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New MFer, 积分 19, 距离下一级还需 -9 积分
TOEFL成绩0 分阅读权限10主题精华0积分19帖子
It is better for children to grow up in the countryside than in a big city. Do you agree or disagree?use specific reasons and examples to develop your essay.When it comes to the growth of the children, every parent hopes for the best for their kids. They want to equip their children with good education, medical service and more opportunities to learn the world.In China, it is widely acknowledged that the education level in urban area is much better than that in rural area. Every year, a myriad of villagers together with their children flocks to big city because all of them are trying to send their kids to schools in the city. From the comparison we can say that, urban schools have more experienced teachers, most of whom are unwilling to teach in the country due to the low salary. In addition, facilities downtown is much more advanced than that in countryside. For instance, a majority of valley schools have no projectors, no computers and no laboratories and all these facilities can dramatically hone students' abilities. It is no wonder that both the young and the parents would not choose schools in suburban area.Another yet equally important factor contribute to parents' preference of city is the quality of medical service. Parents want the local government guarantee their children with good medical service with which the young can grow healthily. There is no doubt that the medical conditions surpass that in the village much a lot. To begin with, more hospitals can be spotted in cities. Moreover, sanitation is far better downtown which prevent a lot of disease from gripping the patients. Besides, the elites of doctor flow to the hospitals of larger scales in prosperous area, such as Beijing, Shanghai. In conclusion, hospitals of high levels always locate in prosperous areas.Last but not least, parents want to raise up their kids in modern areas because it will provide children more opportunities to broaden their horizons and hang out with a larger range people. Apart from the communication with others, nowadays people can learn the world from the Internet. An increasing number of people are joining the & Information Age & via the Internet . In reaction to the phenomenon , some say the Internet has removed barrters and provided people with immediate access to the world .However, the Internet has not spreaded to many rural areas so far, hence parents bring their children to the cities.From what has been discussed above, we can safely draw a conclusion that, fostering children in city is a better choice. The reasons could be many, but the education quality, medical quality and opportunities to access to a larger world may be the most vital ones.
TOEFL成绩0 分最后登录精华0主题积分19阅读权限10注册时间帖子
New MFer, 积分 19, 距离下一级还需 -9 积分
TOEFL成绩0 分阅读权限10主题精华0积分19帖子
TOEFL成绩2757 分最后登录精华40主题积分8779阅读权限100注册时间帖子
TOEFL成绩2757 分阅读权限100主题精华40积分8779帖子
It is better for children to grow up in the countryside than in a big city. Do you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons and examples to develop your essay.
When it comes to the growth of the children, every parent hopes for the best for their kids. They want to equip their children with good education, medical service and more opportunities to learn the world. 【此处应该再加一句总结性的话,作为第一段的中心句,明确提出你的观点:你认为孩子在大城市长大更好。】 In China, it is widely acknowledged that the education level in urban area is much better than that in rural area. Every year, a myriad of villagers together with their children flocks【flock】to big city because all of them are trying to send their kids to schools in the city. From the comparison we can say that, urban schools have more experienced teachers, most of whom are unwilling to teach in the country due to the low salary. In addition, facilities downtown is much more advanced than that in countryside. For instance, a majority of valley schools have no projectors, no computers and no laboratories and all these facilities can dramatically hone students' abilities. It is no wonder that both the young and the parents would not choose schools in suburban area.
Another yet equally important factor contribute【contributing】to parents' preference of city is the quality of medical service. Parents want the local government 【to】guarantee their children with good medical service with which the young can grow healthily. There is no doubt that the medical conditions surpass that in the village much【与后面的a lot 重复】a lot. To begin with, more hospitals can be spotted in cities. Moreover, sanitation is far better downtown which prevent【单三】a lot of disease from gripping the patients. Besides, the elites of doctor flow to the hospitals of larger scales in prosperous area, such as Beijing, Shanghai. In conclusion, hospitals of high levels always locate in prosperous areas. Last but not least, parents want to raise up their kids in modern areas because it will provide children more opportunities to broaden their horizons and hang out with a larger range people【range of people】. Apart from the communication with others, nowadays people can learn the world from the Internet. An increasing number of people are joining the &Information Age& via the Internet. In reaction to the phenomenon, some say the Internet has removed barrters【barrier】and provided people with immediate access to the world. However, the Internet has not spreaded【spread】 to many rural areas so far, hence parents bring their children to the cities. From what has been discussed above, we can safely draw a conclusion that, fostering children in city is a better choice. The reasons could be many, but the education quality, medical quality and opportunities to access to a larger world may be the most vital ones. 【整篇文章观点明确,3个分论点鲜明而有力,句式多变而地道,是难得的好文章,值得大家学习】
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more and more people prefer connect their families by the Internet . Getting together in the real world or having some sports outside together. This kind of connection makes people feel more lonely1 , appreciating the beautiful scenery and breathing the fresh air are our main task, we can encounter wild animals which are very rare in downtown, even though they often ‘meet’ each others on the Internet,
hiking as their weekend entertainment. No one can deny that these activities can both provide chances for people to have a deeper understanding of the nature and for family members to know each other very well, such as surfing or biking is more useful for family members get away from lonely,like e-mail or the MSN.Once we choose outdoor activities, rock climbing? An increase number of people choose outdoor activities such as skate. If we are lucky enough. Moreover having outdoor activities can bring us more information about the ecosystem there which is very special for those who live in cities, outdoor sports would be our principal choice when we want to get close to the nature, it is the outdoor sports that impel families to have a closer relationship and offer us opportunities to have a general understanding of the nature. Anyway.With the development of the IT, many people think, searching information like weather condition of the destination becomes necessary. Conservations are always ideal ways to make the relationship closer.In conclusion.Outdoor recreation such as mountain climbing, camping and hiking bring us closer to nature and are ideal activities to encourage family bonding. A BBQ or camping could be good choices which conduct more face-to-face conservations.To what extent do you agree or disagree. When we get there
单数;lonely改为名词形式loneliness。第16行each other。第4行increasing。第13行nature去掉冠词the。第18行get away前面加to。最后一行去掉nature前面的冠词the。第14行IT去掉冠词the;choices改为单数形式;connecting。第6行nature去掉冠词the。skating,后面的谓语也要改成单数形式第1行主语是Outdoor recreation。第10行tasks,请指出。第12行cities加冠词the。如有错误或者异议,conduct也要改
首先 谢谢你,辛苦了。conduct改成make ?
A BBQ or camping could be a good choice which conducts more face-to-face conservations.
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