那里的价格也很实惠的 翻译翻译

它有最好的食物和最友好的服务;但是那儿的价钱比其它两家稍微高一点.it has the best food and the most friendly service.But the price there is a little higher than the other two restaurants.
it has the b but the price there is a bit higher than the other two restaurant.希望对您有帮助
It has the best food and the friendliest service,but it's expensive than the other two little bit higher.
没用过 ,但听说貌似没用的吧,而且对身体不好
It has the most delicious food and best
service, but the price there is a little bit higher than the other two.英语翻译 我去了一家kfc 那里的服务很好 食物味道非常棒 价格便宜_百度作业帮
英语翻译 我去了一家kfc 那里的服务很好 食物味道非常棒 价格便宜
英语翻译 我去了一家kfc 那里的服务很好 食物味道非常棒 价格便宜
I went to a KFC,where the service was good,the food was delicious and it was cheap,too.
I went to a KFC where the service was very good ,food tasted great and the price was low.
I went to a KFC where the waiter's attitude was nice, the food tasted good, and the price was cheap最好的中英文翻译机哪里有卖?价格怎么样?
我前段时间买的一款翻译机还不错的,是五寸屏幕的,手写输入可以自由整句翻译,然后比如购物问路等等的常见场景内机器还支持语音识别,我们说中文,机子就会说英文了!比较适合我用,有需要的话去淘宝搜他们的店铺名称是 子盈数码馆,掌柜旺旺 问学堂授权正品店
& &SOGOU - 京ICP证050897号英语翻译你竟然知道“动物园”?看来你很了解北京哦,到时候我可以带你去那买东西,那的衣服很好看,而且价格都可以对半砍,呵呵!你来中国会遇到很多困难,虽然我们我们很好的沟通,但是我_百度作业帮
"Really? You even know the "zoo"? It seems you know Beijing quite well. Well, someday I might take you there for shopping because the clothes there are pretty and the price can be lowered to only half of it. Hurrah! You may come across many difficulties in China, which I can well imagine though we don't have very good communication. I also hope you will work hard at Chinese, haha."呵呵
Are you kidding that you should know the zoo?It seems that you have a good idea of Beijing.I may go shopping with you at that time. The clothes there are pretty and you can bargain into half the ...
"Really? You even know the "zoo"? It seems you know Beijing quite well. Well, someday I might take you there for shopping because the clothes there are pretty and the price can be lowered to only half...
"No? Do unexpectedly you know " the zoo "? It seems you know Beijing well, I can take you to that to do shopping then, the clothes of that are very goodlooking, and can all be cut half-and-half at the...
"No? Do unexpectedly you know " the zoo "? It seems you know Beijing well, I can take you to that to do shopping then, the clothes of that are very goodlooking, and can all be cut half-and-half at the price, oh! You come China will meet a lot diffic , haha&& 查看话题
一篇文章投国外SCI审稿minor revisions,审稿意见推荐找相关SCI英文修改公司对英语进行润色。文章是关于知识评价算法方面的,有没有推荐,谢谢。
我用过这个英文润色和修改的两次,当时是帮我找的美国博士或博后。个要感觉只是修改语言,没有问题,/ 找上海伊莱锦公司改稿,挺不错的。他们与国外高校合作。 / 好贵呀,这篇文章要近5000 Originally posted by yiqiang126 at
找上海伊莱锦公司改稿,挺不错的。他们与国外高校合作。 没有搜索到上海伊莱锦公司的信息呀
可以提供个网站吧 elixigen
给兄弟多撒点金币呗,先谢了。我的4篇SCI都是他们改的。 Originally posted by yiqiang126 at
elixigen &&
给兄弟多撒点金币呗,先谢了。我的4篇SCI都是他们改的。 好说,兄弟,你这个邮箱是找他直接联系吗?没有网站吗?
价钱怎么算 你直接发邮件,他们公司会给你回复告诉你的程序和收费标准的,以及时间等等。 : Originally posted by yiqiang126 at
找上海伊莱锦公司改稿,挺不错的。他们与国外高校合作。 ELIXIGEN 服务真的不好,时间拖延厉害,价格也不便宜。而且出现了多次修改错误
好多真正的国外公司,价格和时间期限方面比他们做得好多了 认识一个英国本土润色论文的,价格便宜,质量不错,有意向的加qq咨询:


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