
小威廉姆斯疑似新恋情曝光,她被拍到与快船球星小乔丹约会共进晚餐……李娜是梦想,张帅是现实,当梦想照进现实,墨尔本见证了中国新一姐的奇迹。其实比起找出一个新的“李娜”,发现更多的张帅才是对于中国网球来说更重要的事。澳网郑赛赛难敌大威终结者 两盘完败止步次轮2016赛季澳大利亚网球公开赛继续女单次轮角逐,中国一姐郑赛赛迎战澳网穆雷连下9局横扫对手 携伊斯内尔进32强2016赛季澳网公开赛今日继续男单第二轮比赛的争夺,赛会2号种子澳网费德勒3-0多尔戈波洛夫 一盘不失进32强2016赛季澳网公开赛今日展开男单第二轮比赛的争夺,赛会3号种澳网小威仅丢3局横扫谢淑薇 强势晋级第三轮2016赛季澳大利亚网球公开赛继续女单次轮角逐。卫冕冠军小威廉姆斯澳网韩馨蕴连丢6局吞完败 止步次轮无缘32强2016赛季澳大利亚网球公开赛继续女单次轮角逐。中国选手韩馨蕴没郑赛赛夺澳网女单正赛首胜 完胜德新秀进次轮2016赛季澳大利亚网球公开赛继续女单首轮角逐。中国一姐郑赛赛在82016赛季澳网公开赛今日展开男单首轮比赛的争夺,赛会卫冕冠军、塞尔维亚天王德约科维奇直落三盘以6-3、6-新赛季首个大满贯澳大利亚网球公开赛展开女单首轮角逐。世界第一小威廉姆斯自去年美网半决赛之后首次亮相赛场,她用2016赛季澳大利亚网球公开赛继续女单首轮争夺。中国选手王蔷从资格赛突围后继续出色表现,她在开场率先被破发的总体来看,上半区的实力较为明显,小德状态爆棚,基本上锁定了一个四强席位,费德勒如果能通过迪米特洛夫这一关,接下来无论对阵伯蒂奇还是西里奇,都有较大取胜把握,很有可能与小德在半决赛争锋。5小时53分钟!(353分钟)当德约科维奇确定卫冕倒在罗德拉沃尔球场上的那一刻,第100届澳大利亚网球公开赛男单决赛的用时时长定格在了这一创纪录的时刻,而此时已经是墨尔本当地时间1月30日凌晨1点38分。具有阿加西的回球技术、张德培的奔跑能力、康纳斯的比赛斗志,桑普拉斯似乎从20岁的澳大利亚小将休伊特身上看到了自己年轻时的影子。莎拉波娃在布里斯班因伤退赛,拉德在深圳夺冠。此消彼长,在下周的WTA排名中,拉德将超越莎拉波娃,来到第四。从第五到第四的意义非常重大,意味着拉德将在澳网位列前四种子,坐镇其中一个1/4大区。继莎拉波娃和哈勒普之后,在深圳公开赛参赛的科维托娃也在第一轮比赛中因身体不适退赛,而对手中国小花郑赛赛轻松晋级到下一轮。原本动漫里并不都是骗人的,《网球王子》中手冢国光的零式削球居然在现实中上演啦!网球还能这样打?34岁的费德勒仍然在网球场上留下一个又一个传说,打出一记又一记不可思议的得分。原本动漫里并不都是骗人的,《网球王子》中手冢国光的零式削球居然在现实中上演啦!2015年中国网球公开赛今天展开男单首轮的争夺,持外卡参赛的中国选手张择遇上从资格赛杀出的乌兹别克斯坦名将伊事实上半决赛开赛时间和“彩虹”登陆的时间十分接近,于是,可想而知,大家又得等等等等……双打比赛明智地改在了室内场地进行,只剩下四名“矫情”的单打选手像拍《聂隐娘》的侯孝贤:等雨停,等风来,等地干。北京时间10月4日,因受台风“彩虹”影响,2015年ATP深圳公开赛赛程被迫进行调整,单双打半决赛和决赛的较量将安排在一天进行。赛会前四号种子将悉数亮相,为最后的冠军展开激烈争夺。双打方面也将揭晓冠军的归属。WTA超五系列巡回赛——武汉网球公开赛(以下简称“武网”)3日展开单、双打冠军争夺。在大比分0:1落后的情况为了确保以前五的排名进入伦敦的总决赛,捷克“大鸟”伯蒂奇力求在中国三站赛事中实现这一目标。他的深圳公开赛晋级在深圳打出生涯第一个代表作后,张之臻排名将有大幅度的提升,有望首进TOP500。北京时间9月29日,在温网后一直饱受腿伤困扰的俄罗斯美女莎拉波娃,选择在武汉的赛场上复出,首轮轮空的她在昨晚北京时间9月29日消息,2015年ATP250系列赛深圳公开赛继续展开首轮的较量,中国球员悉数出战,结果柏衍北京时间9月28日消息,大满贯得主李娜和辛吉斯一同游览黄鹤楼,并现场挥拍对抗,小试身手。北京时间9月28日消息,总奖金额为2,513,000美金的WTA超五系列赛武汉公开赛展开首轮的争夺。前世界第北京时间9月25日消息,总奖金额为250,000美金的WTA国际巡回赛广州公开赛结束了半决赛的争夺。4号种子
9月25日,WTA国际赛广州网球公开赛今日结束女单和女双决赛的争夺。中国小花组合徐诗霖/尤晓迪连丢两2015广州国际女子网球公开赛8强战果,哈勒普爆冷出局,郑赛赛遭埃拉尼横扫,扬科维奇战胜库兹涅佐娃,卫冕冠军尼库莱斯库遭淘汰。明天,她将对阵前世界第一的塞尔维亚名将扬科维奇。阿勒托娃能否一鼓作气登顶,延续广网黑马夺冠的传统呢?WTA国际赛广州网球公开赛今日结束女单和女双决赛的争夺。赛会头号种子辛吉斯/米尔扎最终获得冠军。Q:首先恭喜北京时间9月26日,2015年广州WTA女子国际网球公开赛决赛在广州奥体网球中心进行。经过1小时10分钟的激2015广州国际女子网球公开赛昨天在广东省奥林匹克网球中心完美落幕,4号种子、塞尔维亚名将扬科维奇在女单决赛【郑赛赛签名会】中国金花郑赛赛赢球后心情大好,在嘉年华区举行签名会和球迷互动。现场的球迷十分热情,她的团队成WTA国际赛广州网球公开赛今日展开女单第二轮比赛的争夺。赛会8号种子、中国选手郑赛赛在第二盘化解对手多个盘点球迷们乐于看到费德勒或者瓦林卡和辛吉斯强强联手的局面,但35岁的瑞士公主听到问题后一脸哭笑不得的表情转头看了下米尔扎,似乎在说:“你们饶了我吧。”迟疑了一下,她才笑着简短地说:“你该先去问那些男生们。”广网首轮——头号种子哈勒普以6-4,6-2的比分击败了资格赛选手马尔蒂奇,晋级第二轮比赛。Q:今天是第一场比【辛吉斯&米尔扎签名会】签名会尚未开始,球迷已经排成长龙,等待一睹瑞士公主辛吉斯的芳容。辛吉斯和米尔扎一出现北京时间9月22日消息,总奖金额为250,000美金的WTA国际巡回赛广州公开赛展开首轮的争夺。头号种子、世曾经球迷对她的印象仅限于“性感”,随着成绩的提高,哈勒普越来越多让人记住的是她出色的步伐,灵活的身手和令人惊#公主驾到#飞机晚点错过了球员欢迎晚宴的玛蒂娜,心情还是很好!公主终于到广州啦,小伙伴们你们准备好去现场没?北京时间9月21日晚,2015广州国际女子网球公开赛欢迎晚宴正式进行。5日凌晨,西班牙名将纳达尔爆冷遭意大利选手福尼尼神奇逆转,止步美网第三轮。赛后,纳豆表示,今年是他过去十年以法网是德约全满贯征程中的最后一块拼图,但过去三年他都在这里败在纳达尔的拍下,这样的命运与2009年之前的费德女单:小威逆转晋级决赛  2015赛季法网公开赛今日结束女单半决赛北京时间6月8日,2015赛季法国网球公开赛结束男单决赛的较量。赛会八号种子、瑞士名将瓦林卡在先丢一盘的再勇敢的男人也会落泪,再坚强的铁汉也有柔情。  北京时间昨天凌晨,法网公开赛上演了终极对决,世界第一德约tennis5i每日网球最新资讯、最全网球比分直播。热门文章最新文章tennis5i每日网球最新资讯、最全网球比分直播。后使用我的收藏没有帐号?
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Includes 57 Steam Achievements
Title: Tennis Elbow 2013
Release Date: 24 Jan, 2013
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Recent updates
I just upgraded the 3D Engine of Tennis Elbow 2013 from DirectX 8 to DirectX 9, which should prevent compatibility issues with GPU Drivers partially dropping DX8 support (especially on Windows 10) ; this should help people who have stuttering while playing.
Note: there's no visual change, it's only a compatibility update.
Also, the following feature has been added : Fullscreen Window mode ; this allows instant Alt+tab, and avoid crashes when changing FSAA and some other video settings unlike the exclusive fullscreen mode.
Changelog since release of the game on Steam can be read here :
29 January
Version 1.0g has been released.
New Features :
World Tour : rankings & career's end wall of fame stats updated to beginning of 2016
GUI : strike speed shown for each player, under their stamina bars
Online : message shown when your opponent is doing a screenshot
“I don't think I've seen rallies closer of reality in any other simulation, and that says it all”
4.5/5 –
“In conclusion, Tennis Elbow 2013 is hands down the best tennis simulation on the market”
“The best tennis game in history (and you do not even know it exists)”
About This Game
Created by and for tennis fans, Tennis Elbow 2013 is a tennis simulation with an easy and intuitive learning curve, but with exceptional gameplay depth.
In this tennis game, you'll have to show all your tactical skills, use an iron mind and quick reflexes, as well as a sharp eye to guess the ball trajectories, all of this to choose your next strike wisely.
To beat your opponent, you have the choice between all the possible strikes on a real court, from the safe strike to the acceleration, including the drop shot and the topspin lob.
This tennis simulation is designed for all tennis lovers, whether gamepad mashers or keyboard novices, because of its numerous difficulty levels. In addition, a visual help system will assist you in aiming the ball and positioning your player. You can turn these options on and off whenever it suits you.
TE2013 features one of the most complete World Tour ever made in a tennis video game. With 3000 players evolving other 36 years, competing in 300 tournaments each year, from the low rank tournament qualifications to the top level event finals, both in singles and doubles competition, you’ll feel like diving in a real professional tennis player’s career.
Tennis Elbow game engine is very open to modifications and TE2013 has an active Modding community.
9 different court surfaces : clay, green clay, grass, hard, blue-green hard, classic synthetic, NewLine synthetic, indoor hard
each with a specific rebound
300 tournaments, with 3500 players evolving over 38 years
The World Team Cup
Singles & doubles competitions
6 difficulty levels, each split in 10 sublevels
Full ranking system
3D male & female players fully customizable
Singles, 3, and doubles games
Split screen
Network : LAN and online games (only available on the Windows version, not on the Mac OSX & Linux versions)
1 to 6 games per set, in best of 1, 3 or 5 sets
7 camera modes
Game is very Modding friendly
You can play doubles with 4 human players on 1 computer, or on 2 computers with 2 players per computer by LAN or Internet, but not on 4 computers.
System Requirements
OS: Windows 10/8/7/Vista/XP
Processor: 500 MHz Intel Pentium II or equivalent
Memory: 512 MB RAM
Graphics: 32-MB 3D card
DirectX: Version 8.1
Storage: 100 MB available space
Additional Notes: Keyboard, Mouse or Joystick
OS: Windows 10/8/7/Vista/XP
Processor: 2 Ghz or faster Intel Pentium 4 or AMD XP processor
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: 128-MB 3D card
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Storage: 200 MB available space
Additional Notes:
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Very Positive
(136 reviews)
The game mechanics are fun and it is definitely the best tennis game on PC I have ever encountered all thanks to the long career mode. Names of the professional players have been changed due to lack of license from ATP and WTA. This can be fixed with Sam's Megapatch which is the only mod you need for the game for it to give you the 9/10 tennis experience. The vanilla game is 7/10 so the mod is recommended to get the full experience.
The best tennis simulation I've ever played on PC. The gameplay itself is very realistic, but the best way to play the game is with a MOD, it really makes it awesome with real-life courts and players and kits and more!
This is Dark Souls of sports games.
Absolute Hidden Gem of a game. With Mods it becomes one of the best tennis games I have ever played.10/10
Glitchy and unplayable especially if you plan on using a controller e.g. your avatar will likely move and stop of its own accord. I've brought this up in the forums. Dev responded with a &fix& that did nothing, and I clearly replied that the proposed fixes did not work.
Been this way since I bought it last Sept. Way overpriced for what it is. Does not compare to a well done tennis game like Top Spin 4. Try out the demo - for about 15 min - you'll notice the bugs.
I wish I had. Waste of $.
Best tennis game on pcIn terms of Gameplay it is MORE REALISTIC than TOP SPIN 4 trust me i play tennis in real life.Only backdraw is the graphic, but you can download a patch from
For a demostration of how it looks with demo here's my game play video:
Graphics is horrible and doesn't look like the video at all. I have also seen the game play which doesn't look anything like this one.
Really disappointed. I got a refund in the end. I am not going to recommend this game to anyone and don't waste your money.
Fantastic game. Taking me a little time to get proficient using the keyboard. But this is a wonderful little tennis game with excellent simulation and challenging gameplay. I highly reccommend it. Now to figure out how to play online...
Best tennis game along with Top Spin 4.The animation is not great, but the gameplay mimics tennis concepts like no other.Has some minor problems related with exp. points IMO. But nothing that can't be changed by changing .ini file values.
Most realistic tennis game ever, it made me better at tennis
This is Dark Souls of sports games.
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Absolute Hidden Gem of a game. With Mods it becomes one of the best tennis games I have ever played.10/10
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The best tennis simulation I've ever played on PC. The gameplay itself is very realistic, but the best way to play the game is with a MOD, it really makes it awesome with real-life courts and players and kits and more!
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The game mechanics are fun and it is definitely the best tennis game on PC I have ever encountered all thanks to the long career mode. Names of the professional players have been changed due to lack of license from ATP and WTA. This can be fixed with Sam's Megapatch which is the only mod you need for the game for it to give you the 9/10 tennis experience. The vanilla game is 7/10 so the mod is recommended to get the full experience.
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24 people found this review funny
Don't make the mistake I made with the Four Pack. Read this first. &You can play doubles with 4 human players on 1 computer, or on 2 computers with 2 players per computer by LAN or Internet, but not on 4 computers.&
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4 people found this review funny
I've played this game for a few years now and I am glad it's finally on Steam! The developer's hard work has finally paid off and the game will finally get the recognition it deserves.Tennis Elbow 2013 offers gameplay unlike a it's an amazing simulation that is realistic, fluid, challenging, and most importantly, fun. It will take a bit getting used to at first as the game is not forgiving when it comes to placement and timing of shots. However, once you get the hang of it, hitting clean winners becomes so overwhelmingly satisfying. The game comes with a LOT of character customization similar to RPGs by allowing you to choose your character's playstyle and increase your stats/effectiveness in various aspects such as: forehand, backhand, serving, volley, etc.Mods are also an option which greatly enhances the quality of the game. The addition of newer and cleaner 2D/3D courts as well as player models, swing animations, sound effects, clothing, and rackets allow you to customize the game the way you want it to look and play.The most common complaint that I would expect to hear from people viewing the trailers are the quality of the graphics. Though it may not be up to par to the other tennis games out there, the game play is what compensates for it. As mentioned before, you can install mods that makes the game more visually appealing. If you can look past this flaw, I can reassure that you will love the actual game play.Tennis Elbow 2013 is a MUST for tennis fans.10/10
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Fantastic tennis game, just:- Do not expect it to be like Virtua Tennis or other arcade tennis, because it's not.- Do not expect to just start winning, the system takes getting use to.- Do read the modding forum on here and install mods early on (you even get an achievement for it!).- Do read the manual, available at the website. Seriously, it makes the control system make more sense.- Do turn on ALL of the PREVIEWS when you first start. It's a wonderful crutch for learning.- Do not expect graphics to be wonderful, but did you come to play tennis, or look at pretty things?Once all that is done, and you lose your first few matches horribly, it starts making sense and getting fun!
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Key supplied by developer for review.======================================Tennis Elbow 2013 (Read on for the full review!)======================================TL;DRWhether in short bursts or long durations, this a tennis sim with depth that will keep you engaged and challenged.======================================Pros+Depth+Realism+Longevity+High skill ceilingCons-Graphics: Probably the game's worst but most insignificant fault.-Controls: A bit clumsy, hard to learn, but intuitive once grasped or mastered.Neutral+/- Sound: Works, minimal, true to life, but low quality.======================================IntroductionWelcome to Tennis Elbow 2013, a tennis simulation featuring painstakingly realistic physics at the expense of graphical fidelity. It supports warmup, practice, campaign, and multiplayer modes, via double or single matches.GameplayThe gameplay in Tennis Elbow 2013 is fast and fluid, but the controls may leave you scratching your head at first. I spent a long time trying to figure out how to not hit the ball straight to the center of the court before figuring out there's a default shot that is performed even if you don't take one. So not only did the default kb+m controls not seem to allow me to take actual shots, but when using a controller, I was under the impression the shoulder buttons would, but they did not. Then I tried using the face buttons, and everything changed.So in TE13, in order to get the ball where you want it, you have to move to get to it, move correctly to take the correct type of shot, and also move to aim the shot once you start to take it. If that sounds like a lot to deal with in a split second, then you are correct, but it is so much fun getting it right and the amount of precision with which you can crush your enemies with once you lock it down.As stated earlier, there are a variety of gamemodes. The AI is quite competent, featuring various levels of difficulty as you ascend the ranks. If it does particularly well or poorly against you, you can opt for higher or lower difficulties. The scoring is...well, like tennis, and the hitboxes for the racket are good. There is an RPG factor here with the extensive character customization present, where you can even select your character's preferred playstyle.I should also briefly mention that the animations are actually pretty nice, and there are quite a few. I don't care for the backpedaling animation, though. At any rate, it is a game that isn't especially fun to learn, is fun to play, and is very fun to learn to do well and play well with.GraphicsSo you're not going to see the shadows and leaves falling off of trees. There will be no sunshafts or lens flares. You won't see much lighting at all, actually. You won't see everything fluttering slightly in the breeze. The character models even, are pretty poor. The physical build isn't too awfully bad, but the lack of lighting and shading and quality textures especially stands out on them, and the UI...the UI is straight out of the 80s.The graphics aren't bad exactly (excluding the UI,) everything is functional and represents what it is supposed to. They just aren't good. In any way. They would be bad if you consider anything not having good or amazing graphics bad, but in the end, this is a game about playing tennis. Even more, it's a simulation focused on tennis. You don't need flashy effects when you hit the ball, or cinematic angles distracting you. You just need to see yourself, your opponent, and the ball going between you two.AudioThe audio quality in Tennis Elbow 2013 is a bit low. There won't be any unrealistic uproar of a crowd 10 times bigger than any crowd ever present, nor any exaggerated effects involving fire and lazers when you hurl your ball 10 meters into the ground creating a crater amidst an explosion. What you get is simple sounds that are there when they are supposed to be. They are realistic in that sense. Hit a ball with a racket, you hear a ball being hit with a racket. On the other hand, the recording quality and the sounds themselves could be much better, but again I must stress that this is a sports sim and not a walking simulator meant to immerse you in deep story and compelling visuals and audio.ConclusionSo, it gets one component majorly right, and two others, sometimes very important ones, very wrong. &What gives?& you might say, &since when is getting just one thing right good enough?& Well, I will tell you. It's enough when it is this damn fun to experience, however, I should also point out that the game is very capable of being modded, and many people have created packs featuring better/different sounds, player models, animations, courts, etc.What you will get if you purchase this game is a very real feeling of playing actual tennis. In that regard, the game is nearly perfect. So in conclusion:I recommend Tennis Elbow 2013 for any enthusiast, at full price.If you just &like tennis& like me, I still think it is worth full price, but you might consider a sale.If you're just interested in getting a competitive or realistic experience, or grabbing any sim that exists, but don't especially love or even like tennis, I would recommend it still, but on sale.======================================If you liked this review or want to see more recommended games, be sure to follow our curator group:
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First off, yes, the graphics aren't very good. Sometimes the players move a bit awkwardly and the overall look of the game (UI in particular) is quite dated. Seeing this initially turned me off from the game, but it seemed like people really enjoyed its accurate gameplay. I had previously played Virtua Tennis 3 on the PS3 and later purchased and enjoyed Top Spin 4 because it was less arcade-y. But Tennis Elbow 13 blows both out of the water in terms of precise gameplay that really simulates tennis.There are a number of things about it that I really like, but the most notable is the realism when it comes to unforced errors. In most other tennis games, it's either impossible to make an unforced error (other than double faulting) or it's ridiculously difficult and will only happen after your player is extremely tired. This means that you can paint the lines on basically every shot without any risk involved. In this game, you have to precisely aim your shot and if you aim too close to the line, you may miss. If you're in an awkward position when you do it, there's a much bigger circle of uncertainty around your aimed shot, so you can easily miss if you go for too much.Some people might have issues with the lack of licensed players, but I personally find the obvious knock-offs absolutely hilarious. Riccardo Fidirir, Nenad Djakavec, and Ruben Nodol will never fail to make me laugh. (Plus, I think there may be mods that you can download to make these accurate)There's also a ton of granularity when it comes to skill customization and opponent level (4 levels, 10 sublevels per level). Overall, I would really recommend this game to people who want a true tennis sim. The graphics don't really bother you after a bit because the gameplay is so good and immersive (the satisfaction of struggling to beat an opponent, but then succeeding 4-6 7-6(4) 7-6(5) is fantastic). However, if you want a more arcade-y game with great graphics, Virtua Tennis is probably the way to go.For anyone who is planning on getting this game, I really recommend using a gamepad. I personally use a PS3 controller connected to my Macbook via Bluetooth and have mapped the D-pad for movement, the X button for topspin, the square button for slice, the circle button for an accelerated shot, and the triangle button for a defensive lob. I find that it works very well. (Normally, I prefer to use the analog stick for movement, but you also use the movement input for shot aiming, which requires a lot of precision. Thus, I use the D-pad, which I got used to pretty quickly)
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Best PC tennis simulation ever. You can find many mods all over the web to add real players, venues, scoreboards, sounds etc. etc.
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