
Cash Flow Brokers, Note Brokers, Discounted Mortgage Investors
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by note industry veteran Lorelei Stevens. "If I had read her book about 6 years earlier,
I would be $200,000 happier." -- Rick Cogswell, Katrick & Associates.
by Del Ashby.
We think this is the best book explaining how notes/cash flows are bought and sold.
If you want to be a broker or investor, you must read this book.
Includes contracts and forms.
By John Merchant, J.D.
you know your IRA or other retirement plan can buy notes and real
estate and other things like leases, tax lien certificates and much
more? Perhaps you say, “My banker tells me it cannot be done and my stock broker says it cannot be done and my accountant says it cannot be done, and, and, and...” WELL, YES IT CAN (despite what those "experts" say), AND IT’S EASY!
by Lonnie Scruggs. Do you think yields of 15%...25% and more are
impossible without great risk?& Think again! This book changes
lives -- you can sell the notes for big profits or keep them for big
yields. Includes contracts and forms.
by Lonnie Scruggs.
Thousands are profiting by what they've learned from this book, the follow-up to Deals On Wheels.
It teaches proven facts, not theory. Loaded with case studies.
-- Lonnie Scruggs' latest! Are you so busy trying to make a living that
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by Steve Case. These are the secrets that very few professionals know,
and that are shared by only a handful of financial advisors to the rich
but that commonly go unnoticed by the rest of the world.&
Click for information (adv.):
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at the VA Mortgage Center's website
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The Ultimate Way To Find Notes In Today's Market&& "Marketing
methods that worked in times past do not necessarily work in today's
market. My experience has shown me that there are many marketing
techniques that can only be described as myths, because I have never
found them to work. Note brokers and investors need high-quality,
focused marketing plans, including the tools and training to execute
these plans."
Using The Power Of The Internet To Find Notes "
Many people sell their notes within about six weeks after turning down
a quote. If that quote was from you and they sold it to someone else,
why? Was it your price? Perhaps, but I think it is more likely that
when they finally got around to making the decision to sell the note,
they sold it to the person whose name was in front of them. One of the
best ways to put your name in front of those potential sellers, and to
keep it there, is through using the power of the Internet and e-
specifically, combining an Internet home page with a highly-targeted
e-mail marketing system..."&
How Hank Harenberg, All-Time Top Note Broker, Finds Notes&& "Hank
Harenberg knows more about finding notes and marketing a note brokerage
business than anyone else we know. When he sold notes exclusively to
Metropolitan Mortgage, Hank Harenberg was its biggest producer
nationally. (Top producers won all-expense-paid trips to Hawaii. Hank
won 18 trips!).
The Power Of Simultaneous Closings & The great advantage to the note broker or investor in a simultaneous closing is that there is no one else bidding on the paper. Simultaneous closings also make it easier to find paper. Instead of trying to find and buy the existing notes, you buy them before they hit the market.
Buying Notes From Lenders In Distress (John Schaub)&& "In the
30-plus years I have been buying real estate and notes, the past few
years have presented the most opportunities for buying notes at huge
discounts.& Owners of real estate are not the only ones in
distress these days. Lenders, both private parties and institutional,
own notes secured by mortgages and trust deeds which are
Dale Ketcham: & Buying Mortgages Since 1970 "
I got a magazine today in which I am running an ad, and there are four
other mortgage buyers who also have ads there. Every one of them says,
"Sold your property? We buy mortgages, annuities" etc. They all look
the same except mine. I know I get calls because mine is different..."
Marketing For Business Notes & "
There are several strong avenues to market for business notes. Some
will be costly, some will cost nothing but your time (which is a
valuable commodity that is not to be wasted or taken for granted). The
key to be successful is to strike a balance between the two, based on
your budget (or lack of one) and the time you have available for
one-on-one marketing, networking, follow-up, etc. It’s not necessary to
take out expensive ads in numerous publications to establish an
effective marketing campaign."
Your Marketing Toolbox (3 Articles -- Buy 2, Get One Free!) "Even though you have competitors, your goal should be to have no competition!"
3 Articles For $2.00&&
12 Questions To Ask Before You Rent A Mailing List Of Note Holders
Talk About A Creative Offer Letter! & By
W. J. Mencarow. "I own some mineral rights in Texas. Every so often I
receive an offer to buy them. Here’s one of the most creative,
eye-catching concepts I’ve ever seen, and one that could work wonders
for you in getting your offers accepted."
Creating Dealflow "Many
brokers make the mistake of only telling people who can obviously bring
them deals. What they fail to recognize is that the grapevine is
complex and invisible. If you're going to be spending time with people,
you might as well tell them what you do. For example..."
Finding Notes& "There
are some very cheap ways to get your name before larger groups of
people to let them know that you buy notes...25 percent of my business
comes from the following simple sentence..".
Features Tell, Benefits Sell! (By Dale Ketcham) &"We've
all heard the saying "Features Tell..Benefits Sell!" But do you apply
this principle when promoting yourself to buy that mortgage? ...This
list is an excellent model for you as you develop your benefits."
Set Up Your Own Network Of Note Finders& Here's
everything you need to set up your own "bird dog" network:& a
flyer to give potential note finders explaining h
a customized Note Information Form which they fill out and fax to you
when th and a Referral Commission Agreement.&
All the documents can be customized for your business preferences.
Sometimes The Best Deals Just Fall Into Your Lap& "After
all of the closing costs our out-of-pocket expense to buy the $10,000
second mortgage was $680. The payback period on our investment would be
13 months. The yield on our money would be 96.47%..."
Use Seminars To Market For Notes
approach to selling is such a soft sell, that it's often used by people
who usually aren't considered salespeople, yet may have to market
(sell) to build their business. Sell your note business by seminar.
Your competition will if you won't. Here are 7 steps to an effective
Finding Notes With Mortgage Brokers "
Mortgage brokers are one of the many sources you can use to find
transactions. Someone asked me "What is the best way to approach them?
...letters, phone calls or what?" The second question was, "How does
the broker handle the transaction paperwork and we still get to do the
Sample Brochure For Realtors Explaining How You Can Buy Notes And Help Them Sell Properties
Two Sample Letters To Realtors To Find Notes
for questions or support
&E-BOOK! Make Money Trading Mortgages by
Del Ashby. We think this is the best book explaining how notes/cash
flows are bought and sold. If you want to be a broker or investor, you
must read this book. Includes contracts and forms. Just $19.95
How To Answer Noteholders' Favorite Questions& Eight questions you are sure to hear from noteholders and how to answer them.
Negotiation In One Lesson& "
Here are some very valuable tools. How to use them, nobody can teach
you. But if you commit them to memory, and if you have what it takes to
be a good negotiator, you'll find this brief article to be one of the
most important you've read. If you have the raw talent, it's red
7 Secrets Of Successful Negotiators, by John Schaub "Negotiating,
like many things in life, is a skill you can continue to improve. Like
management, negotiating is more complex than it first appears. It is
not simply a matter of haggling over the price, as you would when
buying a melon at a roadside stand. Likewise, the best negotiator is
not the flashy, smooth talker. The best negotiator is the one who is
best prepared. Negotiating is a learnable craft, and one that you
should set a goal to learn. It pays better than any other skill you can
What To Do When Your Quote Isn't Accepted& "This
income is in addition to what a note broker would make brokering other
notes. This program is best for those situations when the note holder
does not want to sell the note, or when he just will not accept the
broker’s quote. That note holder may, however, be very interested in a
sizeable check every year and still own the note..."
Give Note Sellers What They Want & Still Profit (Reverse Partial)& "How
many times have you lost the opportunity to purchase a note because the
note seller needed or wanted more money than the quality of the note
justified?...This might be just one of the cases where a Reverse
Partial can be structured that will give the note seller a substantial
amount of cash at closing and the balance over the next year or so..."
The 60-Second Screen (How To Quickly Decide If A Note Is Marketable)&&&& "I’ve
watched hundreds of note brokers go out of business primarily because
they didn’t solve this problem. The tragedy is, it’s easy to solve!"
Ask Questions & Make Money! by
Lonnie Scruggs. "If you're running short of money, maybe it's because
you're not asking enough questions: Especially when it comes to asking
for discounts when you buy something. It's amazing what results you can
get sometimes by simply asking a question. Let me explain what I mean
by sharing several actual case histories with you."
Preparing Note Packages That Get Funded -- A 6-Part Series For Just $4.00! "The
first thing a prospective note seller wants to do is talk numbers.
That’s the last thing I want to do. How can I talk numbers until I have
seen the "car" I am buying (the note, etc.). I might not want it at any
price once I have seen it!! Yet, most people let themselves get
trapped. They put their foot in their mouth and lose deals by talking
numbers first. It appears that we get lulled into thinking that all
notes are alike. There must be a reason that they call the things we
usually buy "NON-CONFORMING PAPER..."
6 Articles For $4.00 &&
What To Do When The Seller Backs Out "What
happens when a note seller backs out of your deal? Anyone who has been
a note buyer for long has experienced the following scenario: You get a
frantic call asking for a bid on a note. You give the bid and the note
seller signs up with you. The note seller calls you frequently wanting
to know when they will get their money. Then they stop calling. Then
they won't return your phone calls. Finally, you find out from some
third party that the note is being sold to someone else. Or, even
worse, the deal mysteriously evaporates and you never know what
Don't Contact The Payor Or The Deal Is Off!"Most note bu those dreaded words from the note seller, "Don't contact the payor or the deal is off!"
The Nature Of The Note Seller & "When
I was young and just starting in the note buying business, I went to a
lawyer to get some advice. The first thing he told me was this: "Always
remember, Lorelei, every note seller is a liar and a crook."
&& I was shocked to hear him say such a thing. I couldn't
believe it. I read the same advice in George Coats' excellent book
Smart Trust Deed Investment in California: & "Experienced TD
[Trust Deed] investors often claim that the best approach to the
investigation of any TD is to assume the other fellow is a crook, and
then work backward from there. Depressing as it may sound, there is
considerable justification for this attitude."& After thirty years
in the note buying business, I understand exactly what my lawyer and
George Coats were saying..."
Taming The Toughest Note Holders
"“What’s your discount?”
“What yield are you getting?”
“Why is the total of all the payments you are receiving so much less than what you are offering me?”
Here’s a way to deal with those pesky questions..
Calculating Present Value Without A Calculator "
It is sometimes handy to have a way to "estimate" what you will pay for
certain notes (income streams actually) without taking out your
Beginners SHOULD "Get In Over Their Heads"& "There is infinitely more opportunity in doing the deals that do not fit into the "vanilla" framework..."
One Of The First Questions To Ask A Note Seller&&& One
of the first questions a note buyer must ask a note seller is, "How is
the interest to be calculated, simple or compounded annually?" The
usual answer is "I don't know. What does it mean, compounded
annually?"...the alert note buyer will never assume that the
programming of a financial calculator will give you the same answer as
the face of the note...
Negotiating "Impossible"Deals& "It
is often true that the best deals can come from those situations that
look impossible or that no one else wants. & The real key to
success in these cases is having the knowledge and creativity to
restructure the transaction to your standards while getting the note
seller an acceptable solution to his problem. Often, you are the only
one that can solve his problem because everyone else has declined to
buy. When the seller faces this, he is often very flexible on either
price or terms or both.& In this article I will review a couple of
transactions we have done that may demonstrate some creative solutions
that can make these kinds of deals work.."
Awaken The Untapped Power Of Paper, A 4-Part Series "In
most of the following techniques, knowledgeable investors are willing
to be either buyer or seller. They make the transaction favorable to
themselves no matter what role they take..."
4 Articles For $3.00 &&
Persuasive Telephone Negotiation & "My best advice for negotiating on the telephone is:& Be quiet and listen. Really listen.& In
the initial dialogue, what should our objective be? I suggest that it
should be to find out why the person has called. If the call has to do
with selling a note, you will want to find out what they have for sale,
what they want for it and get to know them and their problems. You will
want to do these things BEFORE you give them any information... Here
are some examples of what I mean..."
How Do You Convince Note Owners To Take A Discount And Sell Now?& "
I will confess that in my approximately 25 years in this business I was
never very good at convincing unmotivated note sellers. If the only
motivated note sellers you are dealing with are those who receive your
marketing piece simultaneously with an IRS lien, pink slip, wage
garnishment, etc., your note business is in big trouble. To be
successful in any selling endeavor you must create urgency. Once you
learn how to create urgency your profitability will take a dramatic
turn for the better..."
7 Rules For Quoting The Deal "How
do I hold on to the mortgage seller after I give them the quote? They
never seem to call back after our initial conversation. I give hundreds
of quotes, yet only get a few deals, and then most of these back out
before funding. Is this normal for the industry?”
big misconception is that whoever offers the best price, and can close
the fastest, will get the deal. This couldn’t be further from the truth.
You need to read this article by a former top executive of the largest note investing company in the world.
Check the boxes for all the items you want, then click the "Place Order" button
(Your credit card statement will show THE PAPER SOURCE)
How To Broker Structured Settlements & Learn the ins and outs of this most unique niche business.
How To Broker Lotteries & Interview
with Martin Granoff, one of the most expreieinced lottery investors in
the nation. "We have numerous times paid referral fees exceeding
$50,000 for a lottery acquision...One of
the most interesting and lucrative "alternative cash flow" areas to
work in is dealing with state lottery winners seeking cash now for some
or all of their future payments. As an investor in this field for
almost five years, we have learned quite a bit about this business and
want to share it with you."
Can Structured Settlements Be Assigned?& "This
case could well be the seminal event in the litigious battle that has
been waged between the settlement purchasing industry and the insurance
industry over the legality of the assignment of structured
Brokering Partially-Paid Life Insurance Policies (Senior Settlements) "Healthy
people now are cashing in their life insurance policies, favoring a
smaller, immediate payout to themselves rather than a far greater death
benefit later for their beneficiaries. This business has enormous
potential yet is virtually unknown..."
Exclusive Interview With The President of the Original and Largest Structured Settlement Investment Company He
discusses what structured settlements are, how to find them, why the
discounts are so high and how to explain that to a settlement holder,
why the insurance industry is fighting the secondary market in
structures, and answers the question "should you specialize in
brokering structured settlements?"
Note Niche: Self-Storage Paper & List Of Investors Who Buy It&& "
There's no better time to invest in or broker self-storage. Not only
has the industry become more legitimate in the eyes of Wall Street, but
also the public is becoming aware of its benefits..."
Some Issues In Advanced Structured Settlement Brokerage
How To Buy and Sell Sports Contracts & "
Sports contracts are employment contracts between professional athletes
and the team for whom they play. Generally, when these contracts are
negotiated they are for multiple years and have a variety of deferred
payment obligations payable to the player and his or her agent."
Can You Make Money From Judgments? Collecting
judgments is very difficult. I should know, I do it for a living. It is
much more complicated than these judgment courses would have you
believe. First...
Why You Should NEVER Buy A Contractor Note & "In
some 15 years in business as a national note investment firm, we have
bought thousands of notes.& This is the story of the worst
investment we have ever made.".
Brokering Real Estate Leases &&&
A real estate lease is one where a property owner leases land and/or a
building to another. In a lease, the lessor's interest is generally
assignable. By providing us with a few simple documents, we will be
able to determine if a lease fits into our purchase guidelines..."
How A Niche Note Buyer Prospers & "
The note business has become so competitive and so broadly-based that
one has to become specialized in order to survive, and one has to
develop certain niches in certain marketplaces in order to survive. If
you are dealing with these national buyers and your note doesn’t fit
into their criteria, you’re out of luck, you can’t sell it. In the
meantime you have all these new brokers in the marketplace that have
come out of the schools that have proliferated in the last few years.
So the only way to survive is to develop different geographical areas
and niche markets... If you are a buyer of "plain vanilla" deals, you
cannot make money in the U.S. That’s why we are buying offshore. We’re
currently buying in Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, the
Philippines and certain South American countries..."
Deals On Wheels:& Investing & Brokering Mobile Home Notes, by Lonnie Scruggs& "This couple
owned and lived in a 17; x 64’ single-wide mobile home in a park.
They were moving out of the area and needed to sell their home. After
the park manager assured me that the home could stay on the lot, I
negotiated a purchase price of $3,350 for the home. I spent $132 for
advertising, so I now had a total of $3,482 invested. The home was sold
17 days later for $7,900. The buyer paid $790 down and signed a note
for $7,110 payable $228.39 for 38 months, 12.75% interest. So I now
have a note for $7,110 and I have $2,692 left in that note.
"Is my calculator lying, or is that a 96% yield?!..."
How To Evaluate A Land Note & "The
joker in the paper deck of cards is the land note.& A house is a
house. The houses in any one area are more or less alike, and they have
sold in a narrow range. A commercial property is a commercial property,
with values based on income: If the income from the property won’t make
the payment on the loan, don’t buy the loan! But there are no such
guidelines on a land loan.& An appraiser can make mistakes, but
its very rare for an appraiser to estimate the value of a property as
DOUBLE or TRIPLE or even FIVE TIMES the real value. But it can happen
on a land loan!..."
How To Broker Church Financing &&& "Although
most brokers don't know how to package church-related deals, these are
easy transactions to broker. "They're very simple transactions, once
they get the financial information correct," says John Kucey, president
of Concord Acceptance Corp., a mortgage bank and securities agent that
specializes in religion-related financing.& In a recent $550,000
loan to the Double Rock Missionary Baptist Church in Double Rock,
California, the broker earned two points, or $11,000. The demand for
religion-related financing is growing, which gives brokers a sizable
opportunity to capitalize on an untapped niche market..."
Why The Big Discount On Business Notes? How To Explain It To A Seller
Is Military Retirement Paper A Legitimate Cash Flow? Can you invest in or broker military retirements/pensions? Better read this before you try!
Buying And Brokering Future Lawsuit Settlements Have
you ever heard of investing in and brokering future lawsuit
settlements? No? You’re not alone. This could be the least-known
investment in the world.
Buying Divorce Liens& "You won't find the detailed advice laid out in this article anyplace else. We’re very pleased to present this information, for the first time anywhere, in THE PAPER SOURCE..."
My Experiences Buying Bankruptcy Claims This
article explains what bankruptcy claims are, the secondary market for
them, the major investor for them, and do's and don'ts from a
bankruptcy claim broker who has added them to his cash flow product
Cash Flows You Don't Know About Here
are over 40 cash flows to buy and broker that most people have never
thought of. Specializing in an area that few if any are working can be
very profitable indeed. (This is a list of cash flows only, to give you
Loaning Against Notes "Loaning
against real estate notes can be lucrative. If you are a note buyer in
today's market, you’re probably having trouble finding notes. There are
plenty of real estate notes out there, but they are not for sale. You
can loan money to the people who hold those real estate notes and you
can make that loan with excellent security: The borrower’s real estate
note. Even though loaning against real estate notes is a common
practice, there are pitfalls that even the experienced have fallen
into. Here are some basics of successful loaning against real estate
Improving Your Success Rate In Commercial Notes "Every
day I see numerous quote requests come across my desk for pricing.
Approximately 25% to 30% of these are commercial quote requests. When
reviewing these commercial quote requests
the most common question I have to ask one of my sales reps to verify is: "Was the sales price
for the real estate only?"
Why do we ask this question? Why is it important? Why should the broker ask this
question of his note seller up-front?"
Divorce Lien Differences by Lorelei Stevens. There’s more than one way to buy a divorce lien. One is ideal, the other, very risky.
The Investment That Won't Stop Paying by Lonnie Scruggs. "I've collected a total of $23,747 on this one old mobile home. My original cost was just over $4,000 ."
Commercial Paper Niches With A Potential For Riches& "Almost
everyone knows about the active secondary market for residential
mortgage paper. By contrast, I operate in the limited and little-known,
but potentially "rich-niche" field of commercial property paper."
Monthly Income From An Old, Ugly, Cheap Mobile Home by Lonnie Scruggs.
"I don’t even have to leave the house to get paid, but that nice couple
living in that mobile home have to go to work every day so they can
send me a check. And they get to do it every day times 40 all
made possible by an old, ugly mobile home that most investors wouldn’t
consider of any value or collateral."
Prosperity Partners -- Investors In Non-Traditional Paper "You
can make a living on what is proven to work, but you can have enormous
success by focusing on what “can’t be done." We are in the business of
investing in unusual cash flows. We buy almost any type of cash flow
other than discounted mortgages."
Mobile Home Notes: Profitable, But...One
of the ways to find “good notes” is to generate them through business
transactions of your own. The mobile home business has been touted as
one good way to do that. As with most things, they also have a
for questions or support
&Lorelei's Legal Lessons: The Essential Guide For Successful Note Brokers And Investors by note industry veteran Lorelei Stevens.
The Case FOR Creating Notes By Simultaneous Closings& "Simultaneous
closings are those in which a seller of a property agrees to seller
financing, and the note created is simultaneously sold at closing. The
debate over simultaneous closings is raging – are they legal, are they
ethical, are they for real? (yes, yes, yes!).& We fund
simultaneous closings. In fact, we love them, as they allow us (and our
brokers) to provide a necessary service to the real estate marketplace.
And, the other benefits are also nice: 1) no one competing against you
2) working on a note you know you can buy, and 3) time
not wasted chasing notes others have "beaten to death..."
The Case AGAINST Creating Notes By Simultaneous Closings& "There
are two major reasons why some note buyers avoid this type of
transaction. First, it falls into a gray area of the law. It could be
considered a loan disguised as a sale. That could have serious legal
consequences. The second reason is that simultaneous closings are used
almost exclusively with "credit-challenged" payors or with properties
that could best be described as "dumps" or homes sold at inflated
prices, inviting costly defaults. The note buying industry is divided
on this issue.."
The Inside Scoop On Note Frauds Letters
of credit...prime bank notes...bank guarantees...advance fees...Ponzi
schemes..."419" fraud...MLM pyramid schemes...Are you prepared to
recognize these note frauds, or will you be a victim?
Brokers At The Crossroad: The Return of the Private Investor "The entrepreneur who will succeed during the next 15 years will be the one who can find and fund his or her own deals..."
FLIP FLIM-FLAM!& The documents are doctored, the appraisal is false, the buyer is phony, the down payment is a lie.& An
old enemy is out there waiting to pick your pockets and separate you
from your hard-earned money. Rest assured, if you are in the note
business long enough you will succumb...or at least be tempted...by the
profitable charms of the flip flim-flam.
When Is A Note Not A Note?& When It's A Loan!&&& "You
want to make money buying notes. They can go by several names -- notes,
trust deeds, paper -- but whatever you call it, making money is the
point.& You see many opportunities to buy notes. But you might not
see the pitfalls. And if you don't see them, you can find that buying
notes is a good way to go broke instead of a good way to get rich..."
Tax Filing Requirements For Note Holders "
Do you know whether or not you must file a Form 1098 with the IRS and
provide one to your borrowers? There are general rules to follow..."
Advice On Note Attorneys & "As
a buyer of seller financed notes, you should have each transaction
examined by a qualified attorney. But who is qualified?& Like most
note buyers, I had assumed that a good real estate attorney knows all
about notes.& I was wrong..."
What Does "A," "B," "C" Credit Mean?& Credit
scores are a relatively new tool for assessing risk in the note
purchasing business. While scoring is used to help evaluate our risk
assessment, some investors continue to rate credit "the old fashioned
Usury -- Old, But Dangerous && "
as an old mine floats and bobs out of sight, usury hovers just out of
sight of most every consumer loan and promissory note transaction, but
always at the ready to blow a deal out of the water — and do great harm
to the participants. Did you know that recourse can turn a low interest
note into a usurious loan? Nearly all states have usury laws regulating
CONSUMER loans."
Credit Problems?& No Problem! && "
great deal of "spam" is circulating around the Web sent by people
promising that they can erase your bad credit, 100% guaranteed, or
legally create a new credit identity. Some claim they can remove
bankruptcies, judgments, liens, and bad loans from your credit file
forever!& Let's start off by stating that there is one way, and
only one way, to have a good credit record..."
Risky Recourse& "If
a noteseller sells us a note with recourse, does the law consider that
a loan from us to the noteseller?& It might be considered a loan
because the noteseller has the final liability for paying us
back.& The legal question is this: If it was a loan, and our yield
on the note was higher than our State's usury laws allowed, would we in
effect be charging illegal interest?..."
Endorsement Vs. Assignment:& Not Knowing The Difference Could Cost You "&By taking less than an endorsement, you are likely giving up valuable legal rights..."
Some Problems With Partials& "Partials"
are subject to many pitfalls and must be carefully examined prior to
you making a commitment to use your hard-earned money on what may be
more grief than success..."
Can You Order A Credit Check Without The Note Payor's Permission?& "I
want to buy a note. Can I order a credit report on the payor without
the payor’s consent?" This question has haunted note buyers for years.
The answer appears to be..."
Mythical Money: Prime Bank Notes&& "Your
company needs money. Your bank won't lend it to you. You seek your
business loan on the Internet. Within days, some broker offers your
company a Prime Bank Guaranteed (PBG) Loan. If you accept this loan
offer, you will be a victim of one of the oldest scams in the world..."
How I Got Burned By An Institutional Note Investor&
How I Got Scammed By A Mailing List Vendor
Should You Take A Deed In Lieu of Foreclosure?& Sometimes it's a good idea, sometimes it's not.& Here's advice to help you decide what to do.
Balloon Battering& "Note
buyers must be aware of the "Balloon Battering" law in Chapter 13
bankruptcy.& A final balloon payment can be delayed by the buyer
of the home for up to five extra years! ..."
Who Gets The Money When The Seller Of A Partial Disappears?& "
Selling Your Home?& Does The Buyer Want You To Take Back A Second Mortgage?& Better Read This!&
Note Brokers, Lending & Securities Do note brokers need a securities or lender's license? What term should you NEVER use for the note seller? What term should you NEVER use for a note transaction?
The Soldiers' And Sailors' Civil Relief Act "Debtors in the armed
forces can claim their service has affected their ability to pay, and
you must reduce their interest rate to no more than 6 percent."
Never Call The Note Seller Your "Client"! Here's
the language you need to look for and change in every contract you use.
Otherwise you face possible legal liability. Let's hope someone in the
note industry doesn't get sued by some unhappy note seller because of
The Law On Paying Real Estate Agents Referral Fees For Notes
"If you don't follow the rules you might find yourself a conspirator in
an unlawful scheme and you might face criminal or civil penalties for
your part in the deal."
Check the boxes for all the items you want, then click the "Place Order" button
(Your credit card statement will show THE PAPER SOURCE)
Get ALL The Cash Flow Dollar Store Articles, Plus E-Books And More For Just $199.95!&
What Makes A "Safe" Mortgage Investment? 24 Experts Tell Us We
asked two dozen of the veteran investors in the note business to tell
us what makes a “safe” mortgage. Whether you are primarily an investor
or a broker, you’ll learn a great deal from these answers. Even those
who broker everything and never invest themselves should know what
their investors need to have in a note.
Preparing Note Packages That Get Funded -- A 6-Part Series For Just $4.00!
6 Articles For $4.00 &&
Closing The Deal:& Food For Thought "Prepare
your seller that your offer is "subject to appraisal and title." Do not
carve your offer in stone because you may have to backtrack later if
the appraisal comes in low or a tri-merged credit report appears worse
than originally observed. Perhaps additional liens will appear or there
is some offset with the payor... Leave room both in your agreement and
conversations and representations. If the deal is still do-able, you
may have to come back and offer a partial, split, or some payout by the
seller of payor’s past due real estate taxes, insurance, etc..."
Save Money & Close More Deals!"
How much money have you spent on deals that never closed? If you’re
like me, you don’t want to know. When you’re first starting out you
make a lot of mistakes. I remember ordering title searches, appraisals
and credit checks on deals without even having a signed purchase
When we buy a note, we now do
it a little differently. After reviewing the intake sheet and
determining that we want to buy the note, our next step is to negotiate
a deal and get the seller's signature on a purchase contract. Then we
get the standard stuff...Sounds pretty normal so far? Just wait..."
Talk About A Creative Offer Letter! & "I
own some mineral rights in Texas. Every so often I receive an offer to
buy them. Here’s one I saved. It is one of the most creative,
eye-catching concepts I’ve ever seen, and one that could work wonders
for you in getting your offers accepted. Obviously it will have to be
rewritten for a note purchase, but the ideas are all here..."
The Tootsie Pop Mortgage && "
During the course of your involvement with seller-financed mortgages
and trust deeds, you will eventually run into what is known as a wrap
mortgage. What is this thing? Is it something you give as a gift, a hip
new type of note (no pun intended) or maybe a mortgage that has come to
the end of its term like when you hear, "That’s a wrap" at the
completion of a project? Common sense tells you it’s not one of the
above, but what is it?..."
Locating LOST Notes& " If
you are involved in a note transaction, the original note is your first
concern.& If you are selling or buying a note with a balance due,
or releasing the note after it’s paid off, you must have the original
note. A copy or facsimile will not do. If you are involved with a
seller-financed real estate note or a business note or a divorce lien
note, here are some points about original notes..."
What's A "Holdback?" & "For
newer brokers who aren’t aware of what a "holdback" is, and for those
of you who know and don’t like it, here is some food for thought. A
holdback is one or more payments deducted or "held back" from the
broker’s or seller’s proceeds at closing. When Metropolitan funds a
note purchase, the buyer has not yet been instructed to send payments
to us, so their next payment due will likely be sent to the seller. We
then utilize the holdback.."
Mortgagee vs. Mortgagor:& Do You Know The Difference?&&" Buyers,
sellers, real estate brokers, even bankers get confused, sometimes, by
the difference between "mortgagor" and "mortgagee."& The confusion
arises because they’re mixed up about who actually does the mortgaging.
Most home buyers say they’ll go to a lender "to get a mortgage" and
real estate brokers do the same: "We’ll find a bank to give you a
mortgage."& That’s all wrong, though..."
Title Insurance:& Who Needs It?& "Watch
out for the uninsured deed. You may be looking at a legitimate
transaction that is technically legal. But the realities of the
situation are that the transfer is not yet complete for practical
purposes. In the worst case (a deceased grantor or a grantor who has
"changed his mind," among other possibilities) it may be necessary for
the new owner to take court action to quiet title..."
Brokering Notes To Private Investors The Smart, Easy and Profitable Way&“Sorry,
we can’t purchase this note. Our underwriting committee does not like
your payor’s credit and the appraisal’s comparables are poor.”
How many times have you heard this from a large institutional investor?
What do you do with the notes that do not fit into the institutional
underwriting box -- but will fit another investor’s box? This is where
private investors come into play. A private investor is an individual
who purchases notes for their retirement, trust account or in their own
How To Collect Bad Debts
The Myth Of The “Discount Rule”
By W. J. Mencarow, Editor of . Why
note investors who know what they're doing pay no attention to how much
of a discount they are getting on the face amount of the note.
How Do You Verify The Down Payment? "When
is a sale not a sale? If you can’t verify the down payment supposedly
made when the property was purchased, don’t buy the note. Here are some
ways to verify that the down payment was made as represented."
The Most Important Number In The Transaction: Verifying the balance owing on a note has built-in hazards by
Lorelei Stevens. "Experienced note buyers are well aware that the
balance owing on a note is the most important number in the
transaction. Everything else is based on that number. It’s what you’re
buying, so it had better be right. If a servicing agent is involved in
a note you want to buy, they will provide you with a
definite figure for the balance owing. The question is, should you rely on it? And if you don’t, what do you do then?"
The Creditor's Dilemma: Collecting On Judgments
Imperative Insurance Why fire and hazard protection is vital for the note buyer... you must be certain of four key things...
The Transition Payment
By Lorelei Stevens. Which payment is the last to go to the note seller and which is the
first to go to you, the note buyer?
for questions or support
Get ALL The Cash Flow Dollar Store Articles, Plus E-Books And More For Just $199.95!
Some of the Best Advice To A Beginner We've Seen& ""Could
anyone let me know if on a part-time basis it is possible to generate
$800 to $1600 a month starting out the first year as a note broker?"
Confessions of a Novice Note Broker & " One
year ago, armed with what I thought was at least adequate knowledge of
the note business, I stepped into the arena to conquer the note world.
Surprise! It hasn’t turned out to be at all like I expected! & The
results have been beyond my wildest dreams: I received about $80,000 in
commissions, I have agents working for me, a central office that
handles paperwork and we are now moving into other states. I have a
priceless support group and my business now comes from referrals. The
knowledge I have gained has made me much more competent and resourceful
in the business world. If I lost everything today, I could rebuild in
an even shorter time. And this is because of all my mistakes. Piles and
piles of mistakes. Little mistakes and big mistakes. Business mistakes,
personal mistakes and financial mistakes..."
What Makes A Marketable Mortgage Note?& A
summary of what factors give value to a mortgage note. Useful when
writing your own notes and to give to real estate agents and others who
will be writing notes that you may buy. &
What Being A "Broker" Really Means& "What’s wrong with this picture?& "I'm
brokering a note. At closing, it's assigned to me, then I assign it to
my investor. The investor's attorney says this is a problem (usury - he
looks at the discount as points, etc.). Also, I think there's a
possibility the investor could sue me if the note goes bad."..."
This also includes an "Assignment Of Contract Rights" that brokers can use to protect themselves.
10 Rules For Success In The Note Business In today’s competitive market, everyone is tempted to cut their profit margins drastically just to
get the deals. Don’t do that. Remember the old joke about the store
that lost money on everything they sold, but they claimed they made it
up in volume? That store is out of business. You might want to pin
these note business axioms up on your wall...
THE PAPER SOURCE NOTE DICTIONARY Glossary of over 200 terms used in the note and cash flow business.
Beware Of These "Buyers" -- How National Note Investors Work (And How To Tell The Genuine Ones From The Phonies)
"This is a very small industry. Some of the big seminar or infomercial
gurus would have you believe that is not true. They lead you to believe
that there are hundreds if not thousands of investors just waiting to
buy your note. This is a big fallacy that could lead you into trouble."
How To Set Up Shop Practical advice for setting up your home office.
12 Experts Give Their Best Advice To Note Brokers We recently asked twelve of the major investors in the note business to complete this statement:
“If I Could Give Just One Piece Of Advice To A Note Broker, It Would Be...”
Here is what they said.
Have Taxi, Will Buy Notes "The
call came in early on a Monday morning. & Seattle Yellow Cab’s
central dispatcher snapped, "I have this all-day job here, Dennis. They
have papers to be picked up from the court house, go get signatures,
that kind of thing. Want it?"& "Sure," I replied. "Work is
work."& "Okay, see the lady at Wall Street Brokers. Corner of
Fifth and Wall Street."& It was a nice address uptown.
I walked into the office, I instantly recognized the look on their
faces.& I’ll admit I’m a burly guy, and some people do think I
look like a cross between Santa Claus and a biker-bar regular. And it’s
true that people stare at my shoulder-length hair and Indiana Jones
hat. But I win them over.& "Hi!" I said brightly. "I’m Dennis
Roberts, the singing taxi driver. I’m here to pick up those papers at
the court house for you."& The lady introduced herself as Lorelei
Stevens, President of Wall Street Brokers. She did a pretty good job of
not staring while she explained her business—buying seller-financed
notes. I would be courier for some very important deals today.&
Then she said I looked like a character actor in the movies. &
"Good guess," I said. "I am a character actor. Ever see the television
series Northern Exposure?"...
Tricks Of The Trade& "I
want to share with you a case having so many twists and turns that it
presented a myriad of opportunities to learn...I made over $7,000
profit on the first 89 payments and will repeat that every 89 months
for the next 30 years — and you can, too..."
How Many Note Brokers Are There? & Four Key Areas That Will Define The Future Of The Note Business& && How
many note brokers do you think there are in America, full-time,
part-time, even virtually no-time (one deal in a year)? 5,000? 10,000?
100,000? One company that pitches note broker classes via massive
direct mail and TV infomercials said as of a few years ago they had
trained 11,000 people (so the number is a lot higher now). Another
claims to have trained 5,000. Another says they’ve taught 7,000. Put it
all together and at least 25,000 people have taken note broker classes
in the past few years. What do you think the success rate is (or ought
to be to justify the high prices)? Do half of them make it? More? Less?
5 Things A Successful Note Buyer Must Have "I
think there are five things that a successful note buyer must have. I
define successful as making over $100,000 net per year. How does he or
she do it? Here are my observations..."
Maria's Money& "My
name is Maria Stevens, and I just had my 10th birthday. I'm lucky that
I've already started to make money with real estate and business notes,
so I can save for college! I may seem young for this, but I trust the
advice I get, and I really like the idea of making money!
you'd like to do what I'm doing, so let me explain. I only buy small
notes, and split the cost with my brother. I've bought seven notes so
far, and two have paid off already! I paid $1,500 for the first note,
and (believe it or not) I made a profit of $4,823 because the note paid
off really early! My second note cost me $500, and my profit was $698!
The #1 Broker For The #1 Volume Investor Shares His Secrets& "In
1984 I was doing one deal a month or every two months. When I worked by
myself it was about four deals a month. Now we close a deal a day.
I won the BMW at the Metropolitan Convention, as I was leaving the
podium a lady grabbed me by the lapel and said, "I’ve been in the note
business only six months. Tell me one secret of your success!" I
7 Rules For Quoting The Deal "How
do I hold on to the mortgage seller after I give them the quote? I give
hundreds of quotes, yet only get a few deals, and then most of these
back out before funding. Is this normal for the industry?”
big misconception is that whoever offers the best price, and can close
the fastest, will get the deal. This couldn’t be further from the
You need to read this article by a former top executive of the largest note investing company in the world.
7 Questions To Ask Before You
Incorporate & To
some people, the formation of their own corporation is a sign that they
really are in business. But many businesses operate just fine and never
take that step. What should you do? There are
many factors in the decision. Take this survey to see how you stack up.
Wholesale Or Retail? Making
the decision whether to go wholesale or retail on a file is always a
tricky one. The investor who gives you a pre-approval “subject to
underwriting” can find any reason to cut the file, change the pricing,
object to the appraisal, ask for more documents or information that you
cannot obtain, etc. It is totally in the investor’s discretion.
How To Judge A Note We
asked no less than 27 of the most experienced national note investors:
"How do you judge a note?" and got a wide variety of answers! This is a
long article with a great deal of invaluable information you will find
nowhere else.
Are There Really People Successfully Brokering Paper Today? Interview With Joel Cassway & "The answer is "absolutely."
of the people who start in paper fail. That means 5% succeed to one
degree or another. Most of the 5% are people who are just making a
living at it. Then there are the few who make the quantum leap and
really do well. My observation over 25 years is that the difference is,
these are the people who market their business.
People will spend thousands of dollars to learn the business but almost no money to market their business.
This is a long-term business, and most people think short-term..."
Start-Up Financing For Your Business -- Finding An Angel&& "Just
a few years ago, seed financing for start-ups was an arcane pursuit,
left to specialty investors. Now angel investing is one of the hottest
games in town for wealthy investors and others who are seeking rich
returns and want to diversify their portfolios. Many angels were people
who built their own companies, cashed out and now want the vicarious
experience, as well as the returns, that come from helping start-ups..."
for questions or support
THE PAPER SOURCE JOURNAL: The Voice Of The Cash Flow Business
How To Become Wealthy In The Note Business& "Ask
anyone who has been in the note business for several years, "How do you
become wealthy in this business?" and they will answer, that one, you
don't do it overnight, and that two, you do it by becoming an investor
yourself...Let's look at a deal and analyze the option of buying a full
mortgage and selling a partial mortgage compared to taking a one time
fee by selling the full mortgage. Should we "take the money and run...
or let it ride?" Follow this transaction as it unwinds and see how
early rejection led to a nice profit opportunity..."
Interview With Michael Meeker:& The Man Who Has Trained More Successful Note Brokers Than Anyone& "Every
note broker should be profoundly grateful to Michael Ira Meeker, for he
is virtually the founder of the business. He is responsible for more
successful note brokers than anyone else in history... "
Interview With Guy Ercolani, Top Producing Note Broker & "Q:&
If you had one lesson to teach new brokers, what would it be?&
A:& Don’t try to retire from one deal. You need to make enough to
cover your overhead and some profit, then move on to the next one.
Don’t gouge the customers."
How To Calculate Your Net Worth& "
Knowing your net worth tells you how your assets are allocated. Are you
in the risky position of having all your eggs in one basket? Your net
worth also tells you what assets you have to help meet your day-to-day
cash needs, it plays a role in the likelihood of your getting loans, it
is vital in retirement planning and provides other valuable information
for decision-making..."
How To Set Up A Retirement Account With Notes & Other "Non-Traditional" Investments&& "We
specialize in non-traditional investments. Some of the special assets
that our clients invest in include real estate, private mortgages,
notes, judgments, partnerships (both limited/general), accounts
receivable, factoring receivables, mobile homes, viaticals, structured
settlements, equipment leases, auto paper, tax liens and other
IRS-approved investments..."
Maximizing Your Opportunities To Build Wealth With Notes& "A
major consideration when deciding to which investor to sell the front
end of the mortgage is how the investor would treat your remainder
interest in the event of an early payoff of the mortgage. The
difference in how your remainder interests are treated by investors
could literally mean a difference in thousands of dollars to you. The issue here is investor prepayment policy.
You must read and understand institutional investor partial purchase
agreements. I've had institutional investors tell me they have no
prepayment penalty, when in fact they expected to receive the number of
payments they had purchased at the face rate of the note, not their
yield. If you are unsure as to what that means, you should clearly
understand this issue and its importance to you by the time you finish
this article.
Also see:& How I Got Burned By An Institutional Note Investor&under "Hot Issues!" above.
Making Public Records Private "It
takes money and, more importantly, time to begin to successfully
implement a paper program.& If it takes your blood, sweat and
tears (not to mention money) to learn all of this, do not give it to
your competitors for free! Every time you do a transaction and record
it, it is now available for every Tom, Dick and Harry for the price of
Memo of Assignment that you may use..."
10 Principles Of Financial Independence& Post them on your wall, give them to your kids.& Ten maxims that have helped thousands.& For example, #5:& "Think twice before investing in anything that eats." &&
Why Invest In Tax Liens? "Knowledgeable
real estate paper investors can obtain far higher yields than most
other people. While not federally insured, these high yields will be
extraordinarily well secured in a highly lucrative but little-known
investment.& How can this be done? By investing in local
government tax lien certificates.& One state in particular
provides one of the most impressive yields available: 24% per annum
simple interest!"
How To Use Notes Wisely In Your Retirement Plan& by William Exeter, Vice President of Security Trust Co., a member of the Chicago Title and Trust Co. family.
Advanced Transaction Techniques Using Leases & Options
Charge Your Note Payors Zero Interest & Make 25%!
An Interview With Peter Fortunato
Fortunato needs no introduction to veterans in this business. He is a
life-long practitioner of the art of the deal. He has been buying,
selling and using paper in transactions for over 30 years.
Peter describes himself as someone who "solves peoples' problems." He buys real estate on good terms but never pays interest because he helps people get what they really want.
His students, no matter how experienced they may be, are always amazed at what they learn from him...
How We Got A Free House
Brokering Notes To Private Investors The Smart, Easy and Profitable Way&“Sorry,
we can’t purchase this note. Our underwriting committee does not like
your payor’s credit and the appraisal’s comparables are poor.”
How many times have you heard this from a large institutional investor?
What do you do with the notes that do not fit into the institutional
underwriting box -- but will fit another investor’s box? This is where
private investors come into play. A private investor is an individual
who purchases notes for their retirement, trust account or in their own
Paper vs. Real Estate: No Contest! "I’ve
never had a mortgage call me at 3 in the morning. I’ve never had a
trust deed get in a fight with the trust deed upstairs. Land contracts
don’t lie to me. Mortgages don’t drive away in pickup trucks owing me
for questions or support
&E-BOOK! Make Money Trading Mortgages by Del Ashby.
We think this is the best book explaining how notes/cash flows are
bought and sold. If you want to be a broker or investor, you must read
this book.
Includes contracts and forms. Save 55%! Just $19.95
Dictionary Of Note Terminology& Definitions of over 200 words and phrases used in the note and cash flow business.
Mortgage Worksheet &(Also Known As The Note Intake Sheet)
You'll use this form more than any other.& Just one page to fax to
investors. Each time you locate a mortgage holder, you'll fill out one
of these.& Indispensable!
Two Offer Letters One
letter is a direct mail piece to note holders.& The second is sent
to an individual note holder after you have talked with him reviewing
the terms of the note and your offer.
Mortgage Transaction Checklist Keeping
track of all the documents you need to close a mortgage purchase,
whether buying for your own account or brokering, can be confusing.
This checklist makes it easy.
Talk About A Creative Offer Letter! & "I
own some mineral rights in Texas. Every so often I receive an offer to
buy them. Here’s one I saved. It is one of the most creative,
eye-catching concepts I’ve ever seen, and one that could work wonders
for you in getting your offers accepted. It will have to be rewritten
for a note purchase, but the ideas are all here.."
Mortgage Purchase Contract && You can't buy a mortgage without a purchase contract! This is one of the best.
Letter To Note Seller Requesting Documents
How To Fill Out The Mortgage Purchase Contract
Release Of Lien Record this document in the county courthouse when a mortgage or trust deed is piad in full.
Contract For Buying A Note In Installments& One of the most profitable ways to buy a note is to pay some of the purchase price now, some later in installments.
$1.00 && &
Contract For Buying A Partial Sometimes
it makes more sense to buy part of a note (e.g., the next X number of
payments), and here's the contract that accomplishes that.
Contract For Buying A Partial On A Schedule B & The
type of partial purchase known as a "Schedule B" is more lucrative upon
early payoff than a regular or "straight" partial purchase.& This
is an advanced transaction, and this contract is offered to those who
already understand the Schedule B concept.
Note Seller's Representations & Warranties An
attachment to the Note Purchase Contract in which the note seller
legally affirms that the note is what he claims it is.& A very
important document.
Assignment Contract& Use this document to protect yourself when brokering or selling a note.& Also includes BONUS ARTICLE:& "What Being A Broker Really Means."
Authorization For Release Of Financial Information Have the note payor sign this to protect you when buying a note.
Non-Disclosure, Non-Circumvention Agreement Reluctant
to give an investor, real estate agent or other party confidential or
sensitive information? Concerned that they might use information you
give them to, for example, contact the note seller directly and prevent
you from making your commission? Here’s a contract that is designed to
prevent that from happening.
Note Modification Agreement Never
tear up an old note, always modify it!& If you try to replace it
with a new note, you may lose your lien position.&
Co-Broker Agreement& If you are involved in brokering a note with or through another broker, you need this agreement.
Sample Estoppel (Includes W. J. Mencarow's Article "Why An Estoppel?")
"An Estoppel is a primary step a mortage or trust deed investor MUST take to protect himself."
Special Power of Attorney For Note Investors& Occasionally
you may want someone you trust to have your power of attorney to act in
your place as the noteholder for the purposes of collection of payments
and/or foreclosure on a particular note.& This can keep your name
out of situations in which you'd prefer to be anonymous.
Real Estate Ownership Synopsis & When
buying a note, do you know how the title to the real estate is held
legally?& Do you know the difference between "Tenants By The
Entirety With The Right Of Survivorship" vs. "Joint Tenants With The
Right Of Survivorship" vs. "Tenants In Common?" What is the difference
between "Equitable Separate Estate" and "Individual Ownership?"&
The answers could be important to you as the note holder, and here they
Affidavit Short and Sweet!&& This
may become one of the most valuable documents in your business. &
Is the note holder -- or anyone else -- telling you something you can't
verify? && See how willing they are to sign this affidavit
swearing to the truth of what they're claiming.& Their reaction to
this little piece of paper is a wonderful lie detector.&
Amendment of Lease Use this to make changes in a lease.
An Agreement To Help Protect Note Investors From Becoming Lenders
guard against a note seller coming back after the transaction claiming
he “didn’t sell the note, he borrowed money,” Dick Ballard, CCIM, has
developed this agreement which he is generously willing to share.
Dick says, “Our company, Dick Ballard, Inc., uses this Agreement when purchasing notes right out of escrow,
more commonly referred to as a Simultaneous Close. The purpose of the
agreement is to inform the buyer that the seller is selling us the note
at a discount, and that the interest rate which we will receive will
not violate the usury laws of the state in which we’re doing business.
Useful Clauses For Commercial Trust Deeds & If
you deal in commercial paper, either table funding or purchasing
existing notes: When you have the opportunity to modify a trust deed
note, the paragraphs below may be useful. Also the language is good for
escrowing taxes, insurance, etc.
Sample Letters To Attorneys To Find Notes
Need More Legal Forms?
DICTIONARY OF NOTE TERMINOLOGY Definitions of over 200 words and phrases used in the note and cash flow business.
Contract For Use In Working With A Group Of Note Investors
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