accademia torinogallery 需要门票吗

威尼斯美术学院画廊(Gallerie dell'Accademia Venezia),和圣马可广场一样,是来到威尼斯不可错过的景点。美术馆内收藏有乔尔乔内、乔瓦恩尼、贝利尼等14-18世纪威尼斯画派的大多数作品。此外还收藏有提香未完成的《圣母哀痛耶稣画像》、维罗内哲的《雷比家的豪宴》(Convinto in Casa di Levi)、丁托雷托的《圣马可的奇迹》(Miracoli diS.Mavco)等著名美术杰作。
水上巴士:1号线,2号线Accademia站(步行距离博物馆:1分钟)或2号线, 5线Zattere站(步行距离博物馆:5分钟)。
Galleria dell'Accademia, Sestiere Dorsoduro,
位于圣马可广场西部,搭乘水上巴士只需10分钟便可到达。 美术馆极具历史价值,馆内藏有众多中世纪威尼斯派画家名画。
你已评价为一生一定要去的地方 之 意大利 &&分享到:纳兰小呆 【0人收藏】&&【0人推荐】&&【2570人点击】 路线详情:香港—(飞机)—法兰克福—(飞机)—米兰—(火车)—维罗那—(火车)—威尼斯—(火车)—比萨—(火车)—佛罗伦萨—(火车)—锡耶纳—(火车)—罗马—(汽车)—梵蒂冈—(汽车)—罗马—(火车)—那不勒斯—(飞机)—慕尼黑—(飞机)—香港人均费用:22000元&&(其中机票:人均6200元)【本次自由行旅程共计&&&&公里,碳排放&&&&公斤,可以种&&&&棵来做碳补偿】
路线编号:4005204详细行程表: 路线交通Route&&Transportation住宿Accommodation观光计划Things&To&Do香港-法兰克福 汉莎香港机场-法兰克福法兰克福-米兰 汉莎法兰克福-马尔潘萨机场地址:Via Finocchiaro Aprile Camillo 11 - 米兰米兰圣母降生大教堂,威尼斯大街。米兰-维罗那 火车 地址:Via Zannoni Ugo 26-8, 37136 Verona 斯卡拉大剧院。布雷拉现代美术馆。 维罗那-威尼斯 火车 地址:Campo Daniele Manin 4297/a San Marco - 威尼斯 朱丽叶故居,香草广场。圣马可广场,圣马可大教堂。 威尼斯 地址:Campo Daniele Manin 4297/a San Marco - 威尼斯 玻璃岛,色彩岛,Lido岛。 威尼斯-比萨 火车比萨-佛罗伦萨 火车 地址:Via del Giglio 8, 50123 Florence 比萨斜塔。徒步比萨。圣母百花大教堂,游览米开朗琪罗广场,老桥。 佛罗伦萨 地址:Via del Giglio 8, 50123 Florence 佛罗伦萨学院美术馆,西尼奥列广场。 佛罗伦萨 地址:Via del Giglio 8, 50123 Florence 乌菲兹美术馆。圣乔凡尼礼拜堂,旧宫。 佛罗伦萨-锡耶纳 火车 地址:Viale Curtatone 15, 53100 Siena 田园广场,大教堂,以及歌剧博物馆。 锡耶纳-罗马 火车 地址:Via Francesco Pacelli 14, 奥雷利奥, 00165 罗马 万神殿,罗马国立博物馆。 <li class="r_t_tr廖记棒棒鸡
&2003-, All Rights Reserved.  本站发布的所有内容,未经许可,不得转载,详见。Accademia Gallery - David by Michelangelo - Florence
Alinari National Museum of Photography
Bardini Museum
Boboli Garden
Botanical Garden
Brancacci Chapel
Casa Guidi Museum
Cathedral of Florence
Cathedral of Florence Museum
Cathedral Escavation
Certosa del Galluzzo
Chapel of the Magi
Cloister of the Scalzo
Costume Gallery
Crocefissione by Perugino
Dante House
David by Michelangelo
Diocesano Museum
Ferragamo Museum
Gallery of Modern Art
History of Science Museum
Horne Museum
Last Supper of Fuligno
Last Supper of San Salvi
Last Supper of Santa Apollonia
Last Supper of Santa Croce
Last Supper of Ognissanti
Last Supper of San Marco
Laurentian Library
Leonardo da Vinci Museum
Marino Marini Museum
Medici Chapels
Michelangelo House
Museum of Firenze com era
Museum of Antropology
Museum of Archaeology
Museum of Bargello
Museum of Bigallo
Museum of Carriage
Museum of Mineralogy
Museum of Natural History
Museum of Paleontology
Museum of Prehistory
Museum of San Marco
Museum of Santo Spirito
Opificio delle Pietre Dure
Ospedale degli Innocenti
Palatine Gallery
Palazzo Davanzati
Palazzo Medici Riccardi
Palazzo Vecchio
Pazzi Chapel
Pitti Palace
Pitti Royal Apartments
Porcelaine Museum
Santa Croce
San Miniato al Monte
Santa Maria Novella
Santa Trinita
Santa Croce
Santissima Annunziata
Silver Museum
Stibbert Museum
Synagogue of Florence
Uffizi Gallery
Uffizi Draws
Vasari Corridor
Villa della Petraia
Villa di Poggio a Caiano
Accademia Gallery
Galleria dell'Accademia
Museum's plan
Signature of Michelangelo
most enlightenend prince of the
Lorraine family that ruled over
Tuscany for over a century, the
Grand Duke Pietro Leopoldo, united
in 1784 all the Florentine drawing
schools into one &Academy&.
He also founded a gallery to
exhibit paintings with the aim
of facilitating the study of
the Academy's pupils. The seat
chosen is the present location
of the Museum, a building that
originally housed the &Hospital
of St. Matthew&, enlarged
in time through the addition
of several adjoining spaces.
consistency and composition of
the collection displayed in this
museum has changed over time
due to the addition of works
of art removed from suppressed
convents, but also due to loss
of works temporarily given or
returned to other Florentine
museums, in particular to the
Uffizi (Bottlicelli's &Primavera& was
displayed here for many years).
Over time the Gallery has become
one of the main museums in town,
also thanks to the acquisition
of some extraordinary masterpieces,
such as the &Pieta& by
Giovanni da Milano (14th century);
the &Annunciation& by
Lorenzo Monaco (15th century);
the splendid frontal called &Cassone
Adimari&showing a sumptuous
marriage procession (c. 1450) and
the &Madonna of the Sea&attributed
to Botticelli ().
1873, when Michelangelo's David
was exhibited for the first time
on a specially arranged tribune.
For protection purposes, the
statue was in fact removed from
Piazza Signoria where it had
represented for over four centuries
the strengh and dignity of the
Florentine Republic. In the early
years of the 20th century, this
statue was joined by other extraordinary
works of art by the same artist,
such as &St.
Matthew&and the four &Prisoners& originally
made for the tomb of Pope Julius
II in Rome, but placed in the grotto
of the Boboli gardens at the end
of the 15th century, and finally
by the &Piet& di
Palestrina& (whose attribution
to the master is still somehow
capillary organisation and restoration
of some of the rooms on the upper
floor have allowed the museum
to recently integrate the collection
with a series of paintings from
the 14th to the 16th centuries
and to open a room displaying
the chalk models of famous 19th
century sculptors like Lorenzo Bartolini and Luigi Pampaloni.
The 26th April 1527, after the expulsion of the Medici from Florence, unleashed a genuine urban guerrilla focused precisely on the head of David, with Republicans entrenched in Palazzo Vecchio where trying to dismiss the
Medici's supporters who pushed at the door. From the windows of the building flew stones and tiles and a bench struck the left arm of David, breaking it into three pieces, recovered by young Vasari and Salviati after being abandoned on earth for three days.
Probably on this occasion must have produced the split of the slingshot, clearly visible behind his back, the loss of some tips of curls and a small rupture along the lower lid of the right eye.
In 1991 the foot of the statue was damaged by a deranged man with a hammer, destroying a finger of the left foot, promptly rebuilt.
The David of Michelangelo
1501 - 1504
Michelangelo&s David has become one of the most recognized works of Renaissance sculpture, becoming a symbol of both strength and youthful human beauty.
of the David
David - Detail
David - Detail
The Prisoner's
The corridor of David
The gallery contains four sculptures of captives
by Michelangelo, unfinished works, which were
to adorn the grave of Pope Julius
II in Rome.
The series of the Twelve Apostles for the Cathedral
of Florence was commissioned in 1503
but was never completed. The St. Matthew,
now in the Accademia, is the
only one which was even blocked in (picture
Nardo di Cione
(also know as Orcagna)
Madonna and Child Enthroned with
the Saints Andrew, Philip, Nicholas, John the Baptist
Sandro Botticelli
The Virgin and Child with Two Angels
and the Young St. John the Baptist
1465 - 1470
Agnolo Bronzino
Lippi and Pietro Perugino
Descent from the Cross
of Santa Reparata
Giotto and Workshop
1305 - 1310
The chalk model for the statue of the Rape of the
Sabine Women
Italian painters
14th - 16th century
models room
models room
Lorenzo Monaco - Annunciation - 1365
Triptych with Saints Catherine of Alexandria, Anthony the Abbot, Proculus, and Francis of Assisi
Pacino di Buonaguida
Tree of Life
Andrea Buonaiuti
St. Agnes and St. Domitilla
1365 - 1370
Giovanni da Milano
Bernardo Daddi
Neri di Bicci
Paolo Uccello
Scenes of the Heremit's Life or Thebaide
Lo Scheggia
Cassone Adimari c. 1450
In the Middle Ages there were not armoires, clothes were stored
in chests and were often built for dowry fin of the girls.
Many of these chests were really valuable,
a few with paintings, others covered with silk and damask.
The chest (cassone) Adimari,
gives us a picture of a marriage
procession in Florence of a rich family of merchants to the
middle of the 13th century.
this museum see also:
Hidden Italy * Bettina R&hrig * Logebachstr. 5 * D-53639 K&nigswinter * Germany


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