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(1)原式=6倍根号3除2倍根号3 - 2倍根号(1除3)除2倍根号3 - 4倍根号3除2倍根号3=2/3(2)原式=1+2-根号3分之一 - 2=1+根号3(3)原式=根号(12xy乘9x^2除以4除以y)=根号3乘x的立方
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1、six countries in a certain region sent a total of 75 representatives to an international congress ,and no two countries sent the same number of representatives. of the six countries ,if country A sent the second greatest number of representatives, did country A sent at least 10 representatives ?(1) one of the six countries sent 41 representatives to the congress(2) country A sent fewer than 12 representatives to the congress 答案是E2、a certain city with a population of 13200 is to be divided into 11 voting districts ,and no districts is to have a population that is more than 10 percent greater than the population of any other districts. what is the minimum possible population that the least populated district could have ?A、10700 & & &B、10800 & &C、10900 & &D、11000 & &E、11100答案是D、11000 & 3、the residents of town x participated in a survey to determine the number of hours per week each resident spent watching television . the distribution of the results of the survey had a mean of 21 hours and a standard deviation of &6 hours .the number of hours that &nbspat , a resident of town &x , watched television last week between 1 and 2 standard deviation below the mean .which of the following could be the number of hours that Pat watched television last week ?A、30 & & &B、20 & &C、18 & &D、12 & &E、6答案是D、12
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第一个: &(1)你用75-41以后得到34 &就是说还有5个国家加起来有34 &推不出A一定为10 & & & & & & & & & (2)因为不知道最多的有多少,所以也没法确定 & & & & & 两个条件加起来 A也有可能为小于10第二个: 设最少的是X,则其他十个是1.01X, 1.02x,....总之最大不能超过1.10x求x就是把132000除以这11个数用X表示后得到的表达式,肯定是Ax这种型的,你要求x的最小值,则要求A的最大值,A何时取到最大?当剩下那10个数全部是1.1X的时候,因此,132000等于12X,x=11000
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between 1 and 2 standard deviation below the mean 我也是这句话没弄懂 同求
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Average(mean) for the town = 21 h Standard deviation for the town = 6 h Pat was between 1 and 2 standard deviations below the mean. One standard deviation below the mean = Mean - 1*SD = 21 - 6 = 15 h Two standard deviations below the mean = Mean - 2*SD = 21 - 2(6) = 21 - 12 = 9 h Therefore, the correct answer (the numbers of hours Pat watched television) lies between 9 and 15 h. The only correct answer that satisfies that condition is D (12 h).
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第三题应该是21-12《x《21-6, lz应该去了解一下什么事标准差
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