the sea is boundless,i seawillbill grasp your claws.是什么意思

the sea is boundless,i will grasp your claws.是什么意思_百度知道
the sea is boundless,i will grasp your claws.是什么意思
the sea is boundless,i wil畅窢扳喝殖估帮台爆郡l grasp your claws.大海是无边无际的,我要抓住你的手(爪子)。
(北京大学)美式英语发音课2014年秋季训练 79273字 投稿:熊谟谠
引导学生自学的方法 (1)自学整册教材每学期开学第一节语文课,我都喜欢问学生:“这册新书学得怎么样了?”很多同学回答:“自学完了1“自学完了怎么办?”“期末考试,检查自学成果1“什么时间考?”“明天。” 有时我们开学第二天就进行期末考试,也有时开学第…
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2 1 年第 1 期 00 1教 师 展 论 坛 — —疆 ~、净:二 兰/ 一县 级 教 研 室 对 教 师 专 业 化 成 长 过 程 干 预 模 式 的 研 究 石敬 珠 李 守华 王 通 ( 苏省 泗 阳县教 育 局教研 室 江 23 0 )…
(Phonetic Training in American English Pronunciation)
Instructor: Jinpeng, Han (Hans)
Introduction-----Class Description
Week One : Every dog has his lot.---Pronunciation: [a]
Week Two: It also rains Cats ---Pronunciation [ae]
Week Three: All roads lead to Rome---- [o]
Week Four : Language makes faces----[e]
Week Five: The Law is Naughty ---[?]
Week Six: In the house of sound ---[au]
Quiz (30%)
Week Seven: The function of fun---[?]
Week eight: The pet has a friend that never forgets ---[?]
Week Nine: It would if it could ---[u]
Week Ten: The early worm and the late bird--- [?]
Week Eleven: Where the dear sleeps---[i]
Week Twelve: A sigh and a joy ---[ɑ?]&[??]
Week Thirteen: Footsteps in the corridor(I) ---辅音(consonants)
[p] [b] [t] [d] [k] [g] [f] [v] [s] [?] [θ] [z] [?] [?] [h] [?] [?][m][n] [?][1] [r][w] [j]
Week Fourteen: On the Smooth Way---Conjunction and Rhythm
Final Exam (40%)
An Introduction: -----
Emotional, Physical and Rhythmical approaches in Phonetic
I. Conjunction is Everywhere:
He and I went there.
I think he is.
They thought he did it.
She met her at the station.
All his friends are here.
The book is a must.
You must ask him.
Part of the work is done.
I think I shall.
I shall be glad to go.
Some are better than others.
Let’s have some ice cream.
They asked us to join them. I can do it.
He could do it if he could.
How do I know?
I suppose he does.
What is it for?
It was all I had.
Jane had done it.
John has found it.
2. Rhythm Checking Practice:
1. Iambic:
The trip was good. The food was great. The class was fun.
2. Trochaic: [I
Susan got the ticket. Lucy lost the chance.
3. Anapestic:[ O O I ] It was H he was mad. They were twins.
4. Dactylic: [ I O O ]
Smiling through tears he was running to John.
5. Spondaic: [ I
One two, three four, shut the door.
II. Let’s feel the rhythm of everyday language:
We tend to stress the accentuated syllable of nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs in daily communication. It is potentially changeable at each emotional input.
1. If only this rain would stop!
2. I’d like to change my reservation. O
3. He will turn his back on me if I ask for money.
O O I O I O O // O O I O I O
4. Lucy was offered a scholarship from Harvard.
5. The trip was a wonderful experience. O I
III. Form a Habit.
Whose woods these are I think I know. His house is in the village, He will not
see me stopping here to watch his woods fill up with snow.
My little horse must
think it queer to stop without a farmhouse near between the woods and frozen lake---
the darkest evening of the year.
He gives his harness bells a shake to ask if there is
some mistake.
The only other sound's the sweep of easy wind and downy flake.
These woods are lovely, dark, and deep, but I have promises to keep, and miles to go
before I sleep, and miles to go before I sleep.
IV. Reading Practice:
Whose woods these are I think I know.
His house is in the village,
He will not see me stopping here
To watch his woods fill up with snow.
My little horse must think it queer
To stop without a farmhouse near
Between the woods and frozen lake
The darkest evening of the year.
He gives his harness bells a shake
To ask if there is some mistake.
The only other sound's the sweep
Of easy wind and downy flake.
The woods are lovely, dark, and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.
V. A passage: meaning groups, conjunction and rhythm.
It is natural// for young people //to be critical of their parents at times //and to blame them //for most of the misunderstandings// between them. //They have always complained, //more or less justly, //that their parents are out of touch// with modern ways, //that// they are possessive and dominant, //and that //they do not trust their children //to deal with crises. //They talk too much// about problems// and they have no sense of humor, //at least// in parent-child relationships.
I think// it is true// that parents often// underestimate //their teenage
children// and also// forget// how they themselves felt //when young.
Young people often irritate their parents// with their choices// in clothes and hairstyles, //in entertainers and music. //This is not their motive. //They feel cut off //from the adult world //into which //they have not yet been accepted.// So //they create a culture and society of their own. //Then, if// it turns out //that their music and entertainers// or vocabulary or clothes or hairstyles// irritate their parents, //this gives them additional enjoyment. //They feel //they are superior, //at least// in a small way, //and that //they are leaders// in style and taste.
Sometimes //you are resistant and proud, //because you do not want your parents// to approve//of what you do.// If they did approve, // it looks // as if you are betraying// your own age group.// But in that case, //you are assuming //that you are the underdog:// you can't win //but at least// you can keep your honor. //This is a passive way //of looking at things.// It is natural enough// after long years of childhood, //when you are completely// under parents' control.// But it ignores the fact // that you are now beginning// to be responsible for yourself.
Pronunciation: [a] 口型张到自然状态下最大,圆唇。
Word Reading
honest modest
Phrase practice: Fill in the blanks with an expression with pronunciation [a] in it according to the marked rhythms and read it out.
1. Not a lot
not ___________( O
2. A man of property
a man ____________(O I O O)
3. Forgot to knock
__________( O
4. A pot of fog
a pot ____________(O
5. Jog and nod
jog __________( O
6. Follow the frog
follow ____________( O
7. Mock and rob
mock ________ (O
8. adopt a dog
adopt ___________( O
9. a symbolic world
a(n) ________ world (O
10. wash the pot
wash _________ (O
1. An Honest fox
a(n)_______________ fox ( I
2. A hostile frog
a(n) _________ frog (I
3. knowledge rots
4. solid rocks
______________rock (I
5. a Modest shop
a ____________ shop (I
6. proper copy
proper __________ (I
7. positive option
positive______________( I
8. Flocks of moths
___________ moths (I
9. a pocket of dollars
a pocket of _________( I
10. An oddest job
a(n) ___________ job ( I
1. Popular music
____________ music (I
2. A prosperous economy
a _______________ economy (I
3. a positive option
a(n)_____________option (I
4. frosty October
frosty ___________( I
5. moderate smog
______________ smog (I
6. a prophet’s property
a prophet’s ___________ (I
7. Ironic offer
______________ offer (O
8. polish a logic
___________ (O
9. A bottle of cocktail
a bottle ___________( O
10. A mocking dolphin
_________________dolphin (O
Sentence Practice: follow the syntax and replace the underlined expression with a word or an expression with Pronunciation: [a] in it either by inventing a new one or by choosing one keep in mind the fluency and rhythm in English.
1. It’s so
2. I’ve got to get a 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Tom’s major is sociology, while Jim’s is
21. 22. 23. 24. 25. My dog’s hobby is to jump
Sound Bank:
Read each of them loud and clear and figure out interesting sentences that adopt the following words as many as possible. Make English rock!
rock Hollywood
obdurate bobby
rot solitary
olive prosecution
prominent conglomerate
gosh frosty fossilized hop ironic moderation
provident moth
evolve flock
scholar smog
rob bottle
chronic comet
commentary doctor domicile
dolphin eardrop
embody follow
monitor nominal
nominate offspring optimism
oxide project propaganda
property prophet
rod sovereign toss toggle
offset option technology
plot observation
operative dissolve
dodge oblong shoddy
holly quality
commodity closet socket
A Passage Reading: be loud. Invest emotional power in your reading.
1. Tom lost his job and Bob lost his dog. So they talked to the god. The god promised to offer Tom a job, but offered Bob a frog instead of a dog.
2. I was so agog at the amazing volume that I could not stop reading it even when I was mopping the floor.
3. Every girl wants lots of cosmetics and costumes, toxic or not. Their faces all look like copies of plastic models. But what does a boy want: a biological life or a robot’s?
4. The government adopted a new policy to solve the problem. The problem is about the economic. The object of the policy is to offer the jobs to workers.
5. One day, Bob’s swallow picked him a dolly from the dock. There was a knob-like nose on her little oblong face. Her red socks were of good quality, but her dress was shoddy. Weird as she looked, Bob liked her and made a home for her in his closet.
6. A toxic frog is hiding under the crops. Then a podgy man passed and a clock dropped out from his pocket. The clock looked odd and had some rotting spots on it.
[ar]组合音 由于卷舌音的影响,成为中等口型
bondage orange
Choose an answer with pronunciation [a] in each sentence from the four choices and read the sentence aloud.
1. Bob forgot to __________ his door.
2. He’s at ____________ with his boss.
C. outrage
3. Every dog’s got his _________.
4. Cops take to ______________.
A. fortresses
D. gossips
5. Bob_________ God that he will offer his dog a box.
A. provokes
B. proves to
C. promises
D. reports to
6. Bob tried to _____________himself, but he could not.
A. compose
7. The model whose hobby is _______ music lost her job in Hollywood.
C. classic
D. popular
8. Why not ask __________.
9. There is a __________in the bottom of the pot.
B. rooster
D. lobster
10. The _________ lost her clock in Los Angeles.
B. countess
C. accountant
11. I dropped the __________ while crossing the street.
D. founder
12. They adopted a new _________for making steel.
C. process
13. The doctor ate an ___________.
A. octopus
C. orthodox
14. It’s uncommon that Jack and Bob are __________ together.
D. shopping
15. Bob locked the dog in his ________ and forgot it.
D. fortress
Iv. A Doggerel Play of Pronunciation
He that Promises
The one that promises a lot will take a lot,
like a god whose occupation is to mock
at the honest and snob with his boss.
He has not an
He has not a pocket but filled with lottery.
His job may not look as solid like rock
but he got as much as Golfer and Potter.
Worship him not, nor chop his head off,
Coz he stops and doffs and smiles a lot
your door he knocks and pops up as an optimist.
Hate him not,
A coffee hot often than not
will properly produce in his eyes
the softest drops of humanity.
cap cope peck pray paw plum
Pronunciation [ae] 大口型发音。口型在[a]位置咧嘴拉伸。
Word Reading
ladder pattern
chance glance
candid cancel
Phrase practice: Fill in the blanks with an expression with pronunciation [ae] in it according to the marked rhythms and read it out.
A happy bag
A happy _______________ (I)
a handsome cab
a handsome ____________(I)
the magic of habit
the magic of __________( I
A tap on the back
A tap on ___________ (O
a matter of fact
a matter of ___________ (I)
angry apples
angry ______________( I
to capture the lamb
to ___________the lamb (I
rats and cats
rats ____________ (O
an Attractive accent
______________accent (O
a pact of action
a pact of ______________ (I
passionate fans
______________ fans (I
An intact answer
_______________answer (I
a pack of rabbits
a pack of ______________ (I
Candid aspects
Candid______________ (I
a flash of anger
a flash of_____________ (I
dramatic Jazz
_______________ Jazz (O
Lack of frankness
Lack of _____________
back to Paris
back to ________________( I
Fancy flags
Fancy ______________ (I)
exams and matches
exams and ______________ (I
the shadow of grass
the _______________ of grass (I
Fragments and patches
___________ and patches (I
A planet of glass
A planet of ___________ (I)
fragile and flat
fragile ________ (O
Clashing daggers
_____________ daggers (I
valid and accurate
_____________and accurate (I
a disastrous outcome
a (n) ______________ outcome ( O
Pans and cans
Pans ____________ (O
matchless faculty
matchless __________ (I
a master’s craft
a master’s ________ (I)
a passage of paradox
a passage of ____________( I
Sentence Practice: follow the syntax and replace the underlined expression with a word or an expression with Pronunciation
[ae] in it either by inventing a new one or by choosing one keep in mind the fluency and rhythm in English.
1. Do not ask me, Tom.
7. 8. 9. 10. 11.
13. There’14. 15.
16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24.
25. 26. 27. 28.
29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35.
II. Passage Reading: make loud and clear practice on the two vowel sound we have just learned.
Add love to a house and you have a home. Add righteousness to a city and you have a community. Add truth to the pile of red bricks and you have a school. Add religion to the humblest of edifices and you have a sanctuary. Add justice to human endeavor and you have civilization.
Last night, after our American English expression class, the weather became so bad, because it rained heavily. The only thing we could do was to wait. Half an hour had past, it was raining ever harder, so we decided to go home over in the rain. When I arrived home, my clothes were all wet and I was like a drowned rat.
A doctor named Bob came home from the hospital very late. He was so tired that he wanted to have a bath. But to his surprise, the water heater did not work as normal and he could not fix it. So he asked his mom for help. His mom, an old lady with black hair, canceled her original plan for holiday to help her son. She noticed that one pipe in the water heater was broken and fixed it. At last, the doctor took a bath and slept well.
4. It was Saturday and Anne was happy. She had a fat but handsome man. They went shopping and suddenly, a magic hat caught their eyes.
5. Hackers break into your computer not with a hammer but with their talent. They are not like quacks who talk a lot and your massive material will be lost in no time. Though evolution of security mechanism is fast, hackers can always bypass them. So, want to keep away from hacker? Hammer your computer, that's the only way.
6. There is a fantastic land somewhere in the world. You can cast a glance at the map. Apples there are red and big, cats dance around the dam and carrot and candy drop off the cloud. There’s no bad news or sad things, where happiness reigns forever.
7. When Mary was a little girl, she wanted to be a ballet dancer. So she often asked her aunt, Jane, who was a good dance teacher. But her dad, Mac, didn’t support her because he thought she didn’t have the talent. Thus ended her dance dream.
8. There are many cats on the campus and most are fat because students and other habitants always feed them. They often chat with the cats.
9. A daydream: you have a grandmother who lives in a fantastic castle, but you never know about her existence. Then she dies of cancer and will leave you a tremendous treasure, including the castle. And you will also own her crystal lamps, her beautiful wagon and even her panda!
10. A man walked on the narrow street with a package in hand. In a flash, he was stabbed by a handsome guy who was on the back of a kangaroo. Police said that the man was an advertising manager, pretty good at basketball and fossil fragment analysis.
Iii. Sound Bank:
Read and remember. Make your English sing. Invest physical and emotional power in word reading.
Hacker hammer
impact Compatible
intact contact
Kangaroo nap
knack lacerate
rankle savage apple
fraction lamb
began paragraph
glass frank
salary grand
tablet scandal
panic damp
basketball garage
angle practical
I. A Doggerel Play of Pronunciation:
What Dad says
Fat is bad, don’t panic nor be glad.
Your cat is right: you gotta go back and ask your dad,
Who’ll tap your back and make you relax:
Money matters not as the fact that time we lack.
There is the lad who’s young, and flat, and a little black
With an empty bag, but he is happy, kind,
Nothing he has, and all in rags, but not shabby,
Coz he becomes a daddy, and his lovely lass
After class and pour him coffee in his glass.
She’s born a dancer and likes to chat
She has an answer that pleases dad.
Passing the ham, she stamps her feet,
Lighting the candle, she handles it neat.
So that is what we madly need,
Laugh you not, that’s candid indeed.
Face will crack, hands will slag
Eyes go blank, legs will drag.
Money can clank, like music bad
All plan to listen, but no one is glad.
Gain some weight, don’t’ call it fat
Sleep good sleeps, as learned from the cat.
Coz that’s your battery and create reverie,
Thin people crash, and you land safely.
Home Assignments
1. Fill in the blanks with an expression with pronunciation [ae] in it according to the marked rhythms.
1. not ___________( O
2. a man ____________(O
__________( O
4. a pot ____________(O
5. jog __________( O
6. follow ____________( O
7. mock ________ (O
8. adopt ___________( O
9. a ________ world (O
10. to wash _________ (O
11. a(n)_______________ fox ( I
12. a(n) _________ frog (I
13. ______________rots(I
14. ______________rock (I
15. a ____________ shop (I
16. proper __________ (I
17. positive______________( I
18. ___________ moths (I
19. a pocket of _________( I
20. a(n) ___________ job ( I
21. ____________ music (I
22. _______________ economy (I
23. a(n)_____________option (I
24. frosty ___________( I
25. ______________ smog (I
26. a prophet’s ___________ (I
27. ______________ offer (O
28. To polish
___________ (O
29. a bottle ___________( O
30. _________________dolphin (O
2. Sentence Practice: follow the syntax and fill in the blanks with a word or an expression with Pronunciation
[ae] in it either by inventing a new one or by choosing one keep in mind the fluency and rhythm in English.
1. It’s so __________ in here.
2. I’ve got to get a ________________ degree.
3. Doctor, check the ______________please.
4. My pocket is full of ________________.
5. His office is _____________ from the volleyball court.
6. ______________ is an idea, not real.
7. ____________ is the product of modern science.
8. He ______________ his failure of his office.
9. _______________ loves pop music.
10. Every doctrine in this book is _______________.
11. Do not ___________ my frog! Bob!
12. They spotted the lobster under a huge _____________.
13. He has ______________this problem.
14. He forgot the _________when the clock started to ring.
15. He never got the _____________.
16. There are lots of ____________in front of the lobby.
17. That is a solid no for your_________.
18. A ___________________ is sitting in the clock.
19. A fox was saved by a big ____________in the flood.
20. Tom’s major is sociology, while Jim’s is _____________.
21. Their common hobby is _________________.
22. God invents _______________to make life meaningful.
23. It is not easy to accomplish the ___________ on this foggy and hot day!
24. Bob promised his ___________ to do better on theology and geography.
25. My dog’s hobby is to jump on top of a _____________.
3. Choose an answer with pronunciation [ae] in it for each sentence from the four choices below and read the sentence aloud.
1. The ___________answered frankly.
2. People _________ away in panic.
3. They are standing on the ___________, hand in hand.
A. A. plane
B. platform
4. I haven’t even started ___________ yet.
A. A. staying
B. packing
C. slaying
D. painting
5. Janet wants to have a _________with me.
A. A. choice
6. Sally missed her train_________ night.
A. A. late
7. That’s too bad. She must be __________.
A. shattered
B. shocked
8. They __________ the chickens in the napkin.
A. A. held
B. hatched
C. harnesses
9. Pass the ________ to me, Jack.
A. A. harmer
10. Face the fact and accept the _________.
A. A. change
B. chopper
C. charmer
D. challenge
11. The writer has a fashion column in a magazine.
A. A. plane
B. magazine
12. They must have a proper _____________.
A. A. armor
C. almanac
13. The black robot can’t take a _____________.
A. A. boss
14. How about spending our holidays at ______________ University?
A. A. Harvard
B. Hopkins
C. New Orleans
D. Stanford
15. I am on the top of the _______.
A. A. lottery
Week Three:
[o] 这个音是一个圆唇的音。发音时,舌后部向软腭抬起,舌面平儿后缩。肌肉紧张,双唇呈圆形,突出。如果这个音的后面是清辅音,美语里面读成[ou]
Word reading
Phrase practice: Fill in the blanks with an expression with pronunciation [o] in it according to the marked rhythms and read it out.
An old pope
A(n)_____________pope (I)
To hold to hope
to __________ hope (I
A hero’s motive
a hero’s _________ ( I
focus on the toes
focus on __________( O
close the window
close __________ (O
Moan and groan
______ (I) and ______ (I)
echoes of tomorrow
echoes of ___________ (O
the role of foes
the role of __________ (I)
Rose and lotus
rose and _________ (I
unload your woes
unload __________ (O
the devoted folks
the _____________folks (O
to Provoke ghosts
to ___________ghosts (O
poems and quotes
poems __________ (O
tomatoes and potatoes
tomatoes and __________ (O
snow on the meadow
snow on the ___________ (I
the goats in the photo
_________in the photo (I)
Boasts and slogans
boasts and ___________ (I
choked by jokes
__________ jokes (I
mottos of the toad
mottos of _________( O
Morose and remote
___________ and remote (O
hollow and narrow
hollow and _________ ( I
the frozen roads
the frozen __________ (I)
Grow and flow
grow and ________( I)
Sentence Practice: follow the syntax and replace the underlined expression with a word or an expression with Pronunciation [o] in it either by inventing a new one or by choosing one keep in mind the fluency and rhythm in English.
6. 7. You’ll have to buy
8. 9. 10. road.
. Put on your coat and let’s go skating on the frozen
24. So I prayed on New Year’ 31. He came to a remote village and devoted his life to special education.
II. Passage reading.
1. When I looked out the window, I saw a fat cat arguing with a dog who wore a black hat. The cat lost her map, and she thought the bad dog stole it. She asked why? He said:”No, it’s only a joke”, and he used his nose to rub the cat's soft toes. Obviously, the dog fell in love with the cat. So they eloped.
2. In many developed countries, because of high level of the medical treatment and the good social welfare system, the population’s aging process is rapid and at the same time causing too many problems to society. For some countries,
compared with the economic scale, the aging problem seems not to be that bad. But, for others, an aging population is going to be a challenge for both public health and economic development. In this situation, some may ask: Is there any hope to solve this problem? To solve this problem will be a very long-term project.
3. Joe, a well-known doctor who has a very happy family says the key to
happiness is to treat what you do as a hobby more than responsibility. He works carefully and also full of passion .Moreover, he uses his spared time to treat the local old people free of charge and writes novels, some of which are even published in very popular magazines.
4. Whose woods these are I think I know.
His house is in the village,
He will not see me stopping here
To watch his woods fill up with snow.
5. Even though your new “career” has begun, you can’t afford to stop thinking
about your future income. Chances are, you are going to need it for many years to come. You have to plan today for a more secure tomorrow. Don’t let go of any chance and hold fast to your hope!
6. I hope that pope is a cat, not a frog. I may even laugh if he is not wearing his known rag. I guess this passage is going to make him mad, but it is only my hobby, though without logic. Don’t have any crush on pope, pope is only a mythology.
iii. Sound Bank:
1. He was bored of the ignored life in the laboratory.
2. The porter walked toward the sea.
3. The days aboard were boring.
4. Oh, look at the downpour.
5. He was a notorious economist.
IV. A Doggerel Play of Pronunciation:
Go and catch the floating boat
Down the road of summer snow!
Joe and Jack, Bob and Rose,
jokers at pokers, posers in the photos,
those who flow into the old Rome!
Go and meet the noble ghost
and ask for a dose from this bogy host,
Those who know what love and hope
can show the best and hide the most.
But no one saw the floating boat
down the road of summer snow.
Only those immortal souls
with toes of air and hair of crows,
in grace grow and in love glow
with mottos none but cares aflow
can hold for a blissful moment of woe
the transient sight of the floating boat
down the road of summer snow!
cold creed
[g] 爆破音,嘴巴微张,舌后部向软腭抬起,气流轻轻冲出,声带振动
Home Assignments
1. Fill in the blanks with an expression with pronunciation [o] in it according to the marked rhythms.
1. A happy _______________ (I)
2. a handsome ____________(I)
3. the magic of __________( I
4. A tap on ___________ (O
5. a matter of ___________ (I)
6. angry ______________( I
7. to ___________the lamb (I
8. rats ____________ (O
______________accent (O
10. a pact of ______________ (I
11. ______________ fans (I
_______________answer (I
13. a pack of ______________ (I
14. Candid______________ (I
31. a flash of_____________ (I
_______________ Jazz (O
O) Lack of _____________
back to ________________( I
O) Fancy ______________ (I)
exams and ______________ (I
the _______________ of grass (I
O) ___________ and patches (I
O) A planet of ___________ (I)
fragile ________ (O
I) _____________ daggers (I
_____________and accurate (I
O) a (n) ______________ outcome ( O
O) Pans ____________ (O
matchless __________ (I
a master’s ________ (I)
a passage of ____________( I
Sentence Practice: follow the syntax and fill in the blanks with a word or an expression with Pronunciation: [o] in it either by inventing a new one or by choosing one keep in mind the fluency and rhythm in English.
1. Do not ask me, Tom.
Ask __________about it.
2. Both mom and _______________ will attend my graduation ceremony.
Don’t _____________ me into this business.
4. The magpie got a beautiful ______________ in the maple tree.
5. This ______________is from Oxford.
6. Newton would’ve had a different response if had dropped on his head.
7. The earth needs ecological ________________.
8. _____________any possible chance in your life!
9. Doctor Wang was ___________ from this conference.
10. The ____________ of atomic power has witnessed a new era.
11. The sponsor was very _______________.
12. There’re interesting ____________ in the comedy.
13. This animal has many ____________.
14. He likes jogging and playing ______________.
15. The piled ___________ outside his house astonished him.
16. He took ____________ jobs to support the family.
17. In Colorado, Jack was ____________ by a robber with a dagger.
18. I like frogs and ___________.
19. Take care of your body and your family will be ___________.
20. Deposits can be made at any ____________ of the bank.
21. I can't tolerate the speed of my ____________.
22. This ____________ makes her a goddess.
23. The scholar used to be a ______________.
24. It is obvious that the answers he gave us do not __________the questions.
25. __________ of the people were watching the game.
26. The______________ in the door invited stars.
27. I can _________ how angry he would be when he knew he has been
28. Look at the __________in the fog.
29. This shop belongs to my ___________.
30. Can you _____________her novel?
31. Aristotle devoted much attention to _____________ problems.
32. Some prominent scientists have finally __________ the flat-earth theory.
33. A cat was lost in the ____________.
34. We have to learn how to act and__________.
35. She was ___________ by the magic of language.
Choose an answer with pronunciation [o] in it for each sentence from the four choices below.
1. When I opened the door this morning, I was surprised that it had ________ last night.
D. stopped
2. An old man wore a black coat standing by the road and holding _______ in his hands.
B. thoughts
C. robbers
3. Oh, Gosh! Look at the ________!
B. downpour
4. The old widow __________ her goat to them.
A. bestowed
B. donated
5. Hope is so indispensable that the _______you lose it, there will be no tomorrow.
6. You have been working in the _________ in such a cold weather.
A. laboratory
7. I hope you will not forget to ____________ the widow.
A. consult
B. console
C. commend
8. An old toad __________ its head out of the window and saw a potato taking photo on the road.
D. propped
9. The boy wants to grow __________ in the snow.
A. tomatoes
D. toddlers
10. It is known that he __________all his money to those homeless children.
A. devoured
B. devoted
C. dissolved
D. developed
11. We should focus on local folks, not the _______ which sound big and empty.
A. programs
B. problems
C. slogans
D. slaughters
12. The pope told the folks on the road:
13. The old man could not feel his _________, for it was really cold.
D. tendrils
14. Thoreau encourages poets to suck out the __________ of life.
B. freedom
D. mammals
15. This small country is famous for its volcanoes and ______________.
A. torrents
B. tornadoes
D. temples
[e] 中、前、不圆唇元音。基本上和英音[ei]一致,发音位置在音译的[ei]和[e]之间。但美语中的读法经常是一气呵成,不是一个非常明显的元音,
Word reading
laser amazing
Phrase practice: Fill in the blanks with an expression with pronunciation [e] in it according to the marked rhythms and read it out.
1. A graceful face
a ____________ face (I
2. nation and neighborhood
nation and _________(I O O)
3. Fame and age
fame and __________(/)
4. The slave in the cave
the _________ in the cave (I)
5. To blame and hate
to blame and _______(/)
6. To grade the papers
to _________ the papers (/)
7. tamed or brave
________ or brave (/)
8. Greatest names
___________ names (I
9. Rain and haze
rain and ______ (/)
10. the day breaks
_________ breaks (O
11. the face in the frame
_________ in the frame (O
12. the flame of angels
the flame of _______ (I
13. to wake up snakes
to wake up ________(/)
14. chase the ape
to chase _________( O
15. The shape of a grape
________ of a grape (O
16. To shave the face
to ________ the face (/)
17. ancient sages
_________ sages (I
18. Complaints and claims
_______ and claims (O
19. saints and savior
saints and _______(I
20. gains and wastes
________ and wastes (/)
21. to Remain grateful
to remain ________(I
22. to betray his faith
to ______ his faith (O
23. the relay race
the ______ race (I
24. A pail of daisies
a pail of ______(I
25. the weight of praise
the weight of _____ (/)
26. faint bewailing
faint ________( O
27. a plaintive acquaintance
a plaintive _____ (O
Sentence Practice: follow the syntax and replace the underlined expression with a word or an expression with Pronunciation [e] in it either by inventing a new one or by choosing one keep in mind the fluency and rhythm in English.
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. He listens to the tape and plays a game called greedy snake. the snake in it. 15. Don’t blame yourself: your effort isn’t
19. I’that it’s not safe to travel by train. 27. I’m afraid
II. Passage Reading:
1. Summers were scorching, and when no rain came and the wheat became
bleached and dried, the faces of the farmers would not smile much. A strange place it was, that place where the world began. A place of incredible happenings, splendors and revelations.
2. One day, a fat lazy dog and a thin cat wanted to play the see-saw game. The dog was the coach. He promised that it was the most popular game and can make you laugh all day long.
3. Those days I felt awful and mad, because I got a toothache. Now it makes it hard to fall asleep. So after a baseball class in the morning, I could not wait to go and see a doctor. Although I’m lazy and the local PKU hospital that enjoys its reputation as the
Shopping mall is a fabulous place.
It always has what you want, like lace tablecloths, baby toys, bracelets. Once walking into the mall, no one can resist the temptation.
5. Boredom is a fatal blade.
She is like a whale soaring high,hailing and roaring,but never fall.
6. Nowadays,we are faced with more environmental problems. If we hope to live a happy life, we should call on everyone to take responsibility.
7. A fashionable lady with delicate makeup walked slowly across the road and went into a coffee shop with an ancient flavor. She ordered a cup of coffee, walked straight to the piano in the corner, sat down elegantly and then began to play. Sounds were all about the house, like boat wandering in the quiet lake,
causing small waves.
The boss was attracted by her charm and hoped she would never go.
8. The memory of that day always haunts Jane. The lake, the rain and the fatal
event. It was a day when she lost her paintings and maids and the newly made vase. What was worse was the fact fate has taken away her man.
Lots of people are not optimists, even can’t make positive decisions when facing problems. In fact, happiness can’t last forever and people trap themselves in despair. However, hope is so indispensable that the moment you lose it, there will be no tomorrow. So do not complain or evade, just face the failure, and you will take control of your fate.
10. When you are faced with blames and pains, plain complaint is a waste of time. Anyway, you should stay with your aim, slow your pace and remain brave.
Iii. Sound Bank:
IV.A Doggerel Play of Pronunciation:
The day’s head down, now it is tail
Like food gone stale, and covers the trace of the vale
in the shade. You ate and now in patience wait
for the rain to stop before it is too late.
The ancient moon remains unchanged
and contains the story of an angel with maid,
but in the domain of chilly rain darkness stained
the face of fate and no light comes to sustain
the weight of the rainy day. As each stayed
in office for pay but what a shame
the boss came not, nor did his babe,
so clouds and rain, rain and haze
bury the day and waste your arrangement
in haste. The day’s head down,
but the rain makes you wait and bewail.
love glove
Home Assignments
1. Fill in the blanks with an expression with pronunciation [e] in it according to the marked rhythms.
1. A(n)_____________pope (I)
2. __________ hope (I
3. a hero’s _________ ( I
4. focus on __________( O
5. close __________ (O
6. ______ (I) and ______ (I)
7. echoes of ___________ (O
8. the role of __________ (I)
9. rose and _________ (I
10. unload __________ (O
11. the _____________folks (O
12. to ___________ghosts (O
13. poems __________ (O
14. tomatoes and __________ (O
15. snow on the ___________ (I
16. _________in the photo (I)
17. boasts and ___________ (I
18. __________ jokes (I
19. mottos of _________( O
20. ___________ and remote (O
21. hollow and _________ ( I
22. frozen __________ (I)
23. grow and ________( I)
2. Sentence Practice: follow the syntax and fill in the blanks with a word or an expression with Pronunciation [e] in it either by inventing a new one or by choosing one keep in mind the fluency and rhythm in English.
1. Hope never says no to_____________ who go after truth.
2. Joe was always _____________ with jokes.
3. All roads lead to ___________.
4. Are you going to take some time off? Two weeks I __________.
5. Why did Joe go to____________? Who knows?
6. You’ll have to buy your ____________ticket though.
7. Are you _____________ again?
8. The map __________ that this street goes downtown.
9. She knows there will be many obstacles and __________on the academic
10. Tom tried all kinds of__________ to make his boss happy.
11. There is no choice but go back to the ___________.
12. I could see the ____________ sky through the window.
13. Most of them __________ that they had to work overtime.
14. A long time ago, a black cock and a __________dog lived together happily.
15. It is ________ outside now. Put on your coat and let’s go skating on the
frozen lake!
16. Go across the road and you will find the __________.
17. Buy me a kilo of____________.
18. The slogan on the ____________said heroes always focus on tomorrow.
19. The old man ___________apples two years ago.
20. The widow wanted to unfold the _________ that the hero has left on the
21. So I __________everyone can achieve his own success.
22. This film follows the old story of a hero defeating the___________.
23. A long time ago, heroes were __________ and never got old.
24. __________ and I have no choice but go boating.
25. I hope to take a __________ in my new coat tomorrow.
3. Choose an answer with pronunciation [e] in it for each sentence from the four choices below and read the sentence aloud.
1. It amazed everyone that the snake________ from the cage and ran away.
A. transferred
B. escaped
D. managed
2. What a shame, the _________ daisy was eaten by the disgraceful ape.
A. fantastic
B. deranged
C. majestic
D. gorgeous
3. A real brave man will not complain and can remain _______ and faithful.
A. complacent
B. contented
C. impeccable
D. agreeable
4. The maid gave a warm embrace to the slave for his ________.
A. passion
B. patience
C. pattern
D. placidness
5. Grace claimed that pollution has ________the planet
A. deformed
B. defaced
C. defeated
D. destroyed
6. This paper introduces a new way to the research on ________.
C. laggards
D. gadgets
7. When I was your age, I wished that I could _______a baby whale in the lake.
D. ransack
8. They complained that the plan has been _______.
A. disliked
B. disowned
C. feigned
D. abandoned
9. The government ________ that someone must be responsible anyway.
A. resented
B. responded
C. restated
D. resounded
10. Males are _______ when they lost a game while females will be shy when
they don’t make up.
A. shammed
B. nationalist
C. ashamed
D. natural
11. Male or female, we tend to ___________ complimentary comments.
B. welcome
C. embrace
D. befriend
12. He has a baby face and seems not to grow ________ever.
13. Day after day, they gathered in the cabin to ________ the future of the
A. address
B. arrange
D. advertise
14. He came to a remote village and _______his life to special education.
A. devoted
B. dedicated
C. sacrifice
D. contribute
15. They raced out in a _________ and jumped on their opponents.
C. sadness
D. insanity
Week Five:
[?] 读这个音时,降低下颚,肌肉稍微紧张,舌后部提高,双唇呈圆形,突
出。英音中的thought 和call 在美语中都发这个音。
Phrase practice: Fill in the blanks with an expression with pronunciation [?] in it according to the marked rhythms and read it out.
A See-saw mall
a(n)________ mall (I
The lawn of fauns
the lawn of __________ (/)
claws of hawks
_______________ hawks (I
awkward alternative
___________alternative (I
False calls
_________ calls (/)
a cautious lawyer
a(n) ________ lawyer (I
an awful autumn
an awful _______ (I
an awesome mall
an awesome _______ (/)
a strawberry auction
a(n)_______ auction (I
a Naughty daughter
a naughty __________(I
audacious audience
________ audience (O
the augur of August
the _________ August (I
Already caught
_________ caught (O
The exhausted Paul
the _________ Paul (O
authentic altogether
__________ altogether ( O
Undaunted authors
__________ authors (O
To audit a talk
to ________ a talk (I
To pause and applaud
to pause and _____ (O
To Alter the laws
to alter _______ (O
all the salt
all ________ (O
the Fallen Falcons
the fallen ______ (I
bawling and crawling
bawling and _____(I
bald and awestruck
bald and _______ (I
[?r] 口型比[or]稍大。建议单独记忆下列单词。不过也不必太过在意,对话中小一点一基本不影响交流。
1. I thought you were picking Paul up at the air port?
2. He saw her sobbing in the corner.
3. Virtue is its own reward.
4. She put everything in order.
5. The short man retorted.
6. Moreover, they went to a small lake on a morbid morning.
Sentence Practice: follow the syntax and replace the underlined expression with a word or an expression with Pronunciation [?] in it either by inventing a new one or by choosing one keep in mind the fluency and rhythm in English.
4. 5. 6. 7. Isn’t that because of the 8.
9. 10. 11. Paul 12.
I. Sound Bank:
awestruck all almighty
already alright
audacious audible
autism automobile
autumn bawl baulk caution
awfully although
maunder gawk
pawnshop naughty
talk sawfly
II. A Doggerel Play of Pronunciation:
The law of nature fills one with awe:
When leaves fall and crickets cease to talk
Hawks, Jaws open, on rocks pause
amongst autumn colors, Life, a little bald,
recalls the princes and paupers and causes
them to halt and listen to nature’s calling,
which is appalling at the thought
of winter, raw and rough, tall and haughty.
All of a sudden, green waters and golden rewards
of summer and fall will be thoughtlessly
taken back by the naughty daughter of the Lord.
In the windy corners of stonewalls one saw
Winter drawing close and safely installed
In the hordes of souls walking towards the city.
The law of nature never fails to fill one with awe
And thaw the body and gnaws at the heart of all.
sheep ship
shed shadow
shone sure shake shrewd
share sheet shape shock
shout shun shun shuffle
Home Assignments
1. Fill in the blanks with an expression with pronunciation [?] in it according to the marked rhythms.
1. a ____________ face (I
2. nation and _________(I O O)
3. fame and __________(/)
4. the _________ in the cave (I)
5. to blame and _______(/)
6. to _________ the papers (/)
7. ________ or brave (/)
8. ___________ names (I
9. rain and ______ (/)
10. _________ breaks (O
11. _________ in the frame (O
12. the flame of _______ (I
13. to wake up ________(/)
14. to chase _________( O
15. to ________ the face (/)
16. _________ sages (I
17. _______ and claims (O
18. saints and _______(I
19. ________ and wastes (/)
20. to remain ________(I
21. to ______ his faith (O
22. the ______ race (I
23. a pail of ______(I
24. the weight of _____ (/)
25. faint ________( O
2. Sentence Practice: follow the syntax and fill in the blanks with a word or an expression with Pronunciation [?] in it either by inventing a new one or by choosing one keep in mind the fluency and rhythm in English.
1. The beautiful lady went to the gate with her __________maid.
2. I was ____________ to look at him in the face.
3. He made up a __________ that made his wife gay.
4. ________ never works late but she is well paid.
5. The patient paled at the sight of his ____________.
6. He listens to the__________, and plays a game called greedy snake.
7. They claimed that a successful reform has been ___________.
8. Jane should __________ whales in the sea rather.
9. His maid was __________ to help him find a great job.
10. I must be __________if I ask her about age and weight.
11. My neighbor Grace was greatly __________of snakes.
12. It was _________ that Bob came into the small cage and then played games with the snake in it.
13. The embrace from her mate made her ________.
14. The slave was grateful for the _________ praise.
15. Hey, your lazy cat ate up the whole ____________.
16. On a raining day, they came across _______.
17. I __________ home for about twenty days.
18. People _________ that it’s not safe to travel by train.
19. Hey, my little boy, you have to ________ until you lose some weight.
20. The author claims that the result is ___________.
21. Female customers will complain that our cake shapes like a _________.
22. The steak wants to take a photo with a _________.
23. Grace is afraid that she may be late for the ________.
24. Anyway, he writes a play of five pages for the _________.
25. I’m afraid we will be late for ________.
26. The rabbit lived in a cave near a ____ with an amazing neighbor snake.
27. It conveys an everlasting truth that virtue will ultimately _______evil.
28. There is much __________ on his home page.
3. Choose an answer with pronunciation [?] in it for each sentence from the four choices below and read the sentence aloud.
1. What he thought was ___________.
B. haughty
C. provocative
D. consoling
2. What he saw was a shabby house of a ___________man.
A. talented
B. overdosed
C. topless
D. raunchy
3. The only ____________ is to pick strawberries.
A. opportunity
B. promotion
C. alternative
4. Paul was ___________and could not talk.
A. spell-bound
B. awestruck
5. It was a(n) __________meeting with him in the hall.
A. awkward
B. laborious
C. tedious
D. emotional
6. The audience ________ and some have fallen asleep.
7. It is a(n) ___________ cry for the small endangered animals.
A. baffling
B. astounding
C. astonishing
D. authentic
8. He was ________ and reported lying as a lawyer.
A. corrupted
B. coddled
C. fraudulent
9. I have _________ for you all these years.
A. consulted
C. stocked
10. Her writings served spiritual sauce and _______ for the readers.
A. condolence
B. sausage
C. bowling
D. gadgets
11. Now all the machines are ____________ and can thus save much time and manpower.
A. automatic
B. propelled
D. knowledgeable
12. He was ___________ by the violence and licentious content in the movies.
A. annoyed
C. nauseated
D. discomposed
13. The cold blooded killers might stop committing crimes when they think of the rope and the _______ electric chair.
A. frightening
C. friendly
14. It was one of the most ________ sights that caused these nightmares.
A. apocalyptic
B. appalling
C. repulsive
D. opposite
15. Internet is not so much a solution as a cause to the child’s _________.
A. oddities
B. eccentricity
D. hypocrisy
Pronunciation:[aeou] or [au]
Word Reading
Phrase practice: Fill in the blanks with an expression with pronunciation [aeou] in it according to the marked rhythms and read it out.
1. loud and proud
_________ and proud (/)
2. a house in the mountains
a house in the _______(I
3. clouds of doubt
clouds of _________ (/)
4. a crowd of cowards
a crowd of ________(I
5. a lousy accountant
a lousy ________ (O
6. a mouse in the lounge
a mouse in _______( O
7. towers in the south
________ in the south (I
8. howling hounds
_________hounds (I
9. a browsing mouse
a ________ mouse (I
10. the fountain outside
the ________ outside (I
11. a doubtless outcome
__________ outcome (I
12. an ounce of powder
an ounce of _______ (I
13. aroused in the couch
________ in the couch (O
14. founders of the town
_________ of the town (I
15. a doubtful spouse
a _______ spouse (I
16. a mouthful of flour
a mouthful of ______(/)
17. surrounded by flowers
__________ by flowers (O
Sentence Practice: follow the syntax and replace the underline expression with a word or an expression with Pronunciation [aeou] in it either by inventing a new one or by choosing one keep in mind the fluency and rhythm in English.
1. Loud voice doesn’t mean 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. They’ve just
7. 8. Why don’t we 9. 10. 11.
12. 13. a town dotted with gardens.
14. 15. 16.
17. 18. 19.
II. Passage reading:
1. Yet now at our camp, as we sat cross-legged around a warm and fragrant fire of spruce boughs, the light of an ascending moon bringing out the contours of Homestake Peak, the mountains seemed benign and beautiful.
2. One day, I was watching a television program with my spouse. Suddenly, a
mouse slipped into our house. I started shouting. The mouse was so sly that we took about an hour to drive it out.
Afterwards, we became careful so as not to let the mouse in.
3. How many cows are there in my hometown now? I doubt that the cows are few. But the government announces that the number of cows is over 10,000 now. Wow, it sounds wonderful. Now I am so proud that my hometown is full of cows.
4. Hundreds of cows were grazing in the mountains not far away from the house. Hours later, the cowboy got out of the house, shouted at the cows, gathered them, counted carefully and then went home proudly with these friends fed with grass.
5. I have no doubt that Ann has the power that every boy wants her to be his spouse at first sight. Yesterday I attended her wedding in her house at the foot of the mountain. In the loud music, she came out in a gorgeous gown, which fits her brown hair and her pretty mouth very well.
6. When my spouse announced that the founder provided housing in the town without doubt, I could not stop rousing a shower of shouts.
7. When we were talking about the holiday, someone shouted outside. We went downstairs and looked around, but we only found a little girl crying. Suddenly a mouse ran fast to the south side of the house, and then we all knew the reason.
8. There is no doubt that holding a wedding on the mountain Tai is a romantic thing.
You can leave the crowded city to enjoy the sound of nature.
Imagine the moment when your spouse announced loudly: “I love you, please marry me!” Wow, how wonderful it will be!
9. A mouse lived in an old house for many years. After he married, his spouse doubted whether the house was solid enough. So they asked for a cow, which lived outside, and went south for a new house.
10. The coward in emergency only thinks about himself. Now, he became a proud man after the war in which he crossed the national boundaries.
He was respected as the founder of this country.
11. The mouse Jack is proud to be found in a house in the town near the south mountain.
A lousy cow ran around a wooden house, waiting for a brown mouse to come out.
12. The brown mouse that wore a colorful gown didn't powder her face today. The
lousy cow calmed down and waved her brow,
13. Jenney, who wore a beautiful brown blouse, went to a party in Bob’s house which was located in the south town. During the party, Bob announced proudly that he would be married.
14. The half-year-drought has heavily hit the south-western country, leaving no grass and flower to feed cows and sows nor any water for farmers to plough. It is no doubt people living there have great difficulty thinking about how to get out of this plague.
Iii. Sound Bank:
III. A Doggerel Play of Sound:
A Man Recounted his past
A mouse went out in the violet hour
Coated with a gown of shadow and counted stars
on the mount like a proud man in power
recounted his past, pound by pound on Mars.
Or as a lousy politician who roused up his dreams
And a high-browed ambition for a house
Downtown and a wealthy spouse it seems
Undoubtedly worthy to bow and announce
His loud allegiance not to his county or teams
Nor to his town or the bounds of the nation,
But ploughs his desire for how much he could abound
in his lounge or his house in the south of another nation.
Now he is safely allowed to satisfy his mouth around
With a fat pouch about his belly, a mind shallow and empty.
So the mouse went out and counted his stars,
And the man recounted his past, pound by pound.
[?] 舌前部紧贴齿龈,气从中冲出,短促
message sausage
Home Assignments
1. Fill in the blanks with an expression with pronunciation [aeou] in it according to the marked rhythms.
1. a(n)________ mall (I
2. _______________ hawks (I
3. ___________alternative (I
4. _________ calls (/)
5. a(n) ________ lawyer (I
6. an awful _______ (I
7. an awesome _______ (/)
8. a(n)_______ auction (I
9. a naughty __________(I
10. ________ audience (O
11. the _________ August (I
12. _________ caught (O
13. the _________ Paul (O
14. __________ altogether ( O
15. __________ authors ( O
16. to ________ a talk (I
17. to pause and _____ (O
18. to alter _______ (O
19. all ________ (O
20. the fallen ______ (I
21. bawling and _____(I
22. bald and _______ (I
2. Sentence Practice: follow the syntax and fill in the blanks with a word or an expression with Pronunciation [aeou] in it either by inventing a new one or by choosing one keep in mind the fluency and rhythm in English.
1. I have to make a ___________.
2. I am ________ to my daughter.
3. Do you have a ___________ I could borrow?
4. Where is the one you __________ last week?
5. The chair is already ______________.
6. Our basketball team has won every game _________.
7. Isn’t that because of the ___________ coach?
8. The night before, rain had _________.
9. The shop was already_________.
10. I almost fainted. I bet it was a(n) __________ divorce.
11. Paul was __________ by the fat naughty dog he bought.
12. I walked there and __________them.
13. They brought me a raincoat, because the rain was __________.
14. What he talked about was __________.
15. He was ____________ not to cause any trouble.
3. Choose an answer with pronunciation [aeou] in it for each sentence from the four choices below and read the sentence aloud.
1. I was completely __________.
B. astounded
C. wronged
2. There’s an old house among ___________ flowers.
B. audacious
C. brawling
D. countless
3. However he didn’t want to be a _________ in the eyes of his friends.
B. callboy
D. shallow
“Wow! No doubt it’s a perfect ________!
B. shoeshine
D. account
5. Do you know how many times he has ___________.
A. thought
C. floundered
6. It was his wife that __________ him to move out of the town.
A. consulted
B. counseled
C. recalled
7. Countless stars are twinkling in the ________ sky that night.
B. boundless
D. tranquil
8. In the end, the story will be _______ a million times in the town.
B. related
C. recounted
D. reformed
9. He _________ down and frowned.
A. crouched
B. stooped
10. After the downpour, a clown went out of a house with a(n) _____ on his shoulder.
11. No more crowded audience, no more screaming and ________, he found himself depressed.
A. scrawling
B. howling
C. scolding
D. appalling
12. I might sometimes feel ________ and out and doubt about the world.
D. spotted
13. I’ve been trying hard to be a(n) __________ person.
A. accountable
B. adorable
D. accosted
14. He had the_______ power to make both adults and children laugh for a whole hour.
B. invisible
C. flawless
D. insurmountable
15. But now the reality _________ him down.
Week Seven:
[?] 中元音中的一个,发音时口型比[?]大,但比[a]小。发这个音的时候,嘴唇微微张开,下颚稍稍绷紧,声音短促清晰。发这个音的时候,总是有
一定的重音,但通常较短。注意[?n]与[ ??]的区别。
Word Reading
Phrase practice: Fill in the blanks with an expression with pronunciation [?] in it according to the marked rhythms and read it out.
enough is enough
__________is enough (O
the Flooded country
the __________ country (I
a sunny Monday
a sunny __________ (I
to trust and love
to trust ________ (O
lucky numbers
lucky ________ (I
colorful sunset
__________ sunset (I
The function of bugs
the function of ______(/)
To hug his brother
to hug _______ (O
Covered with honey
covered with ______(I
a must is a must
_______ is a must (O
Money in the trunk
_______ in the trunk (I
To run for fun
to run _______ (O
a bunch of troubles
a bunch of ______ (I
A bucket of sunlight
a bucket of ______ (I
stuck in mud
stuck in ______ (/)
here comes the bus
here comes _______ (O
in touch with the gunman
in touch with the ______ (I
summer in the hut
summer in _______ (O
ugly duckling
________ duckling (I
troublesome love
_________ love (I
such a pun
such a _____ (/)
Sentence Practice: follow the syntax and replace the underlined expression with a word or an expression with Pronunciation [?] in it either by inventing a new one or by choosing one keep in mind the fluency and rhythm in English.
4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
16. Hiding in the trunk, he was forced to leave the country he loved, but he 23. You can’t trust love
Passage Reading:
1. It must be great fun spending some time in a lovely hut on a sunny Monday in the country, hunting ducks with your old gun in the beautiful summer, touching the trunks of threes like touching the shoulders of your love, and hugging nature into your arms.
2. I hope summer would come next Sunday, because it was too cold this Monday! After the sun has sung a song, I got up on Sunday morning. I love my country so much that I will do anything for her.
3. After all things are well done, I love to drive my cunning truck to the countryside for joy and fun, and have my trunk loaded with peanuts when I am back.
4. One function of gun is hunting duck.
The hunter picked up the gun and shot at the bird. It’s not much fun hunting the lovely duck with a gun at lunchtime. No one in our country can touch her in music.
5. The new company runs into trouble, because it doesn’t have enough money. Don’t put your love in the trunk, you may find your girl on the bus. His uncle, who always goes hunting with a shotgun, is fun. He is loved by children but always unlucky in love.
6. When a man falls in love with a sunny woman, his world always runs over with fun. A bus smeared with blood and mud thrust into a club at lunch time on Sunday.
7. More love,less blood ,the sun will shine bright on the world. I am very lucky to come to this beautiful country.
One Sunday, the monkey was puzzled by the gun-sounding duck.
8. On the Sunday morning, a bus hit a duck. All of a sudden,a bus crashed into a truck full of ducks in its trunk. But the duck isn’t dead. How lucky!
9. More buses and trains are needed for the staggering rush hour plan especially on Monday. He loves to go to the night club on Sunday.
10. A rabbit with a gun ran after an ant whose boss is a yellow lion named the king of the forest. I love True Blood but am afraid of the sun!
11. On this lovely Sunday, he had lunch with government leaders. Government is always puzzled about the fact that the supply of duct is not enough in the country.
12. Last Sunday,I sang a song and won the trust of my customers.
On Sunday night, Jack was caught up by the police in the city’s biggest club because he cut the transatlantic submarine cable between China and United States, which threatened to destruct the Sino-Us diplomatic relationship during Obama’s visit in China.
13. Hearing the gunshot for the start, I ran out immediately with the other sport players. After 50 meters, I felt my lungs ached, and the race became a little tough then.
But I struggled against it and finished the match finally.
14. Every Sunday, the club loves to hunt ducks. He must have gone to the club and had some trouble there on Sunday.
IV. Sound Bank:
Buck buckle
A Doggerel Play of Pronunciation:
With a bit of luck and a sum of guts
such that you aim your gun at the moon and sun
for a number of years, you have won a free lunch
with success and love. Not just for fun
nor for money you take the trouble and suffer
tough time of hunger and poverty and a bunch
of ups and downs, and other sudden turns
on the bumpy road in
rather it is tons of happiness on which you trust
much of your life. But for this, and this only, you’ve clung
to the trunk of a bloody tree and climbed up, as some
to the top and a lot of others end up with nothing done,
huddling and hugging one another on a Sunday morning
lungs filled up with dust and sighs, and summating
the hustle and bustle, gains and bankruptcies, hunters
and hunted in the muddy mind. In order to suck out
the marrows of life, you have mustered courage and muscle,
spent your mustard and fund, and touched in the long run
upon the result of utter losses.
As such, it is a matter of luck
you have won the meal of love, or a chance to sign up
for a wonderful class of American Pronunciation.
nature na?ve
Home Assignments
1. Fill in the blanks with an expression with pronunciation [?] in it according to the marked rhythms.
1. _________ and proud (/)
2. a house in the _______(I
3. clouds of _________ (/)
4. a crowd of ________(I
5. a lousy ________ (O
6. a mouse in _______( O
7. ________ in the south (I
8. _________hounds (I
9. a ________ mouse (I
10. the ________ outside (I
11. __________ outcome (I
12. ________ in the couch (O
13. _________ of the town (I
14. a _______ spouse (I
15. a mouthful of ______(/)
16. __________ by flowers (O
2. Sentence Practice: follow the syntax and fill in the blanks with a word or an expression with Pronunciation [?] in it either by inventing a new one or by choosing one keep in mind the fluency and rhythm in English.
1. Loud voice doesn’t mean _____________reason.
2. He could be wise sometimes, __________foolish.
3. The proud man thought ________for an hour.
4. He ________and vowed and hurried out rousing a shower of shouts.
5. They’ve just __________ the flight has been delayed.
6. How we are going to kill the two ________?
7. Why don’t we drive __________ now?
8. Now, the number one problem is the ________ problem.
9. He bought a _________ and built a house in the suburbs.
10. About half an hour later, I reached the top of the________.
11. I was so proud of myself and I shouted loud.
12. I doubt if there is a house full of love, a mountain coated with ______, or a
美式英语发音课(Phonetic Training in American English Pronunciation)Instructor: Jinpeng, Han (Hans) Introduction-----Class Descriptio…
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