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Common words appear frequently in written and spoken language across many genres from radio to academic journals.
Informal words should be reserved for casual, colloquial communication.
More words related to redeeming
Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright (C) 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
Word Origin & History
redeem early 15c., from M.Fr. redemer (see redemption). Redeemer in the Christian sense (early 15c.) replaced earlier redemptor.
Example Sentences for redeeming
If there was one redeeming feature about the man I might be uneasy.
In that way only it seemed to me I could keep my hold on the redeeming facts of life.
I look to that time and see woman the redeeming power of the world.
But he had not one redeeming trait of character to justify his existence.
To Ernest this was the one redeeming touch to the desert's austerity.
One by one the States were redeeming their promises and ceding their western lands.
I but Nelson had the right of redeeming her, and he has done it.
"My character don't need any redeeming," I declared, stoutly.
"We are a barbarous, rude set," he answered with redeeming frankness.
The party had promised to yield, but had put off redeeming its promise.您要找的是不是:
redeeming rate
- 引用次数:5
Then, establishes multivariable linear regression model to analyze the real redeeming rate of open-end fund, finding that just a few factors is significant in statistic.
参考来源 - 我国开放式基金的流动性风险管理研究
The fern spore is mostly transported from the land by stream current, and redeeming rate may influence its concentration.
By buying the coupons at a fixed rate, he could exploit international currency fluctuations by redeeming them at a higher price.
And to third, establishes many Yuan linear returns model, has carried on the real diagnosis analysis to open-end fund redeeming rate.
Recall that from the end of the Second World War until Nixon stopped redeeming dollars for gold in 1971, international exchange rate policy was anchored in a U.S. dollar backed by gold.
- 来自原声例句
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bringing about salvation or redemption from sin
compensating for some fault or defect
n. 可取之处
a. 补偿的,弥补的
[ snick ]的过去式
[ plutocracy ]的相关副词;[ plutocrat ]的相关副词;[ plutocratic ]的相关副词;[ plutocratical ]的相关副词
four thousand one hundred and forty two
seven thousand one hundred and forty two
[ mallard ]的复数形式
two thousand and one
[ rewire ]的第三人称单数;[ rewiring ]的第三人称单数


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