whatwhen does s sb.see when sb.looksback

Look at their
when they're around you. Do they seem to get more tense when they realize you're in the same room? Do they try to appear good-looking? Do they every so often take a look in your direction to see if you're looking at them? If so, it could be a good sign that they're into you. Small things like this often can mean more than what it seems.
Another good sign is if you notice them hanging around you even though you're not having a conversation with them.
Looking straight into your eyes (although they may be a little nervous doing so) means they're paying attention to you. If you feel like they are looking deep into your eyes, that could also be a sign.
Most of the time, if a crush likes you, they'll jump at the opportunity to help you. Even with small things, they'll always be there to help out with your problems (especially if you ask).
Do they sometimes show off and tell jokes around you to make you laugh? Do they look straight at you when they deliver the punchline? How do you feel around them?
Notice what information they give you. Do they ever tell you about something special they're doing, such as reading a book or playing a sport, out of the blue? Does He/She tell you secrets and random stories about their day? They might be trying to impress you.
Do they give you semi-personal information when you didn't ask for it? Giving people personal information is a sign that they trust you or want you to give them personal information back.
Do they talk about their family, their ex, or about the past? These topics are all things people are usually pretty guarded about. If your crush is letting you in on them, it may be a sign.
Pay attention to physical contact. Whether or not it's conscious, someone who likes you (more often girls) will generally find excuses to touch you.
They might put their hand on your shoulder, or accidentally walk into you in the halls, or wipe something random off your face.
Do they tickle you or tease with their hands? Do they ask you for piggybacks, or throw random things at you in an effort to get your attention?
Even gestures that don't seem playful or nice might mean they're attracted to you. Lots of people understand that their body language is giving them away, and try to make the body language mean or impersonal. Do they hit you lightly or play pranks on you? It might mean that they want attention from you, and they're trying to get it without telegraphing their true feelings.
Find out how often they look at you. Do you ever see them looking at you when they think you cannot see them? If you catch him/her looking at you and you look back, do they look away? If they do, that could be a sign of nervousness.
On the other hand, do they always avoid looking at you, no matter what? Not looking at someone might mean they're trying to keep their crush secret and don't want you to know.
Get a trusted friend to look at them durin have the friend see whether your crush looks at you, and for how long. If they're constantly staring in your direction for minutes at a time, they're really crushing hard.
Figure out their shyness around you. Are they more shy or attentive around, or when talking to you, than with other people?
If they're normally a super-confident person, and the sight of you turns them into blabbering mush, it's a pretty good sign they like you (especially if they're nervously playing with their hands).
Be careful, however, because shy people are usually shy all the time. You could misread whether your crush actually likes you. So it's best to use this information along with the other steps when you're making the call about whether or not they like you.
Notice how often they're around you. Does it seem that they make it a point to happen to be near you or walk back and forth in front of you? Then it means that they are trying to get your attention, but in a very discreet way.
Does their voice get louder when they're talking to other people around you? It could be a sign that they want you to listen or pay attention to them.
Do they make little excuses to be around you? Do they ask you for the homework problems, or sit next to you in class, or pick you to be on their team for recess sports? It could mean something!
Find out how much they respect you. If they act like a gentleman or gentlewoman to you, it's often a sign that they like you.
Does he or she open the door for you or give you parts of their lunch that they usually never give to other people?
Does he or she stick up for you when you get in a fight or when someone badmouths something you're doing? Do they say to their friends," Stop saying bad things about him/her!"?
Does he or she suddenly get along with a lot of your friends that they used to not care about?
Do they constantly look at you during class periods you have with them?
During class, eye contact during a conversation is very important, if he or she does this, they are paying full attention to you and only you in a crowd full of other kids or even friends.
This guy teases me and acts like he thinks I'm weird, but he gives other positive signs as well.
wikiHow Contributor
Young guys can act like this when they don't know how to admit they like someone, or when they're trying to fit in with friends. It's pretty immature, but he might act differently if you talk to him one-on-one.
What if we haven't talked to each other yet?
wikiHow Contributor
Go introduce yourself! You can try to play games with eye contact and catching nervous smiles, but a conversation is the best way to figure it out — and get your crush's attention.
Should guys or girls ask the other person out?
wikiHow Contributor
It doesn't matter. Either way is possible.
I asked them out and they said no, but they still do some of these things. What's up?
wikiHow Contributor
There are many reasons someone might not be willing to start a relationship, even if they like you. Once they've turned you down, it's best to move on.
What does it mean if they call you randomly on the phone just because they want to talk?
wikiHow Contributor
It means they like you!
How long does it take someone to ask you out?
wikiHow Contributor
Some people are too shy to ever ask their crush out. Don't be that person — go out and ask instead of waiting!
I told him I liked him and he said "lol ok"... How can I tell what he's thinking?
wikiHow Contributor
That doesn't sound like someone who's ready to date. He could be nervous or just insensitive, but either way, the ball is in his court now if he wants to come up with a better response.
200 characters left
If you really want to find out if he likes you then ask a close friend of yours to ask him/her who they like.
If he/she flirts with you (they could do this many different ways), then he/she is most likely interested.
If you think, putting all bias aside, that they like you, then there's probably a good reason.
Be patient and relax. Don't freak out about things if they don't go your way. Don't panic if you are going to ask them something.
Don't try to find out all of these things in one day. Just relax and find out on other days as well.
Don't be too shy around them. If they try talking to you, talk back. If they talk to you and smile while talking, it might be a sign.
Take your time if you need to. Things may not go by very fast. Get to know him/her. Start hanging out with them. Flirt with them but not too much.
If you see him/her trying to tell something to you that may mean he/her wants to talk to you to get your attention.
Try to join clubs/activities that they are in just one or two so that he/she will begin to see you around more often and you will get more familiar with him/her.
If you really like them and want them to get the "hint", make it a point to be around them. This will open them up more and they may feel a bit closer, and you'll notice THEM giving you "hints".
Invite them to things that you and your friends are doing but make sure you make the plan.
Try to get your crush attention first. Then hang out with him/her. After that just ask your crush how you like yo spend time with them. Then, just ask him/her if they like you. But if no you might not get the crush to like you do. Don' t let that happen to you!
Some people tend to hide their emotions and rarely let you in on their feelings. Someone can have a crush on you, and not drop any clues at all. Don't give up hope!
If you don't want to let your crush know that you like him, don't try to get to much attention. Giving him to much attention might just reveal your secret. Spend time with him/her.
Smile and laugh if you catch them staring at you...don't make them feel uncomfortable.
Don't go "tiger" real fast that could creep him/her out just be normal.
If your crush often looks at you it's a good sign that he\she might like you back.
Spend time with your crush so you can see whether or not they are a good person.
Some people won't say anything, but blush when they hear your name, when they hear the sound of your voice or when they spot you in the distance. You may not notice, but maybe a friend of yours catches your crush doing that and reports it to you. It's a pretty reliable clue!
Ask them to hang out, and see what he or she says.
If your crush takes your side in arguments, that is a sign that they like you.
If he is more confident around you, it may be a sign that he is interested in you.
Look at the way he/she talks to you. And if he only will come out with his friend, that is a sign.
Telling jokes and kidding around with you might be a sign he likes you.
If you are still not sure you could ask a close friend if your crush likes you. But don't overdo it. Your crush might think you are trying too hard.
Flirt with them but not too much. Start a conversation with them that will grab their attention. Tell them about yourself. Don't be shy, just relax.
Look your best around them. Attraction is the start of a relationship.
Don't overdo the following/stalking. This can get awkward and make them not like you anymore and you can totally misunderstand them further down the road.
If this is the something-thousandth article, test, or other knowledge based thing, then you should really stop worrying about it. If you think he does, then he does. If not, then move on. You are smart, so you should be able to know. Trust yourself. Nobody else knows what to think about the situation better than you and your crush.
Don't join any clubs/activities with him/her if you aren't interested at all. For example, don't join the sports club if you know nothing about sports. It will reflect badly and look creepy/stalkerish
If you find out that He/She isn't interested in you, DON'T feel down. Life goes on and sometimes you just have to accept things.
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A massively destroyed castle.
Griefing is the act of irritating and angering people in video games through the use of destruction, construction, or social engineering. Popularized in Minecraft by teams, griefing has become a serious problem for
who wish to foster building and protect builders. Most players tend to dislike and frown upon griefing, while others feel it adds a certain degree of drama to the game. Trolling, while mostly thought very similar to griefing, is not always known as the same thing. Griefing is normally malicious, while "trolling" is usually used in more of a joking manner.
How To Prevent (If using
and plugins)
How To Prevent (With unmodified Minecraft)
Self-explanatory. Most griefers' goals are to destroy as much land, buildings and creations as they can in order to make the server as destroyed and unusable as possible. This can include
“nuking", where users can instantly destroy all blocks in reach, or “torch nuking" when the griefer destroys only torches (many
have these as built in features). A more time-consuming and generally expensive method of griefing is creation of
to bombard other players' creations from a safe distance. In very rare cases, they will cut out a fairly large chunk of your house, usually in a square, and fill it with water, to make it harder for you to re-build it.
Another approach is to pack every open space in a house with TNT and light it, or do something similar with creepers.
When it comes to destroying houses, this method may also be accompanied by thievery, where the griefer opens the player's chests to take as much of that player's most valuable stuff, and keep them for themselves or dispose of them with fire, cacti, or lava.
This can be avoided with block and chunk protection plugins if you are using Bukkit. Logging/Rollback plugins can completely undo the damage done by individual griefers. Restricting TNT will render cannons worthless.
In Minecraft 1.8, you can set a
with the command /clear @a minecraft:tnt to remove all TNT from players. Similarly,
can be removed with /clear @a minecraft:tnt_minecart]. If lit TNT entities are spawned in, these can be removed with /kill @e[type=PrimedTnt]. It is recommended to put this command on a command block clock.
Nearly as frequently as simple destruction of servers, griefers also often attempt to create nude or offensive pixel art. Also, cages around players that are AFK are built, often of materials unable to mine with tools obtained early on, like . Sometimes players even surround other players' structures with obsidian, bedrock (if in Creative mode), and
(the latter two are annoying due to their falling properties).
If you have chosen to use Bukkit, Logging/Rollback plugins can completely undo the damage done by individual griefers.
If players have the ability to use the /tp command, they can teleport to another player.
Chat Spamming
Chat spam is simply typing large amounts of messages in chat and sending them, often randomly. The result of this can be server lag, which thus makes chat spam more of an annoyance rather than vandalism.
Stopping chat spam is relatively easy with spam protection plugins, of which there are a variety on Bukkit.
This form of griefing is spawning mobs to the point that the server lags, which if lagged enough, can corrupt the map and render it unusable. If the spawned mobs are hostile, then they can be especially destructive on
servers. , , ,
(spawned near a portal) and "endermobs" ( and the
and any combination of these) are even more destructive as they can move and destroy blocks. Spawn eggs made this even more of a problem.
In some case griefers use so called chicken cores to lag server since seeds are easy to get with nuking/water spillage. They put very many
in a 2×2 pen with hoppers to get eggs and mostly throwing them in other houses or sometimes they turn the farm into a lag beacon.
The /killall command can easily dispatch of the spawned mobs (thoug it does destroy , ,
and ). You can get the command through various Bukkit plugins. To prevent it altogether, there are plugins stopping mobs from spawning.
With the /kill @e[type=!player] command, one can kill everything. Caution: This will destroy all , ,
With the /kill @e [type=chicken] (or any other type of entity, you can kill all of one type of entity.
/ Flooding
If able, griefers often will attempt to place as much lava (preferable because of its killing properties) and water around a map in order to make it as ugly and dangerous as possible. Rarely, water and lava can be used in conjunction to create massive amounts of cobblestone, or even rarer, obsidian, very quickly and completely surround a structure. Also, water or lava can prevent players from approaching the ruins and rebuilding them as the fluid will push them back.
The best way to prevent this from happening is to simply limit who is able to place lava or water using a Bukkit plugin. If the damage has already been done, the best way to remove it is with world editing plugins.
Can be prevented by having a command block clock running /clear @a[r=200] minecraft:lava_bucket OR /clear @a[r=200] minecraft:water_bucket where r=200 is the range you set to delete the bucket from the griefers inventory when they come within range.
Spawn Killing
On servers with PvP enabled, some players will take advantage of this to kill legitimate players as they spawn (because the spawn point/area is predictable). The use of
such as "Kill Aura" are frequently used to give the griefer a large advantage.
The most effective way at preventing this is to disable PvP in the spawn area with Bukkit plugins and provide multiple exits for newly spawned players to escape from (a single exit point is very predictable).
You give players invincibility by using /effect @a[r=16,x=0,y=70,z=0] 11 1 4 true, which will protect any player in a 16 block radius of XYZ: 0, 70, 0.
For a long time, block logging plugins did not have the ability to roll back the growth of trees. Because of this, many griefers will place saplings and use bonemeal (if available) to grow full trees in the locations where houses once stood, preventing rollbacks from easily undoing their damage. They could also place lots of TNT on the tree and firebomb it (if it has enough leaves) to create devastating explosions.
Previously, server admins would restrict the use of saplings and bonemeal with Bukkit permissions, however that lead to problems for normal players. Luckily, Bukkit logging/rollback plugins are now able to track and undo player-grown trees.
Most builders use a lot of flammable materials, and if the server has fire spread enabled, a griefer armed with a
can destroy a lot, very quickly, including setting themselves on fire. Also,
spawning can cause immense amounts of damage, especially when using a dispenser with clock circuit. Fire was nerfed in Beta 1.6 and currently does much less damage than it once had. However, this can still burn a large chunk of flammable objects.
Disable fire spread with world protection plugins if you have chosen to use Bukkit, or use / doFireTick false. One can also restrict the use of flint and steel/spawn eggs.
Can be prevented by having a command block clock running /clear @a[r=200] minecraft:flint_and_steel where r=200 is the range you set to delete the Flint 'n Steel from the griefers inventory when they come within range.
Social Engineering
Social Engineering is any technique used as an attempt to gain the trust of people by acting as a normal player or creating a situation where the legitimate players need to trust them. A common trick that griefers use is pretending to be from popular Minecraft websites, or popular Minecraft teams/clans and asking for OP status in order to "review" the server. This is not a typical form of destruction griefing, however this is a strategy employed by many griefers to gain trust and cause rage, or it may be done to get OP status, and cause great destruction.
Be very careful who gets administrator tools, make sure that you know them well enough to trust them with power.
Trolls like to annoy people, rather than grief. There are several ways to troll, such as killing a person and then watching while you throw their diamond pickaxe into lava, spamming, and promising to give them stuff, giving them the stuff, then killing them the moment they go out of a safe zone.
Most of these cannot be blocked, though they are usually easy to notice. A troll always wants you to see what he or she has done so he or she could annoy you more. A good temp ban will solve things. But a lot of Trollers will stop after a firm warning, for example "stop trolling or i will ban you" normally is as effective as a ban. Most times, you only need to ban the person for a day.
A relatively rare form of griefing, map corrupting is simply making the map file as big as possible, usually by running as far as they can (and sometimes dominating the world with destructive Mobs). This can lead to a lot of lag in the server, and can make the map size so big that it cannot be loaded. If a backup is not available, then the map may need to be deleted and all structures will be lost. This was a large issue before the Beta switch to a new chunk managing method.
Some Bukkit plugins can limit the size of a map, and some make automatic saves/backups of the file.
In Minecraft 1.8, a new /worldborder command was added, making it easy to set a
that players cannot pass. If you want you can make it grow very slowly, making more space for legitimate builders.
Combat Logging
Combat logging is mostly a problem on PvP servers. Combat logging is when you're in combat with someone and they log off while you're fighting them. It does not inflict harm, but like trolling, just annoys people and causes frustration. Sometimes PvP logging is the sign of a desperate player trying to stay alive or a connection error, though.
Some Bukkit plugins can "tag" people when they get hit whilst in combat, which will create a penalty if they log out.
Lag Generation
Item drops, , , and
have a long history of causing strain on servers and clients. A griefer may attempt to lag out a certain area of the map by placing a lot of the aforementioned items into a small area, forcing both server and client to handle a lot of different things at once. This form of griefing is especially prevalent in creative servers where obtaining these lag-inducing blocks is incredibly easy.
If you are using Bukkit, you can limit creation placement of certain blocks that have a tendency to cause lag and research plugins that will remove item drops on a regular basis.
Illusion Grief
A socialized form of griefing where multiple people grief and then blame it on one of their alternative accounts so they can escape a ban most of the times. This screen of deception can get alternate accounts or even innocent people who tricked in banned while letting the real griefers continue their rampage. This form of griefing is becoming more popular with the rise of 'cracked' servers and the ability to create many alternate accounts.
To prevent this, watch very closely if the stories of the suspected griefer and the blamer match. If they do, it's most likely you're dealing with an illusion grief attempt. Some Bukkit logging/rollback plugins (such as Core Protect inspector) can tell you who actually did it, and you will be able to treat them as you please.
Some smart griefers can figure they can drink invisibility potions and disguise themselves as a named horse while creating lots of destruction, like underground land mines and repeated throwing of negative Splash Potions and backstabbing with powerful weaponry.
Bukkit plugins that name the player who hit/broke something can be useful, as well as invisibility-negating effects. If you are not an admin, then you can simply snowball the air around targets to see if there is an invisible/camouflaged player there.
Name changing
Some griefers change their names if they are banned to join the server again. This can be a nuisance because they get to return to the server and troll again, and makes bans ineffectual.
Make sure online-mode is set to true in , so users can only connect using a purchased Minecraft account name.
If they are using the same IP address, then it is easy to ban them with /ban-ip
Join bots are used to join tens or hundreds of accounts ("bots") to a server at once, usually to lag or spam the server. There are multiple methods they can use, such as connecting and disconnecting rapidly, chat spamming, drop spamming (In Creative mode), and slot filling. They are often hard to ban due to the fact that they use many accounts and proxies. Proxies make every connection that the spammer makes to the server appear to come from a different PC, thus preventing IP bans.
Most Join bots can be combated with a good Bukkit (Reported Proxies) antispam plugin but can cause console floods still (Join flood).
Hacked trolling
This type of griefing is one of the hardest types to do and is the rarest. What happens basically is someone hacks the server and bans the owners, co-owners, op's, and anyone who can edit (so the people who can ban others can't get back on) then de-op everyone else and the hacker makes himself the "new owner". Then the hacker will troll normal players who join, or he will destroy the rest of the server.
The only way to stop this is restore from a backup and then ban the hacker's IP address with /ban-ip.
There are other forms of griefing, however they are simply variations on the ones listed above. Essentially, if moderators are attentive and the server is equipped with the necessary plugins, a server can be very secure from griefing and disguising.
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While modifications to Minecraft clients are fairly popular with , griefers also often employ
to aid their efforts. Apart from the mods below, griefing clients often include an ingame GUI to display enabled mods, as well as things such as chat commands (".commands") and keybinds to easily turn hacks on and off.
A hacked client, showing its ingame GUI.
Crash: A hack that allows a player to teleport themselves to the farlands and back by flying insanely fast between the farlands and spawn. This usually crashes servers instantly and can only be combated with NoCheatPlus.
Kill Aura/Forcefield/Aimbot: Kill auras, and similar mods called ForceFields, automatically hit/attack any players or mobs within the range of the player.
Build: Build hacks are simply modifications that instantly place blocks in a predetermined pattern. Common builds include cubes, pillars, swastikas, and platforms.
Critical: This hack is used make sure you always hit a critical attack upon another player and/or mob. There's one which forces it without actually jumping, and one which jumps before attacking. Both are effective.
ESP: This hack draws a 3D box around the player which is viewable from a long distance and through blocks to locate the player, in some cases, als Object in hand, armor, co-ords.
FastPlace: This modification eliminates the normal delay when placing blocks. This may also be applied to placing eggs in order to create a lot of entities in a short amount of time.
Throw or Egg: A hack similar to fastplace. The difference is that the while FastPlace very rapidly places blocks and throws entities, Throw is used to throw a lot of entities such as eggs or snowballs instantly. It can be used to lag the server.
Flight or Fly: Not necessarily used just for griefing, this hack gives the user the ability to
similar to as if he or she was in
mode, often at adjustable speed levels.
Spider : This mod, similar to but less obvious as flight, causes every block the player encounters to be treated as if it had vines, allowing access to areas not normally accessible, used for griefing and especially for PvP.
Freecam: This mod allows the user to separate him or herself from his or her body and fly around to scout out areas. Since infinite reach was patched, the user of this mod cannot affect any blocks outside his or her reach radius. However, this hack can be used to freecam into obsidian bases, and open chests within the player's reach distance.
Fullbright: This hack lights up all blocks as if they were in direct sunlight, even in pitch blackness. The addition of the "Night Vision" potion in Snapshot 12w32a makes this feature obtainable in vanilla Minecraft, also it's possible by editing the options.txt the gamma (line 4, in-game called Brightness, ranging from 0.0 (moody) into 1.0 (bright)) into 15.0 or more.
Godmode: This makes the user invincible, preventing them from being able to take damage. Almost all versions of this hack have been patched, but there are still some versions which still exist.
HighJump: This allows the player to jump higher than normal, often at an adjustable jump height.
NoFall: This hack prevents damage from being taken when falling from high areas.
Nuker or Annihilator: This destroys all blocks within reach radius automatically and quickly. They are also often configurable, allowing the user to destroy only certain block types.
Sneak: This allows griefers to sneak indefinitely, and without being slowed down. This will keep their nameplates hidden behind walls just as if they were holding the sneak button.
Spam or Flood: This allows the client to send a large number of chat messages to the server, and often very quickly. This is partially patched in vanilla, with the "disconnect.spam" kick message if you send messages too fast.
SpeedMine or FastBreak: This allows the user to break blocks much faster than normal. It does not usually work on blocks such as obsidian, however.
Instant or OneClick: These may sound similar to SpeedMine, but it is not the same thing. Instant and OneClick both allow the user to click blocks once without holding their mouse down, and a short time after, the block will break as if they had clicked and held to break it. This makes it easier to destroy multiple blocks quickly.
Step: This modification allows for the user to simply walk up multiple blocks as if they were . The number of blocks is usually adjustable.
Tracers: This hack draws a line, which starts at the crosshair, and ends at another players position. It is used to locate a player accurately.
X-Ray or Wallhack: Stops the rendering of any block besides ores desirable to the griefer. This hack is often used to find chests or valuable minerals such as diamond. It can be partially prevented using Bukkit server plugins that disguise ores and chests that are not adjacent to transparent blocks. Though now people have been making resource packs that only have ore block textures, bypassing cheat detectors.
Sprint or Speed: This will make the player sprint at the normal sprint speed, or faster. Most of the time, this will not deplete hunger. Other speed hacks can make you run at several times normal speed, enabling you to travel huge distances in a short time.
AutoSoup: This will automatically eat Mushroom Stew (Soup) which in turn heals typically 3 hearts of health. This modification is only useful on servers where Mushroom Stew heals health, typically Kit/Faction PVP servers. When this mod is used, the soup is usually taken from inside the inventory and when the bowls are empty, they get stacked inside the inventory.
While there is not much that can stop a determined griefer, there are ways for a server to mitigate the risks of being griefed. The following is a list of steps server owners can take to try to keep their server protected:
Protect the server with appropriate Bukkit anti-griefing plugins.
Do not let administrators abuse their power (this can incite anger in users and bring about griefing). Also, be cautious in choosing who to give administrative permissions to begin with.
Ban certain items in Bukkit like Flint and Steel and Fire.
Should power abuse happen in severe cases, it may be a wise idea to be the only administrator.
Be careful what permissions to which people have access. Owners can limit access with .
Be careful where the server is advertised. While more exposure means more members, it also means griefers can find it just as easily.
Become familiar with what griefers are capable of doing. There are no hacks "to gain op" or "delete the server". If one takes the time to learn what is possible (by watching griefing videos and reading griefing forums), you will be more able to counter it.
Change servers so that only you or people you trust (in real life, since all you know about people you meet online is what they tell you) can do big things (such as banning other players).
For a much more in-depth (and anti-grief biased) analysis, see
While there are many people creating grief-friendly client modifications, there are equally dedicated programmers creating server plugins to foil their attempts. Using the popular and extensible
and other , programmers have made numerous add-ons to enforce correct client behavior. There are plugins that allow administrators to log and rollback all edits done on an individual basis, employ jails to trap griefers, and even protect certain blocks or entire chunks.
Griefing is far from a new phenomenon in video games. It dates to the late 1990s, when it was used to describe the willfully antisocial behaviors seen in early massively multiplayer online games like Ultima Online and first-person shooters like Counter-Strike. Frustrated users or mal-intentioned gamers have oftentimes tried to cause grief among other players in multiplayer servers they join, but many griefers just "do it for the lulz", or just out of plain boredom. An increase in organized griefing occurred with the creation of teams producing their own videos which popularized Minecraft griefing. Fortunately for server administrators, the increase in griefing has pushed the creation of numerous .
- Wikipedia article on griefing.
- Wikipedia article on the griefer.
. WIRED. Dibbell, Julian (18 January 2008). Retrieved 18 May 2012.
. The Escapist. Gillen, Kieron (29 APRIL 2008). Retrieved 18 May 2012.
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