god bless you 超时空our pad是什么意思?

相关词典网站:god bless our home_百度知道cross our fingers是什么意思_百度知道Tuckamore Needs Our Support
Hey members,
Tuck has recently posted her update on her health issues. She is facing surgery in 2 different areas of her spine. What she has not told you is that this surgery is a very dangerous one that includes working on or very near her nerves as she has multiple tumors on one of those nerves. Paralysis is not out of the question during these types of surgeries.
I for one am praying for her to make a full recovery so that she can again live a somewhat normal life.
Many years ago, Tuck was in a very bad auto accident that almost took her life. She was not expected to live. Thankfully she pulled through but not without multiple surgeries. Her troubles stem from that time in her life.
I have been friends with Tuck for many years and know what she faces each and every day.
My best,
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I was just thinking of Tuck and our Group when I logged in here.&&Thank you so much for bringing it up for us.
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Ah, sorry to hear this.&&So much can change in an instant such as a catastrophic car accident.&&I'll say prayers too and wishing her the very best.&&
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God Bless you Molly. I can't time you how much this supportive post along with your kindness and concern means to me. Chronic Pain often makes one feel abandoned and alone - but add acute sudden onset pain and it's even worse. I don't think I have ever felt this alone in my life.
As members may or may not know I left my home state in 2010 to live in what we found to be Paradise - on the beaches of the Gulf of Mexico, in the Panhandle of FL. I left great friends of 35+ years, our sons, siblings, business colleagues, close relatives - and numerous beloved friends and colleagues from the many years I spent in the medical community. Why did I tell you this - cause now I feel so alone - so very alone!
My pain levels go through the roof somewhere between 2 - 3AM. Acute, OMG I literally can't stand this all consuming pain. It's the somebody plz cut my shoulder off pain. I take everything I have in the house, even higher doses of NSAIDs then I should, even my opiate closer than I should, even the full dose muscle relaxer that I haven't taken in years, even my Lyrica doses closer than I should and I throw in a few Aspirin for good measure. I lay with my head hanging down, or lay on my side, I reach my arm above my head, put frozen peas on my shoulder then a heating pad, I wake my husband to massage my shoulder - I pace the floor - I pray and I pray some more!&&Is anyone listening I ask??&&I try everything I know - and a few things that just don't make any sense...and me the non-crier, cries!. I'd do anything to stop the knife stabbing pain from the side of my neck to my scapula to the top pf my shoulder and down to the base of my deltoid. Deep knifing stabbing pain. My thumb and index finger is numb n at times even lacks significant feeling, my deltoid jumps and spasms.
This morning during the peak of my pain I staggered out the door and onto the beach - for the first time ever in my PJ's, hair uncombed, teeth not even brushed. What a sight.&&However I had hoped the Vultures would come eat me or a wave would wash me into the Gulf - or maybe a fisherman would see me as a beached whale and harpoon me!&&So this crazed woman just throws herself onto the beach and waits and the tears continue to come and the sand sticks to my face and gets in my mouth - and a few other places - but I don't care - I'm waiting for the Vultures. :0)
And then magic happens -&&just like it does most every morning - somewhere between 9:30 n 10:30AM the pain decreases to manageable levels. I get myself up from the beach (it was easier getting down)- yes ppl have walked past me by now&&- we live in a heavy tourist area - so these ppl must have thought I was just a left over drunk from one of the many 4th of July week beach parties. But they are wrong! I survived - I survived - I made it through another 6-7 ho pain that renders my body and mind a useless like a pile of pelican poop - unable to think about anything but &Come on Vultures.&
There is no way to share that pain with someone and who would want to - so now that it's over there's no way to celebrate the success of surviving it - and as it began alone - it ends alone - leaving me exhausted and terrified of that time of tomorrow when once again I begin that journey alone again. .
Once again the pain is just that roar and not the all consuming unknown entity,
Friday I get the MRI with contrast. I can pray it will dissolve the original MRI findings - and this terror I've been through will be no more than what I originally diagnosed myself with - Acute Brachial Plexus Neuritis. That's my hope,
It's taken me over four hours to write this - sorry it's a bit long. I needed to vent and chat!
Thank You All,
Thank you all for your support.&&
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Horrible to read this and I sympathize with you and for you.
Please tell me you are going to get better, I really hope for that and wish you the strength and spirit you need to deal with this. My thoughts are with you.
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Yours narration of pain journey is really a hair raising situation. You have offered solace to hundreds of people. I know how serene you were when problems of people were concerned. Intensity of your pain is unimaginable.My prayers for your speedy recovery.
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Madman and Dalubaba,&&Thank You!!, Thank you. I certainly hope this pain will get better - but until I have a definitive DX I don't even know where we go from here. The MRI with contrast has been pushed back to Wednesday as the labs couldn't be done in a timely manner. My new provider did not give a DX on the lab order which means insurance wouldn't even consider an approval. Finally she came through but it was too late to get the Contract MRI tomorrow! :o(
If the current MRI is correct it means cervical spine surgery - maybe in four areas-. cervical spine surgery is the the one thing I said I'd never have - but than I've never had this horrific cervical pain. So I wait - which seems like forever for the final results. Right now my pain level is manageable - it's late afternoon -&&so strange. I've read that this is very typical - that extreme early morning pain.
I'm not afraid to die&&- I'm afraid to suffer. My new PMP has not returned my calls or even the call that my husband made, begging for help. Granted he's only &in& the office twice a month but he assured me he monitors his answering machine so if there was ever an emergency I could reach him. It's frightening to think that I may have to find a new PMP when I was just becoming comfortable with him..
Suicide rates are increasing in Chronic Pain patients - I now understand that statistics better than most. My deep religious views would never allow me that route - but I can still hope for those Vultures or that Harpoon! I have to find some humor in my situation or the pain would drive me mad.&&
So I hang in there till Wednesday - and appreciate your prayers and well wishes. I'm even happier to be part of this Proud Group.
Bless You,
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I recall the stinging convulsion , I had as a withdrawal symptom of alprozolam.&&It was so severe, that I would have jumped to commit suicide if I had been on 3rd or 4th floor.&&I suffered stinging convulsion almost for 2 hours.&&than I become breathless. I did forced inhalation 6 or 7 times and then I slept. This was my first exeperience . I did not call for help as I thought it will go away. I thought it is restless leg syndrome. I am still not sure what it was. I got electrical spark from right foot randomly. Yes it was a horrible experience forcing you to commit suicide. I had stopped my sleeping pills on the advice of my dermatoloist who said that he is giving me enough antihistamine having central action so you don't need sleeping pills. He was wrong.
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What a horrible experience you describe. I am so very sorry you had to endure all of that.
I;m so glad your survived - now you're giving support and encouragement to so many - and sharing your wisdom.&&We're fortunate to have you!
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I think you know that you are always in my thoughts and prayers for a better outcome and some relief from the relentless pain! My spine surprised me with a new sensation this am, a lighting strike deal that seem to grab me right in my right buttock. Wow, that's new.
Please keep us informed when they want to do their latest voodoo, and as always we will be there with you in spirit. I'm so glad you have a husband who cares and protects.We value you a lot around here and love and care a lot so let us know when they know. We will pray for the best possible outcome, with God's help.In the meantime we will chat. All the best to you always. Peace and love go with you always, Darla OO
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Hi Tuck. You mention an increase in suicide rates -- can you cite a source for that information? I could use the data in my work.
You know how to reach me, friend.
Peace, love, and happiness.
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Just let us know what you need and we are here for you!
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Please know that you're not alone. Every one of us cares very much about you and what you're going through.
We're a group of people that have chronic pain. You're so right! No one can completely understand what it feels like unless they've been there.
I've been a member here for several years but I'm fairly new to chronic pain, a little over 1 1/2 years. Since joining the pain forum I've met many wonderful and caring people. It amazes me how all of you take the time to come here to support each other and how you can be so caring and compassionate when you're suffering so badly.
All of you are in my thoughts and prayers.
Big hugs to you Tuck. You know all of your friends are right here for you any time you need anything.
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Thanks for you kind thoughts, words and support.
I am happy to report that I am improving - through no help from the medical profession. The MRI of my thoracic spine is more than normal. I have no arthritis, no DDD, no stenosis, not a bit of degenerative disease any where. Now that's a Blessing. Of course I've been telling medical providers I don't have back pain. I have flank pain and SI Joint (butt pain) but no back pain.
My Cervical MRI with contrast is a mystery to me. Of course I have the &tumors& that are probably cysts and a 5mm mass (doesn't light up) behind one of my cervical vertebrae.&&If it doesn't &light up& that means it's not cancer.
It does show a prominent enhancement of my venous plexus. I'm not great at reading or understanding MRIs - it's not my forte. I know what every word means - I just don't know it means together. LOL
And yes I am able to LOL. I truly believe my self-diagnosis of Acute Brachial Plexus Neuritis was correct. I had multiple x-rays, lab work and three MRIs for what? No one treated my Neuritis. Honestly for two + weeks it was one of thee worse pain I have ever had. I wouldn't wish that pain on anyone - not even my worse enemy.&&
I admit the person most concerned with my condition is my newer PMP (since December). I was impressed with his concern and he did increase my pain med by one a day - Not much but better than nothing. He also insisted on x-rays of my shoulder and lungs - which were fine - but he wants to actually see all my tests - not just the written reports.
I thank you all for your support and concern. When I find out what these terms mean on my MRIs I will share it with y'all. I'm sure it's nothing to cause concern.
Love to All,
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Some of your results are good news then? What is the next step to help with your pain?
I'm so glad you have a caring Dr. I do wish he would have increased your pain meds more. Drs can be so reluctant to give most of us what we truly need to keep our pain levels at a tolerable level.
Will you let us know what your Dr says about your reports and what he thinks the next step with be?
I just re read what you wrote about being on the beach and it breaks my heart to know you're in that much pain. No one should have to suffer like that, yet it happens all the time. I hate these laws so much!
Big hugs to you Tuck.
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I see a Neurosurgeon next Monday. I no longer believe I need surgery - though I probably would have refused it unless it was something life threatening. I am a poor surgical risk - due to an unheard of and confirmed allergies to multiple ATB (antibiotics).
No one seems to know just what all the MRIs seem to mean - otherwise I wouldn't keep this appt.&&&Prominent enhancement of the venous plexus immediately posterior to C5-C6& seems to have everyone stumped.
When something &lights up&&&on an MRI it's usually called an enhancement and can mean cancer. That doesn't make sense &venous&, which means veins or blood vessels.
The acute pain is much improved though has not totally left. I now have three areas of chronic pain. I'm tired and often exhausted from the pain. My life has all but stopped.
Thanks once again to all of you.
Never Give Up - Never Give Up!
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Tuck, all of us here who are made of flesh and bones are a poor surgical risk when it comes to spine surgery.
Keep the faith, Babe.
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's ear surgery for kitty ag...
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