywords should be taken from the
(see Section&8). The text for the Table of Contents should (ideally with the help of a graphic, color is always free here) arouse curiosity. Repetition or a paraphrase of the title and presentation of experimental details should be avoided.
4.3. Supporting Information
Experimental procedures, spectroscopic data, graphics, etc. that are essential for understanding the main points of the publication but could be considered supplementary or cannot be included in the actual publication for space reasons or because of technical limitations (e.g. animated multimedia applications and movies) should be provided online as Supporting Information (in English and as a PDF). This material is available free of charge to authors and readers, and appears simultaneous to the publication of the article. In the relevant sections of the article, reference should be made to the Supporting Information. The scientific quality of the Supporting Information and the preparation of the text and graphics should be of the same standard as that in the actual publication. The Supporting Information should start with a Table of Contents, and the relationships between the sections of the main article and the Supporting Information should be apparent. To submit multimedia files, please proceed as described in Section&6.
The author must keep a copy to make available to readers who do not have access to the Web.
4.4. Color
Angewandte Chemie is published as color printing is expensive, we request that part of the additional costs be carried by the authors of (Mini)reviews and Communications. If color is essential and the author does not have access to funds for publication costs, the publisher will cover the costs. For other types of articles, e.g., Highlights and Essays, and for the graphic for the Table of Contents color is free. Please note that the online and printed versions have to be identical: publishing in color online and in grayscale in print is not possible. Authors should ensure that the contrast is adequate for color graphics that will be reproduced in grayscale.
4.5. Cover Picture
Suggestions for cover pictures (length of the explanatory text: up to 500&characters) are welcome, but the author will be asked to contribute to the costs. Assistance for the design of these pictures is available on the . Animated graphics can also be deposited for cover pictures.
4.6. Correction Process
The correspondence author will receive page proofs (in most cases as compressed PDF files). They should be returned to the editorial office as soon as possible. Corrections after "Early View" and before issue publication will be accepted only if formal aspects or misprints are concerned. For all the other corrections a Corrigendum has to be submitted (see Section&3.6).
4.7. Reprints
For all articles that appear in German and in English, the main correspondence author will receive a complimentary copy of both editions. In the case of a Review, they will also receive a complementary PDF (in one of the two languages) that allows 50&printouts. Reprints and high-resolution PDFs can be ordered for a reasonable price&ideally when submitting the corrected galley proofs.
4.8. Press Releases
Each week, the publisher issues a press release about at least one Communication. It goes without saying that authors are welcome to enhance the visibility of their article through a press release from their institution, but such a release, about which the editorial office should be informed, must not precede the online publication of the article (embargo date).
4.9. Open Access
If authors have to or want to make their publications freely available at the moment they are published (open access), Angewandte Chemie offers such a service. Under the keyword
you can find all the information about this subject on our homepage. Angewandte Chemie can also comply with the request or mandate from research funding agencies, for example the US National Institutes of Health (NIH), to make manuscripts freely available online in the unedited and not proof-read form after acceptance. To guarantee that your publication is uploaded correctly in PubMed, please make sure that 1)&the NIH grant numbers are free from misspellings (that is, no small o instead of a 0, no small i instead of a 1, no spaces or hyphens, etc.) and 2)&the e-mail address that is known at NIH/PubMed is identical to the one given in the publication. In general we recommend that authors link on their homepage to their Angewandte Chemie publication through the DOI. Only in this way can
function correctly and full-text downloads, which might be of importance for authors and librarians, be tallied.
5. Guidelines for the Preparation of Manuscripts
Authors are requested to take special care with respect to the following points when preparing a manuscript for publication in Angewandte Chemie:
a) Greek letters should be typed in the character font S special characters must be
sub- or superscripts and italicized or boldface text should be clearly distinguishable.
b) American spelling should be used throughout the manuscript.
c) In the title, which should be as succinct and informative as possible, the first letters of all words, except coordinating conjunctions, articles, and prepositions, should be capitalized. No references should be used. Then follows the first name (written in full), other initials, and surname of each author, and an asterisk to indicate each correspondence author (further symbols to indicate the affiliation(s) of the author(s) are not required). A dedication line can also be included. Please avoid chemical formulas in the title&they may lead to difficulties when the title is integrated into electronic data bases.
A footnote labeled [*] contains the names of all authors according to research group (with academic title and all first names as initials), the complete postal address (preferentially in the country′s official language), and E-mail address(es) of the correspondence author(s). For the noncorrespondence authors, only the address of their academic institution or company is required. In addition to the e-mail address the address of the homepage of the correspondence author may be given.
d) References to the literature or to footnotes are typed in square brackets as superscripts after punctuation. These are numbered consecutively and listed (with the numbers in square brackets but not as superscripts) at the end of the main body of text. They should not contain comprehensive experimental details (which should be included in the Experimental Section instead) or long explanatory text. The names of all authors should be given in upper- and lowercase, starting with the initials of first names followed by the surname (giving the first author only followed by "et&al." is acceptable when there are m in this case, the complete reference has to be given in the Supporting Information). The penultimate and last names should be separated by a comma (not by "and"). Please double-check your references, for example by using , to ensure correct (online) links.
Journal citations: Only a comma is required between the name of the last author and the title of the journal. Journal titles should be italicized and abbreviated in accordance with the
(CASSI; no commas appear in the journal names). The journal title should be followed (no comma) by the year of publication (in boldface), comma, volume number (in italics), comma, first page, period (or a semicolon within a composite reference). When citing publications from Angewandte Chemie, please quote both the German and the International editions of this journal, starting with the International edition. Examples:
[1] a)&H.&J. Ache, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 1989, 28, 1; Angew. Chem. 1989, 101, 1; b)&H. Frey, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 1998, 37, 2193; Angew. Chem. 1998, 110, 2313.
[2] A. Kraft, Chem. Commun. 1996, 77, an Sci. Am. 1984, 250(4), 7; B. Krebs, H.&U. Hürter, Acta Crystallogr. Sect. A 1981, 37, 163; G. Eulenberger, Z. Naturforsch. B 1981, 36, 521; D. Bruss, Appl. Phys. B, DOI 10.900185.
Book citations: Books without editor: E. Wingender, Gene Regulation in Eukaryotes, VCH, Weinheim, 1993, p.&215. Books with editor: T.&D. Tullius in Comprehensive Supramolecular Chemistry, Vol.&5 (Eds.: J.&L. Atwood, J.&E.&D. Davies, D.&D. MacNicol, F. Vögtle, K.&S. Suslick), Pergamon, Oxford, 1996, pp.&317&343.
Miscellaneous citations: C.&R.&A. Botta (Bayer AG), DE-B 2235093, 1973 (in cases where the patent is not available online at the respective patent office the corresponding reference to Chemical Abstracts should be added). A. Student, PhD thesis, University of Newcastle (UK), 1991. G. Maas, Methoden Org. Chem. (Houben-Weyl) 4th ed. 1952&, Vol.&E 21/1, 1983, pp.&379&397. "Synthesis in Biochemistry": R. Robinson, J. Chem. Soc. 1936, 1079. S. Novick, "Biography of Rotational Spectra for Weakly Bound Complexes", can be found under http://www.wesleyan.edu/chem/faculty/novick/vdw.html, 2005. G.&M. Sheldrick, SHELXS-96, Program for the Solution of Crystal Structures, University of Göttingen, Göttingen (Germany), 1996.
e) Tables are edited in the text and therefore should not be sent as graphical elements. They should be set up using the table tools of Word. Tables should be provided with a brief legend (use the word "Table" throughout the text unabbreviated) and should only be subdivided by three horizontal lines (head rule, neck rule, foot rule). Tables with only one or two columns and columns with only one or two entries are to be avoided. For footnotes in tables, Roman lowercase letters set in square brackets are to be used. All tables are to be numbered (Arabic numerals) in the sequence in which they are referred to in the text. Physical data for several compounds should be s otherwise, a footnote is sufficient. Structural formulas in tables of the final manuscript must be submitted also as separate graphic files.
f) To minimize problems in end-of-line word divisions, complicated chemical formulas in the running text (and especially in the title) must be avoided. Within the text, the use of formula numbers is encouraged. Formulas for coordination compounds should be enclosed in square brackets and ligand abbreviations written with lower-case letters (IUPAC recommendations). The oxidation state used with names of elements should be in capital letter with element symbols it should be superscripted (iron(II), FeII; not I(III) but IIII).
Different types of atoms in structural figures should be clearly distinguishable (by different graphical shading). Microscopy images (optical, electron or scanning probe) should always contain a scale bar.
Symbols of physical quantities, but not their units (e.g. T (for temperature, in contrast to T for the unit Tesla), but K J, but Hz; a, but nm), stereochemical information (cis, E, R, etc.; d and l on the other hand are to be written in small capitals), locants in compound names (N-methyl), symmetry groups and space groups (C2v), and prefixes in formulas or compound names such as tBu and tert-butyl must be in italics (but not Latin phrases such as "in situ"), and formula numbers in boldface (Arabic numerals and, if necessary, Roman lowercase letters). In labels of axes the units ideally should be separated by a slash (e.g., T/K→) and should read horizontally. Example:
Chemical formulas must be of high quality for direct reproduction and should be numbered consecutively. Useful recommendations for the representation of chemical formulas were published by IUPAC (see ). Abbreviations such as Me, iPr, sBu, and Ph (not φ) may be
however, their use should be consistent. General substituents should be indicated by R, R′ or R1, R2 (not R1, R2 which means 2R) . The spatial arrangement of the substituents should be indicated by hatched lines and solid wedges. Example:
The following details are important for formulas: Font for script: H size of symbols for elements: 3& size of formula numbers in boldface: 3.5& interatomic bond lengths: 6&mm. Writing above or below a reaction arrow (no capitalization) should be 2.8& a minus sign should be as long as the crossbar of a plus sign. The total maximum width is 14 or 28.8&cm. Such formulas will be reduced to 60%. Other sizes for formulas are also acceptable, but must follow these proportions (3:3.5:6 (:140)). A ChemDraw template for chemical formulae can be found at .
Line drawings, photographs, and color artwork should be sharply defined, with high contrast, and without masking screen. Graphics of linear plots, particularly reciprocal velocity plots, should be avoided and replaced in the text in terms of slopes, intercepts, and standard deviations.
g) Equations should be labeled consecutively (numbers or Roman lowercase letters in parentheses) and mentioned
e.g., "[Eq.&(1)]" or "defined as in Equation&(a)".
h) Physical data should be quoted with decimal points and negative exponents (e.g. 25.8&JK&1mol&1), and arranged as follows where possible&but in any event in the same order within the manuscript (when measurement conditions remain unchanged they need only be mentioned once, for instance in a footnote): m.p./b.p. 20°C; [α]D20=&13.5 (c=0.2 in acetone) (please also give units for [α] and c, usually degcm3g&1dm&1 and gcm&3, respectively); 1H&NMR (200&MHz, [D8]THF, 25°C, TMS): δ=1.3 (q, 3J(H,H)=8&Hz, 2H; CH2), 0.9&ppm (t, 3J(H,H)=8&Hz, 3H; CH3); IR (Nujol): \tilde \nu =2972 (w), 2907 (w), ..., 1026 (s; νas(SiOSi)), 971 (vs), ..., 666 (w; νs(SiOSi)), ..., 439 (m), 401&cm&1 (m); UV/Vis (n-hexane): λmax(&)=320 (5000), 270&nm (12000); MS (70&eV): m/z (%): 108 (20) [M+], 107 (60) [M+&H], 91 (100) [C7H7+]. Plane angles in products of units can have either ° or deg as the unit.
i) Nomenclature, symbols, and units: The rules and recommendations of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), the International Union of Biochemistry (IUB), and the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP) should be adhered to.
j) Abbreviations and acronyms should be used sparingly and consistently. Where they first appear in the text, the complete term&apart from the most common ones such as NMR, IR, and tBu&should also be given. In Reviews, where a number of abbreviations and acronyms occur, these can be explained in a footnote on the first page or in a glossary on the last page.
6. Instructions for Preparing the Electronic Version of Manuscripts and Graphics
We accept text files in the formats .doc and .docx. LaTeX users are asked to see our separate instructions under .
Please don′t use end-of-line word divisions, and use only one font type (except for Greek letters, which should be typed in the Symbol font). The text should be typed as "continuous text", that is, with carriage returns only at the end of a paragraph, title, heading, and similar features. Formula numbers and in the reference section the year of publication (but not headings such as "Table&1" or "Figure&1") should be in boldface.
To ensure trouble-free reproduction of the electronic graphics files, it is important to refer to the information given here.
1.All Formulae, Figures, and Schemes musst be directly reproducible and should be without frames. Preferred graphics programs are ChemDraw, Adobe Illustrator, and Adobe Photoshop, restricted use holds for Powerpoint, Corel Draw, Adobe Acrobat, and Microsoft Word, unusable are ChemWindows, C-Design, Origin, and MacDraw Pro. Acceptable formats within all graphics programs are JPG, TIFF, and EPS.
2.For structural formulas the line width should be explicitly defined (at least 0.2&pt or 0.1&mm).
3.Final format for vector graphics (stick diagrams etc.): Encapsulated Postscript (EPS) with bound fonts and the characters must be converted into outlines, not Postscript (PS). The "bounding boxes" must be of an appropriate size.
4.The quality of the graphical material is of particular importance: low-resolution JPEG and GIF files are not suitable. The resolution for stick diagrams in a bitmap format (*.bmp files) must be at least 1000&dpi. The resolution for raster figures (e.g. ORTEP representations with shading) and for color figures must be at least 300&dpi. The colors for color pictures must be defined with the CMYK system (do not use the RGB color system, which is common in Windows).
Please save each table, figure, scheme, and picture for the Table-of-Contents in a separate file. Note: to avoid having to upload multiple files individually, collect all graphical materials in a single compressed ("zipped") folder and upload this as the "Graphical Material"; the system will automatically list each file separately thus saving you time. Zip archives may not contain any copyrighted material (such as software) but only data files!
To submit multimedia files that exceed 5&MB in size, please save them on your web server, but do not link to them. Send us the URL so we can download the files and make them available to referees and, if accepted, to readers. Please use suitable compression technology to avoid exceedingly large movie files (&10&MB) for the benefit of referees′ and readers′ bandwidth and storage capacity. Also, please make sure that your movies are saved in a common format (such as MPEG, AVI, QuickTime, GIF) that can be played on at least two different computer platforms (out of Windows/MacOS/Linux). Smaller files can simply be uploaded via the .
7. Crystal Structure Analysis
If a crystal structure analysis is an essential part of a Communication the following data should be given in a footnote in the manuscript: refined formula, formula weight Mr, crystal dimensions, crystal system, space group, unit-cell dimensions and volume, no. of formula units in the unit cell Z, calculated density ρcalcd, linear absorption coefficient μ, radiation and wavelength, temperature of measurement, 2θmax, no. of measured and independent reflections, Rint, R, wR, residual electron density, a brief description of the data collection, and the solution and refinement of the structure, and the database at which the detailed results are deposited.
The details for the confirmation of the structures of synthetic intermediates should be kept short. An ORTEP-type plot of these structures will not be reproduced.
Crystallographic data should not be sent as Supporting Information but should be deposited with either the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre (CCDC) using
for organic and organometallic compounds or the Fachinformationszentrum Karlsruhe (FIZ, 76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen (Germany); fax: (+49); e-mail: crysdata@fiz-karlsruhe. for detailed information see ) for elements, minerals, and inorganic compounds. Other appropriate databases must be used for depositing novel macromolecular structures and newly reported nucleic acid or protein sequences and microarray data. The deposition number must be supplied with the submitted manuscript. The formulation that should be used for data deposited with CCDC is: "CCDC&XX, XXX, and XXXX contain the supplementary crystallographic data for this paper. These data are provided free of charge by The Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre." For data deposited with FIZ, the formulation is: "Further details on the crystal structure investigation(s) may be obtained from the Fachinformationszentrum Karlsruhe, 76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Germany (fax: (+49); e-mail: crysdata@fiz-karlsruhe.de), on quoting the depository number CSD-XX (numbers CSD-XX, -XXX, and -XXXX).". Please ensure that the data deposited with the database are identical to those in the manuscript.
Please use the free online
provided by the International Union of Crystallography (checkcif@iucr.org) and submit the Checkcif report along with your manuscript.
Referees can retrieve the information directly from the appropriate database if authors of articles containing a crystal structure proceed as follows:
1.For organic and organometallic compounds: Before submission of the manuscript, submit your data including author and journal details to the CCDC using . The data will be assigned a registry number, which has to be included in the manuscript.
2.For inorganic compounds: FIZ accepts only data deposited in electronic form (in CIF format). Before submitting your manuscript, send the data directly to FIZ by e-mail. You will then be given a CSD number, which has to be included in the manuscript.
8. Keyword Catalogue
Authors can ensure that a keyword search within Wiley Online Library (WOL) leads to a list that is as complete as possible of relevant publications in many Wiley-VCH journals (see the list at the start of the ) by preferably using keywords from this catalogue. The catalogue is subdivided to facilitate the search for keywords but can also be completely searched. Some of the keywords are used in more than one area. As with all such records, a few guidelines facilitate its use, and these are briefly explained below:
1.At least two of the maximum of five keywords assigned to an article must come from this list.
2.In the German edition of Angewandte Chemie, the German equivalents of these terms are used.
3.Named reactions will be incorporated only in exceptional cases. Generally the reaction type is selected instead. For example, "cycloadditions" instead of "Diels&Alder reactions" and "rearrangement" instead of "Claisen rearrangement".
4.Heteroanalogues of compounds are mainly classified under the C variants, for example, (hetero)cumulenes, (hetero)dienes. A few aza and phospha derivatives are exceptions.
5.Compounds with inorganic components that are central to the article are listed under the element, for example, iron complexes under "iron" and, if appropriate, the ligand type. Some group names such as "alkali metals" exist alongside the names of important members of the group, for example, "lithium". In such cases the group name is used for these members only when comparative studies are described. The members that do not appear separately are also categorized under the group name.
6.A keyword in the form "N ligand" is only chosen if a considerable portion of the paper deals with the coordination of any ligand that coordinates through the atom concerned (in the example, nitrogen).
7.Spectroscopic methods are assigned as keywords only if the article is about the method itself or if the spectroscopic technique has made an important contribution to the problem under investigation.
8."Structure elucidation" is intended only if the crux of the paper is a structural elucidation or if a combination of several spectroscopic techniques were needed for conclusive solution of the structure.
9.An attempt has been made to avoid synonyms and to select more general concepts rather than specialized terms. Thus the term "double-decker complexes" is excluded in favor of "sandwich complexes". See also points&3 and 4 in these guidelines.
10.Enzymes should be assigned to one of the six main enzyme classes (hydrolases, isomerases, ligases, lyases, oxidoreductases, transferases).
This list is a "living" catalogue, flexible enough to absorb new developments in chemistry. We therefore welcome all suggestions from our readers and authors that might improve its user-friendliness.


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