early. aa brand new dayy coming a

From Now On-Ron Sexsmith, From Now OnMP3下载,歌词下载 - 虾米音乐
From Now On
Have we been blind?
Have we been lied to?
Best keep our eyes open
From now on
There's no peace of mind
When the war's inside you
It feels like something's broken
Something's gone
But it's a new day from now on
And this time I won't wonder
From dusk 'til dawn
If a new day's coming
It's a new day from now on
We live in times
Where choice is frowned upon
Afraid to even raise
Our voice in song
Or speak our minds
For fear of falling on
The wrong side of opinion
Where has freedom gone?
But it's a new day from now on
And this time I won't wonder
From dusk 'til dawn
If a new day's coming
It's a new day from now on
They're in the business
Of panic and control
We're in the business of the heart
And of the soul
Have we been blind?
Have we been lied to?
Best keep our eyes open
From now on
But it's a new day from now on
And which case I won't wonder
When Monday's gone
If Tuesday's coming
It's a new day from now on
New day from now on
And this time I won't wonder
From dusk 'til dawn
If a new day's coming
It's new day from now on
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to write a paragraph about coming school Use your notes to write a paragraph about coming school - 王朝网络 -
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to write a paragraph about coming school Use your notes to write a paragraph about coming school&&&本文为【】的汉字拼音对照版  一yi个ge人ren来lai学xue校xiao的de路lu上shang经jing过guo面mian包bao房fang,听ting到dao鸟niao儿er叫jiao,请qing你ni把ba上shang学xue路lu上shang看kan到dao、听ting到dao、闻wen到dao的de用yong英ying语yu写xie成cheng一yi段duan话hua。  On The Way To School  It is a sunny day today. I get up early. After breakfast,I carry my heavy school bag and walk to school. As it is still early, I don't walk in hurry. And I take the way passing through the park near my house. When I walking in the park, I enjoy the fresh air in the early morning and also enjoy the singing of birds on the trees.  Coming out from the park, a smell attracts me. It is from the baker's shop. I like bread very much and I like its smell too. I can't help myself to stop buying one eventhough I am still full of breakfast.  Some shop-keepers are just opening their shop and others are cleaning the windows of their shops. Everything they are doing is preparing their business in a new day. They are happy on the good day. A good day may bring good luck to them.  There, coming into my sight is my shcool. I take deep breath and walk quickly to my school. I am also ready to the new day.  go to shool【】【】&&&&&今日推荐
今天该活动正式启动,和去年一样,需要收集“五福”...有时候我们打开冰箱就会闻到一股异味,冰箱里的这种异味是因为一些物质发出的气味的混合体,闻起来让人恶心。 产生这些异味的主要原因有以下几点。
《极品家丁》讲述了现代白领林晚荣无意回到古代金陵,并追随萧二小姐化名“林三”进入萧府,不料却阴差阳错上演了一出低级家丁拼搏上位的“林三升职记”。...你就是我最爱的宝宝 - 李溪芮
你的眉 又鬼马的挑
你的嘴 又坏坏的笑
上一秒吵闹 下...乌梅,又称春梅,中医认为,乌梅味酸,性温,无毒,具有安心、除热、下气、祛痰、止渴调中、杀虫的功效,治肢体痛、肺痨病。乌梅泡水喝能治伤寒烦热、止吐泻,与干姜一起制...什么是脂肪粒
市场上墙纸的材质分无纺布的、木纤维的、PVC的、玻璃纤维基材的、布面的等,相对而言,PVC材质的墙纸最不透气...观点一:破日本销售量的“鲜肌之谜” 非日本生产
近一段时间,淘宝上架了一款名为“鲜肌之谜的” 鲑鱼卵巢美容液,号称是最近日本的一款推出的全新护肤品,产品本身所...系腰裙(北宋词人 张先)
这是土耳其卡帕多西亚的一个著名景点,传说是当年基督教徒们为了躲避战争而在此修建。里面曾住着20000人,......据英国《每日快报》报道,一位科学家兼理论家Robert Lanza博士宣称,世界上并不存在人类死亡,死亡的只是身体。他认为我们的意识借助我们体内的能量生存,而且...《我爱狐狸精》 - 刘馨棋
  狐狸精 狐狸仙
  千年修... under pass
The libero is very go...·&·&·&&一个人来学校的路上经过面包房,听到鸟儿叫,请你把上学路上看到、听到、闻到的用英语写成一段话。
On The Way To School
It is a sunny day today. I get up early. After breakfast,I carry my heavy school bag and walk to school. As it is still early, I don't walk in hurry. And I take the way passing through the park near my house. When I walking in the park, I enjoy the fresh air in the early morning and also enjoy the singing of birds on the trees.
Coming out from the park, a smell attracts me. It is from the baker's shop. I like bread very much and I like its smell too. I can't help myself to stop buying one eventhough I am still full of breakfast.
Some shop-keepers are just opening their shop and others are cleaning the windows of their shops. Everything they are doing is preparing their business in a new day. They are happy on the good day. A good day may bring good luck to them.
There, coming into my sight is my shcool. I take deep breath and walk quickly to my school. I am also ready to the new day.
go to shool&  免责声明:本文仅代表作者个人观点,与王朝网络无关。王朝网络登载此文出于传递更多信息之目的,并不意味着赞同其观点或证实其描述,其原创性以及文中陈述文字和内容未经本站证实,对本文以及其中全部或者部分内容、文字的真实性、完整性、及时性本站不作任何保证或承诺,请读者仅作参考,并请自行核实相关内容。&&&&&&为你推荐&&&&&&转载本文&UBB代码&HTML代码复制到剪贴板...&更多内容··········&&&&&&&&&频道精选&&&王朝女性&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&王朝分栏&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&王朝编程&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&王朝导购&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&王朝其他&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&&&2005-&&版权所有&I think that sleeping is the most wonderful thing in the world. While 36 I do nothing, but close my eyes, leaving all my work behind. In fact, I __37 _get up early nearly every morning.My classes begin at 8:00, but the teacher asks us to arrive before 7:15 so we have 38 time to prepare for the class. If you are 39, you’ll lose one point. And when you reach 10 40, parents’ visit to school will be a must. Though I think it’s41, I still don’t want to lose any points.One morning, my alarm clock42. I woke up with a 43and found that it was already 7:00. What was worse. I lost six points in a 44 , that is to say, I was late every day that week. My teacher said that he 45me to be late. My friends joked that my 46was coming soon. I finally47to do something. I bought a new 48. It sings songs on time,49 I shut it down.It’s perfect for a lazy cat like me. The first time I50 it I successfully got up at 6:00 the next morning. Proud of51, I took a deep breath and found that the early morning air is surprisingly 52_. I did some reading, finding that English is really beautiful. I hadn’t realized __53that the morning is so wonderful.“Life is 54 a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re going to get.” Just as Forrest Gump said, sometimes we should break our 55 . You may find that a new way can change things for the better.【小题1】A.tiredB.asleepC.silentD.awake【小题2】A.shallB.canC.used toD.have to【小题3】A.enoughB.noC.ManyD.any【小题4】A.lazyB.sleepyC.lateD.noisy【小题5】A.timesB.pointsC.daysD.classes【小题6】A.surprising B.impossibleC.interesting D.boring【小题7】A.failedB.liedC.soundedD.disappeared【小题8】A.jumpB.thoughtC.startD.dream【小题9】A.classB.dayC.weekD.month【小题10】A.believedB.expectedC.advisedD.hoped【小题11】A.examB.mistakeC.dutyD.day【小题12】A.decidedB.wantedC.offeredD.tried【小题13】A.alarm clockB.schoolbagC.watchD.bike【小题14】A.as ifB.ifC.even ifD.only if【小题15】A.hadB.usedC.watchedD.bought【小题16】A.itselfB.themC.myselfD.us【小题17】A.coolB.warmC.comfortableD.fresh【小题18】A.afterB.yetC.agoD.before【小题19】A.asB.likeC.fromD.with【小题20】A.rulesB.ideasC.habitsD.dreams - 跟谁学
在线咨询下载客户端关注微信公众号&&&分类:I think that sleeping is the most wonderful thing in the world. While 36 I do nothing, but close my eyes, leaving all my work behind. In fact, I __37 _get up early nearly every morning.My classes begin at 8:00, but the teacher asks us to arrive before 7:15 so we have 38 time to prepare for the class. If you are 39, you’ll lose one point. And when you reach 10 40, parents’ visit to school will be a must. Though I think it’s41, I still don’t want to lose any points.One morning, my alarm clock42. I woke up with a 43and found that it was already 7:00. What was worse. I lost six points in a 44 , that is to say, I was late every day that week. My teacher said that he 45me to be late. My friends joked that my 46was coming soon. I finally47to do something. I bought a new 48. It sings songs on time,49 I shut it down.It’s perfect for a lazy cat like me. The first time I50 it I successfully got up at 6:00 the next morning. Proud of51, I took a deep breath and found that the early morning air is surprisingly 52_. I did some reading, finding that English is really beautiful. I hadn’t realized __53that the morning is so wonderful.“Life is 54 a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re going to get.” Just as Forrest Gump said, sometimes we should break our 55 . You may find that a new way can change things for the better.【小题1】A.tiredB.asleepC.silentD.awake【小题2】A.shallB.canC.used toD.have to【小题3】A.enoughB.noC.ManyD.any【小题4】A.lazyB.sleepyC.lateD.noisy【小题5】A.timesB.pointsC.daysD.classes【小题6】A.surprising B.impossibleC.interesting D.boring【小题7】A.failedB.liedC.soundedD.disappeared【小题8】A.jumpB.thoughtC.startD.dream【小题9】A.classB.dayC.weekD.month【小题10】A.believedB.expectedC.advisedD.hoped【小题11】A.examB.mistakeC.dutyD.day【小题12】A.decidedB.wantedC.offeredD.tried【小题13】A.alarm clockB.schoolbagC.watchD.bike【小题14】A.as ifB.ifC.even ifD.only if【小题15】A.hadB.usedC.watchedD.bought【小题16】A.itselfB.themC.myselfD.us【小题17】A.coolB.warmC.comfortableD.fresh【小题18】A.afterB.yetC.agoD.before【小题19】A.asB.likeC.fromD.with【小题20】A.rulesB.ideasC.habitsD.dreamsI think that sleeping is the most wonderful thing in the world. While 36 I do nothing, but close my eyes, leaving all my work behind. In fact, I __37 _get up early nearly every morning.My classes begin at 8:00, but the teacher asks us to arrive before 7:15 so we have &38 &time to prepare for the class. If you are 39&&, you’ll lose one point. And when you reach 10 40&, parents’ visit to school will be a must. Though I think it’s&41&, I still don’t want to lose any points.One morning, my alarm clock&42&. I woke up with a 43&&and found that it was already 7:00. What was worse. I lost six points in a& 44 , that is to say, I was late every day that week. My teacher said that he 45&&me to be late. My friends joked that my 46&&&was coming soon. I finally&47&&&to do something. I bought a new 48&&. It sings songs on time,&&49 &I shut it down.It’s perfect for a lazy cat like me. The first time I&50 &it I successfully got up at 6:00 the next morning. Proud of&51&, I took a deep breath and found that the early morning air is surprisingly &52_. I did some reading, finding that English is really beautiful. I hadn’t realized __53&&that the morning is so wonderful.“Life is 54 &&a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re going to get.” Just as Forrest Gump said, sometimes we should break our &55 . You may find that a new way can change things for the better.【小题1】A.tiredB.asleepC.silentD.awake【小题2】A.shallB.canC.used toD.have to【小题3】A.enoughB.noC.ManyD.any【小题4】A.lazyB.sleepyC.lateD.noisy【小题5】A.timesB.pointsC.daysD.classes【小题6】A.surprising B.impossibleC.interesting D.boring【小题7】A.failedB.liedC.soundedD.disappeared【小题8】A.jumpB.thoughtC.startD.dream【小题9】A.classB.dayC.weekD.month【小题10】A.believedB.expectedC.advisedD.hoped【小题11】A.examB.mistakeC.dutyD.day【小题12】A.decidedB.wantedC.offeredD.tried【小题13】A.alarm clockB.schoolbagC.watchD.bike【小题14】A.as ifB.ifC.even ifD.only if【小题15】A.hadB.usedC.watchedD.bought【小题16】A.itselfB.themC.myselfD.us【小题17】A.coolB.warmC.comfortableD.fresh【小题18】A.afterB.yetC.agoD.before【小题19】A.asB.likeC.fromD.with【小题20】A.rulesB.ideasC.habitsD.dreams科目:难易度:最佳答案【小题1】B【小题1】D【小题1】A【小题1】C【小题1】B【小题1】D【小题1】A【小题1】C【小题1】C【小题1】B【小题1】D【小题1】A【小题1】A【小题1】C【小题1】B【小题1】C【小题1】D【小题1】D【小题1】B【小题1】C解析 略知识点:&&&&&&基础试题拔高试题热门知识点最新试题
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For the song, see .
from A New Day Has Come
Released: 11 March 2002
Released: 12 August 2002
Released: 18 November 2002
A New Day Has Come is the seventh English-language studio album by Canadian singer , released by
on 22 March 2002. It was her first new
since 1997's . Dion returned to the music scene after a two-year hiatus when she gave birth to her first child. She collaborated on A New Day Has Come with various producers, including
for the first time. Dion's long-time producer and friend, , did not appear on this album.
A New Day Has Come garnered mostly positive reviews from the music critics, who noticed that Dion explores a "broader, more adventurous" range of pop music and "dips its toe" into modern music, particularly dance ("Sorry for Love"). However, the album also contains the usual
songs, including power ballads like "I Surrender" and "", or the title track. Critics also praised "Ten Days", "", "", "When the Wrong One Loves You Right", "The Greatest Reward", and two covers: "" and "".
A New Day Has Come became a commercial success throughout the world and entered number one in more than seventeen countries. It has sold 3.3 million units in the United States and was certified
by the . In Canada, after shipping 600,000 copies, the album was certified . The
certified it
for selling three million units in Europe. Overall, A New Day Has Come has sold twelve million copies worldwide.
The first single, "" was released in March 2002 and peaked inside the top ten in Canada and Europe. In the United States, it reached number twenty-two on the
and broke the record for most weeks at number one on the
chart, staying on top for twenty-one weeks. The next single, "I'm Alive" was issued in August 2002 and also peaked inside the top ten in numerous European countries. The last commercial single, "Goodbye's (The Saddest Word)" was released in November 2002 and performed moderately on the charts, reaching the top forty in Europe.
After the farewell millennium concert on 31 December 1999 in , Dion decided to take a break from the public scene for two years to focus on her family. On 25 January 2001, she gave birth to René-Charles Angelil, her first son. Since then, she had performed publicly only a handful of times, including 21 September 2001, when she sang a live rendition of "" at the
telethon honoring victims of the , and 28 September for Montreal's companion fund-raiser, A Show for Life, singing "".
According to Dion, the album's title, A New Day Has Come, acknowledged a new chapter in her life and career. However, she was also deeply affected by the events of 11 September and wanted the words to serve as a reminder of the tragedy. "It represents my child, because I gave life," Dion said. "Obviously, it also marks my return with a new album. But a new day has also come in the lives of other people because something bad has happened, because we've lost lives, because there's a scar on our world now." Dion struggled over an appropriate image for the cover of the album, feeling that a portrait reflecting her good fortune was in poor taste. She suggested to
that the album cover not include her picture. However, after much discussion, the photo shoot for A New Day Has Come took place in Montreal in late December 2001 with well-renowned photographer . On 30 and 31 January 2002 an additional photo session for the album took place in , on a beach near Dion's home by the French photographer . The album cover for A New Day Has Come by Demarchelier was released on 28 February 2002.
, Dion, and the Sony family began selecting prospective songs at the beginning of 2001, and on 28 August 2001 she started recording vocal tracks for nearly two dozen songs at Montreal's Piccolo Studios. Because of Dion's unwillingness to leave her seven-month-old baby, the album's collaborators traveled to Montreal. "I didn't feel the pressure to try and outdo anything," Dion said of her time in the studio. "I proved myself before, so now I can enjoy. I was relaxed, I just let go. It was such a pleasure." The album was scheduled for release internationally on 25 March 2002 and in North America on 26 March 2002. However, it was first released in Australia, on 22 March 2002.
The "rafter-shaking" ballad with "volcanic instrumentation" that "only a singer with Dion's voice could pull off."
Dion's "first all-out dance anthem" where she holds a twelve second "authentic note that puts the "d" in diva."
Problems playing these files? See .
Most of the producers of the album had worked with Dion before: , , , , , , , , Simon Franglen and . The new ones included Swedish musicians ,
and , French singer
and the US producer Steve Morales. A New Day Has Come showcases Dion's traditional themes of love and hope. She sings ballads alongside several uptempo pop tracks and a pair of standards. The album contains sixteen tracks on the North American version and seventeen on the international editions, including "Super Love".
It features "", the title track, which for Dion represents the birth of her child but "it can mean different things for anyone who has to find strength again"; ", "fun" and "fresh" song from the team that wrote ""l "I Surrender", the album's "bombastic, heart-pounding" ballad which has become a popular song choice for contestants on reality television singing competitions like ; "Sorry for Love", a dance number written and produced by the Swedish team, co- "", a power ballad also written and produced by Bagge and ?str?m; "", an emotional ballad about the death of one's mother which Dion first heard three years prior but turned
"", a 1947 song made popular by
that features Dion accompanied only by piano as originally foreseen symphonic orchest "", a gospel-tinged number first recorded by
in 1941; "Ten Days", a rock-oriented adaptation of "Tomber" (2000) by Gérald de Palmas which was recorded at the last minute after Dion heard the original F "The Greatest Reward", an adaptation of "" (2000) from the French musical , perf and "Aun Existe Amor", a Spanish-language version of Dion's French song "".
On 11 November 2002 in Europe and 19 November 2002 in North America,
released a Limited Edition of A New Day Has Come, which includes the original album, as well as a bonus DVD featuring the "" video, a preview of Dion's Las Vegas show
as well as two previously unreleased tracks, "Coulda Woulda Shoulda" and "All Because of You". The North American Limited Edition includes longer version of "The Greatest Reward" lasting 4:04, instead of original 3:28. On 29 January 2008,
released a Collector's Edition of A New Day Has Come with bonus DVD. The CD contains sixteen tracks from the North American version of the album, including extended version of "The Greatest Reward", and the DVD features four music videos, and behind the scenes footage from making of the album and the "" video.
Dion actively promoted the album, including various television show appearances and concerts. Her
television special was taped on 3 March 2002 at the
and aired on
on 7 April 2002. During the show Dion performed "", "", "", "", "" and a movie medley with the songs "", "" in duet with
and "". She also sang "" and "", but both songs were not broadcast.
joined her to perform together the "/When the Wrong One Loves You Right" medley. On 17 March 2002 Dion taped La spéciale Céline Dion in , France to promote the album in Francophone countries. This television special was broadcast on 30 March 2002 on . During the show she performed "A New Day Has Come", "" in duet with , "" in duet with , "Au bout de mes rêves" with Garou, ,
and Jean-Jacques Goldman, "Ten Days" in duet with Gérald de Palmas, "I'm Alive", "" and "The Greatest Reward".
Dion along with , ,
headlined the , which was hosted by
and held in the . The concert was broadcast live on
on 23 May 2002 to benefit the VH1 Save The Music Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting music and education programs in schools. Other special guest performers included: , ,
and . Dion opened the show performing the 's hit "" in duet with Anastacia. Later, she sang "A New Day Has Come" and "I'm Alive". For the finale, the divas performed a special
medley which included "" sung by Dion. The concert was released on CD and DVD in October 2002.
On 14 September 2002 Dion performed at the charity Concert for World Children's Day, which took place at the
and was under the supervision of . It was broadcast on
on 14 November 2002. She sang "", "My Heart Will Go On", "" in duet with
and "Goodbye's (The Saddest Word)". For the finale, Dion joined other artists to perform with them "Aren't They All Our Children". The concert was released on DVD in December 2002. On 10 October 2002, Dion taped in Paris her second television special for Francophone viewers, entitled Céline Dion à tout prix. She performed "I'm Alive", "Pour que tu m'aimes encore", "" in duet with
and "Ten Days/Tomber" medley with Gérald de Palmas. Dion also performed "" in duet with
and joined
to sing "". The special was broadcast on 22 November 2002 on .
The first single, "" premiered on the radio on 6 February 2002. The music video was shot in mid-February 2002 in
and directed by . It premiered on 13 March 2002 and the CD single was released outside the United States at the same time. "A New Day Has Come" became a top ten hit in Canada and Europe, including number seven in the United Kingdom. In the United States, it was released as an airplay-only track, which led to its peak position on the
at number twenty-two. However, on the U.S. , the song broke the record for most weeks at number one, staying on top for twenty-one weeks.
Also directed by Meyers, the music video for next single, "" was filmed in late May 2002 in
and the song was serviced to radio stations on 7 June 2002. At the same time, two remixes of "I'm Alive" premiered: Humberto Gatica Mix and The Wake Up Mix. The music video debuted on 27 June 2002. "I'm Alive" was also featured in the soundtrack for the movie
and the CD single was released in early August 2002 in Europe, Australia and Canada. The song peaked inside the top ten in various European countries which led to its number two position on the . In the United States, it reached number six on the Hot Adult Contemporary Tracks.
The third and last commercial single, "" was released to radio on 10 October 2002. The music video was filmed in the Ch?teau d'Aunoy castle in France in mid-October 2002 and directed by . It premiered on 21 November 2002 and the CD single was released at the same time in Europe, reaching the top forty in various countries. On the U.S. Hot Adult Contemporary Tracks, "Goodbye's (The Saddest Word)" peaked at number twenty-seven.
released also two promotional singles in the United States: "" and "". The first one was issued after Dion performed the song at the
in May 2002 where she was honoured with a special award for "", which was the first English-language song to top 's
chart. "At Last" was sent to the
radio stations in December 2002 and peaked at number sixteen on the Hot Adult Contemporary Tracks. Although not changed, "" was also included on Dion's next album,
and released as a single in April 2003. The song spent fourteen weeks at number two on the Hot Adult Contemporary Tracks in the United States.
The album garnered generally positive reviews from music critics.
gave it a favorable review, saying that Dion explores a "broader, more adventurous" range of pop music. Among the highlights, he mentioned "Sorry for Love" where Dion "dishes out her first all-out dance anthem" and holds a twelve-second "authentic note that puts the "d" in diva", "" and "When the Wrong One Loves You Right", which he described as "hitworthy uptempo gems", the rock-leaning "Ten Days", and a Spanish track, "". According to Taylor, Dion does not disappoint with ballads like the "rafter-shaking" "I Surrender" where she sings of "forbidden love amid a firestorm of utterly volcanic instrumentation" and "The Greatest Reward", and two standards – the "diamond-dipped" "" and gospel "". He called the album the most "versatile and gratifying" Dion's recording yet. Larry Flick, also from Billboard wrote about another song, "" that "at a time when music is frightfully aggressive and the world at large is fraught with turmoil, a classic Dion power ballad is a warm source of comfort." The track "builds from a gentle, piano-laced opening into a deliciously theatrical, string-framed climax." All along, Dion offers an "appealing palette of vocal colors that range from delicate and breathy to full-bodied and appropriately dramatic."
Chuck Taylor also reviewed all three singles from the album. He wrote that the life-affirming "" "comes off like a gentle exhale against the world's ills." The Ric Wake Radio Remix of "A New Day Has Come" opens with an "-inspired whisper before a shuffle skips in and lifts the song upward like a dove gracefully taking flight." The Album Edit "comes sans the beat, allowing Dion's performance alone to fully color the message." According to him, on both versions Dion "embraces a particularly restrained performance – dramatic enough to steer the track's emotion, but still delicate to offer comfort." "I'm Alive" demonstrates a stylistic "left turn, with its throbbing tribal rhythms and a loose, sky-grazing vocal from Dion." The "percolating" Humberto Gatica Mix "adds juice" to the Album Version, while the uptempo Wake Up Mix, with assistance from
and Richie Jones, is Dion's most "inspired and festive" remix to date, with 's "" woven into the beat to "splendid effect". Taylor criticized the choice of the third single, "", a ballad relegated solely to
radio stations. He noticed that the song is "devastatingly beautiful", offering a loving tribute to one's mother at death's door and that Dion "delivers it with a heaving helping of passion, emotionally drawing one's attention to the devotional message." Although he felt that many will connect to the loss of a parent, on a commercial level, this was a disappointing decision. According to Taylor, songs like "Sorry for Love" and "When the Wrong One Loves You Right" were primed for radio airplay and dancefloor remixes and were ideal candidates for release.
gave the album three and a half out of five stars saying that its construction is "as perfect as it could be." It doesn't "deviate" from Dion's mainstream audience, yet it "dips its toe" into modern music, particularly dance, while "keeping hip" ("Nature Boy"). Although Erlewine described "Rain, Tax (It's Inevitable)" as "bizarre", he wrote that "there's really nothing to fault it on, actually," the album is "more ambitious than it needs to be, covers more stylistic territory than any other Dion record, while never abandoning the middle-of-the- it's a balancing act that nobody since
has been able to pull off." According to Erlewine, the songs aren't "that particularly memorable", "the mood shifts effortlessly, it never seems to stay in one place," but it "never catches hold, either." Sal Cinquemani from
gave A New Day Has Come three out of five stars. According to him, Dion is great at what she does and "if she ever tried anything too edgy she'd probably just sound foolish." Cinquemani disliked "Rain, Tax (It's Inevitable)" but praised "Sorry for Love" on which Dion "gets the
treatment", an unexpected "change of pace that actually works." Among other highlights he mentioned two covers, a "soulful" rendition of "At Last" and a "simple and moving" arrangement of "Nature Boy". He also noticed that the album is "packed" with the usual adult contemporary songs: "I Surrender", a power ballad "only a singer with Dion's voice could pull off," "Ten Days", the guitar-driven "catchy pop-rocker with a surprisingly edgy vocal," "Goodbye's (The Saddest Word)", a track featuring
on backing vocals that "will leave you nauseous or in tears", "I'm Alive", the "uplifting" midtempo number and "A New Day Has Come", the "stirring" title track.
gave the album B-. He felt that A New Day Has Come was "over-arranged" by producers, which works "against Dion's enthusiasm for the wonders of babies and innocence." Nevertheless, he praised the "jaunty disco" of "Sorry for Love", and "Have You Ever Been in Love" which "builds in intensity to sound like "a
movie theme as delivered by Barbra Streisand." Tucker described "Rain, Tax (It's Inevitable)" as the most "idiosyncratic" and "idiomatic" song that Dion has ever recorded. According to the positive review from Mike Ross of , A New Day Has Come "picks up where
left off." Dion's album is a full of "bombast, melodrama and soaring love ballads indistinguishable from anything she's ever done." Attempts at modernity are "spotty", though "welcome". Ross noticed that ballads are the strongest tracks on the album and praised "Goodbye's (The Saddest Word)", with "two soaring key changes" in the same song, which is then launched into a "high Earth orbit of melodrama by an orchestra that would make
blush with envy."
also gave the album favorable review and wrote that the new songs reveal a more "spiritual" and "edgier" Dion. They praised the "uplifting" title track, "heartfelt, country-tinged" "Goodbye's (The Saddest Word)", "anthemic, gospel choir-accented ballad" "Prayer", "bluesy, honky-tonk rocker" "Ten Days", "soaring ballad" "Have You Ever Been in Love", and "solid renditions" of "Nature Boy" and "At Last".
Dion earned two career achievements with the debut of A New Day Has Come in the United States. It became her first album to open at number-one on the
– her fourth number-one overall – and it set a personal best for first-week sales (558,000 units). Previously, 1997's
sold 334,000 in its first week, while 1999's
opened with 303,000. The 558,000 tally became Dion's third largest one-week total, following 640,000 units of All the Way ... A Decade of Song and 624,000 copies of Let's Talk About Love, both during Christmas periods. In the second week, A New Day Has Come fell to number two selling 263,000 copies. It stayed there for another week with sales of 226,000 units. For the next two weeks, A New Day Has Come occupied the number three position and sold 163,000 and 114,000 copies respectively. In the sixth week, it fell to number six selling 101,000 units and in the seventh week it climbed to number two with 143,000 copies sold. A New Day Has Come spent ten weeks inside the top ten on the Billboard 200. On the list of best selling albums of 2002 in the United States, it reached number 12 with sales of 2,645,000 units. In January 2003, it was certified
and as of 5 December 2010, it has sold 3,307,000 copies in the United States.
In Canada, A New Day Has Come debuted at number-one, selling 151,600 copies — more than ten times her nearest competition, 's
(12,200). It stayed at number-one for seven straight weeks marking Dion's longest run at number-one, beating the six-week reign of . It was certified
by the . A New Day Has Come topped the charts in most European countries and was certified Multi-Platinum, Platinum and Gold. After selling three million copies in Europe and spending seven weeks at number-one on the , it was certified
by the . A New Day Has Come also peaked at number-one in Australia and New Zealand and was certified two-times Platinum in both countries.
The album entered number one in more than seventeen countries, becoming the biggest debut of 2002. The commercial success of A New Day Has Come led to its fifth position on the list of best selling albums of 2002, according to the IFPI. It has sold twelve million copies worldwide.
In 2003, Dion won the
for Favorite Adult Contemporary Artist and was nominated for Favorite Pop/Rock Female Artist. She also won
for Hot Adult Contemporary Artist and was nominated for Top Pop Catalog Artist and Hot Adult Contemporary Track (""). Dion also won the following awards:
for Artist of the Year Achieving the Most Success in a Language Other Than French,
for Best Selling Foreign Release (A New Day Has Come),
for Best Selling International Album (A New Day Has Come) and
for International Female Artist of the Year. "A New Day Has Come" also won
for Most Performed Song, and three
in categories: Pop Music, International Achievement and Classic Songs. Dion was also nominated for four , including: , ,
(A New Day Has Come) and
("A New Day Has Come"). Nominations for other awards include:
for Favourite Female Musical Performer,
for International Female Artist of the Year and
for "A New Day Has Come" music video.
Richie Jones
"Right in Front of You"
Steve Morales
"Rain, Tax (It's Inevitable)"
"" (Radio Remix)
Christian B.
"Ten Days"
"I Surrender"
Simon Franglen
"Super Love" (International versions only)
"Sorry for Love"
Ignacio Ballesteros-Diaz
Vito Luprano
"The Greatest Reward"
Lionel Florence
Patrice Guirao
"When the Wrong One Loves You Right"
Francis Galluccio
Marjorie Maye
"A New Day Has Come"
"All Because of You"
Burton Collins
Lisa Scott
Christi Dannemiller
"Coulda Woulda Shoulda"
"I'm Alive" (music video) (international version)
" preview"
"A New Day Has Come" (music video)
"Have You Ever Been in Love" (music video)
"Goodbye's (The Saddest Word)" (music video)
"I'm Alive" (music video)
"Making of the album"
"Making of "A New Day Has Come" video"
""Have You Ever Been in Love" in the studio"
"Photo Gallery"
Note: the table below includes peaks inside Top 200 only
Credits taken from .
– arranger, bass, drum programming, keyboards, producer, programming
John Amatiello – digital editing, pro-tools
Magnus Anderson – assistant engineer
Fredrik Andersson – string engineer
Jim Annunziato – engineer
– digital editing
– arranger, engineer, producer, background vocals
Janie Barnett – background vocals
Tom Bender – mixing assistant
Francis Benítez – background vocals
Dushyant Bhakta – engineer
– engineer, acoustic guitar, electric guitar
– producer
Chris Brooke – assistant, assistant engineer, engineer, mixing assistant
Marcus Brown – bass, drums, keyboard programming, percussion
Jorge Calandrelli – conductor, orchestral arrangements, piano
– guitar, producer, background vocals
Jennifer Carr – background vocals
Sue Ann Carwell – background vocals
Dorian Cheah – electric guitar
Chiquito – assistant engineer
Sébastien Chouard – guitar
Christian B. – producer, programming
– engineer, pro-tools
Datz Pyle – orchestra contractor
Rich Davis – production coordination
Matthew Dellapolla – scoring consultant
– engineer
Joey Diggs – background vocals
– liner notes, primary artist, background vocals
Peter Doell – engineer, recording
Margaret Dorn – background vocals
Felipe Elgueta – engineer, synthesizer programming
Mark Eshelman – scoring crew
Keith Fluitt – background vocals
Peter Fogselius – mixing assistant
Kevin Fox – cello
Simon Franglen – arranger, keyboards, producer, synthesizer programming
Michel Gallone – assistant, assistant engineer
– arranger, engineer, mixing, mixing engineer, producer, vocal engineer
– string arrangements, string conductor
Mary Griffin – background vocals
– string arrangements, string conductor
– background vocals
Dan Hetzel – engineer
Simon Hurrell – engineer, track engineer
– string arrangements, string conductor
Uli Janson – string arrangements, string conductor
– background vocals
Richie Jones – drum programming, guitar, producer
Steven Kadison – assistant, mastering assistant
– guest artist, background vocals
– guitar, keyboard programming
– guitar, producer, background vocals
Thomas Lindberg – bass
Jason Lloyd – scoring crew
Bernard L?hr – mixing, string engineer
– keyboards, mixing, producer, programming
Vito Luprano – executive producer, producer
Nick Marshall – assistant engineer
Vladimir Meller – compilation mastering, mastering
Steve Morales – arranger, MIDI programming, producer, background vocals
Maryanne Morgan – background vocals
Pablo Munguia – assistant engineer
– producer
– producer
Kenny O'Brien – vocal arrangement, vocal editing, background vocals
Esbj?rn ?hrwall – guitar
Jeanette Olsson – background vocals
Rafael Padilla – percussion
– background vocals
Woody Pornpitaksuk – compilation editing
– arranger, keyboards
Steve Prestage – engineer
Dave Reitzas – engineer
– background vocals
– arranger, drum programming, producer, synthesizer
Maggie Rodford – string coordinator
– conductor, orchestral arrangements, string arrangements
Mark Russell – production coordination
Sakai – background vocals
Denis Savage – assistant engineer, vocal engineer
Dave Scheuer – engineer
– keyboards
Harry "Slick" Sommerdahl – piano
Tony Stanton – copyist
Stockholm Session Orchestra – strings
Shane Stoner – engineer
Nick Thomas – engineer
Shelene Thomas – background vocals
Michael Hart Thompson – guitar
– background vocals
– producer
Dan Warner – guitar (acoustic), guitar (electric)
– background vocals
Patrick Weber – stage technician
Yvonne Williams – background vocals
Joe Wohlmuth – digital editing
Nick Wollage – string engineer
Jennifer Young – assistant engineer
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(in German). Hung Medien 2014.
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(in Danish). IFPI Denmark 2014.
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(in Japanese). RIAJ 2014.
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