
> 震惊!非洲还是印度?图说印度的贫穷!
原文标题:The alarming picture of poverty in India
One in three of the world’s malnourished children is in India, more even than in sub-Saharan Africa, according to a United Nations study.
Despite significant economic progress in the past decade, India is home to about 25 percent of the world’s hungry poor.
India ranks 65th out of 79 countries on the Global Hunger Index, a new report by the International Food Policy Research Institute.
The International Food Policy Research Institute report has sharply criticised India for not moving fast enough to reduce malnourishment, and has said that its nutritional indicators are far worse than its economic indicators merit.
According to the findings of the Global Hunger Index 2012 by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), India’s latest score in the Hunger Index (GHI) has once again returned to the 1996 levels, after showing a minor deterioration between 1996 and 2001.
In 1990, India’s GHI score as monitored by IFPRI was 30.3, which fell to 22.6 in 1996. But again rose to 24.2 in 2001 and stood at 22.9 in 2012, much closer to 1996 levels. The lower the index, lower is number of incidence of hunger.
Overall, India is ranked 65th among 79 major countries where hunger is prevalent, much below smaller nations like Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Thailand, Pakistan and Nepal.
In the IFPRI’s index, hunger is measured through three indicators, which are given equal weight: undernourishment, indicated by the proportion of undernourished people the proportion of children under five and the mortality rate of children under five.
India’s progress since 1990 in overall undernourishment has been minimal, though it has improved nourishment of children under five (by 36 per cent) and mortality of children under five (by a substantial 82 per cent).
In India, 43.5 per cent of the children under five are underweight, which accounts for almost two-thirds of the country’s alarmingly high GHI score
From , India is ranked second to last on child underweight — below Ethiopia, Niger, Nepal and Bangladesh
A UNICEF study also shows that a total of 58 per cent of children under five surveyed were stunted
According to government figures, around 43 per cent of children under the age of five years are malnourished and more than half of all pregnancy women aged between 15 and 49 years suffer from anaemia.
Every day around 3,000 Indian children die from illnesses related to malnutrition.
The states that suffer from hunger and malnutrition the most include Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Bihar, Jharkhand, Orissa, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh
饥饿和营养不良最严重的邦有中央邦、恰蒂斯加尔邦、比哈尔邦、 贾坎德邦、奥里萨邦、拉贾斯坦邦和北方邦。
In 2011, World Bank stated 32.7% of the total Indian people fall below the international poverty line of $ 1.25 per day (PPP) while 68.7% live on less than $2 per day.
According to 2010 data from the United Nations Development Programme, an estimated 37.2% of Indians live below the country’s national poverty line.
A 2010 report by the Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative (OPHI) states that 8 Indian states have more poor than 26 poorest African nations combined which totals to more than 410 million poor in the poorest African countries.
According to a new poverty Development Goals Report, as many as 320 million people in India and China are expected to come out of extreme poverty in the next four years, while India’s poverty rate is projected to drop to 22% in 2015.
The latest UNICEF data shows that 42 per cent of the nation’s children under five years of age are underweight.
Disproportionate wealth sharing ..
by khemaji Bheel
The State of M.P. has some wealthy towns (Indore, Gwalior, Jabalpur, Bhopal etc) where you can find people owning latest swanky cars not one but several models ( one for self, one for son, one for daughter, one for wife etc..) and all the eateries will be crowded in the evening where you have to wait for your turn. On the contrary in remote corners of the State ,the children have nothing to eat and they do not know what is taste.. Why such situation…? In Indore , bhopal and other cities you can find thousands of billionaires each one competing with other to increase their wealth.No time to think about hunger & other social issues..Nothing will change until the mindset of the “rich” change to realise their social responsibility..
start taking lawfull mesaurses to cut poverty
by brijesh
Government needs to take some action and create new laws ro cut poverty and populations.
– Start charging extra tax to people who has more than one child.
– Do a mandatory family planning operations to all those women who goes to hospital for their first deivery.
– Government needs to provide 2 square meal to the extreme poor.
– Start NGO’s who can provide education to the poor so their next generation can progress.
Poverty in India……
by satya narayana
Poverty in India……It seems to me that it is an outcome of something else that nobody cares about, that is Population in India. The way the population is getting exploded in India is ringing danger bells in many respects. How could a developing country like India nurture 130 Cr people? That is the reason for malnutrition, Unemployment, Un availability of living space, very little medical facilities……Etc..Etc…and the list is endless.
Even today, Population is not being looked as an issue by our govts. There were no strict measures from government side to control population. Our Population indeed is the product of shortsighted and power greedy Congress Govts intentional inactivity in this respect since 1947. If the Govt had taken strict measures to control population since independence, We would have become a developed country with limited population.
by Agnes Mary
Indians donot share nor are generous….
No sympathy at all!
Corruption and politicians stand against aid and donations.Let every upper middle class adopt a poor family.
Shameless Congress and BJP
by dravidian man
Shameless Congress and BJP are trying to defend their corrupt party men. Who will defend the poor against hunger and malnutrition?
Re: Shameless Congress and BJP
by bonala rao
Parents of the children are to be blamed. Giving birth and leave them for air is not correct!!!
food distribution
by robert k
50% of our food grains /vegetables are wasted due to lack of proper storage and policy can it not be distributed to these poor. Our distributions system is also very poor . E.g in AP there are 1.3 cr fake ration cards
poverty in india
wake up media – highlight such issues
by Ramesh Dodani
really shameful for all indians
we cant expect much from ou politians
what are the so called NGO or media doing ??
why cant they highlight these issues
Who is responsible for this
If you see maximum time Congress has rule on india, so 100 % congress has to take responsiblity for this. and Mr. Rahul has to revisit about congress.
Dont Complain ACT NOW
by Ashok Lobo
India has a sizeable undernourished…starts with you and your eating …don’t be lavish save for them.
Re: Dont Complain ACT NOW
by dravidian man
Looks like you do not live in India. We reducing our eating is not going to change anything. India has more than sufficient to feed everyone. There is a tremendous amount of wastage and still more amount of corruption in the system. Also, the political parties have their priorities wrong.
& our PM is vouching for DEVELOPED country ststus…
by anjani patnaik
When Obama visited INDIA early this year…our PM asked to confer the status of DEVELOPED country to INDIA…Obama made a very good point that when 50% of country is at below poverty line…how can u ask for such a status?…The fact is that 50% of Indians dont think of the deprived 50% lot….this is not thhe thought process of a developed society let alone claiming for one.It is very easy blaming the government, adminstration for all the woes but the fact is that every indian is responsible for the mess that has been created in the past 65 years…and this will only get worse unless each one of us start taking the onus to clean the rut….
Re: & our PM is vouching for DEVELOPED country ststus…
by Ashok Lobo
Even the US has hungry Mal-nourished people…many still have black & white tv…so stop India Bashing
Ramesh Dodani
Re: Re: & our PM is vouching for DEVELOPED country ststus…
by Ramesh Dodani
commpn face reality
people in usa have their government to look for them –
u feel not find any case of person starving to death in USA
Re: & our PM is vouching for DEVELOPED country ststus…
by anilkumar nethikoppula
correctly said every indian squarely to be blamed for the current state of affairs
Shocking and very painful
by dravidian man
This is not only shocking, but also very painful. While corruption must be fought with full might, we must also spread awareness about population control. Also, why is there indifference in the political class to this problem?
Poverty in INDIA
Afte 63years after Indipendent, if this situation is available in INDIA, than who are responsible.Only CORRUPTION !!!!.
if you are shocked
by ramakant
if you find this shocking then congratulations, you are already rich. If you do not find this shocking you are probably still poor. Get a better job or rob a bank.
Re: if you are shocked
by Edison John
I find THIS Shocking ! But, then , I am NOT rich also. Still POOR and somehow trying to make ends meet, every month !!!
how is this alarming?
by ramakant
this is normal in third world countries like India. People know it, govt knows it, media knows it…nothing new
by Ajai Jacob
India should have gone the china way.Then this kind of situation would not have arisen.
Democracy cannot work properly in countries with bulging population
Re: China way
by Bhalchandra Kulkarni
Totally agree. You can’t expect people breeding like rats and cockroaches and live life like humans. They will live in gutters. Giving them right to vote is disaster for them as they only elect corrupt people. One or two child norm is in there interest only and should be ruthlessly pursued. Food should be taken away from human rights activists who oppose compulsory family planning and get first hand taste of malnourishment.
Need to do something
by Jason Herbert
but dont know how. i am sure if there are justified organisations out there who can take up such task and prove accountability it will be great. on the other hand if everyone was allowed to contribute Rs. 1000 to Rs. 5000 per year with tax benefits it will really help cause a difference.
The alarming picture of poverty in India
by Hebbar R
Montek Singh has said that anyone earning Rs 28 per day is not poor. Not having enough even to buy food is not an issue for this Govt.
What a shame!
by vishak karanth
I am glad rediff has done a coverage on this issue which truly deserves it’s place here and should be a topic of national debate. At least our politicians will see this and have their hearts come out with apathy! What a shame, can’t believe India is faring so poorly in food. With food grains rotting and government targeting poor only paper, this was bound to happen. Only one solution, distribute all the food grains to BPL families and we will be happy seeing them alive and healthy!
Foodgrains r rotting…
by Mahendra
Why doesn’t the govt distribute the foodgrains in the FCI godowns to the poor and the needy rather than allow them to rot ????
Govt needs to tackle this menace urgently, else these kids who represent the future of our nation paint a very sorry picture of India.
Thought provoking
by telanjana
Nice thought provoking article from Rediff after a long time..
Any idea/way I(we) can help? and how can it reach the really deserved directly.
How can I sponsor at-least one child?
Re: Thought provoking
by Ganesh (View MyPage)
You are the only person on the forum who has asked the question” How can i help” and not blame- please support organization like Oxfam which supports the cause”, even NGO’s like doctors without borders do a lot of work without being judgemental. Please take the step it really works
by mohammad saeed
No use cribbing now
by desi twist
All a result of poor admission control. In 1947 we were 300 million, and the country failed to see the biggest threat in population.
Corrupt earn millions in India and poor people die coz of malnutrition
I am also against this government, governing by Congress Party. In fact, this of kind messages, I see every day in all forums. But, it would be good if everybody suggest some alternate party / action / solution with reasons so that it will help others to think. Otherwise, next time also, the same congress will come into power.
I feel so bad
by patriot
When I see this I feel so bad. It also makes me understand people more. When the tamil refugees in India wanted to return to Lanka during war, it didn’t make sense. I think they realised that war situation in Lanka is still far better than the hunger situation in India. This must have made them realise how well we look after them in our Sinhala country.
Ravi Pathsinghe
Colombo, Lanka
e: I feel so bad
by arup das
I had been to SriLanka and found your country a very beautiful place- neat and clean and people being very very friendly. I wish you never had any problem with Tamils. Hope the peace prevails and every one lives in peace and harmony without any conflict.
Re: I feel so bad
by desi twist
Nope, they wanted to get back just to get even with you folks…
Special attention and care needed for these states
Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Bihar, Jharkhand, Orissa, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh
by ravitej
i am ashamed that these people are of my country, a fast becoming super power!!!!!!
These picture hurts.
Ashamed to be an Indian and helpless.
Can anyone suggest an organization that works for the betterment of these children.
I am a member of CRY – Child Relief and You. But not sure whether my donations are being used for rightful cause. Need to divert donations through other organizations which doesn’t have any political backing if any.
Re: These picture hurts.
by Wood Raider
Putting this child on the weight tray itself is a child abuse. Taking a photo of it is inhumane. Posting it on website…I dont no what can be said…
Highly Disturbing Picture
by Wood Raider
Corruption was always there for centuries and always will be in India.
The point is, India is the largest Food Producer in Asia. The One of the largest Producer of Food Grains in the World. India’s natural resources has the potential to withstand such a huge Human and Animal Population. Ideal for life.
But not like this…
report of malnutrition
by omprakash phadnis
Probably the best article read sofar. This is real India, not much away from all crorepaties. It is shame that no govt is even thinking about it. The RDP amount is pocketed by the leaders. The health programs are on paper only. The shame is we are some where in the ending stage in spite of many rich in the world belong to India.
The burgeoning population
by pradeep agarwal
The main issue that is not confronted by anyone including media is the growing population of India which it can’t support.The media wants to glamorize poverty by showing such pictures but never takes cognizance as to why these people are producing what they can’t manage?The poor can be helped but finally it is also their responsibility to follow family planning & help the nation.The sight of extreme poverty in most cities with every woman carrying 6-7 children is common & a matter of great concern for future of our nation.These kids finally end up in all kind of wrong activities due to vulnerability to allures
feeling ashamed
by Biplab Paul
Looking at these pix, I am having a simple question- are not we ashamed to call ourselves human?
Our politicians are busy in pocketing money, why would they be interested in these unlucky humans!! really sad!!
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