
我们的校园英语作文[1] 无忧考网为您整理了“我们的校园英语作文[1]”,更多英文写作翻译相关信息请访问无忧考网。 Our school every season is very beautiful. Spring flowers, summer shade trees, autumn leaves as fire, a winter snow. Let us go into the beautiful campus, and enjoy the beautiful scenery!Spring, flowers bloom, birds contend. The jade orchid, rose flower, orchid, and chrysanthemum tea. Red, yellow, blue, pink, and purple. These flowers in green, blue sky, and filled the ears sounds of birds silhouetted, is extremely delicate and charming, like a bit wearing beautiful dance skirt is to go to a dancing feast of the little princess.In the summer, the trees became overcast, and the row of trees along the runway was enough. Breeze, the patches of green leaves of the Indus, like a face gently swinging fan, to under the tree on physical education of children, and as a only dancing butterflies, are tree under the painting of small friends cheering applause.Fall, red Sihuo, fluttering fluttering down leaves, some like a butterfly, some like a boat, some like a fan, as if to runway wear a new golden clothes. "Jingle bell" and the class was over, we went to the playground, the rustle of leaves and the students the silvery laughter melt together, as if the beautiful autumn girl sang beautiful sounds of music.Winter, snow, snow wrapped, tree white, grey and grass are white, seems to campus covered with a blanket of snow covers all things. We wear clothes, gloves, scarf, looks like a large ball of fluff, in the vast expanse of white snow walking, laughing and playing, and plotted the a picture of colorful paintings.I love our school, she is our lovely home, is the source of our joy.我们的校园每个季节都很美。春天鲜花盛开,夏天绿树成阴,秋天红叶似火,冬天白雪一片。让我们一起走进美丽的校园,观赏这美丽的风景吧!春天,鲜花盛开,百鸟争鸣。有玉兰花,有月季花,有兰花,还有茶菊。有红,有黄,有蓝,有粉,还有紫。这些花儿在绿叶、蓝天、还有盈耳动听的鸟鸣的映衬下,显得格外娇艳,好像一位位穿着美丽的舞裙正赴舞宴的小公主。夏天,绿树成阴,跑道旁那一排梧桐树出足了风头。微风吹拂,那一片片碧绿的梧桐树叶,像一面面轻轻摆动的扇子,给正在树下上体育课的小朋友,送去阵阵清凉;又像一只只翩翩起舞的蝴蝶,为正在树下写生的小朋友喝彩鼓掌。秋天,红叶似火,飘飘悠悠落下的红叶,有的像蝴蝶,有的像小船,有的像扇子,好像给跑道穿上了一件崭新的金灿灿的衣服。“叮铃铃”,下课了,我们来到操场,树叶的沙沙声和您的位置:&>&&>&&>& 小学生英语作文大全:I Am Not the Little Princess 我不是小公主(中英翻译对照) lengxu 于发布 l 已有人浏览 小学生英语作文大全:I Am Not the Little Princess 我不是小公主,含有中英翻译对照阅读,供小学生写作文参考。 我是一个懒惰的女孩,在妈妈叫我去帮助她做家务的时候,我会找一些借口来逃离。 Someday, my mother says to me that I am a little princess, then I am very angry, I argue that I am not a princess. 有一天,妈妈对我说我是一个小公主,我很生气,我争辩说我不是。 Since then, I am not lazy anymore, I just want to show to my mom that I can be a useful person. 打从那时起,我再也不偷懒了,我只是想要向妈妈展示我也能成为一个有用的人。 小学英语&|&小学英语&|&小学英语&|&小学英语&|&小学英语&|&小学英语&|& 小学英语课外资料排行111111111111111111 我们也在这里: 本文相关应用▼跪求一篇初一等级《书虫》系列《小公主》的英文读后感,(注意:是英文)60字,顺便把中文也打出来,谢谢大家啦!!! 生日快乐692068 每个女孩都可以是公主,即使她住在一个较低的阁楼,即使她是在破旧的衣服,即使她不漂亮,不过,她可以在心脏的真正的公主。 小公主是一个感人的小说写弗朗西斯霍奇森伯内特,著名的小说家和剧作家。这显然????含有大量的幻想情节,但会谈创造奇迹的部分,才能真正达到我的心脏底部。书可以把我的世界,更比现实而读。不平凡的故事,让我思考了很多,给我留下了深刻印象,每个女孩都可以成为公主。


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