
友谊赛 friendlyThe impressive nature of their 1-0 friendly win in Germany in March prompted critics to reassess their preconceptions.今年三月,他们在友谊赛中以1比0击败德国队,这使得评论人士对先前的预测进行重新评估.warm-up 热身赛The Bayern Munich winger had missed the Netherlands' two previous warm-up matches, against Mexico and Ghana, due to a hip problem.拜仁慕尼黑队的边锋由于臀部受伤,已经错过了荷兰对阵墨西哥和加纳的两场热身赛.qualifying game 预选赛Though the USA and Mexico are always heavy favorites to advance to the World Cup, qualifying games are never easy, especially on the road.虽然美国和墨西哥队都是入围世界杯的热门球队,但是预选赛阶段从来都不是那么轻松的.group match/group phase 小组赛Argentina will face Greece, Nigeria and South Korea in the group phase.阿根廷队在小组赛阶段将迎战希腊、尼日利亚、和韩国队.round robin 循环赛The tournament will be a round robin for all the high school teams in the city.本届全市中学队锦标赛将进行循环赛.knockout round 淘汰赛This season, the Second Group Phase has been abolished in favor of a two-legged knockout round.本赛季,原先的第二阶段小组赛改为两回合的淘汰赛.quarter-final 1/4决赛The draw for the quarter-final matches was held Friday morning at UEFA headquarters in Nyon, Switzerland.四分之一决赛的抽签仪式周五早晨在位于瑞士尼翁的欧洲足球协会联盟总部进行.semi-final 半决赛Our team just scraped into the semi-finals.我们的球队勉强挤进半决赛.final 决赛The World Cup final is being transmitted live to over fifty countries.世界杯决赛现在正向五十多个国家现场直播.
&&&&&&& 后卫: Back
  前卫: Midfielder
  前锋: Forward
&&&&&&& 中锋: Striker
  自由人: libero
  中后卫: Center Back
  全能选手: utility player
  守门员: Goalkeeper, Goalie
  左(右)后卫: Left (Right) Back
  清道夫, 拖后中卫: Sweeper
  左(右)前卫: Left (Right) Midfielder
  攻击型前卫, 前腰: Attacking Midfielder
  防守型前卫, 后腰: Defending Midfielder
  足球: football, soccer
  足球场: field, pitch
  中场: midfield
  中圈: kickoff circle,center circle
  中线: halfway line
  边线: touchline
  底线: goal line
  (点球)发球点: penalty mark
  禁区: penalty area
  小禁区: goal area
  开球: Kick-off
  倒钩球: bicycle kick, overhead kick
  半高球: chest-high ball
  角球: corner ball, corner
  球门球: goal kick
  地面球: ground ball, grounder
  手触球: hand ball
  头球: header
  点球: penalty kick
  罚点球: spot kick
  罚任意球: free kick
  胸部停球: chesting
  连续传球: consecutive passes
  鱼跃顶球: diving header
  盘球,带球: dribbling
  (守门员)接高球: clean catching
  边线传球: flank pass
  高吊传球: high lobbing pass
  凌空传球: volley pass
  铲球: tackle
  地滚球: rolling pass, ground pass
  射门: shoot
  贴地射门: grazing shot
  近射: close-range shot
  远射: long drive
  未射中: mishit
  越位: offside
  传球: pass the ball
  接球: take a pass
  球传到位: spot pass
  拦截球: intercept
  掷界外球: throw-in
  红牌: red card
  黄牌 : yellow card
  正面抢截: block tackle
  阻挡: body check
  球门前混战: bullt
  合理冲撞: fair charge
  盯人防守: close-marking defence
  短传: close pass, short pass
  假动作: deceptive movement
  跃起争顶: flying headar
  解围: clearance kick
  摆脱防守: break loose
  搅乱防守: disorganize the defence
  筑人墙: set a wall
  -全攻全守足球战术: total football
  拉开的足球战术 : open football
  越位战术: off-side trap
  边锋战术: wing play
  积极的抢射战术: shoot-on-sight tactics
  拖延战术: time wasting tactics
  433阵型: 4-3-3 formation
  442阵型: 4-4-2 formation
  进球荒: goal drought
  反越位成功: beat the offside trap
  判罚出场: send a player off
  中场休息: half time interval
  加时赛 : extra-time
  伤停补时: injury time
  掌握比赛节奏: set the pace
  控救技术: ball playing skill
内容来自 听力课堂网:用手机学英语,请加听力课堂微信公众号:tingclass123
摘要:体育运动必备常用英语词汇:足球 football, soccer, Association football 足球 field, pitch 足球场 midfied 中场 kick-off circle 中圈 half-way line 中线 football, eleven 足球队 football player 足球运动员 goalkee
  football, soccer, Association football 足球
  field, pitch    足球场
  midfied      中场
  kick-off circle  中圈
  half-way line   中线
  football, eleven  足球队
  football player  足球运动员
  goalkeeper, goaltender, goalie 守门员
  back        后卫
  left        左后卫
  right back     右后卫
  centre half back  中卫
  half back     前卫
  left half back   左前卫
  right half back  右前卫
  forward      前锋
  centre forward,centre 中锋
  inside left forward, inside left 左内锋
  inside right forward, inside right 右内锋
  outside left forward, outside left 左边锋
  outside right forward, outside right 右边锋
  kick-off      开球
  bicycle kick, overhead kick 倒钩球
  chest-high ball   平胸球
  corner ball, corner 角球
  goal kick      球门球
  ground ball, grounder 地面球
  hand ball      手触球
  header       头球
  penalty kick    点球
  spot kick      罚点球
  free kick      罚任意球
  throw-in      掷界外球
  ball handling    控制球
  block tackle    正面抢截
  body check     身体阻挡
  bullt        球门前混战
  fair charge     合理冲撞
  chesting      胸部挡球
  close-marking defence 钉人防守
  close pass, short pass 短传
更多行业英语,职场英语,体育运动,体育英语留学考试 标签相关文章导读
泡泡bubble你现在的位置 : &
  football, soccer, Association football足球
  field, pitch足球场
  kick-off circle中圈
  half-way line中线
  football, eleven足球队
  football player足球运动员
  goalkeeper, goaltender, goalie守门员
  right back右后卫
  centre half back中卫
  half back前卫
  left half back左前卫
  right half back右前卫
  centre forward, centre中锋
  inside left forward, inside left左内锋
  inside right forward, inside right右内锋
  outside left forward, outside left左边锋
  outside right forward, outside right右边锋
  bicycle kick, overhead kick倒钩球
  chest-high ball平胸球
  corner ball, corner角球
  goal kick球门球
  ground ball, grounder地面球
  hand ball手触球
  penalty kick点球
  spot kick罚点球
  free kick罚任意球
  ball handling控制球
  block tackle正面抢截
  body check身体阻挡
  fair charge合理冲撞
  close-marking defence钉人防守
  close pass, short pass短传
  consecutive passes连续传球
  deceptive movement假动作
  diving header鱼跃顶球
  flying headar跳起顶球
  finger-tip save(守门员)托救球
  clean catching(守门员)跳球抓好


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