
弱势群体是什么意思 弱势群体在线翻译 弱势群体什么意思 弱势群体的意思 弱势群体的翻译 弱势群体的解释 弱势群体的发音
弱势群体 双语例句1. 人民网青岛7月28日电今天,顶着炎炎烈日亨氏中国公司向青岛儿童福利院的孩子们捐献了700多箱、价值12万元的亨氏婴幼儿营养面条,体现了亨氏集团回报社会,关怀弱势群体健康的高度社会责任感。&&&&Heinz China donated a total of over 700 cartons heinz baby nutrient noodles equivalents to RMB1, 200, 000 to the Qingdao Children Welfare Institute on July 28, 2009. Heinz devotes itself
it highly embodies the concern of Heinz of vulnerable groups.2. 2. 如果这种状况不改变,随着弱势群体的规模逐渐庞大,将会影响社会的稳定。&&&&If the present from conditions is not changed, it will have a bad effect on society stabling.3. 弱势群体是什么意思3. 小额信用贷款模式创造的联户担保、共同承担风险的经济声誉机构,是一种全新的经济运行机制,是市场竞争中的弱势群体自身克服信用度低、解决生存和发展道路上融资难的根本办法。&&&&The financial organization with high reputation of the joint household guarantee and joint responsibility for risk created by the model of small loans boasts a brand—new economic operational mechanism which is an essential way—out for the vulnerable group to avoid their difficulties in both credit and financial leasing in the cause of their subsistence and development in the market competition.4. 4. 弱势群体得到了关注,项目完成了四户危房改建,解决了住房困难的问题。&&&&This project finished to rebuild 4 dangerous buildings and solves the housing problem.5. 5. 本文从我国最低生活保障制度的概念及特点入手,分析研究了建立该项制度的必要性及可行性,并从保障资金不足、制度实施过程中存在不公平现象、受保对象的歧视性、实施理念存在伦理缺陷等几个方面提出现行制度中存在的问题和不足,在此基础上提出进一步改进和完善的措施,以能更好地造福于弱势群体,构筑一个和谐的社会环境。&&&&This paper from Chinas minimum life security system features of the concept and start with the establishment of the analysis of the necessity and feasibility of the system, and protection from insufficient funding, the system is implemented in the course of unfairness, the insured object of discrimination, the ethical shortcomings of the implementation of ideas, and several other aspects of the existing system to the existing problems and shortcomings, on the basis of this further improve and refine the measures, so as to better benefit the vulnerable groups, and build a harmonious social environment.6. 这样,在相对弱势群体的存在,如何保护的权利,我们的消费者是市场经济体制建立的信誉系统。&&&&In this way, in a relatively vulnerable groups exist, how to protect the rights of our consumers is a market system to establish a credibility system.7. 7. 相对于非弱势群体学生,弱势群体学生有自己的特点,在某些方面甚至比非弱势群体优秀。&&&&In vulnerable groups, boys are less than in girl...8. 受害者这个词反复地出现在许多新闻故事中,无论是死者、凶手、抢劫犯、妓女、自杀者、扰乱社会秩序者,还是医生、患者、丈夫、妻子、老人、企业主、农民工、大众消费者,都在新闻里扮演着这个特定的角色。他们被损害被侮辱,要么以暴制暴完成受害者与施害者的转换,要么被避重就轻地贴上弱势群体的标签。&&&&A great variety of people are playing such a given role in news stories like dead people, murders, robbers, prostitutes, suicides, trouble-makers, doctors, patients, husbands, wives, old people, entrepreneurs, migrate workers and popular customers.9. 9. 要办好人民满意的教育,让每个孩子都能上得起学、上好学;建立基本医疗卫生制度,让全体人民都享有基本医疗保障;加快健全覆盖城乡的社会保障体系,更好地关爱社会弱势群体,让全体人民共享改革和发展成果。&&&&We must ensurethat our education system can meet the needs of the people, and every child can afford to go to school and receive good education. We will set up basic medical and health care system for the entirepopulation. And we will further improve the social security systemcovering both urban and rural areas at a faster pace, take better care of the vulnerable in the society and let everyone share the fruits of reform and development.10. 10. 农业是弱势产业,农村是弱势地区,农民是弱势群体。&&&&Agriculture is a weak industry, villages are disadvantaged areas, and farmers are unprivileged groups.11. 11. 摘要在我们的社会中,妇女通常被认为是弱势群体而被轻视。&&&&&&In our society, women are often regarded as the weaker sex and are looked down upon.12. 12. 在我们的社会中,妇女通常被认为是弱势群体而被轻视。&&&&&&Women, regarded as the weaker sex, are always looked down upon in our society.13. 社会消费品零售总税额达到13736万元,增长了14.5%,消费品市场趋势稳定,群众的衣食住行条件不断改善;社会保障不断完善,城乡弱势群体基本生活得到安排,下拨各类救灾款162.2万元,低保资金179.4万元,新增城镇就业人员3020人,城镇失业登记率控制在4.5%。&&&&&&The total allowance for retail sales of consumer goods reached 137.36 million yuan, an increase of 14.5%, the stability of the consumer goods market trends, the masses continue to improve social security continued to be refined, the basic livelihood of vulnerable groups in urban and rural areas have been arranged, all kinds of disaster relief allocated 1.622 million yuan, low capital 1, 794, 000 yuan, a new town of 3020 people employed in urban areas registered unemployment rate of 4.5%.14. 因此,重视弱势群体,了解其特点,分析其产生的原因,解决他们当中存在的问题,已成为高等院校提高毕业生就业率的一个重要前提,也是把大学生培养成为社会主义现代化建设有用之才的迫切需要。&&&&&&Therefore, to pay special attention to this inferior group, to analyse the reason for its formation, to know its characteristics and to solve the problems existing in this group have become the prerequisites to the increase of employment of graduates of college, as well as the urgent need to train our college students to be the one valuable to the socialist modernization.15. 我们应该充分了解弱势群体需要的层次性,运用发展的,变化的观点准确把握弱势群体的需要,要特别重视弱势群体的无意识需要,要注意运用需要次序的变动性激活弱势群体的精神动力。&&&&&&So, we should fully realize the hierarch y of disadvantaged groups'needs, and pay special attention to t heir unconscious needs in...16. 人们因痛苦而发出的哀号在我心中久久回响,那些饥荒中的弱子,那些被压迫者摧残的弱势群体,还有那被子女视为负担的、无助的老人们,以及那无处不在的孤单、贫穷和无助等都在讥笑和鄙视着人类所本应该有的生活。&&&&&&Echoes of cries of pain reverberated in my heart. Children in famine, victims tortured by oppressors, helpless old people a hated burden to their sons, and the whole world of loneliness, poverty, and pain make a mockery of what human life should be. I long to alleviate the evil, but I cannot, and I too suffer.17. 解决好这个问题,既能有效促进社会发展和社会稳定,也能真正把知识变成生产力,从而推动一个国家的实力发展。本文分析了大学生弱势群体的现状以及他们所面临的一些实际性、有待关注的具体问题。&&&&&&Graduates difficult issues such as life became difficult for many of the media and the community, the focus of attention and focus problems, which has virtually turned into a real college students into a vulnerable segment of the column.18. 安全网 以改善人口中不能参与常规的政府计划或者从中获益的最弱势群体、或者那些遭受干旱、洪水之类外部灾害的群体的生活质量为目的的活动。&&&&&&Activities that are designed to improve the quality of life of the most vulnerable or disadvantaged segment of the population, who are unable to participate in or benefit from normal government programmes, or those who suffer from external shocks such as drought or flooding19. 高等教育公平与终身教育理念两者的内涵,决定了他们之间存在着理论和实践上的互动关系:终身教育理念有助于确保城乡学生享受高等教育权利和机会的平等、能对弱势群体享受高等教育进行补偿并促进城乡每个人的自我发展与完善;同时,城乡高等教育公平的实现对终身教育理念的倡导也提供了政治上、经济上和文化上的保障。&&&&&&The connotations about higher education equity and life-long education idea decide the interactive correlation between theory and practice: Life-long education idea redound to insure the city and countryside students enjoy the equal higher education rights and chances、compensate the disadvantaged people on enjoying the higher education and promote everyones self-developmen As the same time, to implement the urban and rural higher education equity can also provide political、economical and cultural supports on sparking plug the life-long education idea.20. 新型农村合作医疗;农村弱势群体;农村医疗保障;新农村建设&&&&&&New rural corporative ru rural me new countryside construction弱势群体是什么意思,弱势群体在线翻译,弱势群体什么意思,弱势群体的意思,弱势群体的翻译,弱势群体的解释,弱势群体的发音,弱势群体的同义词,弱势群体的反义词,弱势群体的例句,弱势群体的相关词组,弱势群体意思是什么,弱势群体怎么翻译,单词弱势群体是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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行,就必须有适当的社会政策,有必要的制度安排,满足弱势群体的客观需要。在中国共产党领导的社会主义社会,我们就更有理由和义务不断调整和完善社会政策,为弱势群体提供制度性保障。必须指出的是,目前我们保障弱势群体的工作做得还不够,社会保障制度还不健全,不能有效覆盖全体社会成员,公民的很多社会权利还没有得到普遍有效的保障,支撑社会政策的社会基础(比如社区及其他民间组织)还很薄弱,一些弱势群体还缺乏制度性的社会支持。因此,弱势群体支持的制度化急需加快、加强和落实。所谓自助,就是使弱势群体走向自立、自尊、自强。必要的社会支持固然十分重要,但是,最终摆脱弱势地位还是要靠弱者自身的努力,外部支持的重要作用在于增强弱者改变其弱势地位的能力。俗语云,“惟自助者天助之”,完全依赖外部支持,是无法彻底改变一个人、一个群体的弱势地位的。作为一门学问的社会工作,其核心观念就是“助人自助”,社会工作者试图运用各种技巧激发救助对象的自助潜能。我们的社会政策和社会工作,应当遵循这个出发点,侧重培育、动员和增强弱者的自助能力。所谓增权,实际上可以看作弱势群体能力建设的一个重要组成部分。我们呼吁,应当尊重和保障弱势群体的政治、经济和社会权利,特别是要加强民主制度建设,保障弱势群体的参与权利,尤其是保障其参与与其有关的各项决策的权利,使其能够表达和维护自身的权益。如果弱势群体被排斥在社会进程之外,不能参与相关决策的进程,他们的声音就无法表达,更谈不上有效维护其权益。在建设法治社会的进程中,我们不仅要保障弱势群体对于有关立法的参与权,而且要增强弱势群体利用法律手段维护自身权益的能力。为此,我们不仅要加大法律宣传的力度,使更多的弱势群体增进对于法律的了解,而且还要加强法律援助工作,确保弱者也能使用法律武器,维护自身的权利。[ 上传我的文档
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